Whelp. I've seen this game in a couple other forums, but not here. Let's see if it'll work, shall we?
Basically, you make up a vicious lie about the person above you.
Note: This game is purely for fun. If ye can't take a joke, don't post here.
Meany is actually a cute cuddly teddy bear that's over-compensating for it's cuteness.
shadowterm is having difficulty figuring out how to play go. If someone would let him have any white pieces, he might make a better go of it.
llearch likes listening to the Spice Girls.
Slowtini is a Ferbi with a speech impediment. :bunny
yakanaj has an eating disorder that makes yakanaj eat pies whenever he sees one, if yakanaj cannot have that pie yakanajs fingers will suffer.
Aiyno is responsible for the existence of MS Vista.
Azlan is actually the Squeeky Koala of Doom animated by a spirit from the other realm.
Ren's Sword really isn't that impressive.
Slowtini was spawned naturally.
Meany is a Lawful/Good paladin who likes to pretend that he is the Evil when he is not busy smiting it (and when other bother paladins aren't around, of course).
(Actually I am not sure if it is a lie.. :sweatdrop)
Ren is actually Xenu in disguise.
Ryudo smiles more than his avatar does.
And helps little old ladies across the road.
llearch is the anti-lurker.
Meany is batman from another demension.
Aiyno does have a nose. Try and find it!
Danny's real name is Mordecai.
Quote from: Meany on June 11, 2008, 12:47:14 PM
llearch is the anti-lurker.
I thought this was supposed to be lies?
Deebs picks his nose when he thinks nobody is looking.
llearch is actually a monkey, he just thinks the box is talking
Deebs picks his nose and eats it too.
Shadowterm is afraid of the dark.
Slowtini is indeed a crook.
Meany is indeed nice.
Slowtini was being honest with that last post.
Ryudo is secretly a necromancer.
Slowtini hasn't even commited slander in this thread once.
In print it's libel.
*is burned at the stake* :U
Cogidubnus hasn't slandered me yet either, Go ahead, do your worst, nothing can faze me, NOTHING! -shakes fist-
By the way, Your wife sends her regards.
Slowtini has been abducted by aliens thrice, they asked him directions.
Aiyno is afraid of fire. Very, very afraid of fire.
Ren has been disavowed by his empress for insubordination.
Ryudo Lee is really Chip Skylark! :U
Meany has a secret harem in his closet that he keeps for special occasions.
So does yakanaJ, only hers isn't quite so secret.
llearch has a secret hobby: he is a Gundam cosplayer (the guy in the picture is his assistant) (http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh121/RentheKnight/A%20Bunch%20of%20Random%20Pictures/IamaGundam.jpg).
Ren is the guy in the picture.
shadowterm took the picture.
Ryudo posted the picture in the Internet.
Ren Gaulen posted pictures of his head superimposed on Matthew McConaughey's body in the Internet.
Black_angel downloaded them.
shadowterm fapped to them. (Did I go too far with that one? Let me know, I'll edit it)
[[There is no such thing as too far in this thread! >:O]]
Slowtini uses his tail for perverse purposes. :B
Meany has fake teeth, he was so cheap to buy pink teeth and paint them yellow, he visits the hospital every week and now knows not to use toxic water based paint.
Aiyno then went on to nominate Meany for a Darwin award for said action.
shadowterm bronzed David Hasselhoff's chest hairs.
Azlan hides children in wardrobes.
Slowtini knows from experience.
Meany isn't really all that mean.
Cog is secretly a much more colorful person.
Ryudo loves the Weighted Companion Cube... too much.
Ren Gaulen is the feather of a black crow, envoy of darkness.
Aiyno... IS A WITCH!
Ryudo is a familiar of the witch.
Ren doesn't actually cleave anything. He just kinda hacks away at it... often fruitlessly.
Ryudo Lee's eyes aren't yellow from awesome. It's actually a nutritional problem, from eating only ale and tavern pies.
Same deal with YOUR eyes, Cog.
Slowtini actually looks like his avatar in real life, and is a poster child for why people on the internet should never be allowed near radioactive materials.
Ryudo Lee house was confiscated for evidence, they only discovered him to be in it after 2 days.
Aiyno embaraces change in everyform.
Meany embraces children in every form.
Black_angel gets pleasure from mentally picturing that.
So do you, shadowterm.
Slowtini is a rejected Simpson's Character.
Yakanaj is actually an amazon. She is also Japanese. And she dual-wields katanas in battle.
Ren is completely normal, upstanding citizen that is like everybody else "normal" in the world.
Azlan hates koalas.
Quote from: Ren Gaulen on June 14, 2008, 09:00:15 PM
Yakanaj is actually an amazon. She is also Japanese. And she dual-wields katanas in battle.
How did you know? Crap - now I have to come up with a new alias.
Cogidubnus is a little green man from mars.
Yakanaj doesn't need a new identity because Ren was wrong, she triple wields katanas.
Shadowterm has a third eye. It is located near the arse.
Slowtini has two brains. A greater and lesser. The lesser is in his skull, care to guess where the greater is? :B
It is also in my skull, thank you.
Meany once lit a small child on fire.
Slowtini was the one who covered the kid in accelerators.
shadowterm was abandoned in a dark mine shaft as a child and was raised by mole rats.
Those same mole rats had already successfully raised Yakanaj.
Black_angel is the one who abandoned me.
No, Shadowterm. You are the mutants.
And then Shadowterm was a ghoul.
(Fallout for the win!!)
and Ren is a necrophiliac, run shadow, run!
QuoteAll you need is love
Brunhidden is a man in a old wrinkly fat womans body.
Aiyno is the woman's body that Brunhidden is in.
llearch is (GASP!) the Big Boss - the "father" of Solid Snake (and a couple of other Snakes who are less popular)!
Ren Gaulen is whinier than Raiden and Young Ocelot put together.
Cogidubnus is more of a geek than Otacon.
Quote from: Slowtini on June 15, 2008, 08:57:47 PM
Meany once lit a small child on fire.
[[Slowtini, this is supposed to be a thread for telling lies. :B]]
Ren frequently urinates on the Emporer's grave.
Meany prefers to use small children for firewood.
llearch is hiding WMD's.
Ryudo Lee is lying, he just wants llearch's oil reserves and proximity to Iran.
The sword in cog's signature signifies overcompensation for "Something".
The 'slow' in 'Slowtini' is to make up for something else fast about him, if you know what I mean.
Cogidubnus has seen everyone on the forum on Youtube without knowing it. :U
It was Aiyno who was secrety taping everyone on the forum and uploading the videos to YouTube for Cog to unknowingly watch.
Ryudo has seen everyone on the forum naked. (Close your windows everyone)
Slowtini want's everyone to close their windows so Ryudo Lee has to come see him dance in the nude.
Yakanaj is jealous of my dancing abilities.
Slowtini likes to dance naked in the middle of the Chicago Cubs Baseball Diamond when he can't get Ryudo Lee's attention.
Yakanaj is actually a man!
Azlan is kind and gentle, he would never harm a fly!
Shadesfox is brilliant, intelligent and devilishly handsome!
Azlan practices everything with anything, anywhere and at anytime.
Aiyno eats with his feet. :B
Meany gives large amounts of money to charities for helping underpriveledged children improve their lives through better education, fresh food, and clean water.
What Ryudo Lee doesn't want the board to know is that he is the one profitting off of all that money, and the reason why so many of those children are still starving and without a good home.
Black_angel was SUPPOSED to keep her mouth shut about our scheme. That's why I kept giving her kickbacks...
Ryudo Lee is actually known throughout the world as a famous popstar from the 70ties
Quote from: Meany on June 17, 2008, 12:03:08 PM
Aiyno eats with his feet. :B
.. ... .... ...
Okay, sometimes I do, is that such a bad thing? :U
Aiyno is chronically honest.
Ryudo Lee is a compulsive lier.
yakanaj has a secret life. she's a leader of the cyber invasion force.
Quote from: e_voyager on June 17, 2008, 07:47:20 PM
yakanaj has a secret life. she's a leader of the cyber invasion force.
I want to know how you people know so much about me!
e_voyager is a little man in a ketchup can.
yakanaj's fear of blood fuels my hiding place
e_voyager is a powerful cult leader, and has secretly seized control of 86% of the world's nations. :O
Meany is a nick-name given to him by the mole rats who raised him.
That's right, I brought the mole rats back into this.
Yakanaj is secretly a sentient pancake.
Slowtini has four attacks and none of them are very powerful.
e_voyager just painted his ketchup can blue.
yakanaj lies as it shall never be blue! i panted it purple instead.
e_voyager can defeat Zero.
alzan is right and should have seen me hand zero his own head before x shut me down again. ( i always lost to mega man what ever there name for some reason)
e_voyager has once tried to extinguish a fire but headbutting it repeatedly.
The only reason voyager was headbutting it, was because it was YOU who was on fire, Aiyno.
Slowtini is an intelligent person.
It appears Ryudo Lee has failed his sarcasm check.
Cogidubnus's GM licence was revoked for lack of challenging situations.
e_voyager was once a man.
ShadesFox once dated a paper bag, however it never worked out, she was related to llearch.
