01/09/2012 [DMFA #1276] - Box Party

Started by Tapewolf, January 09, 2012, 08:17:08 AM

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I just noticed that all the 'Aci are missing their clan marks.  Still, art-wise, I can imagine why.

Seems like Mink is probably a regular contributor to the box fun, especially seeing that all the boxes appear to be the same type.

I wonder if the 'Aci often make forts, kind of like what was referenced in Abel's Story 2-59?

I like seeing Mink's tentacles all rolled up. X3

On the subject of the murder itself, I'm on the 'Mink's not the murderer' side.  A fair bit of the fear is probably from the fact that Mink's going to be in the same room as Piflak (well, one of her avatars anyway).

I'm guessing that 'children' is pretty literal here.  Granted, the term has been used for just 'clan members,' but she has lost clan members in the war before (even if just a few).  So it seems to me that if she's this upset, there's probably a reason for it.  Granted, we don't have info on how Piflak reacted back then.  It just seems like it might be fueled by either 'one of the children I had before I even ascended' or 'I didn't expect this...  there's not even a war going on... is there...?'  Maybe both.

On a side-note, I wouldn't be surprised if the meeting ends up being power-feul for the Kish'Ta representative.  Or Yakob for that matter, even if he doesn't actually attend.
Please excuse the watermarked avatar.  I haven't bothered to fix it yet.  (Still, thanks to PetFriendAmy for the original pic!)


Quote from: Tangent on January 10, 2012, 10:38:28 PM
Piflak's "children" are spiders, like the one Dan tormented Abel with. She raises them like a crazy cat lady raises cats.

Those spiders are her "babies." And Mink squished one.

No wonder she only wants to have one of those babies every thousand years. *shudders*

Could you imagine what it would take? The process to make that little spider baby, and then to birth it? I'd be furious too if someone skooshed my baby after all that!
A drop of water shall be returned with a burst of spring.

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Amber Williams

Usually a fair bit of the Academy has some pretty good dampeners in the halls and whatnot running throughout it.  Otherwise it would get really chaotic and confusing in there emotionally and some lessons would be near impossible.  It can be expected that whatever area that the clan leaders and their emissaries hold their meeting in will be emotionally sealed for privacy reasons.

As for Mink, it's a fairly safe bet to say that Mink is not in fact the murderer.  I doubt the little squiggle could defeat a bag of yarn much less be responsible for the death of one of Piflak's descendents. However, it will get mentioned fairly soon (hence my mentioning it now) that of the 12 clans with leaders left, Piflak is prolly one of the bigger powerhouses.  And not many want to get on her bad side or even within seeing distance of whoever is on her bad side.



It's great, because it holds extra significance for me as an EOD tech.



Quote from: VAE on January 09, 2012, 09:55:26 AM
One word. Box Room. Two words.
Those in  the know will know.

Oh dear gods. That's how all the random things get into the boxes in the Box Room. Warp-aci ate/warped them there. xD

Mink and that many warp-aci in the same comic page? I think the adorableness has reached critical mass. c: Any chance of seeing the warp-aci cuteness that the speech bubbles covered up?


Quote from: Liatai on January 11, 2012, 05:04:04 PM
Mink and that many warp-aci in the same comic page? I think the adorableness has reached critical mass. c: Any chance of seeing the warp-aci cuteness that the speech bubbles covered up?

I'd also like to see at least the middle panel of the current comic page without any text.  I want to see the colorful warp-aci hiding behind those bland speech bubbles.

Icon by Sunblink


I know why Boxes are so facinating to Warp Aci!

they arnt from this dimention, and thus dont take things like euclidian geometry for granted.
And as most things they go into are noticably smaller on the inside than the outside, if you dont go through them to another place also smaller.

But a box is an object that is (effectively) the same size on the inside as the outside. Think of a solar eclipse, with the moon EXACTLY covering the sun... or using your thumb to block out the moon at arms length. A box would be just as profound of a coincidence.

AND boxes are fun to play with. :p

Amber Williams

Quote from: ChaosMageX on January 11, 2012, 11:11:35 PM
I'd also like to see at least the middle panel of the current comic page without any text.  I want to see the colorful warp-aci hiding behind those bland speech bubbles.




Quote from: Amber Williams on January 12, 2012, 12:25:13 AM
Quote from: ChaosMageX on January 11, 2012, 11:11:35 PM
I'd also like to see at least the middle panel of the current comic page without any text.  I want to see the colorful warp-aci hiding behind those bland speech bubbles.



That's quite an impressive look on neon color.

Though I am curious about something that is a rather small matter. Is this a room reserved for all the Warp-Aci's and is this the only room?

It's rather the oddest thing really. They are summoned from a dimension of no senses and they play with boxes in a dark room. Though I would gather a dark place would be like the next best thing to resting at home again.
I perfer my spam cooked on a skillet.


*Charles feh*  Piflak's just a big fat bear!  How powerful could she be?  Hey dumb bear, I killed yer kid!  Ha ha ha!  *bear paw reaches in and grabs Charles around the neck, yanking him offscreen!  Sounds of indescribable carnage, roars, snarls, and tearing are heard!  A bloody mass is thrown back on screen with a dull 'splut'.*

*Charline ewws*  Well, at least she went easy on him.
Three's a crowd:  One lordly leonine of the Leyjon, one cruel and cunning cubi goddess, and one utterly doomed human stuck between them.


MT Hazard

Quote from: joshofspam on January 12, 2012, 12:45:47 AM

It's rather the oddest thing really. They are summoned from a dimension of no senses and they play with boxes in a dark room. Though I would gather a dark place would be like the next best thing to resting at home again.

Best way to avoid over stimulation for the new warp-aci. Imagine living in the dark all of your life and them being dumped into a busy college in the middle of the day, you'd have a nervous breakdown.

Plus warp-aci, as previously mentioned, are like young children, what is boring for us would be fascinating and new to them, haven't you ever played with a box and pretended its something else?
Grammar and I Don't always get on.

Link of the moment:  half man (web comic) 


I would think that the Warp-Aci are more like kittens than children.  Pure chaos and inquisitiveness.  and if you have ever seen a kitten and a box together you know it is usually good for a laugh.  The box room sort of made that thought glow.  :mowcookie
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