The Man With The Camera Did It

Started by Lhexa, August 02, 2012, 04:24:35 PM

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Quote from: KiloFoxx on August 02, 2012, 05:20:33 PM
who what when where why now?
Absent any real context, I'm going to guess they meant "The magazine photographer who is at the inn around #710 murdered Merlitz" but that's just an educated guess.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: Tapewolf on August 02, 2012, 05:26:22 PM
Quote from: KiloFoxx on August 02, 2012, 05:20:33 PM
who what when where why now?
Absent any real context, I'm going to guess they meant "The magazine photographer who is at the inn around #710 murdered Merlitz" but that's just an educated guess.
It's actually a secret consipracy involving a *gasp* CAMERA (dun dun dunnn) In all seriousness I have no idea what this is for, but I guess that is the most reasonable guess.

(credit: Gabi)


I thought she was talking about the human in the very early parts of the strip. Also, could some moderator PLEASE delete this thread?
Quote from: Amber Williams on October 29, 2012, 05:55:06 PM
I expect if flamethrowers exist, Matilda would be tempted to install one into her shower.


Oops, sorry, I used the wrong forum.  My apologies. ^_^

I mean that only a combination of technology (magical or mundane) and illusionism can create a situation with this much faux symmetry.  Given the state of the main continuity, a camera is more or less the only kind of technology that can create such a tangle... however, whether it is a magical camera, mundane camera, or extra-dimensional camera, I have no clue.

*sighs* I'm not even up on the jargon.

Lying Foo

...wait, you mean the panels' imaginary cameraman?
Itsuwari, osore, kyoshoku, urei - samazama wa negative ni torawareru hodo yowaku wa nai, kodoku mo shiranu Trickster.


No.  Remember, Mab arranged this scenario.  She wouldn't use anything so crude, at least not on her own friends.


also the title of this thread is extremely creepy. Seriously this is what I would expect written in blood at a murder scene "the man with the camera did it"

(credit: Gabi)


Eh... yeah, that tends to happen when I don't take the time to think about my phrasing.  Also, I do tend to be one of the creepier fans a person can have.  *chuckles* You should see the emails I wrote to The Spoony One...