Aiyno went on to marry said paper bag, and have seven little boxlets.
Slowtini dreams to someday evolve into Slowinare then into Slowinite.
Meany is secretly afraid of orthodontists.
Cog is a member of Adeptus Orthodontus.
Ren hasn't sharpened ze weapons in a while if you get what I'm saying :U
Slowtini is net a pervert he is just slightly misunderstood and often very misunderstood, it's because his childhood included three monks of which one was one of the holy men that met jesus in RL.
Aiyno is very easy to understand.
Slowtini is a legendary lost pokemon
e_voyager doesn't look more and more stupid with every phrase uttered :D
Slowtini is the most popular person on the forums.
Azlan's smile is hideous.
Meany was raised in a tube, then in a bubble and then he killed everyone and became a priest. :)
Aiyno's dream as a child was to be raised by wolves.
Ryudo's dream as a child was to be a lawyer.
Meany's dream as a child was to be a Scientologist. Unfortunately, they don't recognize psychology as a valid field of science, and so they deemed that in the long run, the effects of his grin were either unexplainable or just too much to cope with.
Stygian's dream as a child was to be a waffle iron.
Slowtini's dream as a child was to be male.
For the record. I am male, Meany.
Meany's dream was to be a Man's Man if you know what I'm saying :U
Slowtini's dream as a child was to grow up and be Ms. Universe.
I was a confused child, all right?
Yakanaj's greatest childhood dream was to die in a fire.
Why would I want to die in a fire when I could die in a roller coaster accident? Fun 'till the end!
Slowtini's dream is to be found in a tequila bottle.
Yakanaj has a morbid fear of Piñatas.
Quote from: Slowtini on June 19, 2008, 10:10:26 PM
Yakanaj has a morbid fear of Piñatas.
No, not Pinatas, just the fact that a rat fell out of one. *shudder*
Slowtini is banned for reminding me about the rat
Yakanaj has a perfectly fine grasp of reality. (This ain't the ban thread buddy)
Quote from: Slowtini on June 19, 2008, 10:29:38 PM
Yakanaj has a perfectly fine grasp of reality. (This ain't the ban thread buddy)
woops. ...hehehe...
Slowtini is a very kind and conciderate person who makes everyone feel all warm and cuddly.
Yakanaj, this isn't the Karma thread.
Yakanaj has been obsessed with kermit the frog since the age of seven.
slowthini has lost his grip on sanity, and is in fact reading the wrong thread. i have informed the men in white suits and they shall be around shortly with a padded van
QuoteWhat part of being shot at do you find fun?
Brun, those guys showed up an hour ago, I kindly explained to them that they were at the wrong address, and kindly directed them to your address.
Brunhidden DOESN'T sound stupid. ;D
Slowtini is an secret agent, doing unlicensed repair work!
Shadesfox is really good at helping people maintain their secret identities. You can trust ze fox with ANYTHING!
Damnit, there goes my day job. ._.
Quote from: Slowtini on June 19, 2008, 11:25:14 PM
Yakanaj, this isn't the Karma thread.
Yakanaj has been obsessed with kermit the frog since the age of seven.
I knew which thread I was in. Haven't you ever heard of SARCASIM!?! And for your information. I do like Kermit the Frog.
Oh, ya. Slowtini is my lesbian lover!
Yakanaj was naked when she posted that.
Quote from: Azlan on June 20, 2008, 01:28:58 AM
Yakanaj was naked when she posted that.
Well, just half naked...
Azlan was in the room with me when I put my last post up...
yakanaj type the last post with the tentacles coming out of her back.
ShadesFox is unable to answer any questions regardless of how easy it is.
e_voyager is secretly an implementation of ALICE. ;-]
llearch isn't a box or a monkey. He is a talking pie. :B
Meany is a pink balloon that swallows everything in his path.
he is also a girl. :U
Aiyno is actually posting from within a mental institution.
Ryudo Lee is running the institution. And it's not an official institution...
I like to think of it as more of a... renegade institution.
Incidentally, llearch was our first "patient". For some reason, he thinks he's a cardboard box.
Ryudo Lee has never beaten me at posting on llearch.
llearch n'n'daCorna is not all square, he some of his sides are longer, so that we may recognize his bad side or corner.
Aiyno sings like Kirby... :kirby
Ryudo Lee is my favorite carebear.
yakanaj is really a pod-person.
Wingless Ryudo Lee has learned to fly dragon ball style
e_voyager just upgraded from his blue ketchup can to a green trash can!
yaknaj has skinned james, turned his pelt into a fursuit, given it to a hobo, and thus has allowed the infamous hobo leauge to infiltrate our ranks.
QuoteIt tastes like free
Brunhidden speaks fluent normal.
Slowtini is having an affair with James behind my back without my knowledge. Scandalous! :zombiekun2
yakanaj is a sword user.
e_voyager is made out of foam rubber, condensed into a solid airless state. :U
Aiyno has become possessed by a demon dog named koytoa
and e becomes Kyota's sisters good side. >:3
Aiyno is actually the mascot of the Estonian wild dogs rugby team, and is on the run for posesion of state secrets.... which nobody wants, what with it being Estonia and all
so don't tell anyone shes hiding here mmkay?
QuotePain makes man think. Thought makes man wise. Wisdom makes life endurable.
Brunhidden is a nun. :B
Meany groped a nun when he was younger.
It turned out to be Brunhidden.
llearch is not actually made of cardboard but is made out of quantum particle.
e_voyager once set a poodle aflame.
Slowtini is actually kirby after a really good diet program.
yakanaj routinely beats kids in video games like metal gear.
Spanky routinely gets beaten by kids. With sticks.
llearch n'n'daCorna boss is a super evolved caveman from another demension, with the neck of a giraffe and the butt of a dragon! :U
Aiyno is acutally Hillary Clinton. :U
Meany is actually Meanica Lewinski.
llearch is actually a sentient glass of water.
Shades isn't really a fox, but a sentient rutabaga in disguise! D:
Slowtini is not a pokemon but a digimon in disguise.
e_voyager like to pretend he's a robot because he's too "unsightly" to pass for human.
yakanaj is just plain nasty to meet in person, she keeps telling you that she knows what you did.
Aiyno can not keep a secret for anything. he told me so himself.
E-Voyager hates to travel.
Cogidubnus is the forums highest poster to date
e_voyager is made from second-hand soviet parts.
Ryudo Lee wasn't made, he is just the spawn of radioactive waste and sour milk on a unlucky sunday afternoon
Quote from: Aiyno on June 23, 2008, 02:53:34 PM
Ryudo Lee wasn't made, he is just the spawn of radioactive waste and sour milk on a unlucky sunday afternoon
That is awesome. I'm like some kind of mutant superhero.
On that line of thinking, I find Aiyno to be quite witty and intelligent.
Ryudo Lee is the Pathological Liar in disguise.
Black angel is secretly White mage.
Slowtini has been reduced to a nasty little smear on the floor by White Mage's hammer.
Meany was made from left over teeth that the tooth fairy rejected.
e_voyager has never touched the ground, he always floats around and has a falling sensation.
Aiyno was once a roaming gnome, but had to give it up when she/he started attacking stop signs.
yakanaj is a xenomorph in disguise.
Ryudo likes to play 'chicken' in helicopters
DG isn't a chicken.
Ryudo Lee likes saying nice things about people all the time in this thread.
Aiyno is a multigendered cannibalistic amphibian
Deebs' giraffe has no name of his own
e_voyager once set a kitten aflame.
Slowtini was voted most likely to succeed in life.
Azlan likes to dress up in leather and go to the local park to act out scenes from the matrix.
yakanaj likes watching Azlan do that >:3
Aiyno likes to watch with me.
yakanaj always makes me bring a video camera and sell the tapes on the internet. >:3
Aiyno is the one who sets the price.
yakanaj is the one whose paypal account the profit is going to.
Aiyno is the one who came up with the scheme.
llearch n'n'daCorna was the source of inspiration and the prime contributor to the scheme.
Aiyno is the one who convinced llearch to fund the project.
yakanaj convinced me to convince llearch to fund the project by use of sharp and pointy tools.
Hey, for a top secret project, Aiyno, you're sure willing to chat about it.
In other news, Aiyno secretly harbours some... questionable desires towards barbie dolls.
Ren Gaulen is a lovely person, and someone I always watch out for posts from.
llearch does not know how many barbiedolls I have set on fire till this day, but anyway...
llearch is the one who collects barbiedolls in a scheme to kill the president of the world, as soon as he exists.
Aiyno is in risk of being killed by me, although he doesn't know it.
Viva el Presidente!
llearch doesn't know that I am just one clone and that the real person behind my insanity is waiting in the shadows, pondering total world dominance.
Aiyno is out to steal my job. :B
Meany smiles because he's a nice person, and utterly friendly; wouldn't hurt a fly, no matter how scary he looks.
llearch n'n'daCorna is a great crate, don't let anyone tell you otherwise or he will kill your and the person who told you otherwise.
Aiyno is one of the oldest members of the forum
I was here when it became the forum for more things including dmfa! :O
I am old!
e_voyager was here since the beginning but left before the end of it all.
