Wow Looks Like Lorenda isn't a weirdo after all

Started by thegayhare, August 10, 2015, 02:32:04 AM

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I just learned that our dear carnivorous cow friend is not an abberation in her desire for the flesh of others.   Infact its fairly common among herbivores

I already knew some of this since people are always suprised about how blood thirty my chickens are,  and after seeing Squirrels fighting wars in the trees around my home (red squirrels fight grey squirrels over territory with the victor eating the losers babies)   but seeing a cow go after a baby chick like that.... man thats rough.

Nature is a scary place...  but then again nature is also home to the tiny squirrel supposedly hunts and kills deer to eat there hearts...

I'm going to keep this video in reserve for rebuttal if anyone yells at me in a furry story about a bunny eating a burger or something... 

LOL  sorry all but I just wanted to let my favorite bountiful bovine beauty know she's perfect just the way she is...