Bishop's Stone (IC)

Started by Inumo, February 20, 2012, 02:56:42 AM

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((Lemick's portion pending alterations or lack thereof.))

King of Swords

Patricia murmurs an assent at Robert's response, saying, "So I'd heard. Do you mind me asking what you think of it?"

((This probably should have happened a while ago, since this has all been a conversation that just happens to move around, but: I think it'd be good to move to PMs for expediency's sake.))


Lorelei quirks her right eyebrow at the small acrobatic display, but shrugs it off to being on "this" side of things.

Politely and with a warm smile, she returns his greeting, "I am well thank you for asking, and hopefully this day has found you right off as well."

Spending a few moments to peruse the various curiosities, she replies, "I am not truly looking for anything in particular, and I have always had a strong interest in the occult as it were.  I find myself on the path of medicine though.  Any recommendations, sir?"

"Oh, yes, I have just the thing!" The bat scurries off towards one of the display cases, beckoning for Lorelei to follow. "Right here," he says, pointing at a collection of amulets made of every organic material imaginable. "Charms for health, guaranteed working, and no black magic involved. Normally twenty dollars, but you very pretty, and won't look good if sick, so I give it to you for fifteen. Good?"

"I suppose that is quite quaint.  I will take one."

Producing the required amount of American funny money, Lorelei lets her eyes wander as the shop as the keeper processes the sale, "on a side note, you wouldn't happen to have some type of charm with a fox in it?  I always thought they were kind of cute."

The bat unlocks the cabinet and pulls out a charm, handing it to Lorelei as he takes the money. Turning to ring up the sale, he pauses as Lorelei makes her next request, looking over his shoulder to ask, "You sure you want a, fox charm?" After a moment, he shrugs and walks back to the glass counter. Reaching in, he withdraws a small clay red fox hanging from a short length of black yarn. "I give it to you for twenty."

Lorelei nods and pays the proprietor the money for the extra charm.  "So, any recommendations on the best way to employ these charms for maximum effect?"

"No, no real best way," the bat replies before glancing at his watch. Smiling politely, he comes back around the counter and declares, "Okay, closing time!" He ushers Lorelei back out into the street before shutting the door and flipping his "OPEN" sign to display "CLOSED" before locking the door and turning off the lights.

Shrugging and waving a bit as she walks back towards the hedge gate, Lorelei heads back to her flat to set up her new charms before getting ready for a nice day on the town.

((yeah, I'm not sure what to do now :P))
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


David froze for the briefest of moments mid-bite before forcing himself to keep chewing. Was this some sort of trap? Another test to make sure he was still enchanted? Or did Kevin already know? If so, what gave him away? Was Kevin really so prejudiced against 'mortals' that he had to be so sure David truly remembered nothing? As traps went, this was a pretty good one. If David was somehow unenchanted, it was a question designed to sound apologetic and lure out a response of some sort, but to respond would reveal his hand since if he was still enchanted he wouldn't notice anyway.

More than anything, David wished he could just punch Kevin in the face, yell at him for being so thick headed, so insecure. He wanted to pack his bags and just leave, find a roommate that was less of a bigot. But to do any of these things would show his secret and keeping it secret was his only defense against Kevin who as a mage could do who knew what. Without magic of his own, there was nothing David could do that Kevin couldn't easily ignore, overpower, or strike back against except a sneak attack... killing him while he slept. However despite Kevin being an ass, David balked at the idea of murder and besides, despite what he'd done he hardly deserved to die because of it. Plus Kevin hadn't ratted out his little brother and David supposed that had to count for something.

So with murder being an unacceptable option, really all he had was secrets. Thus after a moment of forced chewing and swallowing his food he allowed a bit of concern to creep into his voice, just a little, as he turned slightly towards his roommate with a slightly furrowed expression. "What do you mean? Reported me for what?" And then, from a stroke of inspiration, he added, "Do you mean for pirating? Do... do they take that seriously here? I'm not going to get a fine or something, am I?"


Four of Wands

Kevin laughs lightly to avoid upsetting his headache, telling David, "Eh, never mind. Sounds like you already forgot." He picks up his silverware and at last starts eating his breakfast. When he finishes, he stands slowly, grabbing his dirty plate and offering to take David's over to the sink as well. Heading into the kitchen, he sets the dishes in the sink before coming back out, heading back for his room. "Oh, David," he says at the last moment. "A friend of mine's having a party tonight, since it's his birthday. You want to come with?"

The Hermit

As Lorelei starts freshening up, she starts to hear... whispering. While it's too quiet to make out exactly what's being said, it certainly isn't a figment of her imagination. After a few moments, it becomes clear that it's coming from one of her new charms. As she approaches, the sussurating whispers resolve into words. "Finally! Yes, that way, the fox charm, that's it, come on. I've spent fifteen years alone in this house of my own free will, but I'm not going to stay silent any longer! Alright, lady, help me out here, I need you to get something done for me. Can you do that? Hello? Is this thing on?"


