My First Flash!

Started by Fizzbit, December 07, 2005, 08:38:44 PM

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Very cheesy indeed.

We're studying Flash in Computers and Technology, and today we were taught how to make animations, and he told us to make a flower blooming using 25 frames. The play and replay buttons weren't part of the assignment, I added those on later.

It takes a little bit to load, so give it time.

Destina Faroda

You're better at Flash than I am, although was the assignment solely frame by frame, or could you use tweening?
Sig coming...whenever...


Yeah, I'm curious about that as well.


We started with tweening early on, but just simple moving one object across the screen and whatnot.

This assignment was frame-by-frame.


Well,olroxshade is back and i say great,is cool for the first, put more enfort,
Congratulation! :januscat


It was just a basic school assignment; we were walked through it frame by frame.


Finally wathced it......
Is that fly saying something at the end? :blink


Yeah, it was supposed to be the final frame in the assignment, where we put our Name and class hour. I added on the Replay frame, which explains the very quick "WTF" moment.


Ohhh, well i though that little bugger was cursing me.


Only a question: what say in the corner where the fly come to the flower?
(sorry for my gramathic)


just says "Clara Leet, 3rd Hour" cuz we had to include our name in the last frame of the animation. I added the reply frame, which caused the name frame to just "blip".

Destina Faroda

Do you plan on tweaking the animation so that the "name" lasts several frames before showing "Replay" or would you rather move on to bigger and better?
Sig coming...whenever...


Eh, rather move on. This was just a school assignment, I don't even have the program at home to hone my technique. Maybe someday I'll get it, but for now I need to move along.


Hey Clara!i know who you can do something more good,you are a great artist,YOU CAN,GO!!!!! :D
(the absence is:I be lost in a forest,so weird :help)