City of Heroes (misc)

Started by Rakala, August 27, 2009, 09:13:53 PM

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I recently got the game City of Heroes and was wondering who here played it. If so I was wondering if I could get some suggestions on how to start. Like are there any combinations that are definitely worse than others? Just... general tips if you can give them.


Well, they tweak game balance all the time, so what's uber or crappy now may not be next update. Back in the day, my controller soloed nearly every archvillain in the game. The nerf bat came down pretty hard. :animesweat

I couldn't offer more tips without knowing how you like to play. I broke my CoH addiction some time ago, so I'm not up to date on the current version anyway. I will, however, note that you receive regular opportunities to respec your toon as you level up, and the devs often give out free respecs when making significant changes to powers. So you can put together a toon that looks cool and later ditch powers that turn out not to be as fun or useful as you thought they'd be.

The same thing we do every night, Pinky...


Myself I used to play city of villains till I couldn't afford the subscription any more...
It was fun but monotonous, plus I still have issues with buying a game then paying for the privilage of playing it. 

I know all the reasons why you pay but still it annoies me


It is an amusing game.  To be honest, you will have a hard time finding a bad combination of powers.  Plus free respecs are handed out like candy for patches that changes power sets so you should be fine on that point.

Also, the game is best in groups.  Big groups.
The All Purpose Fox