Yes, this is unfortunately the reason there was no Radio Project update on Sunday :<
Anyroad, I'm happily running around as a long-haired Khajiit named 'Cat Dude', dressed solely in a robe and with no concern for what I'm supposed to be doing. Actually I'm trying to figure out how to earn some hard cash, but I digress.
Having recently figured out how to cast 'Flame Bite' I have reached that happy state of affairs where I usually kill the rats and other bad things rather than vice-versa.
Thing is, I could really do with some ranged weapons - Cat Dude is supposed to major in marksmanship and not having a crossbow sucks. Anyone know where I could score such a thing?
OMG, I have played that game, and it is awesome.
now, if you're planning on getting some ranged gear...
You can start off with a chitin bow from the store in Seyda Neen (Arrile's trade house)
Crossbows are rare, and Bows are more common, though the crossbow has a better average damage than it's bow counterpart (OTOH, arrows tend to be much better than bolts for damage, if you can afford to use the high-level ones)
I believe that there are crossbows can be found for sale in the city of Balmora.
OOC, are you using the PC or XBox version of Morrowind? (Not that it makes a difference, if you're not interested in using palyer made content)
If you want, I can PM you a link to a guide on another site that can tell you how to lay your hands on the ultimate in marksman weapons. (or just PM you the relevant section frmot he guide)
Quote from: Reese Tora on April 02, 2007, 10:08:28 PM
You can start off with a chitin bow from the store in Seyda Neen (Arrile's trade house)
Again it comes back down to money. I guess I need to start poking around in the towns, see if I can run errands or something, as the first two little quests I've done - saving the botanist and giving the bandit wossname's glove - have not really panned out financially.
I knew I should have kept it ("what kind of a maniac roams around Vegas with one purple glove?")
QuoteOOC, are you using the PC or XBox version of Morrowind? (Not that it makes a difference, if you're not interested in using palyer made content)
It's the PC version, the Mastertronic edition which I found in the supermarket one day. It also comes with Bloodmoon and Tribunal. Man, I remember Mastertronic's budget games from 20 years ago... apparently they survived the death of the 8-bit era :3
QuoteIf you want, I can PM you a link to a guide on another site that can tell you how to lay your hands on the ultimate in marksman weapons. (or just PM you the relevant section frmot he guide)
I think a few subtle hints on money making are in order at this point. I was hoping to earn some cash by the sword/bow, but alas, I lack the starting capital and I suspect the Ultima 5,6,7 and 9 technique of killing guards and selling their armour to the blacksmith will land me with a dead kitty in this game >:3
Stealing things and fencing them off is something I haven't yet explored as I still don't know if this game has any form of karma system.
Quote from: Tapewolf on April 03, 2007, 04:12:22 AM
Quote from: Reese Tora on April 02, 2007, 10:08:28 PM
You can start off with a chitin bow from the store in Seyda Neen (Arrile's trade house)
Again it comes back down to money. I guess I need to start poking around in the towns, see if I can run errands or something, as the first two little quests I've done - saving the botanist and giving the bandit wossname's glove - have not really panned out financially.
I knew I should have kept it ("what kind of a maniac roams around Vegas with one purple glove?")
QuoteOOC, are you using the PC or XBox version of Morrowind? (Not that it makes a difference, if you're not interested in using palyer made content)
It's the PC version, the Mastertronic edition which I found in the supermarket one day. It also comes with Bloodmoon and Tribunal. Man, I remember Mastertronic's budget games from 20 years ago... apparently they survived the death of the 8-bit era :3
QuoteIf you want, I can PM you a link to a guide on another site that can tell you how to lay your hands on the ultimate in marksman weapons. (or just PM you the relevant section frmot he guide)
I think a few subtle hints on money making are in order at this point. I was hoping to earn some cash by the sword/bow, but alas, I lack the starting capital and I suspect the Ultima 5,6,7 and 9 technique of killing guards and selling their armour to the blacksmith will land me with a dead kitty in this game >:3
Stealing things and fencing them off is something I haven't yet explored as I still don't know if this game has any form of karma system.
as long as you don't get caught, you're fine.
let's see... I believe there are a number of 'wilderness stashes' in the area; look in stumps and odd places for hidden loot, especially near tall buildings. Also, travel up[ the coast, and look for underwater grottoes. They are safe enough if you move quickly to avoid drowning(and can fight off a couple slaughterfish), and can yield some valuable surprises (I recall finding most of a suit of chitin armor one time)
Then too, there are a few easy quests in the starter town, and anything outside is fair game to pick up. I would suggest you talk to the fine gentlemen in the upper story of arrile's store as well; if memory serves, one of them has a quest worth some 100 gold (plus a bonus if you happened to perform a certain charitable act before this)
The tax collector quest can net you some quick cash off the bat. There's little to no combat involved. (the one piece of combat that I think is involved allows you to use 'chinese door fighting' if you're having trouble with it, and is against an unarmed and unarmored opponent in any case.)
This is all asuming you are still buming around Seyda Neen, of course (the stashes and grottoes hold true all over the island, but there are a few nice ones near there for new players)
Just make sure to check the latest rumors with everyone; flesh out your keyword lists, talk about any topic that comes up highlighted as having new info. Quests from random people can bring in a good deal of money(for a starting person) Once you're confident in your combat abilities and equipment, I'd suggest hitting up a few bandit lairs, ancestral tombs, and dwemer ruins; you can find a lot of valuable stuff in them, though the dwemer loot tends to be rather heavy for it's value. (the weapons and armor tend to be pretty valuable, though)
Oh, and if you have the Tribunal plugin active, be careful when you sleep!
Quote from: Reese Tora on April 03, 2007, 04:39:05 AM
This is all asuming you are still buming around Seyda Neen, of course (the stashes and grottoes hold true all over the island, but there are a few nice ones near there for new players)
Good point - I'd better go back there. Currently I'm wandering around some mountains investigating what looks like a crashed UFO and killing cliff racers in a genocidal spree of vengeance for all the times they've killed me. (And to increase my skill with magic).
QuoteOh, and if you have the Tribunal plugin active, be careful when you sleep!
It's not installed... I assumed it was an entire separate program.
Quote from: Turnsky on April 03, 2007, 04:15:03 AM
as long as you don't get caught, you're fine.
It's probably not a renewable source of money, though. And just because you're not seen doesn't mean that people wouldn't notice. U5L had a 'reputation' system, and depending on how sophisticated the AI system is, people might suspect me of being a thief if items vanish while I'm in the area >:3
More importantly, U6 did keep track of your crimes - seen or otherwise - and you couldn't complete the game unless you were good enough to visit the Codex. (Which I bungled in a single act of hoe-based slaughter to obtain the rune of compassion after weeks of angelic deeds. Uh, forget I said that.)
Quote from: Tapewolf on April 03, 2007, 07:37:20 AM
Quote from: Reese Tora on April 03, 2007, 04:39:05 AM
This is all asuming you are still buming around Seyda Neen, of course (the stashes and grottoes hold true all over the island, but there are a few nice ones near there for new players)
Good point - I'd better go back there. Currently I'm wandering around some mountains investigating what looks like a crashed UFO and killing cliff racers in a genocidal spree of vengeance for all the times they've killed me. (And to increase my skill with magic).
QuoteOh, and if you have the Tribunal plugin active, be careful when you sleep!
It's not installed... I assumed it was an entire separate program.
Quote from: Turnsky on April 03, 2007, 04:15:03 AM
as long as you don't get caught, you're fine.
It's probably not a renewable source of money, though. And just because you're not seen doesn't mean that people wouldn't notice. U5L had a 'reputation' system, and depending on how sophisticated the AI system is, people might suspect me of being a thief if items vanish while I'm in the area >:3
More importantly, U6 did keep track of your crimes - seen or otherwise - and you couldn't complete the game unless you were good enough to visit the Codex. (Which I bungled in a single act of hoe-based slaughter to obtain the rune of compassion after weeks of angelic deeds. Uh, forget I said that.)
morrowind has a very basic thievery system, as long as nobody actually SEES you, can can filch what you want from somebody, and sell it elsewhere.
hell, you can get away with murder if you're the only one in a building.
Quote from: Turnsky on April 03, 2007, 07:51:24 AM
morrowind has a very basic thievery system, as long as nobody actually SEES you, can can filch what you want from somebody, and sell it elsewhere.
hell, you can get away with murder if you're the only one in a building.
I notice it has a 'dispose of corpse' option. Do people notice bodies? I left the mad old man who nearly fell on me just lying around to see if anyone would notice - having first looted his corpse of goodies and swapped my clothes for his.
"It's not a dress, it's a robe!"
It's a pity you don't seem to be able to carry bodies around - it's such fun to cause a stir in Thief 2 or Deus Ex by wandering through the crowd with some dead guy.
Quote from: Tapewolf on April 03, 2007, 07:55:06 AM
Quote from: Turnsky on April 03, 2007, 07:51:24 AM
morrowind has a very basic thievery system, as long as nobody actually SEES you, can can filch what you want from somebody, and sell it elsewhere.
hell, you can get away with murder if you're the only one in a building.
I notice it has a 'dispose of corpse' option. Do people notice bodies? I left the mad old man who nearly fell on me just lying around to see if anyone would notice - having first looted his corpse of goodies and swapped my clothes for his.
"It's not a dress, it's a robe!"
It's a pity you don't seem to be able to carry bodies around - it's such fun to cause a stir in Thief 2 or Deus Ex by wandering through the crowd with some dead guy.
not really, they don't really notice dead bodies around in oblivion, either, which has a more complex stealth system....
gotta love breaking into people's stores, robbing them blind, then stealing their keys for later amusement.
Quote from: Turnsky on April 03, 2007, 08:03:09 AM
gotta love breaking into people's stores, robbing them blind, then stealing their keys for later amusement.
Royal mint. Is there one of those? Or a bank? That was the way to go in U7. I can't remember how you got hold of the key now, but it was fairly easy and once you had it, you could come in at night, take the entire treasury and then exchange all the gold bars you 'found' for hard cash in the morning (
But yeah, selling people's own goods back to them is always fun...
Quote from: Tapewolf on April 03, 2007, 08:08:38 AM
Quote from: Turnsky on April 03, 2007, 08:03:09 AM
gotta love breaking into people's stores, robbing them blind, then stealing their keys for later amusement.
Royal mint. Is there one of those? Or a bank? That was the way to go in U7. I can't remember how you got hold of the key now, but it was fairly easy and once you had it, you could come in at night, take the entire treasury and then exchange all the gold bars you 'found' for hard cash in the morning (
But yeah, selling people's own goods back to them is always fun...
there's a few places that have loads of valuables, but if you wanna steal stuff in oblivion, you haveta join the thieves guild to get access to their fences in oblivion..
Palaces are the proverbial goldmine, no matter which game.. and yes i have stolen stuff from palaces.. risky as it might be.
And if you're a high enough level, and a quite a decent thief (and it helps to finish out the thieve's guild and get the skeleton key), you can rob the vaults in Vivec and get all kinds of goodies. It also helps to have the invisibility and chameleon (as high a percentage as you can get) spells. The problem is that the goodies are level dependant. If you're low level, you get cheap junk. If you're a higher level, like say 40, you get some really nice stuff. The vaults are in the house cantons. It's usually one of the last things I do when I decide to lose a few weeks in Morrowind.
Quote from: RyudoLee on April 03, 2007, 09:47:40 AM
The problem is that the goodies are level dependant. If you're low level, you get cheap junk. If you're a higher level, like say 40, you get some really nice stuff. The vaults are in the house cantons. It's usually one of the last things I do when I decide to lose a few weeks in Morrowind.
First I'll have to work out how to work out what level I am. I don't recall seeing it in the stats menu, but there again I was more interested in individual skill ratings. Damn PDF manuals...
I think it is somewhere in the stats menu. It's been awhile since I sat down and played it.
If you havn't slept and leveled up yet, you're still level 1.
A good source ofn income, if you ahve decent stealth and decent strength would be to raid some imperial ebony mines. Ebony is worth, I think, 200g a piece, and there's usually 12-15 pieces throughout a mine (in openable nodes) they weigh 10 pounds each, though, and if you are in an active mine, you must avoid being seen by guards because they will consider it to be stealing. There are a number of abandoned mines that still have ebony and glass to find, though.
You can also harvest ingredients and sell them (for very little money)
On Tribunal and Bloodmoon: they are plugins that work with the original Morrowind installation, just like player made content. If you install them, you have the option of enabling or disabling them. if you install Tribunal and turn it on after you are up to a decent level, you will be attacked by an assassin the next time you rest (this is the plot hook for the content available in Tribunal)
My largest source of income in morrowind/tribunal(never got bloodmoon) was to kill off the assassins and sell thier armor, as it was pretty valuable armor. >:3 They aren't pushovers, though.
Quote from: Reese Tora on April 03, 2007, 02:49:40 PM
If you havn't slept and leveled up yet, you're still level 1.
Not any more...
I've been exploring some of the caves/dungeons. I actually managed to stomp the entire dungeon's evil occupants except for some really nasty bugger at the end. She had this big book which I nicked and fled. After taking everything else which I could carry, I sold the lot (minus the interesting book) for about 40 gold coins. She put some strange spell on me which reduced my strength, though. Can that be fixed?
While trying to find my way home I came across some farmhouse with a slave cat-brother in it. Can't seem to find the key, though. It was rather interesting though, because I turned the place upside-down trying to find it and the slave kept saying things like "no! thief!" without actually trying to prevent me in any way. I might keep that one if the game doesn't support karma, because if the slave won't stop me and the farmer never comes into the house - he seems to wander the fields 24x7 as was done in Ultima 9 - then no-one will ever object.
Offing the farmer has also occurred to me, but I once destroyed Ultima 6 by killing a critical NPC so I'm going to hold off of that until I have a better idea of who's important and who's fodder. (I tried it as an experiment - he doesn't have the key either)
And I've found a ranged weapon, but I won't be able to take possession of it until I can establish a way to kill the outlaw who it belongs to...
There's only two farmers that are of any real importance to the game. Both have to do with the various quests that you get from the Temple, but those are sidequests and have no bearing on the main quest.
generally speaking, there is only one person you can kill that seriously messes up the main quest in Morrowind... and it's still possibly to complete even then, though much more difficult (and potentially impossible for one with low HP)
Most slaves that are releasable have a key nearby, and there's someone who keeps track of slaves released (and, I believe, may give you a quest or a reward if you release enough slaves, though it's been a while since I played.)
Some slaves can't be released, though.
I believe that if you release 20 slaves, there's a person in Vivec that will tell you about her underground organization that's been set up to abolish slavery in the world.
Excellent. I wonder if I can use that 'detect key' thingamabob I got?
I should have called him "Moses Minor" or something. (Tries to say "Let my people go!" in a cat voice)
The various detect spells put colored dots on your minimap. I forget what color corresponds to what.
I think keys are a yellow-brown color... if all he casts is detect key then it should be pretty obvious. :3
If you want, I could dig up the console command that opens the character creation screens; then you can use that to change your name.
(console commands, you hit tilde (~) type the command, hit enter, and hit tilde again to turn off command mode; they're there for the purpose of testing plugins that you make, and can be used to do just about anything if you know the commands to input.)
trying to not hijack this too much...
For those who don't run Windows or have an Xbox but would like to play Morrowind.
Quote from: je.saist on April 06, 2007, 03:45:24 PM
For those who don't run Windows or have an Xbox but would like to play Morrowind.
They say it almost works in Wine, but for now I'm just going to dual-boot.
No keys yet. Probably picked some of the farms which don't have any. I'll have to see if I can somehow get in touch with this Abolitionist movement, but for now I think I'll abolish the farmer.
Meanwhile in Suran, the Spellmaking feature is fun - I've created an attack spell which kills
me, and robbed the basement in the guard-tower, fencing all their bowls and junk at the pawnbroker. My attempts at hitting on the cat-girl in the brothel only took me so far, though...
If your still looking for some quick money, you can go pearl diving off the north shore of lake Amaya..
They respawn and if you are lucky you can get a thousand or so gold in one go!
Quote from: Malakin on April 08, 2007, 08:11:04 AM
If your still looking for some quick money, you can go pearl diving off the north shore of lake Amaya..
I'll have to find it, but thanks for the tip. It sounds like a better bet than my current strategy.
(And damn, it isn't working in wine 0.9.34)
for a thief, i suggest investing heavily in security, sneak, and lockpicks...
Unless of course you want to go the mage/thief route, in that case you want to go for ilusion and alteration I think, which will give you things like Invisibility, Chameleon, Telekinesis, open, and a few others...
Quote from: Malakin on April 08, 2007, 09:35:37 AM
Unless of course you want to go the mage/thief route, in that case you want to go for ilusion and alteration I think, which will give you things like Invisibility, Chameleon, Telekinesis, open, and a few others...
I'm definitely going for magic, although I am into lockpicks as well, I'll admit.
I'm pondering joining the Mage guild at Vivec, but I'm still keeping my options open regarding that. Is it possible to join multiple guilds?
[Dammit, he blinked in the best screenshot]
Quote from: Tapewolf on April 08, 2007, 09:44:20 AM
Quote from: Malakin on April 08, 2007, 09:35:37 AM
Unless of course you want to go the mage/thief route, in that case you want to go for ilusion and alteration I think, which will give you things like Invisibility, Chameleon, Telekinesis, open, and a few others...
I'm definitely going for magic, although I am into lockpicks as well, I'll admit.
I'm pondering joining the Mage guild at Vivec, but I'm still keeping my options open regarding that. Is it possible to join multiple guilds?
[Dammit, he blinked in the best screenshot]
yeah, it's quite possible, 'cept with the thieves and fighter guilds, some quests intersect with eachother.
you can join...
Thieves, Fighters, Mages, Morang Tong, One of three dunmer houses, Imperial guard, and the Blades(main quest related).
As Turnsky said, the thieves guild and Fighters guild oppose each other, but thier quests don't conflict with each other until you advance a good ways into one or the other.
Ah, Vvardenfell. We have people interested? Excellent. *tents fingers*
There is something you should know - there are mods for this game. There are excellent mods for this game. Not cheats - mods. This being said, here is Cog's basic list. Of about way-too-many must-have mods.
Note - you will need somewhat better than basic morrowind requirements for some of these - especially better trees and foliage, and leafy morrowind. These mods are not .exe, but the installation is extremely simple once you get the hang of it. Almost all of these can be found on Planet Elder Scrolls, or with a Google search. Some of these will permanently change gameplay, so take a look at the screenshots before installing - however, almost all of these improve the visual look of Morrowind dramatically, or improve the gameplay in a major way. Most of the texture mods are vast improvements over Bethesda stock textures.
I've specified where I can't remember the exact mod name, but they should be able to be found with a search. I haven't included links, but here are a few screenshots to illustrate my point.
1: Galsiah's Chracter Development- don't play without it.
2. Better Bodies - It's needed. It's good.
3: GrVulture's Ultimate Texture pack - Improves so many things, I can't count them.
4: Karstux's Katana Mod
5:Forested Morrowind, Leafy Morrowind, and one other- get the most recent.
6: Better Trees and Foliage
7: VagabondAngel's wepons mods- all of them
8: Almost forgot! FPS optimizer. Being able to use the mouse wheel to change the view distance is AWESOME
9: Morrowind Enhanced- Good mod, if you have the computer for it: it's a plugin for other mods though, so you'll need more to make the most of it.
9a: Combat Enhanced
10: J's (I think) Iron Sword Reskins
11: No Glow mod of your choice (there's plenty)
12: ALL the LGNPC mods
13: Better Stars
14: Vibrant Skies
15: BEER! (yes, it's a mod.)
16: Riptides Face and Clothing Replacer (+ patch)
17: GrVultures Real Moons
18: Choice: KhanRaider's Weapon Collection mod (+ expansion) OR Better Deadric, Glass, and Ebony weapons. Texture replacers, so you'll use them for awhile
18: Arrow Mod. I think that's what it called. It is a HUGE overhual of bows and arrows throughout the game.
20: The Golden Dragon
21: Leelo's Lantern Replacer
22:Hendalf's Gold Replacer (HendalfGold)
23:Requiem Sword Resource
24:Harlequin Sword Resource
25:The Greatest Housing Mod Ever! (1 and 2) (Actual mod name: may not be exactly right)
26: Ascadian Cottage (by Korana)
27: Goldbrand/Eltonbrand replacement
28: Luis's (Ren's) Beauty Shop (there is an expansion as well: might have to search more than Planet Elder Scrolls for both)
29: Carnithus's Armetarium! I almost forgot!
32: Book Jackets is the best *new* book texture replacer. Better books I the old one, I think.
33:GrVultures Ultimate Textures misc
34:The Ultimate Knight Shop
35: Ring Replacer (can't quite remember the name: It's a texture replacer)
36: Falconer's leather armor
37: Heaven's lookout
That list is much appreciated, but there is a slight snag. One of the reasons I'm playing this (aside from the novelty of being a big freaking cat) is to try and write an anti-walkthrough for it, which really means using a stock configuration as far as possible, although I might try some of the more cosmetic mods.
Ah, well, when you get done writing that, I would indeed recommend some of the gameplay affecting mods. Galsiah's Character Development is a major improvement over the default system.
It's a good game by itself, but the community really got together and made it much better.
Dunno if it's been mentioned yet, but if you have the add-on and my memory serves me correct. In Solstheim you'll find a mead hall called Thirsk. Aside from some interesting plots to toy with there, there is also a hollowed out stump directly behind the mead hall, full of some really nice goodies that oughta get you cracking up some skulls in no time.
As long as they HIT and the spell isn't reflected you can kill off atleast two thirds of the tribunal with the arrows you'll find there, and I'm talking about the GODS, not the worshippers, or Almalexia's entire host of guardians. Interestingly enough, no one in the province of Morrowind will bat an eyelash at this little development, despite the fact that 99% of it's inhabitants are both extremely religious, and obviously completely pious as a result.
Let me know if you devise a way to kill Dagoth Ur, becuase I sure haven't yet!
Quote from: The DXM on April 09, 2007, 10:20:16 AM
Dunno if it's been mentioned yet, but if you have the add-on and my memory serves me correct. In Solstheim you'll find a mead hall called Thirsk. Aside from some interesting plots to toy with there, there is also a hollowed out stump directly behind the mead hall, full of some really nice goodies that oughta get you cracking up some skulls in no time.
Sounds fun. I'm going to run through it properly before running the add-on (Bloodmoon, right?) though.
Alright - crossbows. How the hell do you make them work? No-one in Vivec seems to sell crossbow bolts, and arrows don't seem to work. Darts he seems to want to throw rather than using them.
QuoteLet me know if you devise a way to kill Dagoth Ur, becuase I sure haven't yet!
I've devised a wicked means to kill my enemies in Vivec. I've taken down about seven people including a nasty demon before I found the woman with the dagger in the leather armour. She was a doddle by comparison.
This misuse of the rules probably counts as cheating, but right now I'll take any advantage I can get. And when I figure out how to get back from Vivec to Suran, I can put it to good use on the plantation as well. I just hope the noblewoman who runs it isn't too important because her days are numbered, believe me :mwaha
Oh, and what's with moon-sugar? It seems to be a drug - I've made a small fortune flogging it off to the other kzin at the market in the Foreign Quarter after finding a stash of the stuff in my aforementioned efforts to save Vivec from the murderess (the Ordinators still refer to me as 'scum' even after I saved their ungrateful asses, I might add.)
Anyway. I got the idea of selling it to her after she sort of purred and burbled about the stuff while I was walking past, so I guess she's a user. The weird thing is that Cat-dude doesn't seem to be able to metabolise it himself.
Pretty sure you can get a hold of a crossbow at 'The Razor's Edge' in Balmora, you can't find a damn thing in Vivec. Mind you I played the Xbox version.
And yes, the worst part of Morrowind was the projectiles, which they made a vast improvement on in Oblivion. Even if your arrow collides with the intended target, the game checks against your skill to see if it does any damage whatsoever or just 'misses.' Really sucks. Personally, I recommend working on the magic, it's more concrete and a million times more game-breaking, espeicially in the conjuration area.
Quote from: The DXM on April 09, 2007, 10:48:55 AM
Pretty sure you can get a hold of a crossbow at 'The Razor's Edge' in Balmora, you can't find a damn thing in Vivec. Mind you I played the Xbox version.
I've got the crossbow... I'm just trying to understand why Cat Dude won't
fire it, and why the person who I bought the thing from in the first place won't sell any bolts. :rolleyes
And yes, so far I have been relying on magic mostly, but if it's anything like EOB there will be magic-proof monsters at some point. A death spell would be handy, though...