Hmph. So it WAS a test then. David wasn't quite sure if he'd passed or if Kevin was just pretending he hadn't failed. This guesswork was rather nerve wracking and David promised himself that next chance he got he would find a 'normal' person and start talking about Avalon to them to properly see how they reacted. Still, Kevin's reply was pretty terrible. Just because someone doesn't remember (or even didn't know) you did something wrong by them doesn't mean you don't have to apologize for it. If anything, it made it worse than the original wrong because it meant you couldn't own up to your mistakes which bespoke a personality flaw beyond making mistakes.

Then again, David had come to expect the worst of his roommate recently. Problem was, as far as Kevin could tell they were still friends and any indication otherwise would hint that David had remembered and that was knowledge Kevin could not be trusted with. Before this all happened David would have gone to this party without issue, but now the idea of going to an event where the only person he would actually know was Kevin just seemed terrible. So time to find a reasonable complaint, "Didn't you just go to a party last night? Anyway, I probably won't know anyone there. It may be better if I stay home and get some work done."

Now to hope that Kevin didn't have a reasonable counter because if he did, David couldn't think of any other 'good' reason not to go. But if he did, he sure wasn't going to spend the party with Kevin. At the very least he would spend it talking to other people.


((Sorry for the late post. >.>))

Nine of Pentacles

"Mm, good point," Kevin replies to David. "I am a little behind on my classwork... Hrm." He turns and continues into his bedroom. Sounds of shuffling emanate from the doorway, punctuated by the small ping and clap of a coin being flipped. At last, Kevin comes out again in a fresh change of clothes, in this case a pair of jeans and a graphic t-shirt. "Well, I'm headed out for the day," he declares as he grabs his bag from by the TV. "I'll see ya tonight, probably."
Once Kevin's left, David spots a shape in the window; specifically, a crow, one that he recognizes as Bartholomew.


Lorelei eyes the fox charm warily as she approaches.  Once the voice becomes clear, she kneels down eye level to it, "who are you and what do you mean that you have been in my flat for fifteen years?!"

A dawning amount of embarrassment brings a small measure of blush to her cheeks as her mind runs through the implications.  The voice's request is lost among such thoughts.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Previously, on The West Wing

"Can you be more specific?" Robert asks, before giving an opinion anyway. "Honestly, overall I'm not entirely sure. I've met people of all stripes from there, it's not really that different from the rest of the world except for the fact that the people there happen not to be human. I consider myself a scholar above all, so the suppression of knowledge rankles me, but I can understand it, if not agree with it. Politically, it's a mess, but what else is new? There are factions all over the place, from hawks with visions of Manifest Destiny, to people who just want to be left alone, to single-issue-wonks who want to drop the Masquerade altogether. Why do you ask?"

"A friend of a friend mentioned you," Patricia replies. "Said you were a decent enough fellow. I was kind of curious what a Knower thought of the whole chicanery going on with this new king stuff." Watching David closely, she adds, "Don't worry about getting reported, by the way. I started leaving my Callstone -- that's with a C, not a G -- at home a long time ago. I've introduced a couple Knowers myself, if you can believe it. I hope you don't mind me asking, but I'm curious: if you could choose the next king, who would you go for?"

Robert chuckles. "Wow, you don't go for the easy questions, do you? If I'm honest. It feels like a bit of a Kobayashi Maru. From what I know of the scenario, you've got Orphenthal who wants to up the enchantment on human society, and I'm not sure he's objective on it's necessity. However, he's claimed to be actively seeking peace in the war with Haven, and from what I'm told his economic policies are progressive, favoring more public programs. On the other hand, you've got Niffelheim, who doesn't want to change the enchantment, but wants to sell the farm to private enterprise and wants to conquer the entire North American continent. Of course, there's always the third option, Puck, but he hasn't really addressed fiscal or foreign policy with any substance or consistency, which has alienated much of the electoral base. Each of them has their own proverbial poison pill. If I had to choose, I just can't condone Niffelheim's warmongering, and I agree with Orphenthal's fiscal policies, so given the information I have now, I would vote for him. However, if I could find out what Puck's policies are, there is a distinct possibility I would pick him."

Pat lets out a short laugh before checking something extensively on her phone. "Yeah, it certainly does have a touch of a no-win scenario," she says at last. "Here, a bit lighter of a question: What surprised you about Avalon?"

