CVRPG Forum RPG, anyone up for it?

Started by Pamela The fire Angel, September 08, 2010, 06:59:09 PM

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Pamela The fire Angel

Hey Guys :D

My exams in the school are ending :januscat, and i have a lot of free time now :ipod, so is was thinking about make a Forum RPG about The CVRPG universe, anyone interested in the idea???

I was thinking on a Class System based on the Main characters and main antagonists of the series, and we can use the skills from the comics...

if you like the idea, or want help me if it

say it :D  :kirby

Now that i have saw, i think i have post this in the wrong place U_U

plz forgive my N00bice, and can someone move it to the correct place? plz


Wrong section. Try the Haunted Ballroom.


Moved accordingly.

If anyone is able to get one running, I will be amused.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...



Pardon my caps.  While I probably wouldn't be much help developing the rp mechanics, I could help spark the storyline.  Just give me a ping either on the IRC or a PM here on the forums.  :U


Don't forget, if you're trying to model it on the comics there're world "building" articles in the Bonus Features section, "Angel Explains the Universe". Be handy for a magic system, at the minimum.

I am entertained by the concept of an RPG based on a comic based on an RPG...
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...

Pamela The fire Angel

wow, people relay get interested in my idea : D

well lets star the work, i was thinking in the Story be something like this:

The time will be in the part that Shaft take over the city, the hero's went to other dimension and link went to hell.

the city is unprotected and a Powerfull evil vampire raise and start to attack the city, Shaft hire a group of hero's to protect the city from the vampire and his mosters, because he have other things to do....

The class system will be based on the main cast and other characters....

You Have The...
Soul Vampire: That have all the vampire powers, and also a soul what make him good.
Kind like Darkmoon but if more vampire powers, you can ouly cast 3 elements, Dark, Fire and wind...

Magic swordman: you can use Magic, swords and Swords with magic, but no shields or amor or other weapon..(like darkmoon or a Red mage)

Mage:You can use magic (dont tell me :o) and you can get more spells them the other classes,, but you suck in melee combat..(like Karina or FRED or the Black Mage Guy )

Paladin: You can use big amors and Big shields, also have holy magic but the priest is better in this than you..(like alec, but he is very good at holy magic '-')

priest: You can use Hoky magic, and 1.Heal more them any other class but your sole purpose is healing.(i creat my self, because a think we need a Healing class)

Monk: You can use some spells, and fight but ouly if yours bare hands(like Princess or the Black belt guy)

Thief: you are faster them the other classes(Princess)

Archangel : You can fly, use one elemental magic, and holy magics, use Swords and Bows and arrows, and spears,  you can do like everthing, but you are lame compare to the others.(angel and Sindra)

Mutiple weapons Hero: You can use all the weapons, and bombs, and magic hands, and have a infinite inventory, but you depend on your weapons to do the things(link)

Magic Warrior: You can use katnas and Chono corss spells, chose one way of magic from the game(Crono)

Techno-Mage: You can use guns and Hammers, and one way of magic from chono cross(lucca)

Vampire Hunter: You can iten crash any thing or use the cards powers..(Richard and Nathan)

Bounter Hunter: Can use amors, Missiles and Lasers..(Samus)

Spy; You have to dress all white or all Black, can use Guns, bombs and other tipes of Guns weapons like Bazookas,RPGs or Gatling's guns, etc...

and i think here is the basics of the game, what you guys think about?
you can comment and help :D

Edit: is not Chono Cross is chrono trigger, sorry, the 4 elements from chrono trigger are Dark, Ligth, fire, Water, you coose one and you can use the game spells, the opossit to the others because they use the comic spells and atacks.. :D


Alright, the storyline and glasses are actually in line with the universe...I think.  Not much of a CVRPG expert.  Shaft is an ultra-wizard from what the comic shows, able to use high level magic despite being a ghost, so whatever he's occupied with could probably turn out to be an arc in and of itself.  Also, a bit of expansion into what house rules for magic you're using would be helpful, as well as a bit of minor spellchecking.

Also, I think you typoed a bit.  Angel is an Angel, from what I know.  The lowest classification of Angel, basically footsoldiers.  Archangels are, according to some, liasons between God himself and specific mortals, with a maximum number of seven at any time.  I believe you were going for the Angels, which would be more in line with 'but you are comparitively lame.'

I'm still interested, though, and already have a character bubbling in my head.


If I might make a suggestion, the likelihood of Shaft hiring "heroes" to take care of duties around the countryside for him would be very low. Likely he's simply call in Frankie and Mummy or some other minions to do his bidding. He wouldn't want heroes trudging in and mucking up his plans.

