The main character's gear?

Started by Skulderian, October 18, 2009, 03:44:07 PM

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please, tell me if this has been done before, but has anyone official or fan said/speculated what precicely each of the main heroes of the RPG comic are geared in?  like, stuff from the castlevania series or other games/original stuff?


I know the answer... but I'd hate to ruin a possible discussion...
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


heh, ok.  in that case, here goes a starter guess or two.


Right hand:  broadsword (only because the thing doesn't seem to have any special properties on it's own
Left hand:  annointed shield (like, the one piece of gear that we specifically know about)
Head:  none
Body: Cloth tunic (he doesn't seem to be wearing any actual armor)
Arms: none
Cloak: Elven cloak (that green coloration makes it a possibility, at least)
Feet:  leather boots (well they don't LOOK metal or anything...)
Accessory 1: cross brooch (not sure what it does, but it's there, on his cloak....)
Accessory 2:  none


Right hand:  Saber (it looked like a saber in manga mode once)
Left hand:  none
Head: none
Body: cloth tunic
Arms: none
Cloak:  Cloth cape/bloody cloak (this one's tricky, either it could just be a red dyed cloth cape, or it could be the heart restoring bloody cape...  but we can't tell because darkmoon never uses any of the standard castlevania sub weapons, or maybe he has no 'hearts' to regenerate based on damage taken.
Feet:  greaves (metal armored boots.  at least they appear to be metal)

Accessory 1: none
Accessory 2: none

anyone else got some guesses?

Edit:  mixed up left and right for some reason.  *smacks forehead*


I'll point you to the Sprite Archive on the web site. Check that out for some ideas on the other heroes. ;)

I will say this, you are on the right track for much of their equipment.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


Dark Moon claims he carries multiple swords on his person at once. So the saber just happens to be his preferred sword I believe. He also has many identical capes.

Katrina's old gear is simple. She's wearing a cloth robe, witch's hat and carrying a staff.

Princess is also easy. She has a pink dress a crown and fan in her normal outfit while she wears army gear as Metal Gear Princess.


just to make it easier for others to post their thoughts, i think i'll post my (third revision now) gear slot list for you all to use, if you're interested in adding.  Note:  'hands' means weapons wielded in each hand, 'arms' means armor like gloves/bracelets.

Right hand:
Left hand:
Accessory 1:
Accessory 2:


I prefer typing in in prose rather then in a list. Lets me add comentary and such without it looking akward.


heh, go figure.  i start this thread and suddenly it looks like alec is getting a gear change. ^^'


Princess (thief costume)

Right hand: none
Left hand: none
Head: bandanna (colored forest camo)
Body: Camo fatigues
Arms: camo gloves
Cloak: none
Feet: army boots
Accessory 1: none
Accessory 2:  none