"You mean beyond the fact that I haven't been under the influence of recreational hallucinogens? Well, at least, most of the time... If I'm honest, I'm a bit surprised at how little difference there really seems to be. I mean, despite there being this whole parallel society going on, once I got over the initial bizarreness I felt less out of place than when I did my study-abroad in Japan. People are basically the same regardless of what species they may be. I suppose it makes sense, Avalon isn't isolated so the mentality can't diverge too far, but I kind of expected to feel like Chihiro in the bathhouse. Too much sci-fi and fantasy, I guess."

Patricia murmurs understanding. "I suppose we aren't all that different after all. Then again, considering that's what the enchantment relies on to keep us from view, I suppose that isn't too surprising." At last, the pair reach the main console. "So... Before I make more of a fool of myself, what's next?"

"Okay, what we're going to do is put your card in this slot here." Robert says, gesturing to a slot in the keyboard on the desk. "That'll give us access to your virtual machine at the console so we can change your permissions to admin-level. Also, you'd have to make a fool of yourself in the first place, Pat," he adds, smiling warmly and putting a hand on her shoulder. "Don't sell yourself short, you're doing great. You seem to have a solid skills-base, and you're asking questions when you don't know something rather than trying to fudge it. That's better than I did when I started, if I'm honest."

"I'll take your word for it," Patricia replies, slipping her ID into the slot. While everything loads up, she asks, "So, considering I've grilled you for your opinion on Avalon, do you have anything you want to ask me? Fair's fair, after all."

"Not off the top of my head. If something comes to me, I'll ask, but in the mean time, let's show this computer who's boss. Namely you." Robert replies with a chuckle, and they proceed to do a number of technical things too boring to bother recounting here.
I wish the real world would just stop hassling me.
"I work in Fringe Division. Weird is a matter of degrees."


David started upon seeing Bartholomew. Probably too late to hide his reaction, but even so he double checked Kevin was gone before opening the window. "Geez," he said to the crow. "Have you been here the whole time or did you just come back now? It's probably better if you don't hang around too much or Kevin will get suspicious again. I think he may be suspicious anyway, but ah well. What news?"


((And once again, my memory decided to go, "Peace out," as soon as a school break started. >.< Sorry guys.))

King of Pentacles

Bartholomew franticly jumps to a nearby branch as soon as David starts opening the window, letting out a startled caw. "Geez yourself, kid!" the crow replies, hopping back to the windowsill and walking inside. "Since when did you remember who I was? One day I tried saying 'Hello' and you ignored me like you were Enchanted again. I'd heard you'd gotten picked up by the police and had a mind-wipe." Letting out a sigh, he continues, "Truth be told, there hasn't been much going on. Word has it that Duke Orphenthal was planning on some mass enchantment to demonstrate what life would be like under his rule, but his wife bailed and she was the one who was providing most of the belief support for him to pull the magic off. I'm more interested in how exactly you managed to avoid the mind-wipe."

Ten of Swords

After a moment, Lemick gets up off the ground and heads home. Time passes without anything noteworthy, and Sunday comes around in, if not short, than certainly not extremely long order. When Lemick heads to the Foundation's building, friendly faces and helpful signs guide him and, apparently, quite a few others to something like a classroom, with complimentary pens and notebooks at all the desks. When the thirty-odd people have all settled in, a man in Middle-Eastern garb walks in, shuffling some papers on the podium placed before the assembled people. Silence falls upon the gathered attendees quickly. At last, the man says, "Now then..." Looking down as if to check his notes, he waves his right hand in the air and says, "Let's begin."
Suddenly, Lemick finds himself getting gently lifted out of his desk by friendly faces, swirling around him and giving only glimpses of the room. The man in the Middle-Eastern garb up front is slumped over on the podium. Three men in suits, one white, one grey, and one black, stand in the corner opposite the door, glaring darkly at the friendly faces surrounding Lemick. The friendly faces guide Lemick out of the classroom and into a waiting car, which drops Lemick off at his home before driving away. At last Lemick finishes waking up, yes, that must be it; the men in suits having slightly red skin must have been a holdover from a dream.

The Fool

"Ah, finally!" the voice cries as Lorelei starts talking to the charm. "Now, listen, my name..." The voice fades into the background as Lorelei is lost in thought, until suddenly it cries, "Are you even listening?! You're worse than my mother. Women, God. Now see here, if you want me out of your house, and trust me when I say I want to be out of your place too, I need you to get the book out from the third brick up from the center of the fireplace and burn it. Don't even think about reading it, either, or I will haunt you for the rest of your days, got it?"

The Empress

As Robert and Patricia finish up in the Dungeon and return to their workstations, Patricia stretches and says, "So, I know this might seem a bit odd to be getting a contact from an intern, but if you need another Avalon contact, Forrest's pretty much free year-round." She hands Robert a picture of a tree, with "Durdanham Park" written in silver sharpie in one corner. "Just sit by that tree and he'll show up soon enough. He's not so old that he's forgotten how time works for humans." Glancing down at her watch, she lets out a low whistle and continues, "Just in time, too. I've got class to get to; I'll be back after that to finish up any last training bits and start working proper, alright? See you in a couple hours!" With that, she breaks off down a hallway, leaving Robert to get back to work alone.


