The Clockwork Mansion

Underground Warehouse => Treasury => Haunted Ballroom => Topic started by: Azlan on July 20, 2006, 11:18:17 PM

Title: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Azlan on July 20, 2006, 11:18:17 PM
I've wanted to do a space adventure for awhile now, but no one has seemed to have started one.  The premise I am utilizing is a classic one.

The Newly formed Interstellar Federation is in danger from an alien menace that has plagued this sector of space for over a millenia.  For 649 years, the people of the planet Riallphen (Rail-fen) have been a space-faring race, creating a realm that spanned thousands of systems.  Discovered alien technology yielded some advanced technologies, not least of which was a propulsion system capable of allowing ships to 'jump' great distances.  Technologies for conversion and terraforming worlds were also discovered, enabling a great many worlds to be converted to support their form of life.  Strangely a large amount of worlds existed within their field of space, none possessed any intelligent life.  

Riallphen was already under great duress due to over population, and with these new vistas opened up, colonists flocked in droves to the new frontier.  Within a century, they had a large territory and within another, they were poised at civil war.  A complex and diverse culture had evolved quickly in sectors of space and powerful individuals rose to unify them.  These areas declared independence and varying governmental systems took over.  Four distinct nations in space emerged, with the home planet of Riallphen as an independent and neutral zone to itself.  

The Star Imperium developed as a monarchy with a Ruling Emperor and a Council of Kings.  They possessed huge agricultural resources and modest industry, they were powerful, but as with most monarchy based systems, it was a  rather bogged down in title and a fair amount of corruption.  

The Confederation of Worlds was a classic example of a democratic system of government, on a huge scale.  Possessing of huge industrial resources and moderate agriculture, they were largely self-sufficient.  They did however, import a fair amount of resources to support their industry and supplement their own natural assets.

The Trade Consortium was a stereotype of capitalism and trade.  Possessing the largest concentration of natural resource satellites, they were the largest exporters of raw materials.  Their other resources are all classed as moderate, with agriculture as a minor.

The Lycan Commonwealth (lol, this looks like the Lyran Commonwealth) is a military state.  A strict military regime, they excel at efficiency and manage great feats with their limited resources.  Most of their industry is turned towards their warmachine, limited resources making them highly expansionist.

At exactly the 200 year mark, destruction of key points in each nation caused a brutal war to erupt for control of all known space.  This cycle continued to another 200 years (400 years into the empires), as each group fought the other.  This might have continued indefinitely if not for the efforts of intrepid individuals from all effected nations.  It was discovered that the most brutal conflicts had occurred almost exactly 200 years apart, unusual radiation and extremely precise damage was discovered.  It was not until a chance finding of an old battlerecorder from one of the incidents was it noted that unknown assailants had attacked one of the sites.  The recorder also registered an unusual energy signature and spike associated with the unknown attackers.

Like minded members of the nations met in secret and it was discovered that a location at the edge of known territory registered the same energy signature as was pulled from the battlecorder.  They formed an expedition to the location and discovered an alien outpost.  It is here that a live alien was captured and the truth discovered.  The aliens, known as the Obliviates, consider the whole thing their pet project, having nurtured the civilization, provided the technology and stir up trouble.  The reasons for it all were not determined, but they learned     the strike targets and with heroic effort, organized the nations into a coalition against it.  The aliens had few ships, but they were advanced and powerful.  The aliens were defeated, but before the last ship was destroyed, it transmitted a signal to its 'base'.  The enemy would be coming.

This is what the players will be coming into.  A hasty expeditionary force to intercept the enemy's response 48 years in coming and preparing.  One single year remains before they must face off against them.  Players can be line warriors, or even high officers.  Anyone ambitious enough can attempt to be the commander of the expedition to intercept the enemy before it reaches home territory.

If there is sufficient interest, I'll start it up, if not... no problem.

Character Framework:



Character types:
ISF Characters should be military based, hailing from either the Space Naval arm (including Marines) or The Army.  Currently the areas to focus on should be Research & Development (Science or Engineering), Alien Studies (Xenobiology, Xenoarchaeology, or similar areas), Special Forces, or ISIS (InterStellar Intelligence Service).  A mixture of officers and enlisted is desirable, but there are a few considerations.  No one should have a rank higher than O-4 (Lieutenant Commander/Major) or lower than E-6 (Staff Sergeant/Petty Officer First Class).  This is dependent on one's concept, and reasonable considerations can be made.

Non-ISF characters, due to the current altered plot, should be privateers, Corporate Sector Personnel (naval and merchant marines), or an alien explorer.  Aliens should not exceed the technological level of the ISF, possess too many extraordinary powers, or be drastically physically or mentally superior to the anthros and humans.  

It is possible to play certain restricted character types.  Inexperienced, young Acadians and Technomages are the only special classifications open.  These require approval by the GM, so please PM for consideration.  Information on these two is on a restricted basis at the moment.  More information can be provided to those interested in creating characters.

Active Players
Prof B Hunnydew (Lieutenant Nova Hunnydew (,644.msg102792.html#msg102792))
ShadesFox (Major Aaron Brown (,644.msg103839.html#msg103839))
Basilisk2150 (2nd LT. Eric 'knight' Whitehaven (,644.msg260434.html#msg260434))
SquirrelWizard (Ensign Robert Norston (,644.msg307339.html#msg307339))
Meany (Chief Warrant Officer Harriet D. TiBalt (,644.msg326422.html#msg326422))
Shachza (Zhildar D'ral La'orth kroi'id Namulk'nam (,644.msg328133.html#msg328133))

Inactive Players
Ink ( Morgan Summers (,644.msg12731.html#msg12731))
Paladin Sheppard (Kal Jieco (,644.msg12733.html#msg12733))
Poofyspikes (Lee Cohen (,644.msg12888.html#msg12888))
Supercheese (Robert MacDuff (,644.msg12995.html#msg12995))
bill (Vaughn Tomczyk (,644.msg12995.html#msg12995) Conrad Tomczyk (,644.msg13540.html#msg13540))
Eibbor_N (Absalom Thomas (,644.msg13097.html#msg13097))
lucas marcone (Lucas Marcone (,644.msg13583.html#msg13583))
Valynth (Valynth Cernial (,644.msg103139.html#msg103139))
Metal Juggernaut (Sean "Boom" Davis (,644.msg118375.html#msg118375))
Catffeinated (Joshua "Longshot" Dile (,644.msg133983.html#msg133983))
Rammenstein (Ghost Hounds (,644.msg150415.html#msg150415))
techmaster-glitch (Crusading Scales (,644.msg137044.html#msg137044))
Daimien/Lushin (Sergeant Romulus Darkcloud (,644.msg14283.html#msg14283), Devin "Doc" Holiday (,644.msg326402.html#msg326402))
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread)
Post by: Nikki on July 20, 2006, 11:23:23 PM
this seems interesting...i'd possibly be interested...i just gotta catch up on my Sci-Fi knowledge first...2 Questions tho...

1.What kind of RP?
2.What kind of characters are allowed?

And if i joined i'd probably play a Character from The Lycan Commonwealth...but it all depends on the kind of RP  :3
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread)
Post by: Azlan on July 20, 2006, 11:37:51 PM
The RP is a freeform type, no statistical enforcement will be used (attributes, HP or the like).  As such, there will be no twinking, godmodding, powergaming and such.  Characters should be designed for roleplaying with strengths and weaknesses.

There will not be any magic (at the start at least - more on this later), supernatural powers or abilities.  All players are mortal beings requiring sleep, food and air to breathe.  Players can be furred races, but I can accomodate humans if desired.  Cyborgs and robots are discouraged, but not prohibited.

Players will need to have practical occupations, like Field Scientist, Robotic Engineer, Fighter Pilot, Special Forces, etc.  Players will need to have an idea of the character's role and be prepared for military service.  Those desiring to play civilians will need to speak with me directly with ideas.

Military technology consists of very advanced warships, starfighters, ground combat mecha and similar. 
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread)
Post by: Supercheese on July 20, 2006, 11:47:44 PM
Sounds interesting! I'll go for it if we can get sufficient others.

I'm really tired right now, though, so I'll hold off saying anything else.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread)
Post by: lucas marcone on July 21, 2006, 12:11:43 AM
 count me in. question, when would you like us to post characters? if infact it gets off the ground i think ill play from the democratic nation.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread)
Post by: Azlan on July 21, 2006, 12:25:13 AM
As soon as I get sufficient interest, I'll open it to character posts... and from there we will fight the good fight.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread)
Post by: Paladin Sheppard on July 21, 2006, 12:30:26 AM
If its Azlan run its got to be good  :3 I'm in

Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread)
Post by: Poofyspikes on July 21, 2006, 01:05:35 AM
*insert indication of interest here*
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread)
Post by: Magic on July 21, 2006, 07:24:58 AM
Been wanting to pilot, or command a ship. In.

Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread)
Post by: Eibborn on July 21, 2006, 11:41:30 PM
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread)
Post by: Arcalane on July 22, 2006, 12:16:25 AM
Quote from: Ink on July 21, 2006, 07:24:58 AM
Been wanting to pilot, or command a ship. In.

All I can imagine now is Ink as Captain Picard - "Make it so."

Sounds interesting. I've always been a fan of skiffy (scifi) settings, but I don't want to get bogged down by too many RPs. Hmmm...

I might try and cook up some ships in GalCiv 2, however. :)
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread)
Post by: Netami on July 22, 2006, 12:50:15 AM
Got room for an engine control man?
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread)
Post by: Azlan on July 22, 2006, 02:59:01 AM
I consider this to be sufficient interest to get things started!

Time to consider characters, remember:

    * No magic currently available, but technomagery may be discovered at some point
    * No psionics
    * No supernatural powers
    * no invincible characters, everyone has strengths and weaknesses
Please post characters with a minimum of the following details:


Please consider the following and post if desired, but let me know any specific details.

General Background
*Skills (no need to list specific skills, but you should be aware of character's capabilities.)

I will be obtaining a consensus of what level of authority everyone wishes to play at.  I will be trying to keep the players together as much as possible.

Important Game details

Characters, regardless of their original origins, are members of the Interstellar Federation.  Some of the individual 'Houses' have their own military ranking structure (such as the Lycans, which use a structure very reminiscent of the Russians or the Imperium which is rather English/German), I will be utilizing an American Military ranking structure for ease of my own record keeping.

Constant warfare has had a crippling effect on technology, due to key installations and production facilities being destroyed, intelligence activities and assassinations, etc.  Weapons of mass destruction were banned by all states, but the liberal use of such weaponry had a lasting effect in the beginning.

Fusion based reactors still provide the primary power source for military vessels.  Plasma drives are the primary propulsion systems, though civilian sectors still utilize a fair amount of xenon ion drive systems.

Currently, due to capture of a few alien prisoners and studies of enemy wreckage, Gravity based technologies have been developed in the interim 40 years since the routing of their attack force.  Though not capable of developing an efficient dedicated Gravity drive, gravity-based enhancements have been implemented in new fusion reactor and plasma drive systems.  Gravity units in conjunction with fusion drives are capable of generating anti-gravity field wells (in smaller, weaker units) and gravimetric tidal fields (in larger more robust drives) that serve as a type of dissipative system which shields against energy weapons.

Weapons technology has been one of the few areas to not have been badly effected by constant attrition.  However, the militaries of the waring states spent more resources on refining existing designs as opposed to researching theory.  Weaponry consists of varying degrees of lasers, particle beams, plasma (beams and pulse), matter (rail guns and missiles) and some Ion weaponry.  The most recent new development spawns from captured alien technology are fusion cannons.  A unique weapon in development is the sunbeam cannon, a heavy capital weapon, that utilizes waste heat from other weapons (such as spinal lasers) and reactors.  The system channels and focuses it to concentrate a beam on a small area... a type of heat laser.

The heaviest and most powerful weapons are particle beams and the most common large weapons are lasers (as they have the best penetration and are excellent 'raking' weapons).  Fusion cannons are still too expensive to replace  the  other established systems.

Robot mecha are utilized as ground assault weapons, along with tried and true tanks and powered armour soldiers.

Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread)
Post by: Magic on July 22, 2006, 04:37:02 AM
Name: Captain Morgan Summers
Age: 37
Gender: Male
Species: Canine, Dingo Anthromorph
Occupation: Commissioned Officer, Space Navy
Appearance: Well-built, 6'1"; has no scars, tattoos nor (war) wounds to speak of. Amethyst eyes, red-head with dark roots, golden-brown fur. Most everything else is typical of a dingo's appearance.
Background: Previously ranked as Commander in the naval forces of the Confederation of Worlds, second-in-command of a cruiser escort, Morgan was hastily reassigned to fill in the need for command personnel in the expedition. He can be at best described as a hardliner, as he can be quite stubborn in his decisions to follow the book down to the last letter, but that perhaps may have saved both his life and career on many occasions.
Skills: (Self-explanatory, at best. acquired a formal degree from a military academy, and has all other requirements for his rank. Leave it up to you, Azlan.)

Important Note:
Going by US Navy-- From an age of 17 years (minimum to enter a US military academy), 4 years to graduate. 6 more years for a promotion to Lieutenant, 8 years for a distinction as Lieutenant-Commander/Commander. That sums up to 35. A few more years of experience give or take, then the hasty commission to Captain. Is the age proper?
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread)
Post by: Paladin Sheppard on July 22, 2006, 05:10:13 AM
Name: Kal Jeico
Age: 24
Race: Wolf
Gender: Male
Positon: LAM Pilot 1st Lieutenant
Allegiance: Lycan Commonwealth
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blond
Fur: White
Build: Agile
Clothing: Normally seen in a flightsuit with the sleeves rolled up.
Personality: Has most of the general fighter pilot cockiness, but has the skills to back up most of his claims. Could   have become professional poker player.

Background: Newly assigned to the taskforce Kal has yet to meet most of the members. 2nd in his class at the Academy. Currently with the 43rd Fighter Squadron aboard the LCSF carrier Iron Hand.
Skills: Piloting of most classes of fighters and mecha.
          Basic infantry and survival skills.
          Poker Player (Elite).
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread)
Post by: Netami on July 22, 2006, 06:18:22 AM
Yoooou saw nothing here.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread)
Post by: Poofyspikes on July 22, 2006, 02:12:54 PM
Name: Lee Cohen
Age: 36
Gender: Male
Species: American Badger
Occupation: Mecha Pilot, Chief Warrant Officer 3, Confederation Army

Appearance: At 5'9" and 170 lb, Lee fits the profile of a soldier. Dark brown hair, green eyes, typical badger coloring. Always carries around a deck of cards given to him by his father as both a good luck charm and a way to pass the time.

Background: As soon as he turned 17, Lee joined the Confederation Army. Due to a lack of anything better to do, he started moving up in the ranks. Along the way, he became infatuated with the idea of piloting a mecha. When he finally got to try one out, he found out he was rather good at it.

Skills: Due to a minor case of OCD, Lee can't stand to see a shot wasted. As such, he has spent much of his free time improving his aim at the firing range to the point where he is much more accurate than most other soldiers.

Very good at piloting mechas. How else would he have reached Warrant Officer rank?

Makes a mean pot of coffee. Often gets dragged to meetings outside his purview due to caffiene-starved officials.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread)
Post by: Supercheese on July 22, 2006, 10:26:14 PM
Name: Commander Robert MacDuff
Age: 33
Gender: Male
Race: Northern Cardinal
Allegiance: Lycan Commonwealth
Position: Assigned to Carrier Group Beta. In Charge of Defensive Coordination.

Appearance: Feathered crest at top of head like normal cardinals. Blue eyes and black feathers surrounding them. Red feathers everywhere else, like a normal cardinal.

Background: Started as a science officer on a small scout ship. When his ship was sent on a dangerous mission into enemy territory, it was engaged by a fighter squadron. During the ensuing fight, the weapons officer was killed, and MacDuff was called upon to fill the role. Since then, he received a promotion and assignments to larger ships, and eventually to entire groups.

Skills: Is very adept at making the most of escorts and fighters to protect larger assets.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread)
Post by: bill on July 22, 2006, 11:29:15 PM
Name: Vaughn Tomczyk (TOM-check)
Age: 31
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Nationality: Trade Fed.
Position: Secondary Administrator, Department of Security and Internal Affairs.
Weight: 101 lbs
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Background: Took military post after series of successful government posts, including a stint as Head of Security of Congress. Majored in Buisness. Minors include Political Science and Computer Programming.
Skills: Weapons skills are good enough, though nothing terribly above moderate. He is an extremely good "Social Engineer"; he can bluff his way into or out of anything. Very useful in a burecratic position like his. Also good with computers (software, not hardware), though not exactly a miracle worker.
Very fast, despite his small frame. Ran a 5:43 mile in last physical exam.
Arrested 6 seperate times for illegally entering secret government facilities. Never convicted, despite overwhelming evidence.
Passed entry tests into IF Special Intelligence Forces with "Flying Colors" according to supervisors, however, rejected for unknown reasons and moved into SIA.

Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread)
Post by: Eibborn on July 23, 2006, 12:46:15 AM
Name: Absalom Thomas
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Species: Raccoon
Occupation: Mecha Pilot (Hooray! Giant robots!)
Appearance: Pretty much your standard raccoon-fur. Except short, to his great ire. Far too short for his tastes. At 5'5, he's below almost every other soldier. His hair is closely cropped, and his pale blue eyes make for a vivid contrast against the black mask. He's what you call stocky, and muscular.

General Background
A soldier of the Trade Consortium, Absalom is a bit soldier, and happy there. He was once offered a promotion, but refused it. He knows he's not very clever and is better suited to the ranks than to give any orders. Absalom has been in the military since he was old enough to join.
His greatest flaw is a tendency to be merciless, and to hate having to retreat. He dehumanizes the enemy to justify his actions to himself.

Top class mecha pilot, he prefers LAMs.
Can pilot fighters, but doesn't enjoy it.
Mediocre at most everything else. He takes it good-naturedly.

EDIT: Good-bye, psycho!
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread)
Post by: Azlan on July 23, 2006, 09:35:30 PM
Whoo, Comic Con has been murder... but its over now.

I see all the military types are taking ranks, I will consider those, but I need to analyze the make-up of the group.

Ink: The age is fine, especially if you are new to the captaincy.  The character is fine, I'll need to consider where to place you.

Paladin: I know I haven't explained the details yet, but I will below.  Standby on your occupation, but everything else is okay.

Netami: very nice background, but the operation is primarily military.  The only civilians that the expedition is embarking will be diplomatic corp and research scientists (theory and analysis).  All practical applications will be handled by military engineers and technicians.  This is my mistake for not fully detailing the range of characters.

Poofy: I don't recommend playing a line soldier.  If you want frontline combat, then I suggest mecha-based.  You can do power armor soldier, but that's going to be tough.  Special Forces is an option to give yourself the most versatility.  I do not recommend bottom rank enlisted as it appears so many of the others are seeking commissions.  If you wish to remain enlisted, I'd shoot for more senior NCO, but that normally involves age.

Supercheese: I don't recommend a staff officer position, especially at fleet level.  You will be in on all THE meetings, which would definitely be good.  It can work, so I say it's good.

BillBuckner: This type of position is restricted, I'd rather not have a player in this role.  This is mostly action based, with lots of heavy roleplaying within the command structure and operations planning itself.  Due to the scope of this operation, the Fleet Commander has screened all political officers and strong trouble cases out.

Eibbor: This guy looks like he should have been discharged on his psyche evaluation.  The mission is employing the best of the best.  If Poofy converts to mech, I can stick the two of you together... a little revamping might be needed. 

More Game details 

The military fighting vehicles are broken up into the following classifications:

Warships - battle line level vessels designed to "slug it out" with other warships.  Most warships carry fighters and the largest of them also carry troops and support ground assaults.

Carriers - secondary line vessels, but some of the most important naval assets your fleet contains.  They carry copious amounts of fighters and troops.  Some carriers are heavily armed, but if your carriers are trading fire with enemy warships then you are in serious trouble.

Auxiliaries - this covers all light and medium vessels that normally perform scout and picket duties in the fleet.  These are generally fast vessels and many tend to perform anti-fighter screening for the larger vessels.  Auxiliaries do not last long trading fire with warships and carriers.

Support - this covers all dedicated transports and supply vessels.  Troop transports can be very large, armoured and even heavily armed.  Armed transports are designed to provide orbital artillery support.  Though their artillery can be very effective in ship combat, their fire control systems are not geared towards that aim.

Fighters - covers all non-transformable space and air-superiority assets.  The navy employs two combat classifications, fighters (combat other fighters) and bombers (attack capital ships, installations and planetary targets).  The army employs the same classifications during ground attack actions, though the army's craft are not transatmospheric.  Space fighters employ plasma pulse cannons, burst lasers, railguns and missiles.  Space bombers tend to employ heavy plasma "mortars" or heavy particle beam cannons, with missiles and torpedoes as the real heavy hitters.  Atmospheric craft tend to employ burst lasers, hyper velocity autocannons and missiles.  Atmospheric bombers tend to wield specialized ground attack ordinance with bombs and missiles as the primary weapons.  Certain bombers employ very powerful autocannons and strafe ground mecha and tanks.

Mecha - Robot combat vehicles.  There are two subclasses to this area, Warmecha and Land and Air Mecha (yes, they are called LAMs).  Warmecha are standard, ground-based units either biped or quadraped in design.  They utilize all manner of weapons from lasers, missiles, rail cannons, Particle Beam cannons and the occasional autocannon.  LAMs are armed like fighters and tend to be employed like air cavalry or the Marines, landing first and securing an area for troops to deploy.  They tend to operate like helicopters and provide close air support.  They don't tend to fair well against starfighters, being lighter and less armored (though they are just as good performance-wise), but are on good footing with air fighters, because of their versatility and higher maneuverability.  LAMs are armed like mecha for the most part. 

Tanks and ground vehicles - on the way out, these vehicles are proving less versatile then mecha, but a number of models still exist... some of them hundreds of years old in design.  They are cheaper to produce then mecha and due to the heavy losses the waring nations suffered over their period of wars, much easier to field.  The ISF employs mecha as its line combat armour, but tanks still serve as the best platform for ground artillery units.  The house militaries still employ main battle tanks, but they are being phased out as the ISF is bringing mecha production into full swing and the individual nation's militaries are being limited and regulated to Guard units.

Individual soldiers tend to be armed with pulse laser weaponry, particle beam infantry support weapons, and conventional caseless matter weaponry.  Molecular carbonates and other advanced materials make up personal body armour, but that provides little protection against mecha.  Ground troops employ powered armour units and heavy weapons, but the individual foot soldier is not used in the field of combat except in urban operations, instead mecha are the primary weapons. 

Fleet Organization

The expedition will be organized as a single fleet with a number of individual groups or squadrons within.  It consists of three full battle lines, three carrier groups and two support squadrons.  There are also six auxiliary squadrons as pickets for each carrier and support group, and one as a barrier between the battle lines and secondary lines.

The overall operation is under the direction of the Theater/Operations Commander - a 4-star General (specific rank: general)

Fleet operations is overseen by a 3-star Admiral (specific rank: vice admiral)

There is one Commodore (1-star) and a Fleet Captain (senior captain, effectively a 1-star) in direct command of the two separate wings of the fleet, the battle line (line vessels and carriers) and support (pickets, support vessels) 

There is one Captain (navy) as CAG (Commander Air Group) for all fighter squadrons of the fleet.

There are two Brigadier generals in direct control of the two divisions of ground forces (30,000 troops) and 1 Brigadier General in command of one division of marines scattered across the fleet (12,000 troops).

Player roles

Depending on the final composition of the players, you will all likely end up as part of a forward scout fleet.  I will see as time progresses.

Edit: darn spelling
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread)
Post by: Netami on July 23, 2006, 09:48:55 PM
Ohh primarily fighting. Okay, I'm out then. G'luck.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread)
Post by: Poofyspikes on July 23, 2006, 10:02:15 PM
Hmm. I'm willing to change around my character with regards to rank, age, etc. What do you suppose would be the most convenient option?
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread)
Post by: Azlan on July 23, 2006, 10:02:24 PM
Quote from: Netami on July 23, 2006, 09:48:55 PM
Ohh primarily fighting. Okay, I'm out then. G'luck.

Pretty much, there is a lot of area for scientific discovery and likely lots for scientists to do... not a lot for non-military engineers to do.  Thanks for the luck though!

Quote from: Poofyspikes on July 23, 2006, 10:02:15 PM
Hmm. I'm willing to change around my character with regards to rank, age, etc. What do you suppose would be the most convenient option?

I recommend moving towards mecha pilot and junior officer or warrant officer... high ranking NCO means 10 to 20 years added to age and being regulated to making coffee in operational meetings :P
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread)
Post by: bill on July 23, 2006, 10:09:28 PM
"And, uh, hold on folks."

(side: "What?" ...  "What do you mean the wrong one?")

"Sorry for this inconvinence, folks, but the producer has just informed me that we're following the wrong Mr. Tomczyk. This Mr. Tomczyk is a utterly boring, and will be dealt with."

Suddenly, an anvil hit Vaughn in the head, killing him instantly.

"That's better. Here's the other Mr. Tomczyk, the interesting one."

Name: Conrad Tomczyk (No relation to Vaughn Tomczyk, KIA, anvil blow to skull, investigation underway)
Age: 30
Species: Human
Nationality: Trade Consortium
Occupation: Pilot (Fighter, 9 years experience)
Rank: O-2
Height: 5'5''
Weight: 101 lbs.
Hair: Black
Eyes: Blue
Appearence: Caucasian, short haircut, almost never seen without baseball hat.
Background: Grew up in foster care after house fire killed parents (Adrian / Susan Tomczyk). No brothers/sisters. Currently one of 255 registered humans in entire Trade Federation. (2,055 estimated overall) Masters Degree in Thermodynamics, Clinton / Pollack Institute.


(name deleted): Former Psych Screener, International Federation: Seemed rather ingoing. When he actually started talking (subject, reasons for enlisting), started well, gave boilerplate set of reasons, meandered far off topic. Talked for an exceptional amount of time. Nothing too alarming.

(name deleted): Former supervisor, International Federation:
Evaulation: C. Tomczyk
Pros: Is able to control small craft extremely well. Passed nav course with score of 498/500, average of class, 445/500, high of class, 499/500. Would do well in offensive position.
Cons: Must communicate situation more effectively, must cooperate with squadmates more effectively. Prone to keep unhelpful radio silence when not necessary. Prone not to take advantage of changing combat situations, unless specifically asked to do so.
Recommendation?: Yes

Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread)
Post by: Poofyspikes on July 23, 2006, 11:53:31 PM
Right then, I'll just edit my previous post. Feel free to disapprove of my changes. :D
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread)
Post by: lucas marcone on July 24, 2006, 12:13:23 AM
nation: confederation
name: lucas marcone (marco)
age: 28
gender: male
species: croc
occupation: fomer:cop
                   present:senior mech troop
appearance: lucas is a heavy set 200 pond lightly muscled croc he is about 4 inches shorter than accepted average height. he has firey red eyes though is blind in the left and has a white flim over said eye. he is found in standard mech troop(confederation) attire. and is sort of unkempt since his police days.
background:marco has knowladge of weaponry (learned as a cop) and knowlage of basic ship engine components of the imperium and the confederation. also he has advanced knowlage of mech engines operations and can trouble shoot most problems with most mechs though those pilots whould know their mechs better (he gives suggestions based on his mech and uses standard control layout)
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread)
Post by: Azlan on July 25, 2006, 01:49:39 AM
BillBuckner - Okay, that works.  What were you looking to pilot?  Shuttles, dropships, capital ships, fighters?  By the way, it is Trade Consortium, not Federation... Lucas will eat my cat if he hears I'm using that.  Note: only officers (warrant and commissioned) fly.

Poofy - Revisions good

Paladin - Okay, revision good

Valkyn - need to work on the spell-checking, I'm not sure what position he is in... technician/engineer or pilot of mechs.  Just need a bit of clarification there.

I wonder if I should open a technology thread?
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread)
Post by: Paladin Sheppard on July 25, 2006, 09:44:32 AM
Might help Az I was planing on doing a shortstory to introduce Kal. If you plan in doing tech readouts on ships and mecha it'd be helpful.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread)
Post by: lucas marcone on July 25, 2006, 03:10:45 PM
az he is a mech pilot but should the need arise he can fall back on his other skills such as a there is broken ship and the group needs to flee. he can repair it

ill work on my spelling as much as i can. I'm more of a silver tounge than a golden quill. and some words even spell check is throwing tantrums over
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread)
Post by: Lushin on July 25, 2006, 05:05:56 PM
If you have room for one more I would liek to give this a try.

Name: Romulus Darkcloud
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Species: Wolverine
Occupation: Special Forces Sargent
Appearance: Stands 5'9" and is well muscled. He is solid muscle from his years of training. Usually wears combat boots (hates wearing any other type of footwear) military pants, either a black muscle shirt or longsleeve military button up shirt (Sometimes has sleeves rolled up and unbuttoned). Is also always wearing his and one his father's dogtags around his neck. His hair is brownish red, is shoulder length and is usually tied back into a samurai style ponytail.  His eyes are hazel, he has a scar over his right eye that goes from his forehead to his jawbone. Typical Wolverine color markings
Background: Romulus was Militant raised. His immediate family was in the Military. His father was in the Special Forces and his mother was a nurse. His mother died when he was fairly young, about 5 years old, and his father raised him the only way he knew how. Train him like he did all the recruits he got for his unit. Romulus never really got to live a normal live. After his mother died his father drilled him everyday until he joined the Military, well his father had him join the Military. His father made sure that Romulus didn't get any special treatment. Romulus trained like every other grunt. Although he did get passed around between force, he had issues with his fellow trainees. He often got into fights with with trainees that felled that everyone should join the Military and serve their people, not have a choose just server in some form or another.  As well as trainnees that joined because their father was a high ranking officer, shouldn't have to see combat and should automatically be leading their group. When he did managed to stay long enough to get some traing he exceled at hand to hand combat and weapon's training. He can pilot small fighters and dropships, but that's about it. He isn't a great pilot but he can hold his own in a dogfight. He also trained in how to pilot mechs and power armor. Again he isn't that great with either but he can hold his own in one on one combat. He is at his best when he has a rifle, a sidearm and is running around a battle field. He eventually made it into his father's Special Forces squad. Romulus has been in may battles with his father's aquad and witnessed his father die in a fire fight. It's unknown why Romulus took one of his father's dogtag and started to wear it with his own. Everyone who knew the two figured that they didn't even like each other let alone love one another as father and son.
Personality: Romulus is a very straight forward person, he isn't know to make friends. His friends are people that he has faught alongside and proven that he can trust them. He  isn't very social and doesn't really know how to act when not on base or on a battle field. He has no civilian friends prefers to stay with Military peolpe. He had to grown up quick with his father so when he can't really realate to other people. He tends to shy away when people start to talk about their families. Romulus's idea of a friend is someine he can trust in battle to fight alongside him and watch his back. Regardless of his personal feelings toward a person, if they don't shy away when shoots are fired they will gain Romulus's respect.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread)
Post by: Poofyspikes on July 26, 2006, 02:42:22 AM
Quote from: valkyn on July 25, 2006, 03:10:45 PMill work on my spelling as much as i can. I'm more of a silver tounge than a golden quill. and some words even spell check is throwing tantrums over

Actually, the main problem is that you seem to be woefully underendowed in both the punctuation and capitalization departments. Actually using the shift key once in a while (and not just making parentheses) could very well remedy this problem. Once that's gone, I might be able to make it through one of your posts.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread)
Post by: Eibborn on July 26, 2006, 05:09:37 PM
Hmm. Sorry, Azlan, that this took so long.
I'll turn down the crazy meter on him. I'll just edit my previous post to take into account all the new information. So yeah. Go look there.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread)
Post by: Azlan on July 27, 2006, 08:42:49 AM
The current line up of characters, expect this to start soon.


Morgan Summers (Ink): ISF Space Navy Line Officer O-6

Kal Jeico (Paladin): ISF Marine LAM pilot O-2

Lee Cohen (Poofy): ISF Army Mecha Pilot CWO3

Robert MacDuff (Supercheese) ISF Space Navy Staff Officer O-5

Absalom (Eibbor): ISF Army Mecha Pilot E-5

Conrad Tomczyk (BillBuckner) ISF Space Navy Fighter Pilot O-2

Lucas Marcone (valkyn) ISF Army Mecha Pilot E-5

Romulus Darkcloud (Daimien) ISF Army Special Forces E-5

This group makeup is fairly easy to organize, except for Daimien and Supercheese, but I'll manage. 

Ink's character is currently assigned a light cruiser, which is his responsibility to name.

Paladin, Poofy, Eibbor, BillBuckner and valkyn will be assigned to this cruiser as part of its combat units.

Poofy's character is the 'platoon' leader and commands a squad with Eibbor's character as his NCO.  valkyn will lead the other squad as senior NCO.

Daimien and Supercheese will be assigned to duties later.

I've got a few details that I'll need to post, but things will get moving soon.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread)
Post by: bill on July 27, 2006, 10:50:00 AM
Quote from: Poofyspikes on July 26, 2006, 02:42:22 AM
Quote from: valkyn on July 25, 2006, 03:10:45 PMill work on my spelling as much as i can. I'm more of a silver tounge than a golden quill. and some words even spell check is throwing tantrums over

Actually, the main problem is that you seem to be woefully underendowed in both the punctuation and capitalization departments. Actually using the shift key once in a while (and not just making parentheses) could very well remedy this problem. Once that's gone, I might be able to make it through one of your posts.
Don't forget paragraph breaks. Those make things so much nicer to read.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread)
Post by: Supercheese on July 27, 2006, 03:50:13 PM
Sorry for any confusion, Azlan. As I mentioned in the Furrae RP thread, I have extremely sporadic Internet acess until Saturday (i.e. none at all, most likely.)

From what you've explained, I think we have the same idea, but maybe I tried for too much control... sorry 'bout that, but it was the first thing that popped to mind.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread)
Post by: Eibborn on July 27, 2006, 08:35:38 PM
Heh, I can't believe I forgot a last name. 'Absalom Thomas' sounds right. I'll just go edit my original post...
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread)
Post by: lucas marcone on July 28, 2006, 01:53:20 AM
psst ink.....the name golden quill comes to mind for the ships name. i so corny :ape
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread)
Post by: Magic on July 28, 2006, 09:23:14 PM

Weapons statistics. Point defense, spinal and turret mounts, hull and armour integrity, and other other special equipment on board? Or do I use my own discretion?
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread)
Post by: Azlan on July 29, 2006, 05:54:19 AM
Quote from: Ink on July 28, 2006, 09:23:14 PM

Weapons statistics. Point defense, spinal and turret mounts, hull and armour integrity, and other other special equipment on board? Or do I use my own discretion?

My tech thread has the statistics for the Inari Class Cruiser.  That is the one you are assigned.  The only difference is that yours carries 4 Assault dropships and 2 Assault shuttles.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread)
Post by: Azlan on July 31, 2006, 04:37:42 PM
I'm starting this thing forward, I will be refining the opening post later and probably adding some more info here and there.

Till later...
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread)
Post by: Supercheese on July 31, 2006, 05:31:24 PM
Dyson Sphere, eh? Any chance of finding a crashed ship with an old Scotsman in the Transporter system?  :mowwink
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread)
Post by: Azlan on July 31, 2006, 11:44:48 PM
Captain Scott is not authorized for this operation...

Unfortunately for everyone, this Dyson Sphere is likely armed and FTL capable.  Just imagine the physics behind this whole thing...
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread)
Post by: Magic on August 01, 2006, 05:06:51 AM
The problem with FTL ships is Picard manuevers. Assuming that light from the original location is still en route while light from the destination arrives faster as it is closer, wouldn't the ship appear to be at two places at once?
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread)
Post by: Azlan on August 01, 2006, 10:28:17 AM
The term FTL is used as just a reflection of the unknown means of which this megastructure moves from location to location.  It does not "physically" move through space at C or higher.  As for light, that would not be a concern as no one is searching for this Sphere using any visual means, its all electromagnetically and spatial anomally based... superstrings/ZPF and all.

There is of course many things you will not be aware of.  I will get around to revealing the reasoning behind the seemingly large assumptions the brass is making when the fleet makes its first stop.

All players should feel free to adlib a fair amount in their own setup postings, everyone is staffed onboard the Revelation, except for Robert MacDuff who is currently assigned to the Command Carrier Vigilance under Commodore Michael Lyzari. 

Too bad no one sought a position with military intelligence.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread)
Post by: Lushin on August 01, 2006, 11:20:13 AM
Hrmm I'll post a responce when I figure out where I come into everything. I have a few possible ideas for why I'm there. The army decided to send a Special Forces unit to go along with the mecha pilots, cause you know they won't want to be left out of anything like this. He could be part of a unit that excels at boarding ships or something like that. The last is he was given a chance to volunteer for the mission and he jumped at that chance.
I dunno, I should have just made a Marine or something, that way it would have been easier to figure out why he would be on the ship.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread)
Post by: Azlan on August 01, 2006, 11:25:17 AM
Big mecha do not preclude the need to have sneaky people to penetrate an enemy installation and blow stuff up, kidnap officials, assassinations and such.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread)
Post by: Supercheese on August 01, 2006, 01:37:57 PM
Quote from: Azlan on August 01, 2006, 10:28:17 AMToo bad no one sought a position with military intelligence.

Will we be seeing NPCs in this role?
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread)
Post by: lucas marcone on August 01, 2006, 09:27:01 PM
guys if youre waiting for me to post ill get on that tomarrow. im too tired right now. if youre wondering why i havent been posting, its because i havent had the time.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread)
Post by: Lushin on August 01, 2006, 10:23:33 PM
Alright I posted my responce. Let me know if if anything is amiss and needs to be changed. I tried to make it rather open ended as to why he's there incase an idea should arise. If I have to I can completely redo my responce I will. I really don't want to screw anything up.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread)
Post by: Azlan on August 02, 2006, 03:57:13 AM
Quote from: Supercheese on August 01, 2006, 01:37:57 PM

Will we be seeing NPCs in this role?

Of course, you all will not likely be privy to the information they obtain, nor will you see the results of their 'roleplaying', so to speak.  There are a whole host of MI specialists on this operation.

Quote from: Daimien on August 01, 2006, 10:23:33 PM
Alright I posted my responce. Let me know if if anything is amiss and needs to be changed. I tried to make it rather open ended as to why he's there incase an idea should arise. If I have to I can completely redo my responce I will. I really don't want to screw anything up.

That is good, your orders are for you to take command of a small squad of specialists attached to the ship.  Reasons for this type of unit on a ship like this will be revealed later.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread)
Post by: bill on August 02, 2006, 09:20:45 PM
I don't want to sound like an ass, but after reading the last few posts in the RP thread, I have one thing to say.


Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread)
Post by: Supercheese on August 02, 2006, 09:23:40 PM
Quote from: BillBuckner on August 02, 2006, 09:20:45 PM
I don't want to sound like an ass, but after reading the last few posts in the RP thread, I have one thing to say.



Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread)
Post by: Azlan on August 02, 2006, 10:04:44 PM
I must concur, please bring the grammar quality up.  Punctuation and capitalization would be two good places to start.  If you cannot at least do this, then do not continue.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread)
Post by: Lushin on August 02, 2006, 10:46:31 PM
I will do my best to make sure my grammar is in order. I do have one question, Azlan. Are you going to be doing the NPCs of the unit I'm in charge of or am I gonna be taking charge of them? I figure you would be the one controlling them. I gonna wait to find out before I post next.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread)
Post by: Azlan on August 02, 2006, 10:57:26 PM
Quote from: Daimien on August 02, 2006, 10:46:31 PM
I will do my best to make sure my grammar is in order. I do have one question, Azlan. Are you going to be doing the NPCs of the unit I'm in charge of or am I gonna be taking charge of them? I figure you would be the one controlling them. I gonna wait to find out before I post next.

I control a majority of their actions, but you are free to auto them as needed.  A precedent has already been established for that type of activity. 

I'm largely responsible for all NPCs, most noteably the important named ones.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread)
Post by: Azlan on August 03, 2006, 07:07:07 AM
Important note on fleet movements:

There are two stop overs that the fleet must make in ISF territory before leaving known borders.

Epsilon Eridani, Star Imperium world - to pick up the diplomatic staff, scientific personnel, military intelligence specialists and a few 'special' guests.

Delta Vulpecula, Confederation of Worlds - farthest point in known space/border of unexplored space.  Liberty port.

All ships are expected to maintain a constant combat readiness, even when jumping into friendly ports.  All ships will standdown when ordered, but the fleet must maintain readiness at all costs.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread)
Post by: Lushin on August 09, 2006, 07:03:21 PM
OK um I figured I would get my squad straightened out for myself and others. That way I can actually put faces to the other four squad members if/when the fighting starts.

Romulus Darkcloud: Wolverine. Leader. Sniper/Long range
Benjamin Foster:  Canine. Riflemen for the moment, no idea what Azlan has planned for him.
Donovan "Wall" Grant: Kodiak Brown Bear. Heavy Weapons Specialist.
Remus "Nitro" Archon: Snow Leopard. Demolitions Expert.
Sheebus "RC" Thorn: Panther. Communication Office
Micheal "Hacker" Harsen: Grey Wolf. Computer Expert

I didn't add rank cause I don't know for sure what the others are. Romulus and Ben don't really get nicknames.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread)
Post by: Supercheese on August 10, 2006, 01:25:30 AM
valkyn, you win the Weirdest Expletives award.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread)
Post by: lucas marcone on August 10, 2006, 01:51:26 AM
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread)
Post by: Supercheese on August 10, 2006, 01:55:28 AM
... I see, I guess...
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread)
Post by: lucas marcone on August 10, 2006, 02:18:15 AM
damian had a good idea the npc ill be controling off and on is

nation were
race ware panther
sex female
build medium muscles about 170 pounds
age 25
occupation fighter pilot(subject to change pending azlans approval)
appearance she is normally clean(enough to pass for inspection). but you can still see some remenece of when she was a heavy metal rocker, such as peirceing holes, scars from moshing, and 3 permadye "tatoos". a dragon crawling from her left sholder to her left wrist, an anarchy symbol on the base of her neck about 3 inches in diameter, and the were nations symbol on her right bicep.
she is normally in barebones were attire.

background: iyori was broght into the war in a large draft for the were army back when thay were waring with the other nations. iyori never wanted to fight but she would do anything to protect her "haven" as she called it. most other people in the other nations were prejudiced against weres for the obvious reason, "why aid the enemy?". so she was forced to stay in the were nation. she was kept on defenceive lines as a special request. when the "new war" started she met marco and thay hit it off( thay woulda gone all the way on the first date if not for the no boneing other personel rule), but the others give them hell due to the fact marco is a reptile pure furraeian dateing a mammal werebreed.

skills basicly all iyori has going for her is enough skill to do her job exceptionally well and the knoladge of a library. though she dosent like to flaunt it.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread)
Post by: Azlan on August 10, 2006, 06:47:27 AM
Quote from: valkyn on August 10, 2006, 02:18:15 AM
damian had a good idea the npc ill be controlling off and on is

nation were
race ware panther
sex female
build medium muscles about 170 pounds
age 25
occupation fighter pilot(subject to change pending azlans approval)
appearance she is normally clean(enough to pass for inspection). but you can still see some reminisce of when she was a heavy metal rocker, such as piercing holes, scars from moshing, and 3 permadye "tattoos". a dragon crawling from her left shoulder to her left wrist, an anarchy symbol on the base of her neck about 3 inches in diameter, and the were nations symbol on her right bicep.
she is normally in barebones were attire.

background: iyori was brought into the war in a large draft for the were army back when they were waring with the other nations. iyori never wanted to fight but she would do anything to protect her "haven" as she called it. most other people in the other nations were prejudiced against weres for the obvious reason, "why aid the enemy?". so she was forced to stay in the were nation. she was kept on defensive lines as a special request. when the "new war" started she met Marco and they hit it off( they would have gone all the way on the first date if not for the no boning other personnel rule), but the others give them hell due to the fact Marco is a reptile pure furraeian dating a mammal werebreed.

skills basically all iyori has going for her is enough skill to do her job exceptionally well and the knowledge of a library. though she doesn't like to flaunt it.

There are no werecreatures in this universe, just normal anthro-breeds.  This has absolutely no connection to furrae.

I must insist on the use of 'Spell Check' and at least basic grammar.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread)
Post by: Azlan on August 11, 2006, 02:25:25 AM
For Daimien's sake:

Name: Benjamin Foster
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Species: mixed breed Canine Anthromorph
Occupation: Army Special Forces
Appearance: Stands 5' 10" and is wiry in build, not heavily muscled built more along the lines of a gymnast.  He has brown eyes and hair and carries a few scars from energy, projectile and melee weapons here and there, nothing too serious. 
Skills: He is exceptional at infiltration, martial arts (Wu Shu T'sung Kung Fu, T'ang su karate and Muay Thai blended with elements of Tai Chi, wrestling, boxing and acrobatics/gymnastics) and in vehicle operations.
Note: He speaks with an odd English accent with noticeably odd Japanese tonal inflections and some mannerisms.

If anyone needs statistics on other NPCs, let me know.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread)
Post by: lucas marcone on August 11, 2006, 10:11:11 AM
would that be ALL of the npc's mentioned so far or just some?
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread)
Post by: Azlan on August 12, 2006, 01:33:00 AM
Quote from: valkyn on August 11, 2006, 10:11:11 AM
would that be ALL of the npc's mentioned so far or just some?

Only important ones that require specifics detailed about them... characters like the General, Vice Admiral and such probably won't be given such detailed descriptions unless I feel its necessary.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread)
Post by: Azlan on August 16, 2006, 11:10:27 AM
Anyone who needs to do anything special let me know, otherwise go ahead and post if you need to. 

Response from Ink
Response from Supercheese (in preparation for new assignment or in route *if Ink replies first*)

Sorry about the lengthy setup and freestyle posting at the moment, things will become more universally interactive as soon as all the assigning, reporting and military protocol stuff is out of the way.

By the way, do not poke the blue fox or try to kung fu the ISIS major when they get onboard.

I have a land operation and an infiltration operation planned, I'm just stuck on how to get everyone to point G from point B.   
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread)
Post by: Supercheese on August 18, 2006, 04:10:42 PM
*curses himself*

Ack, I seem to be confused and behind schedule - not a good combination.

Last I checked, MacDuff was still on board the Carrier Vigilance. However, the shuttle he's supposed to be on is on the Alliance. Therefore, is MacDuff on the Alliance? I can't recall ever travelling there...

Sorry for my confusion...
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread)
Post by: Azlan on August 19, 2006, 06:46:51 PM
I am, as controller of things, allowed to assume that time passes when it does.  As you were to receive new orders, which is handled at Fleet Headquarters, I made the leap of faith that you have not been sitting in the bar for a number of days and actually would go about the necessary steps to report for reassignment. 

Until we reach actual mision time, this introduction and setup period is handled somewhat informally.  The actual mission posts will be handled episodically and I shall post as an OOC note who is required to post before the "scene" moves on.  That does not normally exclude others from posting, but input from certain characters are essential before anything can move on based on the scene.  An example might be an infiltration mission by Special Forces into an enemy base, if Daimien is leading it and for some reason a few other characters were involved, then his input is entirely essential before the scene progresses.

To make a long story short, yes MacDuff is now on the Alliance, sorry if this messed anything up, but I didn't want to lose momentum like the DAFFA RP.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread)
Post by: lucas marcone on August 22, 2006, 10:48:45 AM
Quote from: Azlan on August 16, 2006, 11:10:27 AM

By the way, do not poke the blue fox

do not poke the blur fox???? 'A' :cry YOU"RE MEAN! :twisted ill do it any way.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread)
Post by: lucas marcone on August 22, 2006, 10:59:01 AM
nation lycan
race ware panther
sex female
build medium muscles about 170 pounds
age 25
occupation fighter pilot
appearance she is normally clean(enough to pass for inspection). but you can still see some remenece of when she was a heavy metal rocker, such as peirceing holes, scars from moshing, and 3 permadye "tatoos". a dragon crawling from her left sholder to her left wrist, an anarchy symbol on the base of her neck about 3 inches in diameter, and the were nations symbol on her right bicep.
she is normally in barebones were attire.

background: iyori was broght into the war in a large draft for the lycan army back when thay were waring with the other nations. iyori never wanted to fight but she would do anything to protect her "haven" as she called it. most other people in the other nations were prejudiced against lycans for the obvious reason, "why aid the enemy?". so she was forced to stay in the lycan nation. she was kept on defenceive lines as a special request. when the "new war" started she met marco and thay hit it off( thay woulda gone all the way on the first date if not for the no boneing other personel rule), but the others give them hell due to the fact marco is a reptile dateing a mammal.

skills basicly all iyori has going for her is enough skill to do her job exceptionally well and the knoladge of a library. though she dosent like to flaunt it.

fixed her profile
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread)
Post by: Magic on August 31, 2006, 06:03:29 PM
About Ixiah.

How much talking should I do with the fox, if ever? Is it to be handled by the ISIS personnel? It would seem that unnecessary or excessive stimuli is detrimental to his health, and poking him with either words or fingers might not be good.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread)
Post by: Azlan on September 01, 2006, 03:49:43 AM
How much contact you should have with the fox depends on who you ask.  You are likely to get a different answer if you ask the General or Admiral then if you ask Major Kanzoria or even your immediate superior Commodore Lyzari.

Their is an historical essay on the fox twins written 40 some years ago by a Dr. Emelio Kanzoria that might be interesting if Morgan wishes to learn more about them.  The excessive stimuli thing would not be consistant with a creature that is psychically aware of the universe.

The "don't poke the blue fox" thing was a joke, but it appears to be true at this time.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread)
Post by: lucas marcone on September 05, 2006, 07:01:04 AM
so can we get a run down of whats happened so far and who needs to post?
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread)
Post by: Azlan on September 06, 2006, 07:51:40 AM
Quote from: lucas marcone on September 05, 2006, 07:01:04 AM
so can we get a run down of whats happened so far and who needs to post?

I'm a bit too busy plotting out the next 'steps' to do much of a summary...

All essential and important members of the ISF expeditionary force were assembled in the Great Hall of meetings where they were given a wonderful send off by the Commander of the ISF Armed Forces and had a meet and greet with the Forces' command staff.  (Note: the Press was their too).