You probably need to equip your bolts, if you have any, to fire them. Can't remember.
Quote from: The DXM on April 09, 2007, 10:59:23 AM
You probably need to equip your bolts, if you have any, to fire them. Can't remember.
That does clarify that it is bolts I need, but basically that's what I was asking - where the heck do you get bolts from?
There's gotta be a shop. Go to Balmora, there's tons of weapon shops around there with a way better selection than anything you'll find in Vivec. The real shame is though, that 'since you'll be buying a huge bundle of bolts it's gonna cost a ton. I'd say just go hunt down some bandits, but they more often carry arrows, and rarely bolts.
On a positive note: I think there's a NICE bow in that stash I mentioned earlier.
Quote from: The DXM on April 09, 2007, 11:03:02 AM
I'd say just go hunt down some bandits, but they more often carry arrows, and rarely bolts.On a positive note: I think there's a NICE bow in that stash I mentioned earlier.
Heh. You know, that was my original plan? Unfortunately, by the time I'd managed to get her to die, she'd shot the entire lot into the wall to prevent me from capturing them >:3
We're off to see the wizard...
Quote from: Tapewolf on April 09, 2007, 10:39:12 AM
Oh, and what's with moon-sugar? It seems to be a drug - I've made a small fortune flogging it off to the other kzin at the market in the Foreign Quarter after finding a stash of the stuff in my aforementioned efforts to save Vivec from the murderess (the Ordinators still refer to me as 'scum' even after I saved their ungrateful asses, I might add.)
Moon sugar is an illegal substance brought over by the Khajit. When refined, it makes Skooma, which is highly addictive. I believe that if you have either in your possession, few merchants will do business with you. The addiction is said to have no cure. In fact, there's a mission somewhere in the game (I forget where) for you to attempt to cure a Skooma addict. Of course, you really can't cure him, but you do give him and his mate some hope for the future, but I digress. Unfortunately, there's no way for you to actually MAKE Skooma yourself via alchemy, but you can usually find some already prepared stuff and some paraphenalia lying around. In fact, your Blades contact has a Skooma pipe. You can't really use the pipe, it's just there. And I don't know if you actually do get addicted to Skooma if you (the player) actually consume it.
Quote from: Tapewolf on April 08, 2007, 07:45:05 PM
That list is much appreciated, but there is a slight snag. One of the reasons I'm playing this (aside from the novelty of being a big freaking cat) is to try and write an anti-walkthrough for it, which really means using a stock configuration as far as possible, although I might try some of the more cosmetic mods.
cosmetic mods are the way to go, yes..
Quote from: RyudoLee on April 09, 2007, 11:29:14 AM
Moon sugar is an illegal substance brought over by the Khajit.
I can't believe I wrote 'Kzin'...
QuoteI don't know if you actually do get addicted to Skooma if you (the player) actually consume it.
I'm not sure I want him addicted to it, but it's always fun to get the player high if the game supports it.
Get yourself juiced up on the magic mushrooms as often as you can and kill some of the blue Theurgists. Get them when they start to turn red, as they look just like Santa Claus.--How To Be A Complete Bastard In Pagan
While my attack on the evil slave-holding plantation-type woman was a success, the side-effects were a little less than desirable.
Oh dear....Good of the game to tell me about it though.
(Martian Dreams did this too. Nikola Tesla was the key to the copy-protection system in that game so I killed him with a sledgehammer that just happened to be lying around in the spaceship. The game immediately screamed "You have killed someone you need to complete the game!" - an improvement over Ultima 6)
not entierly doomed... it's still possible to defeat the final boss of the game via a back way that will probably kill you if it doesn't work; it requires you to kill a certain party and steal something from him. Its just really really hard to do.
no, I'm not going to say specifics unless asked for them.
Quote from: Reese Tora on April 09, 2007, 04:24:18 PMnot entirely doomed...
Too late, I've already reverted... I mostly posted that for amusement value. That's something for me to look into when I begin serious work on the anti-walkthrough, though.
Quote from: Tapewolf on April 09, 2007, 04:06:48 PM
I'm not sure I want him addicted to it, but it's always fun to get the player high if the game supports it.
In Oblivion at least, there's a mod for that. You get blurred vision if you drink too much. Awesome mod. I've gotten my character blitzed more than once.
Quote from: RyudoLee on April 09, 2007, 11:29:14 AM
In fact, there's a mission somewhere in the game (I forget where) for you to attempt to cure a Skooma addict. Of course, you really can't cure him, but you do give him and his mate some hope for the future, but I digress.
'Former' mate, The mission's given by Ahnassi, in Pelagiad. One of my favourite non-core missions in the game is helping her out. Her method of praising you is adorable, and she just gets so attached to your character... closest thing you get in Morrowind to any sort of 'romance' storyline. There's a mod for that which makes the cuteness of it all downright saccharine.
(This thread got me hooked on Morrowind again. Rargh.)
Quote from: Janus Whitefurr on April 09, 2007, 07:56:01 PM(This thread got me hooked on Morrowind again. Rargh.)
Me too, if it wasn't for the fact that I'm not allowed to be addicted to Morrowind when I'm currently addicted to Oblivion.
Quote from: Janus Whitefurr on April 09, 2007, 07:56:01 PM
'Former' mate, The mission's given by Ahnassi, in Pelagiad.
Neat. I happen to be in that part of the world so I might check it out. Then I suppose I'd better actually go to Balmora (three months late) and sort out the main quest. IIRC the councillor hates my guts because of the last time I tried to kill her (I did manage to liberate 300 quid from her purse though) but she isn't actually drawing her knife on sight, so I should still be able to do whatever I need to do with her. But she's still on my shitlist and I'm still going to kill her when she's outlived her usefulness.
Quote(This thread got me hooked on Morrowind again. Rargh.)
Sorry about that. In some ways I regret installing it myself :P
Quote from: Janus Whitefurr on April 09, 2007, 07:56:01 PM
'Former' mate, The mission's given by Ahnassi, in Pelagiad. One of my favourite non-core missions in the game is helping her out. Her method of praising you is adorable, and she just gets so attached to your character... closest thing you get in Morrowind to any sort of 'romance' storyline. There's a mod for that which makes the cuteness of it all downright saccharine.
Ah yes, Ahnassi. Forgot about her. The interesting thing is, you won't get those missions if you're female. :)
Quote from: RyudoLee on April 10, 2007, 09:35:06 AM
Ah yes, Ahnassi. Forgot about her. The interesting thing is, you won't get those missions if you're female. :)
Heh. Well I just hope he's the same species, otherwise it would be a bit embarrassing. (Talking of which, Cat Dude seems to be equally at ease chatting up either sex.)
As it is I can see I'm going to have a field-day comparing this game to DMFA >:3
A great big cat in a robe who doesn't need to eat or sleep, casts spells and by the looks of it can steal souls and use them to light his desk lamp too. We're just missing the wings, I think...
Quote from: Tapewolf on April 10, 2007, 02:06:00 PM
Quote from: RyudoLee on April 10, 2007, 09:35:06 AM
Ah yes, Ahnassi. Forgot about her. The interesting thing is, you won't get those missions if you're female. :)
Heh. Well I just hope he's the same species, otherwise it would be a bit embarrassing. (Talking of which, Cat Dude seems to be equally at ease chatting up either sex.)
As it is I can see I'm going to have a field-day comparing this game to DMFA >:3
A great big cat in a robe who doesn't need to eat or sleep, casts spells and by the looks of it can steal souls and use them to light his desk lamp too. We're just missing the wings, I think...
ooh, someone needs to make a cubi race mod for Morrowind. :D
Or maybe they should be making it for Oblivion, since that's out...
Yes, Ahnassi is a khajit. And the rewards of some of her quests make them well worth doing. (well, not so much rewards from her as incidental rewards from doing the quests)
Ah, Morrowind. The only game capable of taking up three months of my life.
My level 47 Argonian spellthief, Archmage of the Mage's guild and that other fun stuff. Ah, the fun we've had. Never used mods... gonna have to get those.
I've found if you're short on money and have no moral code, the easiest thing to do is go to some random far-off village and go into people's houses, slaughter them, and take their stuff, selling it in another town.
...But my Argonian would NEVER do something like that. >:3
Nah. I normally go an take out the Daedra cults. You can find them in the big ruins all over the map... they tend to have lots of stuff... expensive stuff... bad side is, there are sometimes Daedra there...
Darn Daedroths! T.T
I like doing the thieve's guild quests. The ultimate reward (the skeleton key) is very much worth it. Especially when it's time to go loot the Vivec vaults.
Quote from: Janus Whitefurr on April 09, 2007, 07:56:01 PM
'Former' mate, The mission's given by Ahnassi, in Pelagiad. One of my favourite non-core missions in the game is helping her out. Her method of praising you is adorable, and she just gets so attached to your character... closest thing you get in Morrowind to any sort of 'romance' storyline. There's a mod for that which makes the cuteness of it all downright saccharine.
Is this some more advanced thing? Or an opportunity I've missed? So far she's called a hit on some rival gang leader, which I obliged since I happened to have it in for that gang anyway. The resulting carnage left four or five people dead (*), and she gave me a set of clothes which I'm currently wearing under my robe - which admittedly was kind of cute. (Seriously, the robe is great - it hides the fact that he's so skinny underneath.)
The implication is that she'll have more jobs for me later, so I guess I'll wait and see.
(*)The first time around the cops had almost 2.5 grand on my head until I realised that I could bypass that by making them angry enough to attack me first. I had to kill them all over again but it was worth it.
Quote from: Reese Tora on April 10, 2007, 03:24:07 PM
ooh, someone needs to make a cubi race mod for Morrowind. :D
Or maybe they should be making it for Oblivion, since that's out...
I do recall there being a few winged mods for Morrowind. (The Mog Mod was fun.) It shouldn't be that hard to hack together a Cubi mod.
Fortunately for me, I have no clue where my Morrowind CD is right now, and I'm much too lazy to go looking for a download. Oblivion took up more than enough of my time last year. :animesweat
Quote from: Tezkat on April 10, 2007, 06:26:06 PM
Fortunately for me, I have no clue where my Morrowind CD is right now, and I'm much too lazy to go looking for a download. Oblivion took up more than enough of my time last year. :animesweat
You too? Man, it's like I'm the only person who's never played Morrowind until now :U
Yeah.. That about sums it up :P
A screenshot of your map might be nice, allways intresting to see how different people explore the island.
EDIT: oh yeah, the reason why I posted this in the first place :rolleyes: Mods galore (
EDIT Part Deux: Oh never mind, someone already pointed you to this site >.<
Quote from: Malakin on April 10, 2007, 06:49:49 PM
A screenshot of your map might be nice, allways intresting to see how different people explore the island.
There's a way to view the entire map? :U
Damn, I have
got to read the manual sometime.
Not 100% sure you can actualy now that I thinkabout it... Have not played morrowind for years, realy want to but cant find the CDs :O
Quote from: Tapewolf on April 10, 2007, 06:51:45 PM
Quote from: Malakin on April 10, 2007, 06:49:49 PM
A screenshot of your map might be nice, allways intresting to see how different people explore the island.
There's a way to view the entire map? :U
Well, there's a way to view what parts of the world map you personally have explored. I can only imagine how many DAYS it would take to explore every inch of the island, starting from level 1.
Quote from: Toric on April 11, 2007, 12:41:37 AM
Quote from: Tapewolf on April 10, 2007, 06:51:45 PM
There's a way to view the entire map? :U
Well, there's a way to view what parts of the world map you personally have explored. I can only imagine how many DAYS it would take to explore every inch of the island, starting from level 1.
That in itself would be incredibly useful. I would probably not have got lost while leading the woman to Kumma Fields if I had been able to see the road that links Pelagiad to Suran and Vivec.
On the other hand it's kind of fun to wander around with only a vague idea of where you are..
Quote from: Tapewolf on April 10, 2007, 06:29:02 PM
You too? Man, it's like I'm the only person who's never played Morrowind until now :U
I haven't played it at all. Does that make you feel better, TW?
I played it, hated it, and that's what made me want to go back and play the old Ultima games again. I wanted to figure out what made Morrowind so bad and yet made the Ultima games so great. Especially when the plot of Morrowind--well, let's just say it's (1) familiar and (2) should be obviously so by now if you've been playing it for more than a week.
I think that should make everyone feel better.
Quote from: superluser on April 11, 2007, 09:55:14 AM
I played it, hated it, and that's what made me want to go back and play the old Ultima games again. I wanted to figure out what made Morrowind so bad and yet made the Ultima games so great.
It lacks flexibility. You can't break down doors, smash crockery or anything like that, which was one of my favourite points in Ultima 6. You could (and I did) decide to wipe out an entire town, killing all the occupants and smashing or stealing everything that wasn't nailed to the floor.
And one of the things I've always missed, even in later Ultima games is the ability to push people. I came across a cat slave standing on a hill by the river. I so wanted to push him in, but the game wouldn't let me...
One of the other things that bugs me a bit is the quests. When I went off to kill the mad woman in the Vivec sewers, and when Ahnassi called the hit on the evil elf dude in Mar Gokk, I went off and killed them and then returned with no proof whatsoever. It might have been nice to lie and say you've done it >:3
Those are my criticisms so far.
QuoteEspecially when the plot of Morrowind--well, let's just say it's (1) familiar and (2) should be obviously so by now if you've been playing it for more than a week.
Not yet, because I've been trying to get rich or at least relatively powerful, and totally avoiding the main plot.
Quote from: Tapewolf on April 11, 2007, 10:08:01 AM
Those are my criticisms so far.
Hmm. Well, that's just ruined all my enthusiasm for finding a copy and playing the game. Thanks for that.
... No, seriously. If I'd got it, and only then discovered the limitations, I'd have been rightly annoyed.
Quote from: Tapewolf on April 11, 2007, 10:08:01 AM
Not yet, because I've been trying to get rich or at least relatively powerful, and totally avoiding the main plot.
Avoiding the main quest is always the smartest thing to do. Unlike Oblivion, all of the monsters and bosses in Morrowind have their stats set. You want to be level 40 or so when you go to finish the main quest. In fact, it's even more fun to ignore the main quest if you've got the Tribunal expansion. Even if you don't go through the main quest, you're told in Tribunal about who you are. >:3
As limited as the game mechanics are, I particularly liked it for the sheer breadth of the story and the massive amount of side quests. I find that there's so much more to do in Morrowind than in Oblivion. I also prefer Morrowind's approach to equipping (and enchanting) armor. I usually have an entire set of Glass armor, with each and every piece of it set with a different enchantment. I don't like how Oblivion made armor "sets". I liked mix-matching my stuff.
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 11, 2007, 10:26:40 AM
Hmm. Well, that's just ruined all my enthusiasm for finding a copy and playing the game. Thanks for that.
... No, seriously. If I'd got it, and only then discovered the limitations, I'd have been rightly annoyed.
Well, I don't know of
any game which does everything I've described - with the possible exception of Deus Ex and that was always a bit more combat-oriented than plot-oriented.
While a bit irritating, it certainly hasn't stopped me from enjoying it so far, and Deus Ex didn't have the whole-world freedom of Morrowind, and that is a most refreshing change.
I had considered Oblivion, but I doubt my machine is adequate. Morrowind seemed a better bet and I've heard that Oblivion is even less flexible.
Given the number of mods that seem to exist for Morrowind, you could probably throw a patch together to allow you to vandalise things, if someone hasn't done so already. I'd certainly go for that...
Quote from: Tapewolf on April 11, 2007, 10:50:30 AM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 11, 2007, 10:26:40 AM
Hmm. Well, that's just ruined all my enthusiasm for finding a copy and playing the game. Thanks for that.
... No, seriously. If I'd got it, and only then discovered the limitations, I'd have been rightly annoyed.
Well, I don't know of any game which does everything I've described - with the possible exception of Deus Ex and that was always a bit more combat-oriented than plot-oriented.
While a bit irritating, it certainly hasn't stopped me from enjoying it so far, and Deus Ex didn't have the whole-world freedom of Morrowind, and that is a most refreshing change.
Shush, you're making me reconsider, and I've got enough things to do already... :-]
Quote from: Tapewolf on April 10, 2007, 06:51:45 PM
There's a way to view the entire map? :U
Damn, I have got to read the manual sometime.
I finally did last night, and it turns out you click on the map from the main menu. I should have thought of that myself. It doesn't seem to be one of those where it starts out black and fills in where you've been but it's better than nothing. You can also get it to remain resident onscreen in the game, and I was tempted to but it was a bit too big (when it was big enough to be useful) - at the bottom it would prevent me from seeing land-based predators and in the air it would prevent me from seeing cliff-racers.
Talking of seeing things, I've noticed that Cat Dude often turns to look at things while he's walking down the road. I can imagine him wanting to look at the Netches because they're damn strange, but while I was walking around Vivec he seemed to be turning to look at something that only he could see...
Quote from: Tapewolf on April 11, 2007, 10:50:30 AM
I had considered Oblivion, but I doubt my machine is adequate. Morrowind seemed a better bet and I've heard that Oblivion is even less flexible.
distinct possibility, oblivion's a resource hungry beast.. oblivion has a far better stealth mechanic than morrowind. but you can get away with less murdering in it, too..
Quote from: Turnsky on April 12, 2007, 07:49:08 AM
Quote from: Tapewolf on April 11, 2007, 10:50:30 AM
I had considered Oblivion, but I doubt my machine is adequate. Morrowind seemed a better bet and I've heard that Oblivion is even less flexible.
distinct possibility, oblivion's a resource hungry beast.. oblivion has a far better stealth mechanic than morrowind. but you can get away with less murdering in it, too..
It will probably run, but not necessarily well. Murder is important though. My character was originally called 'Johan Cross' but I decided I didn't like the hair/face combination and the skills didn't pan out. "Build one to throw away" as Brooks would have it.
Quote from: Tapewolf on April 12, 2007, 08:07:03 AM
It will probably run, but not necessarily well. Murder is important though. My character was originally called 'Johan Cross' but I decided I didn't like the hair/face combination and the skills didn't pan out. "Build one to throw away" as Brookes would have it.
Oblivion's minimum specs aren't super hard to meet. Turning off the major CPU/GPU hogs like grass and lighting effects will make it quite playable even on slightly older systems. (Lack of grass even makes life a lot easier for alchemists.) On the other hand, trying to make it as pretty as possible will bring even the most powerful systems to their knees.
There's no shortage of murder in Oblivion. :kittydevious You can wipe out entire towns (or even get them so riled up that they'll kill
each other for your entertainment); one of the Daedric quests actually
requires it. Oblivion also has more "not nailed down" content, so much that it can take several trips to rob a place blind, if you're into that (but if you are, you'll probably be cursing these guys for having so much junk rather than enjoying the spoils). And let's not forget the Dark Brotherhood... so very
deliciously evil. (My favourite quest in the set is called "Whodunit": Your task involves slaying helpless civilians--not much of a challenge, but you get to
savour their terror as they realize they're being hunted... and that anyone could be the killer.)
I have to say, though... Morrowind had a certain charm that Oblivion lacks. It's a dark, gritty realm full of slavery, oppression, and backstabbing. Oblivion is physically larger, but it's less diverse. Whereas Morrowind presents fantastic elven structures and landscapes, Oblivion features architecture that I could see on a drive through small towns in Europe. And you can't fly anymore--flying around was one of the best parts of Morrowind! (According to the devs, that's due to a technical limitation in the way they coded cities for Oblivion. Some people have modded flight back into the game, but it breaks easily.)
Quote from: Tezkat on April 12, 2007, 02:52:52 PM
one of the Daedric quests actually requires it.
Ah, I thoroughly enjoyed that particular quest. Totally worth it. >:3
Quote from: Tezkat on April 12, 2007, 02:52:52 PM
Oblivion's minimum specs aren't super hard to meet. Turning off the major CPU/GPU hogs like grass and lighting effects will make it quite playable even on slightly older systems. (Lack of grass even makes life a lot easier for alchemists.) On the other hand, trying to make it as pretty as possible will bring even the most powerful systems to their knees.
It's a 1Ghz T-bird with 1GB of RAM and a GeForce 6200 that will crash the system unless it's clocked at 1x AGP. I've also got a Radeon 8500 that can sustain a higher AGP clock without crashing so much, but that would require the 'Oldblivion' patch to make it go, I do believe.
Heh... I do believe I've just got whatisface to kick his skooma habit.
Quote from: Tezkat on April 12, 2007, 02:52:52 PM
And let's not forget the Dark Brotherhood... so very deliciously evil. (My favourite quest in the set is called "Whodunit": Your task involves slaying helpless civilians--not much of a challenge, but you get to savour their terror as they realize they're being hunted... and that anyone could be the killer.)
Do I even need to say how much I adore every last one of the Dark Brotherhood quests, and the story backing it? And yes, I loved killing that dark elf from the start of the game. Poetic justice, you hardly get that anymore. Plus, twisted humour.
Oh and, do kill Drayayne Thelas (sp?) in Balmora for me.
Quote from: Ink on April 12, 2007, 07:15:23 PM
Oh and, do kill Drayayne Thelas (sp?) in Balmora for me.[/i]
I'll look into it. I think I've finished all Ajira's little tasks so I'm probably done in Balmora for now. That means I'm probably relatively safe to go on a bender there...
I still can't find anyone who sells crossbow bolts though. It's got to be the arrows, but I can't seem to make the crossbow work. It does look kind of cool when he points it at people, though...
... pointless, but cool nonetheless...
Have you been over to SadrithMora yet? I think there is a person who sells bolts from a stall or somthing...
You can get there quick via the transportation system..
You can buy crossbow bolts in Pelagiad. So far this is the only location I've found. What irks me is that you can't buy bolts from the people who sell the crossbows.
The Ahnassi thing has worked out well. As Janus says it's kind of adorable. I've been rearranging her house, filling the shelves with rare books and the chests with priceless Dwemer artifacts. By quickly switching to 'cast' mode and back I can make him wave her goodbye each time I leave the house.
Quote from: Ink on April 12, 2007, 07:15:23 PM
Oh and, do kill Drayayne Thelas (sp?) in Balmora for me.
It was beautiful. She said "make it quick", so I did. The ring of shock-bite leaves no marks - it looks just like she had a heart attack.
The fact that she was expecting someone to come and kill her rats meant that an armoured warrior wielding with a crossbow entering her house was not unexpected (as opposed to the mage in the blue robe seen wandering around earlier). Putting a crossbow bolt or two into the rat's head completed the illusion.
No money or effects were missing from her house except for 'Sermons of Vivec' volume 20, a fairly common work which she presumably lent to a friend.
(Originally I wanted to steal her soul but I haven't got the spell for that sussed out yet)
Has anyone "accidently" killed Lord Vivic?
Quote from: Tapewolf on April 14, 2007, 10:55:28 AM
(Originally I wanted to steal her soul but I haven't got the spell for that sussed out yet)
You can't. It only works on animals and monsters.
Fluffwise, it's necromancy.
Quote from: Zedd on April 15, 2007, 11:59:16 AM
Has anyone "accidently" killed Lord Vivic?
I'd assume that most players have. I mean, that's what Azura's Star is for (well, okay, it's not... but there are only a few enemies that utilize its full potential)
Quote from: Zedd on April 15, 2007, 11:59:16 AM
Has anyone "accidently" killed Lord Vivic?
So I will get to meet him, then? Cool. From what I've read in the sermons, he sounds like quite an interesting guy.
Quote from: Tapewolf on April 15, 2007, 01:54:23 PM
Quote from: Zedd on April 15, 2007, 11:59:16 AM
Has anyone "accidently" killed Lord Vivic?
So I will get to meet him, then? Cool. From what I've read in the sermons, he sounds like quite an interesting guy.
He's alright...Yet hope you dont mind him being half bronze and half gold
Quote from: Zedd on April 15, 2007, 03:50:53 PM
Quote from: Tapewolf on April 15, 2007, 01:54:23 PM
Quote from: Zedd on April 15, 2007, 11:59:16 AM
Has anyone "accidently" killed Lord Vivic?
So I will get to meet him, then? Cool. From what I've read in the sermons, he sounds like quite an interesting guy.
He's alright...Yet hope you dont mind him being half bronze and half gold
I don't remember if killing him breaks anything...
Quote from: Azlan on April 15, 2007, 04:16:37 PM
Quote from: Zedd on April 15, 2007, 03:50:53 PM
Quote from: Tapewolf on April 15, 2007, 01:54:23 PM
Quote from: Zedd on April 15, 2007, 11:59:16 AM
Has anyone "accidently" killed Lord Vivic?
