Side Story thoughts and suggestions

Started by dracone, January 20, 2013, 11:27:57 AM

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Jasae Bushae

wow @_@ theres alot of awesome side stories ideas there XD
eh...for good measure ill throw in 'A study of the different cultures' to better explain how cities work for beings andm aybe some explanations on things like undeads island nation and mer-land
I might be a hack writer but thats no reason not to Enjoy writing anyways


I just had a thought, what about Lexi's childhood? Even if it isn't side story worthy it would make for an interesting story arc.


Once again something just hit me, what if we got a side story about events before the dragon/cubi war. The war itself would be way to depressing and take up valuable time for other characters, but if we got a look at some of the characters we know and how they were before the war got kicked off and possibly their reactions to the possibility of war in their futures.


Quote from: dracone on January 21, 2014, 12:11:04 PM
...but if we got a look at some of the characters we know and how they were before the war got kicked off and possibly their reactions to the possibility of war in their futures.
I can't think of any such characters aside from cubi and the fae. (Kria and Aliph aren't nearly that old.) So a side story like that would amount to something like Mab, Fa'lina and pre-leader Cyra (and maybe Destania) having tea.

...y'know, that could work. Fa'lina midwifing Cyra at Destania's birth.


Pip. We know there's more to him than meets the eye...


Now that Matilda's side story has wrapped up I guess it's time for Amber to start deciding which potential stories should go on the voting list for the next one. I just had a thought, What's Merlitz been up to since he left the main story?