An initial strategy meeting was hel where the overall goal of the mission was revealed to the officer staff.  After that, final preparations were made and the fleet left for their first stop to pick up 'special' missions personnel (scientific, intelligence and diplomatic... with three "special guests").

After securing all needed personnel and final supplies, they departed for the farthest system in ISF territory.  This port was used both for a final organization and strategy conference as well as a liberty port for the fleet personnel.

During the time there and prior to the strategy meeting, Morgan discovered his ship would be the lead in one of two scout task groups sent "hunting" for their quarry.  MacDuff was reassigned to the Revelation as executive officer (first officer). 

Special operations personnel were transfered to the Revelation for the "special mission".  A disagreement was handled onboard the Revelation, with Major Kanzoria scoring a "victory" in the authority area.  Major Kanzoria comes across Romulus and Benjamin, where he informally initiates a hazy special intelligence directive that places all Special Forces personnel directly under the authority of the Intelligence Arm.  It remains to be seen as to be seen as to why he has seen the need to do this.

The strategy conference reveals the final plan and outlines the mission of the Revelation and the small fleet.

That is about where everyone is...

As to who needs to respond, at this time no one is required to respond, currently I am plotting the future scenes and encounters... not to mention being very busy.  I will move forward soon, feel free to post... especially if you need more information.

Ink and Supercheese might want to have Morgan and MacDuff hold a meeting with their officers and chiefs over the coming operation.  They may also wish to meet with Ixiah, Kanzoria and the other fleet officers.  What order this is handled in will have an effect on the other meetings.  That's just a hint. 
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread)
Post by: lucas marcone on September 06, 2006, 04:50:41 PM
thanks for that. i didnt know you were planning stuff though... next time could you give us a little warning?(not to be disrespectful or anything...)
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread)
Post by: Supercheese on September 06, 2006, 09:19:50 PM
Quote from: Azlan on September 06, 2006, 07:51:40 AM
Ink and Supercheese might want to have Morgan and MacDuff hold a meeting with their officers and chiefs over the coming operation.  They may also wish to meet with Ixiah, Kanzoria and the other fleet officers.  What order this is handled in will have an effect on the other meetings.  That's just a hint. 
So, some of these meetings would be on our own (captain's meeting and commander's meeting seperate) and others involve both Morgan and Macduff, right?
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread)
Post by: Azlan on September 06, 2006, 11:27:03 PM
Quote from: Supercheese on September 06, 2006, 09:19:50 PM
So, some of these meetings would be on our own (captain's meeting and commander's meeting seperate) and others involve both Morgan and Macduff, right?

Generally, the XO and CO should both participate in these meetings.  The Captain would technically be in his rights to exclude the first officer from certain meetings, even all of them, but that is generally very poor form and grounds for inquiry.  Since the two characters have generally just acquainted themselves, I do not expect a Picard/Riker or Kirk/Spock thing, but certain military protocols should be maintained.

It is generally not acceptable for the XO to go behind the back of the CO and hold meetings without informing him.  To do so can be interpreted wrong.

If MacDuff wants to... say meet with all the fighter pilots of the fleet, he still should advise the Captain.  Morgan will likely not be interested in participating, but it is best that he knows what is going on.  The reverse should be true, if Morgan wishes to meet with Major Kanzoria, but alone, he will likely tell MacDuff that he will be speaking with him.  It all boils down to trust, not that anyone here has any reason to distrust the other at this point.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread)
Post by: Supercheese on September 07, 2006, 12:26:04 AM
Quote from: Azlan on September 06, 2006, 11:27:03 PM
Generally, the XO and CO should both participate in these meetings.  The Captain would technically be in his rights to exclude the first officer from certain meetings, even all of them, but that is generally very poor form and grounds for inquiry.  Since the two characters have generally just acquainted themselves, I do not expect a Picard/Riker or Kirk/Spock thing, but certain military protocols should be maintained.

It is generally not acceptable for the XO to go behind the back of the CO and hold meetings without informing him.  To do so can be interpreted wrong.

If MacDuff wants to... say meet with all the fighter pilots of the fleet, he still should advise the Captain.  Morgan will likely not be interested in participating, but it is best that he knows what is going on.  The reverse should be true, if Morgan wishes to meet with Major Kanzoria, but alone, he will likely tell MacDuff that he will be speaking with him.  It all boils down to trust, not that anyone here has any reason to distrust the other at this point.

Ok, got it. That's why I asked. The "just acquainted" part was what I was kinda not sure about.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread)
Post by: Azlan on September 13, 2006, 03:10:46 AM
A small clarification needs to be made, in regards to the martial arts of this universe.

Martial arts as we know them were not practiced before the introduction of humans.  Unarmed combat was in its infancy and very rudimentary.

A fair majority of the Earth martial arts now exist here thanks to introduction of these forms by the humans.  Most of the common forms found in reality today are in practice, the major branches of kung fu, karate and a few of the non-asian forms are being practiced across the known planets.  Some derivative styles have been created to accommodate different physical characteristics of animal species and various military organizations have developed specialty "quickie" forms that encompass the basics and the "down and dirty" necessities.

The ISF military, in general, employs a quick and nasty variation that combines Jujitsu and Tae Kwon Do.  Certain specialty branches of the military, like ISIS, refined the art of hand to hand combat down to a specific science of killing.  Some say these "Assassin" forms are deadly and unbeatable, but likely it is merely propaganda and psychological warfare designed to instill fear, making their job that much easier.

Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread)
Post by: Eibborn on September 25, 2006, 02:58:39 AM
Woot, barfight.
I'm assuming that there's a good few of the buggers there, because people don't act like that if they don't have a good audience. If that's wrong, I can always edit my post.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread)
Post by: Azlan on September 25, 2006, 06:31:48 PM
I'm sorry about the lagging, it appears I'm going to be a tad busy for a few days and won't be able to stick to my schedule.  If Inky hasn't posted something by the time I'm back, I shall move on and post for him... which won't be nearly as good as if he did it himself.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread)
Post by: Eibborn on October 04, 2006, 12:55:11 AM
Quote from: Azlan on October 03, 2006, 09:43:03 PM
[ooc: what?  you expect the MPs to wade into the fray and get beat up too like in all those war movies?  meh, not on my watch.]
Curses! DX

...Yeah, this post was more or less spam.  :B

HAHA no wait!
Is Absalom isolated from his fellow combatants, or are they in a collective cell? I'm guessing they're in isolation... but you never know... >.>
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread)
Post by: Lushin on October 04, 2006, 09:06:41 PM
Quote from: Azlan on September 13, 2006, 03:10:46 AM
A small clarification needs to be made, in regards to the martial arts of this universe.

Martial arts as we know them were not practiced before the introduction of humans.  Unarmed combat was in its infancy and very rudimentary.

A fair majority of the Earth martial arts now exist here thanks to introduction of these forms by the humans.  Most of the common forms found in reality today are in practice, the major branches of kung fu, karate and a few of the non-asian forms are being practiced across the known planets.  Some derivative styles have been created to accommodate different physical characteristics of animal species and various military organizations have developed specialty "quickie" forms that encompass the basics and the "down and dirty" necessities.

The ISF military, in general, employs a quick and nasty variation that combines Jujitsu and Tae Kwon Do.  Certain specialty branches of the military, like ISIS, refined the art of hand to hand combat down to a specific science of killing.  Some say these "Assassin" forms are deadly and unbeatable, but likely it is merely propaganda and psychological warfare designed to instill fear, making their job that much easier.

Damn I really should have though of that. I guess I got way too exicted or something. I will tone it down in the futre.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread)
Post by: Azlan on October 05, 2006, 02:39:34 AM
Quote from: Eibbor_N on October 04, 2006, 12:55:11 AM

HAHA no wait!
Is Absalom isolated from his fellow combatants, or are they in a collective cell? I'm guessing they're in isolation... but you never know... >.>

Master Sergeant Orlo and Sergeant Dixon are in the same drunk tank with you at the ISF base on Vulpecula IV.  The Lycans are of course stuck in some other cell.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread)
Post by: Azlan on October 19, 2006, 07:30:13 PM
I need to know who is still active in this, because I am done with most of my planning.  I want to move forward, but I'm not sure what happened to Inky...
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread)
Post by: Lushin on October 19, 2006, 07:43:35 PM
Hey I'm still around. It's just like I said thought. Romulus is gonna be spending most of his available time training.I guess you can say that's what my squad is doing as well. Gotta keep ready, no idea what you have planned with Ben.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread)
Post by: Azlan on October 19, 2006, 07:53:07 PM
I'd hate to leave someone behind in all this.  Inky's character can actually safely be controlled by NPC action, but all the rest of you need to still be around. 

Sorry for all the pointless side wandering at this last stop, I wanted to see if Ink would rejoin, but I don't want to lose anyone else so I shall continue... probably tommorrow.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread)
Post by: Supercheese on October 19, 2006, 09:56:59 PM
*runs in with a bag of chips* I'm here!

...oh, wait, this isn't the DDR party.  :sweatdrop Well, I'm still here.  :)

Avatar change, go!
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread)
Post by: Paladin Sheppard on October 19, 2006, 10:08:18 PM
I'm still here!
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread)
Post by: Azlan on October 26, 2006, 08:36:26 PM
Things will be moving along shortly... today I must just revel in mind numbing laziness and Bleach.

I so wish I could find a sub of Kaiketsu Zorori.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread)
Post by: Supercheese on October 28, 2006, 09:10:00 PM
Not to sound nitpicky, but I'm not sure Dixie cups exist in this universe (i.e. Line in the Stars')...

Minor issue, I know. Feel free to ignore if you like, but I had to mention it 'cause I'm crazy like that.  :U
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread)
Post by: Azlan on October 28, 2006, 10:13:12 PM
They are called DLiC by military supply, which is usually is slang'd to "Dee lee cees".  Most just call them cups thanks to the humans.  I don't want to get into how a bunch of muzzle endowed creatures drink from cups...

Consider that there are a fair amount of odd drinking implements, some of which are most definitely dish-like.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread)
Post by: Eibborn on October 29, 2006, 10:36:23 PM
Twisty straws! :D
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread)
Post by: Azlan on November 09, 2006, 10:14:24 PM
Sorry for the delay, been a bit busy...
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread)
Post by: Azlan on November 30, 2006, 09:31:51 PM
No need to post anything yet... that was just a preparatory post, I just got too tired to finish it and jump to the next system.  This mandatory 10 hour work day is getting to me... darn system administration responsibilities, I really need more staff and a bigger budget.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread)
Post by: Azlan on December 14, 2006, 01:16:41 AM
The attack orders will be issued soon, anyone who still needs to take care of anything should best post it before the situation moves forward. 

Ground pounder units will not be used at this time, sorry guys.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread)
Post by: Azlan on December 17, 2006, 09:26:07 AM
Everyone is in full control of their own character and any subordinates assigned to them for this mission.  It is strategically important, but not a main line mission.  Meaning you have full control of actions and most combat situations, i.e. you all can rack up kills, score your own damage and personal injury.  Keep an eye on this thread before missions start, normally all actions are attempted and I resolve based on an attack/defense chart and a d20.

My scenario assistant has decided to add a twist to the encounter that will have mech pilots participating, so no one should be left out.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread)
Post by: Paladin Sheppard on December 19, 2006, 01:35:04 AM
Just letting everyone know I'll be gone for 3 and bit weeks...Az would you mind NPCing Kal for me till i get back?
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread)
Post by: Eibborn on December 25, 2006, 02:45:37 PM
Hm. I was holding back in case Poofy had orders for the troops, but he seems to be away for a while or something. What should I have my character be doing? WITHOUT ORDERS, I AM NOTHING! D:
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread)
Post by: Azlan on December 26, 2006, 01:02:12 PM
I will let you know.  For now, enjoy the holidays!  Happy holiday season.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread)
Post by: Azlan on January 09, 2007, 11:25:13 PM
Eibbor, this would be where you get to deploy with your mecha into the space battle... well, you the other NPCs and any other wayward mecha pilots that happen to have disappeared from play.  My hiatus must have lost some of the peeps...
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread)
Post by: Eibborn on January 13, 2007, 02:13:49 AM
Tsk. Sorry for the delay. Many apologies.
If I've made any errors, please do let me know. I did re-read the most recent posts and review the stats of Absalom's and the opponents' mechas, but it's all too probable that I misunderstood something.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread)
Post by: Azlan on January 13, 2007, 04:12:38 PM
The only thing to remember is you are in comparable mecha units, that are equipped with thruster units for space combat.  Your mecha is not designed for space combat, but the military retained the capability to convert its mecha if the need ever arose.  The space performance of your units are the same as theirs (speed and such), they just have a heavier weapons load-out.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread)
Post by: Eibborn on January 25, 2007, 11:50:30 AM
I'm out of town for just over a week starting after noon tomorrow, so I'd appreciate it if you'd try not to let my character get himself killed horribly in the vacuum of space. :D

Yeah. Just NPC him, s'il vous plait.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread)
Post by: Azlan on February 08, 2007, 06:13:08 PM
No, Kal did not notice her slip the hold-out into her pocket.  He does see the large Steyr Automatic pistol on her hip though.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread)
Post by: Azlan on February 16, 2007, 01:19:23 AM
Whee, cliche!  Yes it is a well used theme, but for this at least, you must give me a little quarter... everything is cliche when it comes to Acadians.

Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread)
Post by: Lushin on February 18, 2007, 06:12:19 PM
I'm guessing I picked the right answer with my post there Azlan? Now comes the hard part getting this guy back to the base.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread)
Post by: Azlan on March 01, 2007, 02:49:01 AM
Yes, that was the right answer.

Keeping in line with board requirements, the RP has been opened for new additions.  We have lost a few to life's many hardships and complications and a few extra players is always good.  Due to the nature of this RP, I do not foresee a great demand, but the requirements to open to new players is mandated and this is as best a spot as any.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Required open recruitment period)
Post by: Azlan on March 07, 2007, 10:30:10 PM
I forgot to tag the threads as opened.  I'm not especially sure for how long to keep them open, so it will only last for as long as we are in "port".  That could be months with the kind of pace I keep.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Required open recruitment period)
Post by: Prof B Hunnydew on March 26, 2007, 02:15:54 PM
Azlan If it is not too late, to come board

Name: Lt Nova Hunnydew
Age: 24
Gender:  Female
Species: Feline
Occupation: Field Scientist/engineer -- special study Xeno-technologies.
          :hair color:  blue  Eye: gold  Fur: mostly white with black and tan patches.
          :figure: trim/wiring... Figure 32d-24-36  wt:120 ht:5' 2"

General Background: LT Nova Hunnydew is straight out of the Confed's Benson Technical Institute.  She has majored in a engineer/weapons/propusion systems with a hobby of reading everything on the research of alien artifacts/technologies, that she can get her hand on.  She is a problem solver with a unique ability to reverse engineer most systems.. She has join the armed forces to get as close as she can to the latest alien technologies.  Hopefully, without getting killed. 

  Martial arts training and regular pistol training.
   Tinker of propusion/weapons systems for fighters and Mech. 
    Hacker of computers (has been caught once(out of 20 times)at reading sensitive data on alien technologies.)
    Innovator    (always thinking of new ideas to improve engine performance, but she success rate only %50 change of not exploding up in her face)

    No sense of authority, she is blunt to anyone.  She has a bigmouth when she is in the right, or thinks she is in the right.  and will points out mistakes quite loudly in any company. 


Edit: grammer and spelling.


     The Hunnydew's expedition was looking for sites of ancient alien ships and artifacts, hoping to find maybe a city or an outpost colony of aliens.  They found an ancient ship by chance in a small arid planet around an orange star.  The planet had atmosphere with enough free oxygen to be breathable, so they landed and set up camp near the crash site.

Dr Sarah Hunnydew, thought it would cruel to separate her daughter/pilot from her granddaughter for the standard year of the planned trip.  So, the little kitten Nova was allow on the expedition.  Yet, once on the planet of the orange sun, she began to play with "imaginary" fairy friends, which worried her mother.  The kitten would say that they taught her the ancient Acadian language.  With the little kitten's help, her grandmother and her crew are able to make some small repairs to the alien ship, Matron.  They connected power to the ship's computer core and some of minor ship systems, but entry into the main control room proved impossible.  Until one day, the chief engineering found the main control with its door opened , and inside, the remains of two fox-like race were found at the controls with an unconscious Nova on the floor.

Yet, There is little time for this victory.  The Hunnydew's expedition was on the outer reaches of known space, and the danger of space pirates was very real.  The expedition had been at the crash site for only five weeks, when a raider set off a passive alarm in the outer system, and this just days after the main control door was opened..  Before the raider could find them on the surface, the Hunnydews had to quickly pack up their site and achieve orbit, if they had any hope of escape.  In the rush, they left their spare power supplies and a solar array connected to Matron, the ship.  The ancient ship, itself, seems to know the danger and hides itself and the new power sources from normal scans as Hunnydew's ship reaches orbit.  After a fire fight with the raider during the race to jump speed, the Hunnydew's ship is damaged but it makes it home.  Because of the cost of the expedition and Dr Hunnydew's unwillingness,which some think on her part, to share the location of the crash site, the university would disapprove of any new expeditions for her.  Which was fine for Dr Sara Hunnydew, as she would dedicating the rest of her life to translating what she had been able to copied from the Matron's memory core.  The royalties from these discoveries would keep them in credits for quite a while, but it was never enough for they own expedition and she would to repaid the university for their ship's repairs  And Little Nova would be sad and say nothing, if anyone talked to her about her "fairy" friends, once she return home.

Nova the adult...
What does Nova, the adult, remembers of  the Hunnydew Expedition or of her imaginary fairy friends from her six old mind?   Nova had grown to believe that her "fairy" friend, Xaoc and Gaea were imaginary.  That as a lonely kitten, she made them up.  That Loki had confirmed that they existed is still a shock, but that they may still be alive, she has not accepted, yet.  Maybe the bodies of Xaoc and Gaea were only there for the benefit of the Hunnydew Expedition, but six year old Nova didn't think that the bodies were Xaoc and Gaea at the time.

Nova came to believe her Grandma's explanations for her abilities with the Acadian language, that she can guess or figure out anything, given enough time and thought.  Her intuition has been right more times than not, throughout her life, about many other things, like people, her studies, mechanics, and situations.  At present, she thinks the crystal around her neck is only a souvenir from the expedition, but she keeps it around her neck, very religiously for love of her grandmother.

Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Required open recruitment period)
Post by: Paladin Sheppard on March 26, 2007, 06:07:32 PM
Yay a new persson! Heya PBH!
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Required open recruitment period)
Post by: Azlan on March 26, 2007, 10:35:36 PM
Quote from: Prof B Hunnydew on March 26, 2007, 02:15:54 PM
Azlan If it is not too late, to come board

Name: Lt Nova Hunnydew
Age: 24
Gender:  Female
Species: Feline
Occupation: Field Scientist/engineer  -- special study Xeno-technologies.
          :hair color:  blue   Eye: gold  Fur: mostly white with black and tan patches.
          :figure: trim/wiring... Figure 32d-24-36  wt:120 ht:5' 2"

General Background: LT Nova Hunnydew is straight out of the Confed's Benson Technical Institute.  She has majored in a engineer/weapons/propusion systems  with a hobby of reading everything on the research of alien artifacts/technologies, that she can get she hand on.  She is a problem solver with a unique ability to reverse engineer most systems.. She has join the armed forces to get as closes as she to the latest alien technologies.  Hopefully, without getting killed. 

   Martial arts training and regular pistol training.
   Tinker of propusion/weapons systems for fighters and Mech. 
    Hacker of computers (has been caught once(out of 20 times)at reading sensitive data on alien technologies.)
    Innovativer     (always thinking of new ideas to improve engine preformance, but she sucess rate only %50 change of not exploding up in her face)

    No sense of authority, she is blunt to anyone.  She has a bigmouth when she is in the right, or thinks she is in the right.  and will points out mistakes quite loudly in any company. 


Wow, you are the only one to not PM me with silly character concepts that are way beyond the allowable spectrum!  Engineers FTW! 

It is not too late, until I get everyone out of this port... I will let this remain open for as long as needed.

Approved.  Welcome.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Required open recruitment period)
Post by: Valynth on March 28, 2007, 03:53:16 AM
Name:  Valynth Cernial
Age: 20
Gender: Male
species:  Human
Occupation:  Wanderer
   Hair color:  Brown
   Hair type:  curly
   Skin tone:  light tan
   Eye color:  Hazel
   Figure:  Tall, lean, and strong
   weight:  190 lbs
   Hieght:  6' 5"
   Clothing:  A deep blue button-down nano-text(a cloth treated with titanium so that it will never stain or absorb liquids) shirt, a pair of black nano-text slacks, a black wind-breaker jacket, and some brown-slighty used shoes.

General background:  Valynth is one of two offspring of a law enforcement officer in the Confederation and a stay-at-home mother.  When he was 9 his father was killed in the line of duty and his mother was killed by a drunken driver as she walked home with Valynth from his school.  From then on he lived with his older sister, a noted biologist.  As he grew under the guidance of his sister, he accepted the deaths of his parents and his inability to prevent them.  His grades in school remained strong despite the loss of his parents and the various scuffles he was a part of whenever he spotted a bully.  When he became 18, his sister, following the last will of Valynth's father, gave Valynth a Smith & Wesson Model 686 revolver and took him to a training field where he trained with it constantly and became certified to carry concealed and otherwise weapons.  From then on, he always carried it in a holster under his left arm and wore a small pack containing 24 rounds of ammunition on the left side of his belt, favoring his right hand for much of the firing.  He then became restless and though he could have stayed and studied at a university, his wanderlust got the better of him and he began to seek employment on a ship as a security personel despite his "outdated"  firearm.

   Handheld weapons training:  Though specialised in the use of his 686, Valynth was part of a general studies program, as such he ussually familiar with general hand held firearms used by civilian and most military personel in the Confederation.
   Revolver specialization:  Valynth has spent most of his free time training on his 686 and knows how to maintain and fire it with scary degrees of accuracy.
   Fast learner:  Though Valynth has only a college freshman education, he often learns information faster than most, resulting in his strong grades until he decided to strike out on his own.
   Street Smarts:  As a fast leaner, it took no time for Valynth to de-code much of the street life.  As a result he will know most slang used in Confed territories.
   Gun ammo:  .357 magnum

   Valynth has a passion for obeying the laws of the Confederation and is ussually against any violation of them.  His Faster Learn skill can ussually bypass the routine though.
   His primary weapon is considered out-dated by most civilizations.
   His primary weapon only holds six shots.
   Ammo is some-what expensive due to it's "classic" nature.

You knew I was going to try and enter a RP didn't you? \sarcasm  Anyway, I hope he's acceptable.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Required open recruitment period)
Post by: Azlan on March 28, 2007, 07:14:47 PM
This poses an interesting problem.  The current line up is military, as is the focus of the current storyline model.  Though I have not reached the point yet, there are a fair amount of unjustly imprisoned ISF Citizens that will need to be sorted out. 

He could be among them or one of the unwitting "pirates" scattered among the former opposition forces.  His skills seem to mostly be practical, with firearms as a high priority.  This is workable and I can mold this into something I was planning on doing anyways.  I'll leave your "origin" to you for the moment, you cannot start as a member of the player fleet, but you will be added later, though you may not like where you end up serving.

Let me know what you choose before making any posts, I will have more information to pass along.

Approval - pending.   
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Required open recruitment period)
Post by: Valynth on March 28, 2007, 11:29:44 PM
Hmmm, would you care to elaborate on the circumstances of each choice?  Each of one seems like it might be applicable, but I'll ultimately go with what you decide on.  Though each might rob him of his weapon/ammo.

Of course, he could wait 'till a new storyline that could introduce him better.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Required open recruitment period)
Post by: Azlan on March 30, 2007, 01:32:55 AM
Waiting might not be good, can't elaborate on the reason for that at this time though.

As for elaboration...

For the imprisoned citizenry, the pirates were known to take exploration vessels, cargo transports, freebooters, passenger liners and other like vessels as they plied their business of privateering.  To supplement their fleets, captured vessels were pressed into service in any capacity to add to our young dread pirate's fantasy of a high-space armada.  Those crew, passengers and stowaways that presented difficulty in mentally influencing, possessed detrimental moral flaws or were simply backlogged and awaiting conditioning were held in containment.  Loki is misguided, obsessed with unrealistic fantasy and somewhat naive to the ways of reality, but he is not cruel.  As such, people are not merely disposed of or destroyed.

As for being a pirate, that falls into two categories.  The "official" Star Imperium commissioned privateers, bearing modern representations of Letters of Marque and private sanction to operate beyond know space against dissidents, terrorists, true pirates and those hostile to the crown.  They are not especially picky on who they recruit, but they must have some honor and morals, operating to a level above that of common pirates. 

The other category in the pirates are those mentally influenced and conditioned by Loki through his psychic powers amplified through the Oriculim Metaframe (now destroyed).  These people, which does include all the officially sanctioned privateers, a number of real pirates (some killed in the battle, some captured and the rest escaped) and the IFL forces as the RP has mentioned, all were mentally controlled and influenced, living within a pirate space fantasy under the command of a legendary pirate leader.  Since this was not most people's real lives, many of these pirates are now confused, disoriented and missing large chunks of their lives as the fantasy slowly drains away.  Some of these people have been under Loki's influence for up to 200 years, as his powers also seem to have removed, reduced  or altered aging and certain other biological functions/processes. 

Does that help any?         
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Required open recruitment period)
Post by: Valynth on March 30, 2007, 02:33:35 AM
Yes, it helps alot, thank you.

The fantasy pirate poses a problem in that he'll have been a captive since he has a strong loyalty to the Confederation and that would make his revolver very easy to be lost since it would have been confiscated.

The real pirate option is about the same.

The offical pirate choice is the best one as he remains loyal to the Confederation, gets to explore, and work his skills with the revolver just as he wanted.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Required open recruitment period)
Post by: ShadesFox on March 30, 2007, 09:57:31 PM
Let's join this.

Name: Aaron Brown
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Species: Fox (heritage has some wolf in it, but mostly fox)
Occupation: Researcher
   Fur color:  Grey
   Eye color:  Blue
   Figure:  Well built
   weight:  210 lbs
   Height:  6' 0"
   Clothing: Favors large black jumpsuits.  Something like this,

General Background:

Aaron was an ugly cub.

But this was not the interesting part.  Aaron and Mark Brown were born to Maria and Robert Brown.  Not long there after Maria disappeared.  No one seemed willing to talk about it, every time he brought her up there was a brief moment of recollection about her before they quickly moved on to a new subject.  Robert stayed with Mark and Aaron for a while before he had to head off for a more lucrative job trading in the space lanes.  The brothers grew up with family members, grand parents, uncles, aunts, never staying with a relative for too long, never long enough for either of the foxes to grow attached.  They got regular messages from their father, stories about what he had seen, money to use for food, education, and other things fox children may do (lots of trading card games).  That was until the messages stopped.  It was widely assumed that he was claimed by the black, as many space traders were, either done in by any number of nasty accidents or equally nasty intentional accidents.

Many have wondered how the two could take the news so well.  In reality, neither really had parents to begin with, and in the end they did not even know for sure that either were actually dead, they were just gone, much like they always were.  With the lack of money Mark went into space trading following in dad's trail.  Some friends of Robert's felt sorry for him and Mark was able to get in to the trade easily enough.  Aaron secured a small scholarship to go to university.  He knew early on that he would be going for as long as he could, declaring that you were going for a graduate degree was a good method of avoiding compulsory enlistment.

While the war had long been over, a distant memory to many, there was still a compulsory enlistment system.  Target numbers for 'The Final Conflict to End Conflicts' were always defined as 'a lot'.  The amount of time they had to recruit also allowed them to develop a number of nasty tricks to recruit people.  Many accuse them of making scholarships difficult to maintain to trap students in some sort of military program.  This is one of the few cases where the many were wise.

When Aaron's money ran out he joined an officer training program.  He had shown great promise as a researcher, essentially devouring any knowledge put in his way.  The ISF was only too glad to set him on research projects, which always saw accelerated time tables when he was on the task.  Aaron did not mind the reputation of getting things done well before anyone thought it should be possible, it tended to get him on the most interesting projects.  Aaron was a part of two expeditions during his stay in university, each of which became infamous across university for going horribly wrong.  These incidents only saw Aaron's legend grow as he was credited with single handedly saving many members of these expeditions through quick thinking and good situational assessment.  Aaron vehemently denies these accusations, saying he just did what anyone should do, though that did not keep him from putting in for promotion.  Towards the end of his extended stay in University he was put in a senior assistant position for the research labs of the university.  However, the real post-doc that was supposed to be running the labs was often negligent in his duties, being too wrapped up in the latest "very important top secret project" to worry about the lab, effectively putting Aaron in charge.  This annoyed Aaron to no end, but you wouldn't have guessed it hearing Aaron's fond stories and memories of those times.

After he was awarded a doctorate in Xeno Biology, Aaron was expecting to be assigned to the lab or to some military research facility.  Imagine his surprise when he was assigned to the Inari class cruiser Revelation.

  Definitely a brain, though he holds his own in combat, though he would prefer not to.  He can absorb, understand, and regurgitate great swaths of knowledge.  He is also a great shot.

  Distracted easily.  Particularly dislikes leading.  Has also been known to bore people to tears with details that no one really cares about.  Also does not like killing people.  Maybe not a weakness, but it does lead him into awkward situations.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Required open recruitment period)
Post by: Azlan on March 31, 2007, 03:36:13 AM
Valynth ---> okay, the real pirate thing works.  However, the Confederation of Worlds does not sanction privateering, only the Star Imperium does.  So I shall make you an adventuring mercenary who singed on to hunt pirates and other enemies of the Confederation.  Approved

Shades ---> Nice to see you here.  Since you are going for a researcher, it is important to note that I base the Interstellar Federation's military structure on that of the United States Navy and Army.  This includes rates and qualifications.  True research positions would require significant college education and come with a non-line commission.  As enlisted, you would not get to do more then run basic tests, maintain equipment and run someone else's reports.  You would be a Science or Engineering technician as opposed to an actual engineer or research scientist.  If you wish to actually take on the full scientist and researcher, he will need to be commissioned and I will need to know the specific area of focus.  If you just want to be a technician, then the character is fine as he is.  (the full on scientist is more fun :D)  Pending

************* There will be a post tomorrow on happenings to date. *************

Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Required open recruitment period)
Post by: ShadesFox on March 31, 2007, 11:54:55 AM
Okay, though I'm horribly unfamiliar with the US military structure ^_^;;

I'll do more search to bring my application more in line with the 'researcher'
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Required open recruitment period)
Post by: Valynth on April 04, 2007, 11:36:52 PM
Quote from: Azlan on March 31, 2007, 03:36:13 AM
Valynth ---> okay, the real pirate thing works.  However, the Confederation of Worlds does not sanction privateering, only the Star Imperium does.  So I shall make you an adventuring mercenary who singed on to hunt pirates and other enemies of the Confederation.  Approved

Okay, so how should I enter?  Should I shuttle in with a group of other mercs, solo, or wait for the crew to actually mention hiring mercs or some such?
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Required open recruitment period)
Post by: Azlan on April 04, 2007, 11:42:48 PM
At the moment, all individuals associated with the "pirates" are contained and restricted movement until everything is sorted out.  Currently your character is on the space station under containment by ISF marines.

You can enter under a restricted, semi-imprisoned (house arrest) situation.  Mostly as setting up background and interacting with NPCs that can exist as merely names or can be fleshed out by yourself as needed.  I allow most players to mold their situations to their own needs.

Keep in mind:

You are unarmed
You have no authority over ISF marines or forces
You are restricted in movement to the personal quarters and Mess areas.
You have no access to external systems
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Required open recruitment period)
Post by: Valynth on April 04, 2007, 11:58:34 PM
So would it be alright for me to place him in one of the first groups that was first sent to investigate the pirates, but due to certain circumstances he was captured, and then recaptured now?
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Required open recruitment period)
Post by: ShadesFox on April 05, 2007, 12:06:38 AM
Not sure if I made this obvious, but I did revise my entry.  Awaiting approval.  (If I'm still messed up we can chat over PM about how to fix it).
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Required open recruitment period)
Post by: Azlan on April 05, 2007, 08:32:13 PM
Quote from: Valynth on April 04, 2007, 11:58:34 PM
So would it be alright for me to place him in one of the first groups that was first sent to investigate the pirates, but due to certain circumstances he was captured, and then recaptured now?

yes, this is fine.

Quote from: ShadesFox on April 05, 2007, 12:06:38 AM
Not sure if I made this obvious, but I did revise my entry.  Awaiting approval.  (If I'm still messed up we can chat over PM about how to fix it).

This earns an approved status.

The next round of posting from me in the RP will hit tomorrow.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Required open recruitment period)
Post by: Valynth on April 05, 2007, 11:45:58 PM
Okay, I'll give it a bit more thought and enter today, or maybe tomorrow.  I'm excited to be able to try my hand at this, but I'm going to try and keep it in a average level.

Also, would it be okay if I state the location from his point of view? (like ? - Valynth's room)
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Required open recruitment period)
Post by: Azlan on April 06, 2007, 10:22:11 PM
Quote from: Valynth on April 05, 2007, 11:45:58 PM

Also, would it be okay if I state the location from his point of view? (like ? - Valynth's room)

Yes.  Where ever your character is, your location should reflect that if relevant. 

Quote from: Azlan on April 05, 2007, 08:32:13 PM

The next round of posting from me in the RP will hit tomorrow.

I lied, expect it tomorrow... life got in the way.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Required open recruitment period)
Post by: ShadesFox on April 06, 2007, 11:50:08 PM
Unfortunate.  Stupid life, it has to be difficult like that.

Anywho, how shall I be introduced?  Will I get thrust into the action in the next post?
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Required open recruitment period)
Post by: Azlan on April 07, 2007, 08:35:49 PM
Quote from: ShadesFox on April 06, 2007, 11:50:08 PM
Unfortunate.  Stupid life, it has to be difficult like that.

Anywho, how shall I be introduced?  Will I get thrust into the action in the next post?

You'll have to post your entrance in a blaze of glory!  You can arrive on a fast transport, but the captain will likely be on station and in his meeting by the time you can post, so you may have to interrupt an important, special meeting to present your transfer orders.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Required open recruitment period)
Post by: Supercheese on April 16, 2007, 12:33:53 AM
Hey, I forgot to mention I'd be on vacation in Florida [with no internet - bleh!], but after doing some catching-up, it doesn't look like my presence was critically required in my absence, fortunately. It looks like my character's in the background for the time being, so I don't see much of a reason to post immediately and change that.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Required open recruitment period)
Post by: Eibborn on April 20, 2007, 05:21:25 PM
Sorry guys, but I'm going to bow out of this RP (if I haven't been written out for inactivity already, heh). I figured I should just say, instead of leaving you all hanging. It's been fun, of course, but I guess I'm just taking a break from role playing for a while.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Required open recruitment period)
Post by: Azlan on April 22, 2007, 03:05:24 PM
Quote from: Eibbor_N on April 20, 2007, 05:21:25 PM
Sorry guys, but I'm going to bow out of this RP (if I haven't been written out for inactivity already, heh). I figured I should just say, instead of leaving you all hanging. It's been fun, of course, but I guess I'm just taking a break from role playing for a while.

It is okay, I can understand.  Be safe.

Quote from: Prof B Hunnydew on April 22, 2007, 09:47:11 AM
Lt Hunnydew makes a point of sitting by Col Aaron on the transport...

"Hello Col. I'm Lt Nova Hunnydew... An assist Prof of Physics at Confed's BTI, granddaughter of Dr Bambi Hunnydew, Co-inventor of the Grand Jumpdrive. 5.0" Said Nova...  "So, How was your trip here?" she asks jokingly..


Shadesfox's character Aaron is a Major not a Colonel... there is a bit of confusion as Captain Summers and Colonel Nexx are both walking with the two of you.  I image Commander MacDuff is as well. 

I posted an annoying rank list in the LitS tech thread just for a heads up on the various structure and individual titles.  Just an FYI, but Captain Morgan Summers is a Naval Captain.   
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Required open recruitment period)
Post by: Prof B Hunnydew on April 22, 2007, 04:09:02 PM
Sorry, I will fix it... I should have look on Shadefox post on the thread, to verify.  I will have a picture of Nova, shortly.  Nova is a O-2 LTJG and also a naval officer.

Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Required open recruitment period)
Post by: Lushin on May 11, 2007, 11:30:43 AM
Oh dear god we've entered the Robotech Masters Chronicles. NOOOOOO!!!!!! Anyway >.> <.<
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Required open recruitment period)
Post by: Prof B Hunnydew on May 11, 2007, 02:21:56 PM
What ?  But the Invid are no where in sight...or Are Invid the "Masters"?

Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Required open recruitment period)
Post by: Azlan on May 11, 2007, 09:43:17 PM
I detest Robotech, if anything this resembles the last season of Stargate SG-1 more.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Required open recruitment period)
Post by: Prof B Hunnydew on May 11, 2007, 10:43:56 PM
Like most good shows, books or movies, the first story line is likely the best, but with each sequel the story goes down hill from there... you have a few expections, but they have to work real hard to< sometimes too hard >to keep the story fresh.

Robotech Macross was the only one worth watching, but I grew to detest Ming May... So what she can sing, she could never do anything else..     The trouble with the whole Robotech universe is that it was really three different stories with the same theme blended together...and Spin-offs are rarely any good but for fanitic fan-feeding.

Sorry Enough off-topic
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Required open recruitment period)
Post by: Azlan on May 12, 2007, 12:05:57 AM
To continue meandering off topic, Robotech is based off of Macross.  The main problem with Carl Macek trying to string three completely unrelated anime series together into one story.  They edited and re-dubbed Super Dimension Fortress Macross, Super Dimension Cavalry Southern Cross, and Genesis Climber Mospeada into the conglomeration of what is known as Robotech, Southern Cross and Invid Invasion.  I prefer to take the series as separate elements, in which case they are decent, especially with original dialog.

Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Required open recruitment period)
Post by: Paladin Sheppard on May 26, 2007, 07:54:48 PM
Sorry I've been away guys still going to be spoty on my posts for atleast another week or so.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Required open recruitment period)
Post by: Metal Juggernaut on May 26, 2007, 10:23:34 PM
Name: Sean "Boom" Davis

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Species: Grizzly Bear

Occupation: Marine Combat Engineer

Build: Heavy

Allegiance: Confederacy of Worlds

Rank: Corporal

Appearance: His fur color is brown,as is his eyes.Very heavy build,not exactly fat or chunky,but not skinny or thin. At 7' 2'' and 358 lbs. he makes for an easy target.He keeps his fur at maximum regulation length.

Backround: After a happy childhood with his parents, Davis decided to join the Marines, to right the wrongs in the world and to put a stop to illegal activity.As a child he set off fireworks as fast as he could find them, and blew up the nearest inanimate   
object he saw after that.He graduated from boot camp with his drill's recommendation for explosives, hence the nickname "Boom".

Skills: He specializes in explosives/explosive weapons and close- quarter combat .

Weaknesses: Tends to overkill much of the time,wasting time and resources.
Hates to run and likes to stay in one spot,despite his training.
(More will be added when he finds out himself)

I hope my guy makes the cut *crosses fingers* :eager

Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Required open recruitment period)
Post by: Azlan on June 03, 2007, 04:01:24 PM
Metal Juggernaut ---> approved.  You may make an entrance, I would restrict it to already a part of the fleet.  No more trans-solar special transfers.

I'll probably put you on the Phalanx and replace on of the minor NPCs on the Special Forces team 2 and set you up in the same area as Daimien and Valynth.  You'll be under one of the NPCs, Staff Sergeant Benjamin Foster.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Required open recruitment period)
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on June 03, 2007, 04:17:53 PM
If I might make a suggestion, perhaps an internal transfer within the fleet, to balance personnel?

Just a guess. I'd have to read the IC thread to be closer to the mark...
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Required open recruitment period)
Post by: Metal Juggernaut on June 03, 2007, 06:25:44 PM
Quote from: Azlan on June 03, 2007, 04:01:24 PM
Metal Juggernaut ---> approved.  You may make an entrance, I would restrict it to already a part of the fleet.  No more trans-solar special transfers.

I'll probably put you on the Phalanx and replace on of the minor NPCs on the Special Forces team 2 and set you up in the same area as Daimien and Valynth.  You'll be under one of the NPCs, Staff Sergeant Benjamin Foster.

ACK!!!*heart attack*...THANK YOU SIR!
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Required open recruitment period)
Post by: Azlan on June 03, 2007, 07:39:43 PM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on June 03, 2007, 04:17:53 PM
If I might make a suggestion, perhaps an internal transfer within the fleet, to balance personnel?

Just a guess. I'd have to read the IC thread to be closer to the mark...

Indeed, that would be what I was getting at.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Required open recruitment period)
Post by: Metal Juggernaut on June 03, 2007, 07:57:31 PM
Hmm...I wonder if Daimien could add me...I kinda feel out of place putting myself in a group.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Required open recruitment period)
Post by: Lushin on June 03, 2007, 08:57:26 PM
You're gonna be under Ben's squad. Nothing to do with me really. You may show up as a transfer or something from another ship.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Required open recruitment period)
Post by: Metal Juggernaut on June 03, 2007, 09:01:26 PM
Oh,ok...Still not sure on how im gonna pop in...meh,ill think of a way
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Required open recruitment period)
Post by: Lushin on June 03, 2007, 10:22:17 PM
Quote from: Metal Juggernaut on June 03, 2007, 09:01:26 PM
Oh,ok...Still not sure on how im gonna pop in...meh,ill think of a way
Just hang out I'm sure Azlan will be able to throw you in. Something may happen to one of the guys in Ben's crew for you to come in.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Required open recruitment period)
Post by: Azlan on June 04, 2007, 08:03:21 PM
I will work it out, but it might not be until tomorrow...
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Required open recruitment period)
Post by: Valynth on June 05, 2007, 12:02:05 PM
Okay, I'm a good bit confused on how this structure works, is Valynth considered a "rookie" because he was newly recruited, or is he considered separate because of his rank?  And what are the ranks of everyone else?  All I know is that Valynth's a seargent and I'm not sure exactly who he's supposed to take orders from.

I think he reports and recieves orders from Romulus, but again I'm not very sure.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Required open recruitment period)
Post by: Lushin on June 05, 2007, 02:31:33 PM
Technically your in my squad, but Ben out ranks you so you take orders from him aswell. You're also a rookie to me and the others in my first squad. You just got there and we've never seen you in battle. So we're gonna make sure we can count on you in a firefight. So right now you'r basically doing the same thing the other new people are doing.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Required open recruitment period)
Post by: Azlan on June 05, 2007, 08:48:36 PM
The special forces operatives are all ranked as E-4, specialist or corporal depending on their MOS, in Romulus's squad.  Valynth is E-5, sergeant, and the second to Romulus who is E-7, sergeant first class.

Benjamin Foster is the team leader of the new squad and E-6, staff sergeant with Alex Kiel as his second and an E-5 as well.

All the other 'recruits' are ranked E-3, Lance Corporal. 

Because Romulus and Benjamin are both senior, higher ranking NCOs and team leaders, they have the command authority to direct more junior NCOs and enlisted personnel.  This is the authority granted to them by the officers and obeying their orders is expected and required.  As special forces, your units are technically immune to the normal chain of command, bending will only to Special Forces Officers, operational commanders and mission commanders.  This does not mean you can disrespect officers or disobey lawful orders given in non-mission situations. 

Example: A fire breaks out on a base and an Ensign, Officer grade O-1, takes charge and begins directing fire suppression.  He orders Romulus and his team to operate the fire suppression equipment.  In this situation the officer can assume command and direct his team.  During a mission on the battlefield the same officer, if he found himself for some strange situation with Romulus's team, would be expected to take the appropriately respectful direction given by Romulus.  If this Ensign was a special forces officer of the appropriate type (Military Intelligence Tactical Assault or such, but not Military Intelligence Networking Engineer) then he could assume command.

Note: The most senior NCO you have is Senior Chief Petty Officer Amanda Wilcox, grade E-8.  She is a human female and a rare cyborg type.   
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Required open recruitment period)
Post by: Azlan on June 12, 2007, 08:40:18 PM
I will be getting to response for the current line either tomorrow or Thursday.  I need to do a bit of restructure to accommodate a personnel and player level change.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Closed RP)
Post by: Azlan on July 10, 2007, 12:46:39 PM
Important note: My internet access may be limited until Saturday/Sunday because I will be flying out to Connecticut to help setup my company's new branch out there.  It will be a gruelling few days.  My hotel may or may not have internet access that is easily useable.  My laptop is running a Vista Build and I've been having problems between it and my wireless.  This will be my first trip with the new laptop.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Closed RP)
Post by: Azlan on July 18, 2007, 04:07:47 PM
You must forgive Shadesfox and myself, our planetside post titles originate from the Led Zeppelin song - Immigrant Song.

It looks like a bit of action is coming to fruition.

Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Closed RP)
Post by: Azlan on July 18, 2007, 04:14:36 PM
The following characters and their players are officially canned, if this has occurred in error, please PM me or post here.

Ink - Morgan Summers

Poofy - Lee Cohen

Supercheese - Robert MacDuff

Eibbor - Absalom

BillBuckner - Conrad Tomczyk

Valkyn - Lucas Marcone

Valynth - Valynth Cernial

Metal Juggernaut - Sean "Boom" Davis

All these characters will remain as auto-enabled NPCs, especially Captain Summers and Commander MacDuff.

I am opening this up again, but potentials must be capable of participating to a reasonable level.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: techmaster-glitch on July 18, 2007, 04:39:41 PM
Excellent! This RP has occasionally attracted my interest, but I never actually read through the IC or OOC. Since this RP has been opened again, I'll be starting on that today. With any luck, my excellent abilities at fast reading may be able to get me though in some time. I'll see what's available when I catch up. See you then.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: ShadesFox on July 18, 2007, 05:13:15 PM

You should never have to apologize for Zeppelin!
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: Azlan on July 18, 2007, 05:19:29 PM
Quote from: ShadesFox on July 18, 2007, 05:13:15 PM

You should never have to apologize for Zeppelin!

There are some unfortunate souls who do not appreciate teh Led Zeppelin...
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on July 18, 2007, 07:06:17 PM
Quote from: Azlan on July 18, 2007, 05:19:29 PM
There are some unfortunate souls who do not appreciate teh Led Zeppelin...

.. and they are truly unfortunate.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: Azlan on July 18, 2007, 07:15:00 PM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on July 18, 2007, 07:06:17 PM

.. and they are truly unfortunate.

A sad lot they are, doomed to wander the land between easy listening and soft rock.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: techmaster-glitch on July 18, 2007, 08:45:15 PM
Azlan, you've given us a list of those who are out, pending the reason for re-opening the RP. I'm still reading though the IC and OOC (though I'm more than halfway done), but it would be nice to have a clear list of those who are still in.

EDIT: Finished the OOC and IC threads. I'm still kind of drafting my character, so I'll read through the tech thread and post my character when I can.

EDIT EDIT: Just finished the Tech thread and *yawn* I'm hitting the sack. I'll post my character sometime tomorrow, maybe in the morning.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: Azlan on July 19, 2007, 03:58:17 AM
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on July 18, 2007, 08:45:15 PM
Azlan, you've given us a list of those who are out, pending the reason for re-opening the RP. I'm still reading though the IC and OOC (though I'm more than halfway done), but it would be nice to have a clear list of those who are still in.

Currently we have the following active members:

Daimien - Romulus Darkcloud (Special Forces, sergeant first class)

Paladin Sheppard - Kal Jeico (LAM pilot, 1st Lieutenant)

Prof B Hunnydew - Nova Hunnydew (military scientist/engineer, Lieutenant)

Shadesfox - Aaron Brown (military scientist, Major)

Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: techmaster-glitch on July 19, 2007, 11:00:17 AM
Only four left? Holy-damn, you do need more PCs.
Yeah, Ill get my character up ASAP.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: Azlan on July 19, 2007, 02:04:10 PM
I prefer to be around 6, higher works, but it can be difficult to coordinate actions and keep everybody busy enough to be happy.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: Catffeinated on July 20, 2007, 04:43:13 PM
Yo! I'm intrested and have my character here.
Name: Joshua "Longshot" Dile
Age: 31
Gender: Male
Species: Feline-Cheetah
Occupation: Military Arms Inventor, Sec-Ops Sniper

Appearance: Tall, around 6', wearing hiking boots and, a Skin-tight digital catsuit (Provides camouflage appropriate to its surroundings) (ex. In an area under high video surveillance, it's digital camo, snowy, it's snow camo, etc.). Constantly has his "best friend", a modified plasma sniper rifle with 20x video scope, behind him.

General Background: Joshua always wanted to be an inventor, he had a love for guns, so he naturally worked to become an inventor for Military-grade weapons. He loved it, that is, until he heard about the war. Then he didn't want to just help them, he wanted to be one of them. He quit his inventing career to enter the army. He trained for years, and found himself at home far away from the battle, sniping out the enemy and covering what he called his family.

   Skilled in sniping and stealth.
   Highly Accurate.
   Mediocre with small arms.
   Familiar with most guns. (Does not necessarily mean he can use most guns...)

Modified plasma sniper rifle info-
-20x video scope- sends images to his contact lens HUD.
-Nitrogen Overheat Responce System [NORS (Pronounced "norse")]- Injects cooled nitrogen into the barrel after an overheat, shortens overheat recovery time by half.
-Attached laser pistol- A removeable laser pistol (Cannot be fired when attached)

So, this good?
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: techmaster-glitch on July 20, 2007, 04:45:29 PM
*cough*Did you read entirely through the OOC, IC, and tech threads? I would suggest that you do,so you are completely familiar with everything.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: Azlan on July 20, 2007, 06:05:06 PM
I'm still reviewing tech's submission, but there will be a few issues with it... more to come on that.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: techmaster-glitch on July 20, 2007, 06:09:20 PM
Still Reviewing my submission?  :mowdizzy Gawd, it must be even longer than I did come in at a grand total of almost four complete pages in Microsoft Word *headslap*. I am so terribly sorry about that, my creativity (which rarely surfaces) just ran away with my. Sorry again! 