The general time period for the setting is good, as there're a couple of weeks there where there's no heroes around at all. I just think you probably need to find a different way to get the new batch of heroes in town.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...

Pamela The fire Angel

Quote from: Meany on September 09, 2010, 10:09:05 PM
Alright, the storyline and glasses are actually in line with the universe...I think.  Not much of a CVRPG expert.  Shaft is an ultra-wizard from what the comic shows, able to use high level magic despite being a ghost, so whatever he's occupied with could probably turn out to be an arc in and of itself.  Also, a bit of expansion into what house rules for magic you're using would be helpful, as well as a bit of minor spellchecking.

Also, I think you typoed a bit.  Angel is an Angel, from what I know.  The lowest classification of Angel, basically footsoldiers.  Archangels are, according to some, liasons between God himself and specific mortals, with a maximum number of seven at any time.  I believe you were going for the Angels, which would be more in line with 'but you are comparitively lame.'

I'm still interested, though, and already have a character bubbling in my head.

Well The rules of magic, i very open about it, because i don't know how you guys like, we can do like D&D where you prefer a determined number of magic, or we can make it free for use I don't know what you guys want?, the System will be basic Elemental Magic, because we that is the type f magic used in the comics...

About the spellchecking, im sorry I know how horrible is to see a bad writing text, I don't know why this is a Problem, I speck 5 Languages, but I really suck at English I don't know the why, is the easier in the word, but I don't get it right, maybe I  have some type of Problem I dunno but I will work hard to improve, and sorry again...

About the Angels, hell yaeh they are bothering me too, :/ I mean, I was trying to make a balanced class like the Mystic teurg from D&D but it doesn't work well, Angel is a Archangel or at least I think he is because is in his character description... I think that the Archangels are send in missions for god, and normal angels stay in heaven, the ones who are close to god and stuff are the Serafins,I think '-', Angel is all powerful he is just too lazy to use them...
I think we can use a minor angel to be a balanced class what you think?

Good to know that you still interested.. you can post yours ideas for a character, I steal the character stuff from other Forum RPG you can do like that:


The Skills and weapons will be placed after we 2.finish the magic system kay?

Quote from: Darkmoon on September 10, 2010, 10:23:33 AM
If I might make a suggestion, the likelihood of Shaft hiring "heroes" to take care of duties around the countryside for him would be very low. Likely he's simply call in Frankie and Mummy or some other minions to do his bidding. He wouldn't want heroes trudging in and mucking up his plans.

The general time period for the setting is good, as there're a couple of weeks there where there's no heroes around at all. I just think you probably need to find a different way to get the new batch of heroes in town.

Well i was thinkgs in the heroes more like Mercenaries besides, Shaft Will never call Minions  because they are Dracula Minions not his, and He is not working for Dracula anymore, Orlox is doing his Job, besides, even He is Evil, the People don't see he as a Evil guy, so they have no other problem if it.... Why the heroes would go against the will of the people? And he(Shaft) don't want a Evil Vampire Lord to ruin is Empire, so he take some Desperate measures, I mean he cant go to a dark and scary place to fight his enemies, he sand other people to do his job....

But if this idea bothers you, and you are like my God, I never do some thing to bothers you, the townfolk can hire the heros against the Dark evil Vampire, since they have nothing against Shaft.... This comic shows that Shaft is not working for Dracula... This one shows that Shaft is popular among the town man he is a good guy o.o i will vote for him... look like  The
people agree with me

Sooo the Heroes have no reason to attack Shaft because he apparently didant do anything wrong ... even being an evil wizard :mowdizzy

What you guys think?  :eager


Well in that case, Shaft might be able to justify hiring the heroes as starting a militia with trained professionals, without risking civilian lives defending the town.  A nice politically correct way of saying the townsfolk aren't capable of holding a stick threateningly.

No worries on the English, it's a difficult language to get down.

According to the CVRPG  Bonus explanation of magic, the West and East have different elemental charts.  Personally, I like the East, more specifically Japanese one better with the elements:  Earth, Fire, Air, Water, and Spirit.  A brief summery here.  A way to go might be to have players submit a Spell List to you, that is a list of spells and their effects; with you the GM assigning those spells levels of difficulty from the effects, and how often it can be used (once a day, once an hour, etc).

In any event, I'll get to work on the character and PM it over to you, so I can get the details hammered out where my own stupidity won't get Mine'd.

