Looking for animated bunny boys

Started by thegayhare, December 02, 2006, 01:09:49 PM

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hello all

well I have this song in my head lately (thanks Janus...*GRRRRR*)

I was hopping I could put something together to help get it out of my head.

Now if I could draw I'd like to put together and animation similer to Bunny Boyz comic Max Black Rabbit did for Genus male but I can't so I was wondering.

Does anyone know of any cartoons out there featuring attractive male bunnies?  I suposes I could do something with Buster and elmira but I tihnk I'll leave that for a last resort.

so Any shows I can look for?

Ohh wait I do have that copy of the adventures of americain rabbit...

So any other shows?


Ohh just so you know I'm not asking for locations or the like
just movie and show titles I can look at

sorry to be a bother


now that I mention it does anyone know of a good dvd ripper?  none of the ones I've found seem to work