So....THE MOVE...

Started by Amber Williams, September 20, 2013, 01:25:01 AM

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llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Mihari on September 21, 2013, 05:41:34 PM
Quote from: lilpuppy23 on September 21, 2013, 12:50:00 PMAlso CM has more better smileys.
Yah, not touching that one!

I don't blame you. ;-] lilpuppy, as far as smileys go, if we were going to move, one of the things we'd be sure to move is the smileys. There's a lot of default ones in there, but there's also a fair number of forum-specific ones, and we'd be moving the latter, definitely. I'm sure Mihari would be more than happy to assist us in that, but frankly, it's mostly a matter of opening the two forums up and copy/pasting between them, which anyone can do.

Of course, that's all a bit far off, since the forum isn't moving yet anyway.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears



I'll admit, I don't much care one way or th' other where the comic is hosted, so long as it is not in danger of losing hosting.

I'm a bit... perplexed, though. All of the other comics on that host tend to be... well... my personal term for them is 'Kawaii Komix'. You know, generally done in either chibi or quasi-anime style, with conflicts being almost exclusively social, the character depth is measured in micrometers and are generally indistinguishable stock-character anyways, there's more than enough saccharine to give a dragon diabetes, the most amount of violence you get tends to be in the form of a 'baka mallet' or other such form of attack which doesn't leave blood or permanent damage, and the intelligence and maturity required to appreciate the comics approaches zero.

Mind you, there's nothing intrinsically wrong with that sort of thing, it's just... not the same genre that DMFA is in.

Also, the forums on katbox... they scare me. Every time I try to register, I suddenly am assaulted with a mental image of being glomped by quasi-legal catgirls in outfits they have no business to be wearing. Which causes me to curl up in the fetal position and rock back and forth slowly muttering 'can't sleep, catgirls will eat me'. I absolutely cringe every time I see faux-japanese phrases being used as a form of pop-culture.

It's like seeing one of Miyazaki's works mixed in with a bunch of shoujo manga.


Quote from: Prroul on September 22, 2013, 05:49:50 AM
I'll admit, I don't much care one way or th' other where the comic is hosted, so long as it is not in danger of losing hosting.

I'm a bit... perplexed, though. All of the other comics on that host tend to be... well... my personal term for them is 'Kawaii Komix'. You know, generally done in either chibi or quasi-anime style, with conflicts being almost exclusively social, the character depth is measured in micrometers and are generally indistinguishable stock-character anyways, there's more than enough saccharine to give a dragon diabetes, the most amount of violence you get tends to be in the form of a 'baka mallet' or other such form of attack which doesn't leave blood or permanent damage, and the intelligence and maturity required to appreciate the comics approaches zero.

Mind you, there's nothing intrinsically wrong with that sort of thing, it's just... not the same genre that DMFA is in.

Also, the forums on katbox... they scare me. Every time I try to register, I suddenly am assaulted with a mental image of being glomped by quasi-legal catgirls in outfits they have no business to be wearing. Which causes me to curl up in the fetal position and rock back and forth slowly muttering 'can't sleep, catgirls will eat me'. I absolutely cringe every time I see faux-japanese phrases being used as a form of pop-culture.

It's like seeing one of Miyazaki's works mixed in with a bunch of shoujo manga.

The katbox forums is nothing to fear, it's also in my modest opinion not very daunting to join since the activity there isn't that overpowering at this time.
DFMA adds to the variety of comics going by your statements, which one could take as a good thing from the katbox's perspective and serves as indirect promotion toward DFMA as well. Most comics on it are younger than DMFA by a long stretch so character depth is indeed not as well deepened out as in DMFA in some at least.

Most comics are either orientated toward character directed drama and comedy or just pure comedy experiences with a touch of fanservice. I do agree that fanservice is in all
of Katbox comics in a larger quantity than DMFA and Las Lindas has sidecomics that have it as it's main selling point.

If you'd rather stay on this forum, as is intended then all the more power to you. Missmab joining Katbox will only mean a layout overhaul while hopefully popularizing it further, if others start reading the katbox comics out of interest that would be fine too I imagine, despite your poor opinion on them. It is indeed DMFA that I found Katbox through in the first place, as Amber hasn't failed mentioning Las Lindas and the katbox half a dozen times as well as receiving fanart from the comic artists on Katbox.