Pamela The fire Angel

Quote from: Meany on September 11, 2010, 10:26:24 AM
Well in that case, Shaft might be able to justify hiring the heroes as starting a militia with trained professionals, without risking civilian lives defending the town.  A nice politically correct way of saying the townsfolk aren't capable of holding a stick threateningly.

No worries on the English, it's a difficult language to get down.

According to the CVRPG  Bonus explanation of magic, the West and East have different elemental charts.  Personally, I like the East, more specifically Japanese one better with the elements:  Earth, Fire, Air, Water, and Spirit.  A brief summery here.  A way to go might be to have players submit a Spell List to you, that is a list of spells and their effects; with you the GM assigning those spells levels of difficulty from the effects, and how often it can be used (once a day, once an hour, etc).

In any event, I'll get to work on the character and PM it over to you, so I can get the details hammered out where my own stupidity won't get Mine'd.

Perfect idea : D

You guys chose a Spell and make a list of it and them post the comics where they appear...

Well about the Japanese elemnets, is a little hard... because they dont have the Holy and dark they have a mix of it in the void elements, and ligthinbolts are from fire not wind...

So i was thinking to be like this...

-Wind Lightning/Electricity
-Darkens and shadow
-Non elemental/Ki/spirit


then you find a spell in comic and you want it, you put it in your character file, and link to the page where he appeared in the comic, if you want to make one, you put the spell name, what he does and we will see if it can be used.. or not..

The normal classes have a limit of 3 elements.. only mages can use all of them.. and some classes have pre-determined elements...

Pamela The fire Angel

The File have to be like this:

special moves:

Example:(i dont like him is just because he is easy)

Name: Alucard

Age: ????


Job/Class: Soul Vampire

Appearance:a tall man, if Black clothes, long cape and long hair, white hair, some androgenes factures..

Background:The son of Dracula who figths angaints the curse of his blood


Spells:Spectral Bridge(
Fire ball(

Special moves:Fire Blade(
Bat form(

Equipment:Long Sword,Alucard Shield.

Lv: 4

What you guys think? *o*


I like everything except linking the spells to appearances in the comic.  While you are the GM, and if you say so I'll make an effort to comply, the comic hasn't really shown every possible spell that exists in its universe, just the ones the characters find useful at that instance in time.  For instance, I can't think of a single Water spell that isn't Ice of some various levels.

Pamela The fire Angel

Quote from: Meany on September 11, 2010, 01:53:02 PM
I like everything except linking the spells to appearances in the comic.  While you are the GM, and if you say so I'll make an effort to comply, the comic hasn't really shown every possible spell that exists in its universe, just the ones the characters find useful at that instance in time.  For instance, I can't think of a single Water spell that isn't Ice of some various levels.


But you can creat your spells Too, you just need to Describe them...

Edit: Like This

Spells: Hellfire( if a movement i crat 3 direcional Fire balls, made of Demonic fire)

Water Dragon(After saying some magic words, i crat a dragon made of water, he attacks my enimines...

i just wihs comics spells for we stay in the comic word, but you can have a Character if ouly crated spells no problem Jus becarefull to dont overpower tehm


Surprisingly, this is some of my best work.

Name: Captain Poof.
Age: Ageless, looks fifty-one.
Gender: Male
Job/Class: Arcangel
Appearance: An elderly chap, wrinkled skin, gray hair, black eyes.  Arr, he be dressed in the garb of the pirates, leather boots, slightly poofy breeches, a dingy looking white shirt, a fancy coat and tri-corn hat.  At his side hangs a cutlass, despite them not being invented for a few centuries yet.  Tucked into his belt is a flintlock pistol, again despite them not being invented yet.  His most obvious feature, however are the two white feathery wings sprouting from his shoulders.  All in all, he bears the appearance of a living oxymoron. 
Background: Poof was originally the assigned to be the guardian of sailors traversing the Black Sea, but was given a brief vacation to the future, where he became enamored with the Pirates of the Caribbean series.  He remodeled his personality, once being a kind and carring individual, to a self-serving partially cowardly pirate.  He then proceeded to take weapons to a point in time before their invention, swindle a particularly devout Captain out of his ship and crew, and proceeded to pillage the coasts of his beloved Black Sea.  Tharsus, the Seraph in charge of all things related to Water, took offense to this betrayal of Poof's purpose, and banned Poof from ever sailing again until he repented by cursing him with chronic sea-sickness.  Heartbroken over the loss of his career, and completely failing to trick the Seraph into lifting the reprimand, Poof was forced inland into Romania.
Elements: Water, Light.