David thought back to that day by the pond where he had been skipping stones when the officiate came up to him and explained what was going to happen. "I guess I got lucky," was what he said instead. "I think someone took pity and unwiped me or made it temporary or something. I wasn't really paying attention at the time. I saw the duke the other day though, he looked very sad and said something about the whole thing not happening so I wouldn't be surprised if that was why."

David considered a moment before adding, "Anyway, the mindwipe happened in the first place because I told Kevin. He's a mage, as you might know. He didn't even freak out or anything, he just reported me. He's been testing me ever since. Either I'm a good actor and he thinks I'm still under or he's a good actor and he knows. If he knows and isn't saying then there isn't much I can do, but if he doesn't, having you hanging around too much might make him suspicious so could you be careful about that? Still, it's nice to see you again. Aside from being able to save my brother, you've been the one part of this whole supernatural thing that hasn't sucked so far."


"Be seeing you!" Robert calls after her, before she disappears around a corner. Pulling out his phone, he snaps a picture of the photo and adds a waypoint to his navigation app, before tucking both away again. Grabbing his jacket and hat, he heads for Mr. Cameron's office, ducking in briefly to let him know that Pat was doing well, and he was going to take his lunch while she was in class. The purpose was, in fact, threefold. He was indeed hungry, he wanted to meet this Forrest, and there was an intermittent short somewhere in his Alfa's electrical system that had drained the battery a couple times on him in the past week, so he wanted to run it and charge the battery so he didn't need to worry about needing a jump to get home at the end of the day. After a quick spin through a drive through, he heads for the park. An arborealist, Robert is not, so he pops in his earbuds and cues up some music so it doesn't look too odd that he keeps checking his phone's screen.

((Cue :ipod))
I wish the real world would just stop hassling me.
"I work in Fringe Division. Weird is a matter of degrees."


Lorelei muses to herself, did he really just tell me to not read it?  That is absolutely the worst way to do that, now I want to read it.

"Well, there isn't anything else I need to know?  No three words of power in sequence or such?  What exactly is this a book of?  I am afraid you will have to satisfy my curiosity or I am likely to read it anyways.  There is a reason I choose a fox charm and all, mischievous and curious."
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


((Okay seriously I shouldn't be allowed to go on any vacation lasting longer than two days.))

Page of Pentacles

Bartholomew cackles at David's response, compliment and all. "David, I think you're worrying too much. This isn't my first time back, and trust me when I say he tested you for a while after you were 'wiped.' He has to be pretty sure you're Enchanted again, or he's the most paranoid family mage I've ever seen." Re-settling his feathers, he says in a calmer tone, "I'm glad that you at least don't think I'm horrible. Anyways, do you happen to know a woman named Nanabi? She's a Knower too, and since you were wiped I started doing for her what I've done for you. Granted, now that it turns out you weren't wiped I guess I'm mentoring the both of you." He glances over his shoulder. "All of this is a roundabout way of saying I need to dash at the moment. However, since you're here, I should ask: do you happen to know anyone that I could talk to for help, now that I seem to officially be in the mentoring business?"

Ten of Pentacles

The ghost huffs at Lorelei, "Typical woman. Always putting your nose where it doesn't belong. That book is my family photo album, and I don't want any no-good sneaks rifling through my life. Privacy is privacy, even beyond the grave, and that goes for you too or you can expect to die within the month! Now burn what's left of me so I can finally move on from this wretched place!"

The Empress

Though it takes a few minutes of walking (or, rather, grooving) around the park, Robert soon finds the tree from the picture. He waits, still grooving to the music in his ears, until suddenly a male tenor voice asks from behind him, "What're you listening to?" Turning, he finds that a man in his late twenties, perhaps early thirties in a bright purple t-shirt and European-styled jeans is grooving much like he is, grinning at their shared silly appearance in the middle of the park. "The name's Forrest Birch. You?"


"North, the new Matchbox Twenty album. Pleasure to meet you, Forrest, I'm Robert Charles." Robert says, sporting a similar grin as he offers a handshake with one hand and deftly pauses his iPhone with the other. "I got picked to train Pat Detral now that she's interning at the IT department of the university, what little training she actually needs. She suggested that I come out here and meet you, so I took my lunch hour and, well, here I am."
I wish the real world would just stop hassling me.
"I work in Fringe Division. Weird is a matter of degrees."


"Well, now we are threatening as well as insulting."  Lorelei huffed, "I was inclined to help you, now I am not so sure."

