Game giveaway [CMF exclusive].

Started by Rowne, August 21, 2006, 08:25:54 PM

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i think i might like a try =3 my dad might like it

Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3


It's an old genré but it's one I'm still very fond of, I still like the point'n click games.

If you're wondering whether you'll like this particular type of game, there's a lot of free stuff at the AdventureGamers Underground site, you can poke around there and try those games to see whether this is the type of game you or your father would enjoy.

It's always awesome to have a gamer in the family though, my grams is a great gamer and this held true for great grams too, who was waaay ahead of her time.


Blech, I apologize for being gone a while today, I had some problems to deal with outside of the internet.

Anyway, I did the random drawing I said I was going to do.  Aridas wins, he may do with the game as he chooses.  I'll be sending him a PM asking where I should mail this and I'm sorry to all those that didn't win, a random drawing was the only way to be fair.  And I actually did it outside of the computer, too.  How?  I numbered the names of the entrants in the order they asked, then I grabbed a die.

I have shitty luck, I rolled a 1.  Reminds me of my D&D days.  Still, lucky for Aridas!


Damn, I'm a 1? I'm a bad outcome *die*