Aridas' crappy music thread. (UPDATE: As if we haven't heard enough remixes)

Started by Aridas, August 28, 2006, 09:23:04 AM

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Yup. nothing special here at all either. No flashing lights or anything. *types things out*

Below lies pretty much anything I decide to upload to the net-web device. Regardless of quality.
Kirby Battles in the Past (Boss NES remix, Kirby Super Star/Deluxe / Kirby's Fun Pak)
Heavy Gravity (Orchestral-ish remix of Gravity, Cave Story)
*insert random mangling of the title "Axel F" here* (Axel F. Geez. Everyone knows what that is.)

Drake Manaweilder

well, it defenately sounds like a nes thing to me... but the drums don't seem to fit it.. better quallity that the rest.


Well, it's playing back just as it would've on the NES.. and like I said, stole the drums from Kirby's Adventure. Either way, I guess 1-bit samples are always going to sound nicer than the rest of it anyway.


I've been listening to videogame remixes for a long, long time now (I have the entire Overclocked collection and I update it frequently) and I have to say, it doesn't sound half bad (which is good, British slang)!

The drums did sound a little off, this triggered some chin-stroking, a little "Hm"-ish pondering and I think I know why [the drums sounded a bit off to me, not why I was pondering why I was pondering as that would leave me in a horrid recursive loop].

I think the drums are simply too loud against the NES music.  If you dropped their volume by half, I think it'd sound brilliant!


Well, I don't think the volume of the DPCM channel is controllable. Even so, it still also cuts the volume of the triangle and noise waves as some sort of strange hardware bug/feature


Weird.  Hm, something to consider next time, anyway.  Considering that was the only piece of constructive criticism I had though, I'd say that all in all, you did good.

Usually, I have much constructive criticism, often to the point where people are chasing me out of their particular space with large brooms.


Quote from: Aridas Soulfire on August 29, 2006, 03:17:58 PM
Well, I don't think the volume of the DPCM channel is controllable. Even so, it still also cuts the volume of the triangle and noise waves as some sort of strange hardware bug/feature

What kind of bizarre software are you using?

*Uses brain and reads your description*

FamiTracker? Eep. I have never delved into the arcane world of trackers, so I can't really comment, but not being able to control the volume of something? That's pretty basic stuff dude. I mean, dude.

The actual mix? I liked it, it was pretty enjoyable. I don't think the drums were too loud, personally. The only thing that grated was the 'whoopy whoop' effect you've got looping throughout. There isn't too much else to say really, other than to keep plugging away at the music thing. I'll watch you on sheezy, I want to see what else you cook up.


's how the NES/Famicom hardware works, unfortunately. I take it you didn't read what you quoted ;)

I'll say it again though, since I'm nice.

DPCM channel: Not sure if you can change the volume of it.
Triangle wave channel: Can't be volume-adjusted, but turns on and off.

Triangle waves and noise waves: experience a volume cut when a sample plays in the DPCM channel. I'm not 100% sure why this has to be.

Aaaand, I'm not sure exactly what you mean by "whoopy whoop", but I'll uh... try not to do it again.


Ok, I'll admit - I have no idea what a DPCM channel is.

Ok, here's a way to evade the hardware 'features' - dump the NES sounding bits and the drum sounding bits to seperate wav files, then mix the two together in Audacity or something, with full control over volume adjustments.

I just find it crazy that you can't control the volume of a musical instrument, that's all. I'll stop making any more comments/suggestions.

Oh yeah, and the whoopy whoop thing is that wobble board sounding... sound, that appears in the fourth beat of each bar.


Still not sure what you mean, but.. *shrug*

and why would I want to do that? Then it would defeat the purpose of having done it on NES hardware to begin with.

Wikipedia says "Differential (or Delta) pulse-code modulation (DPCM) encodes the PCM values as differences between the current and the previous value. For audio this type of encoding reduces the number of bits required per sample by about 25% compared to PCM."

Nothing important. But anyway, said channel is dedicated to the DPCM samples.


Quote from: Aridas Soulfire on September 01, 2006, 06:33:55 PM
and why would I want to do that? Then it would defeat the purpose of having done it on NES hardware to begin with.

I think that was the point I missed. I assumed you just wanted it souning NES-like, but you were going for the realistic effect.

Oh well, I was confused and curious: emotions that demand satisfaction, even if you end irritating people  :sweatdrop



Bumpin' that old thread up, yeah
gonna show off that new stuff, yeah...


To use a bunch of out words, I'd say that you've outdone yourself and that this new piece of yours is outstanding.  And Doukutsu Monogatari (Cave Story) no less!

... may I pester you to do Egg Corridor?  <.<  I already have a couple of Egg Corridor remixes (such as Escape Route) which I love dearly but in my honest opinion, one can never have enough of that track, it's just so very good.

That said, keep it up, Aridas, whatever you choose to do.  You've quite obviously got an ear for music and the talent to back it up.


Which Egg Corridor? First visit (Mischievous Robot) or second visit (Scorching Back)? And should it be the same style?


Ah, sorry, I was heading off to bed then so I didn't have the time to research it but the one I'm after is Gestation.  Check out the Cave Story remix project for the source of that and references.

As for the style, go nuts!  I trust your artistic judgement.


I also note that it's absolutely criminal that your thread doesn't receive more attention than this.

Oh well, if I'm the only one who does then I'll stress once again that I really like that Cave Story remix.


James StarRunner

Heh heh... I always loved this song, but didn't know where it came from!