2020/10/07 [INAT #4] I heard it first!

Started by ZacAttac21, October 07, 2020, 06:32:19 PM

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I'm surprised nobody's found a relic like Saturn's sword yet. You'd think they'd be looking for one...


Who's to say they aren't? Relics like these are damned difficult to find in any case unless they're already accounted for.

Also, on another note, I called it.


I'm guessing they have but most of them aren't as impressive.

"Behold my relic from an ancient era!"
"What is it?"
"A Coffee pot most mighty!"


Quote from: InhumanInterest on October 11, 2020, 11:26:21 PM
I'm guessing they have but most of them aren't as impressive.

"Behold my relic from an ancient era!"
"What is it?"
"A Coffee pot most mighty!"

Somehow I'm put in mind of Webby from DuckTales going on about the 'Garden Hose of Destiny' or 'Montezuma's Stack of Old Magazines'.


I'll cop to a similar sentiment, though in my case I'm thinking of all the random artifacts from Yin Yang Yo, like the Toilet Brush of Illumination or the Poodle-skirt of Invincibility.