2020-01-03 [DMFA #filler] - GIVE ME MORE PEBBO

Started by Merlin, January 03, 2020, 08:15:04 PM

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First of all, old art is adorable

second of all, give me Pebbo or give me death


I'm hearing a lot of noise on the forums*, the people want more Pebbo

*from myself


Quote from: ProfesseurRenard on January 04, 2020, 04:40:19 AM
Is that her name?🤨

Yes, there was an annotated dump of old art way back.  But I'm not sure if it's still online.
Pebbo was going to be the character who inducted Dan into the whole 'Cubi thing, but was replaced with Aary.

Awesome rendition, Merlin!

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: Tapewolf on January 04, 2020, 05:40:05 AM
Quote from: ProfesseurRenard on January 04, 2020, 04:40:19 AM
Is that her name?🤨

Yes, there was an annotated dump of old art way back.  But I'm not sure if it's still online.
Pebbo was going to be the character who inducted Dan into the whole 'Cubi thing, but was replaced with Aary.

Awesome rendition, Merlin!

Her eye markings remind me of Aary a little bit...
Of course, Aary's marks are on her cheeks.


Quote from: Tapewolf on January 04, 2020, 05:40:05 AM
Quote from: ProfesseurRenard on January 04, 2020, 04:40:19 AM
Is that her name?🤨

Yes, there was an annotated dump of old art way back.  But I'm not sure if it's still online.
Pebbo was going to be the character who inducted Dan into the whole 'Cubi thing, but was replaced with Aary.

So for those who've seen these old art dumps, was there anything on Vampire Brother? Seems like a fun concept even if the spot of, which I'm assuming from the art and brief description was, random kinda weird guy was/would soon be filled by Azlan at the time.


Alright here is Maikay, but please remember that we want Pebbo


I think I want to accumulate enough negative karma to choke out a blue whale in a single post.

Is it really that hard to have a buffer?


Quote from: Howl on January 06, 2020, 07:16:36 AM
I think I want to accumulate enough negative karma to choke out a blue whale in a single post.

Is it really that hard to have a buffer?

You run a webcomic, my guy? You spend upwards of 6-10 hours on a page, my fellow? You do that between managing a job, visiting family, doctor's appointments, vet appointments, while also giving yourself time to breathe instead of entertaining an audience, pallerino?

Understand, a comic page can take days to make and it only takes seconds for you to consume it. Some people work faster than others, some people have simpler art styles, some people have piles of other work on their plate, but most people don't see that. They see a comic that comes out once or twice a week and might forget that the artist is a person. Hell, Amber's been explaining why things have been so hectic in the news posts.

Yes; having a buffer is hard!!

I've been reticent of late when it comes to arguing on here, but it drives me simply bonkers that... You KNEW what you were going to say was rude and inconsiderate and you went and did it anyways! Please think more before you go out and say things like that.
...By Puyon


Quote from: Howl on January 06, 2020, 07:16:36 AM
I think I want to accumulate enough negative karma to choke out a blue whale in a single post.

Is it really that hard to have a buffer?

Buffers also don't reduce workload it just mashes it into one long grind which can be soul crushing for some people.
Forward ever onward upward aiming skyward.


Amber Williams

Finally crawling out of my death-cocoon to post on things.  It's a festivus miracle.

First off, The Pebbo and Maikay art made my hecking week.  Thank you Merlin.

Secondly, I think no one wishes they had a buffer more than myself. But as mentioned, the struggle with a buffer is that they're that thing on paper which makes it seem like comics will go easy...but in practice building one up essentially means you have to work double-time because the comics themselves need to be made in advance.  And then it doesn't really mean the updates get easier...just that you have a window of error before you then have to double-time to build the buffer back up.

I've tried in the past to make a form of buffer, but the end results usually are that I end up burning myself out and immediately using what small backlog of comics I built to recover.  And I cannot deny the switch to the page format slowed me down considerably.  It's one of those things that seems really easy on paper to go "instead of doing 2 updates a week, do 3 and keep the extra in the wings to build up that buffer!" but in actual practice it has never survived contact with the enemy.

I forever salute and envy the folks who are able to maintain dedicated buffers, they are very skilled and admirable.  But I've had to long since accept that such a thing is a failing on my part to handle.


Quote from: Puyon on January 06, 2020, 03:53:25 PM
Quote from: Howl on January 06, 2020, 07:16:36 AM
I think I want to accumulate enough negative karma to choke out a blue whale in a single post.

Is it really that hard to have a buffer?

You run a webcomic, my guy? You spend upwards of 6-10 hours on a page, my fellow? You do that between managing a job, visiting family, doctor's appointments, vet appointments, while also giving yourself time to breathe instead of entertaining an audience, pallerino?

Understand, a comic page can take days to make and it only takes seconds for you to consume it. Some people work faster than others, some people have simpler art styles, some people have piles of other work on their plate, but most people don't see that. They see a comic that comes out once or twice a week and might forget that the artist is a person. Hell, Amber's been explaining why things have been so hectic in the news posts.

Yes; having a buffer is hard!!

