Backstory War! Matilda Vs Mab!

Started by techmaster-glitch, January 11, 2013, 01:33:05 PM

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Didn't see a topic up for this yet, thought I'd launch it. :U

SO! We have a new backstory war in progress! The events of Matilda's exile versus the origin of the Fae and the mechanics of Furrae!

Discuss which one you'd like to see win or why you voted for one if you did!  :mowhappy

As far as me goes, I'm on the fence. My naturally super-analytical mind would -love- to know more about how the world works...but Matilda is just so adorable and awesome, and I can't get enough of her!

Your thoughts, forum?


As cute as Matilda is (she has a shop that sells genie bottles! Squee~), Mab is pretty much my favorite character in the series, and I find myself rereading the "All Hail Queen Mab" and "Fae" arcs regularly.  So my vote is for more fae goodness!

EDIT:  Just looking at the chart, Matilda's off to an early lead... I think cuteness is going to win out over intellectual curiosity in this one.  I'll toss in at least some money towards Mab, but I am running a tight budget this month saving up for Anthrocon... D:


I would definitely vote for the Fae backstory. Definitely worth seeing since the Fae are very enigmatic and likely make a lot of world-changing decisions. Matilda, on the other hand, kinda cute but doesn't really have that much of a bearing on the story at hand.
Quote from: Amber Williams on October 29, 2012, 05:55:06 PM
I expect if flamethrowers exist, Matilda would be tempted to install one into her shower.


For old time's sake, the question has to be asked: If we conspire to force a tie, do we get both stories? :3

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


don't have any money to donate sadly, but I hope the Fae win.

(credit: Gabi)

Jesk Levethix

I  also don't have any money to spare...  Thou I'm hoping the other way.

Come on I wanta here the story that would make Dan buy a round in her name! *squee*


Personally, I would like to see Mab's Side Story win; mainly because I am very curious to learn a bit more about the inner workings of the DMFA universe.

Nothing against Matilda because she's adorably cute and I love her as a character, and I wouldn't mind a side-story of her either; but it was mentioned in the story at least part of the reason why she was exiled. There's probably more to it, but I'm sure we'll find out everything eventually. Yet as it stands, the nature of the DMFA universe, is still quite a mystery; so I'd rather learn more about what I don't already have some idea on. :3

EDIT: Fixed for minor spelling/grammar mistakes, I had missed. Whoops..... :sweatdrop

Proud member of the Dimanika Clan! >:3


hopefully finances will progress in such a way that i can toss a few bux matty's way
cause i loves me some goofy cobrataur

kellyn: it's like being a secret agent, outside we look perfectly normal. no giant metal faces or tattooed eyes or mohawks. BUT. SECRETLY. DRAWING RAINBOW MONSTERS AND ROOOOLE PLAAAAAYING oh the shame oh the humanity, and man i know so many more cool people now wtf is that


Urph. I'd love to donate to the war but I can't justify frivolously spending money after recently losing my job. Also I have no idea which side I would vote for. Hmmm.

Amber Williams

I think I'd feel rather bad if folks spend money when it isn't the best time to do so, so don't feel bad Lego.  One of the reasons I do the wars is that even if folks cannot donate, they still are going to get something via the extra comics. 

I tried to pick two stories that would be enjoyable (for the readers and for myself) regardless of which one wins.  Both have some pretty decent pros to them and both also have some pretty scary art challenges.   But it should be fun.

All in all, I'm incredibly thankful for anyone who donates or anyone who just is excited about the side-story wars in general.    It should be a good time. c:


Quote from: Amber Williams on January 12, 2013, 12:01:26 AM
I tried to pick two stories that would be enjoyable (for the readers and for myself) regardless of which one wins.  Both have some pretty decent pros to them and both also have some pretty scary art challenges.   But it should be fun.

I have a bad feeling that more people are going to pick Matilda just to see more of these guys get drawn.  Still, I can't help but wonder what the art challenges of the Fae story would be.

Quote from: Amber Williams on January 12, 2013, 12:01:26 AM
All in all, I'm incredibly thankful for anyone who donates or anyone who just is excited about the side-story wars in general.    It should be a good time. c:

I will definitely donate to Mab's side so that hopefully we all can learn more about the inner workings of the DMFA universe...once I manage to actually get a job.