So I will get to meet him, then? Cool. From what I've read in the sermons, he sounds like quite an interesting guy.
He's alright...Yet hope you dont mind him being half bronze and half gold
I don't remember if killing him breaks anything...
Killing him breaks the main quest, but it's also the only way to complete the main quest if it's broken.
Yes. Killing Vivec breaks many things.
But it also doesn't. >:3
If you can figure out the one way you can still kill Dagoth Ur after killing Vivec, before you complete the main quest, I will eat my hat and give you as many free internets as you can eat.
I've got two spells which I can't make work - "Levitation" and "Vivec's Tears". Anyone know why he can't cast them? I'm not sure about VT, but Levitate seems to require less power than he has. I simply have a 0% chance of casting them. Any ideas?
Check what skill the spell is cast with, and make sure you ahve that skill high enough.
Quote from: Reese Tora on April 22, 2007, 02:05:09 PM
Check what skill the spell is cast with, and make sure you ahve that skill high enough.
VT requires more mana than I have, so that's that one. For levitate, how do you tell what skill level it requires?
the higher the skill level of a spell, the higher the mana cost to cast. The higher your skill level, the higher the chance to success.
Atleast, i think that's how it works; I was never much in to magic because my aim sucked.
Also, I'm not sure if armor had much of an effect on the ability to cast spells.
Quote from: Tapewolf on April 22, 2007, 02:13:44 PM
Quote from: Reese Tora on April 22, 2007, 02:05:09 PM
Check what skill the spell is cast with, and make sure you ahve that skill high enough.
VT requires more mana than I have, so that's that one. For levitate, how do you tell what skill level it requires?
Levitate requires a fairly high alteration skill, but this can be easily gotten around. Find a spellmaker, and you can make a very low-power levitation spell that is much easier to cast - it's the twenty second effect time that makes them so hard to cast, so make a three or four second one that you just re-cast in midair. Works much better.
Quote from: Cogidubnus on April 22, 2007, 04:11:50 PM
Levitate requires a fairly high alteration skill, but this can be easily gotten around. Find a spellmaker, and you can make a very low-power levitation spell that is much easier to cast - it's the twenty second effect time that makes them so hard to cast, so make a three or four second one that you just re-cast in midair. Works much better.
Good idea. Do you know anyone who can make levitate spells offhand?
Last night I obtained the Staff of Magnus after a pitched battle which I honestly thought I was not going to win. Currently it's sitting on Ahnassi's dining table until I can decide what to do with it. ("Morning dear, I've just found a magic ball on a stick that's worth more than Pelagiad and everything in it and we're rich beyond the dreams of avarice!")
One of the things I love about Morrowind is that everything has a price tag on it. No need to get something valued in this game >:3
Assuming it's not game-critical I'm strongly tempted to sell it, the only difficulty being finding a merchant with 100'000 gold coins in their petty-cash box, let alone the full 200k.
So - which merchant has the most money?
.. and, of course, if you found such a merchant, you'd be sneaking in at night to empty his cashbox, no?
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 23, 2007, 08:49:16 AM
.. and, of course, if you found such a merchant, you'd be sneaking in at night to empty his cashbox, no?
I haven't yet tried that, but if it's anything like U6, money is created on-the-fly so like the goose that laid the golden egg, you can't open him and get all the money out. (I might be able to get the staff back, although that didn't work in U5 Lazarus).
Frankly I doubt I'll be able to find a merchant with more than 5k so unless I can somehow arrange him to give me monthly payments or something, I'll probably just leave it with Ahnassi as some kind of nest-egg.
All the merchants in the Mournhold marketplace have 5-10k
There is also a museum which will buy artefacts, like the Staff of Magnus, from you... but it's usually not worth it.
To get to Mournhold, get a 'port to the Vivec Mages Guild and then cast Divine Intervention, which will take you to outside the Ebonheart Imperial Cult. Go through the other door and the mage who teleports you to Mournhold should be wandering nearby
edit: at least, that's usually my quickest way; it helps to have an Amulet of Divine Intervention. You could just walk to Ebonheart :P
The problem with merchants is that they don't restock their gold supply. Once you've taken it, it's gone.
Have you tried alchemy yet? It's not all that hard to make a levitation potion.
Your Alchemy skill should be in the 30's. Get Coda Flower and Racer Plume (you can also use Trama Root, but you only need two), use a mortar & pestle, alembic, and calcinator. Depending on your equipment and your alchemy level, you should get a fairly good levitate potion.
And I just found out, you can use skooma pipes as alembics. :3
The nice thing about alchemy is that you basically never run out of ingredients. All ingredients that you pick, grow back in one month's game time.
Quote from: RyudoLee on April 23, 2007, 09:51:40 AM
The problem with merchants is that they don't restock their gold supply. Once you've taken it, it's gone.
They do. Wait 24 hours and it refreshes to it default. This also happens if you sell things and then buy - for instance, I bought 200 crossbow bolts and then decided to sell something. Instead of 700 gp they had 900, but for some reason I decided to wait until morning before selling and when I went back it was after the refresh, so it had gone back down to 700.
I've used the wait-24-hours approach to offload an enormous quantity of drugs to Balina (or whatever she's called) in the Vivec foreign quarter. She only has 100gp of float, so each day I would sell four packets of moon-sugar, actually letting her have it for 100gp instead of 107 or whatever to cement the deal, which looks very odd on paper. ("I'd like to buy them, but I can't quite afford it..." "Never mind, give me all the money you have and we'll call it square")
After the sale, I'd wait until morning and then repeat the process. All told, it took about a fortnight, during which he didn't sleep at all but stood in a corner until the sun rose like Gabriel does in
The Prophecy.
QuoteHave you tried alchemy yet? It's not all that hard to make a levitation potion.
Last time I tried my hand at alchemy he stole the retort stand instead of using it, which got me in big doodoo. It's on my to-do list, if I can figure out how to make it work. I was going to ask here, but I forgot...
The grandmaster devices are spread out across the entire island. I forget where most them are though. You can raise your alchemy skill by consuming ingredients.
Quote from: RyudoLee on April 23, 2007, 10:06:15 AM
The grandmaster devices are spread out across the entire island. I forget where most them are though. You can raise your alchemy skill by consuming ingredients.
I haven't figured out how to use them. It might be in the manual of course.
And when you say 'consuming', did you honestly mean
eating them, or using them in the alchemy process?
Eating them. The idea is that by eating various ingredients, your character is supposed to 'learn' what effects each ingredient has.
Quote from: RyudoLee on April 23, 2007, 10:15:50 AM
Eating them. The idea is that by eating various ingredients, your character is supposed to 'learn' what effects each ingredient has.
Trippy. Traditional alchemy used things like lead and arsenic, but I wouldn't want to eat those :U
(IIRC, someone who was attempting to synthesize the alkahest, or universal solvent, hit on the method of standing about 10 buckets of pee somewhere for many months. They failed on the Alkahest, but it
did discover phosphorus.)
Offhand, I'd say the mages guild is the best place to look for spellmakers.
The thing with spellcrafting is, it doesn't use the spells the person knows, it uses the spells that you know. So, if you have a levitation spell, you can make a spell with a levitation effect.
As for selling major artifacts, there's only one way I've ever found that lets you get all the money that the item is worth. There's a scamp in Caldera (in the Gro'Shek manor or some such) that will always give you full price for your items - catch is, he only has 5,000 gold, but it regenerates back to 5,000 every day. By selling him a lot of items that are worth 5,000 gold or less, it's possible to make all the money you can off those, and then when you've approximately sold your artifacts worth of items to the scamp, you can barter the staff for the items you've just sold him, and repeat the process, one day at a time.
You will make insane money doing this. It sounds complicated, but it's much simpler than it seems.
Quote from: Cogidubnus on April 23, 2007, 01:08:13 PM
The thing with spellcrafting is, it doesn't use the spells the person knows, it uses the spells that you know. So, if you have a levitation spell, you can make a spell with a levitation effect.
Ah. I thought your needed a specialist in each particular branch of magic...
QuoteThere's a scamp in Caldera (in the Gro'Shek manor or some such) that will always give you full price for your items - catch is, he only has 5,000 gold, but it regenerates back to 5,000 every day.
I think I see what you mean. I'll have find him and try some experiments...
on money...
find creeper. he buys and sells at cost, so you get the ammount an item is worth (and he sells for same, tough he only has items that you've sold to him.)
bring a LOT of pieces of armor or like that cost 5000 gold, enough so they add up to the ammount that your staff is worth. Sell one a day to creeper until you have as much gold as your item is worth. Buy all of them back all at once; you now have all the stuff you sold, the ammount of money you started with, and creeper has enough gold to pay you for your really expensive item. You can do this for every item you have the patience to sell that you want.
If your merchantile skill is good, you can even make money form creeper by selling to him above cost and buying from him below.
on alchemy, you have to use the mortar and pestle (and other equipment) from your inventory. you can't use it from the merchant's counter.
I've just met Creeper in Ghorak Manor. His dialogue is so weird I'm wondering whether he was a debug object left in the game by accident. I've just realised that I've got 7 rep points now, although I've only actually done about 2 major good deeds. Is this because of my rising through the Mages Guild?
What's with the weird lizard-dude wandering around north of Nchuleftingth? His only dialogue is "Must get home" or somesuch. I'm guessing he came from the slave camp which I've just liberated, but he doesn't seem to want to have his slave bracer removed even though I have the key...
I seem to have licked the money problems, particularly now I've found Creeper. My current scam is the soul trade - rats seem to be particularly sought-after for some reason.
Does anyone know roughly where Bal Fell is? 'Cause I haven't a clue and no-one wants to tell me...
Quote from: Tapewolf on April 29, 2007, 09:36:50 AM
I've just met Creeper in Ghorak Manor. His dialogue is so weird I'm wondering whether he was a debug object left in the game by accident.
As you wander around you'll find all sorts of easter eggs and other oddities.
Quote from: Kasarn on April 29, 2007, 09:54:05 AM
As you wander around you'll find all sorts of easter eggs and other oddities.
I was trying to get a list of all Khajiit characters in the game and I came across a list of all known NPCs, including a warlock known as 'Pretty Kitty' who I believe was tagged as some kind of test NPC. Anyone know if they are user-accessible or only available via cheat more like the 'House of the Dead' in U7SI?
Generally, those are accessible only through console commands. I won't tempt you with them, as you are trying to do a no-cheat no-mod run, but if you wish, a simple google search can lead you in the right direction.
Oh, and Bal Fell is located in that Archipelago east of Vivec. It's in the lower left-hand area, but it's not too big an area to search. Just look for the ruins.
Quote from: Cogidubnus on April 29, 2007, 08:40:10 PM
Oh, and Bal Fell is located in that Archipelago east of Vivec. It's in the lower left-hand area, but it's not too big an area to search. Just look for the ruins.
Found it, thanks - I got it confused with Ald Sotha. Now while I'm going to check out the neat Dwemer ruins later on, I do need to find 'Sud' which is allegedly near Dagoth Fell. Unfortunately I no clue where that is...
(And why the hell is it illegal to camp on an island next to some abandoned evil city?)
Quote from: Tapewolf on April 30, 2007, 10:14:39 AM
(And why the hell is it illegal to camp on an island next to some abandoned evil city?)
See: Camping (
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 30, 2007, 10:32:32 AM
Quote from: Tapewolf on April 30, 2007, 10:14:39 AM
(And why the hell is it illegal to camp on an island next to some abandoned evil city?)
See: Camping (
I see. So why the hell is it illegal to
rest on an island next to some abandoned evil city?
I've no idea. Perhaps someone who's actually played the game might be more helpful? :-]
Quote from: Tapewolf on April 30, 2007, 10:37:52 AM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 30, 2007, 10:32:32 AM
Quote from: Tapewolf on April 30, 2007, 10:14:39 AM
(And why the hell is it illegal to camp on an island next to some abandoned evil city?)
See: Camping (
I see. So why the hell is it illegal to rest on an island next to some abandoned evil city?
You'd have to ask a designer for specifics, but Morrowind has 'vagrancy laws' in order to make you sleep at an inn(or other 'safe' bed) when you are in town.
Why is it applie to an abandoned city? That's the part where you need to ask a designer.
Quote from: Reese Tora on April 30, 2007, 12:56:46 PM
You'd have to ask a designer for specifics, but Morrowind has 'vagrancy laws' in order to make you sleep at an inn(or other 'safe' bed) when you are in town.
I realise that, I just found it amusing. It's probably applies to a chunk (to use Ultima 6 parlance) with a certain class of object in it.
I've finally rediscovered Bal Ur, which I fled from in terror some time ago when I was like level 2. Now I'm a great deal more powerful so I came back and kicked their asses. The ring of firestorm is an absolute godsend... if only I could remember where I got it from :rolleyes
Unfortunately it would seem that Bal Ur is
not Dagoth Fell so I'm still none the wiser on that count. There was this weird woman there though... she wasn't actually aggressive although her minions were, so I killed her out of spite. Was this a wise move or a foolish one?
Possibly she was a target for the Molag Tong missions.
Quote from: RyudoLee on May 01, 2007, 10:32:00 AM
Possibly she was a target for the Molag Tong missions.
Ah, stuff them. I wonder how many quests I've knackered simply by exploring? I stumbled upon Nchuleftingth by accident and so when I finally got to the Mage guild in Ald'ruhn, I went up to the leader and she demanded the goodies immediately without even asking who I was. It seems to have worked out well so far, though.
Oh! Talking of disposable NPCs, what about the Ordinators? One of them called me 'scum' too many times and I finally snapped, taking him down with the Toxic Cloud ring (another prized possession I don't remember the obtaining of). One dead Ordinator crammed with about 10'000 gold coins worth of goodies seems a pretty good return on investment when the bounty for murdering him is only 35 gold coins.
I didn't save that one, but it's looking like a pretty sweet deal. The only question is whether Vivec himself is going to be angry when I finally run into him...
No, Vivec won't particularly care. I think he will talk to you even if you have a bounty. Killing Ordinators nets you the same problems that killing anyone does, but if you really want to get on the Oridnators bad side, wear the indoril armor they wear. They'll attack you on sight.
Idle query: Can you pay your own bounty, and get off scott-free? On that basis, wandering around killing folks and paying the fines would make a lot of sense, if they're worth it...
Indeed you can. Commit a crime and then the guards will be looking for you. They give you a choice. You can pay your fines (if you're in the Thieve's Guild you get a discount), go to jail (or work in a mine) or resist arrest. But if you've got any stolen goods on you, the guard confiscates them.
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on May 01, 2007, 02:07:29 PM
Idle query: Can you pay your own bounty, and get off scott-free? On that basis, wandering around killing folks and paying the fines would make a lot of sense, if they're worth it...
It certainly worked last night. If it scales up and Vivec doesn't go ballistic because I've been killing his worshippers for fun and profit, I'm going to have loads of cash to burn on the enchantment shop.
For reference, swords are usually about 25-300gp. I have 40'000gp in my pocket - how Cat Dude manages this is another story - and some of the more expensive enchantments I'm pondering will run up to about 16 million gold pieces. >:3
On that note, you can get people to attack you first. If you kill someone out of self defense (they hit you first) then it's not a crime. You can get someone to attack you by continually taunting them through the pursuasion section.
Ah. In that case, wearing the armour seems like a fun way to make money.... :-]
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on May 01, 2007, 03:30:18 PM
Ah. In that case, wearing the armour seems like a fun way to make money.... :-]
At a guess, I'll only be able to handle about three Ordinators a day at my current power level. They're tough, and it's only because I've managed to acquire some kick-ass magical trinkets from somewhere that I'm finally able to stick up to them.
Here's a "dismantled" Ordinator after the body has been disposed of (given that he's a carnivore we'll skip over
how he does this).
Note the gloves - all villains have to have black gloves. The surviving Ordinators don't seem to care - I guess it's stuff like the helm and breastplate that gets really them going, and the helm won't fit on his cat head.
Doesn't quite work without the helmet or boots, unfortunately. It would have been better if he was a plantigrade cat - he doesn't even get a speed boost from walking digitigrade.
My initial estimates were a bit low - each Ordinator has a scrap value of almost 32000 gold coins, so the fine was probably the best 40gp I've ever spent.
"Yeah, shame... pay a fine and stuff."(
Just some stuff the cat brought in, including a fruit bowl filled with jewels. If I keep this up, she's going to have to buy a bigger house - fortunately the weapons on the table alone are worth more than the entire town.
That's a fine collection. You should join up with one of the houses (I prefer Hlaalu myself) so that you'll be able to get yourself your very own stronghold.
Quote from: RyudoLee on May 01, 2007, 05:21:24 PM
That's a fine collection. You should join up with one of the houses (I prefer Hlaalu myself) so that you'll be able to get yourself your very own stronghold.
Intriguing. What happens? Do you get to subvert them from within? And was Hlaalu one of the manors in Vivec, or am I getting confused over the names again?
Hlaluu is one of the three major Houses (along the line of clans or noble families) that you can join. Redoran is full of fighters, Telvanni is full of mages, and Hlaluu is full of rogues/agents. Over the course of you climbing the ranks of the house you join, you get access to a stronghold (in Telvanni you actually grow your house out of the ground as a plant) that is yours to use as you please.
And as far as I know, no, you don't initiate a coup detat and eliminate the governing members, but you do advance in rank until you sit beside them in power.
But they do send you on a mission to eliminate the head of the stronghold of the opposing house.
Oh, and if your level is high enough, there will be some expensive goodies in the stronghold too.
Back to the Ordinators, I've taken to killing them if they call me scum. While trying to ferry the loot from my Ald Sotha expedition, I was called 'scum' four times, which was a little unfortunate as it generally happened while I was carting the loot of the previous victim to the teleport room in the Mage's Guild, so I was forced to leave the corpse lying around somewhere until I could deal with them, by which point someone else would have to die... When I was all done I had 1100kg(?) of booty to transfer to Caldera - I now have 280'000 gold coins.
I have a further refinement to the process now - since the Toxic Cloud and Firestorm rings are delayed-action kills, it is possible to pay the 40gp fine (presumably for assault) to the Ordinator you're killing, which saves having to go off and find another one and the attendant risk of him calling you 'scum' as well.
However, if you pay the fine and then stand and watch them die, be sure to only take the loot after the body has hit the ground - if you loot the corpse before then, it counts as pickpocketing and the dead guard will demand a 1000gp fine. In this case I paid up because 1 grand out of 35 is no big deal, but I do wonder what would have happened if I'd resisted arrest, given that the guard was already dead :U
In fact I'll have to see if I can reproduce that tomorrow >:3
I'm usually magically inclined, so the Telvanni is my choice for a stronghold... plus someone made a rather nice plug-in for their stronghold that makes the place, a small town and the surrounding countryside (bound by the caldera-like walls) lush, green and populated... including effective soldiery.
I also have a plug-in that allows one to complete all the house quests... it alters things somewhat so that completing one does not break the other two. Hlaalu is the most convenient of the strongholds as it is just down the road from Balmoora.
Drat... now I want to play Morrowind again...
I believe I had an offer to join Hlaalu house when I was trying unsuccessfully to get the actor to leave (looks like I've crashed the script). Telvanni haven't made any such offer, which is a shame as Cat Dude is a Mage himself. Are they likely to offer when I'm a higher level? (Currently level 16)
After finally locating Dagon Fell via Google, I kicked off the main quest exactly one year after I was given the package. I guess he just glanced at the date. And I accidentally summoned some evil god thing while desecrating shrines - it told me to kill someone. :mwaha
The cat in the ordinator suit reminded me of something that might be useful, their was a plugin created to allow armor leggings for all digitgrade characters for all standard armor sets. You can edit the plugin for nonstandard races (like my dark khajit Ra'kath) and custom armor sets... I believe the plugin was called Aduls Leggings.
Quote from: Tapewolf on May 04, 2007, 07:54:14 PM
I believe I had an offer to join Hlaalu house when I was trying unsuccessfully to get the actor to leave (looks like I've crashed the script). Telvanni haven't made any such offer, which is a shame as Cat Dude is a Mage himself. Are they likely to offer when I'm a higher level? (Currently level 16)
After finally locating Dagon Fell via Google, I kicked off the main quest exactly one year after I was given the package. I guess he just glanced at the date. And I accidentally summoned some evil god thing while desecrating shrines - it told me to kill someone. :mwaha
You can be invited to join house Hlaalu by solving the murder mystery in Balmora.
I am now Archmage of Vardenfell and have 600'000 gold coins. I'm not sure what the benefits of being Archmage are, to be honest - it doesn't seem to confer the power to boot undesirables like that evil woman in Balmora out of the order, and they still keep calling me 'Outlander' instead of 'Archmage' or 'Boss :rolleyes.
At one point I also collapsed wearily in the nearest bed and was promptly expelled from the order (Yeah right - I'm the Archmage and I'll kick the ass of anyone who says otherwise).
"I... I... I'll get the Archmage to expel you!"
"He's closer than you think."
"Fuck you, I'm the Archmage, bitch!"
"Yeah, that's what everyone says. GTFO."
Stupid lizard should have considered it an honour for the Archmage to crash out in his bed for a few hours. Never understood why that was illegal anyhow. "Get out of my bed!" and preventing him from sleeping would have been a more appropriate response from the program...
Obviously I didn't keep that game, but the whole situation makes me curious. I think there's a lot of scope for evil deeds here. Who becomes the next Archmage after I've been expelled? Is it possible to rejoin the order after being kicked out for littering or whatever? If so, I'd have to kill someone else to take control. Even if you can't it would be tempting to slaughter all the other mages until Anjira or someone is head of the order by default.
Doing that would ruin the teleport links though. Is it possible to learn how to teleport between Mage Guilds under your own steam? I'm already using the Recall spell, but it looks like it can only have one destination and that's Ahnassi's palace in Pelagiad.
Azlan, you were saying that the Telvanni stronghold [Why is 'Telvanni' in the spellchecker dictionary?] was grown from a seed. Does that mean it ends up something like Tel Fyr?
Oh, and is it possible to become Dagoth-Ur's bitch?
Quote from: Tapewolf on May 07, 2007, 06:52:05 AMOh, and is it possible to become Dagoth-Ur's bitch?
Have you beaten the game, yet?
Quote from: superluser on May 07, 2007, 07:21:09 AM
Quote from: Tapewolf on May 07, 2007, 06:52:05 AMOh, and is it possible to become Dagoth-Ur's bitch?
Have you beaten the game, yet?
No. The game seems to be ramping up for me to go and kill him, but he
did invite me up the mountain for a nice chat. Since all the signals I'm getting from the game are that killing him is good, I'm naturally curious about the alternatives. It would have been kind of fun to join up with Bob Page in Deus Ex and rule Europe, but I digress.
Of course this may turn out to be some kind of twist like the terrorists in Deus Ex, in which case I'm not sure I want to know about it.
Actually no, you can't join sides with him, even if you do kill Vivec. You're plot driven to kill him. I've tried all the various conversation items when you actually get to him and talk to him. So no, you're railroaded into killing him. The idea is that your character gets so swept up into prophecy that you're the Neravarine and Dagoth-Ur is your enemy and you must kill him, no if's, and's, or buts about it. But I believe you can do something different with the heart though (if you haven't gotten that far, I won't divulge anymore than that).
I've just got the Moon-and-Star. The ancestors loaded me up with so much junk that I couldn't get back to the camp and had to use the Intervention spell. Barring the ring of course, do I need to keep any of this shit or can I sell it all to Creeper?
Yeah you don't need their stuff. I usually only keep the lockpicks. The only stuff you might want to keep is the stuff you get from joining all the tribes together and all the Hortator stuff you get from the great houses.
Quote from: Tapewolf on May 07, 2007, 06:47:16 PM
I've just got the Moon-and-Star. The ancestors loaded me up with so much junk that I couldn't get back to the camp and had to use the Intervention spell. Barring the ring of course, do I need to keep any of this shit or can I sell it all to Creeper?
Same with me, except I had Mark/Recall. :B They give you too much crap.
Quote from: Qeniheru on May 08, 2007, 11:49:28 AM
Same with me, except I had Mark/Recall. :B They give you too much crap.
Unless it's possible to have multiple Marks like in U7, that's a no-go. I've permanently marked Ahnassi's house.
Now I finally have one million gold coins in my pocket. (I'm curious to know what the most other people have hoarded is)
I've also got the Hlaalu belt. Does this mean I can stove Councillor Ules' head in yet or do I still need her? Frankly I'm amazed she voted for me given that I tried to assassinate her earlier on in the game. That I rate 0/100 on her fandom scale is no surprise whatsoever.