The layout of Katbox is indeed not quite as clean as missmab's Fiddling with the button colours and helping them blend in with the background may make it less distracting for the eye. However I too will miss the old site's design as it was very clean and simple although perhaps the links were a bit small they were convenient enough and the limited array of colours used made it so that the website truly promoted reading the comic, Katbox's layout is flashy and will take getting used to for people that don't watch katbox comics. For those who are interested in watching comics that resemble DMFA a bit I could only recommend the recently rebooted Anthronauts.

The faux Japanese stuff is mostly Caribbean Blue, Rascals, Project Zero and Knuckle Up. It's mostly limited in actual placement though and hardly in the foreground. Out of those comics only Caribbean Blue as a quasi Anime arts-tyle that is more anime-like than DMFA's. But anime don't all have the same artstyle to begin with so it's hard to state that from the start.

In truth the only thing that makes this move not truly be without downsides for myself is that Tapewolfs project future which is set in the DMFA universe's (alternate ) future will still require me to have a seperate favourite for it. Despite this I do not read every Katbox comic so It's not unusual for me, I rather am poorly affiliated with the ''furry'' community because DMFA ( and attachments ) and Katbox are the only two ''furry'' sites that I follow.

Jasae Bushae

Well you could arguably add Yosh! Saga to that list of faux japanese stuff since one whole arc focused on flying to japan to fight ninjas, though I would compare the plot more to el goonish shive meets RPG epic. I stopped reading a few years ago due to a few internet troubles and have not been able to get back into it simply because archive trauling that  bloody monster is a daunting task to figure out where I left off, but if you want violence and character depth, that might be what you would want to try.

At the time I stopped reading it, the A plot of the story was defeating a band of elemental lords who were up to no good in the neiborhood, trying to unlock their great poweryness and evry time they did so, it altered the world in unusual ways. They had finished contending with the elemental of power and wrapped up some sort of 'men in black touring their house' portion of a sub plot and were working towards a cooling down period (which tends to mean some character interactionyness.)

It is rather good, though the plot may be a bit confusing. When I stopped, there were at least twelve ongoing plotlines at the time, several flashback arcs occurring to add depth and so many characters that I had an annoying habit of being unable to tell who was who which was annoying T_T

But if you want an engaging read and to trawl a really long comic, I recommend it! Though be warned, it starts out as a gag comic (similar to Dan and Mab) and takes a little to improve.
I might be a hack writer but thats no reason not to Enjoy writing anyways


Quote from: Jasae Bushae on September 22, 2013, 08:39:16 AM
Well you could arguably add Yosh! Saga to that list of faux japanese stuff since one whole arc focused on flying to japan to fight ninjas, though I would compare the plot more to el goonish shive meets RPG epic. I stopped reading a few years ago due to a few internet troubles and have not been able to get back into it simply because archive trauling that  bloody monster is a daunting task to figure out where I left off, but if you want violence and character depth, that might be what you would want to try.

At the time I stopped reading it, the A plot of the story was defeating a band of elemental lords who were up to no good in the neiborhood, trying to unlock their great poweryness and evry time they did so, it altered the world in unusual ways. They had finished contending with the elemental of power and wrapped up some sort of 'men in black touring their house' portion of a sub plot and were working towards a cooling down period (which tends to mean some character interactionyness.)

It is rather good, though the plot may be a bit confusing. When I stopped, there were at least twelve ongoing plotlines at the time, several flashback arcs occurring to add depth and so many characters that I had an annoying habit of being unable to tell who was who which was annoying T_T

But if you want an engaging read and to trawl a really long comic, I recommend it! Though be warned, it starts out as a gag comic (similar to Dan and Mab) and takes a little to improve.

Ah, I missed that. Honestly it's one of the newer members and I haven't been reading it myself.  :B

Especially since it already had so many comics when joining the Katbox it seemed to be not compelling to do so.

Heck, I checked out some pages from the comics I don't read just to make sure that I'm at least partially right, I'm quite paranoid like that.

Jasae Bushae

I was really surprised to see it included. XD I had figured if Yosh was to partner up with any other comics it would be Twokinds first thing since they seem so close in alot of ways. ^^

To name a couple of 'furry' comics you might wanna check out aside from those two, I recommend Last Resort, which is a sci fi epic about ex convicts put on a reality show to fight for their lives and a girl who snuck in to rescue a friend.

and Slightly Damned, a comic about a girl who died and was sent to the eighth circle of hell
I might be a hack writer but thats no reason not to Enjoy writing anyways


Quote from: Mihari on September 21, 2013, 05:41:34 PM
Well, it simply wouldn't be a change if someone didn't vehemently object to it.

I wouldn't exactly describe my objection as vehement.  I strongly prefer the current site...  Just wanted to share an opinion; I try to avoid demanding others bow to my will. ;)

Quote from: Mihari on September 21, 2013, 05:41:34 PM
The mobile version of the theme won't have the sidebar at all... not sure how that's gonna work yet, however, getting off topic.

Might I suggest a spiffy fly-out menu for devices that support CSS3/javascript and statically including it at the bottom of all pages on devices that don't?  Not familiar with your back-end, so dunno how easy that would be.  Feel free to PM me about it.

Quote from: Mihari on September 21, 2013, 05:41:34 PM
I am trying to optimize it to be friendly for all, and I ask you to just be patient and bear with me on that notion. I may even ask for your input down the line as my list of people with emphasis on those devices is nonexistent.

I'd be glad to contribute.  My post was meant to bring a couple problems to light in hopes of improvement.  Though I was probably more than a little indelicate, my intention was not one of malice.

Blah, I hate being serious.

Quote from: Mihari on September 21, 2013, 05:41:34 PM
However, your statement about the Katbox being a den of sex (okay that was over the top ) is far from the truth. The ones that do tend to go a bit overboard are the bonus comics that people PAY to be that way. I also admit there does tend to be a bit of emphasis on display of female... parts often, and to some excessive extremes (in display of sizes.) Most of which even I don't care for. However, all that is NOT sex, and more importantly is NOT the focus of the comics.

First, your response is entirely fair.  I didn't mean to implicate all of Katbox in that paragraph.  But re-reading, what I wrote pretty much does just that, so I'm sorry.  I do understand quite well the distinction between the individual comics hosted there as well as the Katbox hosting itself.

I typed a detailed explanation on how I wasn't complaining about any specific depiction of sex but instead the attitudes expressed towards it, but then I thought "Who wants to read that?"  So yeah, Katbox is definitely not a seedy den of I'll repute.  But at the same time I will continue to hold strong opinions regarding specific comics (and not at all limited to those on Katbox).


soooo thats why the mows started populating across the katbox front page


Quote from: MT Hazard on January 08, 2011, 10:54:19 AM
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Quote from: Icalasari on September 23, 2013, 11:18:54 PM
Wait, WHAT Easter Eggs?
Indeed. I knew they existed, but I never did find them. Perhaps it would be worthwhile to list them here before turning off the lights to

Regarding the whole move, I wish Amber the best. I've seen these things turn out very well, and other times quite poorly. Here's hoping it will be the former.
At any rate, I think people have been very open about the how's, but I don't believe that's the case about the why's. It's possible that I've missed it, although I did try to read through the thread a few times, as well as the news blurb.
It's been made eminently clear that it isn't a failure on behalf of the current host, but that does leave several possibilities. Wider audience, more money, getting to chum with other artists, or sinister occult conspiracy?
I'm aware we don't have the right to any explanation. No, not since the collapse of the Forum Users' Glorious Revolution.

Edit: And of course I found an easter egg. Are we allowed to say where they are?

Amber Williams

I guess I can try to handle a bit of the why, but it's fairly lackluster.

The truth of the matter is...I get lonely from time to time and there is a certain amount of networking angle where being in a cluster of creative folks can be really supportive and fun.  In a network one can help eachother's goals and swap stories and solutions to problems you or others may be having in the business.  Or do little projects where everyone in the little community contributes and do a group effort. There is a certain amount of simple enjoyment about being part of a group than an island of yourself.  Money was never a consideration, and I've never been one to really be all aboard the gotta-be-popular train.   Really it just boils down to I find many of the folks on the Katbox groovy people and being able to hang out with them and work on comics together sounds fun.

Xepher's hosting has been fabulous. Triple so on a technical level.  I can't recall any instance of downtime that extended long segments, the folks in charge are always prompt and easy to talk with, they are really great.  I would recommend them to anyone in a heartbeat.  The decision to move is purely personal preference and that well...I think that being on the Katbox is going to be a lot of fun.   :U

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Icalasari on September 23, 2013, 11:18:54 PM
Wait, WHAT Easter Eggs?

If we provided a list, they wouldn't be easter eggs, would they?

Quote from: Tzenker on September 24, 2013, 12:01:56 AM
Edit: And of course I found an easter egg. Are we allowed to say where they are?

Of course. Just not here, since that would spoil it for anyone who happens to be looking for them.

That's been the standing rule for some time, now...
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on September 24, 2013, 03:52:08 AM
Quote from: Tzenker on September 24, 2013, 12:01:56 AM
Edit: And of course I found an easter egg. Are we allowed to say where they are?

Of course. Just not here, since that would spoil it for anyone who happens to be looking for them.

That's been the standing rule for some time, now...

Even though they're about to go away?

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Tapewolf on September 24, 2013, 04:59:25 AM
Even though they're about to go away?

Until Ambaargh changes her mind, yes. Which she is perfectly allowed to do - I'd just like it if she'd tell me afterwards. ;-]
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

Jasae Bushae

Save them so that if their gone you can show them later!  :eager

As an aside though, it seems that the reception for Dan and Mab is well recieved over at Katbox. XD
I might be a hack writer but thats no reason not to Enjoy writing anyways

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Jasae Bushae on September 24, 2013, 09:41:52 AM
Save them so that if their gone you can show them later!  :eager

As an aside though, it seems that the reception for Dan and Mab is well recieved over at Katbox. XD

Why did you img-link that? It's a URL...

  More specifically, it's a URL that ends in / and doesn't mean an image of some sort...
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

Jasae Bushae

ooooh, my mistake XD i was trying to image the comic itself XD
I might be a hack writer but thats no reason not to Enjoy writing anyways


One of the hidden comics has been transfered and is in plain sight.


I'd just like to thank Mihari for being so friendly and helpful about the move. I found the Katbox through Amber's comic so I was kinda familiar with it because I started to read Las Lindas because she spoofed it one time I think, which of course led to the site. Unfortunately I just joined the forum here and got a password and set up my profile stuff here. :(  It took me a long while to decide to join this one and if I hadn't have been forced by circumstances to join another one due to the comments section being closed I probably wouldn't have joined this one either. But that one was from scratch and wasn't overly complicated and I knew a lot of them from commenting in the comments section. So I learned the ropes of a forum and decided to try this one. I even tried some others, well, let's just say I don't do well with captchas and have trouble convincing sites that I'm not a bot or something. It is frustrating.

So I'm kinda happy the forum here is going to stay active for a while anyhow. I've checked out the Katbox forum and read some comments so it seems nice. Maybe I'll brave it eventually. Hopefully it'll let me in.

Easter eggs. I actually am proud that I know what they are in context of computers and they are not in fact highly decorated chicken eggs. I am not really a gamer. I am older than video games and actually watched B&W TV. If Amber is Lorenda's age I'm Fa'Lina's age. I played Pong on a TV at my friend's house and it was amazing to control those lines on the TV screen. Never owned an Atari (would ruin the TV, my dad said),played Pac Man, Asteroids and Space Invaders by inserting quarters(not very often) and by the time I got back around to doing anything like that I got a DS which I used for memory and math games and Sudoku . In other words asking me to find easter eggs is like asking a color blind person to find the red pencil in the pile. Not gonna happen.  :mowsad  So I'd really like to see what I'm missing if it's possible and doesn't upset Amber. I wish her luck with the Katbox, it is good to have friends and colleagues to socialize with.

Make the wrong things difficult, and the right things easy. Notice the smallest change and the slightest try and reward him.
----Ray Hunt


T'was my pleasure, everyone here has been really nice too. It's refreshing to be welcome into a community so warmly. :3

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Wdot on October 06, 2013, 12:42:00 AM
I'd just like to thank Mihari for being so friendly and helpful about the move. I found the Katbox through Amber's comic so I was kinda familiar with it because I started to read Las Lindas because she spoofed it one time I think, which of course led to the site. Unfortunately I just joined the forum here and got a password and set up my profile stuff here. :(  It took me a long while to decide to join this one and if I hadn't have been forced by circumstances to join another one due to the comments section being closed I probably wouldn't have joined this one either. But that one was from scratch and wasn't overly complicated and I knew a lot of them from commenting in the comments section. So I learned the ropes of a forum and decided to try this one. I even tried some others, well, let's just say I don't do well with captchas and have trouble convincing sites that I'm not a bot or something. It is frustrating.

