The mighty hunter lays out his trap....

Started by Dragma, June 02, 2012, 01:30:25 AM

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Greetings,  long time reader first time poster and all that....

After the latest archive crawl something bugged me.

In #1265 It was stated that guns do exist, but are far less advanced then our modern one,  but #367 shows a fairly modern looking machine gun in Jer's lab.

Or would that be an exception that proves the rule since Jer is not releasing most of what he comes up with?

Now to bait the trap with the perfect item,  this plate of tacos  :mowtongue

Oh,  and I thought the gun in #367 was quite good.  You know since it is a webcomic,  the guns that are placed do not have to be perfect replicas of ours.....

Not that I am gun happy mind you.  just pointing it out.


Yeah, I think it's best that Jy does not release that... Yet  :mwaha (untill he mass produces them...)

(credit: Gabi)

Amber Williams

The average guns in Furrae are probably about as advanced as the guns one would find in the old western era (six shooting pistols and muskets and rifles), but tend to be more novelty than anything since the bullets have no real affect on the creatures most folks would want to shoot (demons, dragons).  Sadly the most common fatality that occurs with guns is when a being uses it on another the weapon class tends to have a bad reputation amongst most beings thus doesn't see a lot of use in adventuring groups.


wait wait wait... Dan had a semi-automatic pistol in Wildy's "trashy spy novel" so then Wildy got REAL imaginative writing that then if the only pistols were western-era


wasn't there some saying/rule about every time you bring up physics into a Furrae setting to argue a discrepancy a brunhidden cooks a cubi into a pastry?

i like that rule, someone give it a number and start enforcing it
Some will fall in love with life,
and drink it from a fountain;
that is pouring like an avalanche,
coming down the mountain.

Amber Williams

Wildy is also one of Jyrras' best friends, odds are she's seen Jyrras' more advanced mining equipment.


Quote from: Brunhidden on June 02, 2012, 05:01:55 PM
wasn't there some saying/rule about every time you bring up physics into a Furrae setting to argue a discrepancy a brunhidden cooks a cubi into a pastry?

i like that rule, someone give it a number and start enforcing it

Winged pastries, yum.

EDIT: Hmm, does a cubi count as fowl regardless of species, or does it depend on which cut you are talking about?
What i cannot create, i do not understand. - Richard P. Feynman
This is DMFA. Where major species don't understand clothing. So innuendo is overlooked for nuendo. .


I remember that somebody that somebody had an animated GIF showing three cat girls begging and a caption that was something like "Every time you apply logic and science to fantasy, a cat girl dies.  Think of the cat girls."  I think people had it posted in the boards here.


I found references to the image here and here

Edit 2:

I found it

Learn to laugh at yourself, and you will never be without a source of amusement.


Heh, a old 18th century rifle would really do squat against a creature...

A 21-st century machine gun (especially metal storm guns) would probably wipe the floor with possibly even powerful demons.
In fact any modern professional military grade instrument of war would be able to wipe the floor with dragons too (they CAN die from normal wounds)

The main thing is, as said, that it seems like a type of weapon with no use, and thus it is not invested in.

I'd still like to know how Furrea would react to a human invasion  :mwaha (tacos!)

(credit: Gabi)


depending on the type of demon even a modern Gatling gun likely wont be immediately lethal, no moreso then a mildly enchanted sword wielded by a moderately drunk adventurer. as with the patches this may be a situation where science has to mesh with magic, thus making what is essentially a very fast and very accurate enchanted arrow- kira for instance may be able to dodge or grab an arrow in flight, but likely cant dodge a bullet, at the same time a bullet would likely bounce off whereas a arrow of insert-enchantment-here would at least sting like a badger to the thigh.

however take that up a level and imagine a smallish airship where you have maybe eight civil war / steampunk looking gatling guns firing enchanted rounds of ouch. you now have a flying anti-demon battery, and its likely if you had the money for that you would have at least a dozen of them and a flagship too, but that's a slippery slope that leads to a webcomic entirely about derigable deathsquads engaged in areal combat with a now minority of creatures being hunted.... not bad, but it would lack the shirtless cubi and lighthearted antics the audience is accustomed to

Quote from: VAE on June 02, 2012, 05:07:03 PM
Quote from: Brunhidden on June 02, 2012, 05:01:55 PM
wasn't there some saying/rule about every time you bring up physics into a Furrae setting to argue a discrepancy a brunhidden cooks a cubi into a pastry?

i like that rule, someone give it a number and start enforcing it

Winged pastries, yum.

EDIT: Hmm, does a cubi count as fowl regardless of species, or does it depend on which cut you are talking about?

its a pot pie, i get all Mrs Lovett with pot pies. hell ive made squirrel, turtle, pheasant, roadkill, face, and morel pies. it don't matter what genus it is, if it once had blood it can be a pot pie

Quote from: Naldru on June 02, 2012, 05:31:46 PM
I found it

wrong universe, Furrae does not have 'god' specifically and there's a nigh infinite number of 'catgirls', some of which are immortal. Furrae does, however, have a finite number of cubi, which people seem to care more about them being in peril, and are delicious

Some will fall in love with life,
and drink it from a fountain;
that is pouring like an avalanche,
coming down the mountain.