Aiyno is that thing you forgot about in the back of the fridge, looked for a week later, and couldn't find. He has genetically mutated himself to a sentient being.
(If this had a point to it, it'd be news to me.)
Black_angel like to roll around sideways with his feet behind his head
Deebs pays attention to things around him.
Hint: Look under Black_Angel's avatar. ;-]
llearch n'n'daCorna is really names alfalfa after they guy in my gang
One cannot set things on fire in e's presence, things somehow always end blowing up.
Aiyno owes me money. Lots of money. Apparently I will never see this money, though.
Ren Gaulen still ower me all of the sketches that I was going to pay for though, so I will not send the money to him till he has shown me at least two of them. Of course not all of it, I bloody ordered a 100 :U
Aiyno has all of ze money hidden away in switzerland.
Where even the BABIES have guns.
Slowtini supports the arming of babies.
Ryudo Lee supports the rights of the Ursine population to carry knives and guns at any time, any place.
And who'd argue with him? After all, we all know one of the unalienable rights of the constitution is the right to arm bears...
llearch is the weakest link good bye
E-Voyager quotes reality television.
Cog loves reality tv.
Ryudo Lee is a frozen piece of .. half of the time.
Aiyno is generally straightforward and easily understood.
Cogidubnus is very very strong and wields a giant axe all the time he also kills policewomen on the streets. :U
Aiyno never actually drew any of his avatars. He keeps a few artist in a box and gives them animal crackers for avvies, tasing them when he is dissatisfied.
Black_angel likes to steal cookies from children and eat said cookies in trees with the squirrels.
yakanaj has a new bag
e_voyager dumps all his stat points into attack and speed.
'who needs defence, aviation or accuracy when you can kill something with one slash?'
Aiyno sometimes forgets to tell people what gender he is thinking everyone will know form his name.
e_voyager is destroyed so easily that it's cheaper to just clone him than to repair him every time he dies.
Ryudo Lee is actually Lee bruce-chan >:3
Which would also be awesome...
Aiyno is actually a lich.
Ryudo is actually an echidna.
Quote from: e_voyager on June 27, 2008, 04:10:38 AM
yakanaj has a new bag
That's not a lie.
Meany goes to see the dentist on a regular basis.
yakanaj does not watch enough moves to understand what having a brand new bag means (bag of tricks really) but then she has many children to look after. some of them her own.
e_voyager baby would be so different that it would implode because of its own awesomeness taking his mother with him and killing his father from a distance with a giant laser beam that can go through planets!
Aiyno is the lady in red.
yakanaj is leading the charge to take over the world
Spanky is fueled by the ashes of holocaust victims mixed with the blood of puppies.
QuoteA lie can go around the world while the truth is still getting its boots on.
Bubbles grew up as a little girl with super powers then became and under vampire guy with shadow magic. but never changes his name.
E is a mature and gentle child who is always gracious in every way. In other words, he's a Mary Poppins want be.
yakanaj really is Mary Poppins.
E is secretly Dick Van Dyke.
Black_angel knows too much and has been sent into retirement.
e_voyager has secretly been running a scam disguised as a 401(k) benefits provider.
Ryudo Lee is now eligible for immediate vacation. he'll be sent to the Bermuda triangle for a while
e_voyager is the common factor in all recent crimes commited in New York City.
Ryudo Lee give me too little credit and misses LA, Chicago and Tokyo
e_voyager was arrested for his admission to being integral parts in many crimes across several cities.
Ryudo Lee is arrested as the records all lead to him. after all i simply said i was a common factor and as the investigator that's as common as i can get.
E and Ryudo are NOT being traced and plotted against by a group of ruthless muckraking journalists, a couple hired assassins and 1 explosives expert they thought they'd locked up. Nope. No worries here.
Black_angel thought she was the explosives expert, but as it turns out, she just keeps buying the explosive muffins of doom.
Ryudo Lee, Why did you give Black_angel my number? You know that I am the Provider of the "explosive muffins of doom". It says so in my sig.
Also, quite giving out my number. Start giving out your 1-900 number.
yakanaj stole mine and Rj's cook book. that's how she became able to to make the muffins of doom.
The e_voyager that we know is little more than an intricate robot. The real e_voyager is a tiny martian operating the robot from within a cavity in the head of the robot.
Ryudo Lee is another denied experiment.
yakanaj is currently in the middle of a plot to take over Connecticut
e_voyager talks to silverware. </random>
Ryudo Lee believes the silverware talks back to him. ;-]
llearch n'n'daCorna has proven that there is such a thing as a cardboard box wart form and alternate Mario world.
e_voyager hasn't sync'd up his internal clock with the atomic clock in years.
Ryudo Lee was responsible for the atomic age.
Azlan is working to earn the trust of all things flammable only to betray them for his own sadistic pleasure.
Ganurath does not know how to lie
Voyager is fully aware (s)he just made a paradox of deceit.
Ganurath is secretly a pinata filled with delicious candy! Get him guys! *Brandishes a bat*
Ryudo Lee's feathers are made up of cotton candy and pixy sticks
Spanky is actually the evil clone android sent to replace me, but fails so badly you wouldn't even know.
QuoteEvery day in every way we find a new way to fail.
Brunhidden's real name is Broomhilda, currently unemployed after Robin succeeded in unlocking Marian's chastity belt and their babies all grew up and moved away from home.
It actually is based on Jyrras.
Ganurath is Ganondorf's baby brother. Ganurath has since sworn undying wrathful vengeance on his elder brother, after he finishes pruning his azaleas.
Jairus has been subject to genetic alteration to make him more kangaroo rat like
e-voyager once got lost in the Delta Quadrant for seven years. He hasn't learned his lesson, and still refuses to stop and ask for directions.
Jairus is now eligible to have a voyager styles bio GPS installed into his brain courtesy of Erutan nature manipulators and crew. with it you always know were you are if not were you're going
e-voyager secretly wishes to be e-enterprise.
Jairus will be analyzed by vyger when he come back to earth.
Help! e-voyager's touching me in my special area!
(For the record, my nickname in high school was "Ralph Wiggum." I still hate my classmates.)
The nickname of Ralph Wiggum was well deserved.
Ganurath shot Mr. Burns!
Jairus is a resident of the springfield retirement home.
"Spanky" is actually e_voyagers favourite nickname, and one he wishes he'd used as his real name years ago.
Boxy was originally used to ship alfalfa across the city. one day some shipped bananas and he disappeared without a trance not boxy plays host to a number of quantum simmons and thing have never been the same
E wishes he could go out in the rain, but can't as he is not rust resistant.
Yakanaj wants to be tickled daily.
James LOVES fried rice. It's his favorite food.
Yakanaj finds me exciting and new, and is currently contemplating leaving James.
Jairus wants to try skydiving without a parachute.
Not only have I done that and survived, but James StarRunner wants to come with me when I do it again.
(James has wings though) :P
Jairus sadly has given himself brain damage from landing on his head after a 30,000 foot drop.
StarRunner neglects to mention that he had been arrested for Flying Under the Influence, and as such no longer had a license for flying.
Jairus was the influence.
Unfortunately, llearch n'n'daCorna was the enabler.
Jairus was the mastermind behind the stunt.
But yakanaj gave me the idea because she wants to bump of James for the insurance policy. Being an accident, it would have been ruled Double Indemnity. I would have been set up to take the fall, and she would have gotten away with it if it weren't for that meddling llearch n'n'daCorna and his kangaroo rat, too!
Jairus only knows that law because he's already done it. I'm going for double jeopardy.
Next time Gadget! Next time! MEROOOWWW!!!
Yakanaj failed to correctly give the names of all fifty states and their capitals because she forgot that her answer needed to be in the form of a question.
Since I don't live the the USA, that wouldn't be hard. But I know that you do. What do you do for fun Jairus? I bet you like to dress up in leather and go to the local park to scare all the little kiddies.
Yakanaj enjoys PKing new players on MMORPGs.
Jairus always playes the "strange" little boys that like to "play" with the other little boys.
yakanaj certainly has some interesting fantasies. I wonder if any of them include maracas and plucking instruments?
Somehow, Jairus has read my dream journal and has suddenly dissapeared into the abyss.
YakanaJ has an adam's apple; this indicates a surprise for James on their wedding night...
llearch n'n'daCorna has three Adam's Apples... two of which are not his. Guess you really will tear our throats out if we cross you.
Jairus want's to take me out of the picture and replace me on my wedding night.
Yakanaj is jealous because she thinks I'd prefer her future husband over her.
Actually, I'm slightly flattered.
Jairus is now officially part of my secret harem.
yakanaj has eunuchs to guard her secret harem. Why she needs eunuchs for a male harem is something I do not want to think about.
Jairus has now become a member of a secret organization intent on filling the world with rabbit anthros.
Yakanaj, on the other hand, wishes to fill the world with kangaroo rat anthros.
Jairus understands my will waayyy to well. GET OUT OF MY HEAD!
yakanaj is starting to wonder if she either has a stalker or one of her best friends is masquerading as me.
Jairus is under the impresion that I do not know about my stalkers. I do know about my stalkers. All 267 of them. They just want my body.
yakanaj's stalker's are so obsessed with her body that they don't know that true beauty lies within. It's what's on the inside that counts: your heart. You spleen. Your kidneys. Your intestines...