One more thing - Cassius seemed to be trying to chat me up. What's with that?
If you'd be interested in using a mod, there is a way.
Multiple mark mod with up to 12 locations (needs Tribunal or Bloodmoon): (
It's been so long since I've done the main quest that I can't remember the other stuff though. My memories are awash in a sea of mods. :U
Speaking of mods, this is a handy list/guide to quite a bit of the best stuff out there for Morrowind: ( :3
Quote from: Tapewolf on May 08, 2007, 07:07:01 PM
One more thing - Cassius seemed to be trying to chat me up. What's with that?
Yeah, you know why. He thinks you're cute. I'm not kidding.
Quote from: RyudoLee on May 08, 2007, 11:32:25 PM
Quote from: Tapewolf on May 08, 2007, 07:07:01 PM
One more thing - Cassius seemed to be trying to chat me up. What's with that?
Yeah, you know why. He thinks you're cute. I'm not kidding.
To get into house Hllalu with him, I recall you have to strip naked.
And you can get his vote for Hortator later by giving him a kiss if you're extra nice.
He's adorably creepy that way.
Quote from: RyudoLee on May 08, 2007, 11:32:25 PM
Quote from: Tapewolf on May 08, 2007, 07:07:01 PM
One more thing - Cassius seemed to be trying to chat me up. What's with that?
Yeah, you know why. He thinks you're cute. I'm not kidding.
Does this only happen if you're a male Khajiit? What if you're a female human?
Surely you have found a copy of The Lusty Argonian Maid? :P
If you haven't...,_The
Quote from: Kasarn on May 09, 2007, 04:36:41 AM
Surely you have found a copy of The Lusty Argonian Maid? :P
Duh. How could I have forgotten that? I've been lugging that bloody book all over the place because I couldn't get the actor to take it off me. I eventually left it in Ahnassi's fireplace.
Does he actually go for humans, though?
I assume so. I only ever put a serious effort into my 2 Khajit and Argonian characters but that wiki doesn't mention that he does anything differently.
If you're after a real difference (or something), Mistress Dratha, the Telvanni Councillor, hates men.
Yeah he's just into males regardless of race. I'm not sure what he'd do if you were female. Possibly just want to be girlfriends. :P
I don't remember him hitting on me...then again, pious women of Kyne don't care for such things. :P
It's exactly the same if you are a female, except that you don't need a 100 disposition in order to give him a kiss.
It's just the gay factor that squicks straight guys.
This whole 'Temple Outlaw' thing isn't really panning out. The only noticeable effect so far is that the woman who usually tells you to get stuffed when you warp into Vivec is now actually frightened rather than simply obnoxious.
Rather than arresting me on sight as advertised, the Ordinators actually seem to have a higher opinion of me than they did when the game began, even though I've killed at least six of them for being rude to me, left their naked bodies lying around in full view and sold their armour off at Caldera. Are things going to get more exciting when I've got all three houses and some more tribes behind me? >:3
Quote from: Tapewolf on May 09, 2007, 08:07:32 PM
Rather than arresting me on sight as advertised, the Ordinators actually seem to have a higher opinion of me than they did when the game began, even though I've killed at least six of them for being rude to me, left their naked bodies lying around in full view and sold their armour off at Caldera. Are things going to get more exciting when I've got all three houses and some more tribes behind me? >:3
Maybe you put the fear of one or more gods into them with the beatings? >:3
Oh, and if I remember correctly, you are supposed to only fully belong (with full faction benefits and all) to one house at a time, not counting the approvals you need for the main quest from all 3 houses. There is a bug to get around that though, if you didn't know. Just thought I'd mention it. :)
Quote from: Qeniheru on May 09, 2007, 09:48:48 PM
Maybe you put the fear of one or more gods into them with the beatings? >:3
It's not so much 'beatings', as 'harvesting'. (And it's times like this when I'm reminded just how watered-down Johan Cross is compared to my actual activities in various games :erk)
QuoteOh, and if I remember correctly, you are supposed to only fully belong (with full faction benefits and all) to one house at a time, not counting the approvals you need for the main quest from all 3 houses. There is a bug to get around that though, if you didn't know. Just thought I'd mention it. :)
I didn't know there was a bug/exploit, but at the moment I'm not interested in joining the houses as such - I'm just concentrating on the main quest, doing other things like freeing slaves and abolishing farmers.
Does the game end when you win, by the way, or are you free to happily carry on righting wrongs (and causing them)?
The game keeps on going. There's even a quest from Trebonius that can only be done after the main quest... kill all the Telvanni Councillors :O
You can also go to Ebonheart and teleport to Mournhold to start the Tribunal expansion.
Or you can catch a boat to Solstheim and do the Bloodmoon quests (actually, you can just swim/waterwalk/fly there if you want to... I did on one occasion :B ).
Quote from: Kasarn on May 10, 2007, 04:44:18 AM
The game keeps on going. There's even a quest from Trebonius that can only be done after the main quest... kill all the Telvanni Councillors :O
I think Trebonius is a little indisposed at the moment. That is to say he's been disposed
of. Lasted somewhere between five and seven seconds in the arena.
QuoteYou can also go to Ebonheart and teleport to Mournhold to start the Tribunal expansion.
That's kind of what I had in mind, to be honest. If I install those on top, will it still work from the old data? It should do, I guess, but just checking :P
Yes, they will work with your save. They rely on the Morrowind master data file so it's all compatible.
Quote from: Kasarn on May 09, 2007, 08:02:30 PM
It's just the gay factor that squicks straight guys.
There's one other factor. After all, before I did the Ahnassi thing, I did my damndest to have Cat Dude hit on one of the male slaves on the Ules plantation (as well as the girl in Suran I might add).
While I admit that having Crassius call me 'pumpkin' and make comments about my build was faintly unnerving, I think what really made me go "???" was that he was trying to hit on a
Anyway - Hungers. I came across one a few days ago in Asthdhtjfvxncpibi or whatever the Daedric ruins next to the Urk..... camp are called (Props to Bethesda on the language design, but it makes it impossible to remember place names in this game. They're just too weird.)
Whatever. I came across a Hunger, and was unable to defeat it. I had to turn tail and flee, because it was immune to magic attacks and unfortunately that's been my main strategy to date (For an Arch-Mage who challenged me to a duel to the death, Trebonius was a bit of a pleb if he couldn't even cast 'Cure Poison').
What do other people usually do with magic-proof foes?
Quote from: Tapewolf on May 10, 2007, 02:22:40 PM
What do other people usually do with magic-proof foes?
When he comes around that corner, hit him with the rock!
(My way isn't very sportsman like. :erk )
Seriously, my character, when I played, was a stealth/melee hybrid that used a spear. I used my big bad-ass gloves of Giving me +40 strength (fists of randagulf, as I recall) to smack things around at close range. There's not much that's immune to getting it's butt kicked... nothing if you have a silver, magic or daedric weapon >:3
"I could kill you now."
"Frankly I think the odds are _slightly_ in your favour at hand-to-hand."
"It's not my fault being the biggest and the strongest. I don't even exercise."
So you've found something that's immune to all magic, as in frost, shock, fire, drain, and poison? Look into leveling up summoning. Summon some skeletons to take the thing down. Other than that, take your weapon of choice and maim, maim, kill. Unless you don't have a weapon of choice, in which case you'll really have to rely on summoning.
Quote from: Toric on May 10, 2007, 05:37:33 PM
So you've found something that's immune to all magic, as in frost, shock, fire, drain, and poison?
Fire and Poison, certainly. I don't remember if I tried drain, and I'm not that well-equipped with shock and frost goodies. That is a good point though, and I'll try some more experiments next time I find one. Summoning is another good trick.
I guess if the worst comes to the worst I can join the Fighter's Guild or something and snag some serious training. I do have a couple of rather nice Daedric and other high-end swords on Ahnassi's dining-room table which I couldn't bring myself to part with. (And also, because they might come in handy if I get stuck with something like a Hunger... or worse)
Sometimes you just gotta go low-tech. Is short blade one of your minor skills? If so, you really should be working on that and keep a silver shortsword on you, in case of emergencies. There's always a chance that your mighty ultimate longsword of firey/shocking/icy doom will either run out of charges or you'll come up against something that is so resistant that it does very little in terms of damage.
BTW, Ryudo, I like how some of the entries in the bar in your sig are deliberately blurred.
Guitar Hero and Windows Luser were the first ones that caught my eye.... :-]
I can't help it. Guitar Hero is a guilty pleasure and I can't get my hands on another OS that will play games as well as Windows. So they're there, I'm just not particularly proud of them.
Back to Morrowind though... if all else fails, you can just work on your Hand-To-Hand skill, since that's a weapon that never really breaks like others do.
Quote from: RyudoLee on May 11, 2007, 12:48:59 PM
I can't help it. Guitar Hero is a guilty pleasure and I can't get my hands on another OS that will play games as well as Windows. So they're there, I'm just not particularly proud of them.
I'd seriously like to run Morrowind without Windows.
QuoteBack to Morrowind though... if all else fails, you can just work on your Hand-To-Hand skill, since that's a weapon that never really breaks like others do.
One of Cat Dude's major skills is Longsword, but I discovered he was totally inept at this early on while trying to rescue whatsisface from the mating Kaghouti. Heck, it was a major victory if he was the survivor in a battle against a passing rat. I was appalled given that he's a full-grown cheetah.
Anyway, I finally discovered how to make magic work (having not read the manual through sheer pigheadedness) and roasted both Kaghouti. From thereon the swords were basically decorative and I put all my effort into offensive spellcasting, mostly relying on Fire Bite and a souped-up version of it called "FireF__k" which I commissioned from one of the temples. After that I found a bunch of kick-ass magical rings and I've been using those pretty much ever since...
Now, I forgot to upload this last night. As part of my ongoing project to abolish slavery (or at least the people who practice it) I came across the slave trader in Tel Aruhn, and bought me a Khajiit who I promptly found just inside the tunnel. I kind of regretted letting him go to be honest as a follower would have been handy. I don't think that was quite what the game had in mind though, so I freed him.
Because I knew I wouldn't be able to remember which slaves I'd bought, I purchased all the remaining slaves in bulk. When I went into the tunnel to fetch them, I was greeted by this hideous monstrosity:
I yes, I did that one too. In fact, if you purchase a slave, he/she will follow you around, though you can't make them carry anything nor can you arm them. You buy them so you can free them and get them to tell you about Twin Lamps.
Quote from: RyudoLee on May 11, 2007, 03:10:25 PM
In fact, if you purchase a slave, he/she will follow you around, though you can't make them carry anything nor can you arm them.
I figured he might have followed me around, but I'm pretty sure Almsivi Intervention or Recall would have left him behind. From the experience with other NPCs in "take me to ...." quests, I'd also have to protect him from monsters and suchlike.
QuoteYou buy them so you can free them and get them to tell you about Twin Lamps.
Oh crap.
Quote from: Tapewolf on May 11, 2007, 03:22:35 PM
QuoteYou buy them so you can free them and get them to tell you about Twin Lamps.
Oh crap.
What did you do?
Bought the lot and freed them, he said.
/me snickers, evilly, as usual...
If they were going to say anything about the Twin Lamps business, it would have been obvious, wouldn't it? A link on the dialogue menu on the front page or something?
That probably means I still haven't freed enough slaves beforehand. Either way, I can't exactly go back and ask them because they've all fled.
The only thing I've heard about Twin Lamps was an offhand reference to it by Ms. Dren in Vivec. She seemed to think I already knew about it :rolleyes
Ah good. You need to free more slaves. As you free more, they will start to ask you if you are with Twin Lamps, but then claim they don't know much about it. Once they start saying that, then you can go to Ms. Dren and she'll start giving you quests... I think. I never did get Twin Lamps to work.
Gotta love Morrowind. Still one of my top five games... At least I think it is, though there IS about 25 games that could be considered for it, Morrowind is the one I bring up the most in conversations...
Come to think of it, my name come's from Morrowind. It was a Morrowind forum I joined, and since my character at the time was Argonian, plus I like'd the Argonian naming fashion, it just sorta came together. Happy days.
I actully like'd collecting weaponry. Kept massive amounts of stuff in Cassius/ My apartment. Also really like'd the robes, would've like'd more styles to choose from though.
Quote from: Swift-Skink on May 12, 2007, 10:20:44 AM
I actully like'd collecting weaponry. Kept massive amounts of stuff in Cassius/ My apartment. Also really like'd the robes, would've like'd more styles to choose from though.
How much cash did you accumulate?
Anyway, that Toxic Cloud ring never ceases to amaze me. I've just used it to dispatch Lord Vivec in a random act of deicide. The battle was highly amusing, because the ring didn't do
much damage to him, which required several doses.
This was the fun part, because every time I got near him to give him a zap with the ring, he'd punch me, knocking Cat Dude out with a single blow. The thing is he could also do this while Cat Dude was in mid-leap which meant that he'd fall unconscious in mid air and then his prone body would land and slide around the floor on his side.
The interview with Vivec was rather boring. In the Sermons he's portrayed as a total lunatic who runs around doing weird things, often killing his own worshippers in a fit of pique. Rather like me in fact. So it was a disappointment to see him all serious and businesslike.
Quote from: Swift-Skink on May 12, 2007, 10:20:44 AM
I actully like'd collecting weaponry. Kept massive amounts of stuff in Cassius/ My apartment. Also really like'd the robes, would've like'd more styles to choose from though.
You too? I was a kleptomaniac when it came to weapons. I was beginning to wonder if the guards in Balmora were going to come knock on my door to borrow stuff because of all the fun things I found. :boogie I lived in a little shack on top of the hill next to the road, I stuck it there with the Construction Set. :P
Quote from: Tapewolf on May 12, 2007, 02:58:01 PM
Anyway, that Toxic Cloud ring never ceases to amaze me. I've just used it to dispatch Lord Vivec in a random act of deicide. The battle was highly amusing, because the ring didn't do much damage to him, which required several doses.
I loved that thing. Dagoth Ur ate it with just a couple shots after doing all the stuff required to begin hurting him. I also found it amusing for the quest for the Telvannni, the one you had to do for the really batty one I think...the one where you had to kill a group standing outside. I just stood in the middle and they all fell stone dead. :3
yay weapons caches
I never collected weapons (aside from unique stuff) but I had a chest full of skill books and barrels of alchemy ingredients.
I always just commandeered the house in seyda neen that what's his face lives in... untill he accident. :mwaha
You know, the guy that killed the tax collector... if you did that quest. Since the hut is legally empty, early in the game, it's always the target of my mark/recall spell, and the place I stash all my stuff.
It doesn't hurt that the town is one of the travel nexi (silt striders)
That and the two types of return spells(almsivi and divine interventions) got me almost anywhere pretty fast.
Quote from: Reese Tora on May 12, 2007, 04:11:09 PM
yay weapons caches
I never collected weapons (aside from unique stuff) but I had a chest full of skill books and barrels of alchemy ingredients.
Oh, I did that too. I grabbed anything that looked shiny, recalled back to my house and dumped it when I got overloaded, then went back and did it all over again until everything that could be taken of any real value was gone. >:3 I like collecting trophies. It's not like their previous owners will need them...right?
I'd also like to mention that this thread is making me want to go back and play through it again, even though I have Oblivion right here. :B
Quote from: Reese Tora on May 12, 2007, 04:11:09 PM
I always just commandeered the house in seyda neen that what's his face lives in... untill he accident. :mwaha
You know, the guy that killed the tax collector... if you did that quest. Since the hut is legally empty, early in the game, it's always the target of my mark/recall spell, and the place I stash all my stuff.
One of these days I must actually visit Seyda Neen. I just ran away from it as soon as the game began and never returned.
As I've mentioned, I'm using Ahnassi's house as my hub. I'll have to take a new screenshot because the old one looks pretty pathetic in comparison to the booty now stacked on her dining room table and the books overflowing off the shelf.
Her house is more-or-less equidistant between Balmoral and Vivec, so if you go out of the house and head left, casting Almsivi will take you to Balmora. If you head right and go behind the pub, it will take you to Vivec. From either of those two you can take the transmat link at the mages' guild or the stiltstrider, or even the boat from Vivec.
Be careful with stacking too much stuff. When the ammount of stuff in a cell (in this case, a room) exceeds a certain number (256 or 512... I think it depends on your system) everything is gathered into an anti-clutter loot bag. It's a feature to cut down on lag and the size of save files, but it'll mess up your nice arrangements.
Quote from: Reese Tora on May 12, 2007, 04:30:32 PM
Be careful with stacking too much stuff. When the ammount of stuff in a cell (in this case, a room) exceeds a certain number (256 or 512... I think it depends on your system) everything is gathered into an anti-clutter loot bag. It's a feature to cut down on lag and the size of save files, but it'll mess up your nice arrangements.
I'll bear that in mind. Only the really good stuff is there - most of the loot has gone to Creeper's cash-n-carry. Which is why I have about 1700000 gold coins in my backpack. I've also been making good use of her chests and other storage containers so of all the loot I've been hoarding not all of it is in the open anyway.
Quote from: Reese Tora on May 12, 2007, 04:30:32 PM
Be careful with stacking too much stuff. When the ammount of stuff in a cell (in this case, a room) exceeds a certain number (256 or 512... I think it depends on your system) everything is gathered into an anti-clutter loot bag. It's a feature to cut down on lag and the size of save files, but it'll mess up your nice arrangements.
Oh? I have yet to have this happen...maybe I should try harder. >:3
You know, I'm tempted to get this game so I can wander about killing -everything-, no matter who, what, where or when.
Just because it'd pass the time, seeing just how much of the game I could empty of populace.
(yes, I realise that large parts of it are likely to regenerate, due to peons being needed, but still...)
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on May 12, 2007, 05:59:24 PM
You know, I'm tempted to get this game so I can wander about killing -everything-, no matter who, what, where or when.
A census? Good luck with that! :erk
It looks like there's over 2000 NPCs in the game (most of whom are carbon-copies admittedly)
... I'll have to take a screenshot of the map as it appears in my game. I don't think I've seen half the towns in this thing, maybe not even a third. And there are hundreds of little dungeons and ancestral tombs scattered throughout the whole world. The sheer size of the game is incredible.
QuoteJust because it'd pass the time, seeing just how much of the game I could empty of populace.
Yes, it's always a fun thing to do. The Dren plantation for example, is now vacant of all life. The slaves have been set free and their masters have been freed by the memory allocator.
(Corpses seem to disappear after a while.)
I'm thinking... eventually, you'd reach the point where there are "people to buy ammo off" and nobody else in town.
I wonder what happens then... :-]
Sure enough, I reinstalled Morrowind, got all my mods back, and now I'm playing with this character: ( This thread is a terrible influence! :U
Quote from: Qeniheru on May 13, 2007, 06:37:32 AM
Sure enough, I reinstalled Morrowind, got all my mods back, and now I'm playing with this character....
This thread is a terrible influence! :U
Sorry. What have you done to her eyes?
I've just had a chat with Molag-Bal while looting one of His temples. He told me to kill a Daedroth named Menta-Na so that He could torment his soul. This I have done, but Molag-Bal was apparently too stupid to realise that I stole Menta's soul just before he died. Some God.
Now I can't decide whether to put it on the mantelpiece next to the Bittercup or sell it to Creeper for 70'000 gold coins...
Anyone know where I can find a good Marksman trainer? Preferably either Blades or unaffiliated. I've only joined the Mage's Guild so far.
Quote from: Tapewolf on May 13, 2007, 05:34:59 PM
Sorry. What have you done to her eyes?
I've just had a chat with Molag-Bal while looting one of His temples. He told me to kill a Daedroth named Menta-Na so that he could torment his soul. This I have done, but Molag-Bal was apparently too stupid to realise that I stole Menta's soul just before he died. Some God.
Now I can't decide whether to put it on the mantelpiece next to the Bittercup or sell it to Creeper for 70'000 gold coins...
Anyone know where I can find a good Marksman trainer? Preferably either Blades or unaffiliated. I've only joined the Mage's Guild so far.
It's one of my mods that adds a bunch of face types for all the races except for beast races (but I have one of those too X3). She's supposed to be a freak of nature anyway, so I went with the blue eyes. :3
Anyway, the master marksman trainer can be found in Falasmaryon in Missun Akin's hut. If you just want anyone, try the Six Fishes in Ebonheart or the Hlaalu Council Manor in Balmora, I believe there's some unaffiliated ones there.
I decided to turn the shadows on.
Then I very quickly decided to turn them off again since they appear to be cast by terahertz radiation rather than light which is extremely creepy. Especially for cat-dude because you see his horrible gangly frame instead of the robe.
Anyway. I've got 2.2 million gold pieces and freed enough slaves for people to talk about the Twin Lamps, much good it has done me since Ms. Dren won't give me any quests. :rolleyes
I've just shut down the Caldera Ebony Mine (albeit in my own way rather than the official one). Creeper won't take precious minerals, so where do you usually go to fence off 42 lumps of hot ebony?
If you install the tribunal expansion, you can take them to mournehold and trade them for pieces of ebony armor. THe armor is much easier to sell, of course.
You could also save he ebony to use in potions, as ebony is an ingredient (so's scrap metal and broken glass... and you're allowed to eat all three raw :erk )
Quote from: Reese Tora on May 17, 2007, 08:58:08 PM
If you install the tribunal expansion, you can take them to mournehold and trade them for pieces of ebony armor. THe armor is much easier to sell, of course.
You could also save he ebony to use in potions, as ebony is an ingredient (so's scrap metal and broken glass... and you're allowed to eat all three raw :erk )
Oh my god. That's it. That is
it! 9 grand's worth of Ebony down his gullet. Let's see the cops get him to "hand over your stolen goods" after that. It'll be the most expensive meal ever!
Spare some change, sir?
Quote from: Ellyriun on May 18, 2007, 05:53:12 AM
Spare some change, sir?
Hell, yeah. I've been tipping slaves with 1000gp in the hopes they might be able to buy themselves. The Hortator/Nerevar business cost me at least 20-30 thou in bribes. I made most of it back by finding a dead Ordinator in Korgoroth and pawning off his goodies though.
The one thing that irks me about being Archmage is the way my underlings are always toadying (except for the Khajiit, curiously). And what's with that git in Alderuhn who keeps saying "How about... sharing the wealth?" NO! Hands off my stash! If he wants to be rich, he can go kill his own Ordinators...
Seriously, I'd be curious to know if he's reacting to the fact that I'm the Alpha mage, or whether he's somehow sensed all the loot I'm carrying. I'll have to try hiding it somewhere and see if the fawning shifts gear.
Quote from: Tapewolf on May 18, 2007, 07:53:35 AM
Hell, yeah. I've been tipping slaves with 1000gp in the hopes they might be able to buy themselves. The Hortator/Nerevar business cost me at least 20-30 thou in bribes. I made most of it back by finding a dead Ordinator in Korgoroth and pawning off his goodies though.
Let me guess. He didn't know he was dead until after you met him? :-]
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on May 18, 2007, 08:08:29 AM
Quote from: Tapewolf on May 18, 2007, 07:53:35 AM
The Hortator/Nerevar business cost me at least 20-30 thou in bribes. I made most of it back by finding a dead Ordinator in Korgoroth and pawning off his goodies though.
Let me guess. He didn't know he was dead until after you met him? :-]
Remarkably, he was dead before I found him. (And he was still dead afterwards). I don't even know why he was there, but I'm not going to pass up 30 grand's worth of armour just because I didn't kill him myself. After all, I was in serious danger of sinking below the 1.5 million line...
Mind you, the same cannot be said for the folks in the Ebony mine. They set light to Kinassa so they had to die, by order of Lord Nerevar. In any case a 1080 gold coin fine is just part of the cost of doing business. I wish I knew how they got word to the guards in the city, though :B
Quote from: Tapewolf on May 18, 2007, 07:53:35 AM
The one thing that irks me about being Archmage is the way my underlings are always toadying (except for the Khajiit, curiously). And what's with that git in Alderuhn who keeps saying "How about... sharing the wealth?" NO! Hands off my stash! If he wants to be rich, he can go kill his own Ordinators...
Seriously, I'd be curious to know if he's reacting to the fact that I'm the Alpha mage, or whether he's somehow sensed all the loot I'm carrying. I'll have to try hiding it somewhere and see if the fawning shifts gear.
Actually, people react to the clothes and equipment you wear. If you've got a full set of extravagent clothes and decked out in a full suit of enchanted armor of invincibility, then people will treat you better than if you're in common clothes and leather armor. Heck even the Ordinators will consider you a citizen instead of calling you scum. Basically, the more expensive stuff you have equipped, the more people will admire you.
