05/11/2012 [[CVRPG IV #1725] - Job Done -Not

Started by Kokopelli, May 11, 2012, 06:55:08 AM

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This is so awesome :eager


Alec seems to be leaving a lot of people hanging in his little time romp.

That can't be to good for everyone else. But they'll be waiting and they will find him again most likely...Time after time. :P

I perfer my spam cooked on a skillet.


Turns out he goes 3000 years into the future :P
But he'll probably end up in his original time

(credit: Gabi)

Rabid Mollusk

Quote from: Ignuus66 on May 12, 2012, 07:17:31 AM
Turns out he goes 3000 years into the future :P
But he'll probably end up in his original time

My guess is that he will end up with those two girls in the past you know? The witch and the Belmont? He can't just walk away like that.

Also, I'm starting to love Igor, the character is really growing on me. He is so funny and sarcastic. Evil sidekicks are so cool.

But I think the comic would be funnier if he said "nothing" after The Sorceress say "What?"... And Yes I'm talking about today(05/15/12) comic since I'm too lazy to make a new topic about it e_e