Abusing Google maps

Started by thegayhare, January 01, 2014, 03:40:00 AM

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Hello. Here I am at 3 am after drinking to mucus oh my buddy Garys holiday punch...  It's great by the way he makes gallons of the stuff and has given me the receipt..  I'll shared it if you like.

I said that bit to warn you all about the status of my brain and data display is probably a bad idea. 

Have you ever looked uo your home on Google maps to see if there is a street view and bed embarrassed by the image they had ther?  I checked mind sure they wouldn't have a picture but they do.  It's 7 years old but they swung by at just the right time. mustard had a football came going on or something cause we had a ratty chair withe sing marked free on it right next to a toilet.   Hell is a toilet on your lawn dot say classy nothing will

Any one else embarrassed by the Google mackine?

Second odd er questionable action of the night...  Is it cute or creepy that I also looked uo the street very of my boyfriend jons house and screen shorted it to the wallpaper oh the tablet I'm pestering this from....


I would like to apologize for the previous post.   My friend Gary's punch is made with champagne, vodka, and cherry liquor.  So I had entirely to much.  So drunk typing and auto correct can make a mess of things.   Sorry all

llearch n'n'daCorna

Wow, bunny. You were pretty plastered, there. ;-]
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Ohhh yeah it happens to the best of us some times.  *chuckles *