(9-3-06) Bad behavior

Started by bill, September 02, 2006, 11:17:41 PM

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Amber Williams

*clawhands*  Curse you Bill Buckner and your refresh speed of DOOOOOM!


I seriously must have pressed refresh about 300 times within the last 10 minutes on your front page. This occurs when you have nothing better to do.

Roureem Egas

Isn't this interesting? <3

Well, it's highy likely that one of them swings that way. But what about the other? I'd be so happy if the two of them are that way.  >:3



Yeah, I'd say that Amber just opened the door to a crapload of bad fanfictions.

Sienna Maiu - M T

*simply snickers at that last comment*

And this is why we should all hate Devin *nods sagely*
Okay. Not really, but he's not one I would divulge my secrets with.

yeah... *slinks away*


Personally i'm waiting for the rainbow spotted Able fan art.

[for some reason one night i was thinking rainbow spots would be a good sickness for a spotted magical creature ... add a big sneaze and they all fall off .. like a classic WB cartoon animation gag]


Quote from: BillBuckner on September 02, 2006, 11:32:03 PM
Yeah, I'd say that Amber just opened the door to a crapload of bad fanfictions.

I think that happened long ago with the Abel pics on the art forum...

Aaaaanyways, if Abel got the rainbow colored spots thing, would he be cookies & cream with sprinkles? o:


Nah I like it the way it is it's part of Abel character.
Don't change a thing Amber you got Abel down perfectly. But if the color of her Tat will be I like a inverted negative with grays  :meh..........


It'll be interesting to see how this plays out  xD

Rainbow colored spots? Snaaaazzy...


Quote from: Smiles on September 03, 2006, 01:44:38 AM
Rainbow colored spots? Snaaaazzy...

Snazzy is my word... >.>

Jeez, I keep on envisioning Care Bears or something whenever I think of rainbow spots....  :mowdizzy

(Then there's the obvious gay/rainbow connection...)


Quote from: Supercheese on September 03, 2006, 01:47:21 AM
Quote from: Smiles on September 03, 2006, 01:44:38 AM
Rainbow colored spots? Snaaaazzy...

Snazzy is my word... >.>

Jeez, I keep on envisioning Care Bears or something whenever I think of rainbow spots....  :mowdizzy

(Then there's the obvious gay/rainbow connection...)

Oh come on you overthink too much on this. Well maybe your right on this never mind. Carry on soilder....... :batman


Quote from: Supercheese on September 03, 2006, 01:47:21 AM
Quote from: Smiles on September 03, 2006, 01:44:38 AM
Rainbow colored spots? Snaaaazzy...

Snazzy is my word... >.>

Jeez, I keep on envisioning Care Bears or something whenever I think of rainbow spots....  :mowdizzy

(Then there's the obvious gay/rainbow connection...)

Fine, have snazzy; I'll take toastrific  :3

Care Bears make me think of gummy bears o_o; I used to bite the little gummy bear heads off...*thinks of biting Care Bear heads* Arrrrgh!!! *headdesk*


I really like that Dalmation, I do!  I'm beginning to doubt my initial suspicions of him being a Demon, even.  He seems like such a nice chap.

Also, am I the only one who's tempted to write up a Firefox extension that checks the DMFA front page as many times a second as possible and if it finds a new image, creates a new topic?

Image found!  Topic "Volume ###" created!  ... or "Abel's Story ##" created!

Just to see if it would outmatch bill?


Actually, that's probably a bad idea.  Ms. Amber might ban me if I were to setup such a bandwidth leech, it'd be evil.  So I won't.  But SO TEMPTED.


Cool in that sort of way. I think I'll do the same to the gummi bears heads. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM biting gummi bears heads off........



Really I didn't notice that.....