And by 'familiar', I meant familiar with setting, backdrop, and technology.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: Azlan on July 20, 2007, 06:50:47 PM
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on July 20, 2007, 06:09:20 PM
Still Reviewing my submission?  :mowdizzy Gawd, it must be even longer than I did come in at a grand total of almost four complete pages in Microsoft Word *headslap*. I am so terribly sorry about that, my creativity (which rarely surfaces) just ran away with my. Sorry again! 

And by 'familiar', I meant familiar with setting, backdrop, and technology.

It is rather long, but I have also been a bit busy.  I shall finalize my response later tonight.

Quote from: Catffeinated on July 20, 2007, 04:43:13 PM
Yo! I'm intrested and have my charicter here.
Name: Joshua “Longshot” Dile
Age: 31
Gender: Male
Species: Feline-Cheetah
Occupation: Military Arms Inventor, Militia Sniper

Appearance: Tall, around 6’, wearing hiking boots and, a Skin-tight digital catsuit (Provides camouflage appropriate to its surroundings) (ex. In an area under high video surveillance, it’s digital camo, snowy, it’s snow camo, etc.). Constantly has his “best friend”, a modified plasma sniper rifle with 20x video scope, behind him.

General Background: Joshua always wanted to be an inventor, he had a love for guns, so he naturally worked to become an inventor for Military-grade weapons. He loved it, that is, until he heard about the war. Then he didn’t want to just help them, he wanted to be one of them. Unfortunately, he knew he couldn’t handle training, so he did the next best thing. He found a group of mercenaries, dedicated to helping the war end, fighting where the army wouldn’t. After awhile, they broke up after one of the members died, they were blaming each other. So, lately Joshua has just been roaming, looking for another opportunity like that to arise again.

   Skilled in sniping and stealth.
   Highly Accurate.
   Mediocre with small arms.
   Familiar with most guns. (Does not neccesarily mean he can use most guns...)

So, this good?

This needs a revision.  Getting a bit more familiar with all the threads in question is handy definitely.  For one, you would realize that this is a military based operation and the civilain participation is very limited.  A military engineer is a very possible idea.  Weapons engineers will not be as useful, as in any appropriate military, they get to design but not use the weapons. 

It is ultimately up to what you want to play, but consider carefully so that you are not stuck in a character that was not what you expected it to be.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: Catffeinated on July 20, 2007, 10:00:08 PM
Quote from: Azlan on July 20, 2007, 06:50:47 PM
For one, you would realize that this is a military based operation and the civilain participation is very limited.

What about freelancers? Would that be appropriate?

Quote from: Azlan on July 20, 2007, 06:50:47 PM
Weapons engineers will not be as useful, as in any appropriate military, they get to design but not use the weapons. 

Wrong there, most of the time the designers do test the guns as well as anything else related to it.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: techmaster-glitch on July 20, 2007, 10:04:01 PM
What about freelancers? Would that be appropriate?
I won't speak finally for Azlan, but I would guess that might be a no-no.

Wrong there, most of the time the designers do test the guns as well as anything else related to it.
Key word there; test, not use.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: Catffeinated on July 20, 2007, 10:06:16 PM
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on July 20, 2007, 10:04:01 PM
Key word there; test, not use.

:rolleyes Testing is using...
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: techmaster-glitch on July 20, 2007, 10:08:43 PM
But not field usage, that's what I meant. You'd be able to try out your own stuff in a firing range, but you wouldn't even be cleared for actual combat, let alone using your own weapons in battle.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: Azlan on July 21, 2007, 04:53:17 AM
Quote from: Catffeinated on July 20, 2007, 10:00:08 PM

What about freelancers? Would that be appropriate?

Freelancer weapon engineers?  Those are called terrorists and criminals. 

Weapons Engineers are either military personnel, or are employees in the private sector that work for companies contracting to the military.  To be an independent freelancer, means you are working with substandard, old and obsolete designs for criminal or terrorist organizations.  Though there is a little Battletech influence, one thing there is not are large Mercenary groups fielding modern military equipment and fighting by contract to the highest bidder.

Quote from: Catffeinated on July 20, 2007, 10:00:08 PM

Wrong there, most of the time the designers do test the guns as well as anything else related to it.

Wow, someone just contradicted me in my own game... and in real life, where I have a plethora of experience with the branches of the US Military and Federal Government organizations.

Have you actually worked in this field?  As an employee for a government contractor or the actual military?  A weapon's designer might test an experimental prototype, but the design engineers usually only analyze demonstrations carried out by test engineers.  The final prototypes are tested by those who made the request for the hardware, the actual people who will be piloting, firing and maintaining the equipment.  Test engineers observe, calibrate and evaluate performance, but the client's own staff makes the full evaluation and submits improvement requests, approvals, identifies flaws that must be fixed and design issues that must be refined.

Yes, as a designer you would gain some familiarity in the use of the weapons you have worked on, but there is a big difference from temperature controlled, noise dampened firing ranges to that of frigid wastelands, steamy jungles or sweltering deserts with bullets whizzing around you as you fight the pain of the wound in your thigh and squint your burning eyes to see through the smoked of burning bodies and wreckage to draw a bead on an enemy doing the exact same thing to find you... think about it.

Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: Catffeinated on July 21, 2007, 03:51:48 PM
There, modded it, threw away the whole 'militia' idea. Also, forgot to mention that he did in fact quit his inventing career. Added more detail about his weapon.
How's it now?
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: Azlan on July 21, 2007, 04:36:10 PM
RP Note for Daimien:

Just a quick reminder, Romulus is still of the enlisted ranks.  He may be an Non-commissioned officer, but a certain level of respect is still afforded to officers, addressing them by rank or the appropriate sir/ma'am.  Even an outburst in the heat of the moment, such as calling Lt. Nova "woman", is an offense, should she chose to pursue it, that could lead to court-martial.  I doubt it, because of her nature and he propensity for familiarity, but it can happen.  Most likely it would lead to a demerit of some sort.     

RP Note for Prof B Hunnydew:

It might not be appropriate to be so informal to other personnel, even those of lower rank... at least not until you've been working together long enough to become more informal.

Note on injury conditions:

Don't take Loki too seriously, his injuries are not trivial, but he's no medical expert.  He has a psychic diagnosis power that can reasonably accurately evaluate injuries and conditions, but he is still a "child" of his race, he is frightened and in pain, which has clouded his judgment, making him disregard his own evaluation.

If Nova has basic medical knowledge and a medical scanner, she knows that his injuries are not immediately fatal.  His commentary to the opposite is not based off of anything more then apprehension and fear... the pain and amount of bleeding is certainly very disconcerting to him as he has little experience in this area.  Like Nova's injury, sufficient bandaging and pressure will stem the hemorrhaging.  Eventually both will need to have the inclusion (bullet) removed and internal visceral damage sealed.  Death will only occur due to complete inattention via exsanguination or eventually possible infection. 
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: Azlan on July 21, 2007, 05:31:08 PM
Quote from: Catffeinated on July 20, 2007, 04:43:13 PM
Yo! I'm intrested and have my character here.
Name: Joshua "Longshot" Dile
Age: 31
Gender: Male
Species: Feline-Cheetah
Occupation: Military Arms Inventor, Sec-Ops Sniper

Appearance: Tall, around 6', wearing hiking boots and, a Skin-tight digital catsuit (Provides camouflage appropriate to its surroundings) (ex. In an area under high video surveillance, it's digital camo, snowy, it's snow camo, etc.). Constantly has his "best friend", a modified plasma sniper rifle with 20x video scope, behind him.

General Background: Joshua always wanted to be an inventor, he had a love for guns, so he naturally worked to become an inventor for Military-grade weapons. He loved it, that is, until he heard about the war. Then he didn't want to just help them, he wanted to be one of them. He quit his inventing career to enter the army. He trained for years, and found himself at home far away from the battle, sniping out the enemy and covering what he called his family.

   Skilled in sniping and stealth.
   Highly Accurate.
   Mediocre with small arms.
   Familiar with most guns. (Does not necessarily mean he can use most guns...)

Modified plasma sniper rifle info-
-20x video scope- sends images to his contact lens HUD.
-Nitrogen Overheat Responce System [NORS (Pronounced "norse")]- Injects cooled nitrogen into the barrel after an overheat, shortens overheat recovery time by half.
-Attached laser pistol- A removeable laser pistol (Cannot be fired when attached)

So, this good?

A few changes need to be made:

First is a basic issue, because of thermal and/or electric pressure expansion, plasma degrades rapidly limiting its useful range.  Lasers, matter weapons and particle beam style weapons are used for long range sniping typically.  If you wish to remain somewhat unique, then consider using a plasma laser sniper rifle, where a plasma stream or bolt is fired down a laser.  High-energy lasers ionize the air around their beam, heating the atmosphere and providing the plasma with an easy passage to the target.

Second basic issue, the whole NORS system would be great in an FPS, but in reality, even the most advanced alloys and synthetics (barring those from super advanced species) whole buckle and fracture (or at least become brittle) in instantaneous temperature changes.  Temperature controls the degree of plasma ionization, which is determined by the electron temperature relative to the ionization energy.  Even a typical "cold plasma" is several thousand degrees Celsius.  Injecting cooled nitrogen, at least you appear aware that it is a relatively dielectric gas, would not be especially prudent when you consider the expansion relative to the difference in temperature...

Minor statistical issue:
The character needs to be average with most guns.

*Be aware that army/marine personnel have at least:

Basic hand to hand training
Basic melee training (knives and such)
Familiarity with all small arms, heavy arms and vehicle mounted weapons
basics of grenade usage
field first aid
basic communications equipment usage

Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: Catffeinated on July 21, 2007, 10:23:04 PM
Noted! First issue: I see your point there, and I like your idea, so if it's ok with you, I'll use it. The second issue: Understood, I'll replace it with an automatic vent release, how's that sound? Once the gun overheats, a vent near the back releases any heat trapped in the plasma chamber into the atmosphere. Unfortunately, that makes his location obvious to heat-sesitive devices, such as heat-seekers or thermal vision. And as for the minor note, I am aware, he just isn't as good with any heavy or medium arms that aren't rifles, (i.e. Chain guns, grenade launchers), as he is with rifle-style weapons (i.e. Sporting rifles, shotgun).
Would this be a good fix?
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: Azlan on July 21, 2007, 10:33:17 PM
It is acceptable, I'll be bringing you in after the current engagement since we are in a battle at the moment.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: Azlan on July 26, 2007, 03:44:04 PM
Due to Comic Con attendance, my participation will be spotty until approximately Sunday/Monday.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: Paladin Sheppard on July 28, 2007, 12:34:48 AM
Sorry about my lack of posts guys I've just not been able to come up with anything creative. And to be honest my mood hasn't been the best. SO I'm going to take a small break I still want to be in the RP I'm just taped out atm. Sorry.

Az feel free to auto Kal, thanks.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: Azlan on July 30, 2007, 08:55:28 PM
Quote from: Paladin Sheppard on July 28, 2007, 12:34:48 AM
Sorry about my lack of posts guys I've just not been able to come up with anything creative. And to be honest my mood hasn't been the best. SO I'm going to take a small break I still want to be in the RP I'm just taped out atm. Sorry.

Az feel free to auto Kal, thanks.

No problem Pal, rest up and be safe.  Peace.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: techmaster-glitch on July 30, 2007, 11:08:11 PM
BTW Azlan, did you ever finish reviewing my hopefully downtoned-enough character(s)?
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: Azlan on July 31, 2007, 12:02:06 AM
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on July 30, 2007, 11:08:11 PM
BTW Azlan, did you ever finish reviewing my hopefully downtoned-enough character(s)?

The characters are approved with a note or two via email.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: techmaster-glitch on July 31, 2007, 08:46:19 PM
Alright, just need to clip and trim a the few minor parts of the character sheet. I'll post it up and start in the IC thread when everyone is back on the ships and settled down.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: Azlan on August 02, 2007, 05:29:15 PM
You can do introduction posts, that way I can script things together and mesh things together better.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: techmaster-glitch on August 06, 2007, 11:54:04 PM
I've been waiting for an appropriate time to jump in the RP, but...
Could the crew about to attack the pirate base do with a quick one- or two-pass fighter/bomber run to 'soften up' the base to make it easier on them? If yes, then I can jump in now.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: Azlan on August 07, 2007, 12:30:20 AM
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on August 06, 2007, 11:54:04 PM
I've been waiting for an appropriate time to jump in the RP, but...
Could the crew about to attack the pirate base do with a quick one- or two-pass fighter/bomber run to 'soften up' the base to make it easier on them? If yes, then I can jump in now.

An airstrike would be warranted, probably to ground their gunship if anything... so yes, that would be good.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: techmaster-glitch on August 07, 2007, 12:33:49 AM
Great. Just have one of the characters send a communication to the ships in orbit, the command gets relayed to my squad in their bunks, Beep beep, wake up, they'll be up and ready in minutes.

EDIT: Clip, edit, tidy... Ok I think I've got the minor details fixed and the characters ready. Here they are:

Name: Nazareth Duke (Zeta-1)
Age: 31
Gender: Male
Species: Komodo Dragon
Appearance: Very large, 7ft. 4in. Obviously, a towering, imposing figure. (I checked the height with a tape measure, it's not too tall)
Rank: CWO-4

Occupation: Nazareth is the leader of a five-man ISF squad of all-reptile fighter pilots (including him) with the official designation of Zeta-Group, but are occasionally known as the Crusading Scales. During combat, they are referred to by their Zeta-designation. The Crusading Scales pilot modified Saber-Class fighters. The heavy fighters are modified in a way that they keep all original armaments but have a little extra space to hold a small ordnance bay. This effectively makes them fighter-bombers, able to deliver their payload to targets on the ground or a capital ship in space.

Personality: Nazareth is often best described as 'gruff and reserved'. He is very mindful of authority, and takes orders from any superior ranking officer without question. However, he looks down on anyone of lower rank (excepting his own squad, or course), and the extremely rare occasions that he has allowed this to show have earned him a few reprimands. He has what could be described, somewhat cliché-like, a 'cold, calculating mind'. He always takes the objectives, then figures out the most expeditious way to accomplish them.

-Nazareth has a...marked distaste...for the bondservice business. However, very few people know this, as he rarely has provocation to express it.
-He often worries that he and his squad might fail tremendously someday, and not live up to the reputation of the previous Crusading Scales.

Skills: Nazareth and his wingmates are exemplary pilots, and each has received at least one commendation for a successful bombing run or dogfight against rather stacked odds.

Squadmates/Wingmates of the Crusading Scales:

1st: Burns Torson; Crocodile (Zeta-2), CWO-3
Burns is the second-in-command for Zeta-Group, sometimes know as the Crusading scales. His tactical skills aren't as good as Nazareth's but he can substitute if a situation calls for it. He has a personality similar to Nazareth's. He also has an extremely hearty appetite. NEVER disturb Burns in the mess hall, or bad things may happen...

2nd: Mack Narth; Gecko (Zeta-3), O-1 Ensign
Mack is, seemingly in contrast to his slim frame, the heavy bombing specialist of Zeta-Group. His Saber always carries the bigger 'booms', and is also very accurate with what he drops. Outside of his fighter, he is quite friendly to anyone outside of the Crusading Scales, but they know him better as being ferocious in combat. Being a gecko, if he isn't wearing any gloves, don't shake his hand no matter how much he smiles...

3rd: Norton Kalmunt; Frilled Lizard (Zeta-4), O-1 Ensign
Norton is the tecnhical expert/engineer/repairman of the Crusading Scales. He has specialized knowledge in fighter mechanics, and knows well how they work. If one of the Zeta's ships is damaged during combat, the can land somewhere and Norton can do a quick patch-up. His frills are very reflective of his mood; oftentimes, you can determine what mood he is in by simply looking at his frills. His Tactical Life Support Suit has special slits in it to allow his frills through, and polymer sleeves that fit around the frills to seal the suit and allow him to move freely.

4th: Satch Nestor: Snake (Zeta-5), O-1 Ensign
Satch is the dogfighter specialist of the Crusading Scales. He has considerable skill when going toe-to-toe with other one- or two-man fighters and bombers, though his Saber is modified in the same way as the rest, so he can still bomb when he has to. He is also able to pilot his Saber with great agility. Personality-wise, he's the spunky hotshot of the group, and quirk-wise, of course, his tongue is always flicking in and out. This can be annoying to company if he gets to close and winds up repeatedly tickling their face.

Control of the squadmates during combat I will leave mostly for you, Azlan, but I may take control for some conversations or formation maneuvers. During combat, it is mainly Nazareth whom I will be controlling.

EDIT: Shades, while you and the infantry are seeming to go for being sneaky on the pirate base, you said so yourself,
QuoteOur specialty around here seems to be blowing things up with gusto, so we will go with that.
, and you probably could still sneak in under cover of the chaos of things exploding, soooo....maybe you could put in a request to the main ships for an airstrike? :3
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: Azlan on August 07, 2007, 05:36:56 PM
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on August 07, 2007, 12:33:49 AM
Great. Just have one of the characters send a communication to the ships in orbit, the command gets relayed to my squad in their bunks, Beep beep, wake up, they'll be up and ready in minutes.

EDIT: Clip, edit, tidy... Ok I think I've got the minor details fixed and the characters ready. Here they are:

Name: Nazareth Duke (Zeta-1)
Age: 31
Gender: Male
Species: Komodo Dragon
Appearance: Very large, 7ft. 4in. Obviously, a towering, imposing figure. (I checked the height with a tape measure, it's not too tall)
Rank: Chief Warrant Officer 0-4

Occupation: Nazareth is the leader of a five-man ISF squad of all-reptile fighter pilots (including him) with the official designation of Zeta-Group, but are occasionally known as the Crusading Scales. During combat, they are referred to by their Zeta-designation. The Crusading Scales pilot modified Saber-Class fighters. The heavy fighters are modified in a way that they keep all original armaments but have a little extra space to hold a small ordnance bay. This effectively makes them fighter-bombers, able to deliver their payload to targets on the ground or a capital ship in space.

Personality: Nazareth is often best described as 'gruff and reserved'. He is very mindful of authority, and takes orders from any superior ranking officer without question. However, he looks down on anyone of lower rank (excepting his own squad, or course), and the extremely rare occasions that he has allowed this to show have earned him a few reprimands. He has what could be described, somewhat cliché-like, a 'cold, calculating mind'. He always takes the objectives, then figures out the most expeditious way to accomplish them.

Skills: Nazareth and his wingmates are exemplary pilots, and each has received at least one commendation for a successful bombing run or dogfight against rather stacked odds.

Squadmates/Wingmates of the Crusading Scales:

1st: Burns Torson; Crocodile (Zeta-2), Chief Warrant Officer 0-3
Burns is the second-in-command for Zeta-5, sometimes know as the Crusading scales. His tactical skills aren't as good as Nazareth's but he can substitute if a situation calls for it. He has a personality similar to Nazareth's. He also has an extremely hearty appetite. NEVER disturb Burns in the mess hall, or bad things may happen...

2nd: Mack Narth; Gecko (Zeta-3), 0-1 Ensign
Mack is, seemingly in contrast to his slim frame, the heavy bombing specialist of Zeta-Group. His Saber always carries the bigger 'booms', and is also very accurate with what he drops. Outside of his fighter, he is quite friendly to anyone outside of the Crusading Scales, but they know him better as being ferocious in combat. Being a gecko, if he isn't wearing any gloves, don't shake his hand no matter how much he smiles...

3rd: Norton Kalmunt; Frilled Lizard (Zeta-4), 0-1 Ensign
Norton is the sharpshooter of the Crusading Scales. He knows his fighter well, and can predict where his shots will go. He also can figure out the weak points of a target, enabling him to hit where it hurts, even on larger ships. His frills are very reflective of his mood; oftentimes, you can determine what mood he is in by simply looking at his frills. His Tactical Life Support Suit has special slits in it to allow his frills through, and polymer sleeves that fit around the frills to seal the suit and allow him to move freely.

4th: Satch Nestor: Snake (Zeta-5), 0-1 Ensign
Satch is the dogfighter specialist of the Crusading Scales. He has considerable skill when going toe-to-toe with other one- or two-man fighters and bombers, though his Saber is modified in the same way as the rest, so he can still bomb when he has to. He is also able to pilot his Saber with great agility. Personality-wise, he generally keeps to himself, and quirk-wise, of course, his tongue is always flicking in and out. This can be annoying to company if he gets to close and winds up repeatedly tickling their face.

Control of the squadmates during combat I will leave mostly for you, Azlan, but I may take control for some conversations or formation maneuvers. During combat, it is mainly Nazareth whom I will be controlling.

EDIT: Shades, while you and the infantry are seeming to go for being sneaky on the pirate base, you said so yourself,
QuoteOur specialty around here seems to be blowing things up with gusto, so we will go with that.
, and you probably could still sneak in under cover of the chaos of things exploding, soooo....maybe you could put in a request to the main ships for an airstrike? :3

The proper rank formats for are:

Chief Warrant Officer 4 abbreviated as CWO-4

Chief Warrant Officer 3 abbreviated as CWO-3

O-1 Ensign (it is an O for officer not a 0 for the number zero).

I'll have the fleet command order the strike, it will probably work out better that way.

All characters are approved... more NPCs for me to play, yay  :mowdizzy

Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: techmaster-glitch on August 07, 2007, 06:25:58 PM
I'm on a tight schedule at the moment, I will get them into their TLS suits and heading towards the launch bays as soon as I'm able to post an adequate reply.

EDIT: Intro up.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: Azlan on August 08, 2007, 02:24:25 AM
They can refer to themselves as Chief Warrant Officers, that is the standard address.

The fighters will likely be outfitted with light anti-ship missiles.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: techmaster-glitch on August 08, 2007, 10:13:23 AM
M'kay. Edited.

And just a little note, about getting our Sabers ready, I deliberately left Burns' actions/dialogue open. If I do that, it's a pretty safe bet that I want you to take control for that moment. In this case, I mean for you to do the contacting, then most likely a description of our fighters getting loaded up and put on the launchramps.

And Nazareth has put in his own request for more inormation regarding the mission, hostiles, friendlies, hazards, things like that.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: Azlan on August 08, 2007, 03:05:45 PM
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on August 08, 2007, 10:13:23 AM
M'kay. Edited.

And just a little note, about getting our Sabers ready, I deliberately left Burns' actions/dialogue open. If I do that, it's a pretty safe bet that I want you to take control for that moment. In this case, I mean for you to do the contacting, then most likely a description of our fighters getting loaded up and put on the launchramps.

And Nazareth has put in his own request for more inormation regarding the mission, hostiles, friendlies, hazards, things like that.

Believe me, I know... I just tend to move somewhat slower to make sure everyone catches what is going on and has a chance to post.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: techmaster-glitch on August 08, 2007, 06:03:44 PM
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: techmaster-glitch on August 08, 2007, 08:56:31 PM
Upon arriving at the flight deck, the sabers are indeed ready for launch.  The flight crews perform the last checkups and help the team into the fighters, strapping them in and giving the thumbs up.  The ground crews clear the area and with an okay from flight control, each fighter is rocketed out into space.

The other members of Zeta Group form up on  Nazareth.
Are there other fighters going with Zeta-Group? Just want to clarify.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: lucas marcone on August 08, 2007, 09:02:19 PM
you know i often feel stupid for dropping out before any action started heh.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: Azlan on August 08, 2007, 09:46:53 PM
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on August 08, 2007, 08:56:31 PM
Upon arriving at the flight deck, the sabers are indeed ready for launch.  The flight crews perform the last checkups and help the team into the fighters, strapping them in and giving the thumbs up.  The ground crews clear the area and with an okay from flight control, each fighter is rocketed out into space.

The other members of Zeta Group form up on  Nazareth.
Are there other fighters going with Zeta-Group? Just want to clarify.

No, your team is estimated to be sufficient for the operation.

Quote from: lucas marcone on August 08, 2007, 09:02:19 PM
you know i often feel stupid for dropping out before any action started heh.

Though it is not specifically mentioned, your character was a casualty in the battle.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: lucas marcone on August 08, 2007, 10:14:04 PM
in an unmarked grave i assume...or the vaccume of space perhapse?
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on August 08, 2007, 10:18:41 PM
Could be worse. You could have been splattered all over a wall somewhere. Or been used as an ablative meatshield on the dropship... (he says, without having read the IC thread, so totally guessing...)
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: lucas marcone on August 08, 2007, 10:19:33 PM
well atleast a meat sheild serves a purpose.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: Azlan on August 08, 2007, 10:21:00 PM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on August 08, 2007, 10:18:41 PM
Could be worse. You could have been splattered all over a wall somewhere. Or been used as an ablative meatshield on the dropship... (he says, without having read the IC thread, so totally guessing...)

I would be insulted if I was actually doing this for the entertainment of the peanut gallery... as you seem to watch the others.  It is to be assumed, little that I do merits the notice of others.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: techmaster-glitch on August 08, 2007, 10:58:25 PM
Quote from: Azlan on August 08, 2007, 09:46:53 PM
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on August 08, 2007, 08:56:31 PM
Upon arriving at the flight deck, the sabers are indeed ready for launch.  The flight crews perform the last checkups and help the team into the fighters, strapping them in and giving the thumbs up.  The ground crews clear the area and with an okay from flight control, each fighter is rocketed out into space.

The other members of Zeta Group form up on  Nazareth.
Are there other fighters going with Zeta-Group? Just want to clarify.

No, your team is estimated to be sufficient for the operation.

Oh, I get it. I thought the fighters being launched were other groups, because I was expecting to launch mine. Don't worry, it's no problem at all.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: Azlan on August 08, 2007, 11:05:25 PM
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on August 08, 2007, 10:58:25 PM

Oh, I get it. I thought the fighters being launched were other groups, because I was expecting to launch mine. Don't worry, it's no problem at all.

It is more important that you move forward with your attack then worry about your launch.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on August 09, 2007, 09:12:02 AM
Quote from: Azlan on August 08, 2007, 10:21:00 PM
I would be insulted if I was actually doing this for the entertainment of the peanut gallery... as you seem to watch the others.  It is to be assumed, little that I do merits the notice of others.

Heh. No, the ones I watch are the slower ones. The ones that have lots and lots of posts - well, I -do- have limited time, and other tasks. :-/

I'd -love- to be able to keep up with all of the forum. Sadly... All I can do is monitor the OOC threads, and try to keep an eye out for problems. Your RP, well... I like the idea enough that I'd rather not spoil it with the reality of the way many of the forum goers seem to play.

Sorry about that. :-/
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: Azlan on August 09, 2007, 02:26:50 PM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on August 09, 2007, 09:12:02 AM

Sorry about that. :-/

I'm giving you what they call... the "hard time".

Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on August 09, 2007, 03:43:29 PM
Quote from: Azlan on August 09, 2007, 02:26:50 PM
I'm giving you what they call... the "hard time".

Your humour got lost in translation. Perhaps an emoticon next time?

On second thoughts, maybe not. :-]
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: Azlan on August 09, 2007, 03:58:52 PM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on August 09, 2007, 03:43:29 PM
Quote from: Azlan on August 09, 2007, 02:26:50 PM
I'm giving you what they call... the "hard time".

Your humour got lost in translation. Perhaps an emoticon next time?

On second thoughts, maybe not. :-]

Negative, I prefer people to keep guessing whether or not these kind of things are jokes or not. :P
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: Azlan on August 10, 2007, 04:47:52 PM
I'm awaiting a reappearance of Shades the fox... I'll move forward probably on Monday even if he hasn't posted.  This weekend is occupied as it is double XP till Monday!  Whoo.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: techmaster-glitch on August 10, 2007, 10:30:26 PM
Quote from: Azlan on August 10, 2007, 04:47:52 PM
I'm awaiting a reappearance of Shades the fox...
Yup, same here. It's alright though, I can be patient when I want to be, and BOTM is definatly a time-occupier.

Question: Which rank is higher, CWO-4 or Major? Basically, who outranks who, Nazareth or Aaron? I need to know so I can word Nazareth's dialogue properly when time comes, especially if Aaron is higher...I'd bet he is. :B
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: Azlan on August 10, 2007, 11:46:32 PM
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on August 10, 2007, 10:30:26 PM
Quote from: Azlan on August 10, 2007, 04:47:52 PM
I'm awaiting a reappearance of Shades the fox...
Yup, same here. It's alright though, I can be patient when I want to be, and BOTM is definatly a time-occupier.

Question: Which rank is higher, CWO-4 or Major? Basically, who outranks who, Nazareth or Aaron? I need to know so I can word Nazareth's dialogue properly when time comes, especially if Aaron is higher...I'd bet he is. :B

Aaron outranks Nazareth.  As a Chief Warrant Officer, you are equivalent to an O-3 Captain (army)/Lieutenant (navy).  A warrant officer is a single track specialty officer holding a warrant for their rank as opposed to a full commission.  specialists, especially technical, have a tendancy to take this track out of enlisted, as it is less political, but it also lacks the line command of a full, generalist officer.  Once a Chief Warrant Officer reaches CWO-2 or 3 he can choose to take a full commission as an O-3.  Chief Warrant Officers of CWO-4 or CWO-5 can also take a full commission to O-4, Major when they come up for review.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: techmaster-glitch on August 11, 2007, 12:03:23 AM
Thanks for the clarification, now I can make sure that Nazareth addresses Aaron with the proper respect.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: techmaster-glitch on August 11, 2007, 01:08:55 PM
I've edited my character profile, specifically Norton Kamunt's. Instead of being the fighter 'marksman' for the Crusading Scales, he is instead their technicall engineer and in-situ mechanic. Is that ok, Azlan?
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: Rammenstein on August 11, 2007, 02:09:52 PM
Greetings! I have been referred to this RP by my good friend Tech-Dude and wish to join. So, I shall wait for the current action to finish and for everyone to return to the ship. When that happens, I shall post my profile and start role-playing. ^.^

Edit: Also, I have a question. Just how does the stealth on the Shadowcat Mechas work?
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: Azlan on August 13, 2007, 04:35:54 PM
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on August 11, 2007, 01:08:55 PM
I've edited my character profile, specifically Norton Kamunt's. Instead of being the fighter 'marksman' for the Crusading Scales, he is instead their technicall engineer and in-situ mechanic. Is that ok, Azlan?

That is fine!

Quote from: Rammenstein on August 11, 2007, 02:09:52 PM
Greetings! I have been referred to this RP by my good friend Tech-Dude and wish to join. So, I shall wait for the current action to finish and for everyone to return to the ship. When that happens, I shall post my profile and start role-playing. ^.^

Edit: Also, I have a question. Just how does the stealth on the Shadowcat Mechas work?


The stealth systems employed by the Shadowcat are very advanced systems.  The unit employs state of the art ECM/ECCM units to jam enemy sensors and a special alloy paint to absorb sensor scanning emissions.  The other aspect is the optical camoflague cloaking device similar to the unit of the Special Forces body armor.

Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: techmaster-glitch on August 13, 2007, 06:06:59 PM
The stealth systems employed by the Shadowcat are very advanced systems.  The unit employs state of the art ECM/ECCM units to jam enemy sensors and a special alloy paint to absorb sensor scanning emissions.  The other aspect is the optical camoflague cloaking device similar to the unit of the Special Forces body armor.
Rammy's gonna like that ;) I expected the sensor-jamming stuff, but the actual visual camaflouge was something I told him not to count on.
So, basically, the thing works like 'nullsig' from Battletech?

One other thing. You said that if ShadesFox hadn't appeared by today, you were going to go ahead and move the RP along. However, I have seen him logged on, once Friday night, once last night, even though he never posted anything.
Instead of forcing things along, why don't you send him a PM asking what's going on? I'd send a message myself, but I don't know him well enough for that. Is that an ok suggestion?
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: Azlan on August 13, 2007, 06:31:19 PM
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on August 13, 2007, 06:06:59 PM
Rammy's gonna like that ;) I expected the sensor-jamming stuff, but the actual visual camaflouge was something I told him not to count on.
So, basically, the thing works like 'nullsig' from Battletech?

One other thing. You said that if ShadesFox hadn't appeared by today, you were going to go ahead and move the RP along. However, I have seen him logged on, once Friday night, once last night, even though he never posted anything.
Instead of forcing things along, why don't you send him a PM asking what's going on? I'd send a message myself, but I don't know him well enough for that. Is that an ok suggestion?

The ECM/ECCM and paint work as nullsig, but the optical cloak is like an actual visual camo or cloaking device.

As for Shades, I will speak with him if I can or PM him.  I won't be able to do that as I do not have IM capability here.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: Rammenstein on August 13, 2007, 07:07:44 PM
Quote from: Azlan on August 13, 2007, 04:35:54 PM
The stealth systems employed by the Shadowcat are very advanced systems.  The unit employs state of the art ECM/ECCM units to jam enemy sensors and a special alloy paint to absorb sensor scanning emissions.  The other aspect is the optical camoflague cloaking device similar to the unit of the Special Forces body armor.

Oh yes, Tech-Dude is right. I am most definately going to like that. *Goes on Happy-Rampage with EOSOD-Sama*
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: techmaster-glitch on August 13, 2007, 07:12:10 PM
Quote from: Azlan on August 13, 2007, 06:31:19 PM
The ECM/ECCM and paint work as nullsig, but the optical cloak is like an actual visual camo or cloaking device.
The 'nullsig' from Battle Tech does include optical cloaking, in fact, that is it's main function, so it actually might be something of a misnomer, in the regards that it doesn't just nullify the mechs 'signatute'.
At least, it is mainly an optical cloak in MechAssault 2...
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: Azlan on August 13, 2007, 07:58:12 PM
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on August 13, 2007, 07:12:10 PM
Quote from: Azlan on August 13, 2007, 06:31:19 PM
The ECM/ECCM and paint work as nullsig, but the optical cloak is like an actual visual camo or cloaking device.
The 'nullsig' from Battle Tech does include optical cloaking, in fact, that is it's main function, so it actually might be something of a misnomer, in the regards that it doesn't just nullify the mechs 'signatute'.
At least, it is mainly an optical cloak in MechAssault 2...

Except that units equipped with nullsig can be seen if they jump too high.  It seems to be a radar signature cloak and a somewhat visual cloak as long as you don't do things that are too obvious.  The Shadowcats can maneuver, jump and perform feats that nullsig does not hide.  The IR signature of jump engines is what will give a Shadowcat away.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: techmaster-glitch on August 14, 2007, 07:35:22 PM
Azlan, if all five of the Sabers fire three of the heavy missiles each at five targets on the cruiser (fifteen missiles total), would that be sufficient to blast it up?
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: Azlan on August 14, 2007, 07:52:39 PM
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on August 14, 2007, 07:35:22 PM
Azlan, if all five of the Sabers fire three of the heavy missiles each at five targets on the cruiser (fifteen missiles total), would that be sufficient to blast it up?

Your target assessment is as follows:

Design is in the ISF threats database as a Asp class Corvette.  It is known to be produced privately among the pirate groups and some independent and unaffiliated worlds beyond the ISF borders.  It's design is contemporary, but outmatched by a modern vessel of the same class.

Its armor is not especially thick, however, five missiles will likely be needed to knock out the engines with high certainty.  One well placed missile will remove an AA turret and Two missiles would be sufficient for every other system on the ship except the bridge, which would require Four to destroy.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: techmaster-glitch on August 14, 2007, 08:46:37 PM
Not quite the information I was looking for, but I'll work with it. What I was actually asking was what would it take to cause the whole ship to blow up in one salvo, not individual sections of the ship, but oh well.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: Azlan on August 14, 2007, 08:49:28 PM
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on August 14, 2007, 08:46:37 PM
Not quite the information I was looking for, but I'll work with it. What I was actually asking was what would it take to cause the whole ship to blow up in one salvo, not individual sections of the ship, but oh well.

That was my way of saying you don't know... by telling you what you do know.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: techmaster-glitch on August 14, 2007, 08:54:40 PM
Um, ok...
Oh! One last thing I forgot. How many missiles have each of the Sabers been equipped with?
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: Azlan on August 14, 2007, 10:57:07 PM
The total is 18, 14 external and 4 internal.  However, with this load, the fighter is not very maneuverable in an atmosphere.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: Azlan on August 16, 2007, 06:48:53 PM
This is a good time to elaborate on a point of importance in the way I do things.

I allow freeform RP (I use dice in combat for hits, events, damage locations and such), but I have what is called a karma system in place as well.  Amazing feats portrayed by other players and NPCs are allowed, unless they fall into powergaming.  Each act requires an expenditure of a karma point to allow it to go off without a hitch.

Now every player starts with one karma, except those who have generated 'teams' (like Daimien and Tech), as this karma point is considered to have gone into the bonding, training and camaraderie to mesh them together.

A karma requiring act that is performed when a character has none, generates a negative karma.  Negative karma can affect combat and interaction situations causing an "unlucky" act to befall the character or he earns a positive karma to negate it.

Karma is earned by performing an act of heroism that is unintentional, benefits others but does not benefit the character, voluntarily taking adverse action against one's character, or similar selfless acts.

Please note that karma is not needed to play the game, and it is a secret stat moderated by the GM only.  Deliberately trying to take actions to earn it results in negative karma, as the universe does not like hypocrisy.  Trust me, I notice when someone does this.

Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on August 16, 2007, 07:21:01 PM

That sounds awfully like a modifier on battle - if your karma is high, you're more likely to succeed. If it's low/negative, you're less likely.

Which leads one to wonder... is there any chance of Buddha turning up in the game? ;-]
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: Lushin on August 16, 2007, 07:33:03 PM
No worries about me trying to do things. I just do what seems like it would work best at the time. Thankfully I've survived a few firefights. No one in my team has died to I'm happy.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: techmaster-glitch on August 16, 2007, 08:19:39 PM
Quote from: Azlan on August 16, 2007, 06:48:53 PM
This is a good time to elaborate on a point of importance in the way I do things.

I allow freeform RP (I use dice in combat for hits, events, damage locations and such), but I have what is called a karma system in place as well.  Amazing feats portrayed by other players and NPCs are allowed, unless they fall into powergaming.  Each act requires an expenditure of a karma point to allow it to go off without a hitch.

Now every player starts with one karma, except those who have generated 'teams' (like Daimien and Tech), as this karma point is considered to have gone into the bounding, training and camaraderie to mesh them together.

A karma requiring act that is performed when a character has none, generates a negative karma.  Negative karma can affect combat and interaction situations causing an "unlucky" act to befall the character or he earns a positive karma to negate it.

Karma is earned by performing an act of heroism that is unintentional, benefits others but does not benefit the character, voluntarily taking adverse action against one's character, or similar selfless acts.

Please note that karma is not needed to play the game, and it is a secret stat moderated by the GM only.  Deliberately trying to take actions to earn it results in negative karma, as the universe does not like hypocrisy.  Trust me, I notice when someone does this.

Oh for the love you tell us. I guess that's how Nazareth now has a gaping hole in his fighter, probably putting him completely out of commision even more so than Norton. If he took a direct rocket to his fuselage, he should be in the death spiral by now. Norton was just clipped, and with a pulse laser, not an explosive rocket, and since he is the engineer, he should be able to to a quick field fix that will get him back in the air long enough to finish the battle. I can't see how with a direct hit from a rocket Nazareth is still flying. If a simple laser clip temorarily grounded Norton, I can't see how Nazareth is still alive with that rocket. The armor/hull integrity of ISF ships must be far higher than I figured, but it still doesn't make sense.
And I assume that this is because of that 'unbelievable' maneuver Nazareth pulled with the seeker rocket. How was it that 'unbelievable' or 'powergaming'? All he did was fly at the tower, then pull up. Anyone can do that.
I knew I should have said something here that if you thought I was overstepping myself and taking a few too many liberties with combat, you should have told me to just go back and edit. I am fully willing to go back and edit any post anywhere if I have to.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: Azlan on August 16, 2007, 08:25:51 PM
Well, karma is not particularly necessary, as GM whim can determine that a character is capable of doing... say a trench run against a Death Star and hitting the tiny exhaust port. dramatically appropriate actions are mediated by me though.

Karma generally only affects important events, just because the character has a negative karma doesn't mean he constantly bites his tongue when he chews, misses normal shots, or trips on every crack.  It does however, mean the difference between making the 1 in a million shot and missing... or succeeding, but getting shot down by the chief badguy in heroic dramatic fashion.

I'm not known for being so overly dependent on such things, I hate those situations when the 'ole "natural 20" is needed to succeed or you all die... it's just needed to succeed, escape, get the treasure, and get the guy/girl in the end too.

Quote from: techmaster-glitch on August 16, 2007, 08:19:39 PM

Oh for the love you tell us. I guess that's how Nazareth now has a gaping hole in his fighter, probably putting him completely out of commision even more so than Norton. If he took a direct rocket to his fuselage, he should be in the death spiral by now. Norton was just clipped, and with a pulse laser, not an explosive rocket, and since he is the engineer, he should be able to to a quick field fix that will get him back in the air long enough to finish the battle. I can't see how with a direct hit from a rocket Nazareth is still flying. If a simple laser clip temorarily grounded Norton, I can't see how Nazareth is still alive with that rocket. The armor/hull integrity of ISF ships must be far higher than I figured, but it still doesn't make sense.
And I assume that this is because of that 'unbelievable' maneuver Nazareth pulled with the seeker rocket. How was it that 'unbelievable' or 'powergaming'? All he did was fly at the tower, then pull up. Anyone can do that.
I knew I should have said something here that if you thought I was overstepping myself and taking a few too many liberties with combat, you should have told me to just go back and edit. I am fully willing to go back and edit any post anywhere if I have to.

Not at all, the rockets are small, the armor on the fighters is heavy.  It is just an inconvenience, possibly causing him to pull out and retire from the field for the day, it could be injuring, but it has an effect.

Now the guided missile thing was extraordinary, as that type of weapon in our current reallife world is nearly impossible to do what Naz did in a far flung future.  However, if I thought it was powergaming, you would of heard about it.  No, this was just a test... I left it wide open as to what happened for you to fill in the blank.  I have tested others in the past and in this game, they have all passed, and none have "exploded" in the fashion you did... this coincidence of postings was part of the test... and, well you disappointed me.  It is fine, Manawolf failed in a tremendous way in the DaFfA RP on the old forum and his character and the game continued for half a year.  It doesn't mean you are a powergamer, it just means I need to put sanctions and rules in place to give you a playing field to restrict yourself to.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: techmaster-glitch on August 16, 2007, 08:28:39 PM
That doesn't answer the question of how Nazareth isn't dead. I mean, seriously, a direct rocket to the fuselage? Norton's fighter was just clipped with the laser, and he was grounded. How the hell did Nazareth's fighter not just blow up outright, or at the very least go into the death spinout?
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: Azlan on August 16, 2007, 08:36:17 PM
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on August 16, 2007, 08:28:39 PM
That doesn't answer the question of how Nazareth isn't dead. I mean, seriously, a direct rocket to the fuselage? Norton's fighter was just clipped with the laser, and he was grounded. How the hell did Nazareth's fighter not just blow up outright, or at the very least go into the death spinout?

I edited it... look again.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: techmaster-glitch on August 16, 2007, 08:39:59 PM
Um, I don't see any difference. And there is not an Edited by Azlan tag at the bottom, either.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: Azlan on August 16, 2007, 08:41:17 PM
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on August 16, 2007, 08:39:59 PM
Um, I don't see any difference. And there is not an Edited by Azlan tag at the bottom, either.

What... you don't see this:


Quote from: techmaster-glitch on Today at 05:19:16 PM

Oh for the love you tell us. I guess that's how Nazareth now has a gaping hole in his fighter, probably putting him completely out of commision even more so than Norton. If he took a direct rocket to his fuselage, he should be in the death spiral by now. Norton was just clipped, and with a pulse laser, not an explosive rocket, and since he is the engineer, he should be able to to a quick field fix that will get him back in the air long enough to finish the battle. I can't see how with a direct hit from a rocket Nazareth is still flying. If a simple laser clip temorarily grounded Norton, I can't see how Nazareth is still alive with that rocket. The armor/hull integrity of ISF ships must be far higher than I figured, but it still doesn't make sense.
And I assume that this is because of that 'unbelievable' maneuver Nazareth pulled with the seeker rocket. How was it that 'unbelievable' or 'powergaming'? All he did was fly at the tower, then pull up. Anyone can do that.
I knew I should have said something here that if you thought I was overstepping myself and taking a few too many liberties with combat, you should have told me to just go back and edit. I am fully willing to go back and edit any post anywhere if I have to.

Not at all, the rockets are small, the armor on the fighters is heavy.  It is just an inconvenience, possibly causing him to pull out and retire from the field for the day, it could be injuring, but it has an effect.

Now the guided missile thing was extraordinary, as that type of weapon in our current reallife world is nearly impossible to do what Naz did in a far flung future.  However, if I thought it was powergaming, you would of heard about it.  No, this was just a test... I left it wide open as to what happened for you to fill in the blank.  I have tested others in the past and in this game, they have all passed, and none have "exploded" in the fashion you did... this coincidence of postings was part of the test... and, well you disappointed me.  It is fine, Manawolf failed in a tremendous way in the DaFfA RP on the old forum and his character and the game continued for half a year.  It doesn't mean you are a powergamer, it just means I need to put sanctions and rules in place to give you a playing field to restrict yourself to.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: techmaster-glitch on August 16, 2007, 08:43:50 PM
Oh. I didn't see that. I was looking in the IC thread, not this one.

EDIT: And that still doesn't explain how a direct rocket doesn't do far more damage than a clipped laser. That and I didn't realize that the maneuver with the missile was that difficult. I didn't realize the missile would have had that kind of maneuverability. In my books, this means I fucked up.
Now, please...please... in the future, If I scew up, just tell me to edit. I will do so instantly. I would much rather do that than have shit happen to my characters any day.

Apologies for the profanity, but I feel I cannot stress enough my point of prefering to rectify and learn from my mistakes rather than get dealt punishment like this. Ok, so the punishment isn't really that bad, Nazareth is not dead. he's just out of the battle. I can deal with that. It's not really the punishment itself that I'm upset with, it's that I feel I was compeltely blindsided with it. I absolutely hate that.

EDIT: And I suppose there's no chance of you and I going back and editing now, with the way you handle things, and that too much has happened already...*sigh*
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: Azlan on August 16, 2007, 09:04:16 PM
I generally don't like editing, unless it is something way over the top.  As I said, you did nothing wrong, just something out of the ordinary.

Consider that there is a scale difference between person-portable rocket launchers and aerospace fighters.  It is like taking a grenade and tossing it at a tank... you put big dents in the armor, but unless it is thin... you do not get a lot of penetration with the average hand grenade against modern battle tanks. 

The aerospace fighter has very heavy armor, mecha level weapons will instantly annihilate a person if they get hit with them, no survival.  Personal arms, character scale weapons, require excessive amounts of concentrated firepower to damage mecha.  Aerospace fighters are at the same scale level as the mecha.

Sabers, and pretty much all fighters, have external armor, internal frame and then componenets.  In this case, the fighter has armor and then a reinforced pilot's compartment, so there are two levels of protection.  Additionally, modern fighters of the ISF have redundant controls, AI maintained control surfaces, and many safe guards to protect crew and equipment.  These craft take lots of punishment, before being taken out.  I just assumed that Norton's craft was dealt an unlucky hit that harmed the controls.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: techmaster-glitch on August 16, 2007, 09:05:57 PM
Ah, I knew it. The armor is far, far tougher than I counted on. I guess that's a good thing, considering my current position...
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: techmaster-glitch on August 17, 2007, 09:35:18 AM
Got a much-needed break away from the computer.

Just for final cleanup: The seeker missile. Whatever way you look at it, I must change it somehow. Here's why: When I was typing up the scene, the only reason I though Nazareth could pull off the move was that I intended it to be quite easy. I specifically said
But Nazareth didn't have time to ponder these thoughts, as the missile was on his tail, and gaining. Nazareth tried to shake it, but it was useless; older model it may have been, but it's tracking system was still good. It's maneuverability wasn't special however, but it's tracking 'determination' made up for that deficiency.
Unfortunately, this is in direct contradiction to this:
Now the guided missile thing was extraordinary, as that type of weapon in our current reallife world is nearly impossible to do what Naz did in a far flung future.
And since you are the GM, what you say overrules what I say. Therefore, I've got to go back and do something, make it actually seem the difficult move it apparently was. However, I will let you say something before I go back, and possibly make things worse than they already are.

*sigh* all this trouble... all you had to say, man, all you had to say, was "The missile is more maneuverable than that." I would have gone back in an instant and changed it, possibly even completely erased it and did something else.

EDIT: Just for clarification, I'm not asking you to change the rocket hit. I'll continue RPing once I fix the seeker business.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: Azlan on August 17, 2007, 03:37:01 PM
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on August 17, 2007, 09:35:18 AM
Got a much-needed break away from the computer.

Just for final cleanup: The seeker missile. Whatever way you look at it, I must change it somehow. Here's why: When I was typing up the scene, the only reason I though Nazareth could pull off the move was that I intended it to be quite easy. I specifically said
But Nazareth didn't have time to ponder these thoughts, as the missile was on his tail, and gaining. Nazareth tried to shake it, but it was useless; older model it may have been, but it's tracking system was still good. It's maneuverability wasn't special however, but it's tracking 'determination' made up for that deficiency.
Unfortunately, this is in direct contradiction to this:
Now the guided missile thing was extraordinary, as that type of weapon in our current reallife world is nearly impossible to do what Naz did in a far flung future.
And since you are the GM, what you say overrules what I say. Therefore, I've got to go back and do something, make it actually seem the difficult move it apparently was. However, I will let you say something before I go back, and possibly make things worse than they already are.

*sigh* all this trouble... all you had to say, man, all you had to say, was "The missile is more maneuverable than that." I would have gone back in an instant and changed it, possibly even completely erased it and did something else.

EDIT: Just for clarification, I'm not asking you to change the rocket hit. I'll continue RPing once I fix the seeker business.

What you typed about the missile and what I stated above do not contradict one another.  You fail to consider Nazareth's perceptions, even when you are RPing him.  The assessment of the missile that was made in your post would be accurate, it would not have good maneuverability from his knowledge of modern weapons of his time.  However, that same missile compared to RL missiles of the 21st and 20th centuries is way beyond super.  Most modern guided missiles use terminal semi-active radar homing and tend to be faster then the fighters they are designed to kill.  Most missiles are far more maneuverable then they were in the 60s.

Yes I could have said that the missile was more maneuverable then that, but I choose not too, I don't like take backs... unless it is severely wrong or inappropriate posts.  This just means you need to consider what you are doing far more heavily then in other games, because once someone else posts something, what has come before is now set in stone.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: techmaster-glitch on August 17, 2007, 09:54:57 PM
There. Post is up. Dear gods, I hope I didn't do anything wrong this time...