Thinking for a moment, she smiled wryly, "what do you propose to pay me for assisting you?"
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Page of Wands

The ghost scoffs at Lorelei's inquiry. "You expect payment? From a ghost? Don't play games with me, woman! What, do you think I'm able to interact with the physical world? 'The fairer sex,' yeah right! Always demanding more, more! Consider this experience your payment, because otherwise you'd have gone through your whole life never talking to a ghost! Now burn! that! book! And if I don't see you moving in the next fifteen seconds I'll give you a taste of what your life will be like with me haunting you!" The ghost refuses to respond to any more of Lorelei's comments.

Wheel of Fortune

"Nice to meet you, Robert," Forrest replies, accepting the handshake gracefully. "I'm glad to hear that Pat is doing well, but I'm afraid you've caught me at a rather inconvenient time." His grin turns apologetic as he continues, "A friend of mine is planning on giving a rather rousing speech in favor of the fae from the dream one July evening. I have promised to attend and, given that you're currently on break, I'm guessing that you aren't exactly available at the moment to take an hour and listen to some youngsters share their vision of Joneswark." He pauses and cocks his head, then continues, "Although, I could probably video tape it, if you'd like. Would you?"


Nanabi had spent a lot of time getting used to the information the speaking Crow had given her.  She lingered in her house, researching what materials were available to the mortal world, finding out how much was accurate and useful.  Historical facts, sightings, killings.  She doubted there was a registry of such things, but if there was, she wished to be ready.  The lunar calendar had not been difficult to learn; Nanabi had nothing in her life to distract her.  And she never ventured out close to the full moon nights, and always appeared on the New Moon in the hidden city to apparently enjoy it.

She had learned that werewolves were created mostly through accident.  She need not worry about her advanced age putting off werewolves she might meet.  Crosses weakened the werewolf's powers, so she dusted off Solomon's old rosary.

It had been a gift from his mother; the great cross was carved crystal, likely zirconium, while the beads were coral.  It had been passed down through the family from mother to daughter, and since Solomon had no sisters, the ancient woman had passed it to Nanabi.  But Nanabi had never worn it, so Solomon kept it, and told his mother that his wife enjoyed the gift.

She wore it now, every day when she went out to the hidden city.  She wandered the Shinto district, looking to find comfort in the culture of the homeland.  Perhaps find a tea shop she could meet friends at; or an antique shop.  A place with good chi.  Bartholomew had nested in her front yard's pine tree, and Nanabi brought him baubles and such to make his nest attract many females; and took care not to disturb him when he was...occupied.

The ancient woman had long ago admitted that magic fascinated her, and that she wished to learn more, but was afraid.  She passed many times by shops she suspected carried materials relevant to the field, and kept the longing out of her eyes and off of her face.

One time, during the week, the loneliness got to her, and she had called Michael.  It had been a brief chat; he was cold as ever, but allowed Nanabi to speak to his wife, and learn they were adopting children after troubles conceiving.  Nanabi had ended the call briefly happy, then sat in the empty house for an hour, before going back to the hidden city.

Perhaps today would be different.


Robert pauses to check the clock. "Well, Mr. Cameron might be a bit bothered by me getting back late from lunch, especially with my doing Pat's training today. Then again, Pat said she'd be away at class for a couple hours when she took off, I get two additional fifteen minute break periods a day, and I do drive an Alfa Romeo with known electrical issues, so me being delayed would hardly be an unprecedented event. I suppose it really comes down to how long you think it'll really take. If I can get back in a reasonable time I'd love to join you, if not, I definitely want to see what they have to say anyway, so yes to the video.
I wish the real world would just stop hassling me.
"I work in Fringe Division. Weird is a matter of degrees."


Lorelei could not help but face palm at the belligerent attitude of this 'ghost'.  With a roll of her eyes and an exaggerated sigh, Lorelei picked up the fox charm and luck charm as she spoke, "I was very inclined to aid you, but I can not say that I desire too any longer.  I am not some embodiment of kindness who will permit herself to be spoken to in such a manner.  I do hope you can acquit your self better in another fifteen years if someone is so unwise as to bring some conduit for you to speak through."