Icon by Sunblink

Lying Foo

No contest in my book - I can't imagine there's too much to Matilda's backstory we haven't already heard, whereas to get a backstory on the Fae... holy crap.  Dream extra.
Itsuwari, osore, kyoshoku, urei - samazama wa negative ni torawareru hodo yowaku wa nai, kodoku mo shiranu Trickster.


Quote from: Mrs_A_ZeTavia on January 11, 2013, 08:27:34 PM
Personally, I would like to see Mab's Side Story win; mainly because I am very curious to learn a bit more about the inner workings of the DMFA universe.

Nothing against Matilda because she's adorably cute and I love her as a character, and I wouldn't mind a side-story of her either; but it was mentioned in the story at least part of the reason why she was exiled. There's probably more to it, but I'm sure we'll find out everything eventually. Yet as it stands, the nature of the DMFA universe, is still quite a mystery; so I'd rather learn more about what I don't already have some idea on. :3

EDIT: Fixed for minor spelling/grammar mistakes, I had missed. Whoops..... :sweatdrop

this pretty much summs it up for me... though i have no money to donate. wish i did

Jasae Bushae

are these numbers right? @_@
matilda $920
fae $635

Not even a week and its almost got the same total as the last sidestory war o.o
I might be a hack writer but thats no reason not to Enjoy writing anyways

Lying Foo

Well, I probably ought to throw a tenner Mab's way, even though it's looking like something of a lost cause at this point... :mowsad.  Strange, since this thread seems to be leaning pretty strongly in the opposite direction.

How long's this thing running?
Itsuwari, osore, kyoshoku, urei - samazama wa negative ni torawareru hodo yowaku wa nai, kodoku mo shiranu Trickster.


Quote from: Lying Foo on January 13, 2013, 04:43:41 PM
Well, I probably ought to throw a tenner Mab's way, even though it's looking like something of a lost cause at this point... :mowsad.  Strange, since this thread seems to be leaning pretty strongly in the opposite direction.
How long's this thing running?

End of the month, it says.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: Tapewolf on January 13, 2013, 04:48:59 PM
Quote from: Lying Foo on January 13, 2013, 04:43:41 PM
Well, I probably ought to throw a tenner Mab's way, even though it's looking like something of a lost cause at this point... :mowsad.  Strange, since this thread seems to be leaning pretty strongly in the opposite direction.
How long's this thing running?

End of the month, it says.

Yeah, it's weird how according to the straw poll of this thread, many more people want Mab's side to win, and yet Matilda's side is still ahead, now by nearly $600.  It might be that the few people who want Matilda to win have very deep pockets, but probability wise at least as many people who want Mab to win should have pockets just as deep.

Man, I really wish I could run a statistical analysis based on the exact donation amounts and the dates at which they were received, but it isn't like the Wallpaper War is some legally constrained fundraiser, so Amber isn't required by law to divulge that data.

It's a shame I can't contribute to this, as I really want Mab's side to win.  Even if I succeeded in getting a job this very day, my first paycheck wouldn't arrive until it's too late.  Heck, even if it arrived in time, it still wouldn't be nearly enough to tip the scales in Mab's favor at this point unless at least a few other people contributed large amounts. :C

Icon by Sunblink


Maybe if we can push it to a grand we can get a Powerpoint presentation about the creation of the universe :P

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: Tapewolf on January 14, 2013, 08:35:45 AM
Maybe if we can push it to a grand we can get a Powerpoint presentation about the creation of the universe :P

Yeah, a consolation of some sort would be good, especially since statistically this doesn't make sense.

I mean, out of all the unique posters in this thread who have explicitly stated their opinion, the current numbers are 2 vs 9 for Matilda vs Mab, with 2 others undecided (although I may have miscounted since I'm still waking up).  The margin of error must be massive for Matilda to beating Mab at this moment.  I also really wish this thread was set up as a poll for who people wanted to win.

Icon by Sunblink


I'm gunna try to chuck some money at Mab's side cos I really wanna get that bonus pic. I hear it's adorable. 8D
~K. *: )


Sudden reversals have been a way of life on some of these things, folks. Don't go giving up hope yet.

As for me I don't know which one I want to win. I'd probably go with Mab in the end because I feel learning more about the universe is a more significant thing, and because we've already learned some of Matilda's story, but I am really fond of Matilda. It doesn't really matter at the moment, because (like several folks here, it seems) I has not an income, so I has not the monies at the moment.