EDIT: Made a very important last-minute change to my most recent post. Took me awhile to realize that, for the leader of an elite fighter squad, getting shot down (by PIRATES, no less) is quite bad enough for their rep. Critical injury of the leader would probably destroy them. I'll save it for some other, more appropraite dire time. Now that I think about it, what with your explanation on just how tough the Sabers are, I probably completely overestimated the damage. That's been change a little to, but not much.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: Paladin Sheppard on August 23, 2007, 11:02:25 AM
Permission to rejoin the RP Sir!

If granted which would be the best position of placement for Kal and 'Ren'
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: Azlan on August 23, 2007, 11:56:10 AM
Permission granted ristar.

At this point Kal and Ren are defending the dropship landing zone.  Two damaged fighters are currently being air-taxied away.

I have not benn able to respond due to a bit of a back problem, that has had me in too much pain to want to do much.  I should be able to make my responses soon.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: Azlan on August 24, 2007, 04:24:53 PM
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on August 23, 2007, 09:34:52 PM

      Nazareth then turned to Norton, who had also gotten out of his fighter.
   "Norton, give me a damage assessment on our Sabers. Get started on repairs, but do you think you may need some help from extra engineers?"

Just an FYI.  Norton will usually supervise routine maintenance and damage repair on fighters... despite his talents as a mechanic, he is still a pilot and there is a clear line of responsibility that separates duties here.  He will still do field repairs as conditions permit and will plan and perform any special modifications or customizations as permitted.  I'm taking a stance that he is very protective of the fighters and the work done on them.

Each fighter is assigned its own technical staff headed by an chief petty officer of the appropriate rate (enlisted, noncommissioned officer of at least E-7) and at least two other lead enlisted supervisors and six other technicians specializing in various repair tasks.

Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: techmaster-glitch on August 24, 2007, 06:02:08 PM
Ah, ok. I will edit accordingling. And coincidentally, I actually am planing of having Nazareth order Norton to give the Sabers a little overhaul after this pirate fiasco ;) Just an armor reinforcement upgrade, and extra control systems redundancy, pertty much. Just so we aren't taken down by any more one-hit "lucky shots" ;)
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: techmaster-glitch on August 29, 2007, 12:26:53 AM
   Unless the Ground Team does indeed require the remaing three Crusading Scales' help, I probably won't be making many posts until everyone returns to the ship.
   While I'm on the subject IC, who does Nazareth directly report to, and handle the Zeta's debriefings? Who's ready room would the Zeta's go to for said debrief? (I am assuming it's all the same person, BTW) Just wanna know ahead of time, so I'm prepared.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: Azlan on August 29, 2007, 02:39:03 AM
Since you are stationed aboard the Phalanx, you will be reporting to a as of yet unmentioned squadron leader.  Nazareth is the flight leader for the Zetas.  A flight is the lowest organizational unit in the air arm, up from that is squadron and Carrier Wings.  The higher structure from their goes to the fleet level, with Operational Command (the scout fleet's CAG) as the highest level in this particular command.  Beyond the scout fleet it goes to the main fleet level with numbered air forces and finally MAJCOM (Major Command) for the entire Expeditionary Force. 

Your squadron leader is a Golden Eagle, Major Charles Hunt and he is the person that Nazareth reports to.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: techmaster-glitch on August 29, 2007, 09:40:39 AM
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: techmaster-glitch on August 29, 2007, 07:34:21 PM
Hold on a sec. I checked through the info/tech thread, and I thought of this earlier today, but didn't get a chance to log on.
The rank of Charles Hunt is supposed to be Major?
Quote from: Azlan on August 10, 2007, 11:46:32 PM
As a Chief Warrant Officer, you are equivalent to an O-3 Captain (army)/Lieutenant (navy).  A warrant officer is a single track specialty officer holding a warrant for their rank as opposed to a full commission.  specialists, especially technical, have a tendancy to take this track out of enlisted, as it is less political, but it also lacks the line command of a full, generalist officer.  Once a Chief Warrant Officer reaches CWO-2 or 3 he can choose to take a full commission as an O-3.  Chief Warrant Officers of CWO-4 or CWO-5 can also take a full commission to O-4, Major when they come up for review. 

But, since Hunt (I assume) and Nazareth (hypothetically, he applies for that promotion) both deal with fighters and ships, not infantry, why would we be officers in the Army/Marines list? Wouldn't we be in the Navy list of officers, as O-3 Lieutenants or O-4 Lieutenant Commanders?
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: Azlan on August 29, 2007, 07:56:51 PM
This is something I never actually thought to explain, but it is good that you have asked.  Nazareth is Navy, my post was based off of something adapted from what was told to me by a US Marine Chief Warrant Officer.  The Navy list would be used if your people had a good fitrep (fitness report), there were postings available for those ranks and they could qualify over all other candidates for promotions.

Hunt, on the other hand, is a Marine officer.  He started as a LAM (the transformable fighter mecha, standing for Land Air Mecha) pilot who posted for a transfer to the fighter wing.  He qualified and was accepted.  There are a number of Marine pilots among the aerospace corp.

Promotions will be far slower for officer characters then for enlisted characters, just FYI.  It is the nature of military. 
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: techmaster-glitch on August 29, 2007, 11:15:00 PM
Quote from: Azlan on August 29, 2007, 07:56:51 PM
Promotions will be far slower for officer characters then for enlisted characters, just FYI.  It is the nature of military. 
That's alright. I don't plan on having Nazareth apply for a promo anytime soon, if at all.

And thanks for the clarification on the ranks.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: techmaster-glitch on September 12, 2007, 12:48:09 AM
Do you have anything your team needs?

Eh? What exactly is he asking?
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: Azlan on September 12, 2007, 02:13:20 AM
Exactly what he appears to be, he is asking if there is anything specific that you or your people may require... time off, special training, etc.  He can't give raises, promotions, or anything extravagant with this particular request.  He's just trying to smooth things over for giving your team a rough time, not that it is specifically his fault or anything.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: techmaster-glitch on September 12, 2007, 02:17:05 AM
Eh, well, the way it was worded just confused me a bit. Thanks anyway.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: Paladin Sheppard on September 26, 2007, 09:19:39 AM
To all of you I am truly sorry I've not been posting. I come to the decision that in both of the RPs I'm in I can't get in character to make a post so I shall be dropping out. Thank you all for playing with me and putting up with my antics.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: Azlan on September 28, 2007, 02:32:07 AM
Quote from: Paladin Sheppard on September 26, 2007, 09:19:39 AM
To all of you I am truly sorry I've not been posting. I come to the decision that in both of the RPs I'm in I can't get in character to make a post so I shall be dropping out. Thank you all for playing with me and putting up with my antics.

You will always have a spot here if you ever wish to return.

Note on the recent post:

Yes, it is a cop-out, but the mission is largely over and I just wanted to move things along a little quicker.  Please feel free to elaborate and post any wrap up posts you may wish to, but please have all the mission personnel end up at the briefing.

The Zetas: your peeps are at the tale end of their rest period before their scheduled training.  The major did do a simple debrief.

Nova and Loki: Nova and Loki were already a bit ahead of everyone else, as PBH moved things along a bit fast.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: Rammenstein on October 08, 2007, 09:21:13 PM
YAY! I have a window of opportunity to join now! So, I am now going to post mah profile and wait to post pending hopeful acceptance by Azlan.

Also, I have left the Rank section blank so that Teh Azlan may assign a Rank he sees fit. ^.^

Name: Ram "Eraser" Ei'Sona (Alpha-Shadow)
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Species: Cross Fox
Appearance: Ram is a Cross Fox, a sub-species of the Red Fox. He stands at about 5'9" and is well-built, muscular without being overly so. He has red fur that turns black at the tips of his ears and tail. He also has a black stripe crossing his upper back horizontally and another running down the middle of his back, forming a distinctive cross-shaped marking. His eyes are a vibrant gold in color.
Rank: Second Lieutenant (O-1)

Occupation: Ram is the leader of a 3-Man squad of ISIS Special Forces Ground Mechas, Shadowcats to be specific. This squad specializes in stealth operations and "Ninja-ing" other Mechas in battle. Officially, the squad is designated as Shadow-Squad. Unofficially, they are known as the "Ghost Hounds" due to their ability to pop up out of seemingly nowhere and the fact that every member of the group is a canid of some sort. Their Shadowcats have each been modified to suit each member's individual tastes. Ram's Shadowcat has had all except for the lightest of ranged weapons removed and replaced with added stealth hardware, such as variable Heat Sinks to reduce its IR footprint by matching the Mecha's temperature with the surrounding air. He has named his Shadowcat "Rectifier".

On a slightly unrelated note, the "Ghost Hounds" is also the name of a band the squad has put together. They are very popular during down-time. Ram is the Lead Guitarist and Singer.

Personality: Ram is a very calm and collected individual. He is slow to anger and almost never loses his cool. However, his is also rather amiable and a pleasure to be around. He respects the Chain-of-Command and never disrespects his superiors. He also respects those of lower rank than he is and treats them as equals. He will, however, take his own rank seriously and establish himself when needed.

General Background: Ram hails from a colonized planet on the outer rim of the Lycan Commonwealth. He was an orphan, his parents having died a few years after he was born. The planet did not have much in way of orphanages, so Ram had to fend for himself most of his pre-adult life. He quickly discovered he had a knack for stealth and other such sneaky activities.

When he turned Eighteen, Ram joined the ISF Military and was placed in the Special Forces Unit. He served there until age 23, when he was accepted into ISIS because of his stealth abilities. He has been serving in ISIS ever since.

Skills: Ram is great when it comes to stealth. He is also skilled in close-range combat.
Ram is extremely proficient with a guitar, and he's a good singer as well.

The "Ghost Hounds"

1st: Jakiline "Longshot" Knives; Grey Wolf (Beta-Shadow)

Rank: Sergeant (E-5)

Jakiline is Ram's Second-In-Command. She is also the long-range specialist of the group. Her Shadowcat has been modified to almost exclusively carry long-ranged penetrating weapons. She supports the other two members from afar. In the band, she plays the Bass and takes care of back-up vocals.

Personality-wise, Jakiline is a complete and total Bad-Ass. She is not afraid of speaking her mind, but is very respectful of her superiors. She is also a true comrade who will not hesitate to lay her life on the line for her friend and allies. Her Shadowcat is named "Vigilante".

2nd: Riku "Saboteur" Kitani; Siberian Husky (Delta-Shadow)

Rank: Corporal (E-4)

Riku is, like his nickname suggests, the group's saboteur. His Shadowcat had been modified to include a special "Mecha Disruptor" system. Basically, he uses this system to send an EM signal that can disrupt their systems or even shut them down entirely. While it is a finicky system that does not always work, it is extremely effective when it does. This is especially useful for capturing other Mechas by disabling any one of various critical systems, leaving them "Dead in the Water" and available for recovery. In the band, Riku plays the drums.

Riku is, despite his position in the squad, only nerdy in that he is very skilled with computers. He is a kind, outspoken individual. He is very helpful and will gladly offer his assistance to those who need it. His Shadowcat is named "Vendetta".
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: Lushin on October 08, 2007, 09:35:57 PM
Umm dude one think, if I remember correctly Foxes aren't classified under Canines, they are classified as Vulpes. Just figured I would mention that. If I'm wrong Azlan will kill me.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: Rammenstein on October 09, 2007, 02:02:40 AM
I think they're related, not entirely certain though. Although, you do make a good point. Changing...

Edit: Aha, I just went and checked. Foxes are considered to be Canids, just like Canines such as wolves and dogs.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: Azlan on October 09, 2007, 02:25:53 AM
Foxes are canids, species vulpes... this is a very important distinction for a fox like me :)

Rammenstein's group works exceptionally well with what I hope to do in the future, and they will be easy to bring in.  They are approved.

Rank wise, Ram can be a 2nd Lieutenant (O-1), who has earned his officer rank from enlisted.  He was promoted when he was brought into ISIS.

Jakiline is likely a sergeant (E-5), but we can discuss higher if you desire it to be so.  The unit is too small to sport a wide variety of ranks.

Riku is likely a specialist or corporal (E-4).

Let me know if this works for you, also bear with me, I've been busy with work as of late.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: Rammenstein on October 09, 2007, 03:09:12 AM
Oh yeah! Happy dance time! ~Le Dance!~

Yes, this works very well. The ranks all sound just fine. Thank you for accepting me. And don't worry. I know how it is. There has been many a time where I was unable to do much RP-wise due to real-life stuff. You have my sympathy.

Anywho, when would you like me to start?
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: Azlan on October 10, 2007, 02:32:33 AM
You can post an entrance at anytime.  I will leap back into things soon and answer the impending issues.

I hope to move out of this area soon, but we will need to get Major Brown and Colonel Nexx to secure Loki's cousin Ixiah, he is important for the next area... and he does little good with Major Kanzoria as his keeper.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: techmaster-glitch on October 13, 2007, 11:40:34 PM
Hey, Azlan, I'm a little confused at the moment. What am I supposed to be doing? I mean, aside from the override training thing?
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: Azlan on October 14, 2007, 01:41:29 AM
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on October 13, 2007, 11:40:34 PM
Hey, Azlan, I'm a little confused at the moment. What am I supposed to be doing? I mean, aside from the override training thing?

Oops, I thought I forgot someone... I hate when I am in a rush.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: techmaster-glitch on October 15, 2007, 07:00:23 PM
Just a notice, Rammenstien does not have access to any computers about every other week, and thus he has asked me to roleplay his character for him during those times. However, I do have contact with him, even though he doesn't have a computer half the time, so I will know what he wants his character to say and do directly from the source.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: Azlan on October 16, 2007, 11:04:12 PM
Thank you for the information.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: techmaster-glitch on October 16, 2007, 11:10:49 PM
You're welcome :)
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: techmaster-glitch on October 21, 2007, 03:49:36 PM
Aaron was highly amused by the specitical.  Still, he was not sure why the intruders to the briefing were still there.
Oddly enough, I asked Rammenstien this myself. He said he has to be dismissed before he can leave.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: Azlan on October 21, 2007, 05:56:43 PM
Indeed, I will get to this soon... been very busy.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: Rammenstein on November 03, 2007, 11:13:40 AM
Well, of course they need to wait until they're dismissed. One does not simply barge into a meeting, totally disrupt it, then leave. Besides, now I can make a plan. *Grin* I like plans.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: techmaster-glitch on November 03, 2007, 12:37:39 PM
Hey, Rammy? I think you've forgotten something. Nazareth is right behind you. Unless he's blind (which he isns't), he's gonna see that little listening device Riku just turned on. And because he's a good soldier in-character, he has to report it.
Sorry :animesweat
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: Lushin on November 03, 2007, 01:23:12 PM
Also Rammy, you have like everyone in the room stareing at you. One if which is a trained sharp shooter with sharp eyes. Who also doesn't trust your squad at the moment.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: Rammenstein on November 03, 2007, 01:35:12 PM
Yes, I know, which is why Riku, the one in the back, the one behind the others, the one partially blocked from view of the people in the room, subtly deployed the device while most of the attention was on Ram, the speaker. Unfortunately, they did not take Nazareth into account.

And Tech-Dude, I hate you. *Fake Glare* Grr.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: techmaster-glitch on November 05, 2007, 07:59:58 PM
Talked to Rammensiten recently. And I must confess, the uncomfortable position his characters are in is completely my fault. I'm the one who initially advised him to make his squad actually acting under the orders of Major Kanzoria, for several reasons. One is that Azlan once said something about no one being in the ISIS when the RP started up, something along the lines of 'it would have been interesting' (If I remember correctly...I probably don't). Then IC Colonel Nexx said,
"I think that the good Major Kanzoria may be on to us.  He is not a top agent in ISIS for nothing I would imagine.  An ISIS mech squad showing up accidentally to this briefing is hardly a coincidence.  What game are you playing at, hmmm?"
Then I thought about the fact that Kanzoria already has a stranglehold on Ixiah, and long since figured he probably wants Loki, too. I put two and two together, and apparently got five as I interpreted Colonel Nexx's dialogue as a sign that Rammenstien's characters actually should be working under Kanzoria. I told this to Rammenstien, and he took my advice. Well, now we know what happens to people who take my advice, don't we? :sweatdrop I was not counting on Rammenstien coming up with something like a spider-like spy device. Neither of us thought that the door to the briefing room is open. Thus, Rammenstien didn't realize that Nazareth was right behind his characters. And, because I imagine that something like this spying might be considered treason, though not quite as bad (though I think Kanzoria's been getting away with alot more than that), Nazareth being somewhat of a soldier striving for protocol perfection, he had to report it.
Thus, everything that has happened is totally and completely my fault. This is far worse than my seeker-missile screwup because someone else is taking the fall for my utter failiure.
Thus, my (misguided) opinion is that a deletion of posts might be warranted. I'm pretty sure Rammenstien would want that, based on the fact that he was rather (totally understandably) upset with me today, but I will let him speak for himself. Then it's your decision, Azlan.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: Lushin on November 05, 2007, 08:24:29 PM
Geezs you two need to calm down. No one is choping heads off or anything. If anything Azlan could possible use this. Now that we know a listening device is in the room, we could give false information. Also you guys didn't really hear anything important when you walked in. Besides you where acting under orders from a superior officer, we're not totally gone of fault you for that. So if anything the gun has been jumped on you're part, just wait and see where Azlan is gonna take this.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: techmaster-glitch on November 05, 2007, 09:17:09 PM
That's what I am waiting for. I just posted all of that becasue I am on a serious guilt trip for leading my friend into this and then stabbing him in the back, and I needed to confess.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: Lushin on November 05, 2007, 10:51:10 PM
Dude it's not like you got him killed or anything. He just has some people who don't trust him. Did you tell him to do the listening device? Stuff like this is alway happening in the military anyway, each department is always trying to get the upper hand on each other. It would only be treason if the information was going to the other side. Also if you think about it makes sense to have them working for Kanzoria. They show up some where cause their info was wrong, it just seemed fishing. Hell maybe they where helping Kanzoria with out even knowing it. Seriously if Rammy is mad, tell him to chill out.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: techmaster-glitch on November 05, 2007, 10:54:09 PM
Well, he wasn't really mad, per se, but I just have a guilty concience problem. As a bit of an example, there have been things I did years ago and still feel horrible about whenever I think about them. I can't list a specific example, because I deliberately try my hardest not to remember them, because I know no one else does. All the same, whenever I do happen to remember them, whoop-instant guilt trip.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: Rammenstein on November 06, 2007, 01:03:34 AM
Yeah, I wasn't really mad at him. I just like giving him shit. Although, at school today I was able to literally tear gaping holes in his reasoning, which I found quite fun. But, oh well. I've been roleplaying for over four years now, so I've gotten pretty good at rolling with whatever's thrown my way.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: Azlan on November 07, 2007, 11:48:29 PM
I'll be posting soon, I've been busy recovering from the fires, switching jobs again and getting ready for LosCon this month and Further Confusion in January... I'll get back on track soon.

I need to cut back on raids, my clan is eating up a lot of my small amount of free time.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: techmaster-glitch on December 14, 2007, 10:53:34 PM
Just a note: I think Rammenstien may be out. He seems to be too busy with Gaia to do anything here. Even with me reminding him, he won't post here.
You can probably cut him loose. I'll be back on Monday with the answer for sure.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: techmaster-glitch on December 18, 2007, 01:35:20 AM
Final word from Rammenstien; He is indeed out for good.
However, he has given his permission to auto-NPC his characters to you, Azlan. Do with them what you will.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: Lushin on December 18, 2007, 04:47:12 PM
Cool another character for Azlan to kill off. More maybe not. If so if should be an interesting kill.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC thread - Opened RP)
Post by: Azlan on December 18, 2007, 10:00:25 PM
He will be quietly lost in obscurity.  I shall get to posting soon.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG] - Closed
Post by: Azlan on January 03, 2008, 11:14:33 PM
Just an FYI for PBH:

Yuri (Russian: Юрий) is a Russian masculine given name.

Yuri (Japanese: ゆり) is a Japanese feminine given name that can mean lily.
Yuri (Korean: 유리) is a Korean feminine given name.

I am using the Russian variety, as Yuri himself has a slight Slavic accent, not that I've ever mentioned that.  We are multi-cultural here.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG] - Closed
Post by: Prof B Hunnydew on January 04, 2008, 06:56:22 AM
I'm just tweeking the guy  And YES I remember now the old russian name ... Sorry If I offended the GM.   :cry

Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG] - Closed
Post by: Prof B Hunnydew on February 22, 2008, 07:25:03 PM
Ah   Is Shadesfox still in this?  I was waiting on him....Well, I will have to post something soon, and he will just have to catch up.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG] - Closed
Post by: Azlan on February 23, 2008, 12:46:09 AM
He hasn't mentioned dropping out to me...
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG] - Closed
Post by: ShadesFox on February 23, 2008, 03:55:42 AM
*BLEEEP!*, I thought I had replied.  Apparently not.  Maybe I replied into an alternate universe?  Bah, fixing.

Edit: Remembered this was supposed to be PG.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG] - Closed
Post by: Azlan on April 27, 2008, 07:08:14 PM
Sorry for being so slow... very busy!
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG] - Closed
Post by: Azlan on June 24, 2008, 01:21:47 AM
Just a few more things to finish off here before we move it to the next objective.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG] - Closed
Post by: Prof B Hunnydew on June 27, 2008, 07:29:50 PM
Sorry Sorry, I lost the internet this last week... I hope I have not slow anything...

Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG] - Closed
Post by: Azlan on June 28, 2008, 06:15:09 PM
Not at all, I just setup my new computer... quad core AMD with Crossfire  8), so I have been offline for nearly a week.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG] - Closed
Post by: Prof B Hunnydew on June 28, 2008, 09:36:53 PM
Quote from: Azlan on June 28, 2008, 06:15:09 PM
Not at all, I just setup my new computer... quad core AMD with Crossfire  8), so I have been offline for nearly a week.


:crying on my poor single pentium 4  3.0 Ghz  CPU
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG] - Closed
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on June 29, 2008, 03:26:42 PM
Quote from: Prof B Hunnydew on June 28, 2008, 09:36:53 PM
on my poor single pentium 4  3.0 Ghz  CPU

Yes, my AMD 1400+ has sand kicked thoroughly in it's face.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG] - Closed
Post by: Prof B Hunnydew on June 29, 2008, 06:41:04 PM
THanks Boxy... I feel better now...   :mowcookie PBH
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG] - Closed
Post by: Azlan on June 30, 2008, 03:09:31 AM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on June 29, 2008, 03:26:42 PM
Quote from: Prof B Hunnydew on June 28, 2008, 09:36:53 PM
on my poor single pentium 4  3.0 Ghz  CPU

Yes, my AMD 1400+ has sand kicked thoroughly in it's face.

I abuse my relationship with vendors... but I don't feel at all bad about it :P
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG] - Closed
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on June 30, 2008, 04:19:22 AM
Abuse it on my behalf? I can provide a shipping address... ;-]
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG] - Closed
Post by: Azlan on July 05, 2008, 12:06:26 AM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on June 30, 2008, 04:19:22 AM
Abuse it on my behalf? I can provide a shipping address... ;-]

I used up my latitude for abuse for a little while.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG] - Closed
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on July 05, 2008, 06:25:18 AM
s'ok, I can wait. ;-] Why not, I've waited three years already...

(And that's probably enough from me, so I'll just drop back into lurk mode)
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG] - Closed
Post by: Prof B Hunnydew on July 05, 2008, 10:01:12 AM
Mmm... Great update, but what to write when ones is asleep....    to Loki or Mother?

something short.. hopefully It will go with the story.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG] - Closed
Post by: Azlan on July 18, 2008, 01:24:21 AM
So what do you intend for this bobble of Nova's?
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG] - Closed
Post by: Prof B Hunnydew on July 18, 2008, 07:50:46 PM
The white crystal is a memory chip from the older fox ship.  The one she used as a kitten as a master key .   What is on it, is up to you.

1) it can have a simple SOS message
2) the data for the dimensional trap/prison for the enemy.
3)  a key to a lost memory in Nova....
4) a soul link.....



edit for inglash
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG] - Closed
Post by: Azlan on July 28, 2008, 04:40:24 AM
With Shades having posted, I shall have something up soon.  I'm down to my laptop as I am having problems with my main desktop, so my response times will be a bit slow. 
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG] - Closed
Post by: ShadesFox on July 28, 2008, 10:40:16 AM
You too eh?  My laptop works intermittently, and the desktop is dead as dead can be.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG] - Closed
Post by: Azlan on July 29, 2008, 12:42:22 AM
well, my desktop is 100% new... but I'm having an issue with the PSU where it will only briefly power on from a cold boot and then drop power completely.  This is apparently a known issue with the 1200W Thermaltake unit.  I just need to purchase a new, different PSU and RMA this one back.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG] - Closed
Post by: Azlan on August 04, 2008, 01:00:34 PM
Quote from: Prof B Hunnydew on August 04, 2008, 07:05:59 AM

Her military training had her jumping  up and her snapping to attention for the Major, only to find that Major Kanzoria was more interested in looking up and down Mother. 

Wrong major PBH...  Shades is playing major Brown not Kanzoria...
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG] - Closed
Post by: ShadesFox on August 04, 2008, 01:03:31 PM
That and I wasn't lewdly staring at mother either.  It was more of a, "Okay, there is  new person, on a navy ship, in the middle of space, WTF?" type of staring.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG] - Closed
Post by: Prof B Hunnydew on August 04, 2008, 01:59:39 PM
Quote from: ShadesFox on August 04, 2008, 01:03:31 PM
That and I wasn't lewdly staring at mother either.  It was more of a, "Okay, there is  new person, on a navy ship, in the middle of space, WTF?" type of staring.

Sorry..... Major Brown...Okay, I tried to check, but the first post on this thread doesn't have the active players in it

"and Nova is a little prejudice against the Major... He just rubs her fur the wrong way, but she won't say anything, if he doesn't." 

Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG] - Closed
Post by: Azlan on August 04, 2008, 04:37:28 PM
Quote from: Prof B Hunnydew on August 04, 2008, 01:59:39 PM

Sorry..... Major Brown...Okay, I tried to check, but the first post on this thread doesn't have the active players in it

It's because I'm lazy... I'll probably put them up at some point.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG] - Closed
Post by: techmaster-glitch on August 04, 2008, 10:02:00 PM
Active Players
Daimien (Sergeant Romulus Darkcloud (,644.msg14283.html#msg14283))
Prof B Hunnydew (Lieutenant Nova Hunnydew (,644.msg102792.html#msg102792))
ShadesFox (Major Aaron Brown (,644.msg103839.html#msg103839))
techmaster-glitch (Crusading Scales (,644.msg137044.html#msg137044))

Inactive Players
Ink ( Morgan Summers (,644.msg12731.html#msg12731))
Paladin Sheppard (Kal Jieco (,644.msg12733.html#msg12733))
Poofyspikes (Lee Cohen (,644.msg12888.html#msg12888))
Supercheese (Robert MacDuff (,644.msg12995.html#msg12995))
bill (Vaughn Tomczyk (,644.msg12995.html#msg12995) Conrad Tomczyk (,644.msg13540.html#msg13540))
Eibbor_N (Absalom Thomas (,644.msg13097.html#msg13097))
lucas marcone (Lucas Marcone (,644.msg13583.html#msg13583))
Valynth (Valynth Cernial (,644.msg103139.html#msg103139))
Metal Juggernaut (Sean "Boom" Davis (,644.msg118375.html#msg118375))
Catffeinated (Joshua "Longshot" Dile (,644.msg133983.html#msg133983))
Rammenstein (Ghost Hounds (,644.msg150415.html#msg150415))

Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG] - Closed
Post by: Prof B Hunnydew on August 04, 2008, 10:08:25 PM
ah thanks...Azlan can just cut and paste now...

Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG] - Closed
Post by: Azlan on August 07, 2008, 01:44:58 AM
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on August 04, 2008, 10:02:00 PM
Active Players
Daimien (Sergeant Romulus Darkcloud (,644.msg14283.html#msg14283))
Prof B Hunnydew (Lieutenant Nova Hunnydew (,644.msg102792.html#msg102792))
ShadesFox (Major Aaron Brown (,644.msg103839.html#msg103839))
techmaster-glitch (Crusading Scales (,644.msg137044.html#msg137044))

Inactive Players
Ink ( Morgan Summers (,644.msg12731.html#msg12731))
Paladin Sheppard (Kal Jieco (,644.msg12733.html#msg12733))
Poofyspikes (Lee Cohen (,644.msg12888.html#msg12888))
Supercheese (Robert MacDuff (,644.msg12995.html#msg12995))
bill (Vaughn Tomczyk (,644.msg12995.html#msg12995) Conrad Tomczyk (,644.msg13540.html#msg13540))
Eibbor_N (Absalom Thomas (,644.msg13097.html#msg13097))
lucas marcone (Lucas Marcone (,644.msg13583.html#msg13583))
Valynth (Valynth Cernial (,644.msg103139.html#msg103139))
Metal Juggernaut (Sean "Boom" Davis (,644.msg118375.html#msg118375))
Catffeinated (Joshua "Longshot" Dile (,644.msg133983.html#msg133983))
Rammenstein (Ghost Hounds (,644.msg150415.html#msg150415))


Thank you, I have definitely desired to do it... but I have been too lazy to gather the links.  Actually, I'm generally too tired after a long 10 to 12 hour work day.

Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG] - Closed
Post by: Azlan on August 14, 2008, 12:50:36 AM
PBH, you really have got to practice the english language more... it is getting harder and harder to understand you as time goes on.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG] - Closed
Post by: Prof B Hunnydew on August 14, 2008, 07:23:12 AM
Yea, I Have to spof read more and Try not post on the fly..... Now I got to go to mork....... :mowcookie PBH
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG] - Closed
Post by: Prof B Hunnydew on August 17, 2008, 01:18:00 PM
 LT NOVA HUNNYDEW Supplemental

     The Hunnydew's expedition was looking for sites of ancient alien ships and artifacts, hoping to find maybe a city or an outpost colony of aliens.  They found an ancient ship by chance in a small arid planet around an orange star.  The planet had atmosphere with enough free oxygen to be breathable, so they landed and set up camp near the crash site.

Dr Sarah Hunnydew, thought it would cruel to separate her daughter/pilot from her granddaughter for the standard year of the planned trip.  So, the little kitten Nova was allow on the expedition.  Yet, once on the planet of the orange sun, she began to play with "imaginary" fairy friends, which worried her mother.  The kitten would say that they taught her the ancient Acadian language.  With the little kitten's help, her grandmother and her crew are able to make some small repairs to the alien ship, Matron.  They connected power to the ship's computer core and some of minor ship systems, but entry into the main control room proved impossible.  Until one day, the chief engineering found the main control with its door opened , and inside, the remains of two fox-like race were found at the controls with an unconscious Nova on the floor.

Yet, There is little time for this victory.  The Hunnydew's expedition was on the outer reaches of known space, and the danger of space pirates was very real.  The expedition had been at the crash site for only five weeks, when a raider set off a passive alarm in the outer system, and this just days after the main control door was opened..  Before the raider could find them on the surface, the Hunnydews had to quickly pack up their site and achieve orbit, if they had any hope of escape.  In the rush, they left their spare power supplies and a solar array connected to Matron, the ship.  The ancient ship, itself, seems to know the danger and hides itself and the new power sources from normal scans as Hunnydew's ship reaches orbit.  After a fire fight with the raider during the race to jump speed, the Hunnydew's ship is damaged but it makes it home.  Because of the cost of the expedition and Dr Hunnydew's unwillingness,which some think on her part, to share the location of the crash site, the university would disapprove of any new expeditions for her.  Which was fine for Dr Sara Hunnydew, as she would dedicating the rest of her life to translating what she had been able to copied from the Matron's memory core.  The royalties from these discoveries would keep them in credits for quite a while, but it was never enough for they own expedition and she would to repaid the university for their ship's repairs

Nova the adult...
What does Nova, the adult, remembers of  the Hunnydew Expedition or of her imaginary fairy friends from her six old mind?   Nova had grown to believe that her "fairy" friend, Xaoc and Gaea were imaginary.  That as a lonely kitten, she made them up.  That Loki has confirmed that they existed is still a shock, but that they may still be alive, she has not accepted, yet.  Maybe the bodies of Xaoc and Gaea were only there for the benefit of the Hunnydew Expedition, but six year old Nova didn't think that the bodies were Xaoc and Gaea at the time.

Nova came to believe her Grandma's explanations for her abilities with the Acadian language, that she can guess or figure out anything, given enough time and thought.  Her intuition has been right more times than not, throughout her life, about many other things, like people, her studies, mechanics, and situations.  At present, she thinks the crystal around her neck is only a souvenir from the expedition, but she keeps it around her neck, very religiously for love of her grandmother.


With approval from GM, this will be added to Nova's character post
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG] - Closed
Post by: Azlan on August 17, 2008, 05:06:34 PM
I think I can work with that... I love when someone adds to the story and expands it.

I will approve that, though some things may be a slight bit different than she remembers it.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG] - Closed
Post by: Prof B Hunnydew on August 17, 2008, 05:19:54 PM
I am going with what was in our PMs,  This is general knowledge known to the Fleet and to public databases for readers and other player info.

Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG] - Closed
Post by: Prof B Hunnydew on August 23, 2008, 10:13:00 AM
OK  Did Mother just disappear with Major Brown?  or Am I seeing thing? 

QuoteAs she spoke, the entire ship's systems came online and the rhythmic hum of the core was audible in the background.  She placed her hands on the grey fox, "let me show you where I am from."  Both glowed white before disappearing without a trace.  Mother appeared to have missed Romulus's question.

It will matter how Nova responds.

Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG] - Closed
Post by: ShadesFox on August 23, 2008, 11:14:54 AM
That is my impression.  Romulus seems to have taken the event in stride.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG] - Closed
Post by: Azlan on August 23, 2008, 03:15:55 PM
Indeed, the major appears to be absent... I'm sure he'll turn up eventually.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG] - Closed
Post by: Azlan on September 01, 2008, 03:20:22 PM
Looks like the major returned.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG] - Closed
Post by: techmaster-glitch on September 02, 2008, 12:00:07 AM
   Just popping in to say that, from what I've been reading, you peeps sound like you are going to try to requisition some equipment, personnel, and fighters. Now, my name showing up in the 'active' players slot when I whipped up the Character Index wasn't a mistake; I never actually 'left'. Just went for a temporary bus ride ;) Anyway, if you guys are needing a fighter escort, one of you might think to request the same squad that gave you cover in your last sortie :3

   On a side note, during my absence I've gotten a little older and a wee bit wiser too, so my RPing might not be the same as it was when I originally got here (In fact, I read up a few BattleTech novels recently, and realized that my playing style would have been perfectly suited to a squad of powered armor than a squad of fighters, if not straight up mechs themselves. In fact, from what I read, fighters are almost the antithesis of my style and my characters. I had random thoughts of just my characters having their occupations retconned, but not only would that require everyone [mainly the GM] to mentally void my previous posts so I could reuse the same characters as powered armor, but it sounds like you need fighters more anyway, so I won't even request it. Which makes this whole bit irrelevant anyway, but meh).

   Like I said, I've been following along best I can, and from what I can tell, Nova's crystal thing gave the location of another alien ship, which you guys are planning to go and retrieve. But if someone could give me a better summary of events, that would be much appreciated.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG] - Closed
Post by: Azlan on September 03, 2008, 02:04:54 AM
Indeed, that is convenient no?  One would think I was planning such a thing.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG] - Closed
Post by: techmaster-glitch on September 03, 2008, 06:01:39 PM
Ah. Sorry and thank you, then :B
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG] - Closed
Post by: Prof B Hunnydew on September 16, 2008, 07:09:28 AM
Azlan You really want Loki to know about Nova's personal crystal, don't you?

Okay Okay... Just a minute...or a day.

Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG] - Closed
Post by: Azlan on September 17, 2008, 01:03:50 AM
Quote from: Prof B Hunnydew on September 16, 2008, 07:09:28 AM
Azlan You really want Loki to know about Nova's personal crystal, don't you?

Okay Okay... Just a minute...or a day.


Well, it would be interesting, but he is just being nosy.

Link to an old thread:

Tech thread (,689.msg14177.html#msg14177)
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG] - Closed
Post by: techmaster-glitch on September 24, 2008, 07:49:40 PM
Just a notice, I made two small edits to my profile; added a Miscellaneous section to Nazareth, and reversed a small detail on Satch Nestor.

Since, personality/profile-wise, these are pretty much the flattest characters I've made to date, and that I haven't roleplayed them enough to settle into a comfortable groove, I'll probably be making further edits of this kind in the future as I change it to reflect how I end up playing them.

EDIT: Oh yeah, since I went through the pages a little bit ago to refresh myself on how everything went, I found that the Crusading Scales are currently under the direct command of Colonel Nexx and Major Shannon. Even though it's probably not an important detail at the moment, seeing as it's Captain Morgan who's calling Nazareth, I just thought I'd mention this :B
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG] - Closed
Post by: Lushin on September 24, 2008, 08:26:33 PM
I may just be crazy with that post but I've been getting that impression about the Major. Even more so with what's happening with him now.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG] - Closed
Post by: ShadesFox on September 24, 2008, 10:55:59 PM
I have juxtaposed your possible accusations of treason with happy shiny feelings.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG] - Closed
Post by: Azlan on September 25, 2008, 12:41:24 AM
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on September 24, 2008, 07:49:40 PM
Just a notice, I made two small edits to my profile; added a Miscellaneous section to Nazareth, and reversed a small detail on Satch Nestor.

Since, personality/profile-wise, these are pretty much the flattest characters I've made to date, and that I haven't roleplayed them enough to settle into a comfortable groove, I'll probably be making further edits of this kind in the future as I change it to reflect how I end up playing them.

EDIT: Oh yeah, since I went through the pages a little bit ago to refresh myself on how everything went, I found that the Crusading Scales are currently under the direct command of Colonel Nexx and Major Shannon. Even though it's probably not an important detail at the moment, seeing as it's Captain Morgan who's calling Nazareth, I just thought I'd mention this :B

Well, as Captain Summers is the operation commander of this scout fleet, he can assign and reassign whom he needs to when he needs to.  Nexx is already aware of this plan.

Quote from: Daimien on September 24, 2008, 08:26:33 PM
I may just be crazy with that post but I've been getting that impression about the Major. Even more so with what's happening with him now.

No, nothing so very sinister, but your post made me rethink that.  He was originally intended to be one of the Masters in disguise, but I scrapped that idea.

Quote from: ShadesFox on September 24, 2008, 10:55:59 PM
I have juxtaposed your possible accusations of treason with happy shiny feelings.

Shiny happy people laughing...

Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG] - Closed
Post by: Lushin on September 25, 2008, 03:00:57 PM
Sorry to ruin your plans Azlan. I was just getting that feeling.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG] - Closed
Post by: techmaster-glitch on September 26, 2008, 12:52:01 AM
By the way, Shades, does Richard have his bondcord on yet?
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG] - Closed
Post by: Azlan on September 26, 2008, 01:02:06 AM
Quote from: Daimien on September 25, 2008, 03:00:57 PM
Sorry to ruin your plans Azlan. I was just getting that feeling.

Those plans were scrapped a long time ago, had nothing to do with you.

Quote from: techmaster-glitch on September 26, 2008, 12:52:01 AM
By the way, Shades, does Richard have his bondcord on yet?

He will actually need to make a special trip to locate a Lycan who can fashion one or Aaron will have to make it himself.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG] - Closed
Post by: ShadesFox on September 26, 2008, 01:57:01 AM
Indeed.  At this point, unless there is a Lycan handy, Aaron is probably going to spend time learning to art of bond cord weaving.  That is actually something of a central point for Aaron, "Wait, you want me to do WHAT?  Yes, I'll do it."
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG] - Closed
Post by: techmaster-glitch on September 26, 2008, 09:42:19 PM
I am desperately trying to find a post where Mother is actually described :U Of course, I don't quite have the time to complete thorough search at the moment, so I've just been skimming around random pages... :mowdizzy

EDIT: Nevermind, found it. Halfway down the last page I popped to before I left, no less *smacks forehead*
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG] - Closed
Post by: Prof B Hunnydew on September 27, 2008, 11:25:31 AM
Matron being here, I would think would be too unsettling for Mother, but Mara is just as bad a threat.

But Alzan If you want I can change my change my to Matron.

Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG] - Closed
Post by: techmaster-glitch on September 27, 2008, 02:17:25 PM
Made an edit to include some things I forgot yesterday. For Ixiah's description, I went off his profile from the tech thread. If anything I wrote happens to be out-of-date for some reason, please let me know :U
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG] - Closed
Post by: ShadesFox on September 27, 2008, 03:01:54 PM
Yes, at my insistence Ixiah is now wearing a proper military uniform.  Col. Nexx's uniform to be exact.  When Aaron is not scrambling to heard everyone together he will insist on further changes.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG] - Closed
Post by: techmaster-glitch on September 27, 2008, 03:13:35 PM
Does he still have his collar and his circlet?
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG] - Closed
Post by: ShadesFox on September 27, 2008, 03:22:09 PM
I believe so.  Just change it to reflect Col. Nexx's uniform and it should be fine.  Until Azlan says otherwise for me being full of fail.

Upon further reflection, the circlet may have been dropped.  The collar will always be there.  The description of the change was quite vague, it is on page 20 of the IC thread.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG] - Closed
Post by: techmaster-glitch on September 27, 2008, 03:36:24 PM
M'kay, edits made. Also, in the interest of not causing a hiccup in the RP (since time seemes to be of the essense at the moment), I made a slight edit to my previous post, so that their fighters and equipment are already in-transit :B I'll be working with that in my next post, whenever it may be.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG] - Closed
Post by: Azlan on September 28, 2008, 04:44:54 AM
Quote from: Prof B Hunnydew on September 27, 2008, 11:25:31 AM
Matron being here, I would think would be too unsettling for Mother, but Mara is just as bad a threat.

But Alzan If you want I can change my change my to Matron.


Mara is fine, it should be a child from her.  The Matron that appeared is a security program in Nova's mind.

Quote from: ShadesFox on September 27, 2008, 03:22:09 PM
I believe so.  Just change it to reflect Col. Nexx's uniform and it should be fine.  Until Azlan says otherwise for me being full of fail.

Upon further reflection, the circlet may have been dropped.  The collar will always be there.  The description of the change was quite vague, it is on page 20 of the IC thread.

It is an exact replication of Nexx's uniform, but the name on it being Ixiah. 

The circlet is still there, but most tend to forget it is there.  That is the nature of it.  Nova and Aaron can see it just fine.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG] - Closed
Post by: techmaster-glitch on September 28, 2008, 11:57:10 AM
Quote from: Azlan on September 28, 2008, 04:44:54 AM
It is an exact replication of Nexx's uniform, but the name on it being Ixiah. 

The circlet is still there, but most tend to forget it is there.  That is the nature of it.  Nova and Aaron can see it just fine.
Whoops. Need to fix that.

EDIT: fix'd
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG] - Closed
Post by: techmaster-glitch on September 30, 2008, 02:25:17 PM
   Heh. I don't know whether to love you or hate you for your post, Shades. On the one hand, you just completely scrapped a difficult post I was working on all freaking yesterday, but on the other hand, it's probably for the best, since I might have been digging my own grave with it. So, I must go with 'you've saved me all that trouble', because I'd be an utter fool if I insisted on keeping things difficult. Still, I can't stand the thought of all that work I was doing be a complete waste, so I'll just post it here, if only so you'll know what direction I was going to be heading with all this.

   As the Zetas were conferring with the dock hands about the placement of the fighters, the alien ship spontaneously shot out beams of energy at the fighters. They were levitated to the ship, and "absorbed' into it, now held within armored bumps on the ship.
   All the the Crusading Scales, Nazareth included, were very wide-eyed at the spectacle. Nazareth, for one of the few times in his life, was...unsettled. Not for what the ship just did, but for that he didn't know what it could do. Not to mention this seemed to have made his squad's job quite a bit harder, considering they knew next-to-nothing about the actual arrangements of this now-mad scheme.
   Simply escorting this crazy hulk would have been strange enough, but no, then it has to go and acquire their fighters, without the pilots. Despite Captain Summers illuminating the fact that it could rack four fighters, he had also confirmed that Nazareth could pilot a Carrier Vehicle. Not only was Nazareth at a loss as to why he wouldn't be piloting his own fighter, as he should, but he had thought that, at least, he would be transporting the Zetas himself if he was confined to a Carrier Vehicle. It greatly disappointed him that this no longer seemed to be the case. While the Scales could operate independently, if necessary, they simply could not function at peak capacity if they were separated. Then they wouldn't be able to do their jobs as well as they probably would have to. Not to mention Nazareth couldn't fathom how his men were supposed to even access their fighters now. If this was a need-to-know-basis mission, how could there even be the possibility of permission to set foot within the vessel?
   Nazareth shook his head at the quandary.
   The belly of the ship opened up, lowering a ramp with two orange vixens striding down it. Orange wasn't such an uncommon fur color for vixens, but these two sported pelts so vibrantly colored, Nazareth didn't doubt that these were more aliens.
   He then headed his squad back towards the groups around the ships. A special ops sergeant, by the look of it, was filling in his men in another nearby group with some information about the aliens. The fact that one of them was called "Mother"--same as the ship according to the Captian--did not escape Nazareth. However, due to the absurdity of the name and the fact that it had to do with these aliens, Nazareth couldn't make heads or tails of it. However, he seemed to understand that "Mother" was probably the captain and pilot, and this other one "Alexis" was the gunner. Roughly. He caught that the Marines were now under the command of "Alexis", due to them being included as 'defenses'. Does that include us? Nazareth thought. By all the black suns, I hope not.
   They came up to Aaron, again. Nazareth's normally lustrous green coloration seemed ever-so-slightly-bleached, and his expression was a grim slash. The Zetas behind him bore similar appearances.
   "Major Aaron Brown." Nazareth stated, returning to a salute, with the Zetas not doing the same this time. "I apologize in advance, because I am about to be quite blunt, and will accept any reprimands you dictate after.
   "I am assuming in advance that, as the leader, in not necessarily organizer of this escapade, you are at least privy to the arrangements." Nazareth began. "Judging by your scant explanation of your mission, I gathered that the details of this...operation...are on a need-to-know-basis for those involved. However, it seems to be that my men and I have been denied...crucial information that we need to know."
   Nazareth paused for a moment. "First, when Captain Summers notified me of this mission, he wanted to make sure that I am qualified to handle Panther or Leopard CVs, which I am. And as you can probably see, there are five of us, while only four of our fighters

   The underlined dialogue at the end was the main part I was having trouble with (though not the only part). There were two questions I wanted asked; What the heck is Nazareth supposed to be piloting, and how by the blazing stars were the other Zetas supposed to get to their fighters (need-to-know-basis mission, therefore, going on ship an absolute no-no)? For the life of me, I could not figure out how to get these two questions out. I couldn't figure out if one of the other Zetas was to blurt out one of them, or if Nazarethy was to ask both, and if so, what order and best wording...I was practically beating myself over the head with a sledgehammer with this.

But, this is all moot point now! :boogie I'm off to make a new post! :D
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG] - Closed
Post by: Azlan on September 30, 2008, 04:49:39 PM
The energy beams used to move the fighters are not entirely unknown, it is just highly unlikely that a ship so very small could be outfitted in such a way.  The device is called a gravitic field directional projector.  It requires a gravity drive system or gravity enhncement modules integrated into conventional reactors and drives.  The ISF Waverider Gravity Drive is too large to be used in a 100m medium vessel.  Gravity modules are almost small enough to be placed in a medium ship, but the cost is prohibitive and the system would not be powerful enough to support even 1 directional projector.  In your scout fleet, only the Phalanx has this capability.

The system is essentially a tractor/repulsor beam for lack of a better term. 

As for the Zetas and their fighters...

Despite all the advanced technology of Mother, who based on observasion, has some type of super small gravity drive, she can only embark 4 fighters of any size (except the heavy bombers such as the Ballista).  The Zeta's Saber fighters are heavy and rather large.  In order to do this, that left one person, and I choose to make that Naz, as the one person out.  He can take anyone of the fighters out if he wishes, but I intended to address what he will be doing in my next post which will happen soon.

The pilots will be shown how they can access the fighters.

None of the ISF fighters are FTL and this expedition will require movement to other systems.  The Phalanx does carry 2 Vigilance Dropship fighter Carriers on her belly, but these things are only capable of sublight.  To include the Zetas, I was going to need to send a capital ship, which would have escalated the situation and changed the 'adventure' dynamics in the wrong way.  Plus even the Revelation herself is not as versatile as was needed.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG] - Closed
Post by: techmaster-glitch on September 30, 2008, 07:28:15 PM
Thanks, this clears up a few things, though I'm still wondering why the whole CV stuff was included earlier, unless it has something to do with Nazareth's job that you've got in mind. In any case...

"Somethin' you wanted?"
"I don't have time to f**k around!"
"You keep pushing me boy..."
"...And I'll scrap you along with the aliens!!!"
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG] - Closed
Post by: ShadesFox on September 30, 2008, 07:34:54 PM
I think it was for comparison purposes.
"You will be in a... uh... *BEEP* I don't know what it is.  We don't have anything like it.  Think of it as a CV"
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG] - Closed
Post by: Azlan on October 01, 2008, 04:50:54 PM
There, that is why I left one person out.  Mother is as nimble as the lightest fighter and is a bit more powerful with weapon damage and engine power than the [Revelation[/i].  Hopefully Naz is not too xenophobic... I wonder if he has realized that Mother seems to refer to herself occasionally when speaking about the ship. 

