Bishop's Stone (OOC) (Open)

Started by Inumo, February 05, 2012, 10:14:32 PM

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There was a what now? Totally didn't even notice. I suppose I would be okay with having things shepherded a bit more. Guess I'm a bit distracted by stuff...


A stronger hand on your guiding hand would not go unwelcome in my case, as I tend to err on the side of passivity.
I wish the real world would just stop hassling me.
"I work in Fringe Division. Weird is a matter of degrees."


I do tend to be rather busy, so it is fine to do so.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


I am cool with the pming, not so sure on the glossary. :x


So, ah... This thing still running, or is the engine dead now?


So, it's been just under two weeks since my last post. Even with my derps here and there, and school finals coming up/already passed (for those of us still in school), I would think people would at least be able to have said, "Yeah, I'm still around," or "No, I've gotta drop." Can I get a response, por favor?


In the words of John Rzeznik, I'm still here.
I wish the real world would just stop hassling me.
"I work in Fringe Division. Weird is a matter of degrees."


Yes, I am still here.  Lore and I are at an impasse and in order to resolve this, I've taken a bit of a break to finish New Vegas (after several years of absence).
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Ah yes, sorry. I meant to tell you last month but finals and then other stuff and I literally have not checked the forums in like two weeks. David's a cool guy and I've actually learned a few things from playing him, but right now his character is at a place where he just wants to get on with his life. He's been thoroughly disillusioned of the mysticism that came with the fae world and he's pretty much treating it as 'business as usual' now. As a result I have not really had any further inspiration for him for quite some time now. Add that to the fact that I'm literally in no other RPs that are even stirring around here and I've been kind of drifting away from Clockwork. I'll probably come back eventually, but in the meanwhile I have other things to worry about. I'll be back in like a month or so I'm sure, see you around.


Alrighty, I've tossed David in stasis. PM me when you want to join back in.

On a half-related note, opening the RP back up for submissions, though I'unno if the RP population has changed enough to get new folks in.


I'm interested in joining the rp if possible. (EDIT: or if its still goin...)
Ask not for whom the bell tolls, ask why is that guy holding his ears?


The RP is still going, though the only interaction going on at the moment is through PMs. Shoot me a PM with your character sheet when you're ready.


Ask not for whom the bell tolls, ask why is that guy holding his ears?


Ok It seems i've been approved for the rp here. So here is the char sheet i'll use for this one.

Name: Kirrin Shaddix (Shadowclaw)
Occupation:Construction Worker Foreman
Living Conditions: Average at best though he does live in a ramshackle trailer park with little or nothing better to do than get drunk or sleep since the company he works for doesn't pay proper for the position he is in.
Significant Relations: His relatives of note cut him loose a long while back, mostly because of his temper and smoking habits (A lot of folks can't take the sour smoke of a thumb-thick stogie style Cigar) His friends though don't truly count as friends. He Considers them people to drink, smoke and fight with.
Reason to Follow the Note: He is actually seeking to change his life, make things a little more tolerable for him in most parts he is, for lack of a better word, a delinquent. Though all things considered he may fall into old habits if not watched or is pushed enough.
Card: The star
(Edit: Just realized i double posted here, technically i think though.)
Ask not for whom the bell tolls, ask why is that guy holding his ears?


Something I feel I should make clear, time is extremely malleable for this game. Don't worry if you end up spacing for a few weeks between posts; you don't need to account for them, since time moves at speed of post, not speed of life.


Apologies for not posting yesterday; I neglected to mention here that I was going to a local convention. I'll have something up tonight.


Ask not for whom the bell tolls, ask why is that guy holding his ears?


New character approved

Name: Marci Kensworth
Occupation: Courier
Age: 23
Living Conditions: Average, typical two bedroom apartment.
Significant Relations: Her mother (Janice) a very caring woman who just seems a little over protective even with Marci on her own. Her Father (Alan) A stern and Strong Man and encouraging, finally there is her younger Sister (Stacey) she's only 17 and a bit on the zany side, but these two sisters love each other very much.
Personality: Most people consider Marci a sweet person with a bit of a sunny disposition, fiercely loyal to any friend she makes and tough on anyone who gets her mad.
Appearance: Marci has long midnight Blue hair and hazel eyes. She usually wears a bright green t-shirt with a band logo upon it a pair of blue jeans with a brown leather belt around her waist and a pair of black and white sneakers
Accessories: A gold necklace with a gold Locket that has a picture of her parents and her sister on the inside. Also a Pair of silver colored rectangle framed shades with Emerald lenses that she likes to wear.
Card:Six of Swords
Ask not for whom the bell tolls, ask why is that guy holding his ears?


Before I forget: Due to moving, my tarot cards are in a box being shipped halfway across the country at the moment, and I derped on drawing new cards for some folks. I don't know if I'll have them by Sunday, so posting might be delayed until the box arrives.


No prob, thanks for the heads up.
Ask not for whom the bell tolls, ask why is that guy holding his ears?


With the recent moving of Lorelei Ainsley Evans to the stasis section of the character list, we're down to two active players. You probably already noticed that, but now it's official. At this point, the question arises: do you guys want to keep playing, or should we call it here?


I'd be good with either really, though i'd like to keep going if we can.
Ask not for whom the bell tolls, ask why is that guy holding his ears?


I'd like to see where this is going, but given my (lack of) speed in posting, I'll leave the final decision to you.
I wish the real world would just stop hassling me.
"I work in Fringe Division. Weird is a matter of degrees."


Hm... Here's how we'll do it, then. Let's keep going with it, keep the RP open, and go until each character ends their latest plot (Marci and the bombing, and Robert and the interview [with a possible side track down a party path]). From there, we can re-evaluate.


Okay, finals week and coming home for winter break combined took a lot more energy than I expected. I promise, I will write up a post before Christmas Day.


Between my new semester of two lab courses and the infestation of crickets that has taken over the IC thread, I think it's just time to write up the toe-tag for this RP. I might try reviving this concept later, but in the interim if anyone wants to know what was going on in their stories, feel free to shoot me a PM!


Yeah, u'll be opting to wait on the off chance this gets a revival. Sorry  went quiet in it though.
Ask not for whom the bell tolls, ask why is that guy holding his ears?