I've been reticent of late when it comes to arguing on here, but it drives me simply bonkers that... You KNEW what you were going to say was rude and inconsiderate and you went and did it anyways! Please think more before you go out and say things like that.

I don't draw things, but okay.


Quick question:  what is the meme being referred to by Mab in the comic?


FWIW, any buffer that Amber could have reasonably made would have been burned up by the Nov-Dec gap and we'd be in exactly the same place anyway...

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Oh Tapewolf.

This isn't too relevant, but I have question.

Do you regret The Sky May Be?


Quote from: Howl on January 08, 2020, 07:20:05 PM
Oh Tapewolf.
This isn't too relevant, but I have question.
Do you regret The Sky May Be?

For the most part, no.  It was fun to make and it did things which no-one else had done before, and I suspect some of them have not been done since, either.
In retrospect it's more like a tech demo than a properly playable level, but it definitely has its moments.  There are a few things I wish I'd tidied up and bugs which I didn't spot until after shipping.
I'm particularly amused by the 50/50 split in reviews between people who despised it and people who thought it was a work of insane genius.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


The stance someone's going to have on that kind of thing really depends on their outlook on media, and their expectations going in. Like if someone goes into The Room expecting a genuinely quality film and is not ready to budge and take it in a different way, they're gonna hate it. Then there are those who can roll with what they're getting and take it on its tempo rather than expecting it to suit theirs, which is where that kind of split for the reviews of things as eccentric as The Room or The Sky May Be come from.

That said that really has nothing to do with this comic, here, nor this topic about this comic, I just figured there wouldn't have been a less awkward way to ask about that and then went off on a tangent without being prompted.

Talk is cheap, so I talk a lot.


Quote from: Howl on January 06, 2020, 07:16:36 AM
I think I want to accumulate enough negative karma to choke out a blue whale in a single post.

Is it really that hard to have a buffer?

I guess now it the best time to ask. What is the Karma thing under our names? I haven't been able to figure it out.

And to stay on topic. MORE PEBBO I liked the artwork~!  :mowcookie
Memory like Dory.

The One Guy

Quote from: Akktari on January 11, 2020, 07:44:34 PM
Quote from: Howl on January 06, 2020, 07:16:36 AM
I think I want to accumulate enough negative karma to choke out a blue whale in a single post.

Is it really that hard to have a buffer?

I guess now it the best time to ask. What is the Karma thing under our names? I haven't been able to figure it out.

Directly under peoples names is a title and star color+count.  This is determined entirely by the number of posts that person has made and is unrelated to karma.  Under that is their tally of positive and negative karma with the option to "[applaud]" or "[smite]."  If you feel someone has done something praiseworthy or made a very good contribution to the forums, you can click on [applaud] and their positive karma will increase by one.  If you feel someone is being offensive, rude, trolling, or making any other sort of negative contribution to the forums, you can click on [smite] and their negative karma will increase by one.  That's all there is to it and I'm pretty sure it doesn't actually do anything besides display to people how good/bad someone's been.


Quote from: The One Guy on January 12, 2020, 12:21:37 PM
Quote from: Akktari on January 11, 2020, 07:44:34 PM
Quote from: Howl on January 06, 2020, 07:16:36 AM
I think I want to accumulate enough negative karma to choke out a blue whale in a single post.

Is it really that hard to have a buffer?

I guess now it the best time to ask. What is the Karma thing under our names? I haven't been able to figure it out.

Directly under peoples names is a title and star color+count.  This is determined entirely by the number of posts that person has made and is unrelated to karma.  Under that is their tally of positive and negative karma with the option to "[applaud]" or "[smite]."  If you feel someone has done something praiseworthy or made a very good contribution to the forums, you can click on [applaud] and their positive karma will increase by one.  If you feel someone is being offensive, rude, trolling, or making any other sort of negative contribution to the forums, you can click on [smite] and their negative karma will increase by one.  That's all there is to it and I'm pretty sure it doesn't actually do anything besides display to people how good/bad someone's been.

Oooooooh! Thank you!  :mowhappy
Memory like Dory.


Quote from: Akktari on January 12, 2020, 12:30:22 PM
Quote from: The One Guy on January 12, 2020, 12:21:37 PM
Quote from: Akktari on January 11, 2020, 07:44:34 PM
Quote from: Howl on January 06, 2020, 07:16:36 AM
I think I want to accumulate enough negative karma to choke out a blue whale in a single post.

Is it really that hard to have a buffer?

I guess now it the best time to ask. What is the Karma thing under our names? I haven't been able to figure it out.

Directly under peoples names is a title and star color+count.  This is determined entirely by the number of posts that person has made and is unrelated to karma.  Under that is their tally of positive and negative karma with the option to "[applaud]" or "[smite]."  If you feel someone has done something praiseworthy or made a very good contribution to the forums, you can click on [applaud] and their positive karma will increase by one.  If you feel someone is being offensive, rude, trolling, or making any other sort of negative contribution to the forums, you can click on [smite] and their negative karma will increase by one.  That's all there is to it and I'm pretty sure it doesn't actually do anything besides display to people how good/bad someone's been.

Oooooooh! Thank you!  :mowhappy

Not sure who I pissed off to get sixteen smites.