I wonder how he would react if he knew the ship was a type of living creature?
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG] - Closed
Post by: techmaster-glitch on October 01, 2008, 05:45:03 PM
Nazareth actually wasn't supposed to be xenophobic, it just unintentionally came out that way, and I'm going to be trying to rectify that over the next few posts in a way that doesn't make him look bipolar :B I'm probably going to have to settle him into something along the lines of "cautious and (slightly) suspicious".
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG] - Closed
Post by: techmaster-glitch on October 03, 2008, 04:10:22 PM
   Just a notice to all RPs I'm in, I will be absent from Monday to Thursday on a camping trip in Yosemite. My characters will all be quiet for that time. I don't think that's enough time for anything to happen to make autoing necessary, but if something does happen, my guys will just be running around behind everyone else.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG] - Closed
Post by: ShadesFox on October 05, 2008, 10:57:32 PM
*looks to the left*
*looks to the right*
*auto's Naz into a clown car, driving it around the Revelation*
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG] - Closed
Post by: Magic on October 10, 2008, 10:50:15 PM

As a favour to Shades. I have a 2 MB A4 size in CMYK colours for prints. Also, I still have the .indd file so I can edit this as necessary. I still can't come back yet, too busy with work, art and commissions. I really do want to play Summers again, sometime. Maybe Christmas.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG] - Closed
Post by: ShadesFox on October 11, 2008, 02:43:32 AM
Yes, I had made a little thing, originally I was going to make one out of a crayons, another sort of silly Aaron thing.  Though Ink has made a niftier version.  I was the one who made the assignments though, so if there are errors blame me ;p

Still, part of the point of this exercise is to try and get everyone's exact position figured out.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG] - Closed
Post by: Lushin on October 11, 2008, 01:13:09 PM
The only thing I noticed was that while Army Romulus is technically is under the ISIS. Though I don't know how it works out now seeing he moved to from one ship to the other under orders of Nexx since Loki was found, cause we didn't want Loki to go to Major Kanzoria for testings.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG] - Closed
Post by: techmaster-glitch on October 11, 2008, 03:47:55 PM
Quote from: Ink on October 10, 2008, 10:50:15 PM

As a favour to Shades. I have a 2 MB A4 size in CMYK colours for prints. Also, I still have the .indd file so I can edit this as necessary. I still can't come back yet, too busy with work, art and commissions. I really do want to play Summers again, sometime. Maybe Christmas.
I can't see the pic :<
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG] - Closed
Post by: ShadesFox on October 11, 2008, 04:25:21 PM
Hit refresh.  Sometimes I get weird things out of llearch's gallery.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG] - Closed
Post by: techmaster-glitch on October 11, 2008, 04:36:09 PM
not's just a blank box with that little x at the top-left
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG] - Closed
Post by: ShadesFox on October 11, 2008, 05:11:42 PM
Interesting, though now that you mention it, it looks like the bottom part is not loading.  Perhaps the jpg was not fully uploaded?
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG] - Closed
Post by: Azlan on October 11, 2008, 05:24:44 PM
Quote from: Ink on October 10, 2008, 10:50:15 PM

As a favour to Shades. I have a 2 MB A4 size in CMYK colours for prints. Also, I still have the .indd file so I can edit this as necessary. I still can't come back yet, too busy with work, art and commissions. I really do want to play Summers again, sometime. Maybe Christmas.

Very nice, thank you for the art type work Ink and Shades for the for the information and layout.  It would be nice to see Summers played again, but I know how it can be with responsibilities and life.  Be safe Inky foxy.   

Quote from: Daimien on October 11, 2008, 01:13:09 PM
The only thing I noticed was that while Army Romulus is technically is under the ISIS. Though I don't know how it works out now seeing he moved to from one ship to the other under orders of Nexx since Loki was found, cause we didn't want Loki to go to Major Kanzoria for testings.

Romulus will always be under Army command unless he transfers to ISIS.  ISIS's special dispensation to take operational control of Special Forces does not supersede their branch of service.  It is a mission specific authority.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG] - Closed
Post by: ShadesFox on October 11, 2008, 08:23:42 PM
Well, Ink Foxie did say that it might be Christmas, which sounds like a deadline for finding the Matron's ship and calling in the fleet ;p

And Daimien's bit did have me a bit confused.  The ISIS would have jumped in my 'dangerous' chart if they did run their own special forces units.  Calling upon the army's units makes much more sense.  Anywho, I've been collecting new background for Aaron, including the bits from our PM talk.  Hope to have that up soon.

The Story of Major Brown:
Aaron was an ugly cub.

But this was not the interesting part.  Aaron and Mark Brown were born to Maria and Robert Brown.  Not long there after Maria disappeared.  No one seemed willing to talk about it, every time he brought her up there was a brief moment of recollection about her before they quickly moved on to a new subject.  Robert stayed with Mark and Aaron for a while before he had to head off for a more lucrative job trading in the space lanes.  The brothers grew up with family members, grand parents, uncles, aunts, never staying with a relative for too long, never long enough for either of the foxes to grow attached.  They got regular messages from their father, stories about what he had seen, money to use for food, education, and other things fox children may do (lots of trading card games).  That was until the messages stopped.  It was widely assumed that he was claimed by the black, as many space traders were, either done in by any number of nasty accidents or equally nasty intentional accidents.

Many have wondered how the two could take the news so well.  In reality, neither really had parents to begin with, and in the end they did not even know for sure that either were actually dead, they were just gone, much like they always were.  With the lack of money Mark went into space trading following in dad's trail.  Some friends of Robert's felt sorry for him and Mark was able to get in to the trade easily enough.  Aaron secured a small scholarship to go to university.  He knew early on that he would be going for as long as he could, declaring that you were going for a graduate degree was a good method of avoiding compulsory enlistment.

While the war had long been over, a distant memory to many, there was still a compulsory enlistment system.  Target numbers for 'The Final Conflict to End Conflicts' were always defined as 'a lot'.  The amount of time they had to recruit also allowed them to develop a number of nasty tricks to recruit people.  Many accuse them of making scholarships difficult to maintain to trap students in some sort of military program.  This is one of the few cases where the many were wise. 

When Aaron's money ran out he joined an officer training program.  He had shown great promise as a researcher, essentially devouring any knowledge put in his way.  The ISF was only too glad to set him on research projects, which always saw accelerated time tables when he was on the task.  Aaron did not mind the reputation of getting things done well before anyone thought it should be possible, it tended to get him on the most interesting projects.  Aaron was a part of two expeditions during his stay in university, each of which became infamous across university for going horribly wrong.  These incidents only saw Aaron's legend grow as he was credited with single handedly saving many members of these expeditions through quick thinking and good situational assessment.  Aaron vehemently denies these accusations, saying he just did what anyone should do, though that did not keep him from putting in for promotion.  Towards the end of his extended stay in University he was put in a senior assistant position for the research labs of the university.  However, the real post-doc that was supposed to be running the labs was often negligent in his duties, being too wrapped up in the latest "very important top secret project" to worry about the lab, effectively putting Aaron in charge.  This annoyed Aaron to no end, but you wouldn't have guessed it hearing Aaron's fond stories and memories of those times.

After he was awarded a doctorate in Xeno Biology, Aaron was expecting to be assigned to the lab or to some military research facility.  Imagine his surprise when he was assigned to the Inari class cruiser Revelation.

All subject to Azlan approval.  The only part I'm really concerned about is the ugly cub part.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG] - Closed
Post by: Azlan on October 13, 2008, 12:45:18 AM
Quote from: ShadesFox on October 11, 2008, 08:23:42 PM
Well, Ink Foxie did say that it might be Christmas, which sounds like a deadline for finding the Matron's ship and calling in the fleet ;p

And Daimien's bit did have me a bit confused.  The ISIS would have jumped in my 'dangerous' chart if they did run their own special forces units.  Calling upon the army's units makes much more sense.  Anywho, I've been collecting new background for Aaron, including the bits from our PM talk.  Hope to have that up soon.

As it is detailed in the old tech thread, ISIS does employ a lot of its own military forces. 

Quote from: ShadesFox on October 11, 2008, 08:23:42 PM
The Story of Major Brown:
Aaron was an ugly cub.

But this was not the interesting part.  Aaron and Mark Brown were born to Maria and Robert Brown.  Not long there after Maria disappeared.  No one seemed willing to talk about it, every time he brought her up there was a brief moment of recollection about her before they quickly moved on to a new subject.  Robert stayed with Mark and Aaron for a while before he had to head off for a more lucrative job trading in the space lanes.  The brothers grew up with family members, grand parents, uncles, aunts, never staying with a relative for too long, never long enough for either of the foxes to grow attached.  They got regular messages from their father, stories about what he had seen, money to use for food, education, and other things fox children may do (lots of trading card games).  That was until the messages stopped.  It was widely assumed that he was claimed by the black, as many space traders were, either done in by any number of nasty accidents or equally nasty intentional accidents.

Many have wondered how the two could take the news so well.  In reality, neither really had parents to begin with, and in the end they did not even know for sure that either were actually dead, they were just gone, much like they always were.  With the lack of money Mark went into space trading following in dad's trail.  Some friends of Robert felt sorry for him Mark was able to get in to the trade easily enough.  Aaron secured a small scholarship to go to university.  He knew early on that he would be going for as long as he could, declaring that you were going for a graduate degree was a good method of avoiding compulsory enlistment.

While the war had long been over, a distant memory to many, there was still a compulsory enlistment system.  Target numbers for 'The Final Conflict to End Conflicts' were always defined as 'a lot'.  The amount of time they had to recruit also allowed them to develop a number of nasty tricks to recruit people.  Many accuse them of making scholarships difficult to maintain to trap students in some sort of military program.  This is one of the few cases where the many were wise. 

When Aaron's money ran out he joined an officer training program.  He had shown great promise as a researcher, essentially devouring any knowledge put in his way.  The ISF was only too glad to set him on research projects, which always saw accelerated time tables when he was on the task.  Aaron did not mind the reputation of getting things done well before anyone thought it should be possible, it tended to get him on the most interesting projects.  Aaron was a part of two expeditions during his stay in university, each of which became infamous across university for going horribly wrong.  These incidents only saw Aaron's legend grow as he was credited with single handedly saving many members of these expeditions through quick thinking and good situational assessment.  Aaron vehemently denies these accusations, saying he just did what anyone should do, though that did not keep him from putting in for promotion.  Towards the end of his extended stay in University he was put in a senior assistant position for the research labs of the university.  However, the real post-doc that was supposed to be running the labs was often negligent in his duties, being too wrapped up in the latest "very important top secret project" to worry about the lab, effectively putting Aaron in charge.  This annoyed Aaron to no end, but you wouldn't have guessed it hearing Aaron's fond stories and memories of those times.

After he was awarded a doctorate in Xeno Biology, Aaron was expecting to be assigned to the lab or to some military research facility.  Imagine his surprise when he was assigned to the Inari class cruiser Revelation.

All subject to Azlan approval.  The only part I'm really concerned about is the ugly cub part.

Aaron was a cute fox cub...

This is good, I would like you to PM me with what you believe happened to Robert.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Azlan on October 20, 2008, 12:20:29 AM
For record keeping purposes...

Current A.I.'s:

Mother - bright vibrant orange vixen who dresses like she belongs in Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle.  She is the ship, representing the mind in control of a body.  Mother does not appear to have any other name that she chooses to share with those that travel with her and her role is very much like that of a mother.  She treats everyone under her care as if they were her children, which can be both good and bad.

Alexis - This vixen is the same color as her mother, and tends to sport all manner of military uniforms.  Alexis is the oldest and most unusual of the three sisters, she has a very dominant personality and tends to like to flirt with the males.  She treats the Acadian kids like brothers and sisters, and will tend to disobey even Loki if she believes her course of action is the best.  Alexis is also the only one besides Mother that seems to leave the ship regularly and independently.  Her role appears to be security and weapons systems.  Though it has not specifically been mentioned, she has lavender hair and her eyes are aquamarine, she also speaks with a noticeable welsh accent.

Rebecka - This golden vixen only recently appeared.  She has auburn hair and blue eyes.  When she speaks, her accent is of a highland Scottish lass.  Despite her accent, she is largely a vixen variety of Kanna Togakushi complete with glasses (as any meganekko should have) and insane inventions.  Like the sister which has not yet been met, Rebecka does not appear to leave the ship.  At this point it is not known if this is because she cannot or that she just has not had a reason to do so.  She is responsible for all engineering tasks and non-combat ship systems. 

Cynthia - A light violet furred vulpine with short platinum purple hair and dark violet eyes.  She typically wears a uniform very much like that of an ISF Medical Officer.  When she speaks, she has an accent that many Earthers might consider Australian.  She is very studious and to the point, preferring to lay out the facts.  She can seem less concerned with things that should require lots of attention, such as poor foxes that are injected with a wide variety of alien (to them) chemicals.  However, it seems that somehow she already knows what is going on and where things will go.  If she is genuinely concerned, then someone is likely in a lot of danger.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: ShadesFox on October 20, 2008, 12:45:48 AM
I also noted a change in the thread rating to PG/14.  Was there a particular reason for this?  I often found it fun when I had to reign in my usually foul mouth to fit in PG X3
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Azlan on October 20, 2008, 12:53:24 AM
Quote from: ShadesFox on October 20, 2008, 12:45:48 AM
I also noted a change in the thread rating to PG/14.  Was there a particular reason for this?  I often found it fun when I had to reign in my usually foul mouth to fit in PG X3

Well, the level of violence and situation coming up in the future preclude a PG rating.  I wanted to keep it PG, because that would actually be a first for this board, but I checked my notes and it just won't work.

BTW, I edited in a response to Aaron.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: ShadesFox on October 20, 2008, 01:05:06 AM
I see.  Violence could be interesting.  Aaron abhors having to do such things, though you may have noticed that I enjoy marching Aaron into doing things he does not like.  I'll continue to keep my language in check anyways.  And I see my brain's tendency to fill in letters where it expects them to be against all reality has bitten me again D: I shall just leave it, it looks like it is now built into the mythos ;p
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: techmaster-glitch on October 21, 2008, 12:12:12 AM
Just a note, Nazareth really would be satisfied if it's just Mother's analysis of his flight record that gave her leave to trust him with this job. He's just a guy who naturally wants to double-check and be sure everything's hunky-dory.

However, if you want to take it any further, I think I'll be able to improv in some stuff.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Azlan on October 21, 2008, 10:15:13 PM
Quote from: Daimien on October 21, 2008, 09:44:40 PM

Then looks at Ben and gestures to Ben's drop area.
"Your turn"

Technically he went at the same time as Romulus, but I just completely glazed over it as I was focusing on your character.  As indicated in the first part of this message:

Quote from: Azlan on October 19, 2008, 09:51:19 PM
Romulus and Ben were the first to take the seats. 
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Lushin on October 22, 2008, 12:41:07 PM
It was kinda part of the joke Romulus had made to Alexis about her getting men. Also it's starting to feel like a mix of Farscape and Stargate.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Azlan on October 22, 2008, 01:47:21 PM
It's designed to be a bit whacky and fun... there are far too many RPs here that are trying to break new ground in drama, depth and seriousness.  There should at least be one that is just fun...

In its defense though, it gets more grim later.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: ShadesFox on October 22, 2008, 09:51:12 PM
You know, that is one of those thing that have me interested in this RP above others around here.  Having fun, with the potential to run things down later.  It is like the problem of who you throw mud at.  If you throw mud at a peasant, he was already nasty and covered in mud and it isn't as much fun as throwing mud at the king, where you get mud on his shiny pants.

And prof, I just had to bring this up because Daimien and I have already made similar mistakes, but... forbidden logarithms?  I think you meant algorithms.  Unless they are just really not allowed to know that 1000 log 10 is 3 ;p

Just a another thing, as I was rereading the previous Azlan post, I think we maybe a bit confused about locations.  My intention was that Richard and Aaron went to Aaron's room.  Stupid pronouns X3
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Azlan on October 23, 2008, 01:58:36 AM
Quote from: ShadesFox on October 22, 2008, 09:51:12 PM
Just a another thing, as I was rereading the previous Azlan post, I think we maybe a bit confused about locations.  My intention was that Richard and Aaron went to Aaron's room.  Stupid pronouns X3

K, I'll fix that at some point...
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Prof B Hunnydew on October 23, 2008, 02:27:42 PM
Quote from: ShadesFox on October 22, 2008, 09:51:12 PM
You know, that is one of those thing that have me interested in this RP above others around here.  Having fun, with the potential to run things down later.  It is like the problem of who you throw mud at.  If you throw mud at a peasant, he was already nasty and covered in mud and it isn't as much fun as throwing mud at the king, where you get mud on his shiny pants.

And prof, I just had to bring this up because Daimien and I have already made similar mistakes, but... forbidden logarithms?  I think you meant algorithms.  Unless they are just really not allowed to know that 1000 log 10 is 3 ;p

Just a another thing, as I was rereading the previous Azlan post, I think we maybe a bit confused about locations.  My intention was that Richard and Aaron went to Aaron's room.  Stupid pronouns X3

Well, Spell cheque cant catch everyding....   I fix.    :mowcookie PBH
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: techmaster-glitch on November 02, 2008, 06:00:18 PM
Through this mindlink business, does Nazareth even know what Mother is armed with? And is he going to have control of the weapons, or is that going to stay with Alexis? Right now, I'm assuming the latter, so if I'm wrong, I need to add something before I post.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Azlan on November 03, 2008, 01:05:44 AM
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on November 02, 2008, 06:00:18 PM
Through this mindlink business, does Nazareth even know what Mother is armed with? And is he going to have control of the weapons, or is that going to stay with Alexis? Right now, I'm assuming the latter, so if I'm wrong, I need to add something before I post.

Weapons controls are available to Naz, Alexis is just the weapons and security subsystem.

The mindlink provides all relevant data for weapon and power systems.

Relevant weapon systems:

2 Hypergraviton blasters (front arc or rear arc).
1 Hypergraviton beam projector (front arc, spinal mount).
2 Gravitic torpedo projectors (front arc or rear arc).

Defensive systems:

Armored hull: molecularly aligned silicon-organic matrix.
4 Interceptor capable antigraviton pulsars.
1 Gravitic dissipation double field shield.
2 Gravitic field projectors

Engines and Power systems:

1 Quantum singularity Gravitic Reactor (first stage).
1 Antimatter reactor (second stage).
1 Quadruple Cross Gravitic Drive.
1 Hyperspace phase shifting vortex generator.

Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: techmaster-glitch on November 03, 2008, 09:45:01 PM
   Eh, I kind of had to gloss over the "combat" part of the simulation anyway for several reasons, one being that I've been trying to get this posted for a few days, and today I'm rather strapped for time, so I couldn't go into to much detail. That and I don't have much idea of what the details are, since you just said what the weapons were, and not what they do or how they compare with others. However, I'm pretty sure this will be figured out by the time we actually get to a fight, and I'm assuming they aren't to uber-powerful, because that would make the rest of the Scales useless, and right now I've been trying to push ahead to getting them back in action.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Azlan on November 04, 2008, 01:12:07 AM
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on November 03, 2008, 09:45:01 PM
   Eh, I kind of had to gloss over the "combat" part of the simulation anyway for several reasons, one being that I've been trying to get this posted for a few days, and today I'm rather strapped for time, so I couldn't go into to much detail. That and I don't have much idea of what the details are, since you just said what the weapons were, and not what they do or how they compare with others. However, I'm pretty sure this will be figured out by the time we actually get to a fight, and I'm assuming they aren't to uber-powerful, because that would make the rest of the Scales useless, and right now I've been trying to push ahead to getting them back in action.

Mother is more like a gunship then anything else.  I forgot to post any explanations on what the weapons do, that's what I get for posting when I am half tired.

Hypergraviton Beam - this weapon accelerates and concentrates a beam of gravitons at a target which has the effect of slicing through armor.  The beam rapidly compresses matter in a small area due to the creation of localized gravity wells, as well as breaking apart molecular bonds.  Can be used in Raking, piercing and sustained mode.

Hypergraviton blaster - similar to the beam weapon, except that it fires in pulses instead of a beam.  Less damage, but a very high rate of fire.

Gravitic torpedo - The graviton wave generated by the detonation of this weapon creates an enormous tidal force that at close distance can literally tear a ship to pieces.

The Quadruple Cross drive is a gravitic system, it alows the ship to make amazing maneuvers.  It allows Mother to turn on a dime, zig and zag through space and do things impossible for conventional spacecraft. 

Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Azlan on November 11, 2008, 09:11:24 PM
Azlan has been sick as of late, he will be back soon...
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: ShadesFox on November 11, 2008, 09:28:28 PM
See, this is what you get for taking strange injections.  Now you are psychic ad channeling someone with the flu.  You would think you would have learned your lesson from Aaron.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: techmaster-glitch on November 16, 2008, 12:33:10 AM
Hasn't quite produced a reaction I expected, but yes, ze last post was made to finally reveal the one thing that -actually- gets Nazareth.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: ShadesFox on November 16, 2008, 12:45:07 AM
Yes, RPs tend to be messy like that, people not reacting like you intended.

On a side note, at this point my clockwork folder in my email box is so full of LitS mails that the advertisements are dominated by Integrated Circuits (IC) and video games related to stars...
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: techmaster-glitch on November 16, 2008, 01:15:02 AM
Quote from: ShadesFox on November 16, 2008, 12:45:07 AM
Yes, RPs tend to be messy like that, people not reacting like you intended.
It is supposed to introduce a bit of in-character tension, but I don't think it's going to be genuine problem, so long as I handle this right.

...Wait... :/

S**t, this is going to get me booted from the RP... :B
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Lushin on November 16, 2008, 11:21:50 AM
Dude I ain't the GM, Romulus just isn't happy at the moment. Plus you showed aggression to one of the crew. So he made it know that if it keeps up he will see about having you removed from the ship.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: ShadesFox on November 16, 2008, 03:01:12 PM
Now now children, we can all get along and share our toys.  Romulus stop hitting Naz.  Naz stop whining about Richard.  I will pull this boat over!  DON'T MAKE ME MIND CONTROL YOU!
*Holds out his hand* STAND BY FOR MIND CONTROL!
Wait... Aaron can't mind control people?  Aww...

Sorry, that popped into my head and I just had to get that out of my system.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: techmaster-glitch on November 16, 2008, 04:03:09 PM
Yes, Mama Aaron :P

And to Daimien, don't worry. Naz may have shown agression, but outward displays are going to go down from this point on (unless, gods forbid, Richard actually tries to talk to Nazareth >:3). Besides, I've been planning this the whole time.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Lushin on November 16, 2008, 06:36:29 PM
Well you just showed you have an issue with another crewmember infront of the guy that basically feels like a security officer. So if he feels like Naz is a threat, he will make sure nothing happens.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: techmaster-glitch on November 16, 2008, 07:23:22 PM
Quote from: Daimien on November 16, 2008, 06:36:29 PM
Well you just showed you have an issue with another crewmember infront of the guy that basically feels like a security officer. So if he feels like Naz is a threat, he will make sure nothing happens.
M'kay. But like I said, I doubt it will come to that. I mean, out of character, I wouldn't deliberately make Nazareth do something that would get me kicked out, would I? :P
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Azlan on December 03, 2008, 11:57:41 PM
Wie!  I did not realize it was Wednesday already. 

This post is to inform you all that I shall be away in jolly old England, London town specifically, between Dec 5th to 15th.  I will be bringing my laptop, but I may not have much time for posting. 

Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: ShadesFox on December 04, 2008, 12:40:14 AM
Have fun Azzie.  Are ya going to visit Llearch or anything of the like?
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Azlan on December 05, 2008, 12:48:14 AM
Quote from: ShadesFox on December 04, 2008, 12:40:14 AM
Have fun Azzie.  Are ya going to visit Llearch or anything of the like?

That is what I am bringing my Nitro 9 for...
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Azlan on December 20, 2008, 11:59:31 PM
Time to get back into things.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: ShadesFox on December 21, 2008, 04:10:03 PM
Not sure if you noticed prof, but Aaron is in Med bay, talking with Marissa ;p
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Prof B Hunnydew on December 21, 2008, 04:45:44 PM
Thanks I have to read more carefully...PBH
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: ShadesFox on December 29, 2008, 01:10:44 PM
You know, I just noticed something.  Mother is supposed to be on the Phalanx, not the Revelation.  I think I forgot about this at some point.  It must have been all that time on Mother, she tricked me  :mowsad
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Azlan on December 29, 2008, 04:57:37 PM
I've always been operating under this knowledge.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: ShadesFox on December 30, 2008, 12:24:11 AM
Yea, but somewhere I seemed to have gotten confused.  This is more of a heads up that I went back and changed Revelation to Phalanx in a few posts where I said that Mother was on the wrong ship.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Azlan on December 30, 2008, 12:37:04 AM
Quote from: ShadesFox on December 30, 2008, 12:24:11 AM
Yea, but somewhere I seemed to have gotten confused.  This is more of a heads up that I went back and changed Revelation to Phalanx in a few posts where I said that Mother was on the wrong ship.

I never noticed @.o
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Azlan on December 30, 2008, 10:11:00 PM
Note Marissa only whacks Aaron and is not at all concerned about Ixiah.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Prof B Hunnydew on December 31, 2008, 07:43:40 PM
Love hurts, but Aaron is getting all pain, here... I would sympathize more with him, if I was a wake to see this...

I will wait for the ship's launch or eight hours of game time., before posting again.   Unless, Loki invades my dreams again. 

Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: techmaster-glitch on January 07, 2009, 12:35:05 AM
Azlan, is the docking bay sealed by a "shield that keeps air in ( but lets ships through (", or actual airlock doors and the deck needs to be cleared before a launch?
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Azlan on January 07, 2009, 01:09:34 AM
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on January 07, 2009, 12:35:05 AM
Azlan, is the docking bay sealed by a "shield that keeps air in ( but lets ships through (", or actual airlock doors and the deck needs to be cleared before a launch?

The deck has been clear for awhile now, but that tends to only be a precaution with departures by unknown vessels.  The bay has airlock doors, which were opened as part of the clearance, that have a "gravimetric bubble" shielding them and maintaining the atmosphere in the bay.

For the most part, ships that do not have gravimetric modules or full drives, have a two stage small craft launching system.  Shuttles and the like are taxied to a launch deck, which is behind blast reinforced airlock doors, from the shuttle bay.  When in place, the launch deck is sealed, depressurized and opened to the hard vacuum of space.

The Tribunal class Cruiser, of which the Phalanx is a member, possess gravimetric reactor modules (They draw a little power, but they make the reactor operate much more efficiently, thereby tripling its efficiency.  They produce true gravity, inertial dampening, gravimetric shielding, etc.).
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Prof B Hunnydew on January 21, 2009, 07:51:35 AM
No, Azlan... I am not leaving this RP(unlike Brotherhood)...You post a new round once a week.. 


Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: ShadesFox on January 21, 2009, 07:26:51 PM
Yea, losing anyone out of this RP would  really bit.  We also have far fewer people for fewer posts X3
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Azlan on January 21, 2009, 11:03:00 PM
I will have to open this RP up soon as it is required and I've been putting it off for awhile.  So we might get a straggler in or two.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Lushin on January 21, 2009, 11:37:23 PM
Damn squatters hiding out on mother.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: ShadesFox on January 22, 2009, 01:11:16 AM
Augie obviously dispatched his agents to keep an eye on the love of his life.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: Azlan on January 28, 2009, 12:36:26 AM
Hardly, Augie is not the stowaway type.

Anyways, today marks my open period as mandated by forum rules.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: techmaster-glitch on January 28, 2009, 12:57:29 AM
Crud in a bucket, I forgot to post in this RP. I'll try to get to that tomorrow.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: Lisky on January 28, 2009, 08:18:42 AM
well, i'm interested... what's fair game for characters, and what does the team currently needs for skill sets?

I'm thinking of adapting a character, Eric 'Knight' White-Haven as a fighter pilot... though i'm curious as to whether or not he can be winged (more or less completely ascetic, he can move them, and they could be used to slow a freefall, but he doesn't have the proper musculature, or control over them to actually fly, or even properly glide... they do help to emphasize emotions though)
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: Azlan on January 28, 2009, 03:45:36 PM
Well, at the moment, nothing is required.  The group has two science types, a SpecFor guy (+team), and a pilot (+team).

Anyone starting now will get inserted at or after next jump waypoint.  The current team is beyond ISF borders in neutral territory (colonized, but unaligned) full of pirates, Corporate Authority Sectors, Free colonies and the like.

The available factions to pull from are:
Privateer (not Pirate!)
ISF/Explorer Corp
IFL - Imperium Foreign Legion (Star Imperium is a member state of the ISF)
Technocratic League

Pilots, especially fighter pilots, would be very hard to integrate as the team is currently in a very small ship that is maxed on its fighter compliment. 

The current tech level of all the groups above (except the Technocratic League) do not allow small craft, fighters or most medium vessels to move FTL.  Only Capital ships and Capital-level support ships are capable of doing this. 

Various alien factions, such as the Acadians, are very technologically advanced in comparison, but are not playable except under special circumstances.

Bas, let me know what concepts you have and I will discuss options.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: Lisky on January 28, 2009, 03:56:06 PM
well, i pmed you the fighter pilot, but if you'd prefer something else, i can scrap that, and have him more of a spec-ops type soldier, with the basic skills of a pilot (IE: he can fly a craft with enough skill to not go slamming into either A: a planet's surface B:space debris or C: the ship he's trying to dock with)
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: Azlan on January 28, 2009, 06:18:05 PM
Quote from: Basilisk2150 on January 28, 2009, 03:56:06 PM
well, i pmed you the fighter pilot, but if you'd prefer something else, i can scrap that, and have him more of a spec-ops type soldier, with the basic skills of a pilot (IE: he can fly a craft with enough skill to not go slamming into either A: a planet's surface B:space debris or C: the ship he's trying to dock with)

A fighter pilot won't work at this juncture.  I don't have the ability to detail a light or escort carrier to the group, and where they have to go and what must be done would probably make that kind of ship a liability... (in a sense, it would get wiped by pirates and aliens).

Check here (,689.0.html) for some useful information.  Also, this OOC thread has some useful stuff in it too.

Mostly any human or anthro race is available, but no strange fantastic creatures (unicorns, griffons) nor winged/tentacled/taur characters unless they happen to be anthro squids, avians or similar.  An alien along these lines could be possible, but their tech level must be equal to or less than that of the ISF.

Universal anti-agapic, or other life-extending/perpetuating wonder serums, genetic treatments or experimentation is extremely rare.  No character can start the game with a benefit in this area without heavy negotiation.  One of the themes of my universe is the strive to ascend the mortal coil and achieve immortality.  It is a trait the ancients and First Races possess, as well as some of those that came later.

Important note: Your characters may change, in ways you as players may not intend.  It is story based and not Azlan being cruel and ebil... well, maybe, but its not supposed to be obvious :P   
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: Lisky on January 29, 2009, 06:26:47 PM
... Azlan isn't being cruel or evil, that would be what i was originally planning to do in my own RP to kill off medoza... again...  Direct hit from an IPDNWS... that being said... any chance you've gone over the new character, or should i redo something thats more like an ONI infiltrator?
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: Azlan on January 29, 2009, 09:05:25 PM
I will let you know in a bit once I get home.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: Lisky on February 02, 2009, 07:46:43 AM
Name: 2nd LT. Eric 'knight' Whitehaven
Age: 25
Race: Snow Leopard
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 155 Lbs
Physical Description: Tall and Slender, Knight has a white coat, covered in black spots, and bright, ice blue eyes. The tips of his ears are black,along with the tips of the hair on his head... together they give him what most women describe as a 'cute' overall appearance... He tends to be quick witted, and upbeat, with what seems like a never-ending supply of positivity.
He tends to wear a formal black tunic with gold trim when required, but prefers his 'street clothes' which tend to be baggy cargo pants or jeans and loose to form fitting shirts of various color (usually orange, green or black)

Skills: a natural pilot, he grew up leaning how to fly on his father's fast merchant, and courier vessels... he wanted to be a fighter pilot, but when the call to service came around, his spacial visualization, natural skill for both space and ground based tactics, general intuitive nature, and his unwillingness to loose a comrade for 'the greater good' quickly earned him a more multipurpose role as the LAM pilot of a (Information Deleted for Security Purposes)... When in the cockpit, his reaction time is borderline superhuman, and his ability to assess a situation and make a snap decision are among his greatest assets in combat.

Outside of piloting his mech, Knight tends to be extremely social, and often seems to be pursing random relationships, whether they be friendship with a random crewman, or something deeper with a woman who catches his fancy... He does train in several styles of martial arts.  He also owns a rather expensive laser pistol his parents bought him before he left, he considers the weapon one of his greatest possessions, despite his relative lack of skill with the elegant weapon.

History: The only son of the extremely wealthy Whitehaven family (he did have 4 older sisters), he went to over priced private schools, and got his formal education, scoring exceedingly well in both classes and standardized tests... his parents wanted him to go into business at some prestigious college, but he knew his calling was as a pilot.  On his 18th birthday, he signed up with the ISF, and after placing into the pilot program, was sent off to training... Again, scoring exceedingly well, he placed top of his class and was sent off to special forces training.  His overall attitude there earned him the call sign Knight, which is what he goes by in all but the most formal of situations.  He feels that getting called Second Lieutenant Whitehaven is rather pretentious and prefers to skip the formality whenever possible.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: Azlan on February 03, 2009, 01:47:51 AM
Okay, Bas is in, but he is on hold for a bit until we reach him.  It won't be too much longer of meandering... but its a fun time when I get to stab someone...  :kittydevious  :knifed
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: ShadesFox on February 03, 2009, 02:17:55 AM
I knew you were out for me!  :<

And not Aaron, after me personally.  I've seen the way you eye me with that sword.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: Azlan on February 08, 2009, 06:08:46 PM
I took a bit of liberty to move us towards the next area.  This dead system would also be a good point for Bas to bring in Knight. 

A good situational post for him would do, and the rest will fall in from there.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: Lisky on February 08, 2009, 07:37:57 PM
just lemme know if i should add or remove anything...
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: Azlan on February 08, 2009, 07:43:43 PM
Quote from: Basilisk2150 on February 08, 2009, 07:37:57 PM
just lemme know if i should add or remove anything...

Looks fine, I'll respond a little later. got some stuff to do first.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: Lisky on February 08, 2009, 08:11:15 PM
...shades, i love how your just setting yourself up for horrible, horrible disappointment....
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: ShadesFox on February 08, 2009, 10:13:59 PM
I do this frequently.  One of my favorite moments is linked here:
The 2 posts in the IC thread:,739.msg230005.html#msg230005
The 3 posts in the OOC thread, right after the IC part:,644.msg230006.html#msg230006
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: Lushin on February 08, 2009, 10:28:05 PM
Quote from: ShadesFox on February 08, 2009, 10:13:59 PM
I do this frequently.  One of my favorite moments is linked here:
The 2 posts in the IC thread:,739.msg230005.html#msg230005
The 3 posts in the OOC thread, right after the IC part:,644.msg230006.html#msg230006
Which posts? There are a few there.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: ShadesFox on February 08, 2009, 10:32:49 PM
The links put the posts at the top of the screen.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: techmaster-glitch on February 13, 2009, 07:41:13 PM
Gosh darn it, how many more times am I going to make an ass out of Nazareth because I didn't know something that he should've?  :rolleyes
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: ShadesFox on February 13, 2009, 07:53:24 PM
However many times you want to ;p

Though you do have it rather rough on your end.  Naz seems like a very protocol type, and this defies all protocols.  Though Aaron would make a comment about how at least you aren't half dead.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: Lisky on February 13, 2009, 08:00:15 PM
you know, someone could totally make a snide comment when 'knight' exits the pod that it looks like he was hooking up with his girlfriend in the pod when his ship was destroyed... as the computer core has in fact taken the form of a female, who is wearing knight's clothes

Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: Azlan on February 13, 2009, 10:06:40 PM
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on February 13, 2009, 07:41:13 PM
Gosh darn it, how many more times am I going to make an ass out of Nazareth because I didn't know something that he should have?  :rolleyes

That was done deliberately, as my understanding of Nazareth is that he is rather uncomfortable with the full immersion, direct brain link style systems that Mother seems to employ.

He is just so unfamiliar to this kind of environment and technology that he probably would not even think query certain things.

I wanted to map it out as a learning experience and perhaps he will grow from it.   
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: techmaster-glitch on February 14, 2009, 01:21:00 PM
Quote from: Azlan on February 13, 2009, 10:06:40 PM
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on February 13, 2009, 07:41:13 PM
Gosh darn it, how many more times am I going to make an ass out of Nazareth because I didn't know something that he should have?  :rolleyes

That was done deliberately, as my understanding of Nazareth is that he is rather uncomfortable with the full immersion, direct brain link style systems that Mother seems to employ.
Well, that's not quite correct. I had intended for him to get over that fairly quickly, because I wanted the focus to be on his hatred of Clanners (which is justified), not discomfort of aliens (which is not). I knew that if he had both at the same time, he really would seem like an utterly unreasonable xenophobic jerk. And that's not what I'm going for. Most recent post case in point :<
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: Azlan on February 14, 2009, 06:42:55 PM
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on February 14, 2009, 01:21:00 PM
Well, that's not quite correct. I had intended for him to get over that fairly quickly, because I wanted the focus to be on his hatred of Clanners (which is justified), not discomfort of aliens (which is not). I knew that if he had both at the same time, he really would seem like an utterly unreasonable xenophobic jerk. And that's not what I'm going for. Most recent post case in point :<

That is what I have seen.  I know what you have said/typed, but that has truly yet to show through in the character and it is really early for such a radical change in position for someone like what you have portrayed Nazareth to be.  I will take you at your intent, and be more mindful of what you desire for him.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: Azlan on February 16, 2009, 10:49:40 PM
Lol, I thought it good to mention that I do not own Washu Hakubi... but something possessed me to include a furry version in this universe.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: ShadesFox on February 17, 2009, 01:20:09 AM
Speaking of LOL, at some point I'm going to try and have Aaron use Dan's latest quote, "I learned to hear thoughts, among other things"
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: Lisky on February 21, 2009, 05:35:39 PM
i'm not sure if i should have knight go with teasing, or just laugh now that Saioko has gone and put herself in a "god damnit, now nothing is going to sound right" situation... awesome job azlan, i'm going to be chuckling about that for a few hours now...
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: Azlan on February 21, 2009, 05:49:53 PM
I learned from the worst... manga...
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: Prof B Hunnydew on February 21, 2009, 07:33:39 PM
God and Goddess  RL is kicking my, fever, and comic requirements/promises months ago, now due... Well, they are finished.  Now, just the 1000th fan comic. and I am feeling better.

I would like to know if I am still in on this... I need a few hours more to caught up...Can Nova be healed more or she is still on limited duty?  Mara want training for security, as a spy.

Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: Azlan on February 21, 2009, 07:46:12 PM
Quote from: Prof B Hunnydew on February 21, 2009, 07:33:39 PM
God and Goddess  RL is kicking my, fever, and comic requirements/promises months ago, now due... Well, they are finished.  Now, just the 1000th fan comic. and I am feeling better.

I would like to know if I am still in on this... I need a few hours more to caught up...Can Nova be healed more or she is still on limited duty?  Mara want training for security, as a spy.


Well, I haven't dropped you if that's what you mean.  Nova is still resting in Medical and I imagine Mara is still talking to Alexis...

Nova will still be a bit limited, but that is just so she takes it easy.  As for Mara getting training, Alexis can probably give her some espionage programs, but she really would not be able to train her in a short time.  She can do her best, but it will not be instant.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: Lisky on February 22, 2009, 03:25:47 PM
shades, you totally could have used another line for earlier in the comic ( actually, there's still time while the jokes are still funny

btw... that is a sentence full of horrible... yet hilarious too  :3
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: ShadesFox on February 22, 2009, 04:16:50 PM
Ah, I didn't remember that one.  Meck Mecka Mow-Wow!  I don't think I'll edit my post to include that, I try not to make any major changes after I post, just spelling/grammar.

And Aaron is definitely going to keep using 'quality escape pod time' as an euphemism.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Azlan on February 26, 2009, 02:05:09 AM
Tickling and a pile of sleeping foxes... that is so cute I now have a cavity :P

Anyways, I would like everyone to do a scene wrap up... Bas, I know you just started, but I want to transition to the next 'instance'.  I will address Captain Summers' response in my transition post.  Aaron is in a good hold spot.  As long as you don't double post, you can post any wrap ups that you need.  I'm going to post one more response for Saioko and then wait for everyone to finish up for the scene change.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: techmaster-glitch on February 26, 2009, 09:30:21 AM
Considering that the ship wreckage contains reverse-engineered tech "more advanced" than Mother, Nazareth would normally want to hang around and protect it until the main fleet can send someone to take over, but I passed that in favor of not holding anything up.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: ShadesFox on February 26, 2009, 07:09:41 PM
Excellent, my plot to deprive you of your evil fox teeth is going according to schedule.  Soon phase two begins, when I start posting youtube videos of fox cubs.

On topic, holding until scene changes.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Lisky on February 26, 2009, 07:25:59 PM
i've got knight setup for a transition... either A: the tour happens, or B: we skip forward a certain amount of time and go under the assumption that he and saioko have started to integrate with the crew... doing rough generalizations rather than a detailed explanation of actions...
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: techmaster-glitch on March 01, 2009, 01:31:24 PM
"What are Aaron's orders", as in how does he want to proceed? Try to sneak past the pirates, try to communicate and negotiate, or just go in, alien guns blazing, or something else?

Your call, Shades >:3
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Lisky on March 02, 2009, 10:00:13 PM
I'm curious who's going to ruin Knight's day first... is it Azlan having Saioko do something either embarrassing or socially awkward... or is it Shades having Arron find Knight in like 2 seconds flat...
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Azlan on March 03, 2009, 02:08:31 AM
I'll get something up tomorrow, hopefully I can have a socially awkward situation with Saioko planned out properly, and maybe with Marissa too... yay for awkward.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: ShadesFox on March 03, 2009, 02:49:53 PM
I think Knight and Romulus are setting the bar for awkward even higher X3

Anyways, if Knight wants to find Aaron in his room he can.  Aaron would be working on a plan on how to proceed when we get to the planet.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Lisky on March 03, 2009, 02:56:47 PM
if you feel like posting, i can... but my overall plan was to get him lost so azlan can throw him just about any situation he wants, and Knight can totally be like "wait... that's not were i want to be..."
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: ShadesFox on March 03, 2009, 03:07:01 PM
Heh, don't let me dictate what you do.  Though Aaron will be replying if you do find him :3
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Lisky on March 03, 2009, 08:14:17 PM
haha, now azlan has free reign where knight ends up... so if he wants to have some fun when he posts, well, knight is as much a pawn now as any other NPC
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Azlan on March 03, 2009, 11:48:44 PM
well, Mother isn't really such a maze, she uses mind tricks to obfuscate bends, turns and inclines/declines in the hallways.

Wow, what a posting rush... I shall now get to posting a bit.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Lisky on March 04, 2009, 12:15:52 AM
yes... but given the fact that mother seems to be about the size of a modern seafaring naval cruiser, and Knight did not in fact pay attention to his tour means that he very well may end up at the same place 2 or 3 times while wandering aimlessly, like he is right now...
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: techmaster-glitch on March 05, 2009, 12:13:41 AM
Working on getting a post in now. It's coming out a lot longer than I expected :mowdizzy

And Azlan, if, after it is up, there is anything incorrect in my post, please notify me here, and not in-character, so I can appropriately edit my post if necessary. If I've got anything wrong, it's because I misread or didn't know something.

EDIT: There, it's up. Considering I posted this slightly tired, I very like scewed something up, which is what I would like you to tell me, or at the very least I may have just left something out, though that isn't as much of a problem.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on March 05, 2009, 02:26:42 PM
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on March 05, 2009, 12:13:41 AM
Considering I posted this slightly tired, I very like scewed something up...


Sorry, I couldn't resist. ;-]
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: techmaster-glitch on March 05, 2009, 10:58:51 PM

Well, if that's the only error I made, then I'm happy.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Azlan on March 06, 2009, 04:38:00 AM
Hard times at work at the moment, I will look over things when I get a chance... very sorry!
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: ShadesFox on March 06, 2009, 04:50:40 PM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on March 05, 2009, 02:26:42 PM
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on March 05, 2009, 12:13:41 AM
Considering I posted this slightly tired, I very like scewed something up...


Sorry, I couldn't resist. ;-]

Just so you know llearch, I'm going to put in an ermine with a strange affinity for boxes.  He will be in there somewhere.

Quote from: Azlan on March 06, 2009, 04:38:00 AM
Hard times at work at the moment, I will look over things when I get a chance... very sorry!

Evil fox lies!
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on March 06, 2009, 07:29:50 PM
... In where, Shades?
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: ShadesFox on March 06, 2009, 07:36:19 PM
The LitS-verse of course!  He could be a bartender, or a smart ass dock worker, there are many places where this 'completely not llearch in the slightest' ermine can be placed!
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on March 06, 2009, 07:49:07 PM
In trouble?
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Lisky on March 06, 2009, 07:50:48 PM
.... you could totally make him a character like carmine from Gears of War/2, one gets killed off... and yet he's got some distant relative that's almost an exact replica to replace him... genius...
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: ShadesFox on March 07, 2009, 03:05:14 AM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on March 06, 2009, 07:49:07 PM
In trouble?

Hmm, problem is that, to be truely in trouble, you have to be a central character.

Though it is insane amounts of fun!  :boogie
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on March 07, 2009, 01:55:29 PM
Pfft. I'm always a central character.

I thought you knew? The world revolves around me... ;-]
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Azlan on March 07, 2009, 05:37:24 PM
Not here it doesn't, but the last I checked back in with the Society, all sixteen people whom our world revolved around did not include anyone in England... that country and the people there... well their time has passed.

Though ermines are good to have around...
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on March 07, 2009, 06:59:44 PM
... *suspicious look* around what?
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Azlan on March 07, 2009, 07:22:54 PM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on March 07, 2009, 06:59:44 PM
... *suspicious look* around what?

The world, all armed with appropriately sized rail guns.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Lisky on March 07, 2009, 07:49:33 PM
soo... are we waiting on shades, me, or is azzy supposed to break up the argument somehow?

also, on the topic in the OOC... what's your definition of appropriate... are we talking railguns, like firing 500kg slugs.... or are we talking railguns firing like over-sized telephone poles of tungsten massing in around 500 metric tonnes?
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: techmaster-glitch on March 07, 2009, 07:51:40 PM
I'm just waiting on Azlan to tell me if there is anything incorrect in my post, so I can fix it. Other than that, I can't think of any hold-ups.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Azlan on March 07, 2009, 07:56:21 PM
Quote from: Basilisk2150 on March 07, 2009, 07:49:33 PM
soo... are we waiting on shades, me, or is azzy supposed to break up the argument somehow?

I will probably post something, but it may not be today, a really, really bad headache just kicked in...

Quote from: Basilisk2150 on March 07, 2009, 07:49:33 PM
also, on the topic in the OOC... what's your definition of appropriate... are we talking railguns, like firing 500kg slugs.... or are we talking railguns firing like over-sized telephone poles of tungsten massing in around 500 metric tonnes?

My, my... just how big are the ermines where you are?

Quote from: techmaster-glitch on March 07, 2009, 07:51:40 PM
I'm just waiting on Azlan to tell me if there is anything incorrect in my post, so I can fix it. Other than that, I can't think of any hold-ups.

It seems basically fine and I will get a response up, but as I typed, my head is hurting... and now its making my stomach all icky... bleh
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: techmaster-glitch on March 07, 2009, 08:01:29 PM
Hope you feel better soon, Azlan... :mowsad

But, if there really isn't anything wrong in my post, then Shades should post next with his response.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Lisky on March 07, 2009, 08:03:45 PM
it's not an issue of size, it's an issue of overkill... and how much you want to see it... i prefer my latter option... although extreme overkill, it's epic to behold...

also, if your not feeling well, just take a nap or something... getting a little rest never hurt someone...

hope you feel better soon
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: ShadesFox on March 07, 2009, 11:10:03 PM
I was not aware that I was expected to reply.  I shall shortly.

As for the argument, I was under the impression that it wasn't an argument as much as Aaron was saying what is going to happen.

PS: Sorry if it sounds like I'm being very harsh on Knight, but the asteroid plan is just all sorts of a bad idea <_<
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Lisky on March 07, 2009, 11:42:00 PM
i don't think people are seeing it as he is... maybe so, but everyone seems to be thinking the whole idea involves getting close... in space once inertia is imparted... an object just keeps going...
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: techmaster-glitch on March 08, 2009, 12:29:28 AM
Question, azlan: Knight doesn't outrank Nazareth, right? That may dictate how Nazareth responds next.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: ShadesFox on March 08, 2009, 12:36:50 AM
The problem isn't one of not seeing your point.  The problem is that ShadesFox can write a dissertation on why the plan is a bad one, but Aaron can not.  I'm pretty sure Aaron would tag it a bad idea, but I'm not sure what/how much Aaron would think of.  I'm thinking of going the time budget/scheduling problems though there are far more convincing counter arguments.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: techmaster-glitch on March 08, 2009, 12:52:57 AM
Similar situation here. I've got all sorts of reasons why this is a bad idea, but Nazareth can't bring many of them to the table. However, I can say one thing that is probably the biggest reason why not to throw an asteroid:

We don't want the pirates to know something going on. Randomly dragging an asteroid out of it's orbit and flinging it dead-on to a space station will tell them something's going on.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: ShadesFox on March 08, 2009, 01:17:03 AM
They might not even be that suspect, it might just be another asteroid.  Uncommon, but happens.  Followed then by auto-defenses destroying it.  I don't see how something of that size would not have an anti-asteroid mechanism.  If not just for itself then to protect the planet it orbits and the ships there.  Then such a move would seriously compromise the stealth of the mission, since if they DO figure out we were behind the astroid stunt that would give them a solid line to follow back to where we were at one point in time.  Then if they are monitoring asteroids then things would be highly suspect if one of them started moving of it's own accord.  There is also the problem if FINDING an asteroid to use.  One of suitable mass that we could get to and start flinging around.  Add to this the fact that it would, again, probably be effortlessly dealt with leaves us at a huge disadvantage, squandering time on this pointless stunt, when what we really want to do is find what we are looking for quickly.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Azlan on March 08, 2009, 01:20:32 AM
Nazareth would technically out rank Knight, he has the same equivalent rank as Saioko, but his authority is a bit more restricted.

Just to comment on the asteroid, I also think it is a bad idea and if Shades wants to send me the better points of his argument, I'll have Mother bring it up.

On a side note, my headache is now worse after taking a nap... go figure.


I am going to say this about the asteroid, because in fairness, I haven't been too informative about space stations.  However, as Shades has correctly deduced, Space resident, fixed and orbital assets do indeed come with protection from asteroids.  The oldest methods are kinetic missiles and mass drivers, but modern defenses involve particle beams and antimatter weapons. 