Spying one of her old antique curio cases, this one iron and shaped like a heart, she opened it and removed the three old keys to her ancient jewelry boxes.  She then placed both charms in it, closing the lid and latching it securely.  The fair lass went to retrieve this book from behind the brick in her fireplace for investigation.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Three of Pentacles

With the light crumble of old mortar and brick dust, Lorelei easily withdraws the book from its resting place. Though it had been greyed slightly by the smoke of fires burned after its internment, the brown leather album seemed rather well off, resting in her hands with a comfortable weight. Repeated heating and cooling had done little to damage the exceptionally-tanned leather, and the black leather corners and spine were still firmly attached. Brushing the cobwebs off the old hide and neatly trimmed pages, a sure grip found the comfortable squish of a well-loved photo album as red dust puffed from between its pages. The front and back were unmarked, while the spine had a shallow groove worn down the center. Upon closer inspection, a hint of the Greek letters alpha and omega, one at the top of the spine and one at the bottom, can vaguely discerned, so faint that they could simply be a trick of the light. On the right side of the front cover, a strip of lighter leather was hooked loosely over a metal stud, the hole keeping it held closed ragged and stretched from repeated opening and closing. Embossed upon it was a symbol reminiscent of ancient representations of a gust of wind. Setting it on the table, it landed with a solid thud and let out the slightest waft of a musky cologne, oddly sickening despite its commonplace scent.

Nine of Cups

When Nanabi enters Avalon, she soon runs into a rather interesting gaggle of youths. One, a handsome young man with a fox tail swishing through the air, is leaning on an oddly blurry-looking young woman who is grinning goofily. ",ydal yeH" the fox-tailed man says, holding out a translucent blue orb. ".tuo ffuts siht yrt attog uoY"
"Dudedude," the blurry woman says, her voice oddly reverberating. "Carecarefulful withwith whowho youyou showshow thatthat toto. Notnot allall ofof thethe copscops mightmight knowknow howhow toto rereactact ifif theythey seesee thisthis stuffstuff. It'sit's calledcalled exexperperimimententalal forfor aa reareasonson."
",puddahs ,hA" the man replies. ".deaherof ruoy ot siht ecalp tsuj ,ereH" He offers Nanabi the sphere once more.

Ten of Pentacles

Forrest pauses to think, before answering Robert. "In that case," he says at last, "I think you should get back to your work in time. Here, this way." He heads off towards a section of fence bordering the park, glancing over his shoulder to make sure Robert was following. "If you don't mind me asking, what do you do that involves Pat?" He asks as they approach the weathered wooden slats. With one finger, he traces an inverted star over one of the knots, then walks straight through the fence. Upon closer inspection, it becomes clear that the wood has become naught more than a smokescreen, as the busy streets of Avalon show faintly through the mirage. Once Robert has passed through, Forrest continues through the clearer areas of the crowd until at last they reach a small courtyard, where a young woman has set up a small refreshments stand selling water, lemonade, and Italian sodas. As Forrest gets a glass of water from the stall, he starts as though suddenly remembering something. "My apologies, these next fifteen minutes might be a little dull for you," he says to Robert. "I make an effort to be punctual and ensure that I'm always early to every event I attend, but given that I'm going on ninety, I forget sometimes that 'early' has an entirely different meaning to me than to you. You should still make it back to your work in time."


David smiled slightly at the crow's words, but then frowned in thought at the question. "I can't say anyone comes to mind..." David trailed off. He really hadn't interacted much with anyone who had given him any advice. There were a few people he had interacted with, but none that really struck him as 'mentors'. "Yeah," David said, shaking his head. "I can't even begin to think of anyone who I've met that would be good at that. Anyway, if you've gotta go then I won't hold you. Good luck with your search though!"


"Not a lot, if I'm honest. I'm a technician in the Information Technology department at the university, and Pat's interning there, so my boss asked me to train her. Now I know what the guy who trained me felt like. She's a bright spark, picked up on most of the things I've been throwing at her all on her own, so all I've had to do is sort of point her in the right direction on a few things, really." Robert says in answer to Forrest's questions regarding what he's doing with Pat, and procures a lemon Italian soda after they arrive.

"Ninety? You don't look a day over seventy-five!" he exclaims with a lopsided grin after his age is mentioned. "You needn't worry about me getting bored in fifteen minutes. I don't get out a lot, and even if I didn't have company, I tend to keep at least one unread book queued up on here at all times. Just finished the latest Dresden Files book, actually. By the way, you wouldn't happen to know an earth spirit by the name of Nick, would you? Maybe keeps company with a satyr named Grace? I bumped into him a while ago, he seemed to be in a bad way and it kind of stuck with me."
I wish the real world would just stop hassling me.
"I work in Fringe Division. Weird is a matter of degrees."


Lorelei spends a few moments examining the cover of the book before picking it up and heading out the door.  Lore heads for one of the close little cafes for a nice cup of tea and a thorough perusal of this book.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


((Sorry if this post is kinda meh. Just got back from college visits and I'm writing with a pesky dehydration/exhaustion headache.))

Six of Wands

Bartholomew nods to David, then flaps off and away. Time passes, and classes come and go. After one class, George shows up at David's side, looking at his smartphone. "Aha!" he exclaims after a few seconds. "I got a sixty-eight on that last test. How about you?"