Quote from: RyudoLee on May 18, 2007, 10:36:05 AM
Actually, people react to the clothes and equipment you wear. If you've got a full set of extravagent clothes and decked out in a full suit of enchanted armor of invincibility, then people will treat you better than if you're in common clothes and leather armor. Heck even the Ordinators will consider you a citizen instead of calling you scum. Basically, the more expensive stuff you have equipped, the more people will admire you.
I couldn't decide if that was happening or not. I've always had the "I haven't seen a Khajiit with such fine clothes in a long time", since my first concrete action in the game was to snag the loony flying mage's robe. I'm pretty sure I've seen it happen even when he's just wearing the stock trousers, though (I usually remove the robe when he's swimming and sometimes forget to put it back on).
I've never managed to cure the Ordinators of calling me 'scum' though, even with my nice 90'000 gold coin sword.
Maybe you should try wearing one of their shiny hats, as well? :-]
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on May 18, 2007, 11:14:48 AM
Maybe you should try wearing one of their shiny hats, as well? :-]
It won't fit on his head. I'll have to post the picture of him in leather armour and a makeshift crashhelmet, though :P
And yes, I did force him to eat 400kg of ebony ore in a single sitting.
he looks like he should be on a swat team.
Quote from: Reese Tora on May 12, 2007, 04:30:32 PM
Be careful with stacking too much stuff. When the ammount of stuff in a cell (in this case, a room) exceeds a certain number (256 or 512... I think it depends on your system) everything is gathered into an anti-clutter loot bag. It's a feature to cut down on lag and the size of save files, but it'll mess up your nice arrangements.
I believe that's a limitation that exists more in the X-Box version, not for the PC version.
Personally, since I typically played an archer/thief in Morrowind, I went with House Hlaalu. To further facilitate that, I mad a mod that added a basement to the house you're granted by them which added, among other things, a few trainers and weapon/armor merchants that were friendly to you.
And really, with a little bit of patience, money is practically no concern in Morrowind. Play around with creeper for the bling bling.
Quote from: Taerkar on May 20, 2007, 04:52:30 AM
And really, with a little bit of patience, money is practically no concern in Morrowind. Play around with creeper for the bling bling.
I killed him last night to see if it was possible to get the stuff back (might be a good use for the pickpocket ability). The game froze for 55 seconds while it transfered all the booty into Cat-Dude's backpack and when it was done he was carrying 5772/500 weight units.
Quote from: Tapewolf on May 20, 2007, 05:20:17 AM
Quote from: Taerkar on May 20, 2007, 04:52:30 AM
And really, with a little bit of patience, money is practically no concern in Morrowind. Play around with creeper for the bling bling.
I killed him last night to see if it was possible to get the stuff back (might be a good use for the pickpocket ability). The game froze for 55 seconds while it transfered all the booty into Cat-Dude's backpack and when it was done he was carrying 5772/500 weight units.
One time when playing Morrowind, I had over a year pass in-game because of me waiting to sell all of my loot to creeper. One shouldn't have to figure out maths to sell Daedric items.
Oblivion tried to defeat that with much lower prices, which only sorta works.
I've just broken Dagoth Ur's heart. Is there any way to use it for my own wicked purposes, though? Deification sounds fun, although I guess the fact that I'm still immortal will have to do. Heck, I've even found Karegac's notebook, but the dwarf guy wouldn't translate it for me.
Now. Is Azura actually supposed to say anything, or does she just silently wave her arms around like a moron? (The first time I cast Almsivi Intervention, skipping her entirely. No-one would believe that DU was actually dead.)
And then we have Ahnassi. Dear, sheltered, Ahnassi. Totally oblivious to the fact that her boyfriend is the son of God and he's just saved the world. Still I suppose I'd better give her some quality time before I go off and torture councillor Ules to death. :mwaha
Quote from: Cogidubnus on April 15, 2007, 04:44:12 PM
If you can figure out the one way you can still kill Dagoth Ur after killing Vivec, before you complete the main quest, I will eat my hat and give you as many free internets as you can eat.
By the looks of it you don't strictly need Wraithguard in order to break his heart. That's probably not what you had in mind, though.
Well, if you destroy the heart then the cavern you're in is supposed to crumble down and you're supposed to run out, not use an Intervention spell. Azura is supposed to appear before you and then a cutscene movie happens, and you get a ring from her.
Quote from: RyudoLee on May 21, 2007, 09:42:58 AM
Well, if you destroy the heart then the cavern you're in is supposed to crumble down and you're supposed to run out, not use an Intervention spell. Azura is supposed to appear before you and then a cutscene movie happens, and you get a ring from her.
Ah. The cutscene failed for some reason. I'll have to see if I can find the file and play it manually.
**EDIT** ( Because it was trying to pull the video off the DVD and I was using a no-dvd patch to keep the disc pristine >:3 )
Apparently no-one told the game I'd fulfilled the prophecy either - it did the "prophecy is severed" message again when I killed Ules. :rolleyes
I've just played all the Khajiit sound files, like I did with Thief and Thief 2.
I'd be interested if anyone knows how you get the following speeches:
"Grab him!"
"Wet fur." / "Dry fur. No ash. A good day." (Discussing the weather?)
"Welcome. This one will buy from us. Yes!" / "A book today?" (Various trade speeches)
In particular:
"Not afraid of you, kind master!" this dialogue for the slave that you can buy?
I think I've heard the trade speeches, but the others I don't think I've heard. They're probably specific to important NPC's or something.
I've found the Merchant Mudcrab. Twice as much capital as Creeper, but in a rather awkward spot and he only seems to take weapons whereas Creeper will buy souls - always a good moneyspinner >:3
I've also discovered by accident that I've only done about half the Ahnassi quests. It didn't seem polite to ask her about sharing gifts again so I didn't. Anyroad, she's asked me to steal her a fancy robe. Is there any way to liberate it from its owner without bringing the wrath of House Telvanni down upon my head? Sneaking and invisbility don't seem to work. Mind you, pretty much everyone in the Telvanni canton hates me anyway, so I guess it's no loss. I was contemplating joining them though, if only because Qeniheru mentioned you get quests from the mad woman - that ought to be a good laugh.
Any combination of magical items to give you 100% chameleon, go bare fisted and knocker her unconcious, take her stuff.
This is abusively strong, though, because it's effectively invisibility that doesn't break when you do stuff.
Also, I'm not 100% sure that you can stack chameleon in Morrowind like you can in Oblivion... *urge to re-install Morrowind rising*
Quote from: Reese Tora on May 24, 2007, 07:01:59 PM
Any combination of magical items to give you 100% chameleon, go bare fisted and knocker her unconcious, take her stuff.
There are about three witnesses in the room, so they would all have to be incapacitated. I do have the ability to go 100% invisible for short periods, but my hand-to-hand is woefully inadequate so I might have to go on a crash-course in order to make it work...
if you're 100% chameleon, there are no witnesses, as no one can see you. You could mug anyone in broad daylight in the presence of city guards and go unnoticed and unpunished. :3 (Oblivion did do some to improve this behavior, but the AI is still woefully inept when it comes to detecting hostile activity that doesn't effect it or one of it's allies... one of these days I'm going activate one of those plugins that restores the Radient AI to full strength to see what happens.) The trick has always been getting there, as the chameleon spell becomes exponentially more expensive as you approach 100%. In any case, you can turn on sneak, if you want to ensure yourself being unseen.
Quote from: Reese Tora on May 24, 2007, 09:53:43 PM
one of these days I'm going activate one of those plugins that restores the Radient AI to full strength to see what happens.
Blood in the streets, but bring popcorn!
Actually, you just use the taunt method. Talk to the person, go into pursuasion and keep taunting until they say "That's it" then they'll attack you. Let them do the first bit of damage and then you can slay them, legally. The others around you won't move.
Quote from: Ryudo Lee on May 25, 2007, 09:24:43 AM
Actually, you just use the taunt method. Talk to the person, go into pursuasion and keep taunting until they say "That's it" then they'll attack you. Let them do the first bit of damage and then you can slay them, legally. The others around you won't move.
Taking the robe had the same kind of effect. They had no idea who they were dealing with and they were all dead in 15 seconds, no bounty.
But that's not really the point. I want to give the robe to Ahnassi
without the Telvanni knowing.
Invisibility and sneaking don't seem to work (although admittedly Cat Dude is a pretty incapable thief - mostly he just kills people). As a last resort I can steal it, flee and hope they calm down later so that I can worm/bribe my way back into their good books, but Ahnassi seems to think I'm clever enough to take it without anyone knowing so that's what I'd ideally like to do.
Then you need to increase your sneak skill. You can't get the robe off the person's back by pickpocket, you gotta kill 'em. But if you're in pickpocket mode while you're looting a body, chances are you can get away with it.
Quote from: Ryudo Lee on May 25, 2007, 12:38:52 PM
Then you need to increase your sneak skill. You can't get the robe off the person's back by pickpocket, you gotta kill 'em. But if you're in pickpocket mode while you're looting a body, chances are you can get away with it.
It's in a cupboard. What I guess I need to do is pickpocket the wardrobe without the owner, his friend and the other person in the room seeing. But yes, increasing his sneaksie powers is probably the way to do this one.
Oh, my bad. I misunderstood. Definitely level up your sneak skill. In fact, what was said before about using chameleon will also help with that.
Yep. I had a long chat with Ahnassi's friend in Vivec and went from about 6% sneak to 66%. That certainly did the trick.
I can pretty much imitate the Khajiit voices now (I actually found myself muttering "Fetchrrr" when someone cut me up on the roundabout the other day) so I'm strongly tempted to see if I can assemble a Khajiit voice pack for Tomtom Navigator as a lark. ("At the end of the rrroad it should turrrn left.") anyone interested? >:3
I'd have to get a copy of morrowind (£3 on ebay, it seems) and practice...
Hmm. Starcraft first.
Quote from: Tapewolf on May 25, 2007, 02:57:34 PM
Yep. I had a long chat with Ahnassi's friend in Vivec and went from about 6% sneak to 66%. That certainly did the trick.
I can pretty much imitate the Khajiit voices now (I actually found myself muttering "Fetchrrr" when someone cut me up on the roundabout the other day) so I'm strongly tempted to see if I can assemble a Khajiit voice pack for Tomtom Navigator as a lark. ("At the end of the rrroad it should turrrn left.") anyone interested? >:3
I'd be interested in a set of sound files for my computer to replace Windows's normal sound set.
(I had the dragon-tails theme on my windows 98 laptop for the longest time.)
Quote from: Reese Tora on May 25, 2007, 11:56:53 PM
I'd be interested in a set of sound files for my computer to replace Windows's normal sound set.
I find those tend to mar the original - I used to run Doom with a whole load of really weird samples - mostly from
The Box of Delights. It made watching the series quite peculiar afterwards, because I'd mentally associated lines like "You got any green cheese for me?" with demons attacking me.
Nonetheless, it was something I'd considered. I'd use the original sounds for that myself since there's plenty to choose from "Greetingss friend... sharre some sugarrr?" on startup, "Go away!" on shutdown etc. There's a whole load of growling, purring and pain sounds for other events.
Now. I've finally managed to persuade the angry tradesman on the island off Vivec to tell me what he wants, and it seems that some fell thieves did waylay him and steal his glass ore.
Unable to find them, I did a google search (which is how I discovered that Ahnassi had a few more surprises) and it turns out that they lived in one of the caves which I looted in hopes of freeing more cat-brethren. I have absolutely no idea what became of the glass.
Can I just steal some from somewhere else and pretend it's the same stuff, or do I need to cut his head off and eat the body to prevent word getting out that the Nerevarine screwed up?
Hehehe, I've just broken the 3M barrier. I still haven't decided what to do about the glass, but I'll probably just nick some from the Ash Vampire ruins round Dagoth Ur way and see if I can pass it off as the same stuff.
What prat turned off the ghostfence? It was beautiful, and more to the point it was stopping the nasties from getting out.
Anyway, I've just got the contract for building my nice Redoran stronghold. Redoran isn't exactly the best fit for me because they seem to have this annoyingly old-fashioned concept of 'honour' and my more modern idea of honour involves bringing the wrath of Lord Nerevar upon anyone who looks at me funny or calls me 'scum'. Ah well. The main reason I chose them (apart from them being the underdogs) was the idea of being able to have the slaves I free sent to the stronghold. That would rock.
Now why do they want 5000 gold coins? That's a pathetic amount. 5 million would be more like it and I'd actually have to work hard to achieve it. I've probably lost more than 5K down the back of Ahnassi's sofa.
The slander mission had me scratching my head. How exactly has Beryon Venim been indiscreet with someone's woman when I killed him about three months ago? And do I really want to know...?
Someone playing dressing up games?
Quote from: Tapewolf on May 26, 2007, 05:59:05 AM
Hehehe, I've just broken the 3M barrier.
Do you really think I'm that stupid? No one walks around with a million gold on them; that's ludicrous! I won't stand for this kind of patronizing! I WILL NOT BE MOCKED! You'll see. You'll ALL see. I'll get you!
(it's a quote from Tribunal :) )
Quote from: Kasarn on May 28, 2007, 05:34:23 AM
"Do you really think I'm that stupid? No one walks around with a million gold on them; that's ludicrous! I won't stand for this kind of patronizing! I WILL NOT BE MOCKED! You'll see. You'll ALL see. I'll get you!"
(it's a quote from Tribunal :) )
What do you expect? He can carry 500 kilos of metal and rock >:3
As for tribunal, I'll have to install that when I'm done with the other stuff.
One of the things I've idly wondered about is when he sits down with some trader. They can see the skooma and moonsugar immediately, so he's obviously laying out all his wares on the floor or something. That logically includes the three million gold coins. There must surely be a temptation for Baisha or some other down-on-luck trader to cosh him and take the money.
I wonder if I could short-circuit the process of becoming a Redoran kingpin by simply purchasing them?
Right, panic time.
It looks like my fun at the mines has totally screwed up my ambitions of becoming a Redoran councilor. By the power of Google, it looks like I need to modify the journal state. How is this done? From the command prompt I have established that the CalderaDisrupt and CalderaCorrupt variables are 50.0 and 0.0 respectively even though I've killed everyone except the slaves, freed Dahleena three times (once in the presence of all the slaves - courtesy of the PlaceAtPC command) and got the secret ledger in my pocket.
The obvious logical thing to do would be to SetJournalIndex the quests to 100. Unfortunately this command is not implemented in the game.
If I were to resurrect the two slavedrivers and kill them again, would that help?
Failing that, it is said that SetJournalIndex is supported within the editor, but just firing it up quickly and playing around, I can't figure out how you would get it to operate on the current game state as it appears to be intended to edit the master datafile rather than modify the state of an existing savegame.
Any ideas?
I think that by killing everyone before you completed all the quests you've pretty much screwed yourself over in that endeavor. I'd say the safest thing is to just start over, or barring that... do you have an old save file tucked away for just such an occasion? I wouldn't recommend hacking the save file as that can lead to serious problems.
Quote from: Ryudo Lee on May 29, 2007, 03:56:59 PM
I think that by killing everyone before you completed all the quests you've pretty much screwed yourself over in that endeavor. I'd say the safest thing is to just start over, or barring that... do you have an old save file tucked away for just such an occasion? I wouldn't recommend hacking the save file as that can lead to serious problems.
Alas, I have had a number of epic adventures since the mine debacle. Killing Dagoth Ur, sorting Ahnassi out and one or two other odds and ends I'd rather not lose if I can simply adjust the journal flags. One option is to install Tribunal as this implements the command in the game.
Out of curiosity, what is it likely to do if I run the Tribunal program with just the standard datafile?
Tribunal relies on the master data file. If you don't select the master data file, it won't run. But your save is compatible with Tribunal. If you install it at this point it won't hurt your save. I'm not sure what will happen if you do Tribunal quests and then uninstall Tribunal.
tribunal and the other thing are pretty much just expansions. They give you more things to do, probably more places to go, and more stuff can happen.
Quote from: Aridas Soulfire on May 29, 2007, 04:32:54 PM
tribunal and the other thing are pretty much just expansions. They give you more things to do, probably more places to go, and more stuff can happen.
Yes, but it has a more advanced version of the runtime. That's all I'm interested in at the moment. Any ideas what would happen if I installed Tribunal, ran the commands to change the journal entries and then uninstalled it without doing anything even vaguely Tribunal-related?
make a backup, try it, and let us know?
Now I want to play Morrowind, but I loaned out the disk a while ago to someone and Bloodmoon doesn't work with the bloodmoon disk itself. ;-;
Have you done any of the updates to Morrowind that aren't on the Tribunal/Bloodmoon disks? Those might give you the commands you want.
The correct command is 'Journal'. I suddenly remembered, as I had to do some surgery earlier when J'Saddha refused to talk to me. I found the incantation on TTLG but didn't make the connection about how it worked until this morning.
Earlier I said I was disappointed that the Ordinators weren't trying to hunt me down like a cat dog when I was posing a direct threat to their religion. I have now rectified this state of affairs.
As suggested earlier, I dressed up Cat-Dude in all the Ordinator gear and pranced around the city of Vivec. They ignored this completely until I spoke to one of them and then he went berserk. So I killed him, and this had the effect I had been aiming for - subverting the justice engine. Because dressing up as one of his dead colleagues enraged him to violence, he started the fight and I didn't get the usual bounty.
I began experimenting with this because the Ordinators and guards in general have developed an annoying habit of helping themselves to my favourite possessions as well as the 40 gold pieces when I'm arrested for killing them and selling their armour. They were taking things like some sword I found somewhere called 'Chrysamere', the Amulet of Direct Injection, Wraithguard, all the Hortator/Nerevarine stuff and various other irreplaceable objects. I'm just glad I noticed the theft because I had been just about to kill Dagoth Ur when I realised that the entire set of Karegac's Tools had been nicked and more obviously, the clothes he was wearing at the time of his arrest.
Anyway. I narrowed it down to the cuirass he was wearing, but the thing is, after I killed my second Ordinator, all the others went berserk as soon as they saw me, which is what they should have done when I'd declared that I was the son of God and the Temple was full of shit.
I am very, very pleased with this because it has transformed the usual, boring job of trudging through Vivec from the temple to the Mage's guild into a thrilling adventure. >:3
IIRC, all the stuff that is 'stolen' from you by law officers, except for the money, is placed in the evidence chest back in Seyda Neen. There may be regional evidence chests, but I don't know where they would be.
You have to be careful when storing things. If you put stuff in an "owned" container and then take it back out, the item will be treated as stolen.
There's a console command to display the owner (and internal name) under the display name. I forget what it is but I found it helpful to leave it on.
Quote from: Kasarn on June 01, 2007, 02:51:15 AM
You have to be careful when storing things. If you put stuff in an "owned" container and then take it back out, the item will be treated as stolen.
Yeah, I discovered that early on. I hid some moon-sugar in one of Baissa's crates since it upset some of the other merchants - there was one hell of a mess when I tried to take it back out again. Fortunately I'd saved beforehand.
Thanks for the tip on the evidence box, by the way - I'll have to find that as there are a few useful things which went missing.
Duh... that's why they made off with the crossbow bolts and various other things that I paid good money for, isn't it? Because they were left in Ahnassi's wardrobe and the ownership transferred to her >:[
My stronghold is currently in its second phase. Slightly better but still a dump. I'm thinking of using it as a summer home or something because Ahnassi's place is much prettier and in a better location. I have pondered using the console to create a copy of her in the stronghold though since the place is filled with all these losers who have no brain and only understand the 'goodbye' keyword.
I began to experiment with that command when I found the slave market in Sadith Mora, since I was wondering if I could duplicate the slaves in the stronghold. As a test I created two Dahleenas and an Ahnassi before getting bored and killing the slave trader. In a way it was quite horrifying to see how she turned on her 'good and true friend' like that. :U
I usually go the Hlaalu route since the stronghold is built near Balmora. The stronghold is where I like to leave my more priceless things, like the stuff I tend to "borrow" from the various vaults in Vivec. If I'm not mistaken, the containers in your room in the stronghold are owned by you so you don't have to worry about anything disappearing or anyone calling you a thief when you go back for stuff.
Quote from: Ryudo Lee on June 01, 2007, 12:42:30 PM
If I'm not mistaken, the containers in your room in the stronghold are owned by you so you don't have to worry about anything disappearing or anyone calling you a thief when you go back for stuff.
Good. Apart from the fact that I haven't quite figured out which room is actually mine :rolleyes
Is it therefore possible to re-baptize 'stolen' items so that they belong to me?
I must admit I was tempted to go with Hlaalu myself, but I didn't really like their attitude to slaves. The Caldera mine in particular was the thing which finally turned me away, that and the rumour I read somewhere that you can get freed slaves sent to the stronghold with Redoran.
I don't think you can remove the stolen flag from items. I believe that they stay that way. But whatever you have that's stolen on your person when you're caught by a guard will be snatched away, but if it's not on you, like, on the ground, it won't get taken.
Quote from: Ryudo Lee on June 01, 2007, 06:33:42 PM
I don't think you can remove the stolen flag from items. I believe that they stay that way. But whatever you have that's stolen on your person when you're caught by a guard will be snatched away, but if it's not on you, like, on the ground, it won't get taken.
That's what I was doing, but there were so many things to protect it was inevitable that some would get missed. And there was a particularly awesome book which I can't find anymore so I suspect that has gone to the evidence box too.
I've built the stronghold completely now and the slaves thing was a wash. I was hoping to populate the place with ex-slaves so there would be more than just one Khajiit in the place, but no... I have to go and find/buy some Dunmer women to go live there. It didn't even give me an excuse to buy the slaves in Sadith Mora (hey...
one of them was female!).
"Do you have the wives?"
"Yes. See! Nice wives. Bright eyes, bushy tails..."
"I meant
human wives. For the settlers."
Is it possible to free the Sadith Mora slaves in any way, perchance? There doesn't seem to be a way to actually purchase them.
I believe that they may get freed during a Twin Lamps mission. I'm still trying to figure out how to even get the missions. I'm on the right path though. When you go through the Thieve's Guild, you eventually meet up with the Grandmaster of the Thieve's Guild and he'll give you optional side quests, one of them is to steal Brallion's ring and give it to the Dren lady in Vivec (you can also buy it off him). I think that has something to do with it.
Ah, I stand corrected. ( There aren't any FORMAL missions per se, but if you free a bunch of slaves you'll get some bonus stuff and some mini quests.
And there are only two quests. It's probably worth it strictly for the fame bonus, and the skill bonus books you get from Jobasha after freeing 30 slaves. So in a roundabout way to answer you question, no you can't free the slaves in Sadrith Mora.
Quote from: Ryudo Lee on June 02, 2007, 06:16:25 PM
And there are only two quests. It's probably worth it strictly for the fame bonus, and the skill bonus books you get from Jobasha after freeing 30 slaves. So in a roundabout way to answer you question, no you can't free the slaves in Sadrith Mora.
I've got the books from Jobasha, and I intend to visit Ms. Dren again, to see whether she'll give me any duties. I think she was supposed to tell me to rescue J'Saddha, but I did that impulsively when I visited Ald Velothi on a Redoran quest. I guess if I can't free his slaves, that means he's outlived his usefulness then, doesn't it? Especially if I only need his ring.
What about the Argonian Mission in Ebonheart? I've heard that's a TL shop, but they won't talk to me about slaves or anything. Maybe I need to free some more first.
The evidence box in Seyda Neen was empty. Until they arrested me for picking the lock on it. Then it was full of soulgems and many other goodies. So I stole them from the evidence box - twice - at which point everything went totally pear-shaped.
I had a bounty of 1M gold pieces on my head but the guards refused to accept it saying that I would get the death penalty. For a moment I thought they were actually going to drag Cat Dude away to be executed under script control, but it actually just meant that they were going to attack him. As if they could take down the cat who killed a god.
I think I almost halved the population of Seyda Neen in that little brawl :erk
IMHO the funniest bit was when I reloaded afterwards. I was outside Ahnassi's house in Pelagiad, and one of the guards suddenly ran towards me wielding his sword. Naturally I assumed that my crime was so severe that it had somehow tainted all my existing savegames - having a reward of 1M drakes for my head, after all - and so I panicked and ran. Only then did I realise that the guard was actually coming to attack the cliff-racer which was right behind me. :3
I managed something similar with Ebonheart, which is where all my goodies were (except for that fantastic book, but I have a list of evidence chests now so I'll keep looking). This time the bounty was only 8k, but they still wanted to kill me and I still had to leave the streets paved with corpses.