Finding an asteroid is not a problem, the area around the edge of the solar system has a number of them, but their sensors will detect it once it enters the range of the scanning posts.  The standard tactic would be to send a cruiser to investigate it and destroy it.   

Additionally, consider that the presence of pirates does not mean everyone is with them.  There could be innocent civilians on that station and I don't think that considering killing indiscriminately is a good stance to take.  Ultimately it is important to play your character, so I won't press issues like that.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Lisky on March 08, 2009, 09:08:34 AM
actually, re-reading shade's post, i think i should probably re-do my own... it seems he wants the asteroid idea dropped altogether....
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: techmaster-glitch on March 08, 2009, 12:28:41 PM
Quote from: Basilisk2150 on March 08, 2009, 09:08:34 AM
actually, re-reading shade's post, i think i should probably re-do my own... it seems he wants the asteroid idea dropped altogether....
No, really? >:3
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: techmaster-glitch on March 08, 2009, 01:55:32 PM
Ehhhh...putting one thing in Basilisk's defence, he didn't bring up the asteroid again, it was a new divertionary beacon plan. Which I still don't think would have worked, but for entirely it's own set of reasons.

You may wanna change that before he gets mad, Shades ;)
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: ShadesFox on March 08, 2009, 01:58:23 PM
Yea, I edited the post to cover that a bit better.  Still too early, stupid DST messing with my sleep schedule.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: techmaster-glitch on March 08, 2009, 02:04:23 PM
Oh, and by the way, I don't think Aaron would be exceeding his authority on anything. He's pretty much captain on the ship, whatever he says goes ;)
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Lisky on March 08, 2009, 03:45:23 PM
just thought i'd point something out tech, your comment about not understanding tactical planning, it would seem from knights perspective that the entire command staff lacks skills in this area... a simple strategy is one thing, but if you look at special forces operations, when they aren't throughly planned, bad things tend to happen... 2 perfect examples of this are the army rangers in Somalia, and the navy SEALs in Panama

both had an objective, but no real egress plan, as such, a lot of people died because when things went south, they had to adapt...The information the commander's had wasn't perfect, and because of that, a lot of people died un-necessarily...
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: techmaster-glitch on March 08, 2009, 03:49:29 PM
Well, if you'd paid attention to Nazareth's plan, the whole point of swinging around the system and approaching from the third planet from the far side in relation to the fourth is the escape plan--they'll have to go around the planet to get to us, by which time we will be haulin' ass. As he explained, the whole point of his plan was to avoid the fleet.

That, and I really don't think the pirates are stoopid enough to go chasing an ISF military beacon after we've been spotted. And if we release it ahead of time, the'll maybe send one cruiser, which hardly makes a difference.

That and this is a fictional RP. Whatever happens is all up to Azzy :P
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Lisky on March 08, 2009, 04:05:58 PM
true, but the idea was to draw attention in that direction, while we head in a different one... and because it mysteriously appeared, it would probably have the pirates change into a search pattern rather than tightly packed around the 4th planet...

either way, Knight's looking for other's imput, and from his perspective, he'd being treated disrespectfully...  he is used to doing things differently, and rather than critiquing Knight's thinking, Naz simply says no...

Remember, Knight was picked up not long ago, most of his friend's are probably dead and he's just been thrown into a strange environment where he's still adapting... Rom is throwing all the personality friction in the world at him, and now knight feels that the others just aren't showing him any respect, or even empathizing with the idea that he is used to doing things differently...
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Lushin on March 08, 2009, 04:12:00 PM
Well respect is given where it's earned. Knight hasn't gotten on Romulus good side at all. Also why alert the pirates there is someone in the area. You gotta think they are pirates they might have done that trick before themselves.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: techmaster-glitch on March 08, 2009, 04:13:40 PM
Well, in the military world, how much respect you get largely depends on your rank. Any beyond that must be earned. If he can't handle that, then the military isn't for him. What Daimien said.

And, having just had his ship and friends blow up is, quite honestly, his problem. Just like Nazareth's history with Clanners is his problem. They're going to have to work through it themselves (though I'll be trying to keep Nazareth going for as long as I can :P ).
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Lisky on March 08, 2009, 04:17:57 PM
Well, for 1, Knight outranks Rom... so there should be some military courtesy there, he's in the special forces, and the fact that he's a lieutenant means he's had some combat experience...

as for announcing their presence, it was more, set up the beacon on a remote, and activate it when the ship is just about to leave the planet.  that way, the pirates attention is temporarily diverted away from the 3rd planet, and towards the beacon... i'd assume getting off the planet is when the ship would be the most vulnerable...
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Lushin on March 08, 2009, 04:24:59 PM
Ok, did you read through the OOC thread and the IC thread? Romulus isn't much for rank. Right now Knight isn't showing much reason to respect him. Also you can become a lieutenant by going to a military academy.  Also why put the pirates on alert we're even there.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: techmaster-glitch on March 08, 2009, 04:30:15 PM
Quote from: Basilisk2150 on March 08, 2009, 04:17:57 PM
Well, for 1, Knight outranks Rom... so there should be some military courtesy there, he's in the special forces, and the fact that he's a lieutenant means he's had some combat experience...
Meh, maybe...

Quote from: Basilisk2150 on March 08, 2009, 04:17:57 PM
as for announcing their presence, it was more, set up the beacon on a remote, and activate it when the ship is just about to leave the planet.  that way, the pirates attention is temporarily diverted away from the 3rd planet, and towards the beacon...
That's what we've been saying, they're not stupid enough to fall for that.

Quote from: Basilisk2150 on March 08, 2009, 04:17:57 PM
i'd assume getting off the planet is when the ship would be the most vulnerable...
Actually, that's where we pull a Millennium Falcon run-right-between-the-Star-Destoyers-and-hyperjump-away. No, really. Just before we picked your character up, Mother and the flyers practiced a special gate-jump move. I'm actually planning to use that if it becomes necessary. Nazareth could have told Knight about that...but he probably doesn't think Knight needs or deserves to know >:3
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Lisky on March 08, 2009, 04:51:52 PM
i wish i could bust out some backstory that he'd be able to say, but since he was working for the ISIS, he's got the choice of making a proper rebuttal and violating secrecy protocol, or keeping silent for now, and prove oh how wrong everyone is later
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Azlan on March 08, 2009, 05:25:14 PM
Alright, alright, let's settle down a little.  Bas is doing his due diligence as a special forces officer and attempting to plan out as many possibilities as one can.  The problems are actually fully in character and due to each characters' experiences and personality, seem to be working just fine.  

Shades is a science/research officer and though all officers are generalists, his tactics and strategy were more ground based since he is technically an Army officer not Navy.  As such he has to rely on his other personnel for good advice.

Nazareth is a chief warrant officer 4 caring the equivalent rank authority of an Army captain or Naval Lieutenant.  He, however, rose through enlisted ranks to achieve this.  He is essentially a fighter jockey, but also seems to have been a bit more studious in his basic Starship tactics.  He doesn't have any ground tactical training at all.

Romulus is a noncommissioned officer with a not so good record of respecting authority.  The way he has treated those above him borderlines on insubordination, which will eventually get him in trouble and I will have no mercy as GM.  A lot of the major officers in the scout fleet have looked past it because of his skills and abilities, but even Captain Summers and Colonel Nexx will not be able to do much for him if he is legitimately brought up on charges of insubordination.  Romulus is the single most experienced military person of the entire group, but because of training differences for enlisted and officers, he is very specialized and could likely run an entire Special Forces operation himself at a company or even brigade level.  However, I don't think Daimien has that ability, and no one in their right mind would put a noncommissioned officer in charge of a whole operation of that scale.

The last point which everyone is doing rather well is no one other than Knight is a Special Forces trained officer.  However, it would behoove Shades to plan the entire operation, or at least bring everyone in to plan the operation with several contingencies from space to planet to escape.

Some aspects of the ship that you may find useful:

Gravitic field projectors (tractor beams like units)

She is fully atmospheric

She has reconnaissance probes (20) - they are cloakable, basketball sized, self propelled with computer intelligence.

She has adaptive hull armor which can become resistant to weapons fire, even capital scale -- on a side note, it takes time to develop this protection (i.e. shes got to get shot a lot) and concentrated firepower will overcome it

The ship is outfitted with 16 combat robots with very advanced AIs

There are drop pods, 8, that can be fired from orbit to deploy ground soldiers.  These pods are two way, you can drop and return using them.  They can only accommodate the soldier using them comfortably or two side by side in a very uncomfortable way.

There are 6 more similar pods in an emergency area just under the command center

If you have any specific capability questions, just ask... as I can't think of everything at the moment.      

Edit: One note, Romulus's little bit about the way he does things is so very unrealistic.  A fair amount of operations fall into place as they were intended and others require in-mission redirects, but you must always have a plan of escape.  Its one of the first things they teach you.  Just letting everything unfold or cowboy improvisation is what gets people killed.  However, special forces operational plans are dynamic and fluid, they aren't rigid and rote like the regular army or marines.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: ShadesFox on March 08, 2009, 07:46:53 PM
Very good then, mission acknowledged.  Aaron was planning on just letting Naz have carte blanche on space planning, though I will try and reassemble everyone for a more general planning session.

Though this may be difficult, in light of the fact that Nova isn't there and Knight seems to have gone elsewhere.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Lisky on March 08, 2009, 07:53:47 PM
Oh, it'd be easy enough for him to show back up at the meeting, don't forget, he still has no idea where he's going...
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Lushin on March 08, 2009, 08:08:45 PM
Looks like Romulus would be better off dieing during this mission. He gets his problems from being dragged into the military from his father. He doesn't really want to be there but he doesn't know anything else. Also I got Romulus's little comment from a show I watched about WW2. Band of Brothers I believe it is. So yeah sorry I'm kinda running Romulus as a mix of different characters I saw in that mini-series.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: ShadesFox on March 08, 2009, 08:12:58 PM
But we like our Romulus :<

Anyways, I thought I explained it when we were in Aaron's room.  Knight's position is flexible, the 'fill in what is needed when things go wrong' spot.  More details are what still needs to be hammered out.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Azlan on March 08, 2009, 10:45:37 PM
Quote from: Daimien on March 08, 2009, 08:08:45 PM
Looks like Romulus would be better off dieing during this mission. He gets his problems from being dragged into the military from his father. He doesn't really want to be there but he doesn't know anything else. Also I got Romulus's little comment from a show I watched about WW2. Band of Brothers I believe it is. So yeah sorry I'm kinda running Romulus as a mix of different characters I saw in that mini-series.

Yes well, that attitude works well with a conscripted or hastily assembled volunteer army, not a disciplined, professional soldiery.  WW2 is a far different war, wholly different society and situation.  The US Military was fielding a largely untrained and inexperienced force on several fronts, while experimenting with a host of new methods and new force integration strategies.

The ISF is formed from a history of thousands of years of conflict.  The militaries are professional and career based.  The Special Forces are the very best and most well trained of all the branches.  It is a far different mindset.

As for what to do about Romulus, I don't know.  I rely on the players to provide motivations and focus for their characters.  I run with it and expand if the ideas work.  With Romulus... well... I have no idea.

Quote from: ShadesFox on March 08, 2009, 07:46:53 PM

Though this may be difficult, in light of the fact that Nova isn't there and Knight seems to have gone elsewhere.

Don't worry too much about Nova, that character isn't very useful in strategy or tactics... just a bookworm, you can probably work around her absence.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Lisky on March 08, 2009, 11:12:53 PM
actually, come to think of it, saioko isn't really necessary either, if Aaron really wanted knight at the table, he could either send her, or call for one of the crew to escort the lieutenant back to the command center
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Lushin on March 08, 2009, 11:21:19 PM
Well then I guess I'll just run with Romulus as long as I can I guess.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: ShadesFox on March 09, 2009, 12:56:36 AM
Quote from: Basilisk2150 on March 08, 2009, 11:12:53 PM
actually, come to think of it, saioko isn't really necessary either, if Aaron really wanted knight at the table, he could either send her, or call for one of the crew to escort the lieutenant back to the command center

Or Aaron has faster ways of communicating now ;p
I'm assuming that Knight already knew that he is psychic.  Aaron is not the sort that would try and hide it.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Lisky on March 20, 2009, 03:27:01 PM
Quote from: Azlan on March 13, 2009, 12:59:24 AM
Mother switched the view to that of the 'outpost' of the pirates.  It consisted of three prefabricated steel arch buildings and one obvious communications station.  There appears to be a single short concrete area on which is parked three conventional military VTOL jets and four combat helicopters.  The conventional craft pose little threat to the aerospace fighters and none to Mother. 

The view is close-in enough to notice that the various peoples staffing this post are all dressed in forest camouflage, most carry a rifle style weapon, and all carry a sidearm.  In an interesting coincidence, at the center of the viewing area and looking up directly in line with the 'camera angle' is an ermine carrying a rocket launcher.   

are we about to take out boxy's alter ego?
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Azlan on March 20, 2009, 03:59:00 PM
Quote from: Basilisk2150 on March 20, 2009, 03:27:01 PM

are we about to take out boxy's alter ego?

Not specifically, but that might be funny.  It was from a funny thing that Shades had said/typed somewhere...
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Lisky on March 20, 2009, 04:26:22 PM
if it's boxy's alter ego... i request permission to bring the asteroid back into play... only to be dropped on the ermine rather than the space station...
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: ShadesFox on March 20, 2009, 04:34:44 PM

The ermine is to survive.  It is a fate worse then death.  Provided that Romulus does not see fit to shoot him.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Lisky on March 20, 2009, 04:54:31 PM
as a side question, are we waiting on anyone besides azzy ATM?
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: ShadesFox on March 20, 2009, 05:02:56 PM
Don't think so.  You also have to remember that the recent burst of activity was rather unusual.  I could dig it, but I've been bound to my computer lately so I can service emails about thread updates quickly.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on March 20, 2009, 08:41:31 PM
This rocket launcher, it ermine.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Azlan on March 22, 2009, 06:26:44 PM
Statistical information for NPC:

Name: Saioko Natsume
Age: 22 (by appearance)
Gender: Female
Species: Panther type feline
Appearance: Saioko stands around 6' and is of a thin and lithe build.  She is a charcoal colored feline with short pink hair and beautiful blue eyes.
Occupation: ISF Fleet R&D, Computer engineer specializing in xenotechnologies and alien artificial intelligences
Rank: ISF Army Captain, O-3
Skills: She has considerable skills with computer systems, advanced artificial intelligences, and alien computer technologies.  She can read a number of languages, she can quickly piece together alien numerical systems, and code bases given enough time and some assumptions on its intended function.
Note: She seems to enjoy Knight's company and can be a little strange at times.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: techmaster-glitch on March 25, 2009, 10:44:48 PM
Question, Azlan. Would Nazareth be aware of things that go on inside and around the ship, though Mother's link? Specifically, could he get the conversation Aaron, Saioko, and Knight had when they were in the medical ward?
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Azlan on March 25, 2009, 10:58:54 PM
No, the link is specifically for flying - mostly external and flight systems.  He would have needed to have been actively accessing internal monitoring through a similar, but unrelated interface.  To avoid being distracting, Mother isolates all her input for crew to specific systems, and keeps pilots focused on piloting.  Piloting her is not like other ships found in SciFi, you do not become the ship wholly, just in the sense of flying it.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: techmaster-glitch on March 25, 2009, 10:59:42 PM
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Lushin on March 25, 2009, 11:40:18 PM
Just so everyone knows Romulus is hanging out in the Special Forces area.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Azlan on March 26, 2009, 11:00:43 AM
PBH, I haven't seen fit to promote Aaron, so the character is still a major.  He could be considered a captain, as in the ship's captain, but he is not a colonel.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Prof B Hunnydew on March 26, 2009, 11:02:05 AM
Oops..........Army ranks ...Navy ranks...sorry PBH
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: ShadesFox on March 26, 2009, 04:04:48 PM
Aaron would take a promotion to colonel D:

Mmm... delicious O-6 pay grade.  In the modern military that is, like, a $11000 raise!
But now I'm wondering what Aaron even does with his pay <_<

Edit: left off a zero on the pay.  Really changed the meaning of the sentence...
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on March 26, 2009, 04:14:27 PM
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Lisky on March 26, 2009, 04:17:37 PM
what about Ale and whores?

or, save it... and come back from a long deployment with a rather large sum sitting in an account for him...

whatever the case may be... i'm curious how azlan is going to have saioko react to knight's sudden urge to be sadistic, yet playful
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: ShadesFox on March 26, 2009, 04:28:09 PM
I'm pretty sure Aaron would not go for whores.  Ale and poker aren't such a bad idea.  But on the other hand, Aaron was a grad student, and I can tell you from my IRL experience that one does not have TIME for ale and whores and poker.  Maybe one of them but certainly not all three.

I  can see Bas's second suggestion, but not quite deployments.  "Oh hey, it's pay day.  Wait, the mass spectrometer is burning.  Why is the mass spectrometer burning?  How does something like that even catch on fire?  What do you mean classified?  Can't be very well classified if it is BURNING."
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Azlan on March 26, 2009, 05:09:38 PM
I will probably get a response up tonight, PST.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: techmaster-glitch on March 30, 2009, 01:14:32 AM
Alexis shook her head, "sorry Knight, that system is temporarily available at this time."
It sounds like you may be missing an prefix there, azzy... ;)
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Prof B Hunnydew on March 30, 2009, 06:34:53 AM
now  now donot get too nick picking.....or you can be my PBH
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Lisky on April 01, 2009, 11:35:03 PM
why is it, that as soon as i typed that, i got the image of Aaron popping into the command center, saying "quality escape pod time, BOW CHICK BOW WOW"  followed by "How the hell did you even hear that?!"... Arron's comeback "i'm like superman, i know when i'm needed"

i've been rewatching RvB
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Lisky on April 14, 2009, 05:30:02 PM
so, question for azlan. going through the technology thread, it says ISF infantry wear an armored exoskeleton, and the special forces variant has a type of optical camouflage... is that the type of armor the team has on board, or, is it something like i'm picturing the pirates wearing, being similar to the armor the colonial marines wore in the aliens film?
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Lushin on April 14, 2009, 06:08:38 PM
It's standard issue for the Special Forces. I belive it is anyway. I know my team and I used it when we went on station.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Azlan on April 18, 2009, 02:33:50 AM
It is standard Special Forces issue gear.  It is lightweight tactical armor, but it is a full suit.  It uses optical camouflage similar to the type used in Ghost in the Shell.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: techmaster-glitch on April 25, 2009, 01:39:04 AM
Uh, Basilisk? That "15 minuts until" is for getting to the point on the edge of the system where the thrid plant is in between the fourth and us. Then begins the actual going into the system, dodging sensor posts, and finally reaching the third planet for dropoff.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Lisky on April 25, 2009, 06:51:57 PM
my bad.  i totally missed the "after we reach orbit, based on the current flight plan" part that i was going to put... but thanks for pointing that out...
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Azlan on May 03, 2009, 05:25:30 PM
Sorry for the absence, but the last month has been very busy.  I have now become the sole technical contact between our new international offices in Germany, Japan, Singapore and Australia... which has led to some rather obnoxious hours.  I haven't had the energy to do much of anything. 
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Prof B Hunnydew on May 03, 2009, 08:15:41 PM
I feel your pain, Azlan.... I am pullling 12 hour days on my projects some 6 days a week... that is not count the hours I need to write daily reports on the work done.  That is all because we fired three techs and an engineer, despite the increase in work load. 

Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: ShadesFox on May 03, 2009, 08:17:17 PM
Yea, I feel ya.  I'm not even sure what my next two weeks will be like.  Or even where I'll be living <_<
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: techmaster-glitch on May 08, 2009, 09:15:57 AM
We are entering the inner system space
Uhh... no we're not :animesweat
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: ShadesFox on May 08, 2009, 11:03:30 PM
Just a quick heads up, I'll be moving tomorrow so I'm not sure when internet access will be back.  Soon, if I have any say in the matter.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Prof B Hunnydew on May 11, 2009, 06:44:58 PM
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on May 08, 2009, 09:15:57 AM
We are entering the inner system space
Uhh... no we're not :animesweat

Oh Are we not?... We entered the outer system, did we?
Last I knew we were 25 minutes...out. :mowdizzy

Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Lisky on May 11, 2009, 07:12:11 PM
sorry, that was my fault i think, there were 2 separate things that we're supposed to be obviously 2 different events.  I'll go and make the separation more obvious.  The special forces were supposed to meet in 25 minutes to go over a proper briefing, and 15 minutes after the ship reaches orbit, the special forces mission can begin.  sorry for the confusion, let me go and edit some of the posts to make that more obvious.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: techmaster-glitch on May 11, 2009, 07:48:48 PM
Hoy, lemme explain the situation again. This has nothing to do with the ground operation planning at all.

There are several planets in the star system. The objective is on the third, the pirate fleet is on the fourth. We (were) hanging out at the very edge of the star system. Nazareth proposed, in order to evade Pirate sensors and the fleet, to go around the outside of the system, in a circle untile we reach the point where the third planet is in between us and the fourth. Then we will enter the system, going in a (relatively) straight line for the third planet.

Right now, we're on phase one of that; going around the system.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Lisky on May 15, 2009, 11:16:49 AM
um.... what are we snagged on at the moment?
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: ShadesFox on May 15, 2009, 11:20:01 AM
Azzy's work I believe.  The thing he mentioned two weeks ago isn't the sort of thing to disappear quickly.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Azlan on May 17, 2009, 05:08:40 PM
Quote from: Prof B Hunnydew on May 17, 2009, 09:59:40 AM
Command Center

***You've never met them.... met them****  Ixiah and Loki see a flash from young Nova's memory of a big jello mound with moving tentacles in a cave on unknown planet... the kitten is suddenly scared and screamed, but she was silenced with a tentacle over her mouth.***** but then, the memory is suddenly locked away from Nova, Loki and Ixiah.

"yummmm jello" whispers Nova.... she shakes her head and turns to her console... "Mother, The pirate fleet is gathering into a formation, but their heading out of system.  Liking a raiding squadron, they heading away from us.  That leaves fourth planet has with only two cruisers in space, a small station and the spaceport on planet on scanners." Nova reports as Aaron enters.


Ya, um, since subtle hinting is not working... I'll need to be blunt.  No, Nova has not met one of the old races... consider this analogy...

The universe is a huge, evergreen, temperate forest of the type we as players know exist on our world of Earth.  Each tree represents a planet.  Your character is a tiny ant on the tree, at the far end and no where near the center of this forest.

The ancient IoYu'IouOiyou'iuIy are tyrannosaurs, it is large, does not belong in this time or forest.  It is near the center of the forest, the oldest growth trees known.

Even if Nova is a bright, shiny ant that stands out from all the rest on your tree, and a tyrannosaur wanders by (which it would not by the way) you are so small and insignificant and the tyrannosaur so unobservant of such a tiny creature, that it would pass without seeing you.

I will have to request that you change this post and refrain from establishing relationships with such things without express permission.  I can write off that which has been posted in the older posts as dreams and delusions, but I must head this off before you cause more problems.

This goes for anyone, not just PBH.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Prof B Hunnydew on May 17, 2009, 07:46:14 PM
Yes  GM

Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Lisky on May 19, 2009, 09:35:48 AM
Hello fellow RPers,

Just giving everyone the heads up that i'm helping a friend move to cali, and i'm leaving tomorrow. I'll be gone for a week, but i'm bringing my laptop.  Internet connections may be a bit spotty, but i'll update when i get the chance.  I should be able to reply at least every other day so although delayed, i probably won't completely disappear.  Sorry for the inconvenience to you all.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: techmaster-glitch on May 23, 2009, 11:03:53 PM
Whoa...did we get past the entire pirate sensor net just like that? I thought we were still in-transit to get to the third planet after just reaching the point on the outskirt of the system where the third was in between us and the the fourth, and that was supposed to be the slightly more involved part as we dodge around the edges of the sensor station, and then we reach the planet...
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Azlan on May 24, 2009, 02:55:39 PM
No not really, Sensor posts are in the system interior and on the edges.  I realized it made sense to just fly around the entire solar system edge, as Mother can maneuver at beyond relativistic speeds and not trigger a sensor system below ISF level technology if beyond peripheral scanning.  The only thing capable of detecting her output would be Acadians and higher.

So all the melodrama of flying through system is cutdown to the approach... where you can do all the sensor dodging and such.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: techmaster-glitch on May 24, 2009, 03:30:50 PM
Though, the original reason of going around was actually just to put as much distance between us and the fleet of the fourth planet during our approach, but I guess this works.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Azlan on June 13, 2009, 08:43:59 PM
I leave penetration of the base to Bas.  He can engage in combat as his leisure or sneak in.  The perimeter patrol and the tower guards are all rather oblivious and lackadaisical, so they can be taken out easily.  Each tower has a crew served machine gun of 12.7mm rounds.  It can fire anywhere except up and straight down.

Each soldier caries a standard semi and fully automatic 7.62mm rifle and a 10mm pistol sidearm with either a combat knife or a stun stick.

Please refrain from reaching the interior buildings, I will take that in a more narrated fashion.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Lushin on June 13, 2009, 09:36:32 PM
I'm not trying to kill the scout just shoot the radio out of their hand. May be impossible I know but I'm gonna try. Hate killing an unarmed person.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Lisky on June 14, 2009, 12:57:25 AM
let me know if you want anything edited, changed or elaborated upon Az
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Azlan on June 14, 2009, 02:58:59 PM
That should do.  Oh one thing, throat slashings are generally ridiculously bloody.  Knight should now have a considerable amount on him... which he will know negates his optical camouflage.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Lushin on June 14, 2009, 03:19:37 PM
Ben and the men would know enough if they gonna kill them it would be a knife through the chest with arm wrapped around right? Seeing as my men have done something like this before.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Azlan on June 14, 2009, 05:40:50 PM
With the suits you could snap the neck of an unarmored soldier or use the knife to slash the throat from behind and push the victim face down or let him fall away from them instead of dropping down on their own backs with the victim on top.  This is largely where I disagree with most armed forces commando tactics training.   
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Prof B Hunnydew on June 14, 2009, 05:47:15 PM
I am try to use my orginal skill set, here, but I am trying to read the hint,,,
Should I be with loki and the crash site, here?  I can do two things at once. Sometimes.
mmmm maybe never

Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: ShadesFox on June 14, 2009, 05:52:05 PM
My intention was to have Loki with Nova and Ixiah with Aaron.

And Knight needs to totally get into a Bronco now and lead the pirates on the slowest high speed chase ever.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Azlan on June 14, 2009, 05:57:36 PM
Quote from: ShadesFox on June 14, 2009, 05:52:05 PM

And Knight needs to totally get into a Bronco now and lead the pirates on the slowest high speed chase ever.

With Chuck Norris?

Nova should be with Loki.  At this rate everyone will have their own personal alien :3

Edit again: I'll be posting something much later in the evening PST.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: techmaster-glitch on June 14, 2009, 05:59:42 PM
Not if Nazareth can help it! :U
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: ShadesFox on June 14, 2009, 06:25:43 PM
Nazareth can have Chuck Norris.  Him and OJ Simpson.  They said a furry took their Bronco.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Lisky on June 16, 2009, 11:26:04 PM
XD... knight is planning on 'borrowing' a helicopter or VTOL jet to speed things up if there isn't faster transport to Matron available... why would he do a slow chase in a Bronco?
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: techmaster-glitch on June 21, 2009, 11:43:57 AM
A note to all RPs I'm in - Starting tomorrow, my Internet access may be sporadic or cut off completely, as my family is visiting some other family for a week. If I can post something I will, but no guarantees.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: ShadesFox on June 22, 2009, 08:53:38 PM
So... we're gonna be hanging out in orbit for a while then?
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: techmaster-glitch on June 22, 2009, 08:58:21 PM
I'll do everything I can to get something in, if necessary (though I still remember when this RP went with a week between all posts). Funnily enough, it seems my family's not leaving today as planned, but tomorrow morning instead. Absolute worst-case scenario, Azlan can always auto.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Azlan on June 22, 2009, 09:01:10 PM
I was planning on posting tonight... after I blow up a few Russians.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: techmaster-glitch on June 24, 2009, 01:43:53 PM
... :<

I said worst-case scenario. I'm at my destination right now, and would have been able to post something this morning. Though, right now, the problem isn't that you autoed so early, it's that if Mother really did launch Nazareth's fighters herself, without his say-so, that would be absolutely, the-last-straw unacceptable to him. In other words, not conducive to proper, continued roleplaying. If you rewrite it as "Nazareth" doing it, there isn't much of a problem anymore.

Just FYI.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Azlan on June 24, 2009, 04:23:35 PM
yeah go with that, I'll rewrite as soon as I can...
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Azlan on June 27, 2009, 09:10:01 PM
The jet exploded because of damage from Romulus's shot.  It jammed the turbofan and caused an uncontrollable fuel leak right into a hot reaction chamber.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Lisky on June 28, 2009, 01:09:38 AM
heh, sorry for the longish post, i felt mused this evening... if you need me to edit anything, just let me know and i'll take care of it ASAP.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: ShadesFox on June 28, 2009, 12:55:05 PM
We aren't supposed to make epic sized posts D:
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: techmaster-glitch on June 29, 2009, 03:07:35 PM
back in action. Question though; what heavy ordnance has the fighters been outfitted with this time?
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Azlan on June 29, 2009, 04:00:49 PM
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on June 29, 2009, 03:07:35 PM
back in action. Question though; what heavy ordnance has the fighters been outfitted with this time?

Whatever you want them to be outfitted with... within reason of course.  No fission or fusion warheads.  Laser-guided bombs, heavy missiles, cluster munitions, etc.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Azlan on July 07, 2009, 02:12:12 AM
Basic statistics for Ben's squad, for clarity:

Alex Kiel
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Species: Coyote
Appearance: Tawny fur, hazel eyes, brownish headfur and black pads.  He is well build, good muscle tone and stands about 5ft 10in in height.
Occupation: Army Special Forces, sniper (IFL Army)
Rank: Sergeant, E-5
Skills: Rifles, hand to hand training, tracking, stealth, Sniper and Intelligence, VTOL piloting, expert weapons and tactics.
Note: He is Ben's second.

Jaice Randou
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Species: Canine
Appearance: dalmatian coloration (white) and spotting (he has six black spots on his muzzle, three on each side like freckles), large patch of black fur around right eye, green eyes, and charcoal cephalic hair.  He is of average build and comes in around 5ft 9in in height.  Despite unremarkable frame, he is lean, trim and fit.
Occupation: Army Special Forces, Demolitions Expert (Privateer. Former Imperium Army EOD technician)
Rank: Lance Corporal, E-3
Skills: EOD and EOD: Disposal training, small arms, hand to hand, vehicular operation.
Note: He is a member of Ben's squad.

Harold Aeul
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Appearance: light bronze skin tone with black head hair, brown eyes and heavy build.  Well muscled and very fit.  It would appear his favorite past time is working out.  He is around 6ft 1in in height.
Occupation: Army Special Forces, Heavy Weapons Expert (Merchant Marine)
Rank: Lance Corporal, E-3
Skills: Heavy weapons, small arms, hand to hand, EVA trained, Emergency Medical Training
Note: He is a member of Ben's squad.

Rino Jinguji
Age: 19
Gender: female
Species: Snow Leopard
Appearance: white fur with brown-black rings scattered across her fur.  She has amber eyes and grayish headfur.  She is fairly thin and wears glasses, though her eyesight is okay for distance.  She stands 5ft 4in in height.
Occupation: Army Special Forces, Computer Expert (Privateer. Former Trade Consortium Special Operations Weather technician)
Rank: Lance Corporal, E-3
Skills: Computer operations and extensive programming, computer hardware and networking experience, meteorological technician training, expert weapons and combat training  
Note: She is a member of Ben's squad.

Cyndi Katsura
Age: 23
Gender: female
Species: Timber wolf
Appearance: gray-black back, dark brown-gray sides and white chest and belly.  Her eyes are sapphire blue with brown cephalic hair.  She is rather thin for a wolf, but built like a gymnast.  She is 5ft 8in in height.
Occupation: Army Special Forces, Communications Expert (Corporate Ship crew member)
Rank: Lance Corporal, E-3
Skills: communications technical training, defense systems (spacecraft), shuttle operations, expert weapons and combat training, gymnastics and acrobatics
Note: She is a member of Ben's squad.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Azlan on July 07, 2009, 09:28:36 AM
Sorry about triple posting, but the situation isn't as evil as it might look... though it is a lot worse than it is meant to be because of a few unknown factors.

And the floating vixen is not Acadian... she uses powers reputed to be known as technomancy, just a lot more direct and freely available than they tend to be.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: techmaster-glitch on July 07, 2009, 02:14:10 PM
hey, Daimien? If it's not too much trouble, could you put in exactly what Romulus tells the zetas? The exact information they get will determine how they react. Specifically, Burns requested to know about any defences, and if there are any other targets you deem important for a bombing, you call that shot as well.

EDIT: Gah. Can't respond and get Mother into the air until Daimien elaborates his post...
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Azlan on July 08, 2009, 12:54:01 AM
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on July 07, 2009, 02:14:10 PM
hey, Daimien? If it's not too much trouble, could you put in exactly what Romulus tells the zetas? The exact information they get will determine how they react. Specifically, Burns requested to know about any defences, and if there are any other targets you deem important for a bombing, you call that shot as well.

EDIT: Gah. Can't respond and get Mother into the air until Daimien elaborates his post...

You can assume that he was not able to make a target assessment before getting blasted out of his vantage point and is now too distracted to direct fire.  The Zetas would be allowed targets of opportunity in the case of ground forces being unable to direct. 
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: techmaster-glitch on July 08, 2009, 12:57:26 AM
Well, naturally, but Daimien said that he "relayed the situation to the zetas", I want to know the exact words. That will affect how the Zetas react. How much of the situation was Romulus able to relay before being shot at? That's what i want him to elaborate on.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Azlan on July 08, 2009, 01:54:06 AM
Quote from: Daimien on July 07, 2009, 01:48:21 PM

Once Romulus got far enough away he stopped and got on his radio and told the incoming Zetas what is going on. He then looked at Alex and clicked off his radio.

I am inclined to agree... I do not particularly like this type of shortcut.  It would appear that he basically reported what is going on with the teams, the attack on his position, the floating vixen, etc., but just did not want to bother to type it all out in conversation.

This is roleplay, however, and I don't really condone excessive use of lazy posting.  Let's try not to do this too much.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Lushin on July 08, 2009, 05:06:56 PM
Sorry about that. I'll edit the post to say what he saw. I was just drawing a blank that day for some reason.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: techmaster-glitch on July 08, 2009, 06:10:02 PM
ehh, still not what I was going for, but I suppose I can work with that.

EDIT: Also got the ordnance figured out, azlan. They'll have guided smart-bombs with bunker-buster/anti-building warheads, not actual self-propeled missiles this time.

EDIT EDIT: Alright. Since, as I've said in the past, I have read a battletech book and finally seen how fighter combat works for them (mainly that the armor actually -can- take hits, and they aren't as small as I thought), which appears to be roughly the same style you're using, let's see if I can get fighter combat right this time...
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Azlan on July 10, 2009, 03:40:13 AM
Mother's scanners reveal the whole battlefield as well as those areas not embroiled in the fighting, such as the airfield and hangers.

This information is the most pertinent:

1. The Acadian Robots are beginning to overrun the pirates, even though the pirates are at around a 3 to 1 advantage.
2. The vixen is not Acadian, but she has a rather high power signature and a high technological reading (she has some type of extensive implants)
3. There is a fusion reactor in the basement of the Control Center
4. The jump jet is rather old, but it has the edge in agility over the aerospace fighters.
5. There is a cloaked object about the size of a shuttle near the farthest hanger.  The cloaking is advanced, but nearly as sophisticated as Acadian technology.
6. Someone is powering up a tank in the motorpool area (buildings closest to the base at the airfield).

The jump jet is a cross between a Mirage III (with forward canards) and a Yak-141.

The cannon on the tower is on an automatic attack routine, computer controlled.  Its sensors would not be able to "see" Mother unless she wanted them to.

Let me know any specifics that you might need
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: techmaster-glitch on July 12, 2009, 07:22:35 PM
Azlan: are there any friendlies near the tank that just showed up?
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Azlan on July 12, 2009, 09:17:22 PM
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on July 12, 2009, 07:22:35 PM
Azlan: are there any friendlies near the tank that just showed up?

Negative, none.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Lisky on July 13, 2009, 11:06:09 PM
hey Shades, Knight asked about the pirate girl, and whether or not they should bring her on board.  It's Aaron's call i would think...
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: ShadesFox on July 13, 2009, 11:09:27 PM
Because Aaron is Knight's mom or something D:<

Sorry, kidding aside your post was awkwardly worded, I didn't pick up that you were on the comm.  Bah.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Lisky on July 13, 2009, 11:12:39 PM
sorry... posting while distracted and haven't gone back and edited... lemme go and make it a bit clearer.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: Azlan on July 14, 2009, 02:28:33 AM
This thread's required Open period is now in effect.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: techmaster-glitch on July 20, 2009, 01:30:46 AM
Sorry for taking awhile to post guys, I didn't realize it was so long ago :<
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: Azlan on July 23, 2009, 12:50:55 AM
 8) Comic Con, it is here and it is now.  I shall be out of things till Monday or Tuesday at the latest.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: Azlan on August 16, 2009, 07:49:58 PM
Just a notification: Due to the passing of my Grandmother, I will likely be out of contact with the internet from Monday August 17th through Thursday August 27th.  I will be traveling to the island of Kauai in Hawaii and I am not sure of my internet availability in these areas. 
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: ShadesFox on August 17, 2009, 07:00:53 PM
Sad news.  Hope you have a safe trip.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: techmaster-glitch on August 24, 2009, 11:49:30 PM
yeah...about time I posted again... :mowdizzy
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: Azlan on September 09, 2009, 05:16:59 AM
Weapons and Armor

How the armor works and what the ratings mean:  Each armor has four ratings against damage types: Ballistic/Physical, Energy, Concussion/Explosive, and Chemical/Biological.  

Ballistic/Physical covers matter weapon damage such as pulse rifles, gauss rifles and needlers.  It also reflects the armor's resistance verse non-energy based melee weapons like vibro-swords, mono-whips and punches/kicks.  Special note: for a punch or kick to inflict real damage on personal armor, one would need to be considered exceptionally strong (enhanced alien race or such, none of the current characters are at this level), bionically augmented (cyborg), or augmented by a powersuit.  Otherwise a character can only inflict stun damage on the armored person.  

Energy covers all energy weapons such as lasers, plasma weapons, ion weapons, fusion weapons, etc., as well as energy explosives that do not derive their damage dealing properties from concussive forces (plasma grenades).  It also reflects the armors resistance verse radiation and heat.

Concussion/Explosive: covers all explosive damage as well as the armor's protection verse high velocity impacts such as a fighter crash, a fall, concussive sonic weapons, and its resistance verse explosives such as dynamite, C4, etc.

Chemical/Biological: this refers to gases, viral weapons, microbes, and other such weapons that involve inhalation or absorption through the skin/mucus membranes.  This also reflects the armor's sturdiness to a vacuum or its pressure rating for diving, or accidental diving as the case may be.

The ratings:  each armor and weapon has numerous ratings to cover what it protects against (armors) and what it can penetrate/damage (weapon).

Armor ratings:
Ultra-Heavy – highest level of protection.  Armors with this rating are neigh impenetrable.  Generally found only in the most advanced and heaviest of personal powersuits or powered armors.

Heavy – highest level of protection typically found on non-powered armor.  Armors with this protection level can take a lot of punishment before the person underneath is wounded.

Medium – standard level of protection.  Offers good, average protection and can take some punishment before being penetrated.

Light – a low level of armor protection, but it is better than nothing.  It can take some damage, but not a lot.

There are several classifications of armor types that one has to worry about when using character scale weapons.  Unless otherwise stated, if the armor class is not present on a weapon's armor penetration list, then it cannot affect damage to it.

Armor types:
Personal – character scale armor

Hardened – Covers structures, light vehicles, walls and most ship interior structure.  

Vehicle – This covers military vehicles, tanks, air fighters and most civilian mecha.

Mecha – Covers military combat mecha, most military utility mecha, aerospace fighters, some very heavy aircraft and ultra-heavy tanks/vehicles (on the low end of the spectrum) and light spacecraft (on the high end of the spectrum).

Capital – Covers military medium vessels all the way to dreadnaughts and battleships.  Only the most advanced hand weapons can scratch small medium spacecraft.

Advanced – Advanced alien technology, generally not applicable

Each weapon has a damage scale, armor penetration level listed for each first three levels (personal, hardened and vehicle).  Some highly advanced or powerful weapons can affect greater armor levels.  A weapon inflicts damage on an armor level equivalent to its damage capacity (see below) and penetrates armor one class less with damage reduction (example: High damage capacity verse Medium armor), or completely penetrates an armor two classes less without reduction.  Damage that penetrates inflicts damage to the character underneath.

Weapon damage scale:
Extreme – very high damage capacity, can affect Ultra-Heavy armor rating.

High – excellent damage capacity, can affect Heavy armor ratings.

Medium – average damage capacity, can affect Medium armor ratings.

Low – weak damage capacity, can affect Light armor ratings.

Please note that these are not hard statistical models, but role-playing gauges to measure what's going on in combat during one's storytelling/narration.  This is the basics of how it operates and what generally happens when a certain protective level meets a certain damage level.  If there is ever a question, do not hesitate to ask.

Reposting of current armor and weapons with some of the newer things listed for clarification.


Marine Combat Powersuit
Armor Level:
•   Heavy Ballistic/Physical
•   Medium Energy
•   Medium Concussion/Explosive
•   Heavy Chemical/Biological

Full environmental suite with air scrubbers
Maneuvering thrusters
Magnetic boots
recharger units
Internal microcomputer
Full Sensor suite
Full communications suite

Special Forces Infiltrator Armor
Armor Level:
•   Medium Ballistic/Physical
•   Medium Energy
•   Light Concussion/Explosive
•   Light Chemical/Biological

Full environmental suite
Air filters/basic recyclers
Internal microcomputer
Advanced Sensor suite
Advanced Tactical Computer system
Optical Camouflage
Basic communications suite
Optional Tactical communications suite

Standard Infantry Armor
Armor Level:
•   Heavy Ballistic/Physical
•   Medium Energy
•   Medium Concussion/Explosive
•   Light Chemical/Biological

Basic environmental suite
Air filters/basic recyclers
Internal microcomputer
Basic Sensor suite
Basic Tactical Computer system
Basic communications suite
Optional Tactical communications suite
Optional Advanced Sensor suite

Basic Personal Armor
Armor Level:
•   Light Ballistic/Physical
•   Light Energy
•   Light Concussion/Explosive
•   Null Chemical/Biological

Internal microcomputer
Optional Basic Sensor suite
Optional Basic Tactical Computer system
Optional Basic communications suite
Optional Basic Environmental suite (adds Chemical/Biological rating of Light)

Basic Flight Armor
Armor Level:
•   Light Ballistic/Physical
•   Light Energy
•   Medium Concussion/Explosive
•   Heavy Chemical/Biological

Full environmental suite with air scrubbers
Built-in micro-thrusters
Internal microcomputer
Mind-wire vehicle link unit
Advanced Tactical Computer system
Optional Basic Sensor suite
Optional Basic communications suite

ISIS Advanced Tactical Armor
Armor Level: Considered Hardened Armor
•   Medium Ballistic/Physical
•   Medium Energy
•   Medium Concussion/Explosive
•   Medium Chemical/Biological

Full environmental suite
Air filters/basic recyclers
Internal microcomputer
Advanced Sensor suite
Advanced Tactical Computer system
Optical Camouflage
Basic communications suite
Tactical communications suite

"Old" Light Acadian Battle Armor
Armor Level: Considered Hardened Armor
•   Heavy Ballistic/Physical
•   Heavy Energy
•   Heavy Concussion/Explosive
•   Heavy Chemical/Biological

Full environmental suite
Full Air filters/recyclers
Internal microcomputer
Advanced Sensor suite
Advanced Tactical Computer system
Optical Camouflage
Tactical communications suite

"New" Light Acadian Battle Armor
Armor Level: Considered Vehicle armor
•   Light Ballistic/Physical
•   Light Energy
•   Light Concussion/Explosive
•   Medium Chemical/Biological

Full environmental suite
Full Air filters/recyclers
Internal microcomputer
Advanced Sensor suite
Advanced Tactical Computer system
Optical Camouflage
Tactical communications suite


M-74 pulse rifle
Type: matter
Caliber/Cartridge: 10mm caseless, contained gyrojet short rounds
Capacity: 30 round clip
Mode: Single shot, burst and fully-automatic
Muzzle velocity: ~2900 m/s
Firing Characteristic: "missile"
Effective range: Medium
Armor Penetration: medium verse personal armor, low against hardened armors, null against vehicle armors

P-68 pulse laser rifle
Type: laser
Capacity: 200
Mode: single shot, burst and fully-automatic
Firing Characteristic: Laser
Effective range: Long
Armor Penetration: High against personal armor, medium against hardened armors, low against vehicle armors

MS-80 heavy sniper rifle
Type: matter
Caliber/Cartridge: .50 caseless projectile
Capacity: 12 round clip
Mode: Single shot, semiautomatic
Muzzle velocity: ~1500 m/s
Firing Characteristic: Dart
Effective range: Long
Armor Penetration: High against personal armor and hardened armor, medium against vehicle armors

L-4 anti-vehicle laser rifle
Type: laser
Capacity: 250
Mode: single shot, 3-shot pulse burst
Firing Characteristic: Laser
Effective range: Extreme
Armor Penetration: Extreme against personal armor, High against hardened armors, High against vehicle armors

PR-12 plasma rifle
Type: plasma
Capacity: 40 shot E-clip
Mode: Single shot and pulse burst
Firing Characteristic: Bolt
Effective range: Medium
Armor Penetration: High verse personal armor, medium against hardened armors, low against vehicle armors

SP-4 Standard Combat Pistol
Type: matter
Caliber/Cartridge: 10mm caseless
Capacity: 15 round clip
Mode: Single shot, semi-automatic
Muzzle velocity: ~450 m/s
Firing Characteristic: Dart
Effective range: Medium
Armor Penetration: Low verse personal armor, null against hardened armors, null against vehicle armors

LP-2B Laser Pistol
Type: Laser
Capacity: 20
Mode: Single shot and 3-shot pulse burst
Firing Characteristic: Laser
Effective range: Medium
Armor Penetration: medium verse personal armor, low against hardened armors, low against vehicle armors

PP-14B Plasma Pistol
Type: Plasma
Capacity: 12 shot E-clip
Mode: Single shot and 3-shot pulse burst
Firing Characteristic: Bolt
Effective range: Medium
Armor Penetration: medium verse personal armor, low against hardened armors, null against vehicle armors

AS-1A Automatic Shotgun
Type: matter
Caliber/Cartridge: 12-gauge
Capacity: 12-round detachable box magazine or
   24-round drum magazine
Mode: Single shot, semi-automatic and fully automatic
Muzzle velocity: ~350 m/s
Firing Characteristic: Dart
Effective range: Short
Armor Penetration: Medium verse personal armor, null against hardened armors, null against vehicle armors

DZ-1GFD Acadian Arms Standard Ion Rifle
Type: Ion
Capacity: 60
Mode: Single shot and 3-shot pulse burst
Firing Characteristic: Bolt
Effective range: Extreme
Armor Penetration: Extreme verse personal armor, Extreme against hardened armors, High against vehicle armors, Medium against mecha armor, Low verse capital armor

LZ-2NM Acadian Arms Standard Ion Pistol
Type: Ion
Capacity: 30
Mode: Single shot and 3-shot pulse burst
Firing Characteristic: Bolt
Effective range: Long
Armor Penetration: High verse personal armor, High against hardened armors, Medium against vehicle armors, Low against mecha armor, Null verse capital armor

XF-256A Acadian Royal Long Arms High Output Fusion Pistol
Type: Fusion
Capacity: 500
Mode: Singe shot, semi-automatic, and fully automatic
Firing Characteristics: Gravitic enhanced Bolt
Effective range: Medium
Armor Penetration: Extreme verse personal armor, Extreme against hardened armors, Extreme against vehicle armors, High against mecha armor, Low verse capital armor, Low verse advanced armor

GR-53A Light Gauss Rifle
Type: matter
Caliber/Cartridge: N/A
Capacity: 10-round detachable box magazine or
   20-round drum magazine
Mode: Single shot
Muzzle velocity: ~4350 m/s
Firing Characteristic: Dart
Effective range: Extreme
Armor Penetration: High verse personal armor, High against hardened armors, Medium against vehicle armors, Low against mecha armor

Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: Azlan on September 14, 2009, 05:49:05 PM
Keeping in line with my tradition of double-posting...

Alright, we just need to do a wrap up to cleanup this little engagement and move on to the next objectives.

I just need those involved to put the final touches on what they are doing.  I will summarize and bring the group to the point where they have to decide what to do next.  This will be where you can find out why Ana is here and determine what you are going to do about investigating Matron.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: Azlan on October 20, 2009, 01:23:33 AM
Opening a new tradition of triple posting, I just wanted to let you all know that the fox is sick and things will be delayed a bit.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on October 20, 2009, 08:10:03 AM
Would you like me to post in order to break your triples, in the future? ;-]
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: ShadesFox on October 20, 2009, 10:57:56 AM
C-c-c-combo breaker!

Get well soon fuzzy.

And just because I just thought of it... FOX FLU!
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: Azlan on October 20, 2009, 10:29:48 PM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on October 20, 2009, 08:10:03 AM
Would you like me to post in order to break your triples, in the future? ;-]

I was trying for a high post combo... 52 post, powered up, with a special.  Victory!

Quote from: ShadesFox on October 20, 2009, 10:57:56 AM

And just because I just thought of it... FOX FLU!

Ehehehehe... fever make that fuuuunnnnyyy.  Dun know if it is or not.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: Lisky on October 20, 2009, 10:54:20 PM
Hope you feel better man. take care of yourself first, we'll be here when you're feeling better
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: ShadesFox on October 20, 2009, 11:45:35 PM
Best idea ever, call all your friends and ask them.  Just say, "FOX FLU!"  Then ask if it was funny.  They will NOT thing you are crazy for it.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: Azlan on October 21, 2009, 02:19:38 AM
Quote from: ShadesFox on October 20, 2009, 11:45:35 PM
Best idea ever, call all your friends and ask them.  Just say, "FOX FLU!"  Then ask if it was funny.  They will NOT thing you are crazy for it.