The Magician

As Lorelei reaches for her front doorknob, immediately she collapses as a crippling migraine crushes any hope of action. Once her thoughts focus away from exiting the house, the migraine dissipates, though any further thoughts about leaving cause it to return. It's clear that she isn't going to be getting out of here with the book.


"You've met Nick?" Forrest replies to Robert's inquiry. "Ah, poor fellow. He's been in a bad way ever since they opened that landfill; all those chemicals and other nasty things leaching into the soil, you see. We're trying to find a better solution, but between a lack of our involvement in Joneswark's government, the fact that we're still producing trash, and the health of the other local nature spirits, we're in an overall losing battle. Humanity, if nothing else, isn't really nice to Gaia."


"Indeed. Unfortunately, that's all too true, and even if you want to be, you don't exactly have the clearest path set out for you. Why make it easy for you to reduce, reuse, recycle when what they really want you to do is buy, buy, buy." Robert replies, a disgruntled note in his voice. "I hope things get better. Honestly, I'm kind of surprised you don't have a voice in Joneswark's government though, you have the option of playing the long game," he adds.

((Apologies for the delay, lately I've been battling writer's block on ALL THE THINGS!))
I wish the real world would just stop hassling me.
"I work in Fringe Division. Weird is a matter of degrees."


((No worries, I'm apparently an equal amount of derp. >.>))

Queen of Pentacles

"It's an old decree," Forrest replies to Robert's curiosity as the courtyard slowly starts to fill with people. "Back from the eighteen-hundreds I'm told, at the end of the time of the First Faeries. So far, no later King's revoked it, in part because pretty much everybody loved King Phrates, the one who made the decree. He was an excellent mediator." Taking a sip of water, he continues, "Personally, I'm for the decree. We may not be able to protect ourselves as well, but neither will we harm your folk as easily. But here, now, this is why we came." Gesturing with his glass, he directs Robert's attention to a young woman dressed in a simple black skirt with a white blouse standing on a small dais. Despite her heels, she still stands no taller than Robert's armpit, but she commands attention from the crowd of middle-class spectators as she clears her throat.
"Good day, everyone," she begins. "My name is Sharise. Before we begin, I would like to ask, how many of you have friends who are human?" About half the audience raises their hands. "Thank you. Sirams, especially those of you who raised your hands, you all know the suppression of information that covers our lives. Our society is intrinsically linked with that of the humans, and every day we must, and sometimes are forced, to lie to them in an effort to maintain our perceived safety. As you no doubt have seen in our media, every mugging or incidental casualty of our kind is clearly a hate crime." A collective chuckle is released, and a few people start to lean against the walls or take impromptu seats. "It is this safety with which we have grown up. For many of you, you have a plan laid out for how you want your life to proceed. Work for half your life, and along the way find a sweetheart, buy a house, have a kid, send them through college, then retire wealthy and die from old age surrounded by loved ones. I'm telling you right now, that is the exact same plan as seventy-five percent of the people you will see today, and I'm asking you, do you want to be a number? Do you want to be a face in the crowd, or do you want to give meaning to your life? Do you want to be remembered, and become immortal? History forgets Harold From Accounting when he's passed. You'll never read a book called The Life and Times of Jane Doe, Real Estate Agent. There are, however, fifteen biographies on King Phrates. College courses on the history of Malcolm X and Martin Luther King, Jr. Books on Len Radley Orphenthal." Sharise pauses, looking down as she holds a moment of silence, then returning her gaze to level. "My heart goes out to Duke Orphenthal for the loss of his son. His grief is felt by every parent in Avalon. I do not, however, believe that poor boy was the victim of a Cold War between us and humanity. Instead, he was a victim of the system. He tried to go against standards, to show that life was okay outside the tight confines he had been told were the ends of the world, and he died for it. He died for freedom of information, and for love. If his life had gone as expected, he would have been nothing more than an entry in his family tree; now he will be remembered forever. Avalon will never let his sacrifice fade into history like a bank teller in Poughkeepsie.
"How many of you know sacrifice? Do you not eat chocolate for a month, and call it sacrifice? Do you donate your blood, and call it sacrifice? Do you work at a homeless shelter seven days a week, and call it sacrifice? I am not belittling these noble causes, but I am telling you they are not sacrifice. Sacrifice is giving your life to a cause; Jesus Christ sacrificing for the betterment of humanity, Abraham Lincoln sacrificing for the unification of society, Gandhi sacrificing for the freedom of India. None of them wanted to die, but they believed in something more than themselves. A cause. Every generation has their cause, and ours is humanity. We must be willing to accept the risk of fear, to accept the sacrifice of forty years to humanity adjusting to the truth, for the sake of what is right. Are you willing to follow our cause? Are you willing to risk life and limb to do what is right? Are you willing to try and become immortal?
"Then fear not the Knower, but embrace and create them. Thank you."
With those two words, the crowd begins their applause, and Sharise steps off the dias, heading for the courtyard exit. "What do you think?" Forrest asks Robert as he drains his glass. "A bit heavy on the selfishness of being immortal, but if it gets through to these kids I suppose I don't mind."