What really amazed me was when I returned to Pelagiad - the aforementioned scenario was real this time - and the guards yelled "You won't get away so easily!" which I did by entering Ahnassi's house. Virtually everyone in the game gets jittery or strange when I rack up a little bounty of 1k or so, so I wasn't sure how she would react what I'd done.
While it's perhaps mildly irritating that she doesn't realise her boyfriend has saved the world, the fact that she doesn't care that he's killed 14 people, stolen thousands of drakes' worth of kit from the Emperor who now want him dead rather makes up for it.
She's awfully blase about everything, isn't she? :-]
Tape, don't forget to kill everyone after you've done everything possible. That's what an old friend did.
You -can- remove the stolen tags, by selling and rebuying from a vendor, I think...
Well you can do that, so long as you don't steal from another merchant and then try and pawn your stuff to another merchant. They seem to know that stuff is hot.
Quote from: Tapewolf on June 02, 2007, 08:13:44 PM
I've got the books from Jobasha, and I intend to visit Ms. Dren again, to see whether she'll give me any duties. I think she was supposed to tell me to rescue J'Saddha, but I did that impulsively when I visited Ald Velothi on a Redoran quest.
After rescuing 15 slaves, one of them will tell you how to answer her question (which gives you a third choice when you talk to her). She will ask you to rescue J'Saddha and the other quest is to rescue Hides-His-Foot who is on the Dren Plantation. The guy with the key is wandering around near Hides-His-Foot. After that she says that she's got no other duties for you.
Quote from: Tapewolf on June 02, 2007, 08:13:44 PM
I guess if I can't free his slaves, that means he's outlived his usefulness then, doesn't it? Especially if I only need his ring.
Well, you need his ring for a specific mission that you can only get by going through the Thieve's Guild. When you go through the Thieve's Guild and eventually find yourself before the Master Thief, he'll mention some special duties. That particular quest is within those special duties.
Quote from: Tapewolf on June 02, 2007, 08:13:44 PM
What about the Argonian Mission in Ebonheart? I've heard that's a TL shop, but they won't talk to me about slaves or anything. Maybe I need to free some more first.
There's only one quest that I know of that has anything to do with that, and it's in Hla Oad. Go into Fat Leg's Drop-Off and you'll find a trap door. Inside there's a guy with a khajit slave and he'll ask you to deliver her somewhere. Talk to her and you'll find out that she's carrying a load of moonsugar in her stomach and they want to... let's say... extract it in ways that she wouldn't survive. She asks you to take her to the Argonian Mission.
Really, you find a bunch of nifty stuff and interesting side quests when you do the various guild missions. One thing you should note is that when doing the the guild missions, you can't complete both the Fighter's Guild and the Thieve's Guild, because to complete one, you have to kill off the leader of the other so you won't be able to get that person's quests to become grandmaster.
... unless you clone him first, perhaps?
Now, that would -really- mess with their heads. Clone both, and bring back proof that both are dead, while both are not... :-]
Quote from: Tapewolf on June 02, 2007, 08:13:44 PMI think I almost halved the population of Seyda Neen in that little brawl :erk
Fun, isn't it? >:3
Quote from: Sheridan on June 04, 2007, 01:02:28 PM
Quote from: Tapewolf on June 02, 2007, 08:13:44 PMI think I almost halved the population of Seyda Neen in that little brawl :erk
Fun, isn't it? >:3
Oh, indeed it is. I suspect there will be many deaths when I go to liberate the slaves in Sadith Mora.
There was a similar story when I went to Moonmoth (?) near Balmora, in quest of the awesome book. The evidence chest contained two pieces of rat-meat and some wax. Curiously, stealing the rat-meat did not confer the death penalty. Placing my own mace in the chest and then removing it again did, however. I left the fort somewhat saddened by the pointless waste of lives.
* * *
"Who was the Nerevarine, Daddy?"
"He was a bold cat-warrior who arrived in a time of great peril and saved the land, my son. He descended into the Great Mountain and slew the evil god Dagoth Ur! As a reward for this feat he was granted life eternal."
"What happened then, Daddy?"
"He stole some bits of dead rat from the Emperor who ordered him to be put to death. The Nerevarine flew into a rage and slew many men. Now he lurks in places of night and shadow, killing all who offend him. And that, my son, is why all men are afraid of the dark!"* * *
I did eventually find the awesome book, though - it was actually in Ahnassi's library. "A Game at Dinner" is the title. At some point I must properly visit Seyda Neen - so far all my experiences there have been miserable :B
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on June 04, 2007, 10:20:36 AM
Now, that would -really- mess with their heads. Clone both, and bring back proof that both are dead, while both are not... :-]
I know the command to create NPCs so this is trivial >:3
It looks like I've done all of Ms. Dren's duties. I guess I'll have to go and abolish slavery in that cave off Azura Coast. I've been holding off that project in the errant belief that I could get the slaves I rescued there sent to my worthless dump of a stronghold...
Quote from: Ryudo Lee on June 04, 2007, 10:07:08 AM
There's only one quest that I know of that has anything to do with that, and it's in Hla Oad. Go into Fat Leg's Drop-Off and you'll find a trap door. Inside there's a guy with a khajit slave and he'll ask you to deliver her somewhere. Talk to her and you'll find out that she's carrying a load of moonsugar in her stomach and they want to... let's say... extract it in ways that she wouldn't survive. She asks you to take her to the Argonian Mission.
I took her on a tour of the cave, which I'm assuming was the C-T hideout. Each person we met, I insulted until they attacked me. Then I gave them a crossbow bolt or two, and let Rabinna actually kill them. They attack me by preference, even when she's attacking them, so all I had to do was stand next to them taking the punches while she slowly shredded them.
In the end, the only one left standing was the slaver himself, who can't be taunted. So after I'd seen her safely to Ebonheart (damn - I should have led her to Bal Isra and told her to 'wait here') I returned and murdered him. Since all the others were dead, there was no bounty.
Whoops, double-post.
Quote from: Tapewolf on June 06, 2007, 04:27:35 PM
Whoops, double-post.
-I'm- amused enough to let you go.
of course, that may or may not actually mean anything just now...
I'm new to the game and I'm at the point where I have to find the book 'Progress of Truth'
Anyone know where I can buy or "borrow" this thing from? I've looked all over.
And I'm trying to find someone named Mebestien Ence for the Thieves guild, a pointer for where to look would be greatly appreciated.
Progress of Truth is found in the library of Vivec, but unless you're a really good thief, you'll have to get it elsewhere. Someone in there can tell you where to get it.
He's in one of the shops in Pelagiad. The object you're looking for is in a chest upstairs in that shop.
On the subject of the fighter's and Thieves guild, you CAN become grandmaster in both without cloning. The trick is timing, and a secondary path to Grandmaster.
There's another fighter in one of the towns(it's been a long while since I played, but I think it was a Dunmer town) who isn't very happy with the current Grandmaster. At the point where you were start running missions for the Fighter Grandmaster, go find this fighter instead and do his quests up to a point. Do the Thieves Guild quests first though, up to right before the final quest. Then after doing most of the rebel fighter's quests, he'll finally ask you to kill the current Grandmaster of the Fighter Guild. Go activate the same quest from the Thieves Guild. Finally go kill the Fighter Grandmaster.
Voila! Two guilds with one kill. Just make sure you don't accidentally break the fighters guild codes though, because you can't reinstate yourself, and the guy who could is dead.
Interesting. I might simply using cloning if I decide to do both.
Anyway, because I've got 3.5M drakes and a whole load of exotic soulstones which are too expensive to sell easily, I decided to make some nice enchantments.
Three in fact - a Daedric Ugly Shield of Cure Blight, which I used to cure some orc in a temple, and two Constant Effect rings.
First, The Precious. I'm sure you can work out what that does. The other one is the 'Jesus Ring' which gives me constant walk-on-water, and about 34 points of Feather. Very useful for carrying loot to the Mudcrab Merchant who lives in the middle of the damn sea.
I'll put up some pictures of Ahnassi's house soon, but right now I'm too tired...
If you feel like it, try making a 100% chameleon outfit sometime... it's funny to watch them run around like chickens with their heads cut off trying to find you. On the other hand, you'll have to take something off to talk to merchants; they won't respond to the voice in the air either.
Quote from: Llewelyn on June 11, 2007, 07:34:59 PM
If you feel like it, try making a 100% chameleon outfit sometime... it's funny to watch them run around like chickens with their heads cut off trying to find you. On the other hand, you'll have to take something off to talk to merchants; they won't respond to the voice in the air either.
I wanted to make one of those, but 100% Chameleon requires more capacity than any object in the game can provide. So I had to stick to invisibility :(
Or are you suggesting I create several 50% units and wear them all at once? I'm not sure if it works additively...
Quote from: Tapewolf on June 11, 2007, 07:39:07 PM
Or are you suggesting I create several 50% units and wear them all at once? I'm not sure if it works additively...
Surely you've got enough cash to test the theory? :-]
I -love- the "The Precious", by the way. Made me giggle.
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on June 12, 2007, 04:22:41 AM
Quote from: Tapewolf on June 11, 2007, 07:39:07 PM
Or are you suggesting I create several 50% units and wear them all at once? I'm not sure if it works additively...
Surely you've got enough cash to test the theory? :-]
Yeah, well it didn't seem to work when I tried to use a feather ring and amulet together - it seemed to be taking the higher of the two. I'll have to re-test it though. As for cash, I've just given the enchanter at Caldera almost 300'000 gold coins to make that little lot. Cat Dude may be Archmage, but he still has a tendency to fumble the Create Enchantment spell, destroying a soul gem worth 80 grand :rolleyes
QuoteI -love- the "The Precious", by the way. Made me giggle.
Yeah. I was going to call it 'the One Ring' at first, I'm glad I didn't. One of the neat things about this game is the custom spell design and enchanted objects, of which I have had several failures. You can't un-learn spells, which can be a problem.
Two things which would probably have got me booted out of the Mage's guild if they'd found out were the infamous 'Eye of 1440', a light spell which was intended to last practically forever. Unfortunately I forgot to set the magnitude and ended up with a spell which does absolutely nothing whatsoever for 24 minutes.
The other one is the spell of 'Big Unlock'. This works perfectly apart from the fact that it actually
locks things and I have remember to choose 'Big Open' instead.
Tape, Hogwarts called, they said you're fired. And they don't ever want to see you back teaching anyone. There's also a restraining order limiting you to contact only with anything and anyone non-wizard and non-magical.
What, you mean they don't have useless teachers on the roll anymore?
I mean, they've had enough useless ones already, what's one more? :-]
Quote from: Aridas Soulfire on June 12, 2007, 06:42:19 AM
Tape, Hogwarts called, they said you're fired. And they don't ever want to see you back teaching anyone. There's also a restraining order limiting you to contact only with anything and anyone non-wizard and non-magical.
I'd love to see them try to enforce
that! Remember what happened to Seyda Neen and Fort Moonmoth :dface
Tape, if you're interested in a big fighting challenge, I would suggest you get the plugin Siege at Firemoth. Hordes of skeleton warriors and rats giving you the ol' zergling rush. But the reward is worth it. There's a king's ransom of ebony in there.
Oooo. More meals?
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on June 12, 2007, 09:19:20 AM
Oooo. More meals?
I'm not going to do that again. He wouldn't eat them all at once, so I had to feed him 42 individual pieces. It took quite a while.
Mind you Ra'Viir in Balmora took longer. Each time you talk to him he tries to sell you his fake Daedric weapons, so out of the goodness of my heart - and because it's a pain to sell something worth 80 grand - I sold him a wonderful pair of
real Daedric swords at like 99% discount (he only has 600 coins worth of float).
You can't enter a new amount by hand so I was forced to wedge the mouse button down over the '-' symbol and go off to do something else. It took 15 minutes each sword.
Quote from: Tapewolf on June 12, 2007, 09:26:50 AM
You can't enter a new amount by hand so I was forced to wedge the mouse button down over the '-' symbol and go off to do something else. It took 15 minutes each sword.
...ahahahahaha... that's priceless, it really is. :-]
Quote from: Tapewolf on June 12, 2007, 04:42:08 AM
Cat Dude may be Archmage, but he still has a tendency to fumble the Create Enchantment spell, destroying a soul gem worth 80 grand :rolleyes
You should get Azura's Star; it's a reusable soul gem and one of the more useful artefacts in the game.
To get it, you'll need to go to the Shrine of Azura, which is somewhere to the south east (i.e. Azura's Coast).
Quote from: Kasarn on June 12, 2007, 11:00:09 AM
You should get Azura's Star; it's a reusable soul gem and one of the more useful artefacts in the game.
To get it, you'll need to go to the Shrine of Azura, which is somewhere to the south east (i.e. Azura's Coast).f form).
Ah. So it does exist? I've read a story about it and I was going to snag it if I could find it. Thanks for hint. I'm currently in that area anyway, so it could be a fun quest to embark upon. (I'm also trying to get all the Propylon Indices)
Oh yeah, Azura's Star is one of the better items in the game, especially if you've got a spell to summon a Golden Saint. Summon the Golden Saint, cast Soul Trap on it, and kill it, and you capture it's soul, all nice and available for making all those nice enchantments.
I'm surprised you haven't played with the Construction Kit yet, Tape.
Quote from: Ryudo Lee on June 12, 2007, 12:05:19 PM
Oh yeah, Azura's Star is one of the better items in the game, especially if you've got a spell to summon a Golden Saint. Summon the Golden Saint, cast Soul Trap on it, and kill it, and you capture it's soul, all nice and available for making all those nice enchantments.
I'm surprised you haven't played with the Construction Kit yet, Tape.
I did have a quick fiddle, but I'm going to sit down and write some kind of walkthrough before I tinker with it in earnest. Also, I was never that good with post-Doom engines. Never really got my head around CSG.
And yes, I was going to try harvesting the saints in exactly the manner you describe. More for the money than for enchanting things, mind :P
The last few days I've been touring the Daedric ruins waiting for them to show their ugly mugs so that I could de-soul them, or take the expensive glass kit that they usually carry.
Talking of saints, I've finally got the spells to return my strength etc to full without having to use the temples anymore. It was a bit of a swizz to have to pay 35 gold coins so that I could pray at a shrine dedicated to
Quote from: Tapewolf on June 12, 2007, 11:03:11 AM
Quote from: Kasarn on June 12, 2007, 11:00:09 AM
You should get Azura's Star; it's a reusable soul gem and one of the more useful artefacts in the game.
To get it, you'll need to go to the Shrine of Azura, which is somewhere to the south east (i.e. Azura's Coast).f form).
Ah. So it does exist? I've read a story about it and I was going to snag it if I could find it. Thanks for hint. I'm currently in that area anyway, so it could be a fun quest to embark upon. (I'm also trying to get all the Propylon Indices)
It, and every otehr artifact in that book of artifacts. :3
My personal combo, last game I played, was the Dragonbone Currias, Helm of Owen Bearclaw, and Fists of Randagulf
I don't believe I've ever read that book you mentioned Reese. What book is it and where is it found?
Quote from: Ryudo Lee on June 12, 2007, 12:38:08 PM
I don't believe I've ever read that book you mentioned Reese. What book is it and where is it found?
I don't know either. I read about the Star in 'Charwich-Koniiinge book 3' or somesuch.
The Star didn't solve the problem of Cat Dude messing the spell up and losing the soul, but it
does work on Lord Vivec (!)
I shall use His pain and torment to light my desk lamp.
Better than letting it go to waste, at least.
For all the trouble lord Vivec is, he doesn't tend to ahve much soul. :B
The book in question, I don't recall the name of off hand; it's still been a few years since I last played, after all. I believe that 1: it has 'artifact' in the title, and 2: it's in a library somewhere in vivec. A large library, in any case.
ah HA!
Quote from: planet elderscrollsThe book, Famed Artifacts of Tamriel, can be bought from Jobasha's Rare Books
in Vivec. One can also be found in the Mournhold Museum of Artifacts. The book
has been edited and lists the artifacts that I added to the game as well as the description.
I also added these artifacts to the book that have been left out: Auriel's Shield,
Auriel's Bow, *Wings of the Queen of Bats, Azura's Star, Boots Of Blinding Speed,
Ten-Pace Boots, Veloth's Judgement, BiPolar Blade, Dagger of Symmachus,
Mace of Slurring, Robe of the Lich, Necromancer's Amulet, Volendrung,
The Mace of Aevar Stone-Singer, Kagrenac's Tools, Trueflame and Hopesfire,
Moon-and-Star, and Hircine's Ring.
From the descriptuion of a mod adding artifacts from previous elder scroll games to Morrowind.
Apparently, the book is available in mournhold with the tribunal expansion installed. Whether the mod maker added the book to Jobasha's inventory or it it's there without mods, I couldn't say.
To save the trouble, here's a link to a web page with it's contents: of these are in Morrowind, somewhere. (The book can be found in Oblivion as well, though many of the artifacts themsleves are not.)
The book is also known as "Tamrielic Lore"
Thank you good sir.
Further experiments with Constant Effect enchantments.
I noticed that when you sell armour or weapons to a merchant, they tend to wear them. So today I made the Radioactive Ebony Shield of Doom, which drains the wielder's health until they die or remove the item. I used Vivec's soul to drive it.
After briefly testing it on myself to make sure it was draining, I sold this to the pawnbroker in Balmora, who expired about 45 seconds later. No-one saw it unfortunately so for my next trick, having taken it from her corpse, I sold it to one of the guys in the Fighter's Guild. He too mysteriously died after buying the shield. Somehow everyone knew I'd done it and I had a 1000 gold bounty on my head. No-one actually moved to attack me, though.
Following this I forgot what I was doing and had Cat-Dude go to sleep in one of the Mage Guild bunks. He passed away in the night with a sort of 'ngghrrrrr' noise.
Yep, constant effect Chameleon items(and other ones such as Sabctuary I believe it was) do stack. I did 100% Chameleon on a couple characters for the heck of it that way.
Quote from: Tapewolf on June 12, 2007, 09:26:50 AM
You can't enter a new amount by hand so I was forced to wedge the mouse button down over the '-' symbol and go off to do something else. It took 15 minutes each sword.
If I recall (I haven't played in a while), there's a "Max Sale" (or something similar) button that will immediately shift the price you're selling for down to the maximum possible for that vendor, in this case the 600 gold.
Just saying.
Quote from: Janus Whitefurr on June 14, 2007, 03:03:54 AM
If I recall (I haven't played in a while), there's a "Max Sale" (or something similar) button that will immediately shift the price you're selling for down to the maximum possible for that vendor, in this case the 600 gold.
Just saying.
*snicker* that makes it even funnier. 15 minutes he didn't -have- to spend? ;-]
Quote from: Janus Whitefurr on June 14, 2007, 03:03:54 AM
Quote from: Tapewolf on June 12, 2007, 09:26:50 AM
You can't enter a new amount by hand so I was forced to wedge the mouse button down over the '-' symbol and go off to do something else. It took 15 minutes each sword.
If I recall (I haven't played in a while), there's a "Max Sale" (or something similar) button that will immediately shift the price you're selling for down to the maximum possible for that vendor, in this case the 600 gold.
There's no obvious UI widget to do that, although I must admit I haven't tried double-clicking on the maximum amount. I didn't think to look for a key since it doesn't seem to have a key to add or subtract the offer either, otherwise I could have wedged that down with a coin like I usually do.
It might also be something added in Tribunal or Bloodmoon, or one of the ports - U7: Serpent Isle added a number of keyboard shortcuts and enhancements over the original U7: Black Gate, for example.
Nonetheless I shall dig out the PDF manual and see because that would be dead useful.
With any new game with a similar interface, I try the usual suspects of shift, alt, and ctrl combined with mouseclicks. Eventually something works, unless the design is horrid.
Quote from: Llewelyn on June 14, 2007, 01:54:07 AM
Yep, constant effect Chameleon items(and other ones such as Sabctuary I believe it was) do stack. I did 100% Chameleon on a couple characters for the heck of it that way.
Yeah, it's pretty easy to horribly break the game if you're so inclined.
sell items to a NPC until they're 100% Chameleon, then you can kill with impunity?
Or is it somewhat based on -you-, even if they can't see who you're killing?
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on June 14, 2007, 11:41:52 AM
sell items to a NPC until they're 100% Chameleon, then you can kill with impunity?
Or is it somewhat based on -you-, even if they can't see who you're killing?
I don't know. But that's definitely worth investigating >:3
I'm pretty sure it's based on your interaction with the character. If you attack first, you're the criminal. If they attack first, you can get away with murder. I don't think it's based on sight.
Quote from: Ryudo Lee on June 14, 2007, 11:47:53 AM
I'm pretty sure it's based on your interaction with the character. If you attack first, you're the criminal. If they attack first, you can get away with murder. I don't think it's based on sight.
If you kill someone when no-one else is around to see, it's not murder. This is more likely based on character proximity, since I doubt this is a scenario the designers considered, but it's just possible that murdering the invisible man might have the same kind of effect.
It might work, I guess ultimately it depends if they did something like
if (attacker->flags & INVISIBLE)
if (attacker->flags & INVISIBLE || victim->flags & INVISIBLE)
.. and it's such a weird concept that it's worth testing.
Or at least messing around with.
Did you do more tests with your shield of suicide? Or re-make it, since I guess you had to go back to your last save... ?
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on June 14, 2007, 12:01:58 PM
.. and it's such a weird concept that it's worth testing.
Or at least messing around with.
Did you do more tests with your shield of suicide? Or re-make it, since I guess you had to go back to your last save... ?
Fortunately when you sleep it autosaves beforehand.
Anyway, to test the theory, I sold The Precious to someone. They vanished, but because it's only invisibility, they reappeared as soon as I attacked them. (Which is why Chameleon is better)
Rather than faffing around with making enough Constant Enchantment items to provide 100% chameleon, I built two rings which provided 24 seconds of 100% effect. One operates on the user, the other operates on a target. First I vanished, then I selected a victim - one of my toadying subordinates in the Mages' Guild - and made her vanish. Then I attacked her.
Even though both attacker and target were undetectable, the other Mages went ballistic. Didn't chuck me out of the Guild, though (sleeping in someone's bed is obviously a far, far worse crime than murder, so next time I need to sleep I should kill the bed's owner first).
It was as Llewelyn said, headless chicken time.
Like I said, it's not based on if they can see you, though I think if you're actively sneaking, then you should be able to get away with a backstab.
chameleon is meant to be used to enhance sneak... I suspect that if you turn on sneak next time you do that, you'll have better results.
Quote from: Reese Tora on June 16, 2007, 03:09:12 AM
chameleon is meant to be used to enhance sneak... I suspect that if you turn on sneak next time you do that, you'll have better results.
Nothing but nothing allowed me to steal Nevaro's key. 150% luck, 67% sneak (can't find anyone who'll teach me above that), 100% invisibility AND chameleon, and the bugger still manages to stop me. I was sorely tempted to kill him and take it, especially since I'd already killed the only other guy with a copy during the infamous Council Club Massacre about a year earlier. I resurrected the manservant and killed him again for it.
It's an interesting thing that since Nevaro challenged me to a duel previously - which he survived - nothing I do to him is illegal anymore >:3
Anyway. I've been experimenting with older savegames from before I started the core mission, and I have a question.
Does anyone know if it's possible to force the player to contract the Divine Disease? I know it's part of the core plot, but I'd like to have it happen earlier in the game so that he's got the full benefits of it as soon as possible.
Eating dreamer meat hasn't worked - I broke into one of the 6H hideouts and consumed a shocking amount of it, but he's still fit as a fiddle...
Stealing the key from Nevaro - I'm assuming you're pickpocketing? Chameleon and invisibility won't help with that. It's a roll based on your sneak skill, so you probably need to get a higher skill in sneak.
The master of sneak is Wadarkhu, in Gnarr Mok, inside the Dreugh Jigger's Rest. He'll train you up to 100.
Contracting corprus outside the main quest is impossible, as far as I know. There aren't any items in the game with corprus as an effect. In-game, the lore about corprus states that it is difficult to catch, but harder to get rid of - probably a subtle way of saying you won't get it.
You might try attacking Dagoth Gares, without actually having gotten to the Sixth House Base quest. I never tried, but it might work...
Quote from: Cogidubnus on June 17, 2007, 11:27:07 AM
Stealing the key from Nevaro - I'm assuming you're pickpocketing? Chameleon and invisibility won't help with that. It's a roll based on your sneak skill, so you probably need to get a higher skill in sneak.