The phone got taken away from me :(
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: Prof B Hunnydew on October 24, 2009, 08:42:54 PM
GOddesss!   Foxy,  I didnt know you had the flu.... Please take care, and get well soon..   PBH
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: Azlan on October 25, 2009, 11:02:34 PM
I should be back in business soon.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: ShadesFox on October 25, 2009, 11:57:06 PM
That is fortunate.  Ever get your phone back?
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: Azlan on November 08, 2009, 09:13:10 PM
PBH, if you are going to call Gaea by Roman name Gaia, then you will have to use the correct name for Xaos which would be Chaos.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: Prof B Hunnydew on November 09, 2009, 07:34:07 PM
OOPs  :erk  Sorry,  My spell check must have correct her name automatically by accident.  I don't remember spelling it that way .. and I didn't recall how to spelling Xaos' name.

BTW My access to the web is intermittent for the next few weeks.  I will have the weekends but my evening are increasingly taken over by overtime.

Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: Azlan on November 14, 2009, 02:01:00 PM
Dragon Age is eating time... fox may be slow to respond.  I'll be writing something Sunday when up in my hotel for my training week.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: Azlan on December 08, 2009, 12:07:22 AM
The holidays are slowing my posting a bit, I'll have something up tomorrow hopefully.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: SquirrelWizard on December 31, 2009, 09:37:43 PM
If y'all have me.

Name: Robert Norston
Age: 29
Gender:  Male
Species: Squirrel
Occupation: Electronic/Mechanical Engineer Energy Specialist
Height: 5'4
Weight: 135 lb
Build: Wirey
Fur Color: Orange back coat, white inner coat.
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Green
Distinguishing Marks: Laser scar on upper right torso both entrance and exit scars.

Basic Pistol and Rifle Training
Basic First Aid
Standard Hacking (specifically oriented at overriding access)
Specialized Explosives training. (He can set charges using premade ordinances, but doesn't have the expertise to disarm, make, or set particularly complicated explosives.)
Advanced Electronics Interfacing
Advanced Energy Manipulation (not spells, but using machinery to manage energy flows)
Can repair electronic/energy systems of most vehicles.
Has a Pilot's license for small shuttle craft. And can manuver other transport type vehicles. (nothing fancy just from point A to point B)

Even though Robert is a technically a scientist, he dresses more like a mechanic. He typically is seen wearing a tee shirt, cargo pants, and a tool belt. In a lab environment he tends to wear dress slacks and a polo shirt, though it feels uncomfortable to him.

Noteable Equipment:
CDI "Magic Wand" Pad (essentially a compact computer designed to link up with local machines/interfaces to perform diagnostics or changes settings.) *CDI = Compact Diagnostic Interface
Modified Laser pistol (Designed so that it can utilize all of the power in the pistol's clip in one shot resulting in a devastating short range blast. When used in this manner the pistol becomes extremely hot burning unprotected hands, and the shot produces a brilliant light which to people looking at it is similar to looking at a flare.)
Oracle Diagnostic Goggles (Goggles with a built in hud that utilizes information from sensor equipment, like the CDI Pad, also has a high intensity light filter that blocks out harmful amounts of light)


Robert could be a good leader if he wanted to be, but typically lacks the drive to do so. He is more than happy to let another person lead as long as he can keep tinkering with his equipment along with potentially finding new alien scrap to examine. For the most part, Robert gets along well with authority; but he does have the tendency to speak his mind and has no real patience for bluster, both of which do little to endear him to many commanding officers.

Thanks to his time on the fringes of civilized space, he has a shades of gray mentality, and isn't above bending the law if he feels that it would yield better results; though he does his best to avoid outright breaking the law. Robert's pilot, demolitions, hacking, and combat, training was more "on the job" rather than formal training. He typically defers combat and piloting to those more experienced. As a mechanic with his various companies, he had to learn how to move vehicles around and as such can pilot most transport type vehicles from one point to another; he has no experience with combat in these vehicles though.

In terms of fighting Robert fights dirty, typically by trying to overwhelm his attackers with excessive force early on with the intent to keep his opponent offbalance. More often than not, these fights end up with him trying to escape to a better position (typically back to his company). If he can Robert tries to avoid combat.


Growing up in Federate territory, Robert attended the Valdorian Institute of Technology. At the age of 23, he graduated majoring in electrical and energy grids. After graduation he found employment on a salvage crew where he was responsible for repairing equipment, and activating salvaged systems for the company. In addition to these duties Robert did research into both energy grid, and electronic grid interface. On a salvage expedion on a remote planet Robert discovered a small chip which had been, at one point, part of an alien device. Though the chip itself wasn't big enough to activate, much less discern any usable information from, Robert did not report the chip's existence to his employers.

After 3 years of service, Robert transfered to another crew based on the far edges of Federated Territory. The crew he signed up with did other jobs in addition to salvaging with some having questionable legality, though never they never did anything outright illegal. During his stay with the company, he kept his ears to the ground regarding alien wrecks, and nudged his employers towards them. Most leads led to dead ends, or similar reminants such as the chip he had found earlier; all the while the ISF was aware of Robert's inquiries, but had little evidence to warrant interaction. When not on the job or actively pursuing alien technology, Robert analyzed the pieces he had and tried to gleen what he could regarding the power systems.

After two years of searching, a lead payed off. One of Robert's contacts told him that a smuggler had seen what looked like debris that had been unearthed during a desert storm on a distant planet. The debris had the same general construction as the other relics Robert had found; thought the smuggler didn't stick around to examine them closely as the planet was located in known pirate territory. Robert convinced the rest of his crew that salvaging the wreck would be profitable even with the danger of pirates.

The planet was classified as an H class planet with just barely tolerable atmosphere conditions. It was mostly covered in deserts, but there were several species of hardy plant life that could tap into the underground water. Overall it could have been a habitable word, if it wasn't for the planet's location and lack of any real resources. Upon arrival it was evident that the ship was alien in origin, but it was practically gutted. From what he saw, Robert surmised that the craft had entered the planet's atmosphere at a steep angle, and had impacted on the surface at high speed. What was left was a severely burned wreck that, at best, was a mere skeleton of its former self. In addition to this, almost half of the ship was obliterated, either in impact or by other means.

Their presence did not go unnoticed, and one of the local pirate groups sent a ship to investigate, and if possible capture equipment and hostages. Due to the fact that the pirates didn't know what forces they were set up against, and an all out assault would likely damage, if not outright destroy, anything worth retrieving; the pirates inserted an initial group of power armor on the other side of the planet via drop ship, and flew them in at low altitude attempting to keep below radar. The company Robert was with had erected some basic sensor equipment, and had a defensive perimeter with several armed sentries patrolling it. The pirates showed up on radar just as they neared the site, and the initial conflict was short and bloody resulting in the defenders having to fall back to their landing craft or the wreck for cover. Both sides had reached a stalemate, with Robert's company being unable to drive the pirates off, and the pirates unable to capture the company. It was during this hectic fighting that Robert was shot by a laser burning a hole through his environment suit, puncturing his right lung, and exiting out the back, missing his spine. It it wasn't for the immediate intervention by the crew's medic, he would have died there.

Three ISF Warships, and an ISF support vessel arrived in orbit around the planet at this time, presumably following the same tip that Robert did. The sudden arrival of ISF forces halted any plans of the pirates to send their full assault force to the planet's surface, and they beat a hasty retreat when faced with the vastly superior firepower of the ISF Fleet. The company Robert was with identified itself as a legitimate salvage company, and made a deal with the ISF in which the company would remain and help with the salvaging efforts at a reduced salvage award and the use of the ISF's medical facilities. Robert woke up in a medical ward on an ISF ship and found himself being held for questioning regarding his interest in alien technology. Robert explained that he wanted to see if he could reverse engineer the electrical and power systems from the parts he found, but had been hesitant at releasing his findings to the ISF due to the concerns that the ISF would confiscate his research materials. His materials and notes were examined which showed that he had come to similar conclusions as other researchers but with much more fragmented resources. ISF saw Robert as a potential asset, and offered a job to him; which he gladly accepted.

edit: corrected a major typo
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: Azlan on January 12, 2010, 12:55:00 AM
I will have to get back to SquirrelWizard, I need some time to look this over.

Absence reason
Short story: RAID array collapsed and PSU died over holidays.  Encrypted drive failed that included certain backed up files.  Repaired PC, recovered encrypted data, and upgraded to Win7 x64.

Too bad in some respects, as I was having fun using a server as a desktop.

I should be back in action, though work is pretty busy... what with a few server build outs and UPS replacements (old units aren't hot swappable sad).

Things should be picking up tomorrow.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: ShadesFox on January 12, 2010, 11:28:45 AM
Sorry to hear about your server desktop death.  I have lost many good machines to the PSU wars.

Good to have you back and that things will pick up soon.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: SquirrelWizard on January 12, 2010, 01:13:07 PM
ugh... hope everything works out.

But yeah, sorry about the huge wall o' text regarding Robert's history, if need be I can provide a quick outline of his history if you want.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: Azlan on January 13, 2010, 11:29:08 PM
Quote from: ShadesFox on January 12, 2010, 11:28:45 AM
Sorry to hear about your server desktop death.  I have lost many good machines to the PSU wars.

Good to have you back and that things will pick up soon.

Nah, the server is fine... 2 opteron dual-cores, it normally just sits spinning away... serving files.

My game box died, but I got it back up... I just lost some... credential information... that is making it hard to get back into certain things that I have locked down.

Edit: I should have a post up for the RP tomorrow.

As for SW's character, I'm trying to figure out what the IRF is supposed to be.  I seem to get the impression he is an engineer as opposed to a theorist?  His area is Energy Systems?  Like Conversion systems... powerplant/power core and reactor design, maintenance and engineering?

He appears to be military... does he have a rank?  What type of Academic Credential did he earn at the University?
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: SquirrelWizard on January 14, 2010, 01:43:10 AM
yeah... the IRF is like this super cool group of super cool people and totally not me mispelling ISF...  :rolleyes

As for Robert's profession. Yeah he basically deals with how energy is moved from a reactor to the other parts of the ship. That would be with the reactors and wiring throughout the ship. Most of his experience has been with repair and maintenance, with his most recent job with ISF probably nudging him more towards the theoretical field.

Rank wise? Eh, I'm horrible at this so.... TO TEH WIKI!!! Anywho, most of Robert's jobs have been civilian in nature (salvage) but they probably would have a military equivilent ranking system. In his first two jobs he'd probably be an Engineering Duty Officer (actually in his first job he probably worked under an EDO). With his posistion with ISF, I'm not sure if his rank would change.

As for his degree? I want to say a BS in Astronautical Engineering and a MS in Engineering, specifically Astronautical Engineering. Again most of this is taken from wikipedia, so its accuracy may be suspect.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: Prof B Hunnydew on January 14, 2010, 05:08:24 PM
Oh Goddess Another Engineer,

He is another glutton of punishment  Pray for him...

Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: techmaster-glitch on January 19, 2010, 03:10:07 AM
Alexis nodded in acknowledgment of Aaron's launch authorization, "flight ceiling aye."  The younger vixen turned to her console and sent the launch orders directly to the pilot ready room, "Scales, scramble for launch.  Patrol on station with weapons hot.  I repeat, weapons hot.  Maintain flight ceiling restrictions to 762 meters until further notice." 

Torson responded over the comm, "roger that, Scales launching."

With measured precision, the four fighters that made up three-fourths of the Crusading Scales launched and formed up for their patrol.

Oh, I was going to take this as my cue to jump back in... but this may work out better. Can you keep my characters going without me? If so, I'm okay with that.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on January 19, 2010, 06:02:02 AM
Out of interest, how does 4 = 3/4 ? I make that 5 1/3rd being the total number, and I'm at a loss to see how you can have a third of a ship, and still be active and useful...

Or is this a case of rounding, and it's merely to make it sound good? ;-]
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: SquirrelWizard on January 19, 2010, 08:46:47 AM
I dont think they like to talk about Moe and Gimpy...
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: ShadesFox on January 19, 2010, 08:50:13 PM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on January 19, 2010, 06:02:02 AM
Out of interest, how does 4 = 3/4 ? I make that 5 1/3rd being the total number, and I'm at a loss to see how you can have a third of a ship, and still be active and useful...

Or is this a case of rounding, and it's merely to make it sound good? ;-]

Could be an A-10.  You can fly around 1/3rd of an A-10 and it is still a lethal plane...
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: SquirrelWizard on February 02, 2010, 10:51:29 AM

Just wondering, is there anything more you need in regards to Robert's profile?
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: Azlan on February 14, 2010, 04:07:42 PM
I will have a post up for this hopefully Monday.  SquirrelWizard, whom I shall now shorten to SW, should be ready for some postings as soon as I release his character from stasis.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: ShadesFox on February 16, 2010, 11:19:45 PM
A little confused here.  Azlan's post has Richard outside watching as the three enter Matron, PBH has Nova taking Richard with her.  Unsure how to proceed with this discontinuity.

Edit: Now that I think about it, I'll go ahead and post with Richard missing.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: Prof B Hunnydew on February 17, 2010, 08:51:27 AM
Quote«Re: The Line in the Stars (IC) [PG/14]
Reply #1303 on: February 04, 2010, 02:43:30 PM »  
On the Ramp,

Nova had stopped at the bottom of the ramp, and waiting for Loki and Ixiah.  When Marissa grabs Nova, she blinks at the light and see Matron's old hull.  She's surprised at the condition of Matron.  The old video data doesn't do her justice.  She turns and look at Richard and Marissa.  Taking in the armor and weapons, Nova frowns at Mariassa's weapons.  

"It will be alright. but I must go on" says Nova.  The cat-girl doesn't move though, and waits for the Major.  Unless Loki continues, she'll wait for Aaron.  

SEE, I was disobeying you (Just waiting..But Loki is Gung Ho,  So see you inside ) :giggle  PBH
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: Azlan on February 18, 2010, 01:09:53 AM
Quote from: Prof B Hunnydew on February 16, 2010, 07:49:33 PM
From the ramp and then into Matron

Nova's hand also appears on Marissa's rifle and on Richard's hand.  Looking at both Romulus and Marissa, the catgirl looks to be awake and in command of herself. 

Why does this say Romulus?
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: Prof B Hunnydew on February 18, 2010, 06:12:35 AM
Well, because I am an idiot   I mixed up Richard and Romy...

me fixed

Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: Azlan on February 25, 2010, 12:33:25 AM
There will be a bit of a delay getting the next bit up, stay tuned.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: Prof B Hunnydew on February 25, 2010, 08:55:30 PM
If Loki will dance, I can post my next half.

Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: ShadesFox on February 26, 2010, 12:15:32 AM
You know, with the way you put that I now have this image in my head of a wild west sequence, with someone shooting at Loki's feet, "Dance you technicolor varmint!  Dance!"
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: Azlan on March 12, 2010, 11:56:19 AM
Just an update:  I haven't forgotten about the RP, but I am partially stuck on PBH because of a pre-arranged scene.  I will try and post a continuation for other players later today. 

Thanks for the patience.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: Prof B Hunnydew on March 16, 2010, 06:20:57 AM
Sorry Sorry    I have been busy......

At work, My BF is in a stew
My PC had a few.    (it is HD has kick the re-boot)
My GF has the flu,
and Now, I got it tooo....

I posted something.... Please yell at me if I'm wrong and I will fix it up as the week goes on.  I just have a hell of a time with long post on this Forum..
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: Azlan on March 17, 2010, 03:04:15 PM
That seems okay... a little odd.  Not sure I wanted to turn this into a musical :P
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: Prof B Hunnydew on March 19, 2010, 11:05:18 PM ( -- Music Video

Awwww  And  I have a song and everything....

But really I like this song...yet the rainbow dance post seems to have too many saber sequences.   I will have to rewrite it without change too much...
I lost my orginial post for this and trying to rewrite from memory.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: Azlan on March 28, 2010, 07:13:12 PM
Posting a link to a lost thread: Tech information:

Tech thread (,689.msg14177.html#msg14177)
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: Lisky on April 28, 2010, 03:00:05 PM
Time to call you out, Lushin, Knight IS in command, he's a higher rank in the same chain of command and therefore in command, the other soldiers, should they be properly trained, WILL follow the orders of their commanding officer... I'm going to wait for Azlan's ruling on this... but i find the fact that you're assuming the roles of the team-mates a bit one sided, given the whole chain of command thing.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: Lushin on April 28, 2010, 04:03:21 PM
Ok dude you need to look earlier in this thread. I've made most of this team. Everyone in my team is made by me. Everyone in Ben's team is made by Azlan. A good soldier will follow orders if they make sense, right now it just seems like you are getting a big head about this. This type of thing will happen with experyenced solders. You are adding to the mission, actually this isn't a military mission. We are doing this cause of Anna so if you want to pull rank and be a dick because what you want to have happen isn't, Romulus will basically tell you. He has a life time of experience. He has been workinig in a military way since he was a little boy thanks to his father. I don't think you looked back at some of the character sheets when you joined. I've even said Romulus has issues with people who are higher rank than him but he doesn't feel they deserves it. You're right though Azlan's in charge so it's his ruling.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: Lisky on April 28, 2010, 04:25:33 PM
no, Knight isn't getting a big head about this... not really... allow me to explain Knight's perspective, and not just the here and now...

In 5 minutes they have an OPEN AIRFIELD to cross... this means FLAT TARMAC with NO COVER... The cover that is around is going to be occupied by hostiles FIRING on the team.  Unskilled as the pirates are, they have a near insurmountable advantage should the team want to run-and-gun.  Knight is taking a SMALL risk now, to MINIMIZE the larger risk... that's what he's going for... using the pirate commander as a hostage, long enough to get out of the line of fire.

Next, let me point out that pointing a weapon at a superior officer is an offense that, if prosecuted, is going to result in a dishonorable discharge, and jail time... Rom would be kissing his future goodbye.  Shooting a superior officer is paramount to suicide, and he's not going to get away with murdering Knight, not on a ship full of psychics.

Next, the fact that Arron is the one who issued the mission, not Ana.  Given the chain of command, it DOES make this a military mission.  Pulling rank is in Knight's best interest since the whole thing is a legal military operation, created by the man in charge, Arron.

So... there goes a few points, and i add in that Knight does have experience in combat, he is a commissioned officer with a at least a moderate degree of skill, and Rom seems to be acting on pure instinct, rather than listening to Knight's arguments, which would show that Knight is planning his next 3 moves and get everyone out alive, while Rom seems to want to bust out the front door, guns blazing, and hope for the best.  So, with this in mind, (seeing as i've just explained things fron Knight's point of view) Who has the team's best interests in mind?
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: Lushin on April 28, 2010, 05:06:43 PM
Well Knight is not listening. Romulus is telling him what he is thinking won't work, Knight think the pirates won't shoot if we have their commander. They are not military they would have no issues with takeing out a commander. Knight is acting like he's going from a book, Romulus is telling him that doesn't work in real life. Plus you seem to think Romulus really cares about his career or his life. You really need to look at the info I provided for him. Seems like you did a bit just so you could give Knight a higher rank, but I don't think you read up on the character. Also a good soldier means he can think for himself, if he is given a order he doesn't agree with he can say he won't follow that order. You seem to have it that we won't question orders.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: Lisky on April 28, 2010, 05:35:10 PM
problem is, I know what will and won't work, Knight has no such knowledge, myself and knight are 2 separate entities, Knight doesn't know all the details about Romulus like I do, as such, Knight has to approach the situation differently then I would... that's the thing... I know that it's a bad idea and yet, have to stay IN CHARACTER, IN THE ROLE.  no matter what outside information is available, Knight doesn't have that...  so, i have to go by the interactions Knight has had...

Also note that Rom is making a gut decision, he's not offering an alternative plan for crossing the airfield, nor is he explaining himself as to why he thinks the pirates will shoot their commanding officer.  He's stating something as factual when he himself has no proof other than his word, the word of someone Knight doesn't like, and therefore doesn't trust...  Knight has offered a reason as to why he's going with a plan, while Rom has thrown out nothing but "no no no no lalalala i can't hear you" and then gone so far as to threaten Knight's life, all the while doing so without making a reasonable argument as to why.  Knight can only act on what's been said and done with his interactions with Rom.

As fare as i can tell, there's no reason Knight's plan wouldn't work.  Besides stating that somehow he knows that the pirates would shoot the brains of their operation, and yet not being psychic, Rom seems to be going on gut reaction, again.  He's making a big assumption, and one that Knight isn't biting on.  Knight sees it as a small risk, with a bigger possible reward.  If you can prove otherwise, i'd like to see how...
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: Lushin on April 28, 2010, 05:44:19 PM
Well Romulus has been in a situation likes this multiple times and as Micheal said it was a situation much like this that got Romulus's father killed. I'm just going to wait and see what angle Azlan decides to go.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: Lisky on April 28, 2010, 05:56:25 PM
*nods* for the best methinks
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: SquirrelWizard on April 28, 2010, 05:58:29 PM
I looked at the setup of the pirates, and I see no reason as to why Knight's plan would not work.

The pirates are set up in a military fashion. They have a clear chain of command, and it seems they respect that chain of command. Knight's interest in the commander could range from negotiating an extraction or strong arming her as a hostage. Either way it provides another option to securing the tarmac and the team's extraction.

On another note, regarding characters. While you may have introduced your squad members into the RP, they are still subject to the chain of command. That means if your superior gives them an order, they are expected to follow it. While it is fine that your character may have issues with authority, he is a member of his squad, and must operate within the squad. This means he might have to change his tactics or plans to acommadate the needs of Command (IE: dont kill her, we need her for information or as a hostage). This doesn't mean you have to like it.

You remark that a Good Soldier follows orders that he agrees with, and ignores those he doesn't. That isn't true. A good soldier follows orders in so far as they do not violate the rules of engagement or would have them knowingly putting them, or those near them, in harms way without special circumstances coming into play. This is the reason why Robert is so frustrated on the Matron. Nobody has given him a reason as to why they are ignoring protocol when it comes to breaching an unknown area, and activating the ship. He's pretty much in the dark, in a strange place, and he's not happy about it.

This brings me to another point. Insubordination.  While its fine that your character would be insubordinate, (Robert is/was at the moment) They would know that muzzling (that is the act of drawing the muzzle of your gun on a target) a friendly target is wrong. In the best of times its a sign of sloppy training, at the worst of times it will get your squadmates killed, and you courtmarshaled. If Romulus is as experienced as he says he is, then he would know this.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: ShadesFox on April 28, 2010, 06:07:09 PM
*eats popcorn*
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: Lushin on April 28, 2010, 06:37:22 PM
All I'm gonna say is go look at the first few pages of this thread and you're figure things out. On the subject on follwoing orders if a person finds an order unfit, unjust or that it will get them killed they will not follow it. Happened during the Vietnam War. Hey Shades can I have some popcorn?
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: ShadesFox on April 28, 2010, 11:11:23 PM
But... it's mine.  Your'e the entertainment D:

*Throws some popcorn at you.  Uses Aaron like psionic abilities to mess with it in mid flight.*

Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: Azlan on April 29, 2010, 03:06:21 AM
I must apologize for not seeing this sooner, a bit busy today.

I have to agree with Bas on this one on pretty much all points.  Knight is operating with the knowledge that he should only reasonably have.  The actions and disposition of Romulus prior to Knight meeting him cannot shape his actions.  Bas can read them, review the character information, and understand where you are coming from Daim... er, Lushin... but he cannot have Knight act on it.  That's metagaming, and metagaming ish bad.

Now one point in Romulus's favor is that the command structure has been rather lax since Aaron has been put in charge.  It has never been fully, definitely identified that Knight is in command of the Special Forces.  Mostly due to the unusual circumstances he came to be on this expedition.  The Scout Fleet Army commander, Colonel Jonathan Nexx, placed Aaron in command of the mission and Romulus in command of military special operations.  Granted, this was a matter of convenience to leave player characters in control rather than keep filling my bucket with NPCs.  Plus, it seemed that everyone was a little suspicious of WO Jenica Stewart... Rom's actual platoon CO.  Knight has rank, but theoretically less actual field experience than Rom.  Now Aaron has given Knight SpecFor command more or less, but I can't actually find a definite instance where he officially declared that fact or ordered Rom to acquiesce to Knight's rank and authority.  Rank speaks for itself in these cases though.

However, even granted a possible official discrepancy in the operational chain of command, it does not excuse the act of leveling one's weapon at the head of their superior officer.  I don't care what Hollywood allows one to do in their military fantasies, but it would be fully in Knight's right to have Rom shot on the spot for that.  It also does not matter how close you are with your squad mates, but none of them should back Rom in such an act.  This is one of my gripes with "team" characters from a single player.  It can be hard to separate them out individually when playing, it is a very difficult challenge.  I can see getting up and in Knight's face and having a posturing and bluster fest, testosterone flying, but there is no way Knight earned such a response.  His suggestion seems rather smart, and really does not endanger any lives.  I really am disappointed by Romulus's action in this instance, he is way out of line and his experience should have him make a better showing then this.

A soldier is expected to obey any lawful ordered issued, and they are expected to think for themselves.  An unlawful order should not be followed, but there better be a clear and fairly obvious reason why this is considered unlawful with witnesses to support that claim.   

Consider reading the posts since you arrived in the base.  I've tried to carry across a few things with these pirates.  Though a bit lax, they show organization and discipline.  Their gear is fairly standardized for what they are and their attire is... well, uniform.  These pirates all have the same basic outfit for their troopers/guards... especially when they haven't had their barracks blown up and their situation thrown into chaos.  Still at the airbase, they managed to put up a very strong resistance for a reasonably long time.  Now those were meant to be a bit more unsavory and rough, a factor of who was in charge there for the most part.  At this main base, they are a lot different and seem to have a well defined command structure.

Your previous operation went off very well, because of planning and level-headed command decisions... a lot of luck too though.  Fighting your way across a landing field is not the best choice... but I have a plan for it if you all decided to do it.  I expected a lot more time in Cynthia's care.  Just because I haven't killed a character (there was an exception), doesn't mean it won't happen.  I don't mean this as a threat, just a fact of any RPG.

So this is what I say to this.  Romulus is out of line, at this point drastically so.  Bas willing, I would suggest Lushin rewrite the bit about the gun pointing, to something a bit less than a capital offense.  If you want this to stand than we need to discuss the ramifications.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: Lisky on April 29, 2010, 07:45:46 AM
I'm really fine either way, whatever Lushin decides, i can go with
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: Lushin on April 29, 2010, 10:45:45 AM
I will not redo the post, Knight threatened to shoot Romulus if his plan wasn't enacted. This isn't a military mission this is Anna's mission I don't care what Knight thinks. You might as well have Romulus take off with Anna and her crew or get killed. It's clear Knight and Romulus won't get along so you might as well kill him off. Stuff like this happens all the time with my RP style it seems.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: ShadesFox on April 29, 2010, 11:39:47 AM
Grr, don't do this to me lucian. It will really disrupt every thing. It is a military op where the ISF is cooperating with Anna. I really don't want to start throwing people in the brig for killing each other.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: Lushin on April 29, 2010, 12:50:15 PM
Sorry, it's just clear to me that Romulus and Knight can't get along. Like oil and water. Romulus doesn't believe in making plans and that's what Knight wants to do. That and Knight has the attitude of "This is my plan and we are gonna do it cause I am higher rank than you". Not a good way to inspire confidence in the troops but doesn't matter cause of rank. Just feels like "I'm right you're wrong so shut up". First real time rank is concerned with this group since they left. Also it's annoying Romulus cause this guy comes out of no where and suddenly he's supposed to follow this guy? Risk the lives of his men who he has become close friends with and this guy is decideing their fates on something he wants to do. To Romulus the mission is basicaally done they just need to get out and it feels like Knight is complicating things by dragging someone else along. But it doesn't matter cause Knight is a higher rank.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: ShadesFox on April 29, 2010, 01:04:34 PM
I do agree that knight's plan sounds really dumb, and that he is being a dick about the plan and rank. But threatening to kill fellow officers is still incorrect, no matter the reason. Well, there is treason. Treason is a good reason to shoot fellow officers.  But not getting along is not treason. I'm not asking for everything to be beer and skittles, just that we can get through the mission with out fragging officers.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: SquirrelWizard on April 29, 2010, 01:33:54 PM
Quote from: Lushin on April 29, 2010, 10:45:45 AM
I will not redo the post, Knight threatened to shoot Romulus if his plan wasn't enacted. This isn't a military mission this is Anna's mission I don't care what Knight thinks. You might as well have Romulus take off with Anna and her crew or get killed. It's clear Knight and Romulus won't get along so you might as well kill him off. Stuff like this happens all the time with my RP style it seems.

Knight threatened to shoot Romulus if Romulus just arbitually decided to shoot the pirate commander in the face. He states, "Don't shoot her unless she pulls a gun, and don't do anything foolish..." just prior to his threat. That means if she decides to pull a gun and go down in a blaze of glory... well that sucks but it isn't Romulus's fault.

Really, the only reason (as far as I can see) that Knight added the threat, is that Romulus is too damn eager to just shoot people in the face at the drop of a hat. Your character is super aggressive and Knight needed a method of ensuring that you would think before firing on her.

You say Romulus doesn't plan, but he is in a position of command over his squad members. The entire point of being a squad leader is that you lead the squad. That means you come up with plans, regardless of whether they're small or large scale. The common phrase with combat plans is "no plan survives contact with the enemy" this is true but other factors can force a change of plan one of which is when an exploitable opportunity arises.

As to Knights plan. If you were to head directly to the evac point, that would either mean that you would have to go through the commander, or leave her behind you. If you are going through her, then capturing her would just mean a slight change of tactics when assaulting her posistion. If you leave her behind you, you will have a hostile on your ass. In the end you will have to deal with the commander in some way, Knight is just trying to exercise all the potential options he has available.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: Lushin on April 29, 2010, 02:24:05 PM
Ok I'm starting to get a massive headache over this whole deal. Romulus doesn't make any plans cause in his experience they fail as soon as they are put into action. He makes things up as he goes along, works for him.  Also if you read Azlan's last post of the Pirate Base she's basically dead already. It just seems Knight doesn't want to believe that he killed her. I will not repent for my actions and I'm getting tired of everyone freaking out on me for them. They where my actions, if you don't like my choices I don't care. Romulus will be gone soon anyway.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: Lisky on April 29, 2010, 03:04:49 PM
lets start with character knowledge... the pirate captain is injured, but we don't know to what degree.  She -is- in cover.  Next, Knight gave a very lawful order, and to ensure Rom wouldn't shoot her on sight, he issued a threat to make sure he didn't do anything foolish enough to disrupt the basic plan.  Rom's part of the plan was to simply secure the stairs and give Knight 30 seconds to a minute to try and talk to the pirate commander.  He's now wasted that in a pissing match brought about by a personal hatred of a plan which had the objective to SAVE THE LIVES OF HIS TEAM.

No one else was being put at risk besides Knight, who would be covered by 1 other soldier...  Now... lets go on to point out that Knight, who has the team in mind, is issuing another lawful order, to which Rom somehow has earned the support of the team when Knight has explained quite clearly that he wants to avoid a flat charge onto the tarmac. At the very least, Azlan pointed out that a "team" character isn't going to work here, and Rom would be on his own.

Knight is being a dick about rank because RUNNING AND GUNNING across an open airfield is paramount to suicide.  He's given this reason both IC and OOC.  Do people not realize that there is a section of Paved concrete... the best one can do for cover is lay on their belly to minimize their profile...

Now, lets take what we've seen of the pirate equipment, automatic weapons, grenades, snipers, and lots of people to man said equipment.  They have cover, it is broad daylight, and the team has to cross open terrain to get to it's extraction.   They are outnumbered, outgunned, out of cover, have no fallback position... and yet, somehow Rom thinks RUNNING into that hail of gunfire is a better plan than trying something with the slightest hint of subtlety and guile?

Soo... keeping all this in mind... i don't see how Romulus, who is supposedly a seasoned officer, can get so hostile, over a plan who's goal is keep his team members alive, and, should the risk to which Knight is taking pay off, will minimize the injury and death to his team.  IF we want a real-life incident to support Knight's position, go ahead and read about the Navy SEALs in Panama, at the Paitilla Airfield.... and the SEALs even had the cover of night to aid them...
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: Lushin on April 29, 2010, 03:44:58 PM
Ok this the last I will talk about this. Stop assuming that Romulus is gonna just run and gun. I'm tired of everyone assumeing what he will do. I even had someone say why Romulus doesn't like the plan but I'm guessing you just saw Romulus not doing what Knight told him. I'm also tired of people saying a good soldier will follow any order given to them and not question it. That is just a mindless soldier. I've seen things on Marines when they want soldiers to speak up if they think the oder is a bad one. MAYBE Romulus wanted to see the Tarmac and then figured out how to get to the ship, but no YOU just assume he wants to run and gun. I'm tured of everyone coming down on me cause of my actions. Would also like to point out that Romulus told Knight if he is gonna grab their commander do if after they threw the fash bangs at the pirates on the stairs.

There problem solved
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: Prof B Hunnydew on April 29, 2010, 04:20:50 PM
Whoa Dude
edit:   Lets not let this go over our heads....   (NEVER MIND what I first posted)

( the GM is Azlan, he should have the final say here)

***kitty should stay out of these things. ****
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: Lisky on April 29, 2010, 04:23:26 PM
Dude, what i'm trying to say is that, from all Knight's seen and heard of Rom, he's seen Rom make things up on the fly, and hope for luck to get him through things... That's what Knight has seen, and that's the perspective i'm trying to explain.  

Next up, for not liking plans, you certainly just condradicted yourself something horrible here:

QuoteMAYBE Romulus wanted to see the Tarmac and then figured out how to get to the ship

That's a plan... something Rom was so dead set against that he pointed a gun at Knight... i'm trying to be civil, but Rom simply threw out insults and screamed "no no no! LALALALA! I CAN'T HEAR YOU!", then pulled a gun.  He didn't offer an alternate course of action, he simply said "I don't like your plan, we're not going to do it"  

Give him another idea, Knight would have considered it, instead, all Knight got for stating his plan was violent threats, insults and "I don't like plans"...
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: Azlan on May 01, 2010, 06:38:11 PM
*Boom*  Rainbow firecracker explosion.

Okay, if you all don't settle down, you're all getting turned into girls by magic... especially Shades, because it's fun.

Now onto the serious.  I'm not sure why everyone thinks Holly the pirate commander is hurt.  She has a few scratches from debris and she managed to smack her head a bit as she dove for cover, but it's really nothing.  Knight missed her with the gauss, I read into his post that he purposefully aimed around where her position was and I assumed a healthy margin.  She hit the ground immediately after her two guards got killed.  Ana fired her little accelerated shrapnel trick knowing that the collie was on the ground with the intention of nicking her ear and keeping her down.  So there is nothing really wrong with her.

As for Lushin, I'm not sure how to address this.  In all honesty, Romulus was not my favorite.  His way of doing things does not sync with my style of running.  I worried extensively what might happen all the time.  One learns to overcome such things and work to make the experience at least enjoyable if not engaging.  I believed your playing style could use a bit of work, and the writing skills needed to be refined, but I valued the diversity.  However, I had extensive plans to develop the character, and challenge his view point of the world. 

The situation that has recently occurred made me consider my desire to run this RP and sapped a bit of the fun from it.  In all honesty, when I first read the quote below, I found it both offensive, unreasonable and well... a childish threat:

Quote from: Lushin on April 29, 2010, 10:45:45 AM
You might as well have Romulus take off with Anna and her crew or get killed. It's clear Knight and Romulus won't get along so you might as well kill him off. Stuff like this happens all the time with my RP style it seems.

I read this it sounded in my mind like... "I can't have my way, so I don't want to play no more.  No one likes how I do things, so I'm leaving."  That is part of why it took me so long to respond.  Then you go and cop-out Romulus.  I now have to deal with this in game, rewrite the plans for the direction of the RP, and hope that this has not completely soured all enthusiasm from the rest of the characters.  Had I still been angry I'd end this with, "thanks for being so selfish and running away like a coward."  However, I don't have time for this and need to salvage the game.

In an effort to cull this, I am going to let Lushin's cop-out stand.  I'm not sure how to address it in the RP yet, but something will have to occur.   

Now, let me clarify something for everyone so we can understand ourselves better.

I have a certain opinion, which is shaped by fact, that military operations are planned and executed accordingly.  Moltke was known to have said, "No plan of operations extends with certainty beyond the first encounter with the enemy's main strength.", which has been simplified to "no plan survives contact with the enemy".  However, you all would be mistaken to think that he thought war plans were of no use.  A true interpretation is that military strategy is a system of options, as only the beginning of a military operation is the only part that can be truly planned.  The main task of military leaders is the extensive preparation of responses to as many possible outcomes as one can envision.

That being said, I am a very big proponent of planning and discussion among my military personnel.  I have been doing my best to try to subtly work that into game, but I am going to just come out and say it.  Understand what you need to do, how you are going to do it, and what you do once you do it.

When all is said and done, I don't want this RP to feel like work to anyone, so do your best to fake it.  In the end this RP is meant to be more tongue-in-cheek and campy than serious, but it is what people make of it.

So please, let us end this discussion here.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: ShadesFox on May 05, 2010, 01:28:33 AM
*In a pink frilly dress*
I feel so pretty... so pretty and witty and... *long pause* gaaay~

I hope this does continue.  I've been having fun imagining the... potential, of having Xaos and Gaea along.  Oh yes, Aaron will have 'fun' :3
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: Prof B Hunnydew on May 05, 2010, 01:39:36 PM
Quote from: ShadesFox on May 05, 2010, 01:28:33 AM
*In a pink frilly dress*
I feel so pretty... so pretty and witty and... *long pause* gaaay~

I hope this does continue.  I've been having fun imagining the... potential, of having Xaos and Gaea along.  Oh yes, Aaron will have 'fun' :3

:erk Aah Now, I am not sure I want this to continue....  
*takes back pink frilly dress*


Oh the whole worlds gone to Hell... But How are you?

I'm super
Thanks for asking
All things considered
I couldn't be better I must say
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: Azlan on May 08, 2010, 06:12:00 PM
I have no intention of letting this fail, I've had to work to revise things a bit and been busy with my work.  Things will continue soon.  Do not worry.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: Prof B Hunnydew on May 08, 2010, 06:42:43 PM
Thank Goodness... GM is back...

Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: Lushin on May 09, 2010, 05:15:13 PM
Ok everyone Azlan had a talk with me and I realized how much of a jerk (to put it nicely) I was being. I got caught up with be my character and screwed up. Azlan and I talked and he suggested it would be possible for me to make a new character. Only if everyone else allowed me to. If you guys want me gone than I will respect that and leave. So I will leave the decision up to you all.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: Prof B Hunnydew on May 09, 2010, 05:33:17 PM
OKay I will let you, come back.

Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: Lisky on May 09, 2010, 05:40:30 PM
hey man, i've got no problems with it... i suppose i wasn't being the clearest headed either and i apologize for a few of the conclusions i jumped to...

if you're up for it, you're more than welcome to play

(Also, from a completely medical point of view, a hit to the head is survivable with armor... though a massive concussion, and instant unconsciousness would be the most likely result if the person does survive...

soo...Rom -could- still be alive... very unlikely... but possible)
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: Lushin on May 09, 2010, 07:01:37 PM
I think it would be best for the RP if Romulus died. Start with a clean slate so to speak. I caused to many problems with Romulus, it would be best to let him die. As much as I don't want to, it would be best.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: Lisky on May 09, 2010, 07:48:02 PM
Alright, be that as it may, i look forward to your intro in the not too distant future, then
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: Lushin on May 09, 2010, 11:19:14 PM
*deep breath* Ok here's a character I came up with should I be allowed to come back. Tried to make him easier to throw in.

Name: Devin "Doc" Holiday
Age 28
Gender: Male
Species: Coyote
Occupation: Reluctant Pirate
Appearance:  He stands about 5'8" and has an average build. Has long hair but is usually seen with a "cowboy" hat on. Wears lose fitting jeans and a tattered long sleeve button up shirt, black in color. Old beat up hiking boots.
Background: Devin doesn't really remember much of his past. It's not sure if he just doesn't wish to talk about it or he honestly doesn't remember. At a young age he was taken by the pirates from the ship he was traveling on with his merchant parents. He was taking in by a fox female who felt bad for leave such a young child to die on the ship. He's grown up among pirates and around bad people. What's strange is he isn't a bad guy at all. He only really became a pirate because that was all he could do for a living. He has no problem raiding but hates to kill if he doesn't have to. He's even killed a few of his fellow pirates when they tried to rape some females when they where raiding. He's recently stuck to guarding bases as he felt it was less trouble then raiding. It has become clear to some of the other pirates around him that he doesn't care about being a pirate. He tends to talk about wanting something worth fighting for but feels he doesn't have one. He was recently locked up for trying to leave.
Personality: He's not a very good pirate. He's actually a fairly nice guy and doesn't care for most of what the pirates believe in. He tends to talk with a southern drawl, but he couldn't tell you why. It's just the way he has always talked. He's a very good shot with firearms. He prefers rifles and the pistol he carries on his hip, something the female fox gave him when she died.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: Chairtastic on May 10, 2010, 01:04:53 AM
Approved by Azlan; cower in fear!

Name: Harriet D. TiBalt
Age: 36
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Height: 1.73m (5.67ft)
Weight: 79.38kg (175lbs)
Occupation: ISIS Infiltration Operative
Rank: Chief Warrant Officer 2 WO2
Appearance: Average height, a bit on the muscled side, giving her the appearance of an athlete.  There is some fat, but not enough to severely impede movement.  Hair is jet black, in a cropped cut.   Flesh is a copper color,  save for the pinkish palms.  Eyes, are a pale brown color, and set in a rather pleasing face.
Psychological profile: She is a thoroughly strange creature.  She does not speak often, and when she does it is usually respectful and polite; yet she can be waspish and blunt when it suits her.  She can handle all but the most devastating of setbacks rather well, and will willingly take up extra duties.  Hailing from the Consortium, she has a Capitalistic view, as well as a loose 'quid pro quo' attitude.  She can function in a group, but prefers and works better alone.
Background: Harriet was born and raised in territory controlled by the Trade Consortium, as the granddaughter of former ISIS Military Intelligence Officer, Brigadier General Norman TiBalt.  Her parents had a major falling out with Norman shortly after Harriet was born, and refused to speak to him or of him for years afterward.  During her teenage years, the TiBalt family fell on hard times, leading Harriet's parents to go to Norman for financial aide, which he provided.  Harriet, angry at her parents for their apparent hiding of her grandfather from her, went against their wishes and started a correspondence with Norman.  Fights between Harriet and her parents on the subject escalated, even after she departed for college.  When they finally threatened to cut her off financially, Harriet quit her association with them, and, unable to continue her higher education at the time, enlisted in the ISF.  She volunteered for Special Forces Assessment and Selection upon reaching the rank of Corporal, E-4, but was medically dropped.  She attempted again, upon recovery, and met with success; being assigned an 18F MOS.
Harriet kept up her correspondence with her grandfather, but refused to maintain contact with her parents, despite Norman's frequent requests.  She applied for, and was accepted as a Special Forces Warrant Officer, shortly after achieving the requisite E-6 ranking, and with little over a year left of her enlistment.  Her skill attracted the attention of the ISIS, which recruited her, as an Infiltration Operative. 
Skills: Harriet is a good shot, at all ranges, though she shows little interest in sniper training.  Her computer skills are not to be sneezed at, though she is not a genius; her skill being geared toward setting up, maintaining, and infiltrating information networks, she is a competent hacker.  She is an excellent liar, and actor; a smooth talker and quick witted.  Her self-control is by far her best trait, able to hold herself back and think in just about any situation.  She has above average pain tolerance; as well as situational awareness.  In unarmed combat, she makes use of the opponents own momentum against them, because her musculature is geared toward running and jumping instead of straight power; Harriet has great experience as an infiltrator, as well as squad combat While she can do some gymnastics and acrobatics, she has become rusty with those skills, relying now on her acting ability.  Her listed specialty is information gathering, taking disconnected, sometimes tangential information and coming to a conclusion.  She has the necessary training to operate an atmospheric dropship, both while physically present and by remote. 
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: Azlan on May 10, 2010, 02:46:53 AM
Quote from: Lushin on May 09, 2010, 11:19:14 PM
*deep breath* Ok here's a character I came up with should I be allowed to come back. Tried to make him easier to throw in.

Name: Devin "Doc" Holiday
Age 28
Gender: Male
Species: Coyote
Occupation: Reluctant Pirate
Appearance:  He stands about 5'8" and has an average build. Has long hair but is usually seen with a "cowboy" hat on. Wears lose fitting jeans and a tattered long sleeve button up shirt, black in color. Old beat up hiking boots.
Background: Devin doesn't really remember much of his past. It's not sure if he just doesn't wish to talk about it or he honestly doesn't remember. At a young age he was taken by the pirates from the ship he was traveling on with his merchant parents. He was taking in by a fox female who felt bad for leave such a young child to die on the ship. He's grown up among pirates and around bad people. What's strange is he isn't a bad guy at all. He only really became a pirate because that was all he could do for a living. He has no problem raiding but hates to kill if he doesn't have to. He's even killed a few of his fellow pirates when they tried to rape some females when they where raiding. He's recently stuck to guarding bases as he felt it was less trouble then raiding. It has become clear to some of the other pirates around him that he doesn't care about being a pirate. He tends to talk about wanting something worth fighting for but feels he doesn't have one. He was recently locked up for trying to leave.
Personality: He's not a very good pirate. He's actually a fairly nice guy and doesn't care for most of what the pirates believe in. He tends to talk with a southern drawl, but he couldn't tell you why. It's just the way he has always talked. He's a very good shot with firearms. He prefers rifles and the pistol he carries on his hip, something the female fox gave him when she died.

This is actually kind of funny, but... other than a few movies the humans brought with them, the concept of the cowboy never developed specifically along similar lines.  I don't mind the hat though, except pirate forces have basic duty uniforms and generally would not allow it on anything other than 'off' time.

A name for the vixen would be a handy thing to know.  

I would like a basic skill listing and the "technical" position he would occupy in the organization.  The large pirate organizations also use ranks, a similar structure to the old Lycan one, do I need that identified as well.


Admiral (Marshal for ground forces) - No one has ever encountered a Pirate Admiral
Commodore (Brigadier for ground forces)
Vice-Commodore (no ground force equivalent)

Captain (Colonel for ground forces)
Sub-Commander (Major for ground forces)

Warrant "Officers"

Chief Warrant Officer
Warrant Officer


Master Chief (Petty Officer)/Sergeant Major
Chief (Petty Officer)/First Sergeant
Petty Officer/Sergeant
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: Prof B Hunnydew on May 10, 2010, 06:09:48 AM
 :mowhappy Hurry  We have a new character(s)

AH Human.and a female.player (YES).. *looks again*  Ok an amazon...Can we keep Dan out of this after this?

And Pirate/cowboy/coyote... This should be interesting...
                                      not as interesting as a Space Pirate Amazon Ninja Catgirls...but Interesting.


PS:  Just Plain Creepy?
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: Lushin on May 10, 2010, 11:58:46 AM
Quote from: Azlan on May 10, 2010, 02:46:53 AM

This is actually kind of funny, but... other than a few movies the humans brought with them, the concept of the cowboy never developed specifically along similar lines.  I don't mind the hat though, except pirate forces have basic duty uniforms and generally would not allow it on anything other than 'off' time.

A name for the vixen would be a handy thing to know.  

I would like a basic skill listing and the "technical" position he would occupy in the organization.  The large pirate organizations also use ranks, a similar structure to the old Lycan one, do I need that identified as well.


Admiral (Marshal for ground forces) - No one has ever encountered a Pirate Admiral
Commodore (Brigadier for ground forces)
Vice-Commodore (no ground force equivalent)

Captain (Colonel for ground forces)
Sub-Commander (Major for ground forces)

Warrant "Officers"

Chief Warrant Officer
Warrant Officer


Master Chief (Petty Officer)/Sergeant Major
Chief (Petty Officer)/First Sergeant
Petty Officer/Sergeant

I was thinking of makeing the female human. Make her a southerner to help explain him some, but I didn't know if it would be accepted . As for a name for her I'm gonna say Alexandera Sheeton. For a rank I'm gonna say Master Chief. As for skills he's a bit of a jack-of-all-trades-master-of-none type of deal. Being a pirate he's had to learn alittle bit of everything. Most of his skills are in fighting but he's a decent doctor, hence the nickname. He can repair small engines. Like one person ships. Plus he's decent at boarding other ships. He's also learned a few languages while traveling.
Thought about it and figured I would have him wear a mix of different light miltitary's armor, basically what he found when he did do raids. It's painted to match the other pirates. He still wears old beat uo hiking boots and the pistol on his left hip, which is set up as a cross draw. He doesn't wear a cowboy hat but a wide brim hat that could be compaired to a cowboy hat or Inidiana Jone's hat. Like the pistol it was something given to him by the vixen who took him in. He wears the hat when not raiding or times he needs to wear a helmet. I would still like him to talk with a southern dral if I could.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: ShadesFox on May 11, 2010, 12:37:30 AM
Sure, lets have Lushin continue with a new character.  What ever form that character takes.

And more ISIS?  You would think that Aaron is being put under heavy surveillance or something X3
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: Chairtastic on May 11, 2010, 06:24:36 PM

"I can neither confirm nor deny..."
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: Prof B Hunnydew on May 11, 2010, 08:51:17 PM
Quote from: Meany on May 11, 2010, 06:24:36 PM

"I can neither confirm nor deny..."

That means she is, but she will help us until ISIS wants Loki return to them.

I trust Capt. Saioko before the girl...which will bring some interesting things ahead

Saioko re-action to this new ISIS and to Romy's death.

Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: ShadesFox on May 11, 2010, 09:24:07 PM
I can neither confirm or deny, confirming or denying my confirmation or denial, confirming or denying the fact that I confirmed or denied confirming or denying my confirmation or denial.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: SquirrelWizard on May 11, 2010, 09:36:01 PM
I have a spork!

Edit: Might as well throw this out.

Lushin, I have nothing against you bringing in a new character.

Some pointers.

