07/13/2013 [CVRPG Quest IV #2000 Part 6] This is 2000, Part 6

Started by Venalitor, July 14, 2013, 12:03:45 AM

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Well, Darkmoon, other than the obvious? And the. . . obvious. . . She's just too big for subtle :rolleyes.
Were Sorceress' powers actually accented when she went titan or is she just a really big squishy spellcasting target now, 'cause that flamey thing didn't seem particularly impressive minus the damaging everyone bit and that's kind of expected of a big boss. Isn't it?


We're just getting started, for one. Plus, these are fairly high level heroes.

Also, this is the second form, technically, of a boss they've already been fighting for a while.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...