Clanless Cubi (Answered)

Started by SolarWings, November 04, 2011, 11:10:42 PM

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I was wondering if it was possible that under some circumstance for a cubi to become clanless? (other than the death of the clan leader) If so, would it be possible for that cubi to retain their strength as if they were in a clan and perhaps bear their own symbol?
o3o Iunno.


Well...  All Cubi that we know of thus far are born into a clan.  Whether that clan has a triwing leader or not, it's still a clan.  It might still be possible if a Cubi can reject their clan, or the clan can reject them.  It gets to be a chicken and egg thing.  Were there once clanless Cubi?  If so, how'd they start the clan thing?  And there might be clanless cubi wandering around... but I'd doubt it, unless they hid really well during the Dragon-Cubi war. 

Edit: Oh, hey, welcome to the forums!  (Read the rules, don't piss off the moderators, leave your sanity at the door, etc).  Good to see you.  ^__^


I would assume that it's not generally possible.  As Arcblade says, a 'Cubi who is of a given clan remains part of that clan after the Leader dies.  Abel, for instance, was born after the clan had fallen. FWIW most clans are like that.

I think it's probably possible to branch off and create a new clan, but I wouldn't stake money on a clanless 'Cubi being possible.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Unless Amber implements some sort of mechanism that would allow that to occur...

But yes, I have been wondering about it too, and considering the current set of mechanics, it seems very very very unlikely.


Quote from: Tapewolf on November 05, 2011, 03:52:03 PM
I would assume that it's not generally possible.  As Arcblade says, a 'Cubi who is of a given clan remains part of that clan after the Leader dies.  Abel, for instance, was born after the clan had fallen. FWIW most clans are like that.

I think it's probably possible to branch off and create a new clan, but I wouldn't stake money on a clanless 'Cubi being possible.

this might be very well the case under normal circumstances.
Though if you want to split hairs you could say that under technicalities Fa'Lina and Abel are "clanless" due to their 'sole survivor' statuses.

however, if clanless cubi were to exist under any other circumstance, i'd would have to assume that a cubi got themselves exiled somehow. granted such an event would most likely be execution instead.

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Sparta? no, you should've taken that right at albuquerque..


excommunication would likely mean death for a cubi too, wouldn't it? i mean, now they not only have dragons and adventurers after them, but other clans of cubi as well.

odds aren't stacked in the favour of survival, in that scenario.

kellyn: it's like being a secret agent, outside we look perfectly normal. no giant metal faces or tattooed eyes or mohawks. BUT. SECRETLY. DRAWING RAINBOW MONSTERS AND ROOOOLE PLAAAAAYING oh the shame oh the humanity, and man i know so many more cool people now wtf is that


Quote from: icarus on November 09, 2011, 12:10:46 PM
excommunication would likely mean death for a cubi too, wouldn't it? i mean, now they not only have dragons and adventurers after them, but other clans of cubi as well.

odds aren't stacked in the favour of survival, in that scenario.

Excommunication is a censure used to deprive one of membership in a religious community.  I do not think cubi clans operate like religious groups in the purest sense of the definition.  It may have been very much like that in certain clans, and some may still hold to traditions that mimic a religious faith, but I've always thought that 'modern' cubi are at least reasonably in the know about their cubi nature and how things work. 

Now individuals exiled from their clan and denied all solace, assistance, and backing of it and its allies would definitely be in a tough situation.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


I think the best way to look at this, is that a cubi's clan is a genetic condition. Its passed from parent to offspring. Being  ostracized from a clan would be like your parents disowning you. Sure, they might not want you but you are still, on a very basic level, part of the family bloodline.

As for what would cause a clan to ostracize a member? Well, that would vary from clan to clan. I think a thing to remember is that clans tend to be clannish, in that their priorities and views might be skewed in favor to those who are in the clan. To have a cubi piss off his clan enough to make them want to kick him out, would take some doing. It would likely be an action that would net him enemies other than his clansmen as well. More so, if people are aware of the dispute, they will be less likely to aid the cubi, as intervening on a family dispute is a sure fired method of getting burned.

In short, all cubi must be part of a clan. A cubi can piss off his own clan members/leaders, but in doing so will either get the cubi killed in interesting and painful ways, or force the cubi to go to ground and becoming a ghost in society.
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