2014/05/09 [PF #314] - Dear Fendrick, you f---ed up

Started by Eboreg, May 09, 2014, 09:26:48 AM

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Looks like Major Nutcase is up a creek without a paddle here. And he has no one to blame but himself. Still, Daryil is just being awesome!
Quote from: Amber Williams on October 29, 2012, 05:55:06 PM
I expect if flamethrowers exist, Matilda would be tempted to install one into her shower.


I'd make a "show of hands who else saw this coming"* comment but that would probably get many one worded reply's...
also i suppose i should say "hello, i'm a lurker who will probably post very very rarely"

*(the androids lack of magic rendering them unable to capture creatures to clarify the thing i saw coming, albeit i didn't post the theory anywhere i can't say "called it"...)


Also, "man-sex" I laughed more than I should have. :)


I'm wondering if they really were made androids or Daryil just made them think they were. (If you believe you can no longer do magic, will you even try?)
"Cogito, ergo es. I think, therefore you is." Ray D. Tutto (King of the Moon) to Baron Munschaussen


Quote from: AmigaDragon on May 10, 2014, 06:06:14 PM
I'm wondering if they really were made androids or Daryil just made them think they were. (If you believe you can no longer do magic, will you even try?)

Well, one of the reasons it got a little gory in page 300 was to scotch that line of thought, well for those two, at least.  FWIW, the two very dead ones on that page are in two places at once - their corpses slumped against the wall while their android versions are hanging out with Fendrick.

With the other two, especially with the one who was shooting at Daryil, it's a bit less cut-and-dried.
Though I might go into more detail about them when the arc finishes if anyone is (morbidly) curious.  Or maybe after the next page.  Which is going to be fun.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: Tapewolf on May 10, 2014, 09:32:05 PM
With the other two, especially with the one who was shooting at Daryil, it's a bit less cut-and-dried.
Though I might go into more detail about them when the arc finishes if anyone is (morbidly) curious.  Or maybe after the next page.  Which is going to be fun.

I never got around to that, did I?

Basically, of the two guards on page 303, one of them has his soul sucked out, and the other is left in a state resembling concussion.  The concussed guard recovers somewhat in page 305, at which point he starts shooting at Daryil.  Whether he hits or misses isn't entirely relevant given Daryil's power.  In any case he lets off a number of shots around page 309.

After that it gets rather unpleasant.  Page 309's sound effects were rewritten at the last minute to offer a few hints as to what happens - those sound effects are telling a story, and it's not a pretty one, so it might be wise to skip the next paragraph if you are of a nervous disposition.

There are several shots.  Likely the guard is panicking because shooting Daryil didn't work for reasons which beome apparent on page 318.  After that, Daryil makes his move.
First, Daryil grabs the guard in a manner not unlike the middle panels of page 303.  Top priority is to grab the muzzle, probably with the right hand, hence the 'MMMF!' sound.
After that, Daryil's other hand is resting on the back of his victim's head.  The thing is, canids typically have long muzzles, and that gives you a lot of leverage.  So all Daryil has to do is give one sharp twist with the hand holding the muzzle: That last horrible sound effect on page 309 which I wasn't sure whether to include or not.

At the end of the day, being killed is what the guard wanted, though having Daryil snap his neck was probably not the way he intended to expire.  (Arguably Daryil could have been more humane about it as well, but his is a fear-based clan, so...)

The guard's soul can then be transferred into the robot body as per Fendrick's plan, and this Daryil does, for both of them.  Arguably he would be well within his rights to let them go on to whatever afterlife awaits, but that's not really his style.  Ultimately, Fendrick is the one whose plans threaten the fragile peace between races - the foxes are just hired help.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E