Use the Scene for something other than cover. Your character can sit in a chair, lean on a table, stand by a wall. Doc should be part of the scene, not merely in it.

Not everything that Doc does has to involve an action or conversation aloud. Doc should react to the scene, he should react to the other people there. The physical reaction is often the tip of the iceberg.

Finally, try to get into the skin of your character.  Remember, your character isn't privy to everything said in OOC, not to mention everything happening in the scene. They are limited by what their senses can detect and interpret. Based on their past, they may develop quirks, likes and dislikes, but keep in mind that your character is intelligent and will change their behavior if they feel the situation calls for it.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: Azlan on May 12, 2010, 11:24:11 PM
Alright, so I have finished my rewrites and shall get this back on track... whoever thought running a forum RP would actually be work  :rolleyes

Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: Chairtastic on May 16, 2010, 01:54:16 PM
First post up.  :>  Is it acceptable, or should I chainsaw it some?
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: Azlan on May 16, 2010, 04:26:09 PM
Good start, looks fine.

Some basics on the people you are working with:

Jack Maier - 26 year old male Fennec Fox.  He is a 2nd shift Systems Administrator for the base IT department.  His skills are as a computer technician and an inactive reservist with the Royal Imperium Star Guard, some type of military service is mandatory for all citizens of the Imperium.  Practical minded, he 'volunteered' for service with the pirates when he was captured to save the others he was traveling with, as the pirate's had a small quota for "able bodied" individuals.

Jack Trivia: He is the son of an Imperium Rim World Baron.  His family administrates a large resource world, that is barely habitable, but very valuable.  The pirates do not know this.

Magick Nightstride - 22 year old male Sable mustelid.  His real name is not known, having managed to keep it secret.  Originally a freebooter bounty hunter, he found himself absorbed into the pirate group as his boss was offered a command position by the pirate leadership.  A "failed" techno-adept (a lower-level technomage, typically someone without 'natural' talent), he specializes in being sneaky (and snarky).  With the pirates he is part of the covert operations division, but at a rather low-level as he recently joined the bounty hunter organization before it was absorbed.

Magick Trivia: None, no one knows much about him.

Miyuki Sairenji - 28 year old female human of Asian descent.  She is a weapons specialist, or more accurately a gun nut, and like Doc has always been a pirate.  Her family is originally from the independent colony on the fourth planet of the pirate occupied star system.  When she was young, she was very enthusiastic about being a 'pirate', up until her first mission where the entire crew and passengers where ejected into the cold of space unprotected by the pirates in retribution for resisting and the injury of one of their own.  From that point, the glamor had worn off and she was awakened to how wrong what it is they were doing happened to be.  Without much choice in vocation, she transferred to guard duty on the outpost planet.

Miyuki Trivia: She was the one injured (and almost died) on that raid and views herself responsible for the 200+ deaths.  She attended one other raid and the commander that ordered the deaths had a mysterious and fatal accident with his spacesuit while attempting an EVA breach of the target ship.         
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: Lushin on May 16, 2010, 05:16:42 PM
Geez someone doesn't like pirates. Hope that doesn't include the ones with you at the times.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: Chairtastic on May 16, 2010, 05:18:57 PM
Oh, of course not. :3  They've been so useful she doesn't even consider feeding them to the paper shredder anymore.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: Prof B Hunnydew on May 16, 2010, 06:00:27 PM
Oh boy... We have loose canon on deck. 

I am surprise that she hasn't becoming a buccaneer captain herself.  A Pirate preying on other pirates.  That would be able too much I guess for the ISIS.  I know I know Not enough time for her to get that high, but who knows.

Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: Azlan on May 17, 2010, 11:30:11 PM
Quote from: Prof B Hunnydew on May 15, 2010, 08:53:03 PM

She had many more question but they were for Gaea  alone,but now wasn't the time.  "Mara, please locate Marissa at once.  and open a link to Mother and Knight's group, I have a feeling things may not going so well with our commandos" says Nova as touchs her gem around her neck.  The little kitten appear on the table and then quick runs and phases into the wall.


Okay, ignoring the glaringly horrible typos throughout the entirety of the post, this edit will have to go.  Having Mara find Marissa is one thing... but making a leap of faith to suddenly open a communications link to Knight is way too metagaming for my tastes.  Fix it please.

Domo arigato.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: Prof B Hunnydew on May 18, 2010, 09:38:16 AM
Is it just me, or do you guys run into the same problem I do? Where I can't edit my post over a certain length?

Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: ShadesFox on May 18, 2010, 11:31:10 AM
I have not had that problem, no.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: Prof B Hunnydew on May 18, 2010, 01:53:01 PM
Quote from: ShadesFox on May 18, 2010, 11:31:10 AM
I have not had that problem, no.

It is like I have about 10 lines to write my post in
10 before it the window jumps up and down with to each & every key stroke  It'll  write the keys  in a line but I don't get to see it while i'm write it.

Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: Shachza on May 18, 2010, 07:18:20 PM
I have that problem too.  I dunno why.  I've become very patient about using Backspace to delete out things I want to change far down in long posts because highlighting doesn't work when your post jumps up and down like a hamster on cocaine.  Or for really long things I just give up, type it in Word, and then copy and paste.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: ShadesFox on May 18, 2010, 11:22:44 PM
How strange.  Which web browser are you two using?
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: hapless on May 19, 2010, 08:24:18 AM
That's a well-known conflict between an (admitted!) bug in IE8 and most large <textarea>s with JS handlers attached.
It's more problematic in SMF 2.0, but for 1.1.11 with default and default-derived skins this helps (by forcing the old style model in IE or other "magic"):

diff --git a/forum/Themes/default/style.css b/forum/Themes/default/style.css
--- a/forum/Themes/default/style.css
+++ b/forum/Themes/default/style.css
@@ -127,7 +127,11 @@
/* The main post box - this makes it as wide as possible. */
-       width: 96%;
+        width: 96%;
+        position: relative;
+        zoom: 1;
+        float: left;
+        display: inline;

/* Highlighted text - such as search results. */

At least, it worked on our forum.
Good luck, Admins!

(Yes, I lurk around, and read this RP ;))

ED: Typos.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: Prof B Hunnydew on May 19, 2010, 12:22:39 PM
So the skin setup is the problem...I switch my Skin layout for the Forum and the problem is going... DMFA skin ver 1 is the trouble.


Now I have to get use to the brightness of DMFA 2.0................. 8) PBH.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: Shachza on May 19, 2010, 07:07:08 PM
Ack!  So I have to put up with bright pink and purple?!  :(

Well, that did fix the issue at least.

Plus real men wear (like) pink right?  RIGHT?!   :3
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: Chairtastic on May 19, 2010, 07:13:41 PM
Real men can wear any color they choose to, because they are men.  Granted, Clint Eastwood and Chuck Norris are the only real men on the planet at the moment...
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: hapless on May 19, 2010, 07:53:08 PM
Quote from: Prof B Hunnydew on May 19, 2010, 12:22:39 PM
Now I have to get use to the brightness of DMFA 2.0................. 8) PBH.

Well, if you're lucky, the fix I attached above (except with width: 100%; not 96% apparently) may work for the Dungeon theme, too... it's for sure based off SMF Default. Ask one of the admins about it, maybe?
Also, the problem affects only Internet Explorer 8. Maybe it's a good moment to try Firefox, Opera, or Chrome? :P
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: Azlan on May 20, 2010, 01:44:29 AM
Quote from: Meany on May 19, 2010, 07:13:41 PM
Real men can wear any color they choose to, because they are men.  Granted, Clint Eastwood and Chuck Norris are the only real men on the planet at the moment...

Chuck Norris in pink... could he still kick your ass as fast?

Quote from: hapless on May 19, 2010, 07:53:08 PM
Quote from: Prof B Hunnydew on May 19, 2010, 12:22:39 PM
Now I have to get use to the brightness of DMFA 2.0................. 8) PBH.

Well, if you're lucky, the fix I attached above (except with width: 100%; not 96% apparently) may work for the Dungeon theme, too... it's for sure based off SMF Default. Ask one of the admins about it, maybe?
Also, the problem affects only Internet Explorer 8. Maybe it's a good moment to try Firefox, Opera, or Chrome? :P

I never recommend any version of Internet Exploder... my personal opinion of course... and tend to recommend the use of Firefox.  Well, come on... I am a fox you know...
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: Prof B Hunnydew on May 20, 2010, 07:43:27 AM
Okay Okay Mr Fire solves everything.  expect Tidal Waves or earthquakes.

Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: Chairtastic on May 20, 2010, 08:24:49 AM

Quote from: Azlan on May 20, 2010, 01:44:29 AM
Chuck Norris in pink... could he still kick your ass as fast?
Of course. :V

I never recommend any version of Internet Exploder... my personal opinion of course... and tend to recommend the use of Firefox.  Well, come on... I am a fox you know...

Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: llearch n'n'daCorna on May 20, 2010, 11:45:59 AM
Your solution is noted, although perhaps this might have been more useful in the thread about the new skins...
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: Prof B Hunnydew on May 21, 2010, 10:25:26 AM
Okay I switcher to Foxy problems

With game
Oh Squirrelly, I was trying to answer your questions,(indirectly) but you seem to have fallen a sleep.  I will try to wake you sidle like if you want me too.


Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: SquirrelWizard on May 21, 2010, 03:36:39 PM
Feel free to try... Be warned, you're trying to wake a cranky squirrel from sleep and the last cup of coffee had was probably 5 years ago.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: Prof B Hunnydew on May 21, 2010, 04:15:21 PM
Quote from: SquirrelWizard on May 21, 2010, 03:36:39 PM
Feel free to try... Be warned, you're trying to wake a cranky squirrel from sleep and the last cup of coffee had was probably 5 years ago.

I know I like Tea, but you could have asked We had coffee.

Thanks for the info
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Open
Post by: Shachza on May 24, 2010, 02:30:05 AM
Hello!  I can play too! (Azlan seemed OK with things, just lemme' know what I need to tweak)

Full name: Zhildar D'ral La'orth kroi'id Namulk'nam
Rank:  Zhildar D'ral [ZHil-där du'räl]
Given Name:  La'orth [lä-ōrth]
Family Name:  Namulk'nam (kroi'id literally means "of the family") [kroi-id nam'ulk-näm]
Age: 63 (in a program of gene enhancement for longevity)
Gender:  Male
Species:  Korsinian [kōr'sin-ē'an]
Occupation:  Long range recon fighter pilot, general mechanic, general soldier

Appearance:  Saurian; an anthro version of a Velociraptor from Jurassic Park.  Angular head, sharp teeth, scales, no hair, and a long tail; though it is sinuous instead of stiff as a board.  They also have the vicious hooked claw for their first toe like Velociraptors.  La'orth is most often found wearing a pilot suit or a mechanic's multi-pocketed apron and well-worn pants.  Under both eyes he bears the horizontal blue slash over a small blue circle that signifies his rank of D'ral.  He also has also painted a series of black slashes across the back and sides of his neck, altogether they resemble a stylized pair of wings and they show his support of D'ku'irak Shachza. [du'kū-i'rak shach-zą]  There is what appears to be a "plug" in the middle of this design at the back of his head.
Scales:  mostly bright green with drab gray-green and gray-brown striping.
Eyes:  Light blue-gray
Height: 5'7"
Build: Lithe
Here ( is what Korsinians used to look like before I toned them down.  It's a good example of the body type if you ignore all the additional bits like wings, horns, the beak, etc.

Background:  Born on a L'ran [lu'ran] class medical ship as most of the new clutches are, La'orth has spent the vast majority of his life in space.  As is typical with Korsinian clutches, the names of the biological parents are kept secret in a tradition that is supposed make the children succeed by their own devices.  That is not to say that they are abandoned; fresh out of the egg each Korsinian is surrounded by a group of similar-aged hatchlings.  This group doesn't change through primary school, and often several remain together well into adulthood.  New clutches are rarer nowadays that space is a much rarer commodity, so La'orth has always felt gifted that he is alive.

From childhood he knew that he wanted to join the military arm of society.  Vids ranging from the loyal defense from evil pirates of lawful employers such as with the Asyan [äs'yän] race, to the stoic determination of the Korsinians at the Gerasri [ger-as'rē] Nebula and the Nyel'kelith [nyel-kel'ith] asteroid field were La'orths favorite pastime entertainment.  He still remembers first day he saw D'ku'irak Shachza in person conferring with the head of the vessel La'orth was going through school on.  He resolved to be a hero like that and save his race.

La'orth has tempered his youthful enthusiasm in the intervening years since becoming a pilot, but he has replaced that with determination.  He has risen through the ranks to command a flight of five H'vae'ek [hu'vā'ek] starfighters, and his squadron has been together for over 10 years now.  He has been on several raids and has been commended for both his skill in piloting, and his ability to adapt to groundside operations as needed.  Currently his squadron is on scouting duty to look for resources and to chart systems.

Skills:  La'orth is an excellent pilot with years of experience in space.  He has less experience with atmospheric duty, but he can hold his own.  Given the nomadic nature of his species, and the limited resources they have, he, like many pilots, has gotten to know his ship inside and out and can put it back together given enough time.  As with any member of the Korsinian military, he has passed basic training for both spaceborn and groundside personal combat.  He is also a big fan of history vids and is a wealth of random knowledge about historical events.

(I'll live it at that for now.  I'll probably add more as Azlan OK's more stuff)

Korsinian pronunciation  (for you other supernerds out there)
chain,  go, sing, ŦHen, thin, fāte, fär, fat, fąll, mē, met, pīne, pin, nōte, not, möve, tūbe, tub, bųll, oil, pound

The next four have no equivalent in English.
th is to ŦH as sh is to ZH
cc is sh created with the middle of the tongue instead of the tip.
ccc is sh created with the rear of the tongue instead of the tip.
underline is "rolled-R with the rear of the tongue" but combines with most other vocal sounds, this is not a seperate sound, it denotes anger when speaking
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Azlan on May 27, 2010, 01:46:06 AM
I haven't fallen off the face of the earth, just been a bit busy.  I will be posting soon, sorry for the delay.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: SquirrelWizard on May 27, 2010, 04:30:00 PM
Quote from: Azlan on May 27, 2010, 01:46:06 AM
I haven't fallen off the face of the earth, just been a bit busy.  I will be posting soon, sorry for the delay.

Even if you had, I would have found the news suspect. Gravity tends to be unbiased.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Chairtastic on May 27, 2010, 05:12:37 PM
Now, now.  He could have just tumbled into a deep, deep hole, gone beyond the planet's crust and smacked himself into the mantle.  :V

Or worse yet, fallen into a not-so-deep hole filled with hungry coyotes.

Regardless: Welcome back Azlan! :U
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: ShadesFox on May 27, 2010, 07:33:59 PM
They recently found coyotes around where I work.  It is awesome.

Also, I believe that Azlan is really rewatching the final episode of lost, with the polar bear.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Chairtastic on May 31, 2010, 07:15:44 PM
Okay, longish post up.  I wasn't too certain about USB drives, so if there's some futuristic equivalent, let me know so I can edit? :U  Also, I just want y'all to know, I love cliffhangers, so expect them from me fairly regularly; oh, and I fail at fight scenes. :B
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Chairtastic on June 08, 2010, 11:06:59 PM
Dreadfully sorry for the doublepost.  Really, I am.  Going to have to put my hand in a waffle iron later for it, but I have a question.

Exactly what type of poison do these Harbingers use?  Neurotoxin?  Hemotoxin?  And how fast does it go into effect?  Is it necrotic?  Does it produce hallucinogenic side-effects?  All this and more. :B
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: SquirrelWizard on June 08, 2010, 11:09:16 PM
I think the double post rules only apply if they're done in quick succession. In your case there was like 8 days between post.

I don't know about the harbingers poison, but it made me think of this.

To: All Outpost Leaders
Re: New ruling in use of guard animals.

It has come to our attention, that the Thraxxias has begun to cause problems with many of our men. The Thraxxias are, for the most part, a good solid creature for the duties we demand for them. There is no denying that their lengthy prehensile tongues are extremely valuable in bringing down targets without harming them. And, the toxins they secrete in their sweat and saliva make are almost tailor made for their position. Unfortunately it is these toxins that are causing problems.

The toxins act like a strong hallucinogenic and are transferred by simple skin contact with any of the Thraxxias's fluids. This has lead to a rise in soldiers... misusing these animals. To which many companies have experienced a sudden drop in operational efficiency and a sharp rise in psychotic episodes. Even though we can order our men cease the use of the creatures overexposure of the toxin breeds a deep seated addiction to it, and its effects take many weeks to dissipate as the toxins are flushed out of the system.

It is my urging that we bite the bullet, and retire these beast from active service for a creature that doesn't pose such a temptation to our men.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: techmaster-glitch on June 09, 2010, 02:15:07 PM
Quote from: Meany on June 08, 2010, 11:06:59 PM
Dreadfully sorry for the doublepost.  Really, I am.  Going to have to put my hand in a waffle iron later for it, but I have a question.
Yeah, adding onto what Squirrel said, in the specific case of OOC threads the no doublepost rule is a bit relaxed.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Lisky on June 09, 2010, 07:24:15 PM
Figure now would be a good time to say it... i'll be disappearing for the next 2 weeks, starting this upcoming friday.

First i have a cousin's wedding in KittyHawk to attend, and then staying a few days at the beach with the fam.  After that, i rush home, do laundry, do some last minute running around, and head off to AnthroCon... soo ya.. i'll have a laptop with me, and, as long as i've got an internet connection, i'll check in from time to time... but for the most part, i'll be disappearing... Hope to get posts done in everything that is owed first, but if not, i'll do my best in the evenings.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: ShadesFox on June 09, 2010, 07:46:50 PM
Anthrocon usually has the tiger den attached to the zoo with 'net access.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Azlan on June 10, 2010, 12:49:59 AM
Quote from: Meany on June 08, 2010, 11:06:59 PM
Dreadfully sorry for the doublepost.  Really, I am.  Going to have to put my hand in a waffle iron later for it, but I have a question.

Exactly what type of poison do these Harbingers use?  Neurotoxin?  Hemotoxin?  And how fast does it go into effect?  Is it necrotic?  Does it produce hallucinogenic side-effects?  All this and more. :B

It is most definitely a zootoxin, probably a neurotoxin.  It spreads slowly, Harbingers like to play with their food.  It is not necrotic, but it is psychotropic... so it likely does induce side effects.  It is not fatal or paralytic in small doses.  The pirates refine the substance and create a specific drug that is moderately popular on the black market for its ability to alter states of consciousness. 

Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: ShadesFox on June 11, 2010, 10:21:58 PM
I kind of like this for space combat music.  Especially an escalation,
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Shachza on June 12, 2010, 12:27:17 AM
Damn you shades!  Now I have more music to track down...
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: SquirrelWizard on June 25, 2010, 03:31:25 PM
Just a heads up, I will be going on vacation starting 6/27, and will be gone for a week. I dont know if I will be able to snag an internet connection out there, so I will likely be silent for a while.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Prof B Hunnydew on June 27, 2010, 08:40:30 AM
You, too

I am on Forced vacation until July 5, My uncle Ben always puts me on holiday for a big project is done...

I will try to check in here if I can... but until the 5th, have a Happy 4th

Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Azlan on June 27, 2010, 11:18:31 PM
I expected to have internet this past week, but Oregon seems to be such a void of signal.   I intended to respond earlier, but so be it.  I see the vacations and will be reducing posting to accommodate.

Have fun and all...  :P
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: ShadesFox on June 27, 2010, 11:42:09 PM
This could take a while.  I need to tactically reassess the situation with my most trustworthy crew.

*Gets out a deck of cards.  Plays a few games with Marissa and Richard*
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Prof B Hunnydew on July 03, 2010, 10:11:04 PM
Aaawww  Can't I play tooo?


I must be one of those unworthy crew members


Badly burned but back from family outing and unplugged week.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: SquirrelWizard on July 04, 2010, 12:11:42 AM
I'm back as well.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Azlan on July 07, 2010, 01:25:22 PM
I see everyone is back, I shall get something up later tonight.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Shachza on July 07, 2010, 07:00:25 PM
Faster faster faster!  I'm bored!   :eager

hehe  :3
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Azlan on July 08, 2010, 10:52:10 AM
Posting from work computer... good thing I'm in charge of network monitoring.  Home computer took a dive, unknown issue at this time, may be down till the weekend.  Standby.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Chairtastic on August 01, 2010, 01:59:10 AM
Okay, crap post is up.

If anyone spots some major issues with the post, please be a pal and point them out?  I won't mind if you chose to point them out with spears. :>
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Azlan on August 11, 2010, 10:10:33 PM
I will be posting something Friday, I haven't the time today and tomorrow if a bit busy.  Might get something out in the day if I have the time though.

We are almost wrapped up here and can get to Shachza... if he hasn't lost interest yet.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Shachza on August 12, 2010, 12:52:39 AM
Zzzzzzzzz...  *snkkkk*  Wha...?  Oh sorry.  I'm awake!


Not to worry, I'm very interested in playing this character.

PS  Did you get my last PM Azlan?
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Azlan on August 15, 2010, 03:08:06 PM
Is there any one here who might be willing to try their hand at a relatively simplified explanation of space flight by reaction drive systems?  Address such things mass and inertia, etc. 
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Prof B Hunnydew on August 15, 2010, 04:01:15 PM
A general source : (

A reaction engine is an engine which provides propulsion by expelling reaction mass, in accordance with Newton's third law of motion. This law of motion is most commonly paraphrased as: "For every action force there is an equal, but opposite, reaction force".

Examples include both duct engines and rocket engines, and more uncommon variations such as Hall effect thrusters, ion drives and mass drivers. Duct engines are obviously not used for space propulsion due to the lack of air; however some proposed spacecraft have these kinds of engines to assist takeoff and landing.

Space Propulsion : (
Who needs to know?
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: ShadesFox on August 15, 2010, 06:49:15 PM
If I had a better idea of the audience I could whip up something a bit more technical.  For instance, are they allergic to basic algebra?  If I start chunking around SI units would they grok it?
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: SquirrelWizard on August 15, 2010, 06:58:44 PM
if its needed for this RP Robert could probably explain it in basic layman's terms.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Azlan on August 15, 2010, 08:23:19 PM
Mostly as applicable to this RP without much mathematics.  I need to explain such concepts as why it is bad to accelerate too quickly in unprotected vehicles, how acceleration works in space, directional changes while preserving current 'speed', linear and angular momentum. 

I just need a high-level design, i.e. an overview, without the hard science and formulas.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: SquirrelWizard on August 15, 2010, 09:38:43 PM
from my understanding, and this is a very basic understanding...

Sudden acceleration can cause problems in several ways.

First, is that any unsecured equipment/cargo in the vessel will fly in the opposite direction of the acceleration thanks to inertia.

Second, it can cause structural damage to the rest of the ship, as technically the engine of the ship is moving before the rest of the ship is. Since most ships are a conglomerate (or mess) of smaller pieces fused together to make a bigger object; any acceleration beyond the safe zone could result in the ship rattling apart under the stresses from the engine. In an atmosphere this can be further compounded by friction from the air where panels rip off creating a hole that just grows bigger as more and more panels are peeled off.

Third, the human body (and for RP pruposes this would apply to some degree with the other races) can only take so many Gs of acceleration before they lose conciousness.

Acceleration in space is different in what affects your acceleration and speed. Since space has little to no atmosphere there is no air resistance to slow you down. Instead there is gravity wells. A ship accelerating in space is affected by nearby wells (typically from planets and stars) which can accelerate/decelerate a ship depending on wether its entering or leaving the well. It is possible to slingshot around a planet using its gravity well to add or decrease speed, but it is subject to some special rules.

Anybody else can feel free to toss in anything I missed. I can guess at the linear/angular momentum but it would just be a rough guess.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Lisky on August 15, 2010, 09:50:24 PM
to further elaborate on your third example, the human body gets squished, which shrinks blood-vessels, allowing less oxygen to the brain.  The unconsciousness comes when the brain doesn't get enough oxygen.  Blood is a liquid, it has different inertial properties than the solid structure...

Beyond what you've mentioned, there's other things to consider as well.  if the engines don't distribute force perfectly evenly, even the most slightly misaligned engine would cause roll as well thrust. Partial failure to the engines could cause further stress, by delivering awkwardly aligned force, creating Gs in someplaces, neg-G in others, and putting the ship in a completely out of control spin... something akin to a rocket with no means of guidance...
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Inumo on August 15, 2010, 09:56:00 PM
'Nother little thing, with slingshotting, the reason why it works is that you're burning fuel at the same time as you're entering the gravity well; all the slingshot really does is keep a neutral amount of acceleration or deceleration. Burning the fuel just lightens you up enough that the acceleration you were at effects you more.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Azlan on August 17, 2010, 12:12:35 AM
Did I mention it is bad to try and have NPCs try and skate you past important points.  It is a complication now, you can still get out of it, especially with three PCs there. 

Heimdall is all very Phoenix Wright with the point and exclamation.  Things are still at the light stage and haven't turned for sinister quite yet.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Chairtastic on August 17, 2010, 01:11:06 AM
I feel I'm pushing the limits with the Jack and Harriet thing.  :shifty  But it makes for such comedic relief.  Anyways.  Hurrah for plot convenience! 
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: ShadesFox on August 18, 2010, 08:44:07 AM
Curious PBH, both of your last posts look the same.  Am I missing something or...?
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Prof B Hunnydew on August 18, 2010, 09:34:57 AM
Sorry my computer when out when I was posting last night I thought my post didn't get on the thread. 

I add a new post....
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Azlan on September 09, 2010, 12:19:51 AM
Been a bit busy as of late.  I will work on getting something up soon.  I may have something tomorrow, though Thursdays are marathon anime nights, Friday should see activity definitely.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Prof B Hunnydew on September 09, 2010, 10:22:14 AM
Oh No  
No Neko girls for you Loki... Not until Your work is done...

Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: ShadesFox on September 09, 2010, 06:48:52 PM
Heh, now there is something I've not done in a while, anime marathon.  Then again, I've not seen much recently that I would want to sit through long enough to qualify for marathon status...

Also, curious, is Meany still in?
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Chairtastic on September 11, 2010, 12:25:36 PM
I live.  Except having Harriet convienently wake up twice within minutes of each other seems like pushing it, and Azlan does a better job of handling the NPC crew, anyway.

In short, I'm being lazy.  :B
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Azlan on September 12, 2010, 06:40:15 PM
I live again...

Shachza can post the appropriate entrance and setup post as previously discussed.  There may be a bit of a lag between the two groups meeting though.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: SquirrelWizard on September 14, 2010, 11:10:58 PM
PBH, I think Azlan is separating Robert from the rest of the group, so he wouldn't be there to talk about the control panel.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Prof B Hunnydew on September 15, 2010, 11:39:15 AM
Quote from: SquirrelWizard on September 14, 2010, 11:10:58 PM
PBH, I think Azlan is separating Robert from the rest of the group, so he wouldn't be there to talk about the control panel.

Yes, I forgot, i fix it and My post is finally done right.... I couldn't get five numbers yesterday to complete my post.  So, I updated/corrected on the fly... Which maybe, how I do almost everything...

Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Azlan on September 27, 2010, 11:02:09 PM
I shall be posting soon, life likes to keep me busy and away from RPing.  Darn life, I eat your sherbet nyah!
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: ShadesFox on October 03, 2010, 07:32:53 PM
Don't eat it all at once, or your head will hurt and you can't very well post then can you D:<
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: ShadesFox on October 26, 2010, 12:49:53 AM
Anyone hear anything out of Azzie fox?
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Azlan on October 26, 2010, 05:45:40 PM
I have been extremely busy at work as of lately and at home our cable modem died.  Things will be clear Wednesday and I will get the ball rolling again.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Prof B Hunnydew on November 13, 2010, 03:39:15 PM

Loki  MOther .....Anyone?

Hoping you still have your lights on

Love Bam
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Azlan on November 13, 2010, 10:15:31 PM
Yes, still here.  Now that Lushin has put something up I will move onward.  Standby.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Azlan on November 14, 2010, 07:46:11 PM
Oi Lushin, Miyuki... the shapely, attractive human female of apparently Asian descent, is the one who came over and spoke to Doc.  Magick was speaking about him, but more over where the rest of Harriet's menagerie is clustered.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Lushin on November 14, 2010, 09:24:01 PM
Alright, alright I'll fix it. Been a long day and I'm half awake.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Shachza on November 29, 2010, 12:42:34 AM
Azlan, I just want to note that La'orth's fighter shouldn't be broadcasting any distress signal.

Quote from: Shachza on October 05, 2010, 01:52:28 PM
"...  Keep emissions low, sensors on passive, and no broadcasting."

After a few minutes of VI-controlled flight he dropped the distress beacon behind the fighter but left it off.  Considering his initial scans, even an intact spheroid that small would stand out to anyone who apprached his entry point.  ...

He is using active sensor sweeps, but I didn't have him broadcasting any message yet.  As for the beacon, I intended that it was dropped in a deactivated mode near where La'orth entered the system.  If anyone were to enter near where he did then there would be a massively dispersed field of space dust with a shiny new but dormant Korsinian beacon sitting nearby.  This was meant mainly as a signal to ships that passed near La'orth's entry point.  (In the hopes that a Korsinian rescue ship would arrive there, find it, and realize that he's around somewhere.  Of course he doesn't know about the station's destruction.)

It's fine if he's detected, but unless the VI turned itself into an AI and is acting on it's own, a distress beacon from La'orth shouldn't be why.

P.S.  Damnit Shade!  I clicked that Youtube link and hurt myself laughing at the scene you wrote.  It's a good owie...
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Azlan on November 29, 2010, 03:29:41 AM
Sorry, misread that.  I'll get to editing that tomorrow then.  This just made me realize that La'orth shall have a very long, maddening death all alone in the cold of space as Matron/Mother will only pass within a little over 2 parsecs, around 7 light years, of his position.  The Vizanzi won't be there to divert the ship temporarily, as they never picked up a suspect signal.

Ah, the best laid plans of mice and men, eh wat?   
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: ShadesFox on November 29, 2010, 11:27:38 PM
Question!  After reading Azlan and Basilisk's posts, was Starchaser intended to have landed on Matron or Mother?  I was thinking Matron but Bas's post looks like he landed on Mother.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Azlan on November 30, 2010, 12:08:15 AM
The Starchaser would be too large to do anything other than piggy-back on Mother.  It landed in Matron's shuttle bay.  It is confusing because Mother made the acknowledgment call, and that will start happening more and more as the two integrate systems.  I know it is confusing, but that is how it ends up being I'm afraid.

Made the necessary edit to the space encounter.  It shall be interesting to see how it will develop, not sure what I will do if certain things occur.  It is kind of exciting really.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Lisky on November 30, 2010, 12:35:24 AM
and, post edited... sorry for the confusion :B
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Shachza on November 30, 2010, 12:46:08 AM
You just took everything out.   :dface  And here I was expecting a minor change to something like the Vizanzi ship broadcasts "I know you're out there, I detected your sensor sweep!  Now show yourself!"  And I had so many intricate plans to try out too...

If you need help getting Matron/Mother to detect La'orth's antics, wouldn't his manner of entering the system be an excellent beacon?  The station warp-thingy can't really be all that 'subtle.'
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Azlan on December 10, 2010, 11:06:39 PM
Well, it was a dependent string of events.  What you did not know is that the Vizanzi would not enter this star system for any reason, or even come within 2 parsecs of it without a very good reason.  Korsinians are a very good reasons for the Vizanzi, because dinosaurs are hated by dragons... it must be some big lizard macho thing.

Anyways, I shall have something up on Sunday I think.  Right now I must save the universe from the Reapers... again.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: SquirrelWizard on December 11, 2010, 12:38:39 AM
John Sheppard... maidservant to the universe....

"damn it! I just cleaned up this place! And now you mess it up again!?"
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Shachza on December 11, 2010, 01:02:26 AM
Blarg!  Ah well.  Sorry for being a Plot Hole.

Quote from: Azlan on November 29, 2010, 03:29:41 AM
Ah, the best laid plans of mice and men, eh wat?   

The best laid plans of Mice and Men are often ruined by REAPERS!?!?   D:
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Azlan on December 12, 2010, 03:57:47 PM
Quote from: SquirrelWizard on December 11, 2010, 12:38:39 AM
John Sheppard... maidservant to the universe....

"damn it! I just cleaned up this place! And now you mess it up again!?"

Counselor to the universe as well...

"Yah, let me solve this problem with your kid... sure I'll help you come to terms with your father... you want revenge... you need closure... I need to find what?  Hey guys, isn't there something more important we need to do?"

Quote from: Shachza on December 11, 2010, 01:02:26 AM
Blarg!  Ah well.  Sorry for being a Plot Hole.

Quote from: Azlan on November 29, 2010, 03:29:41 AM
Ah, the best laid plans of mice and men, eh wat?   

The best laid plans of Mice and Men are often ruined by REAPERS!?!?   D:

Well, not a plot hole for me.  Things that were to introduce you were secondary to the encounters, they just happen elsewhere and without your character.  It just ends up meaning you have a countdown timer to do something to initiate an encounter option as a side quest, as opposed to being a waypoint in the main plot.  If the window of opportunity closes, you are stranded in a very bad place without any hope of rescue.  Because now you have to deal with the thing that the Vizanzi would have inadvertently saved you from.

The old machines do tend to ruin plans... yes.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Chairtastic on December 12, 2010, 04:17:15 PM
Um...I have no idea what to post. :U  Considering my character is still an invalid, and I never really understood the layout of the ship.  Do I have enough control of the local NPCs to force through a post, or do I need to wait for the next GM post? :X
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Shachza on December 12, 2010, 04:18:49 PM
Quote from: Azlan on December 12, 2010, 03:57:47 PM
Well, not a plot hole for me.  Things that were to introduce you were secondary to the encounters, they just happen elsewhere and without your character.  It just ends up meaning you have a countdown timer to do something to initiate an encounter option as a side quest, as opposed to being a waypoint in the main plot.  If the window of opportunity closes, you are stranded in a very bad place without any hope of rescue.  Because now you have to deal with the thing that the Vizanzi would have inadvertently saved you from.

Must.  Not.  Metagame.   :mad

Well, if I have to reroll, at least it still won't be the shortest-lived character I've ever played:

*In the spooky house where the bad guy should be*
*In front of one of the last doors we haven't explored through*
*We open the door; there is a blinding light coming through it and we can't see what's on the other side*
*One of us sticks a hand through and pulls it back, though there is force trying to pull the person in*
*We stand there arguing for a few minutes over what to do about it*
Me playing a hotheaded character:  "Screw it.  We won't learn anything out here."  *I jump through the door*
*I have to hand in my character sheet; the door was a hole to nowhere, we weren't supposed to go in there*
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Azlan on December 12, 2010, 09:16:28 PM
Quote from: Meany on December 12, 2010, 04:17:15 PM
Um...I have no idea what to post. :U  Considering my character is still an invalid, and I never really understood the layout of the ship.  Do I have enough control of the local NPCs to force through a post, or do I need to wait for the next GM post? :X

Power outages here in my area have been wrecking havoc with my ability to get up a post.  At this point you can hold off until after this next post when you will be medically brought back up to a 75% level or so.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Shachza on December 13, 2010, 02:22:23 AM
A Reaper Azlan?  All right.  That's it, I think you need a week's break from Mass Effect.  Doctor's orders!   :)
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Azlan on December 13, 2010, 10:43:33 PM
Quote from: Shachza on December 13, 2010, 02:22:23 AM
A Reaper Azlan?  All right.  That's it, I think you need a week's break from Mass Effect.  Doctor's orders!   :)

Well to be fully honest, I've never played Mass Effect.  I'm only playing Mass Effect 2 and I have not come across Reapers yet.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Shachza on December 14, 2010, 02:07:59 AM
I highly recommend playing ME1 just once so you can get the full storyline.  Not only do you miss out on the specifics of what happened before ME2, but there are decisions in ME1 that carry over on characters transferred to ME2.

Plus Sovereign was what I thought of the moment you placed "The Harvester" in front of my character.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Azlan on December 18, 2010, 12:01:34 AM
It would be better served to call that something more like Amber's cubi race... with technology and space travel and... more nasty  :bat
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Prof B Hunnydew on December 19, 2010, 09:57:36 AM

Would the long range scan or com pick up your friend with the "Harvester" ?

Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Azlan on December 19, 2010, 03:35:31 PM
Quote from: Prof B Hunnydew on December 19, 2010, 09:57:36 AM

Would the long range scan or com pick up your friend with the "Harvester" ?


Simply put, no.  If he is using a conventional short range communication system (radio, microwave) or a point to point (laser) then the stray signals would take a very long time to reach any surrounding star systems.  His race also does not use the same type of FTL communications that the ISF, other similar tech level groups, or more advanced aliens are expecting to detect.  Only the Vizanzi would recognize it and by virtue the Acadians could pick up on that.

Mother or the younger ones might detect an FTL communication from a Korsinian, but not Matron, Gaea, Xaos or even Mara.  Even then it would be like you or me understanding a canine barking vocalization after receiving a auditory morse code transmission via megaphone from a dog at the top of mount Everest.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Shachza on December 19, 2010, 08:43:59 PM
So you need La'orth to MacGuyver-up a megaphone and then find a mountain?    :3
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Prof B Hunnydew on December 19, 2010, 09:19:57 PM
Quote from: Shachza on December 19, 2010, 08:43:59 PM
So you need La'orth to MacGuyver-up a megaphone and then find a mountain?    :3

OR a Flare.....the size of a nova...  Still with all the Psions onboard someone might hear something...If we get closer..


Back to my castle in the sky.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: ShadesFox on December 19, 2010, 10:40:48 PM
Or we track down MacGyver, give him a shoe box full of rubber bands, paper clips, a turkey baster, and an old pair of socks and use the quantum tunneling device he builds to receive the morse code directly.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Azlan on December 21, 2010, 02:15:20 AM
His mullet causes everything to FAIL  'A'
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: SquirrelWizard on December 21, 2010, 02:24:36 AM
on top of the fact that he only cobbled together solutions for known problems.

We're not aware of the raptor that is about to be indoctrinated... ergo we wouldn't know to ask him.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Prof B Hunnydew on January 03, 2011, 06:53:55 PM
Happy 2011!!!    

Hoping Azlan and all yose guys are well, happy and have a good year.

Nova does a few barrel rolls around some dark planetoids...."WOah
There's a place in my mind
No one knows where it hides
And my fantasy is flying
It's a castle in the sky "

Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: ShadesFox on January 03, 2011, 10:55:07 PM
I started the year in a way that is similar to the way I expect I will die.  Drinking with a bunch of Russians.

Happy prime year!
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Prof B Hunnydew on January 07, 2011, 06:31:53 AM

It is unlikely  Mother would have let Nova get this close to harming the ship....Mother knew about the danger,  But it was a test to see how Nova would re-act.   She is still very green and she needs more training... She does have the ability to intergate more fully with the Matron and the ship's systems (cyber-telpathy).  Yet, she is still think like a normal ISF member.  So, Nova does not think to use more than the controls in front of her.

I want Nova to be more of cross between a daughter of  Mother and an anthro member of the Federation.

Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Lisky on January 24, 2011, 05:11:31 PM
Anyone seen Az around? Work keeping him busy or something?
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Shachza on January 24, 2011, 05:15:58 PM
I've been wondering the same thing.  "Last active January 13."   :mowsad

Though we're still waiting on Lushin as well.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: ShadesFox on January 24, 2011, 05:29:09 PM
January has always been slow. Last year there was two Azzie posts all of January. I think this is when the government kidnaps him to reeducate him. I'm busy on... government business myself. It will probably last as long as he keeps squirming.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Prof B Hunnydew on January 24, 2011, 06:48:46 PM
Quote from: ShadesFox on January 24, 2011, 05:29:09 PM
January has always been slow. Last year there was two Azzie posts all of January. I think this is when the government kidnaps him to reeducate him. I'm busy on... government business myself. It will probably last as long as he keeps squirming.

What Government business are you working on, and when Are you going to let Azlan go?


Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Azlan on January 24, 2011, 10:31:48 PM
Been busy... then there is Civ V too.  Let's stick with busy though, seems less irresponsible.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Prof B Hunnydew on January 26, 2011, 09:13:36 AM
AWWWWW  phooy

You got my Christmas present....All Santa got me was tires...

Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: ShadesFox on February 12, 2011, 09:13:35 PM
So, is SquirrelWizard still here?
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: SquirrelWizard on February 12, 2011, 09:15:39 PM
yeah sorry been a bit distracted.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Shachza on February 12, 2011, 09:24:30 PM
I think a full on Loki-glomping is in order as punishment Squirrel.  And as an alternate distraction.   :)
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Prof B Hunnydew on February 12, 2011, 09:44:18 PM
Please not in front of the children or with the children
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Shachza on February 21, 2011, 11:54:43 PM
So I posted.  I've never played in an RP that allowed any amount of auto-ing other characters, so this is really new to me.  Let me know if anything about the conversation with the ship La'orth is piggy-backing (-stomaching?) doesn't work.  K, Azlan?
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Azlan on February 22, 2011, 02:46:28 AM
Quote from: Shachza on February 21, 2011, 11:54:43 PM
So I posted.  I've never played in an RP that allowed any amount of auto-ing other characters, so this is really new to me.  Let me know if anything about the conversation with the ship La'orth is piggy-backing (-stomaching?) doesn't work.  K, Azlan?

You are eaten by a grue.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Shachza on February 22, 2011, 07:01:42 AM
Quote from: Azlan on February 22, 2011, 02:46:28 AM
Quote from: Shachza on February 21, 2011, 11:54:43 PM
So I posted.  I've never played in an RP that allowed any amount of auto-ing other characters, so this is really new to me.  Let me know if anything about the conversation with the ship La'orth is piggy-backing (-stomaching?) doesn't work.  K, Azlan?

You are eaten by a grue.



So I have.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: SquirrelWizard on February 22, 2011, 09:53:17 AM
Quote from: Azlan on February 22, 2011, 02:46:28 AM
You are eaten by a grue.

If this predicament seems particularly cruel,
consider whose fault it could be,
not a torch or a match in your inventory...
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Azlan on March 28, 2011, 12:15:34 AM
I will be posting soon... not tonight, but soon.  I blame Hawke and her (or his) wisecracking ways.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Prof B Hunnydew on April 14, 2011, 09:03:28 PM
Sorry Shipmates

But I am chasing Mara through the darken areas of the ship.  but in RL I'm trying to buy a new home.  You would think three full-time incomes would enough but they have questions about how my family having three incomes and how long we will have them.

I will be posting something friday night.  

Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: ShadesFox on April 15, 2011, 12:01:10 AM
Yay for house shopping.  I recently got a permanent position as a researcher and have been looking into how much house I can buy.  Yes, I ended up being a researcher IRL.  Funny that.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Shachza on April 18, 2011, 12:09:02 AM
I think the OOC information thread needs to be updated.  I had to do a lot of digging to make sure I knew who I was talking about in my post.   :P
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Azlan on April 19, 2011, 03:33:25 AM
It is well done I must say, though Ixiah is light blue (he is the same color is Krystal of Star Fox). 

The info in the OOC thread is not up to date as much as I would like and the old tech thread has obviously not been updated in years.  Let me know if you need any information specifically.

Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Prof B Hunnydew on May 27, 2011, 02:51:19 PM
Quote from: ShadesFox on April 15, 2011, 12:01:10 AM
Yay for house shopping.  I recently got a permanent position as a researcher and have been looking into how much house I can buy.  Yes, I ended up being a researcher IRL.  Funny that.

It is the worst of times 

It is the best of times.....
God and Goddess   All Father and mother of us, all!

"I Have been busy" is an understatement...  The IT peep in my job have block this forum and every forum is world from my work PC  and top of that I having to work long hours to finish my project before them close my lab down for budget cuts. ... and I am working to get new high speed service at my new home... by this weekend.   And my BF is getting married, and I'm tap to be the maid of honor... Go me.

Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: SquirrelWizard on May 29, 2011, 09:49:32 PM
sorry about the wait, had half a post ready, but then scrapped it and started anew. Was gonna finish it up today, but things have been hectic, and I didn't really get a chance to work on it. Should have it up tomarrow.

Edit: Sorry its gonna be delayed for a little bit longer. I woke up to a massive sinus headache and between it, and the painkillers I took for it, I haven't made the progress that I thought I would make. I'll try to finish it up ASAP though.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Azlan on May 30, 2011, 10:05:12 PM
yeah, it's not a problem.  I would like to get all parties involved posted soon though.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: SquirrelWizard on June 08, 2011, 01:10:59 AM
Blah sorry, I've been busy on my end. I'm almost done (I'm trying to resolve the whole dreamstate issue in one post rather than drag it out further) but as of late I keep plowing into writer's blocks. Sorry again about the wait.

Edit: Posted finally! Sorry again about the wait.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: ShadesFox on June 22, 2011, 02:43:24 PM
"So Aaron, is your mind sufficiently blown now? No? Well, that won't due at all! Here, have some more information! This stuff is really good!"  :mwaha

I'll have something up in about a week.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Azlan on June 23, 2011, 02:44:47 AM
It is bound to happen.

There will likely be a funeral in space for Romulus which I will use as the break for the next "Act".
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: ShadesFox on June 30, 2011, 11:26:20 PM
Also, upon review of my last post, it seems natural that Alexis would correct Aaron on saying where Zhildar came from.  I don't especially want to make a fairly major edit to an RP post so I just wanted to bring it up in case Shachza needed a graceful way to do that <_<
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Azlan on July 22, 2011, 01:46:26 AM
Aww, no one knows what Nas-Kan is... too obscure I imagine.

What ever happened to PBH?

Edit: SquirrelWizard, I need some vital statistics on Mina and Spatz.  PM will work if you don't want to post it in OOC.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Chairtastic on July 24, 2011, 01:42:30 PM

Sorry, computer was being worked on for a while. ^^;  Still alive!
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Azlan on July 24, 2011, 04:00:43 PM
*boom* Spoke too soon... darn orbital cannons.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: ShadesFox on July 24, 2011, 04:12:07 PM
I've heard nothing of PBH in a while. And you should stop waisting the ortillery ammo. Last time you used one it was on an ant hill...
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Azlan on July 25, 2011, 11:37:46 PM
The ants tried to take my cake!  The collateral damage was... acceptable for the type of operation.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Azlan on August 29, 2011, 10:56:43 PM
I'll be getting something up soon... sorry for the long delay.  Busy workplace is busy.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Azlan on October 11, 2011, 11:03:30 PM
I may have to alter things a bit if Nova's player won't be around to do their part.  I don't like to layer multiple parts on characters, but I may have to.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: ShadesFox on October 11, 2011, 11:10:57 PM
Last I heard from PBH was something about a marriage and buying a house. I hope she comes back. :T
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: SquirrelWizard on October 12, 2011, 09:28:36 PM
yeah, sorry, been having issues on my end compounded with a two week midterm hell. just getting out of it.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Azlan on January 15, 2012, 04:23:30 PM
Just a general query to see if anyone is around still, with Skyrim having eaten my time I wasn't paying much attention to anything else. 

I was thinking of retiring this as it has probably gone on far longer than it should have, but if those still involved are willing to finish the last act then I do not mind finishing it off.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: ShadesFox on January 15, 2012, 10:19:47 PM
I would be up for finishing it. Real life has bitten me and so most of my RPing has been slow D: actually been meaning to fix that this week.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: SquirrelWizard on January 20, 2012, 04:29:05 PM
yeah, real life has taken a big bite out of my free time, and has sucked quite a bit of energy out of what time I have. I have also written myself into a corner with Robert being asleep. I'd be for finishing it up as well.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Shachza on January 27, 2012, 11:30:44 AM
I'm not MIA.  Not really.  I'm just a professional lurker.

I like the idea of finishing the story, if you don't mind.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Azlan on February 07, 2012, 09:55:44 PM
Well, almost a month since I posted this and I've got half of the six last most active players.  I'll have to think on whether I can do this with just that many and one large MacGuffin (plus way too many NPCs).  Let me consider this.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Shachza on February 09, 2012, 03:23:00 PM
Aye, missing so many key players makes me a sad panda.  I loved the premise behind this rp, but I understand if you let it go.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: ShadesFox on February 09, 2012, 06:09:48 PM
Also, it looks like email notification is working again...

Sad panda indeed.  Though I would like to see some resolution!  Other then rocks fall, everyone dies.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Lisky on February 10, 2012, 02:23:45 PM
Sorry, just noticed this had some activity.  If we're gonna finish this up, i wouldn't mind seeing the conclusion of the story.  I've been derpy with classes, and trying to manage my own game.  :B 

Sorry for the late reply
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Azlan on February 10, 2012, 11:35:53 PM
I can work with that, need to rework a few things and then we can finish this off.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: ShadesFox on March 06, 2012, 10:55:24 PM
*poke poke poke poke poke*

I may need to resharpen this stick.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Azlan on March 07, 2012, 12:29:17 AM
Right, I was working on that.  I went for a summary type of thing and a transition.  Things are on track, but might fluctuate once Mass Effect 3 arrives in the mail. *squee*
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: ShadesFox on March 07, 2012, 09:05:32 PM
Right, I'll just keep sharpening this stick, Mr DJ Pon.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Shachza on March 09, 2012, 09:50:39 AM
I'm blowing up giant robots.
Azlan is blowing up giant robots.
Azlan is a pony.
Ponies are helping rid the galaxy of giant robots.

Is the Crucible is a galactic Weapon of Mass Friendship?!
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: SquirrelWizard on March 28, 2012, 02:25:05 AM
sorry, I've been bogged down by work. So far I've gotten a most of my RP stuff out of the way, LitS was next on my plate.

I should have a post up by saturday.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Azlan on July 17, 2012, 11:20:41 PM
It does not seem that I could rekindle enough interest in the final five, heh, players to finish this off properly.

I hate leaving it at that.  Do any of those remaining participants wish to know the plot points for the final act?   
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: ShadesFox on July 18, 2012, 11:24:55 PM
As much as I would rather play it out the end, it seems like some players aren't coming back. I do actually want to wait a bit longer before knowing the final plot points. Just incase.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: Shachza on August 05, 2012, 08:08:06 PM
Oh wow, I kept checking the main thread and totally missing the OOC one had updated a while back.  I'm interested to know what you had planned.
Title: Re: The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed
Post by: ShadesFox on August 05, 2012, 08:40:23 PM
Yea, it seems like it won't happen. I still love the core idea though. Would love to have the details.