Quote from: Roureem Egas on September 02, 2006, 11:28:23 PM
Isn't this interesting? <3

Well, it's highly likely that one of them swings that way. But what about the other? I'd be so happy if the two of them are that way.  >:3

It's been a long time, but go back to the previous strip - Xander tells Abel that Devin is gay.  This is not exactly a shock since he threatened to rape Abel, and Amber did describe him as 'a furry gay Nightcrawler'.  Devin's comment is certainly a comeback to Xander for saying that he won't come out of the closet.
Hence the only one here who is actually straight appears to be Abel, and it's said that he isn't by the time he's left SAIA.

As for bad fanfiction, I was afraid that Sid was headed down that path with his story about Xander (where the foreword warns about Xander snuggles) and it took me a long time to read it.  Actually it's pretty good so far.

Got the name 'nightcrawler' wrong, fixed

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: LigerJet on September 03, 2006, 02:18:56 AM
Awww! He's blushing! XD

Who is?

Anyway, if Devin was a member on this forum, I'd smite him. :mowignore
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Frankly, if Xander DID just out a closeted Devin, then I can't really fault Devin TOO much for returning the breach of trust. Still, it's not a nice thing to do, I just don't like Devin any less because of it.

Mind, Devin would have to act like more then a jerk for me to dislike him more. I dislike him plenty, but he's already filled those slots.

Speaking of smiting, I read the announcemant stickies for DMFA form xfer nerbies, and I didn't see (and can't seem to find) an explanation for those smite/applaud buttons. What do they do/are they for?


Quote from: Shakal on September 03, 2006, 04:05:30 AM
Speaking of smiting, I read the announcemant stickies for DMFA form xfer nerbies, and I didn't see (and can't seem to find) an explanation for those smite/applaud buttons. What do they do/are they for?

Nothing.  They are for show and have no actual effect, other than as a rough guide to what people think of you.  On the Home Recording board you have to fill out the reason why you gave someone karma, but in this thing you don't, hence its value is limited.
As I rule I've been applauding artists when they post something which I think is good.  I've been smiting people who spam threads etc - not often, mark you.  It has to be pretty bad for me to want to do that.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Rowne on September 03, 2006, 02:05:56 AM
Also, am I the only one who's tempted to write up a Firefox extension that checks the DMFA front page as many times a second as possible and if it finds a new image, creates a new topic?

Hmm. You'd do better to write a perl script, since then you could send a IMS to the server, and get a response, with minimal traffic.

Oh. If Modified Since, basically you send a datestampt, it sends nothing back unless there's a change. It also means you're not refreshing all the images, just the homepage.

Once you get there, you're then looking at figuring out how to code a "create a topic"... shouldn't be too hard, though. :-)
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

King Of Hearts

In this scenario two queens beats a straight...

...unless its actually three queens.


Quote from: King Of Hearts on September 03, 2006, 05:27:19 AM
In this scenario two queens beats a straight...

...unless its actually three queens.

Twenty of spades beats everyting because they've got big guns. :P

... wait, are we talking about cards or Abel's story? :paranoid
This generic comment was brought to you by:

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Shakal on September 03, 2006, 04:05:30 AM
Frankly, if Xander DID just out a closeted Devin, then I can't really fault Devin TOO much for returning the breach of trust. Still, it's not a nice thing to do, I just don't like Devin any less because of it.

It's also possible that Xander meant it as a joke, Abel took it as a joke, and Devin didn't.... and hence retaliated.

There are no winners in such a war. :-/
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


I thought these guys behavor was way worse than mine in a way..*chuckle snort* Never less this is quite a lovely way break your rut Amber if it hasnt already and stay away from my cookie stash KK! Cause you can never find them! *cackles*


Ummm... ok?

I bet if those magic tattoos were around now, some people would get talking faces on the palm of one of their hands. I know at least one friend... ah, D. Poor guy.


What about D? That guy was supposed to have a smart talking wise cracking hand? Even if he's half vampire?


Devin stole my "@#$% you" rebuttal! That... that... GAH!
Though otherwise, I can't see what everyone's freaking out at him about. Either it's two friends joking around, or Xander actually is gay and it's still two friends joking around only slightly less nicely than before.