  • Holy Light:  Produces a shaft of light that functions like a flashlight, which damages those affiliated with Dark magic.
  • Cure 1: Heals 0-200 healthpoints.
  • Cure 2: Heals 200-600 healthpoints.
  • Cleanse:  Purifies the body of poisons.
  • Geyser 1: Summons a pillar of boiling water to damage the enemy.
  • Geyser 2:  Summons two pillars of boiling water to damage the enemy.
  • Geyser 3:  Summons three pillars of boiling water to damage the enemy.
  • Water 1:  Summons an orb of water, about the same volume as the average washtub, which then collapses onto the enemy.
  • Water 2:  Summons an orb of water, about the volume of small swimming pool, which then collapses on the enemy.
  • Water jet:  Fires a compressed stream of water at the enemy to deal damage.
  • Flood:  Conjures a volume of water to flood an area.
  • Water whip:  Uses existing water to form a whip to lash the enemy.
  • Evaporate:  Causes a selected body of water to evaporate.
  • Condense: Causes moisture in the air to gather and condense into water.
  • Wave 1:  Summons a wave to damage a single enemy.
  • Wave 2:  Summons a wave to damage multiple enemies.
  • Scatter Showers:  Disperses meteorological phenomena like rain storms, snow, so long as they contain large amounts of water in one form or another.
  • Freeze:  Freezes a body of water into ice.
  • Ice 1:  Creates shards of ice to damage the enemy.
  • Ice bridge: Creates a bridge of ice between two fixed points.
Special moves: Old Faithful: Summons a single abnormally powerful and large Geyser.  Noah's Flood Combines Flood, Water 2, and Geyser 3.
Equipment: Flintlock pistol, thirty two lead shots, and a matching supply of gun powder.  Tempered steel cutlass.

Pamela The fire Angel

Yay, the RPG is realy goin on ^^

my pic:

Name: Arkam


Gender: Male

Job/Class: Magic Warrior

Appearance: He is a tall Japonese man, if Arcane diagrams all over his body as tattoos, he Strong if well defined muscles, he uses a Black overcoat if some Japanese letters in red, leather boots, at his belt a strange symbol who
looks like a Family emblem.

Background: He was born in an important aristocrat family in Japan; his Mother was a famous Mage and his father a renamed Airship designer.
Groin up around machines and magic, eventually get tired of this and look for something new, something simpler, a new perspective of life, running away from home, he found a dojo that taught martial arts, his master appreciated Honor and wanting to protect the people of the monsters of darkness ...

Trained with a young genius in the way of the sword, both become rivals..

Lin-Wu (his rival) using martial arts and swordsmanship and Arkan using his natural gift for magic and passion for the sword.

After the end of training, the teacher gave them one last Mission which served to show who would be the best among them, those who end up with the most terrible monster, demon or freak of nature, won the title of graduate and right to have no more than serve him ... besides ending the doubts who is the best.

Arkam then went to Romania listening to stories of monsters and devils that walk free there.

Elements: Light

-Holy Ball: Produces a ball of concentrated light energy.
- Holy Light: Produces a shaft of light that functions like a flashlight, which damages those affiliated with Dark magic.
-Light laser: Produces a beam of hearth light that damaged the opponents.
- Heal Light: Produces a spot of positive energy that heal wounds and status. Heal 10-100.
- Hard Light Shield: Make a Shield of solid light.
-Hard Light chain: Make a chain of solid light.
- Cure 1: Heals 0-200 healthpoints.
-Cure 2: Heals 200-600 healthpoints
- Saint Saber: Make a sword of Holy light, or enchant a common sword
- remove curse: Remove evil curses.
-Hard Light bridge: make a bridge of solid light.
- Prismatic Ray: Hit multiple targets, with rays of light

Special moves:
-Tiger cut: if a moment from the sword he damaged the Magic from the opponent.
-Dragon cut: if a moment from the sword he make a ki energy cut
-Phoenix cut: if a moment from the sword he make a fire cut.
-Turtle cut: if a moment from the sword razor wind cut.


Kaminari: a powerful Katana if a Samurai Spirit inside.

Family belt: A Belt that increase one magic.
Is good to know that you liked your character.. :D

now we just have to wait util some one shows up to make part of it :S

if it take much long we can begin just you and Me :S

Pamela The fire Angel

 don't know if thi is double post.. but just to give a up to the RPG im ading the map of the place where or adventure gonna be set up...

The Original:

also, Just for fun, my first plan of hystory is a Bunch of heros that are hired to figth the Evil Bunny Religion..

But Bunny is Just tooo overpower so it will not work xD