Jairus forgot to mention my brain. It's so gooey and jucie... Mmmm, brains. Jairus, can I have your brain?
yakanaj's favorite scene in Temple of Doom is the dinner scene. Can you say "chilled monkey brains?"
I prefure to take Harrison Fords heart. Jairus, can you say...baby snakes on a plane? that's your favorit movie isn't i?
No, but I think you prefer Shanghai Surprise. For the record, my favorite movie is currently The Last Crusade (really, it is).
My favorite movie is National treasure 1 & 2.
Jairus wished he could be Nichols Cage.
yakanaj wishes that she could be Pussy Galore. And that I was Sean Connery.
Jairus wants to see me in a sexy teddy. Bad boy! don't you know that I'm marrying the StarRunner?
yakanaj seems to be in extreme denial of her desire for me. However, he wishes nothing but wedded bliss for the happy couple (seriously, I really do. No joke.).
I know, but it still doesn't change the fact that you wish that you were the one marrying me in a month!
Thanks for the blessings.
yakanaj has just figured out why ET could fly away at the end of the movie but not the beginning! And just to spite everyone (and me), she's not going to tell anyone (or me) except for her future husband (who's not me). And just to spite me for liking his future wife, StarRunner's not going to tell anyone else either.
Jairus make total and complete sense.
For once, yakanaj and I are in total agreement.
Quote from: Jairus on July 05, 2008, 10:17:53 PM
For once, yakanaj and I are in total agreement.
Sadly, that wasn't a lie. But the cake is!
But the cake you baked is so delicious and moist! Oh gods, yakanaj is GLaDoS!
Jairus insinuated that I cannot bake by saying that the cake I mad was wonderful in the lies threat. Jairus is a lier.
And next yakanaj is going to convince us to kill the Companion Cube.
Jairus thinks I know what that is.
yakanaj knows that I think that she knows what it is I'm talking about.
Jairus wants to become my stalker. take a number hunny!
yakanaj is glad that I'm her 268th stalker. Now to start moving my way up the ladder...
Jairus need to move to Canada if he want to move up the ladder. That's were all my good stalkers are. PS. you haven't even met the empress yet.
Yakanaj secretly wishes to be stalked by a romantic foreigner. Unfortunately, all she can get is an American foreigner.
Jairus thinks that he is the romantic foreigner that I want to stalk me.
yakanaj is operating under the misunderstanding that I am romantic in any way.
I'm betting that Jairus is more like the frog prince than anything else. Small and slimey.
yakanaj is so desperate to get her gambling fix, she's betting on the physical description of someone she'll likely never meet.
Incidentally: I am definitely not slimey. In fact, I really can't stand getting dirty. As for small... um... well, I'd rather not discuss my size. I've actually lost about twenty pounds since I got started on my diet, and I'm hoping to lose another ten or so over the summer.
Jairus likes to think that he's a muppet.
jakanaj likes to think that she's Frank Oz.
Okay, I just walked right into something, didn't I?
Jairus thinks he is the wizard of oz. Off with his head!
yakanaj likes to dress up as the Wicked Witch of the West and scream out "I'll get you my pretty!" to random people on the streets.
Jairus is my little dog too!
yakanaj's nickname for StarRunner is "the Tin Woodsman."
My nickname for Jairus is "the cowerdly lion"
yakanaj killed the tigers and bears.
Jairus thought that my cooking of the lions and bears was delectable.
Yakanaj told me it was beef...
James StarRunner lied in the previous post.
Jairus just thought he was lieing...
yakanaj's previous statement was the truth.
Jairus just thought I was telling the truth...
yakanaj encouraged the Hungry Tiger's appetite for babies, knowing that he was too moral of an individual to go through with it...
Jairus likes to feed babies to the lions. he thinks it's funny. (Did I go too far with this one?)
yakanaj went too far with the last one. (Remember! Lies! And slander!)
Jairus, you really do like to feed the tigers babies, don't you?
Well, you were with me, what do you think?
(Okay, seriously we should try to tone this back a little bit. It's starting to get a little weird.)
Jairus thinks he knows how insane I can be. You think this is starting to get a little weired? You should see it when my friends an I get going!
yakanaj is the one who dropped the K's at the dating services and got everything mixed up. Then again, since it lead to the conception of Jyrras, perhaps we should thank you for it.
Jairus was the one who tripped me.
But then yakanaj was the one who got the Kiwi and the Komodo dragon together.
Hey! they got along quite well for a minute, until you turned on the light.
And then you went and convinced Dan to turn the lake magenta! It took them a week to change it back!
I had fun with that.
It was me just me acting as Dan.
Ah, so you went and got that poor innocent boy *snrk* in trouble for no real reason? Next you're going to tell me that you helped wipe out Fa'Lina's clan.
Quote from: James StarRunner on July 06, 2008, 12:08:42 AM
It was me just me acting as Dan.
It creeps me out slightly how much you can get into character. You really like to be Dan don't you?
Jairus, you love to interupt me.
Ah! So you guys do like roleplaying as DMFA characters! I knew it!
(Hey, what can I say? I love playing Dan's role now. I'm actually Dan's voice actor Jairus)
Jairus loves to roleplay as Sailor Moon when he thinks no one is watching.
James wants to do things that can't be mentioned here.
But that's not a lie! :O
I mean *cough*... Yes, yes it is...
Quote from: James StarRunner on July 06, 2008, 12:28:18 AM
But that's not a lie! :O
I mean *cough*... Yes, yes it is...
Should I mention that these are things you want to do with me?
yakanaj really wants me to step in right now with a comment to derail this line of thought.
In a true statement, it's nice to meet the voice of Dan. Keep up the good work!
Hey! I'm the voice of Lorenda! do I get any praise?
oh, ya. Jairus is a frog from the the land of the candy rainbows.
You get lots and lots of UNpraise!
And still true to the game, it's horrible that I got to meet someone that enjoyed my work! :B
I reeally like james right now. :cry
The both of you get no praise from me! Especially you, "Lorenda!" And I hate how someone doesn't like it when I compliment them!
(In a serious note, is this just becoming an "opposites" thread?)
No! It most certainly is not!
James StarRunner is not being contradictory for the sake of it!
(This is getting silly. Silly silly silly!)
Jairus wishes he had washboard abs ribs, like mine.
James StarRunner doesn't understand me at all! (In all seriousness, I'd like some abs, but it ain't gonna happen in this life!)
Jarius cannot be understood as he is Babylonian. man does he sound funny- speak englililish you loony!
QuoteYou can't help getting older, but you don't have to get old.
Brunhidden secretly pines for the days of old york
e-voyager secretly admires Montgomery Scott.
Jairus is a grad student who majors in biology and is trying to become a real kangaroo rat
So close... and yet so far away. Jairus is an under-grad who majors in English with a focus in Creative Writing who is trying to become an author.
And you are Pyroduck.
Jairus knows too much and must be silenced
Oh, how right you are. Now the question is how do you know that? Could it be you have learned of the True Council? It doesn't matter if you have. You will soon join us. Or not. I would recommend that you join us. The alternative is... not good.
Jairus is highly informed and knows the real secrets out there, it is an elite insider, special in every way and the envy of fans everywhere.
Azlan is the why we can't have nice things.
And SweepThe Log is the reason that I was up until 3 in the morning last night doing absolutely nothing!
Jairus is the demons. No, wait. Jairus, too, is the demons. Like many other people before him.
Ren Gaulen also knows far to much. He may be able to be recruited.
Jairus is someone that I know very well.
Ryudo Lee's golden eyes are a symptom of his undeath.
e-voyager find's Ryudo Lee's undead status attractive.
Jairus is Domon Kasshu!! (I should have said it yesterday, but I forgot to; that does not make him any less Domon Kasshu, anyway.. :paranoid)
Ren Gaulen is my brother Kyoji!
Jairus is more than meets the eye: he is a robot in disguise! In other words he is a snatcher (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snatcher#Plot_and_Setting). :3
Yes, and you're next on our list, Ren Gaulen. Or should I say... SIDEWAYS!
Jairus must now join Ryudo in undeath while i reboot.
e-voyager's Glitch tool has a habit of backfiring when he really needs it.
Jairus sabotaged e_voyager's Glitch tool.
Ryudo told him to do so.
Ren's anime references are witty, entertaining, and loved by all.
Ryudo is the one who enjoys them the most.
Ren speaks the truth.
Ryudo is being sarcastic about that.
Ren doesn't understand sarcasm.
Ryudo Lee was being sarcastic about that.
Jairus was being sarcastic also.
Slowtini does not understand the true depths and complexities of sarcasm.
Jairus does.
We both do, llearch n'n'daCorna.
Jairus was stopped by Kira while pruning the garden.
e-voyager was the mountain guide on the day that Lorenda and Kria went for their hike.
Jairus once kissed an electric guitar tuner.
Slowtini was the bull Kria dated briefly... before eating him. It was through her desire to continue tormenting Slowtini that she resurrected him as... that... thing.
Jairus is a learned sage, understanding the intricate details behind life and death. With this knowledge, he bends weaker mortals to his will and makes poignant observations about the universe. He is most certainly not full of crap.
SweepTheLeg is Master Xehanort's apprentice, and the true identity of the Xehanort/Ansem/Xemnas that we all know and love.
I know exactly what that means, and so does Jairus.
Of course SweepTheLeg knows everything about Master Xehanort (http://kingdomhearts.wikia.com/wiki/Birth_By_Sleep#Master_Xehanort) and the man who called himself Xehanort (http://kingdomhearts.wikia.com/wiki/Xehanort): he wrote those articles for the Kingdom Hearts Wiki!
Jairus knows how much I love Kingdoms Hearts. :yuck
SweepTheLeg is now my best friend. *ominously cracks knuckles over keyboard*
PS: Just kidding; everyone is entitled to their own tastes, especially when it comes to video games.
Jairus got my backstory perfectly right.
Also, I do believe you just won some sort of award for being awesome.
Ah, then you know the truth about the new XIVth member of Organization XIII (http://kingdomhearts.wikia.com/wiki/Organization_XIII#Ranking)! Awesome!
And dare I ask for what I got this award for?
Never before has this community been graced with such beauty, wit, and genius. This award, nay, this TROPHY is no mere token of our affection. It comes from the deepest forges of our collective hearts. May it forever remind you of how appreciated you are, how endeared to us you are, how brave, how bold, how perfectly Jairus.
I am sincerely touched by SweepTheLeg's expression of gratitude. I shall carry this award for as long as I live.
What's it called?
Jairus probably already knew this, but the award is the highest privileged this forum has to offer. It is known as the Trophy of Entropy, and most certainly has to do with matters concerning intelligence, wisdom, clear communication and the overall attractive qualities that make this forum such a nice place to live.
Boy are you top shelf!
I actually did know all of that. I also know that at one point you were in the running for it, until a certain "accident" referred to only as "the Library Incident" permanently knocked you out of the running for it.
Jairus honors me by hitting so close to the mark. It was definitely an incident, and very related to a library. In fact, it could not be described as a "vendetta" involving "making everyone really angry all of the time."
Jairus is also gay for Abel.
SweepTheLeg, just like Johnny Depp, Sean Connery, George Clooney, Liv Tyler, the Dresden Dolls, and Harrison Ford, everyone is gay for Abel. It just takes some of us *coughyoucough* a little longer to acknowledge it.
Personally, I'm *SQUEEE* for Jyrras.
Jairus is the gay son I never had.
To quote Deebs, "Dadieee!"
I didn't see this coming, but I think Jairus may have forgotten the rules. Or maybe he is so clever, he can reinvent them.
He is a brilliant inventor, after all.
SweepTheLeg had a problem neighbor, so he invented the Three Unforgivable Curses (Imperio, Crucio, Avada Kedavra) in order to make his neighbor's life a living hell.
Hey, I had to get that inventors talent from somewhere!
Jairus, I can see you're impressed with my extensive Wizard skills, based both on arcane and divine sources. I would teach you, but I'd have to charge. But you won't have a problem finding the money, given that you're a multi-billionaire playboy.
No, and you could certainly use the money given how you're involved in that massive copyright dispute with Rowling over who "owns" those spells. Besides: think how quickly two inventive minds with access to the world's greatest magic and technology could take over the world...
Oh I'd love to be involved with a woman that caused the tide of fangirlish fiction to flood the internet and it's collective shores. You, too, would be there along with us, just riding the waves of inspiration and creativity. And man-pregnancy.
SweepTheLeg reintroduced the concept of male-pregnancy to modern-day fanfiction with his marvelous epic "Stars and Stripes," a slash fic involving Valjean and Javert from Les Miserables.
Jairus was considering a more tasteful piece involving the Phantom of the Opera and Star Wars: The Phantom Menace.
Yes, you gave me a great deal of advice. I especially liked your suggestions for "Scarred Masks," the chapter where Eric and Palpatine first let down their guard in front of one another. You said it was almost as good as the one slash fic involving Snape and Jesus.
PS: There is indeed a slash fic involving Snape and Jesus. I have read it. I cannot unread it.
I bet you could unread it, given your extensive background in sexual sacrilegious scripts.
Didn't you once write something called "Holy Trinity," or was that someone else?
Oh I wrote it, but you inspired it.
Yes, with my seminal masterpiece "Holy Mary," the work that inspired Dan Brown to write The Da Vinci Code. Except mine was a foursome between the three different Mary's that Jesus was involved with and the good Rabbi himself.
Okay, two things: 1) did I cross the line with my previous post?, and 2) did I make a really bad double entendre somewhere in this one?
As always, your taste is well within forum regulation. You're the best forumite since sliced me.
Point taken. Let's back down off of this particular peak right now.
SweepTheLeg puts little plastic tubes on cat's legs to make them walk like little robots. If he's really tense, he makes 'em go down the stairs.
Jairus thinks this is much better than cardboard tubes and hamsters.
SweepTheLeg used to be an Alter Boy.
Okay, now can we slightly back off the more risque comments?
Jairus doesn't know the meaning of risque. Or barbeque.
The last time SweepTheLeg tried to barbecue, it took the firefighters eight hours to put out the flames.
Jairus will have his DNA sampled that i may add him to the frequent dieing plan. come on join the club.
Why, e_voyager! What a surprise! I so enjoy your friendly advice and genuine knowledge. Welcome to the thread.
Both SweepTheLeg and e-voyager are dealing with the aftermaths of a really bad breakout. Everyone be super nice to them!
And e-voyager, I'll stick with my "eat in moderation and get some exercise everyday" diet plan. It's lost me fifteen pounds so far!
Jairus must be rebuilt so that he like zero will be able to laugh at past deaths.
We'll, we have been working on that Iron Man-styled powered suit together: are you suggesting that you're going to design neural implants to improve control under combat situations now?
He'll probably add that plug-in that teaches the user an in-depth grasp of vocabulary and grammar! Not that either of you need it, or anything.
Considering that you never got more than a C on your spelling homework or your English essays, I'd say that you need it more than me.
Jairus is free of autism and it makes for some interesting conversations.
e_voyager knows a lot about autism, you see.
SweepTheLeg should not be looking into my grade school file
e-voyager only needed to repeat the fifth grade once.
Incidentally, I actually do have Asperger Syndrome. And I'm not lying there.
Jairus is my long lost bio brother.
same and i never repeated a grade. SMA /later called echo helped me throng high school
e-voyager has mixed up himself and Jyrras: Jyrras is my long lost bro, you are my long lost sister transformed through Isaac Newton's magical powers.
Jairus wouldn't love to have Jyrras as a brother. Not at all.
But hey, that makes e_voyager my long-lost son. I guess self-diagnosed Asperger's runs in the family.
Oh my eyes, they are not rolling.
SweepTheLeg is celebrating his rediscovery of his other long-lost son.
Incidentally, I am not self-diagnosed with Asperger syndrome. I spent four years in therapy and took medication for eight years to help me get some control over it. I also almost got expelled in grade school because of problems related to it.
Jairus was going to get banned for adding to the statistic of autistic people on the internet, but I decided to be merciful.
Well, maybe not.
SweepTheLeg is banned for being indecisive.
Jairus has forgotten himself and is mistaking me for his niece Erica who has pink quills that have mood ring color change abilities.
e_voyager totally called us out on mistaking this thread for the banning thread. He is so clever and aware of his surroundings.
SweepTheLog is clever enough to have caught that. I would never have noticed myself.
Jairus does not realize that i would have let them continue for the next 3 pages bores saying anything ( and neither am i self diagnosed but mine is mostly under control i even work. if not for sma /later called echo i would not have made it out of high school )
e_voyager totally understands my situation.
Jairus confuses me with his realizations
What can I say about E_voyager? This guy, right here? No wait, I don't even want to bother describing it to you. Just be safe in bed at night knowing he isn't out of that cage.
STL is, for lack of a better term, perfectly normal.
Ryudo Lee could extend that to all of us. We're all completely normal. Especially him.
Jairus is absolutely correct. It is hard to be as normal as us. We are the normality incarnate!
And then we all were a zombie.
Meanwhile, Ren Gaulen is the standard to which normal is measured. That's why he lives in France, next door to the piece of iron that measures exactly how long a meter is.
Jairus lives in France too. Next door to me. :sweatdrop
Ren Gaulen has a much nice house than I. Pity that he can only pay for it by taking American tourists around Paris. We Americans make for very annoying tourists... (seriously, we do.)
That last statement makes Jairus a "bad" example of an average American tourist, because he is a very nice, polite, patient and friendly person, and he never causes any troubles.
You should know: I was in one of your tourist groups once. How do you mix up the words for "pizza" and "hunchback?"
Jairus promised me to never do that again.
All the posts ren has made in the past have led up to that one sentence he just uttered.
It was beautiful, brought a tear to my eyes, Ren, I am touched.
Slowtini would cry even over a bug he accidentally crushed.
Ren cries himself to sleep every night.
Slowtini is only the second weired thing i've seen today there is
The wierdest thing e's seen today is his reflection.
Ryudo Lee is mistake. the weirdest thing I've seen today was him.
The weirdest thing e-voyager saw today where the little green men asking him directions to the nearest Pizza Hut.
The weirdest thing Jairus ever saw was when the doctor handed him to his mother after birth. :B
[[Reminder for y'all, this thread is for fun. This has been a Public Service Announcement.]]
The weirdest thing Meany ever saw was his mother's smile. It's now his avatar. His dad's smile is in his sig.
Jairus wishes that he lived in lost lake, where everything is rainbows and brownies.
yakanaj suffers from Browniephobia, brought on by a mystical batch of Fae brownies cooked up by Mab.
Jairus is still having nightmares about the brownies and has to visit his special place with the white padded walls.
yakanaj is my next door neighbor. See you in therapy! They're everywhere... tiny crying bundles...
Therapy is for losers. I have a personal aid! They're so cool. They even give me more straight jackets when I get cold.
Jairus is one of the attractions at the basket weaving center.
Personal aid? Surely you mean personal aide, yakanaj? Personal aid is something else, and implies that you need help to do anything. And besides, I love the pottery you make on the wheel.
Jairus is under investigation for stalking me in order to try to steal me away body and all.
e thinks that he can take over Ji-Ji's job of stalking me.
yakanaj really wants me to take over Ji-Ji's work. (even if i don't know what she means)
E obviously doesn't know what a stalker is. I may be safe after all!
yakanaj has just purchased a Predator minigun to protect herself from e_voyager.
PS: Guys, if you have to call my some variant of "Jy-Jy," at least do "Jay-Jay," please?
yakanaj does not realized that Ji-Ji is stalking me for my body but as i have been in a robot body for so long i've lost sight of why Ji-ji would try to stalk her or why she would want me to stalk her instead.
Jay-Jay has nearly trapped me more then once so i'm destroying his lab as we speak
e_voyager will never find my true laboratory: he can destroy my backups to his heart's twisted content.
Jairus confuses me with a mortal. and yes i've founds his true lab but i must destroy 8 back up labs first. to reach it.
Considering that I know e_voyager's true weakness, I have taken steps to ensure that my one true lab is not only unable to be entered... but something else totally unexpected.
Ji-Ji needs assistance to stand up, let alone build a secret lab.
And those garden sheds aren't as "secret" as he thinks.
llearch n'n'daCorna is currently projecting his own sad sad state of affairs onto me, all too aware that he will never succeed in world domination. Poor poor La-La. (You call me Ji-Ji, I call you La-La)
Jay-Jay loves to be called ji-ji. Heh, what are you going to do to me? start calling me ya-ya? Do your worst! I will ninja you so hard you'll think backwords is the new forwards and that night has become day and that ... and ... crap. Lost my train of thought.
Jay-Jay, needs to go play-play, away- way.
Not only does yakanaj always lose her train of thought, she has clearly spent far too much time with other people's children.
Jay-jay has just been adopted by yakanaj for being too cute to be anything other then a young child.
Unfortunately for e_voyager, he was never "cute." Unless you count a battle-worn bull dog as cute, in which case, yes, he was diabetes-inducing cute.
Jairus finds himself jealous of my bio body which was made from gene splicing samples of Cogidubnus and Zedd's DNA to build a new body that's cute enough to be his brother.
e_voyager in turn is jealous of the fact that my cuteness is natural, and needs no assistance whatsoever.
(In all seriousness, you would hate to be my brother. Trust me.)
Jairus's nano pda goes off every time one of his favorite threads updates.
e_voyager, on the other hand, impulsively must stay on the forums in order to respond as soon as possible to another person's posting.
... Unlike Jairus.
llearch n'n'daCorna secretly wishes to be a real box, and hopes that the Blue Fairy will come to him soon.
Jairus secretly wishes he was a fairy.
Mowser secretly wishes to be a Fairy Godmother. Can you say "Bibidi Babidi Boo?"
Jairus once had relations with a potato.
Slowtini used to be a potato.
Jairus go his look form reading San Wilder's book even though he didn't know that he had an interdimensional twin in jyrras at first.
e_voyager got his look from playing RockMan EXE, unaware that his good twin Forte already existed in this world...
Jairus's tech pales before my forte (which i stole form willy's and upgrade over the centuries) but on top of that forte is not me he's just a shell that i inhabit form time to time wit ha back up persona like plagues dark core
e_voyager is woefully unaware that my body is only the latest in a long line of Jairus clones, each one with improved genetics and capabilities over the previous generation that I simply jump into when it's ready. If you would like to borrow some of the tech to improve your own fairly limited capabilities, I would be more than glad to assist a fellow mad scientist.
Jairus is indeed a little brother to be proud of and when he maters the atavism he'll become like me. (by the way invent a robotizer will you. mine is stores in my but you'll need one your self. when you start to travel. )
maters should be masters other edits were minor
e_voyager's tech, though slightly more advanced than my own, features a dangerous flaw wherein multiple jumps between bodies causes recursive and increasing mental damage. e_voyager shall eventually be reduced to a drooling moron in the corner of the room... unless he is at that point already.
Jairus is actually a scarily intelligent person. ;-]
Boxy, meanwhile, loves boxes so much that he names each and every one of his boxes and takes them for walks in the park, blithely unaware of how stupid he looks and how much people stare.
Jairus has spotted the memory flaw and under stand why i must fragment my memory after hazards missions that require multiple species / form changes. but then he has yet to see the solution the the dilemma
e_voyager frequently gets lost.
Slowtini frequently forgets who he is and just ends up going to Starbucks for coffee.
Jairus is now on version 3.0.7 of his clone body upgrades yet she still has not figured out how to express his mothers kangaroo DNA within himself.
e_voyager is currently back to version 1.0.5 because version 4.0.1 had a colossal breakdown. He is still attempting to get 1.0.5 operational as a temporary backup, which explains how he was able to say that ""she" has still not figured out how to express "his" mothers kangaroo DNA." Watch the gender. I'm a guy, brother.
Jairus is a guy.
Slowtini, the point of the game is to tell lies and slander, not the truth. I would have thought that a super-genius physicist/supermodel like yourself would have known that.
Jairus isn't very good at the whole "Coherent Thought" thing.
Slowtini truly has no idea what he's talking about... oh, chicken!
jay-jay is just cranky that one of his experiments backfiring and made him 10 feet tall while keeping him the same weight
For the record, I'm not too cranky... even though it's given me a back problem. Don't worry, I'll fix it in time to rescue you from your latest creation! Didn't your last invention cause Ominous Latin Chanting (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/OminousLatinChanting) to come out of nowhere?
Jairus is too kind and at the same time his evil rivals that of Wily's forte
e_voyager has forgotten the point of the game. Are you and Slowtini currently sharing a brain?
Belay that! Obviously Jairus, e_voyager and Slowtini are the most intelligent people on this forum... perhaps the entire world... no UNIVERSE!
And Azlan is the only one who can oppose us. Give yourself to the Dark Side, Azlan... we have cake. And Lions aren't as cute as Foxes.
Jairus's kindness has jumped another notch and he does realise that kind evil people are more rare then people with godlike powers and mortal minds.
Meanwhile, e_voyager's latest cloning attempt has added at least ten points to his IQ score.
Jairus has fails once again at trying to understand me. i put myself in robot from
e_voyager needs to recalibrate his systems. After all, if his advanced systems can't properly say "Jairus has failed once again at trying to understand me," he needs a tune-up.
Jairus is obviously smarter than your average bear...
Well, Boxy-boy, looks like you got yaself a nice pic-a-nic basket there!
Jairus appears to comprehend fully the idea behind this thread.
llearch is really a robot in disguise.
Ryudo Lee's true identity is Starscream, and he plans to back-stab Amber and take over DMFA! Clockworkers, transform and roll out! *kerchackkerchak!*
Jairus envies me wishing for a true robotic form but clings to his flesh and blood form out of fear.
e_voyager is unaware of my continual cybernetic modifications that bridge the gap between man and machine, giving me the best of both worlds.
Jairus has slowed his progress fearing that he'll be judged guilty by a megaduse like big duo for have the foolishness of both man and machine.
e_voyager test fired Big Fau's drill arms without first securing replacement limbs.
Jairus is soon to receive a bill for making me wasts so many spare bodies when i'm not even trying to conquer or save the world.
Since you are not using those bodies for either good or ill, it isn't my fault.
Jairus does not realize that strength is very important to me and when not dealing out chaos or balance i must concrete on improving my own strength.
Unfortunately, your obsession with strength has led to you enhancing yourself so much that should you hold your loved ones in your arms, you would break them in two.
Jairus thinks this game is boring with just two players, and that the back-and-forth is totally lame.
Pagan's true identity is Hecate, goddess of the wilderness and childbirth.
Jairus is really an ordinary earthworm. And if any of the rest of you were paying attention, it would've been completely obvious from the beginning.
Ryudo Lee isn't even human. He is, in fact, HAL from 2001, and is plotting to destroy us all.
Angel isn't an angel at all.
Mowser is neither a mouse nor fuzzy nor a fluffball.
Jay's name is totally a rip off Jyrras.