Still best of luck to both sides, and as I said, don't go giving up hope yet. Things appeared in the bag for us to be having a "Regina's Story" sidestory comic, and instead we ended up with over 100 pages on some spotty critter.


Quote from: ChaosMageX on January 14, 2013, 08:50:40 AM
Yeah, a consolation of some sort would be good, especially since statistically this doesn't make sense.

I mean, out of all the unique posters in this thread who have explicitly stated their opinion, the current numbers are 2 vs 9 for Matilda vs Mab, with 2 others undecided (although I may have miscounted since I'm still waking up).  The margin of error must be massive for Matilda to beating Mab at this moment.  I also really wish this thread was set up as a poll for who people wanted to win.

A point for consideration; I suspect sampling bias to be at work here.

Consider these two possible side-stories. Matilda's story is how she got exiled from her tribe. That's a character-driven character-developing story. "Mab's" story is about the origin of the Fae and how the DMFA universe works. That's a world-building data-making story.

Consider that the kind of people who would be attracted to the latter option are themselves analytical types with a high tendancy to think things out, and by extention, debate them.

Are we not therefor the kind of people who would then be most likely to invest the time to register on a forum for the purpose of discussing and dissecting each comic? :U

(after all, it is known that there are -far- more people who read DMFA than just people who hang out here.)


Quote from: techmaster-glitch on January 14, 2013, 10:59:44 PM
A point for consideration; I suspect sampling bias to be at work here.

Consider these two possible side-stories. Matilda's story is how she got exiled from her tribe. That's a character-driven character-developing story. "Mab's" story is about the origin of the Fae and how the DMFA universe works. That's a world-building data-making story.

Consider that the kind of people who would be attracted to the latter option are themselves analytical types with a high tendancy to think things out, and by extention, debate them.

Are we not therefor the kind of people who would then be most likely to invest the time to register on a forum for the purpose of discussing and dissecting each comic? :U

(after all, it is known that there are -far- more people who read DMFA than just people who hang out here.)

That's exactly what I was thinking -- those people active in the forums are the ones more likely to be interested in the universe-building side, but there's undoubtably lots of people who are more interested in a character story than background info like that.

I'm still hoping to toss some money towards the fae side, but I'll still have to wait until closer to the end of the month to see my budget.


or ya could always be they just want to see a butt-ton more taurs and improve Mabs Clawhand  :rolleyes


Now I want to get a Doctor Claw-style gauntlet for Mab's clawhand. :3


Yeah, it probably is the sampling bias that accounts for the massive margin of error.  Still, today it seems that Matilda has plateaued, whereas Mab has gained an additional $25, so I'm still keeping my fingers crossed that all the readers with deep pockets have made their contributions and now the Fae side has a chance to catch up.

Don't get me wrong, I'd be at least slightly happy if Matilda won, mainly for the following two reasons:

  • To see more of these guys get drawn.
  • To learn more about Matilda's culture and how likely it is for cubi to be born from a member of their species given the restrictions of their culture, especially given how they treat their females.

The latter reason would be useful for my fan-fictions, but it pales in comparison to the knowledge that could be gained from the Fae Origin story, which is why I'm still hoping Mab's side wins. That is why I bit the bullet and sent $5.00 Amber's way for Mab to win.  It might not be much but at least it's something.

Icon by Sunblink


Well, I tossed a c-note Mabs way, over paypal, so hopefully that'll get us closer to the answers of life, this universe, and everything...


I need to win the lottery.  Then I can always dominate these things!  MY WILL SHALL RULE OVER ALL!!  *goes and buys a Powerball ticket*  Soon... very soon now!

(300 years and 30,400 tickets later)

Any day now...  :B
Three's a crowd:  One lordly leonine of the Leyjon, one cruel and cunning cubi goddess, and one utterly doomed human stuck between them.

Jasae Bushae

with so much money being thrown towards this, i wonder if Amber will consider tackling them both if the donation total goes high enough. (like $5,000.00)
I might be a hack writer but thats no reason not to Enjoy writing anyways


She'd consider it, but considering this comic is essentially her job, her working on 3 comics in tandem would mean she's getting paid, like 0.04cents a page... So she'd have at least a dozen people shaking their head sternly at her... an artist who is not over-worked and under-paid is a much happier artist. : U
~K. *: )