Castlevania DX Chronicles

Started by olroxshade, April 04, 2007, 10:28:59 PM

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What do you think about this? also, this UMD will feature a new version of SoTn, maybe with saturn areas...this game is waited to be released in this Fall...

Nimrods Son

I'll probably buy it the first day, and play it in two year's time when the PSP has gotten cheap on ebay.
I say it's a good thing, and I hope IGA keeps up the good work in this Chronicles thing - if only he'd include the Saturn version /or the Saturn version's extra areas etc. plus I'd love (and pay!) to see artwork from the pre-SOTN project "the bloodletting", perhabs as they did with SOTN artwork in the SX 68k chronicles.
But where's the SNES Drac X on this compilation, I have to wonder. In Europe, it went under the name of Vampire's Kiss, which is cool enough to make it a proper game in my eyes :kirby


Already bought...........when it comes out.


That's the problem....what's the release date?


I think that the release date is late october for NA and 30 Nov for EU (boo-hoo for me) and the SOTN sadly doesn't include saturns areas, as much as i'd like to see them. I don't think i could buy this on release, as we british get screwed on a very regular basis (dracula X chronicles will set me back the equivilent of $60) and you'll be paying the eqivelent of £15 brand new for your copy. i should sue sony.........


This thread is so very, very dead.

Jak, you cannot revive threads that are older than 30 days. It's an official rule. Don't do it again.
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