That's ridiculous. :erk
He's on 67% already and that mission comes early enough in your ranking that none of the guild members will train you. Plus it costs upward of 10 grand to get fully trained in a skill... I guess it's to force you to pickpocket the dead guy, right?
QuoteThe master of sneak is Wadarkhu, in Gnarr Mok, inside the Dreugh Jigger's Rest. He'll train you up to 100.
Groovy. I hate having to go to that hole, but if that's what it takes...
QuoteYou might try attacking Dagoth Gares, without actually having gotten to the Sixth House Base quest. I never tried, but it might work...
Already tried that. He isn't there :(
Quote from: Tapewolf on June 17, 2007, 11:34:06 AM
That's ridiculous. :erk
He's on 67% already and that mission comes early enough in your ranking that none of the guild members will train you. Plus it costs upward of 10 grand to get fully trained in a skill... I guess it's to force you to pickpocket the dead guy, right?
I'm assuming this is the quest in which you have to pickpocket either the butler in the council club or the guy in the manor? It's been some time since I did the Hlaalu quests.
If so, then not necessarily. You can do the Guild quests at any time. You might already have the skills when you join.
But stealth is always the hardest route to take, simply because it's hard to get good at it without dying. The game is a little unbalanced that way. :)
Quote from: Cogidubnus on June 17, 2007, 11:46:23 AM
I'm assuming this is the quest in which you have to pickpocket either the butler in the council club or the guy in the manor? It's been some time since I did the Hlaalu quests
Thieves' Guild quest, but yeah. The problem was that some time ago, one or two game years previously, one of the guys at Moonmoth said it would be nice if there was a massacre at the Council Club. Since the place was a Camora Tong shop, I thought it would be nice too. I should have taken all the keys as a precaution though... I don't remember quite what happened in that regard.
QuoteIf so, then not necessarily. You can do the Guild quests at any time. You might already have the skills when you join.
This is true, but he's level 48. He was about level 2 when he first met Ahnassi, and I was kind of tempted to join the Thieves Guild then. He would have been slaughtered at that point.
QuoteBut stealth is always the hardest route to take, simply because it's hard to get good at it without dying. The game is a little unbalanced that way. :)
Cat Dude is rich, he's saved the world, become Arch-mage and a Councillor of Redoran. Now he's turned to theft as a hobby because it's a nice challenge >:3
Quote from: Cogidubnus on June 17, 2007, 11:46:23 AM
But stealth is always the hardest route to take, simply because it's hard to get good at it without dying. The game is a little unbalanced that way. :)
You can turn on sneak, place yourself against a wall in view of a guard's patrol(so you're seen or not depending on him passing), and turn on autorun.
walk away(irl, as you've got better things to do)
come back in an hour or two.
If you're someone who uses sneak ALL the time(like me), it raises a lot faster anyway.
(If I go back to Morrowind from Oblivion, I'm going to have a lot of trouble remembering I don't need to stay in the shadows.)
Quote from: Reese Tora on June 17, 2007, 04:00:49 PM
You can turn on sneak, place yourself against a wall in view of a guard's patrol(so you're seen or not depending on him passing), and turn on autorun.
Good idea. I was tempted to try something like this for his athletics...
Quote(If I go back to Morrowind from Oblivion, I'm going to have a lot of trouble remembering I don't need to stay in the shadows.)
It doesn't really have shadows as such :P
Oh, the Thief's Guild is wonderful. As an experiment I brought death and carnage to Ebonheart, stealing from the evidence box until they ordered my execution. In this state, the guards won't take a fine, they will always try to kill you. The Ordinators were already after my blood for a separate reason, so I skipped them and tried the Redoran guards and the Hlaalu guards to see whether they would accept a fine instead. They have both sided with the Empire on this - apparently my crime was severe enough to threaten some kind of war if I was not immediately apprehended and put to death.
So I turned to the thief's guild and for a mere 4000 smackers they - somehow - managed to get the death penalty quashed. How good is that?
Quote from: Tapewolf on June 18, 2007, 05:16:16 AM
So I turned to the thief's guild and for a mere 4000 smackers they - somehow - managed to get the death penalty quashed. How good is that?
That's the beauty of being in the Thieve's Guild. You can get away with murder for a discounted price!
Quote from: Ryudo Lee on June 18, 2007, 11:34:47 AM
Quote from: Tapewolf on June 18, 2007, 05:16:16 AM
So I turned to the thief's guild and for a mere 4000 smackers they - somehow - managed to get the death penalty quashed. How good is that?
That's the beauty of being in the Thieve's Guild. You can get away with murder for a discounted price!
Murder? As far as I can see that's just about 1000 per corpse - I can currently budget for over 3500 kills and have money to spare (I think there are only 2500 people in the game).
Getting away with
treason is the really fantastic part :mwaha
Of course it might be that they demand your death if the bounty exceeds 8000. This needs more experimentation - an unprovoked attack on Seyda Neen should give me an answer to that, but so far it's only ever happened if I've been playing fast and loose with the evidence box.
I need to rack up a serious bounty at some point - see how the thieves guild reacts if I calmly fork over half a million gold coins...
only half a million?
Oh, come on, come up with some real cash. :-]
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on June 18, 2007, 12:08:31 PM
only half a million?
Oh, come on, come up with some real cash. :-]
They do a 50% discount so the bounty would be a cool 1M. I might be able to fiddle the evidence box and bring it up to 6M but it would have to be done carefully. If I go over budget, I might not be able to find a trader willing to buy things from a convicted mass-murderer and I'd be stuck with a phenomenal bounty and no way of paying it...
When I came in, the guild steward said they'd heard I'd murdered people. I'm going to try and get a death warrant by simply stealing tons of evidence and see what she says then >:3
So, Tape...
You've beaten the main quest, become the Nerevarine, Archmage, and Grandmaster of Redoran. You have a mansion. You have a girlfriend. You have many, many boomsticks. Power and glory are yours.
Have you thought anymore about the mods, mayhap? Or, maybe, the expansions? :3
Quote from: Cogidubnus on June 18, 2007, 07:51:36 PM
Have you thought anymore about the mods, mayhap? Or, maybe, the expansions? :3
First I want to become the master thief and preferably eradicate the Camora Tong from the face of Vvardenfell. Then, my immediate next project will be to write an anti-walkthrough if possible, or a set of evil notes if not. I can't seem to get him to come down with Corprus out of schedule, but I really, really want to know what happens if I try to start the main quest
after killing Dagoth Ur.
After that, I'm gonna install Tribunal, I think - although I might just skip to Bloodmoon if it's possible to run them out of sequence. I wanna be a wolf.
Today's experiments and notes:
It's the size of the bounty that matters. I got up to about 6k by means of murder, and that was enough to earn me a death warrant. Regarding Llearch's request for a higher bounty, it's really very easy. What I did was stroll into Ebonheart, put all 3.6M gold pieces into the evidence box for safekeeping and then immediately withdraw them.
Instant 3.6M bounty. I did this a couple of times and ended up with a 6M bounty. Something went very wrong while I was paying it off at the thieves' guild because I still had the full 3.6M after 'paying' the bounty.
In Ebonheart, I tried to rescue the Khajiit bard, Joshuar or whatever his name is. It worked after a fashion. He refused to leave the cell saying he'd be caught again, so I went on a killing spree. At one point I was forced to flee and locked myself in his cell alongside him. I accidentally caught him in a fireball blast which upset him no end, even after a few doses of 'Heal Companion'. When everyone else was dead, I unlocked the cell again and he ran out, rushing around the tower in a frenzy until I cast one of the 'Dominate Humanoid' spells which made him settle down again. He wasn't at all happy with me so I gave him a grand or two, after which he kept saying "why is my friend here?" when I went past. If I started a full conversation, he'd say "You're the notorious outlaw! Let me out of here!".
Anyway, at that point I went to bed - those who might have objected now being strewn around the tower in pieces. When I woke up, he had escaped (yay!).
I have not yet been able to reproduce this - my aim is to free him without killing too many other people.
Quote from: Tapewolf on June 18, 2007, 08:00:59 PM
After that, I'm gonna install Tribunal, I think - although I might just skip to Bloodmoon if it's possible to run them out of sequence. I wanna be a wolf.
You can, but I wouldn't recommend it. You have to uninstall it to install Tribunal, if you do so later. And I think you have to download a patch.
But, yes. Werewolves are fun. :3
Well, I guess this is kind of an open-ended topic about Morrowind...So I've got a problem and a question, I hope someone here can help me.
First off, I have the Xbox version of Morrowind, the game itself is the Game Of The Year Edition; with both Bloodmoon and Tribunal on the one disk. Now, the problem is something called "pixel migration". I don't know if you have heard it in that name, but what happens is if you go through an area (exit, then enter and reload it) any NPC that doesn't normally walk around will "migrate" a few pixels every time. Nothing serious has happened to me...yet, but everyone in Arrile's Tradehous in Seyda Neen is out of place, the silt strider operator at Seydan Neen isn't on the ramp anymore(she's standing on the rock) and the Balmora silt strider guy has also moved around a bit. Like I said, none of this is serious, yet, but I've heard people say that some NPCs have gotten stuck in walls, some have vanished entirely, and one of my freinds decribed that in Gnesis, every time he went there the silt strider operator kept moving to the left, and the fourth time he loaded the area, he looked around, didn't see the operator, looked over the side of the platform, and saw the operator's corpse sprawled on the rocks below. He had to hike it back to Balmora.
I'm afraid of something like this happening to me, which is why i haven't played my Morrowind game in almost 3/4s of a year.
My question: Is there anything, anything i can do to fix this, or am I screwed to play the game, and have to just deal with any crap that happens?
Awaken my child, and embrace the glory that is your birthright. Know that this is the Overmind; the eternal will of Toril, and that you have been created to ask it questions.
Grrrrr..... I was kinda hoping I wouldn't have do do something like, register on another forum. Grrrmmmfff....If no one here will help, I'll try registering on that forum some other time.....
And the using of the opening breifing to the Zerg campaign in Starcraft....interesting.
But seriously, is there anyone here that can help?
If it's the X-box version, I don't think there's much you can do. If you have X-box Live, they might have released a patch you can download from it that would fix the problem. If not, it's a console game, you don't have the console command that the PC version has. Sorry, I'd say you're out of luck.
Damn it. I don't have Xbox live either. Wonderful.
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on June 18, 2007, 08:20:58 PM
one of my freinds decribed that in Gnesis, every time he went there the silt strider operator kept moving to the left, and the fourth time he loaded the area, he looked around, didn't see the operator, looked over the side of the platform, and saw the operator's corpse sprawled on the rocks below. He had to hike it back to Balmora.
Fantastic. I was going to ask this myself. Balmora seems to have the worst - the silt strider guy is now on the floor at the thing's feet as you described. No-one I need has died yet but I have noticed the guards swimming in the river. I put it down to the AI being incapable...
The Balmora one shouldn't be too much of a problem, though. If he spawns off of the ramp, he shouldn't die, because it's at least not as bad a a 50-plus-foot drop like in Gnesis.
And if the Balmora operator already is off the ramp, as it sounded like you were saying, then the worst that will happen now is
a) he gets stuck in a wall (unlikely in an outdoor environment, but still possible)
or b) he vanishes entirely
There is a ressurrect command that will allow you to bring npc's, like that operator in Gnisis, back to life. There is also a command to put everybody back to where they were. I believe when you have the console up, click on the corpse of the person you need alive and type in ressurrect. That should bring that corpse back to life. To put everyone back to where they were, bring up the console and type ra (it means reset actors). Always handy for moving npcs out of your way.
And here I thought Tapewolf's preferred method of moving NPC's out of his way involved graves... :-]
Well yeah, if you wanna take the easy way out.
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on June 19, 2007, 09:36:03 AM
And here I thought Tapewolf's preferred method of moving NPC's out of his way involved graves... :-]
Oh it's so very tempting when they get stuck in the doorway and won't let me past. It tends to upset other people though and it's such a hassle if you find you've killed someone you need later.
Quote from: Ryudo Lee on June 19, 2007, 09:23:34 AM
There is a ressurrect command that will allow you to bring npc's, like that operator in Gnisis, back to life. There is also a command to put everybody back to where they were. I believe when you have the console up, click on the corpse of the person you need alive and type in ressurrect. That should bring that corpse back to life. To put everyone back to where they were, bring up the console and type ra (it means reset actors). Always handy for moving npcs out of your way.
The command console tricks would be all fine and dandy, but
some of us have the Xbox Morowind instead of the PC...
Ah, well then there's not much you can do there.
Quote from: Ryudo Lee on June 19, 2007, 12:18:26 PM
Ah, well then there's not much you can do there.
Pull the savegame into the PC version, correct it and then pull it back into the console? This presupposes binary compatibility, but it might work.
I know you can load XBox maps into the PC version, but I don't know about save games. Someone with an XBox will probably have to verify that.
I actually figured out an exploit that will get you from just started, to level 100 in no time. Would anyone like to hear it? My description might be a little rusty, but it's fun if you don't want to stay a noob! :D
Quote from: Josh Massa on June 20, 2007, 05:53:10 PM
I actually figured out an exploit that will get you from just started, to level 100 in no time. Would anyone like to hear it? My description might be a little rusty, but it's fun if you don't want to stay a noob! :D
I'm interested. Do you think you could PM me? I collect weird stuff like that but I don't want to ruin the game
too much for others who are casually reading this...
I get the feeling that the Thieves Guild is not designed to be approached after having completed the Mages' Guild. I have just had a remarkably surreal experience which has lead me to conclude that the Mages may have to be disciplined somehow.
Firstly, in Sadith Mora, the local thieves ring asked me to hire a mage to protect them from the Camoras. Fair enough - I can protect them. I love killing Camora people, it gives me a sense of justice and wellbeing.
They didn't want that so I decided to humour them. Off to the Sadith Mage guild - this should be easy since I'm the Archmage. Actually it isn't and my subordinates are not only rude about the whole thing but actually demand a favour first.
"Get me four chunks of Ebony ore."
"I beg your pardon? I just gave you a duty. Now protect the thieves' guild."
"I don't care where you get it from. Buy it, steal it, mine it yourself, but you'll have to give me four lumps of Ebony if you want your guildhall protected."
In the interests of keeping the peace I gave them four lumps that were just lying around on Ahnassi's dining room table, but I think I might have to come back later and punish them.
The second experience was just outlandish. I came into Alderuhn via the Mage's guild transporter, all was well. I went to the Thieves' guild and spoke to the local thief leader, who told me that the Alderuhn Mages were on some kind of holiday and could I burgle the place while they were out? I didn't believe it because they were there two minutes ago, and besides I never signed off their holiday forms. Nonetheless, the entire guild had absconded, apart from one lone maniac who accused me,
the Arch Mage of all Vvardenfell of being a thief (Uh? Non-guildmembers are allowed to use the teleporter!) and then proceeded to attack me. I left his corpse as a warning to the others. Strangely, none of them would mention this affair when they returned.
Quote from: Josh Massa on June 20, 2007, 05:53:10 PM
I actually figured out an exploit that will get you from just started, to level 100 in no time. Would anyone like to hear it? My description might be a little rusty, but it's fun if you don't want to stay a noob! :D
I too would like a PM on this.
As you've undoubtedly noticed, there are quite a few instances like that.
Let me share an experience. I just finished up with the Bloodmoon quests. There, you can join the East Empire Company. Well, at the end you are supposed to expose one of the important people there for his crimes. Before going into the Bloodmoon quests, I had finished the main quest and the Imperial Legion quest so I'm the Imperial Knight Dragon or whatever it's called and St. Nerevar. So when I get to the end of the East Empire quest, I approach this guy and he says "I'm surprised to see you here, you weren't supposed to survive."
Yeah, well you're under arrest. I'm the freakin' Knight Dragon I can arrest you if I want.
Then he attacks me. Yeah, attack the guy protected by prophecy. Idiot.
Does anyone know if and where you can buy a Fireball Ring, and/or a Ring of Toxic Cloud?
I'm planning the start of the adventure, so getting one made at an enchanter's place is going to be far too expensive and waiting for one to turn up in the loot is both too risky and too random.
Ryudo, did you get the PM from Josh? If not, I can let you know the technique. I still haven't tested it yet though.
I did get that PM. It's a technique that's actually already been publicized.
Hmm, I didn't know it was publicized tbh. My friend James and I were sitting on my couch one day, messing around on Morrowind...did that and it was like :U SWEET JESUS! Amazing :3
I loooove exploits. >:3
I found that Morrowind has far too many issues with player authority in various factions. A plug-in mod was required to get Imperials to address my character with the appropriate respect after becoming the Imperial Dragon. Mages guild, fighters Guild and Thieves guild still have issues with me being in charge, frequently and directly to my face.
*Sigh* It's hard to go back to it after Oblivion, where being the top guy works a slight bit better.
As for Bloodmoon, I have not checked out the most recent patches, but the last time I played through it I did not go wolfie. In the end I got the ring and can do the same thing artificially. However, the effect carried the same problem as being a real lycanthrope, which really annoyed me. If any character base NPC sees you change, even if they are a full on afflicted werewolves themselves fully in thrall of the beast and attacking at the time you do it, every single person in the entire game will no longer speak to you and the violent ones will attack you until only you and the respawning monsters are left in the entire area. It breaks all outstanding quests.
Hopefully they changed that in a patch since the last time I played it.
Edit: Back in the day I did that and managed to kill every last person in the entire game, including Vivec. It is lonely out there...
Is there any good quick way to get my intelligence up? I've been ignoring it, since I've been using no magic but Divine Intervention, until I found out that it's a requirement for the main quest's advancement.
Quote from: BillBuckner on June 28, 2007, 09:05:30 PM
Is there any good quick way to get my intelligence up? I've been ignoring it, since I've been using no magic but Divine Intervention, until I found out that it's a requirement for the main quest's advancement.
Train alchemy a bit so you can ID attributes on stuff
Mix a potion that buffs intelligence and use it.
With your newly enhanced intelligence, make a better potion that boosts intelligence and use it.
Repeat until your intelligence is game breakingly high with a duration longer than you'll ever play.
Make a potion for each stat while under the influence of your intelligence potion.
Be aware, your strength will be so high that you will one-hit kill your own weapons!
to raise your base intellegence permanently, and without abusing a bug:
train your intellegence based skills by a combined total of 10, gain a level, raise intelegence, which should have the maximum multiplier of x5 thanks to your training in the int based skills.
each stat gains a point whenever you raise a skill it governs.
This FAQ ( describes it better than I can, but your multiplyer is based on the number of "points" you earn (should be 1/2) and maxes at x5
be aware, you can't reach a stat of 100 by any multiplyer other than x1
Speaking of money, why doesn't there seem to be anyone in the game that has enough $$$ to purchase my Full And Complete Master Alchemy Set!!! ? The one person that had enough wouldn't buy it. Ugh.
I have gotten to the point in my Redoran quests where i have to shut down the Caldera ebony mine. Problem is, I already freed all the slaves in the mine and shut it down early in the game.
I dont suppose there is a way to fix this, or am I out of luck?
Quote from: Ouari on June 30, 2007, 09:39:33 AM
I have gotten to the point in my Redoran quests where i have to shut down the Caldera ebony mine. Problem is, I already freed all the slaves in the mine and shut it down early in the game.
I dont suppose there is a way to fix this, or am I out of luck?
Go back to the Redoran guy who gave you the quest. On the command line, enter:
journal HR_CalderaCorrupt 100
journal HR_CalderaDisrupt 100
..and talk to him again. Hopefully you should now have completed that quest.
Scroll of Windwalker = LOL
Quote from: BillBuckner on June 30, 2007, 12:44:38 PM
Scroll of Windwalker = LOL
I've got a couple of those. Never used them though, because I can't seem to find a regular supply.
I ended up using that, and an assload of summoning scrolls to kill Bolvyn Venim. Then I took his Katana. :B
Quote from: BillBuckner on June 30, 2007, 01:08:20 PM
I ended up using that, and an assload of summoning scrolls to kill Bolvyn Venim. Then I took his Katana. :B
Oh, him. I gave him a quick prod with the Toxic Cloud ring and he died just like the others. I couldn't resist taking the ebony gear though. I think it's in one of Ahnassi's chests, although it was rather tempting to flog it.
Even though I'm crap in light armor, I've been using the Dark Brotherhood armor because of how cool it looks. :U
I heard there's a full set of glass armor in Bloodmoon, so I'll try to find that.
Quote from: BillBuckner on June 30, 2007, 01:19:51 PM
Even though I'm crap in light armor, I've been using the Dark Brotherhood armor because of how cool it looks. :U
I heard there's a full set of glass armor in Bloodmoon, so I'll try to find that.
you should be able to piece together a full suit of glass in morrowind standard. (I know I did)
The glass helmet fits on beast-heads, but it looks like your'e wearing a swim-cap and goggles... fortunately, I can't look at my face while I'm playing :P
I find it very amusing that you can prance around in full Dark Brotherhood armor, without anyone being the least bit alarmed.
Quote from: Reese Tora on June 30, 2007, 01:24:16 PM
Quote from: BillBuckner on June 30, 2007, 01:19:51 PM
Even though I'm crap in light armor, I've been using the Dark Brotherhood armor because of how cool it looks. :U
I heard there's a full set of glass armor in Bloodmoon, so I'll try to find that.
you should be able to piece together a full suit of glass in morrowind standard. (I know I did)
The glass helmet fits on beast-heads, but it looks like your'e wearing a swim-cap and goggles... fortunately, I can't look at my face while I'm playing :P
If I recall, it's in one of the Towers at Ghostgate. But you have to pretty much steal it from under the smith's nose unless you want to pay out for it.
Finished the main quest as a level 6. LOL.
2 Windwalker scrolls made the CLIMACTIK FITE OMG easy.
Nice one, did you kill Vivec yet?
More like, has he killed Gaenor yet? :P
Why the fuck would I kill Vivec?
He was actually polite to me, unlike %98.5 of the other characters in the game.
Quote from: BillBuckner on July 02, 2007, 07:20:38 AM
Why the fuck would I kill Vivec?
Because he's a
god! You can't have any competition now, can you?
QuoteHe was actually polite to me, unlike %98.5 of the other characters in the game.
I don't remember that bit. He seemed to be barely tolerating me.
One question I asked he got stroppy and said he'd only discuss the matter after I'd killed Mr. Ur. He also gave the same excuse even after I'd done that.
But IMHO the most convincing reason is 'because you're not supposed to'...
Quote from: Reese Tora on June 30, 2007, 01:24:16 PM
The glass helmet fits on beast-heads, but it looks like your'e wearing a swim-cap and goggles... fortunately, I can't look at my face while I'm playing :P
Unfortunately, I can:
It's in Tribunal where you can get the full set of glass armor. There's a smith there who will make armor pieces for you if you provide the raw materials and some gold for labor. He makes ebony, glass, and adamantium (found in the Tribunal expansion).
Also, if you're a high enough level and a damned good thief (the skeleton key works wonders here), the various vaults in Vivec hold a whole set of glass armor and most of the ebony armor too, plus some nice enchanted stuff too. But you gotta be level 30+ for that stuff to appear, because it's all level dependant.
Tape, I meant I can't see the face while playing normally. I dun think you can play so well with the camera focussed on your puss's puss. :P
Quote from: Reese Tora on July 02, 2007, 12:45:12 PM
Tape, I meant I can't see the face while playing normally. I dun think you can play so well with the camera focussed on your puss's puss. :P
Depends what he's doing at the time. Especially for walking and stuff, I'll spin the camera around for side views etc. Sometimes even in combat.
Ahh nice hat .. what a cool looking cat.
I'm not sure if it was mentioned, but when you were asking about self-enchanting the info I found said you needed massive amounts of intellegence (and some luck helps too) to have a good chance. Thousands of points not just 100 points, people talked of making gradually better enchant (and alchmest) producing outfits.
Its an interesting game so far, at least once you get past those first few levels.
Quote from: BillBuckner on July 02, 2007, 07:20:38 AM
Why the fuck would I kill Vivec?
He was actually polite to me, unlike %98.5 of the other characters in the game.
Well at least kill Almalexia, she is a real bitch unlike Vivec and has a nice sword.
You gotta kill her anyway. Plus you get that nice teleporation ring too.
Quote from: Tapewolf on July 02, 2007, 07:29:30 AM
Quote from: BillBuckner on July 02, 2007, 07:20:38 AM
Why the fuck would I kill Vivec?
Because he's a god! You can't have any competition now, can you?
QuoteHe was actually polite to me, unlike %98.5 of the other characters in the game.