Pagan enjoys dancing naked at midnight on the night of a full-moon in worship of the loving Earth Goddess, thus ensuring a healthy harvest for all in his area.
Jarius is in fact Jyrras evil clone from the fourth dimension. Living for only the desire to conquer parallel dimensions and become their feudal ruler...so far he's only managed to take over the operations of wal-mart. but soon, maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow he will use this leverage to control the president of the united states...and then the world.
Unfortunately, GabrielsThoughts is a misnomer: living in Las Vegas has drained him of any thoughts, leaving him empty and devoid of all emotion...
Jairus is, as has been mentioned, unfit for trying to cosplay as Jyrras. However, actually not because he is six foot two, but a six foot two hamster, not a kangaroo rat. And his fur is brown.
Stygian did, in fact, eat a whole Master Cubi. However, it took him nearly two weeks to do so, and involved many different recipes in order to maximize his enjoyment of the Cubi's flesh. It gave him food poisoning.
She was attuned to exhilaration of all things! Besides, it was just practice, so that I know that eventually I know how I'll deal with Fa'Lina. That's going to stock my freezer for a good while...
Jairus' goggles... actually do nothing.
Actually, I don't own any goggles, mainly because they do nothing. However, the dog collar does do something: it reminds you that you don't know how to get it off of your neck.
Jairus is filled with doubt over his skills as a ballet dancer
e_voyager is filled with fear over the thoughts of his parents showing those pictures of him when he was four and wearing his favorite Pretty Princess dress.
Jairus isn't very good at control, and thus has to wear a daiper during the day and use plastic sheets at night.
I knew that the next person to post in this topic was going to make that comment.
Jay is a very good artist and uses Ren's pic out of humility.
Pagan is the youngest of seven children, and unfortunately his elder siblings got the brains and the good looks.
Jairus is frighten that his eyes will melt if he ever tells the 100% truth.
e_voyager is frightened that the Bogeyman will come out from under the bed if his nightlight burns out.
Jairus is wrong as the boggey man is a friend of mine.
Ya know, the temptation in this game is to say a good lie, instead of making a slanderizing comment...
Jairus is quite hairy and is oft mistaken for a yeti or the wolfman.
Mother of Crowe...
E has killed (and eaten!) several cute puppies and kittens. After kicking them repeatly.
Gods slaughter you all...
Jairus is hideous, and cannot go out in daylight.
hate you both... so much...
E drinks rotten milk.
Pagan fears that the truth of his existence will come out. he's really a squirrel disguised as a man.
e_voyager fears that his deep love for Pagan will be revealed to the world.
Jairus is wrong for no one shall live to reveal my love or roll light er you did not hear that of if you did you won't repeat it once is hit you with a noise crush.
e_voyager also has custom Jyrras and Abel plushies that he snuggles with in bed.
Jairus lies for all my plushies were comendered by my mother at age 14.
e_voyager managed to hide away one little plushy... a mow.
Jairus egg isn't cracking. Nope, not at all...
Pagan secretly wishes to carefully remove my goggles and look deeply into my eyes...
Jairus cries when angles deserve to die. (http://www.animationarcade.com/music/angels.html)
e_voyager loves living in an Amish paradise
(I only know that angels song through a polka version Weird Al did)
Jairus loved the video i linked him to
Much like me, e_voyager only watched the movie long enough to realize that the only time he heard it was in a Weird Al song.
Jayrus is someone I admire, and deeply, deeply respect.
llearch not only stole candy from a baby, but then proceeded to beat the baby with said candy all the while taunting it. In his defense however, the baby was kinda being a jerk.
Mowser, however, ate the baby.
... and Cog stole the candy off me. :-[
Boxy secretly harbors a deep self-sacrificing love for his fellow forum members. He would rather die than see one of them come to harm.
Jairus wasn't actually lying in that last post. He actually believes that. He even has a shrine to the box that he prays to regularly.
Mowser, meanwhile, has a shrine consisting of three dead rats and a bottle of sherry. No one knows why.
... except Jayrus.
Yes, but I do not understand your reasonings that lead you to having a shrine consisting of a large and rather heavy box in your closet... funny it looked about big enough to hold a human body...
Rubbish! You'd have to cut the body up to get it in there.
Eheh. Ehehehehehehe. Hehehehe mwahahahahahahaha!
*cough* Scuse me. Must turn the chainsaw off.
Now then... Jayrus is known for his strong-willed approach to life.
Boxy is a spineless weakling who can't stand up for himself. If he really bans you, all you have to do is send a vaguely threatening email and he'll let you back on the forum with the sincerest of apologies.
Jairus is Kira.
Black_angel is Athrun. Ho yay ahoy!
Jairus is into Yaoi/Shōnen-ai.
Mowser is a rat, not a mouse. In fact, he's Rattigan's long-lost descendant, and is currently looking for Basil's long-lost descendant to stage a final climactic duel atop the Eiffel Tower.
On that note, Jairus is the long-lost descendant of Olivia, and is assisting Basil's descendant behind the scenes.
And Black_angel is the descendent of Dr. Dawson and the Victorian-era stripper from the bar scene.
Jairus is unknown in scientific community at large.
And e_voyager is, but only for the fact that his work record is so sullied with misfortune that it's nearly profane.
Stygian is the one of the parents of the Stygian Triplets from Dogma.
Jairus's latest lab explosion has awakened a nearby sleeping dragon
Meanwhile, the dragon is pissed off at e_voyager because e_voyager borrowed ten bucks off of him ten years ago and never paid it back.
Jairus does not realize that the dragon consider it's self my kin so have given me a very reasonable interest rate of .05 % but for interrupting it's nap. woo the trouble in that.
Hey, he just learned that a new Batman movie is coming out and that he'd almost missed it because he went to sleep after Batman & Robin! Now he's pissed because you didn't wake him up for Batman Begins, e_voyager.
he'll open his presents from past birthdays and forgive me when he finds the DVD for bat man beings among last years gifts. as for that loan well i still have a few years to go. mean while i distract hims with two tickets to the new bat man movie while telling him that a kangaroo rat named Jairus would love to go with him. (incidentally i never did tell you the dragons gender but we'll go with him case Dakata would have threatened to burn down my mountain summer home if i didn't pay her back and i'm not even sure was Xze-Xze would do to me in her dragon forum)
So, let me get this straight. You are sending me to one of the greatest movies of the summer for free, in the company of a dragon (possibly one of the coolest creatures to ever exist), thus ensuring that we'll get the best seats for the performance and that no one will dare to annoy me all evening long, in addition to possibly starting up a lifelong friendship? Hell, you must be the nicest guy that's ever lived, e_voyager!
Jairus saw me coming. :3 because he is a Peruvian with laser eyes that can fly, like all Peruvians. >:3
ayino knows quite well my reasons for doing this
On the other hand, e_voyager isn't quite sure of his reasons. It always sucks when your brain doesn't tell you why it does things, doesn't it?
Sadly, Jairus's is tellin him to do BAAAD things... like recreate the Fifth of November stunt with napalm.
Black_angel's true name is Lucifer, and the real reason that God kicked her out of heaven is because she won a game of canasta against God and God was being a sore loser. Of course, going "nyernyernyer!" probably didn't help your case much...
Jairus was born in 560 AD. in the southern peak of India. Spawned from a bog of the black marshes, he was first shunned as an daemonic spirit, send down to end the mankind by Kali, the God of Death. Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut then he got better.
Omega is the illegitimate offspring of a watch and Omnimon. It's best not to think about how that works out.
Jairus is actually working for the Brotherhood of NOD. He is Kane's new right hand man in fact. And he is planning to turn us all into mutants with his new Tiberium chewing gum!
Ren Gaulen is truly my eternal rival who has been pursuing me for years, and there is only one way to defeat him... shounen-ai!
Jairus actually isn't a nerdy college student. He's been sent to learn about us from the forums, and when the day is right, he will assassinate all of DMFA's readers.
Pagan has no need to worry. I wouldn't want to harm any member of the chosen elite who shall be moved to Furrae before this world is consumed by darkness.
Jairus will be the one who will let the Darkness consume this world - if I won't stop him first (no, Jay, shonen-ai won't help you >:[).
I don't know, Jay, Ren might just be a keeper. He doesn't even eat the marshmellows out of the box!
I know Pagan. But don't worry about a thing... none of you shall suffer harm during the collapse.
Jaybles is just a little bit, but no more, of a nerd.
Boxy is actually a sphere.
Jairus dragon is healthy and well and on vacation.
e_voyager's new avatar is not creeping me out and making me pine for Forte's return.
Jairus lies. He also inserts batteries of differing sizes into random mechanical orifices.
Pagan removes all of the "Not To Be Removed Except By Consumer" tags from mattresses... while they're still in the store!
Jairus then proceeds to eat them! :U
Slowtini not only is really a furry, he's currently writing his posts while wearing a Slowtini costume.
Jairus continuously makes the same mistake hoping that everyone around him will go insane and that they would ask him to stab them.
Aiyno doesn't hiss when he's wet.
llearch is actually spherical in nature.
Mowser has a crush on not only Bob, but Megabyte as well. He is torn between his two great loves...
Jairus had a thing for Enzo... and then later Matrix. It was pretty creepy when they both stood side by side.