So I'm kinda happy the forum here is going to stay active for a while anyhow. I've checked out the Katbox forum and read some comments so it seems nice. Maybe I'll brave it eventually. Hopefully it'll let me in.

Many people have trouble with captchas; don't feel alone, I find them frustrating as well. On the other hand, without them, we (the mods) were spending several hours/week or more cleaning up spam and filtering bots. Given this is all volunteer, we kinda went for the "let's be totally brutal about things that waste our time" option, and accepted that this would, sadly, mean some actual real people couldn't get in.

It's not a good choice, it's about the best option out of a whole lot of really _bad_ choices. If someone can come up with a better option, I'm willing to listen and try it out, though.

Quote from: Wdot on October 06, 2013, 12:42:00 AM
Easter eggs. I actually am proud that I know what they are in context of computers and they are not in fact highly decorated chicken eggs. I am not really a gamer. I am older than video games and actually watched B&W TV. If Amber is Lorenda's age I'm Fa'Lina's age. I played Pong on a TV at my friend's house and it was amazing to control those lines on the TV screen. Never owned an Atari (would ruin the TV, my dad said),played Pac Man, Asteroids and Space Invaders by inserting quarters(not very often) and by the time I got back around to doing anything like that I got a DS which I used for memory and math games and Sudoku . In other words asking me to find easter eggs is like asking a color blind person to find the red pencil in the pile. Not gonna happen.  :mowsad  So I'd really like to see what I'm missing if it's possible and doesn't upset Amber. I wish her luck with the Katbox, it is good to have friends and colleagues to socialize with.

I'll be a little more specific here - there's nothing stopping people sending private messages about them. What we're doing is simply asking that people not post posts about them, since some people like to look for those sorts of things themselves, and a list would be sortof spoiling it for everyone.

Also, I have, in the past, told some people that there are more secrets than actually exist, just to watch them go nuts trying to find the things. But that's all a bit evil, and I don't propose (at this stage) to do anything of the sort. ;-] I will, however, send you a list of the easter eggs, just because you asked so nicely. ;-]
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Hiya, folks! I'm another Katbox representative- one of the artists.

When I found out DMFA was going to be on the Katbox, I was all SQUEEEEEEEEE HAPPYDAAAAAANCE LET'S MAKE SOME TACOOOOOOOOS! And it makes me a lil sad that not everybody shares my joy. I know some folks were complaining about the layout of the webpage, or how it appears on mobile devices, and I can't help you there... But... Some folks were complaining about the structure of the katbox forum. Guess what? That's been changed! Now, just like on this forum, there is one dedicated section for DMFA and all of Ambar's works. You don't have to go through updates to other comics if you REALLY don't want to.

And if you're concerned about the Katbox having too much sexy... well, at least in MY comic, most characters dress very conservatively. Very, VERY conservatively.

I'm the artist of Anthronauts.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Nixie on October 06, 2013, 09:41:25 PM
Hiya, folks! I'm another Katbox representative- one of the artists.


For what it's worth, much of the discussion is more raising points that might affect things, rather than saying that these are specifically _bad_ things. So I don't think the people chatting here are expecting everything to change as they've requested. Or, at least, they darned well shouldn't be. ;-] The end result we aim for is the best of both worlds, rather than simply sticking with what we have simply because it's what we're all used to.

Having said that, it's wonderful to see things are changing for what we hope is the better. From what I've seen, you guys are bending over backwards for us, which is very welcoming, if possibly slightly uncomfortable. ;-]
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Quote from: Nixie on October 06, 2013, 09:41:25 PM
Hiya, folks! I'm another Katbox representative- one of the artists.

Ohhhh Hi Ms Nixie.... I must say I love your comic. 
If cutie Boris ever needs another lab assistant could you let him know there is a tinkering mad science bunny with a bite proof suit that would be happy to help out