Noobie with a noob question

Started by CelesteShamrock, March 15, 2015, 09:58:51 AM

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Hi.  Long time reader of the comic and first time poster.  I love the characters and stories and enjoy each new installment, but there is one question that kinda lingers with me:  why do the characters head shapes change depending on their mood or emotional state?  I know its likely just Amber's style of comics rendering but still, watching their heads change shape as they do sometimes gives me the impression theyre made of rubber.  Looking forward to the next installment.  :)


Going to start things off by welcoming you to the forum!  Based on your question, I assume you're here for DMFA, but just so you know this forum hosts quite a few other comics beyond that one that you might want to also check out.  That pointed out, this question would probably be better down in that particular forum (the one dedicated to DMFA) but I'm going to leave it here to kinda serve as both an introduction/hello thread and in hopes of getting your question answered anyway.


Quote from: CelesteShamrock on March 15, 2015, 09:58:51 AM
Hi.  Long time reader of the comic and first time poster.  I love the characters and stories and enjoy each new installment, but there is one question that kinda lingers with me:  why do the characters head shapes change depending on their mood or emotional state?  I know its likely just Amber's style of comics rendering but still, watching their heads change shape as they do sometimes gives me the impression theyre made of rubber.  Looking forward to the next installment.  :)

Surely you've watched cartoons before? Changing the shape of the heads allows a wider range of facial expressions and visual gags. Besides, you wouldn't want to see the same exact thing every single time, would you?