Unemployment: An unfortunate event or an unusual opportunity

Started by thegayhare, November 08, 2013, 12:20:36 AM

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Well with me being un employed

I've been looking for a job with no luck

But I got to thinking

This might just be the opportunity of a lifetime

I found several avaliable positions,  cook positions, in the town my boy foxy lives in.  Since my luck in my own state sucks something fierce maybe I should apply down there...  It would. Be the perfect time to make the move and if I can secure a Jobe before I get there it would seem perfect.

But the thing is bunny is broker and couldn't. Afford to cover a trip like that even if it was just me going the tripping. 

So what do you folks think. Should I hunker down here and hope to find something to raise the money for the move I wanna make,  or should I try to find something in the place I want to be and try to finale the trip when and if it comes?

I'm not expecting you nice folks to have all the answers and in the end it's something that would come down to me and my foxy but if you had any advise or anything to say I'm all ears

llearch n'n'daCorna

I'd say it's worth trying somewhere else. Only thing you want to think about is how you get there, and how you get back if it all fails.

Not necessarily a definitive plan, mind, but some idea of what you're going to do would be a good idea.
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see if you can find a job before you move perhaps? people would be much more ready to lend a hand if they know you arent going to just sit there needing more

out of curiosity do you think you are self motivated and diciplined enough to be self employed?
Some will fall in love with life,
and drink it from a fountain;
that is pouring like an avalanche,
coming down the mountain.