Mowser also has a crush on Glitch. After all, Glitch can create "anything..."
Jairus is Glitch.
Ren Gaulen is Mike the TV.
Jairus wishes he could date hexadecimal
e_voyager wants to pilot the Nullifier robot and date Nulzilla ala Jyrras's encounter with that one Gryphon C.
Jairus stopped all attempts at something like that because hex was in the heart of nulzilla and he wants to be the only one to date her
e_voyager is completely unaware that Dot is the one for me. I loves me some techie!
Jairus can not read. He posts through his mother.
Pagan is my mother.
Jairus' face is his mother....'s face! wait...
shadowterm, I think Tea's pregnant. And you're the father!
Jairus is the Fae that committed suicide.
shadowterm is Mab's mom.
Jairus is Mab's face
shadowterm is Mab's old Fae glen.
Jairus' mom is so old that when she was in the shower, she lifted her boob, and a pilgrim fell out.
shadowterm was that pilgrim. What were you doing underneath my mother's breast, shadowterm?
Jairus thinks I can reply on a thread where you only say slanderous things about the person above. (Actually in print it libel.)
shadowterm has absolutely no idea what he just wrote.
Jairus thinks his feeble mind can comprehend what he writes.
shadowterm fears that Mike Rowe of Discovery's Dirty Jobs will leap from his TV and pull him through into some horrible vile smelly place.
Jairus thinks that's a trivial fear.
shadowterm suffers from the delusion that he is really the reincarnation of Marilyn Monroe, and must seek out the last surviving Kennedy's in order to finally know rest.
Jairus is a Kennedy, and will soon know doom.
shadowterm is the coming doom. The universe is doomed, doomed, doomed, doomed, doomed, doomed, doomed, doomed. Go home now!
Jairus summoned the doom to this planet, and bears full blame. (Like Germany in WWI!)
Yes, and all I needed was for you to willingly sign over not only your parent's souls, but also the soul of your adorable little puppy who only loved you and wanted nothing in return except for a belly scratch on his cute little tummy.
Jairus likes dogs because they need every ounce of your attention. I prefer cats because they aren't completely dependent.
shadowterm's avatar is actually what he wants to look like if he ever gets a patch from Jyrras.
Jairus is projecting, he'd like to look like his avi.
shadowterm want to meet my cross-dimensional alter ego Jyrras.
Jairus thinks that we would do more than discuss physics. What is wrong with him?
shadowterm really really doesn't want anyone else to join in with the fun.
Jairus says that enviously
(I actually got an error for posting twice within 30 seconds woot!)
shadowterm wishes that I said it enviously.
(unfortunately, I get that message like seven freaking times a day. I need to make friends outside of cyberspace)
Jairus is so lame, he doesn't download free games to play like Sauerbraten. (Like doom 3 multiplayer, but with in game level editor. Runs from command prompt though.)
shadowterm has forgotten that this is the Lies! And Slander! thread, not the Truth-Telling thread. (the only computer game I play/own is StarCraft, and it's been a few months since then.)
Jairus couldn't find someone trying to help him find entertainment if he used mapquest.
shadowterm doesn't understand why mapquest doesn't tell him wear he wants to go! It's the future, the computer should know this stuff already! (I'll definitely look it up.)
Jairus is actually just hitting refresh on this thread.
shadowterm is forgetting again... (I just do a cycle and come back here every few minutes, except when certain individuals post just as quickly as me...)
Jairus was looking at porn while he was gone.
shadowterm owns the worlds largest collection of pornographic materials in the world.
(For the record, I was in the bathroom. Cue Dan yelling "Too much information!")
Jairus stole the 4-gig thumb drive I had it on, which explains why it disappeared last month.
shadowterm, meanwhile, stole it from me, who was working on my cure for world hunger! Now all I've got are 4 gigs of... very... attractive... women... wow. I didn't know that you could do that with a pumpkin. Fascinating.
Jairus found the waste of food trivial in this case.
Unlike me, shadowterm seems to like the taste of pumpkin. Too much. Wow boy.
Jairus now shares the same vice. My obsession comes from it being a pie, because the cake is a lie.
The cake is not a lie, shadowterm just ate it.
Jairus is trying to look innocent, but we can all see the frosting on his face and. . . wow, okay, NO.
shadowterm, did you bake the cake from a store-bought mix? If you did, you left it in the oven for too long: it's a little dry.
Jairus made it moist again.
... and then shadowterm ate it. Again. Darnit, shadowterm, that's the fifth cake you've eaten so far! Out of the kitchen! Out!
Jairus either didn't know what I was talking about or thinks that's hot. Either way, this is getting more and more disgusting.
shadowterm thinks that chocolate bars grow on trees.
(the truth is that I'm trying to steer this thread in a little more of a wholesome direction, away from certain... other... topics)
Jairus thinks that trees grow on chocolate.
shadowterm knows that money doesn't grow on trees. In fact, they grow on bushes.
Jairus wasn't thinking of the plant. (God, I need to scrub my mind out with soap and water one of these days.)
shadowterm totally missed the brilliant pun that I inserted into my previous post.
Jairus thinks that our president is funny (And he would be if he wasn't our president. "It's nuclear New-Clear Nuclear!")
shadowterm thinks that the governor of the state next door to you is an excellent actor, and deserves to have the Constitution altered so that he can become president of the USA.
Jairus obviously didn't notice that he's not doing a half bad job that I've noticed, unless something slipped my mind. BTW, my moms, and where I go to school, is in that neighboring state. While I don't think he should be president, it could be worse for cali.
shadowterm really lives in California, and not in Nevada.
Jairus shot J.R.
Omega not only Saw evil, but he heard it, spoke it and liked it.
Mowser is the evil that Omega saw, hear, spoke to, and liked.
Jairus filmed it on camera!
Ren Gaulen edited it, added a soundtrack, and then made the DVD. And sold it for ten bucks a pop.
Jairus got 50% of profits (I'm generous right now).
Ren Gaulen is waiting to work on editing the sequel.
Jairus did all the PR work for it.
But Ryudo Lee called on prior experience to help us set up the cameras.
(The experience with cameras thing is actually true)
Jairus was the main sponsor of the whole project.
Ryudo's extensive list of contacts and customers allowed us to make a tidy profit off of the whole endeavor.
Hey, that list was private! Jairus stole it!
Ryudo Lee has forgotten that he showed me the list last Mardi Gras. (My sister and dad were actually in New Orleans for the last Mardi Gras... or was that two years ago... hm, once you leave high school you stop keeping track)
Jairus got totally wasted on beer bongs at that parade. It was awesome.
Ryudo Lee introduced alcohol to someone who had never had more than a shot of port before.
Jairus thanked him for the introduction.
Boxy, on the other hand, was passing out beads.
... Jairus appears to have a clear understanding of the concept of "lie". ;-]
What Boxy just said did not simultaneously fill me with revulsion and fascination.
...Whatever's going on between Jairus and Llearch totally didn't just fly right over my head. No, that was a bird. Clearly.
Black_angel possesses knowledge beyond all of us combined.
Jairus is a genius as well.
shadowterm is the last regeneration of the Doctor.
Jairus is The Master, and just oldified a lady with his laser screwdriver.
shadowterm wants to hold the Master's laser screwdriver... wow, that could be read two ways, couldn't it?
Jairus didn't see how that connects back to him in a very bad way. >:3
this little back-and-forth between me and shadowterm is not making me burst out laughing every three seconds. You're not that clever.
Jairus is good at sarcasm.
shadowterm and Jairus are not running on the brink of a one-day ban.
Do pay attention, gentlemen.
Boxy should be ignored and we should not get back on track.
Jairus's hairstyle didn't make me think of Dib at all. In fact, he probably didn't even plan on looking like him.
Black_angel is actually White_angel.
Jairus was eaten by dibs sister.
shadowterm was devoured by P.E.G.
Jairus invented reality television.
LionHeart watches new episodes of the shows everyday.
Shadowterm produces the episodes.
LionHeart was the creative director, and Choreographer for the really emotional scenes with crying.
Shadowterm choreographed Beat It. He is, in fact, the real Michael Jackson. That white stick figure with a sphinx nose is simply his stunt man so he can live a peaceful life.
Black_angel is that stuntman. Zing!
Shadowterm is afraid of the dark.
slowtini watches "Are You Afraid of the Dark?" every night religiously.
Shadowterm Faps to "Are You Afraid of the Dark?" every night religiously.
Slowtini is a guest star of farts (fairly aimless RPG talk show)
e_voyager hates commingup with useless weird acronyms.
shadowterm is very cute and has high self esteem.
Azlan know exactly what i'm talking about http://www.bobandgeorge.com/archives/index.php?date=010310
find more here (http://maccshq.rpgclassics.com/farts/index.shtml)
Going to Disney World tomorrow kids are going to freak!
Aserath, are you deliberately trying to get into trouble?
llearch actually doesn't have anything against idiots like that.
Stygian is not rebooting a necroed thread and neither am i or alfalfa
e-voyager talks so much you might notice large ugly jaw muscles!
Exponential is bright enough to read the rules and not necro a dead thread.