Robert finishes his drink as well before rendering his opinion, which veers rapidly from a technical analysis of her technique to something a bit more opinionated. "Her heart seems to be in the right place, although her message was a bit scattered. As for the guilt, it is one way to get her message across, though does run the risk of alienating some of those as yet uncommitted. Others, though, will without doubt take it to heart. Some people need a bit of a nudge at first, but ultimately there is no more powerful motivator than your own conscience. When it comes down to the desire to helping other people versus fear of consequences, I have to believe that helping other people will win out more times than not. Wait, I'm rambling again, aren't I?" Robert says, before it occurs to him that he's got to be back to work sooner rather than later, digging out his phone to check the time.
I wish the real world would just stop hassling me.
"I work in Fringe Division. Weird is a matter of degrees."


Page of Pentacles

Forrest let's out a soft laugh as Robert checks the time. "Don't worry, Robert, you aren't rambling. You should probably start heading off if you want to get back to work on time," he says, confirming Robert's estimate of the time. After making sure Robert knows the way out, he bids Robert farewell and wanders off with his water to talk with some of the other audience members. As Robert exits the courtyard, he spots a bulletin that has been posted right next to the empty doorway. Labelled The Avalonian Bedrock, it headlines, "PUCK RELEASES PLATFORM STATEMENT! After a month of no news, word has gone through the grapevine that Puck has cemented a platform outside of his appearist position on the Enchanted that's popular among today's youth. This anonymous competitor..." It goes on to describe an odd amalgamation of liberal and conservative policy, including an increase of Avalon police forces, a reduction of welfare, and a method of reducing Avalon's outward flow of money through local business grants. A small hubbub has grown around the broadsheet, though few seem particularly talkative about the matter, letting Robert head back to the university in peace.
In short order, Robert returns to work with a minute to spare. By now, Pat has returned from classes, popping up at Robert's side and asking, "So, now that I'm set up, what's the process for actually, y'know, helping folks?"
((Back into conversation mode we go; if you could PM me your response it'll speed up the matter.))


The Tower

When Kirrin steps through the opening below Bishop's Stone with the rest of his small group, he is immediately greeted by a pale, slender woman in a plain green t-shirt and close-fitting khaki pants. "Welcome to Avalon," she says, her full lips parting to release the fluid tones of her voice from beneath her high, angular cheekbones. Her dark eyes look out from under her thin eyebrows and full head of red hair as she continues, "My name is Vitia Rophenthal. I'll be your guide tonight. To start, I'd like you to take a look around." Behind her, a veritable menagerie of people walk along a major thoroughfare, if they can be called people. Skin colors from porcelain-white to ink-black speckle the crowd; fins, fur, feathers, gossamer wings, and more run the gamut from red to green to blue and back. "Soak it in," Vitia remarks. "This is the world you've lived in since birth. This is the world you'll see tomorrow, and the day after, and the next. Now, if you could come this way, we'll meet up with your other guide tonight..." Beckoning, she walks backwards like a tour guide as she leads the small group of people to a nearby cafe.
"Silver!" she calls over her shoulder as she backs through the open doorway. "The latest group is here."
"Good, good," a man by the counter replies without looking, his dark hair pulled back into a ponytail that reaches towards his tailbone. His bare shoulders and back are pale, though apparently healthy. Below his waist, however, purple fur sprouts from goat-like legs, cloven hoof and all. Turning around, he slips a phone into a pocket on his loincloth as his piercing green eyes survey the assembled humans from beneath bushy eyebrows. "Alright, short version. I'm Argentum Lingua. Call me Silver. This is the world. The real world. You're being shown this so you can see it and prove to those here that humans aren't dangerous despite issues of paranoia."
"We won't call on you unless we think it's important, but when we do it'll be the same way we brought you here: a note in your mailbox. In the meantime, you need to go home, now. Head back out this door and through the Gate you passed through. If anyone. Anyone. Asks about what you were doing at Bishop's Stone this late, tell them someone was having a party and had sent out random invitations."
"Silver, what's--"
"Shh, Vitia." Silver glares at the stunned gathering, Kirrin included. "What are you waiting for? Move it!" He starts waving them towards the door like he was herding geese before turning and heading towards the back of the cafe, gesturing to Vitia as he does. In moments, Kirrin finds himself before the opening in the wall that brought him to this strange place, ready to take him back to Bishop's Stone if he wishes.