A dream come true?

Started by James StarRunner, July 13, 2009, 02:19:04 AM

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James StarRunner

Well, my wife and I have felt stuck here (and with my wife's insistence, I post this) . We're in dead end jobs and in a vicious cycle of debt that we can't easily crawl out of. Being thrifty and frugal are what's keeping us alive. We can barely afford the roof over our head and our remaining money goes to food, student loans, and credit card payments.

We need to break the cycle, so I have looked into going into my dream job, designing and making video games. I applied for the Vancouver Art Institute for the video games design program and was confirmed. I work on the enrollment forms within 24 hours. So it seems like my dream will become a reality and I'll finally have a job that will provide for my family.

The only thing is though we may be breaking even now, we don't have the finances needed for the move. We need the first month's rent, damage deposit, gas to get there, and it also seems we'll need to hire movers. Our tiny car just can't carry everything and will likely die on arrival (as it's already in the midst of it's death throws).

I'm a proud person and I hate asking for help, but I come now, requesting assistance. I'm realizing I can't do this alone. Any (I mean any) assistance will be greatly appreciated. I will do anything I can to repay those in some way. Want sketches? I'll do them. Want me to put a Youtube video up of me doing the chicken dance? I'll do that too. My wife Jana thinks my chibies are awesome, so keep that in mind too if you want me to draw something for you.

Note or e-mail me if you would like to help. I have a paypal account at:

jamesstarrunner (at) hotmail (dot) com
[Replace 'at' for '@' and 'dot' for '.' of course


How much do you think you'd need in total? Knowing what your goal is might encourage people to donate.

James StarRunner

Not sure about my wife (since she's still sleeping), but I'm think the largest goal I can expect till the move in Sept/Oct is $2000. She may think we need more (and we probably would), but I'd be happy with a tenth of that. Our families can't help out much this time, but we're looking at all avenues. We know we can't afford a lot so we're looking for a bachelor/studio sized place. One bedroom, a kitchen, and a bathroom is all we need. We don't care if we downsize that much, we've already put lots of stuff into storage at my in-laws.

I know I'm no Amber, but if hell were to freeze over and we hit the goal, I'll do something so mind numbingly awesome that awesome sauce will seem like a cheap generic brand.


I'm moving too, but I'm white enough to afford it.

Oh dear.


Quote from: rabid_fox on July 13, 2009, 04:36:06 PM

I'm moving too, but I'm white enough to afford it.

What does that mean?

Yes. We are broke. But that's why we are trying to get into a better situation. We don't like having to ask for help, but this time we need it or nothing will change. We need to end this cycle of debt and that's why we are going to Vancouver.

I hope that some are able to help. We would be eternally grateful.


I can completely understand what you guys are going though.  :< Once I get paid I'll donate what I can! (I'm sorry it won't be too much though  :<) How much time do you have to get the funds?


Okay, first, Rabid, that was a little over the top there.  As amusing as I normally find you, try to reign it in.


As much as I admire someone trying to better themselves, and taking the first step to do so, the structure and rules of this board do not allow for a post of this nature. I am going to lock this pending review, and have a chat with the other admins.

Please understand that this is nothing personal, and I hate to rain on someone's dream parade. However, much as I like YOU, allowing this thread to continue without admin discussion creates a precedent - and I really don't want the forum to devolve into a fund-raising free-for-all.

This is no reflection on you.  And this is no reflection on your dream or the work it will take to get there.


You're used to flame wars with flames... this is more like EZ-Bake Oven wars.   ~Amber
If you want me to play favorites, keep wanking. I'll choose which hand to favour when I pimpslap you down.   ~Amber