How Awesome Art Thou Computer?

Started by xHaZxMaTx, September 02, 2006, 04:54:43 PM

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(Must use Internet Explorer)

The Awesome-o-meter!

My computer is teh sexy. :3


Its actually alot better than I thoguth it to be, that or not alot of people have done this yet.


I'm surprised you got such a high score, as well. :|


Heh, my stats pretty much trounce yours and it lists it as lower. Something's fishy here.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Hmm. My computer is so awesome, they can't even measure it.

"Internet Explorer 6 required

Windows XP Game Advisor requires the use of the Windows 98/ME/2000/XP operating system and the Internet Explorer 6 browser. "

... So, Mozilla on Linux doesn't like them. *shrug* It still outperforms most windows boxes I've met, even though it's only an athlon 1400+ with 768Mb RAM...

My work desktop is a bit better - dual Xeon 2.6Gb with 1.5Gb RAM, and a scsi raid array with 140 odd Gb disk space
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Quote from: Netami on September 02, 2006, 05:21:07 PM
Heh, my stats pretty much trounce yours and it lists it as lower. Something's fishy here.
The score I posted is old.  I just ran it again and I got 10%. :cry


Is it bad when the test starts laughing?


J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Whee, top 6%.

Just wait til next year though, I plan to put the best of the best in this thing >.>


I'm running IE7/Vista so I can't use that tool, but...

AMD Athlon-64 3200+
ATi Radeon X700 Pro AGP
Creative X-fi
500 GB HDD (one 300GB, one 200GB)
DVD-+RW DL Burner with Lightscribe
DVD-ROM/CD-RW Combo Drive
CD-RW Burner

Not cutting edge, but it'll, at a minimum, decently run any game I throw at it.
"The problems that exist in the world today cannot be solved by the level of thinking that created them." - Albert Einstein

"Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence." -Albert Einstein



This site has no appreciation for my hardware and it eats your old stats alive.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"




This old barge gets frequent updates whilst retaining the same brain so it's both old/new at the same time and if asked, could probably twist reality inside out.  And is too awesome to measure.

I really think tests like this are rather sad though because there are things they don't take into account when measuring the awesomeness of a PC, important things.

I've seen PCs running half the specs of other PCs eat them alive.  How one treats their machine, what one runs on that machine and how optimized and well-mainted their machine is in general also comes into play.

A properly and daily maintained machine, running swift, supremely optimized software is always going to eat a machine that's undefragmented and filled up with spyware and bloat, with continuous clock cycles being wasted on pointless endeavours, alive.  Quite so in fact.

And when one has a high end machine in specs that's maintained on a daily basis?  Well ...


In fact, about the only jump I haven't made yet is the Core2 and that's going to happen soon enough.  I'm still running cooling research at the moment to find out what it needs so I don't make a rash decision about what I cool it with.

Xuzaf D

I don't actually have a PC of my own, so I assume that would give me a negative score.


I'd imagine you'd get no score, then as opposed to a negative one.  Still, if you had an X-Box configured to run Linux and it allowed for a Linux app to measure the spec, it'd make a dent.  Microsoft's hardware isn't bad at all.


QuoteInternet Explorer 6 required

Windows XP Game Advisor requires the use of the Windows 98/ME/2000/XP operating system and the Internet Explorer 6 browser.

Sorry, but any test that requires the use of IE is inherently Invalid. Also tells me that whoever built it is probably using ActiveX controls. That also means that the webpage is inherently insecure. So, if you did visit it, clean out your cookies, clear your history, and do the normal maintence checks (like making sure your AV is up to date). And for crying outloud, GET CURRENT ON A BROWSER!


It's not a "test" like everyone keeps saying, the thing it installs only finds out what you're using for specific pieces of hardware and such, and compares it to everyone else's with a strange "bigger numbers are better" system


Top 8%

Yes my computer s*cks  :mowwink
clearing my cookies now  :mowdizzy


Quote from: je.saist on September 03, 2006, 03:56:40 AM
QuoteInternet Explorer 6 required

Windows XP Game Advisor requires the use of the Windows 98/ME/2000/XP operating system and the Internet Explorer 6 browser.

Sorry, but any test that requires the use of IE is inherently Invalid. Also tells me that whoever built it is probably using ActiveX controls. That also means that the webpage is inherently insecure. So, if you did visit it, clean out your cookies, clear your history, and do the normal maintence checks (like making sure your AV is up to date). And for crying outloud, GET CURRENT ON A BROWSER!

ActiveX might suck but Futuremark is far from some dodgy website offering free megahertz checks
Although, I saw the test ages ago when it was on Slashdot and it was lame then and it's lame now... so people might as well just skip it anyway.

I'm just gonna run 3DMark06 instead.
Intel P4 B 2.4GHz
Nvidia Geforce 6800GT (v91.47 drivers)

Score: 2250

That's 43 points higher than last time (v81.92 drivers)

I get an astounding 0.2 frames per second on the CPU tests and 9fps on the shader model tests :laugh


.2 fps? WOW! don't blink, or... the frame will still be there. *facepalms*


Hooray for CPU's that are 4 years old!

Actually, the amusing part is the the onscreen readout can't actually go that slow so during the test it says it's going faster...


Quote from: Kasarn on September 03, 2006, 09:37:06 AM
Hooray for CPU's that are 4 years old!

Actually, the amusing part is the the onscreen readout can't actually go that slow so during the test it says it's going faster...

I'm still running a 1GHz T-bird.  I haven't decided what to replace it with. I'd like a 64-bit system for programming purposes, but I'd also like a Mac although they still start from $750 and no-one sells them anyway.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


OH, just remembered, shouldn't the topic title be "How Awesome Art Thy Computer"?


How'd you get top 1% with that setup?


Ok, apparently the thing is bugged up as to whose systems are where.


My comp is too awesome for IE only websites and XP-only gimmicks, even if it's about 3 years old.

Athlon XP 2600+
Radeon 9700 PRO
512 Mb RAM  :<
200 GB HD
NForce2 chipset
Windows 2K

Soon to be upgraded to a Core2 system, with a shiney new PCI Express video card, and a shiney new pira^H^H^H^Hhacked windows XP install.
\^.^/ \O.O/ \¬.¬/ \O.^/ \o.o/ \-.-/' \O.o/ \0.0/ \>.</



Quote from: Vidar on September 04, 2006, 11:21:15 AM
My comp is too awesome for IE only websites and XP-only gimmicks, even if it's about 3 years old.

Athlon XP 2600+
Radeon 9700 PRO
512 Mb RAM  :<
200 GB HD
NForce2 chipset
Windows 2K

Soon to be upgraded to a Core2 system, with a shiney new PCI Express video card, and a shiney new pira^H^H^H^Hhacked windows XP install.
I had that processor up until a few weeks ago, and for the several years I had it, it was great.