Castlevania: New Age Character Registeration

Started by Daoswarrior2033, October 26, 2007, 09:40:15 PM

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The year is 2007 and Dracula has return but with Julius Belmont missing new heroes are needed. Sign up to fight the Dark lord. The only requirements are the character name, age, race, choice of weapon, magic they use if any and their history. Please bear with me as this is my first time starting up a rp here.

Name: Spike Leblanc
Race: Sinistral
Age: 21
Weapon: Sacred Blade, fists
Magic: Sacred magic and powerful ancient spells
History: Spike Leblanc may seem like a normal person but he is not. Spike is actually a 500 year old sinistral prince named Spike Quadra Vardos, He is know as the Sinistral of Sacredness. He knows Dracula very well since in a pervious life he was know as Litrine LeVash a tactian serving along side Mattias Cronqvist during the Crusades. Spike did not aid The Belmonts in their fight against Dracula in the past but now he has now got a chance to defeat the evil Dracula.


Out of curiosity, how can he be both 50000 years old, and a reincarnated dude that once new Dracula? The timeline on that is rather... confused...
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...

lucas marcone


And why is his name so retardedly long? :B

More news on that at 11, folks!

I suggest you read other RP threads and get an idea for what the signups are like as well as working on the plot before trying to dive in at the deep end, or you may well make an ass of yourself. Where do our unlikely band of heroes start? Are they assembled by this pompous fella who's older than the entire human race* and thus must have been one really bored chap? Or are they simply a bunch of people who all noticed the return of the Castle and decided to investigate?

(*Well okay maybe not, but 50,000 years is still quite a lot. Well before recorded history. 5000 is a bit better, but still really pushing it, and 500 would be a bit more bearable from a sanity point of view.)

'n... as a word of advice?

The name doesn't help. Seriously. Points for correct grammar and spelling - which is a good start - but the name really isn't going to work. Trust me on this one.

With that all said and done; good luck. You're gonna need it.