I don't remember that bit. He seemed to be barely tolerating me.
One question I asked he got stroppy and said he'd only discuss the matter after I'd killed Mr. Ur. He also gave the same excuse even after I'd done that.
But IMHO the most convincing reason is 'because you're not supposed to'...
Quote from: Reese Tora on June 30, 2007, 01:24:16 PM
The glass helmet fits on beast-heads, but it looks like your'e wearing a swim-cap and goggles... fortunately, I can't look at my face while I'm playing :P
Unfortunately, I can:
glass armor's interesting, particularly if you're a stealth character
Glass armor looks better in Oblivion, especially if you can find that mod that gives glass armor a darker tint.
Quote from: Tapewolf on June 30, 2007, 01:03:50 PM
Quote from: BillBuckner on June 30, 2007, 12:44:38 PM
Scroll of Windwalker = LOL
I've got a couple of those. Never used them though, because I can't seem to find a regular supply.
I'm double-quoting because I won't make any sense if I don't:
You should really try to, those things are a god-send and were the only thing I used to move around after a while.
I know that atleast two mage's guild vendors MAY or MAY NOT sell them because their stock is actually randomly generated (I think at the start of the game). The vendor I used to get a hold of them was in Vivic, and I think she's the enchanter lady. You can find her hanging around the front room of the Guild. The other one was in some weird town I can't remember the name of (the one near the ebony mine.)
There's the real trick though: There's TWO different versions of the scroll that the game will spawn in the vendor's stock, an insanely expensive one, and a relatively cheap one, but they both give the same exact effect. The vendors will ussually carry one or the other, or neither, but I've never seen them carry both.
Today I decided to rescue Dro'Zhavir from the dungeon in Tel Vos. He didn't really want to leave, but that's just too bad. I used the Commanding Touch spell to get him to follow me which was a little awkward because I can only cast it about twice a day.
He seems to run off if we both sleep in the wilderness, though. This is irritating as my plan is to set him up in Bal Isra or some other friendly territory.
It might be interesting if I can do this to Qa'Dar as well...
i recently reinstalled morrowind m'self, and i fully intend on download enough mods and upgrades for this sucker to at least put it close to oblivion's levels. :B
Quote from: Turnsky on July 22, 2007, 12:58:18 PM
i recently reinstalled morrowind m'self, and i fully intend on download enough mods and upgrades for this sucker to at least put it close to oblivion's levels. :B
Let me know which ones you go for...
I had a slight accident with Dro'Zhavir, where I led him into a tent belonging to some recently-deceased Ashlander bandits. He wouldn't come out again, though. Still, he should be fine there...
After that, I rescued Ra'Zhar, the Khajiit slave in Tel Branora. I've left him in Pelagiad for now in the other Khajiit's house (opposite Ahnassi's place).
After that, I decided to try and rescue some more of the unrescuable slaves - this time Ma'Dara from the Arven plantation. My original plan was to lead him to Bal Isra, but on the way I had an interesting idea... make him my apprentice.
So I dressed him in steel plate, 'unlocked' his slave bracer by pickpocketing it from him, and gave him a longsword using the console commands (is it still cheating if I'm not the beneficiary?). Thus, Sir Ma'Dara and I set off to seek new life and new civilisations. To boldy go from Pelagiad to Bal Isra unless I get bored and drop him off in a hut somewhere along the way like the last two.
My apprentice spots the cliff-racer and boldy does battle (
My question is this : If Sir Ma'Dara kills a bunch of cliffracers and stuff under my supervision, will he improve? Can NPCs level up?
A difficult and arcane question.
I don't actually think so. What companion mods I have seen, special scripts were needed to make your companion get stronger.
better heads and better bodies is a foregone conclusion, the better beast bodies mod hasn't been finished yet, so i'm waiting for that one, and there is this one
also i know the better bodies crew is working on improving the clothes as well to work with the mod..
as always there's the infamous mog mod, just don't get the one from gamespy.. it's incomplete and bugged.
there's a few other mods, mainly the avenger's armor pack, which gives the females their own differing armor stylings.
Be sure to look into the Magicka Regen Amulet mod if you're modding. A very manageable way to add the magic regen from Oblivion. Just pick the amulet up from Arrille's desk and equip it. Works just fine, hasn't run into any bugs (unlike the other two regen mods I tried), and the only downside is you can't use the amulet slot for something else without unequipping it. (I really need to see what happens when I enchant the thing some time. no, it's not enchanted to begin with.)
I've been playing through Morrowind slowly but surely, learning for the first time how much Redguards rock with longswords. I had an odd adventure the other day not quite as epic as Tape's one-man abolition movement. The Fighter's Guild had assigned me to escort an archaeologist through a Dwemer ruin. I got to the ruin and there was a note on the door. It said the place looked safe enough, so the stupid high elf decided to look ahead on her own. I go inside...... Red candles, near-darkness, and two corprus stalkers reaching for me. Sixth House base. Yeah. Safe. Though to give her credit, the elf did manage to sneak past them, unharmed, to the lower level, where I found her on top of a TABLE in a room with two cave rats! Yes, she stealthed her way past zombies and crazy dark elves in their underwear (or not, as I was using the Better Bodies Mod.... gives the Sleepers a new level of creepy), only to get treed by two rats that I killed in as many swings.
Gotta say, pretty awesome that you turned an NPC into your follower. Did you use Commanding Touch on him or find some other way to get him to follow you? [EDIT] I just read what happened to Ma'Dara in the game sthat make you cry thread. Poor guy.
Quote from: Toric on July 24, 2007, 12:05:55 AM
I got to the ruin and there was a note on the door. It said the place looked safe enough, so the stupid high elf decided to look ahead on her own. I go inside...... Red candles, near-darkness, and two corprus stalkers reaching for me. Sixth House base. Yeah. Safe.
A sixth-house Dwemer ruin? Cool! Where is it?
QuoteThough to give her credit, the elf did manage to sneak past them, unharmed, to the lower level, where I found her on top of a TABLE in a room with two cave rats! Yes, she stealthed her way past zombies and crazy dark elves in their underwear (or not, as I was using the Better Bodies Mod.... gives the Sleepers a new level of creepy), only to get treed by two rats that I killed in as many swings.
Neat. At least you didn't find her corpse, that's what usually happens :rolleyes
QuoteGotta say, pretty awesome that you turned an NPC into your follower. Did you use Commanding Touch on him or find some other way to get him to follow you?
Yep, Commanding Touch. I later went on to create a Ring of Command, so that I could cast it repeatably and with a 42 second duration instead of 10. I've also discovered that if you cast it two or three times it will confuse the game about what the NPC is supposed to be doing and they will follow you continuously until you reload the game - apparently that state information isn't being stored.
Quote[EDIT] I just read what happened to Ma'Dara in the game sthat make you cry thread. Poor guy.
Yeah, I was determined not to have a repeat of that so I increased his stats with the console. I think I overdid it though - he was able to kill cliffracers with a single blow which even I can't do and I'm 100% longsword, strength, and level 51. He's level 2.
I'm not quite sure what to do now - he's happily wandering around outside Bal Isra and for some reason is locked in place now, i.e. he won't disappear if I rest. If I can get that to happen to other NPCs, I might lead him back to the nearest slave farm and then bring some other unfortunate to Bal Isra with the two of us acting as escort.
It's one of those big Dwemer fortresses with the propylons to be precise. It's called Andasreth and it's on the mainland just north of Gnaar Mok near the far western shoreline.
Quote from: Toric on July 24, 2007, 12:19:49 PM
It's one of those big Dwemer fortresses with the propylons to be precise. It's called Andasreth and it's on the mainland just north of Gnaar Mok near the far western shoreline.
Ah. I may have visited that one. The fortresses with the Propylons are old elven buildings I think - the Dwemer stuff is all spires and things with vaguely Germanic-sounding names like 'Nheulefting' and stuff like that. AFAIK the only 6th-house Dwemer buildings are the ones in the Red Mountain area...
Apologies for the double-posting, but I just had to share this. The images are big so I'm not going to include them inline at this time.
I broke Qa'Dar out of his cage by opening it - it wasn't locked and Brallion wasn't around to stop me, having earlier expired from an accident involving my crossbow.
Getting him to leave the cage was difficult as he was afraid to jump out of it. I had a spell made up that boosted his speed to 100 for 10 seconds - that did the job and he quickly sprang out of his cage and headed towards me.
I cast my command spell on him three times which proved adequate to turn him into a follower semi-permanently.
Mindful of the earlier drowning of Ra'Zhar, I also had a spell made that gave him water-walking powers for 240 seconds. It only cost around 400 gold coins and proved invaluable although I had to keep watching him to make sure it didn't expire and cause him to suddenly plunge below the waves.
Cat Dude and Qa'Dar make their way across the sea (
I briefly stopped at Tel Ahruhn to rest. Afraid that Qa'Dar would run away while I was resting, I broke into the living quarters. This caused problems as I wasn't allowed to sleep in the bed, and at a fine of 5gp each 'offence', I soon became widely-known as a notorious outlaw for this wicked crime. So I reloaded. Using my 100% chameleon ring 'Isildur's Bane' I made myself invisible and slept in the bed that way.
Next it was the small problem of crossing the mountains to Suran. That was boring but I got some nice photos: Cat Dude and Qa'Dar cross the mountains (
Things started to get really interesting when I passed the Oren plantation, and decided to add another slave to my party. I chose Ri'Zaadha, who I practised my speechcraft skills on earlier by attempting to hit on. Don't ask.
After a while I noticed that Ri kept looking at Qa'Dar.
Ri'Zaadha starts eyeing Qa'Dar (
I ignored this to begin with but it became apparent that Ri'Zaadha couldn't take his eyes off the other guy.
Uh, guys... now is not the time for that... (
Outside Pelagiad I spotted them exchanging affectionate glances at one another. Oh boy.
Get a room, you two (
Never mind, I decided to stop off at Ahnassi's place to say 'hi', drop off a few more priceless artifacts and get some rest. So I headed off to the bedroom. That was when things started to get out of hand.
That is not what I meant! (
Ahh tapewolf appears running around morromind and corrupting the local populous.
The game does seem to have a little bit of code for attraction between people, plenty of room for a couple of gay Kajit. ;) I've been getting a few friendly whistles lately walking through towns. Though then there is the couple of times people have announced "It's a pleasure to finally meet you" as I walk up to them .. and receive a "What an ugly outfit" as I walk away. If only the guards would let me impale them for such a comment. :<
On other note in a strange glitch I got slaughtered twice in a row by an "invisible" creature the the game forgot to draw in. Or at least I hope there's not an invisible creature wandering around waiting to kill me.
Quote from: rt on August 03, 2007, 06:04:44 PM
On other note in a strange glitch I got slaughtered twice in a row by an "invisible" creature the the game forgot to draw in. Or at least I hope there's not an invisible creature wandering around waiting to kill me.
I think I stole my own soul once. I'm not quite sure.
"I think I misplaced my soul... I don't feel any different though."
Ever get attacked by a beached slaughterfish? They're annoying enough in the water. Worse than cliff racers!
So in an odd experiment (read: accident) I found out that a mating kagouti has more soul power than a scamp or klannfear (200 vs 100 in the Enchant menu). It took a grand soul gem to contain the bugger's soul despite my having greaters and commons in my inventory. Compare to the fact that a standard Kagouti only takes up a petty soul gem. This does much to answer my question as to why succubi and incubi first seduce and then soul-steal: horny souls are much, much better.
And speaking of beached slaughterfish, I actually have a save file with two of them on top of an island.
Quote from: The DXM on August 07, 2007, 08:01:38 PM
"I think I misplaced my soul... I don't feel any different though."
Difficult to say. Basically I tried to steal a Golden Saint's soul, but the trap spell appeared to be reflected. Then it killed me and the game said 'You have trapped a soul!'. There was another Saint which I had poisoned though, so it could have been that...
QuoteEver get attacked by a beached slaughterfish? They're annoying enough in the water. Worse than cliff racers!
I might create one and see what happens :P
Quote from: Toric on August 07, 2007, 08:51:22 PM
So in an odd experiment (read: accident) I found out that a mating kagouti has more soul power than a scamp or klannfear (200 vs 100 in the Enchant menu). It took a grand soul gem to contain the bugger's soul despite my having greaters and commons in my inventory. Compare to the fact that a standard Kagouti only takes up a petty soul gem.
Interesting, although not necessarily practical for my purposes. I'm mostly trapping souls for the money at the moment, and that's likely to be more than Creeper can afford >:3
Since there are still people reading here some questions
- pick up books without reading ... possible ?
- pick up something "under" a bed or a bench ? Did I miss the 'duck' key, I can't see the object once i get in range to pick it up
- pick up something "under" someone .. I droped stuff right where one of the mage's teleporters stands, they only moved to great me, I guess I need to teleport back in some day and hope. Thankfully i droped nothing important.
(all picking up stuff .. yes i am a rpg clepto)
As for more glitches .. some random villager attacked me in a possesed fassion, then the game it a script error. Invisible monsters, and now villager possesions, this is a dangerous world.
Quote from: rt on August 11, 2007, 09:40:28 PM
- pick up books without reading ... possible ?
If it's in a container, yes.
Quote from: rt on August 11, 2007, 09:40:28 PM
- pick up something "under" a bed or a bench ? Did I miss the 'duck' key, I can't see the object once i get in range to pick it up
The sneak key (default Ctrl) will crouch you down a little bit, but you may want to look into Telekinesis to get things that are out of your reach.
Quote from: rt on August 11, 2007, 09:40:28 PM
- pick up something "under" someone .. I droped stuff right where one of the mage's teleporters stands, they only moved to great me, I guess I need to teleport back in some day and hope. Thankfully i droped nothing important.
So long as it's yours and you can target it without targeting the person, then you should be able to pick it up. Again, Telekinesis is your friend.
Quote from: rt on August 11, 2007, 09:40:28 PM
(all picking up stuff .. yes i am a rpg clepto)
As for more glitches .. some random villager attacked me in a possesed fassion, then the game it a script error. Invisible monsters, and now villager possesions, this is a dangerous world.
Have you done any of the updates or gotten any of the official mods? I was having random crash problems and performance issues after I had installed Bloodmoon and Tribunal, but they went away after I did the updates.
I have a question about becoming Archmage. I'm redoing it for the walkthrough and something anomalous has occurred. Basically, as soon as I became a Wizard, Arch-Mage Trebonius challenged me to a duel to the death. Which was over in about five seconds.
However, because I wasn't a Master Wizard, when he was dead, Cat Dude wrote in his journal that he was the archmage, but he was actually just promoted to Master Wizard. The guild seemed to have NO archmage at all and no-one would talk about Trebonius.
Previously, everyone would grovel and give words of comfort if I mentioned my late predecessor.
So, I tried again, this time rising to Master Wizard as should be. I really was Arch-Mage after killing T, but only some people will recognise this. Quest-givers will still give me duties instead of asking for them. Looks like the guild has split into factions >:3
Might this be because I don't meet the qualifications, or because I was in the middle of one of my duties when I topped Trebonius?
@Ryudo Lee:
Thanks for the tip, the stuff is indeed too far hidden for normal targeting so I'll have to look into t.k, but I've only started building up my magic power, mabey I'll get lucky and find a tk ring. Hopefully it will work, the stuff is sticking out from the mages poofy skirt. If not .. none of it is valuable :)
Edit: I believe I'm all patched before I played I grabed the 'morrowind only' patch from bethesda. Havn't tried the addons.
@ Tapewolf
Perhaps you can always do left over duties, and you could also ask your
underling about advancement in the ranks. To get the advancement many times you need do to finish the quests (and get the required stats).
I can't find the info but IIRC one of the guilds/houses did have a glitch about becoming boss. Atually I'm thiniking it was a house ..
Remeber when you ask the lowest member of the guild if you can become arch-mage .. say please and offer a cooke :giggle
edit/update #2:
In surfing looking for other info, and one of the homebrew addons was a fix that patched quests:
Nathan Strong's Morrowind Quest Fix v1.2.5
Fixes 21 Morrowind quests including the glitches that prevented the Player from becoming the Arch-Mage (Mage's Guild) and the Archmagister (Telvanni).
So I guess there is a problem and congrats you found it .. you get a cookie :mowcookie
I notice the spell creation system prevents you from casting soul-trap on 'self'. Pity, it would have made a really awesome ring...
Quote from: Tapewolf on August 18, 2007, 08:15:44 AM
I notice the spell creation system prevents you from casting soul-trap on 'self'. Pity, it would have made a really awesome ring...
Here hold this soul jem for me for a minute .. and this ring
Nice ring what's it do?
Ahh, give er a try and find out
*magic* ... ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!! *sucked into jem*
Speaking of traps the local villagers advised me to check out the cool shrine in the area .. "its safe at least in the day time, don't go at night" .. Off I go it was nice and purple deadric shrine (?sp?) .. and cool a nice flamming guy (flame atronauch?) comming to get me. Stabed 'em with my ring *plunk*, walk around some more .. a cool blue guy .. we stabed each other once .. unfortunatly I fell down first.
Safe area .. yeh right :B
And To add to the 'odd events list' I just met a merchant with nothing to sell.
Quote from: rt on August 19, 2007, 11:09:12 PM
And To add to the 'odd events list' I just met a merchant with nothing to sell.
You ain't seen nothing 'till you've spoken with the wandering mudcrab merchant.
Quote from: Cogidubnus on August 19, 2007, 11:29:56 PM
Quote from: rt on August 19, 2007, 11:09:12 PM
And To add to the 'odd events list' I just met a merchant with nothing to sell.
You ain't seen nothing 'till you've spoken with the wandering mudcrab merchant.
or accidentally killed him. :<
Quote from: BillBuckner on August 20, 2007, 02:46:59 PM
Quote from: Cogidubnus on August 19, 2007, 11:29:56 PM
You ain't seen nothing 'till you've spoken with the wandering mudcrab merchant.
or accidentally killed him. :<
You can probably create another one on the console :P
It's not the same, though. Kinda like how I refused to use the QBRMs in System Shock 2 under moral grounds.
Quote from: BillBuckner on August 20, 2007, 02:57:56 PM
It's not the same, though. Kinda like how I refused to use the QBRMs in System Shock 2 under moral grounds.
Remind me... what's one of those?
And if you want to see some
real console-assisted mayhem, I'm tempted to upload a savegame of my demon cheetah coalition.
Do guards respawn? I'm thinking of starting a Khajiit rebellion. Raze somewhere like Seyda Neen to the ground and turn it into a Khajiit town...
Quote from: Tapewolf on August 27, 2007, 01:25:52 PM
Do guards respawn? I'm thinking of starting a Khajiit rebellion. Raze somewhere like Seyda Neen to the ground and turn it into a Khajiit town.
I belive so...But its a long way to keep every guard you know quite happy
Quote from: Tapewolf on August 20, 2007, 03:11:01 PM
Quote from: BillBuckner on August 20, 2007, 02:57:56 PM
It's not the same, though. Kinda like how I refused to use the QBRMs in System Shock 2 under moral grounds.
Remind me... what's one of those?
If I remember correctly, it's those respawn points.
I was walking down the street when I got this message from my father:
I think I know how he's spending his retirement :P
Quote from: Tapewolf on September 02, 2007, 09:26:47 AM
I was walking down the street when I got this message from my father:
I think I know how he's spending his retirement :P
wait until he gets oblivion >:3
That is pure awesome. That'll probably occupy about five more years of his life, by a conservative estimate.
Its surpizing see your old man text you that Tape
Quote from: Toric on September 03, 2007, 01:55:36 AM
That is pure awesome. That'll probably occupy about five more years of his life, by a conservative estimate.
I guess we'll see. Dungeon Siege got him doing a few 1AM sessions, much to my stepmother's ire. Anyway, I'm glad he liked his present >:3
Quote from: Zedd on September 03, 2007, 02:03:20 AM
Its surpizing see your old man text you that Tape
Heck, he introduced me to computer games. One thing I wasn't sure of was if he'd take to it since he generally prefers more actiony games than RPGs. I've never been able to get him on SS2 or Deus Ex, which is a shame because he's an SF nut and SS2 is the closest I've been to being on an actual starship.
Your dad sounds cool
No screenshots yet, but I've been doing some very strange things with the console.
I created a new character called 'Dagoth Ur', and cranked him up so he has the following stats:
Strength: 50000
Agility: 50000
Speed: 100
Acrobatics: 100 (if you set this to 5000 or so, you'll jump off the map and the game will cry)
Athletics: 100
Endurance: 100
Axe, Longsword, Shortsword, Blunt weapon: 50000
Hand-to-hand: 1000000
It's pretty cool. He can run forever without tiring, it doesn't matter what happens to him because he can't die and he can leap from tree-to-tree. The weapons are a mixed blessing... a single axe stroke to someone's head will kill them - which frankly is as it should be - but the weapons wear out very, very quickly.
There are two interesting things which I've discovered:
1. If you barge into the Facility Cavern, you can kill Dagoth Ur (not me, the proper one). A quick clubbing with something and he'll drop dead still uttering the words "How can you kill a God?". This does however mean that you can't win the game. Come to that I'm not sure you can anyway, but that's another problem.
If you don't use a weapon at all, hand-to-hand attacks will knock someone out instantly. Naturally this includes Mr. Ur himself, so if you just smack him one, he'll fall to his knees breathing rapidly. Probably for about two hours realtime.
If you then dive off to the Heart, he'll teleport as usual (but unconscious of course).
Finally, you can simply bash the Heart in with any old weapon. The endgame sequence doesn't seem to trigger properly though, even if you do use the proper ones.
2. Go to Gnisis and find the bloke paddling in the river. Smack him one and he'll fall unconscious into the river. If you do this right, you'll find that he starts to drown, and in an attempt to save himself, will jerk around, rising gently into the sky as he does so. This seems to continue indefinitely until you move out of the cell, at which point they'll come crashing back to earth and die.
Alas, I haven't been able to reproduce these without cheating...
Probably OT, but just got started in Oblivion on the ol' 360. Great game, good graphics, though the framerate has some problems. Voice acting is a massive plus.
Annoying things that are different than Morrowind:
You can't see a character's disposition without going into the persuasion "minigame".
Lockpicking is annoying.
Stolen items can not be sold to ANY merchant, except fences for the Thieves Guild fences, and you need to be in the guild to use them.
Paying a guard a bounty won't instantly clear you, you have to go to the nearest castle. So no gradually killing people by repeatedly paying off bounties. :C
(If you raise his disposition above 90, though, you can get him to ignore your crime.)
Lockpicking is easy as crap in Oblivion, after twenty hours I was opening very hard locks without breaking picks. I hate how they took out traps though.
On a side note, I've been playing with the mods for Morrowind and my favorites so far are the nessecities of Morrowind and the CM-partners mod.
Nessecities of Morrowind makes it nessecary for you to eat, drink, etc., and adds some much needed realism. CM partners is a mod that uses the new companion module in the tribunal expansion to add over 70 NPCs that you can party with, and they can actually become intimate partners. Although same-sex relationships are disabled in the normal mod there's an expansion someone made to remove the dialogue limitations.
I also don't know if anyone mentioned 'Slof's better bodies for beasts' yet, but it's excellent. Be warned though, because it'll turn your copy into an AO game in no time flat. Slof refuses to make undergarments apparently.
There are trap mods for Oblivion... I know Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul includes them. I finished the Blackwood Company headquarters only to hit a trapped chest when I began looting the place. God that sucked as the boss was a hard fight (well, by OOO standards) :<
Also, AlienSlof does make undergarments... sexy sexy undergarments... FOR MEN... often crotchless... :>
Quote from: Kasarn on September 11, 2007, 06:00:30 AM
There are trap mods for Oblivion... I know Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul includes them. I finished the Blackwood Company headquarters only to hit a trapped chest when I began looting the place. God that sucked as the boss was a hard fight (well, by OOO standards) :<
Also, AlienSlof does make undergarments... sexy sexy undergarments... FOR MEN... often crotchless... :>
:shifty I'll buy two...
People floating in Morrowind
Sorry if this is a bit image-heavy. If it's a problem let me know and I'll sort something out.
First, here's someone that Dagoth Ur has just beaten the crap out of in the water. To avoid drowning, they, uh, fly:
Here's a distance shot. Dagoth is battling some other sod whom he's just annoyed so that he can lead them down into the water and drown them. As usual, he's wearing the uniform from the last person he's killed:
Two people floating in Morrowind:
Dagoth Ur walked out of the cell, causing the victim to fall like a stone. The round blob is the victim, caught here in mid-plunge. Why they look like that I know not: