[Art]Zirra: A Dragon's Den (05/25/2011)

Started by Zirra Nova, May 25, 2011, 07:20:31 AM

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Zirra Nova

Hey-low! And welcome to Zirra's Art Thread.
Beware, there be dragons about.
QuoteYour Name: Deirdre (feel free to call me D, Deedee, Deirdre, Zirra, Zi, or any such name derived from my name or screen name. XD )
Your Artist Name (what you sign your pics with): Zirra Nova
How long have you been drawing: Since I could hold a crayon.
Have you taken any art classes: Not notable ones.
If yes, what kind: High School Art classes. 8\
What is your favorite thing to draw: Dragons and other mythical critters or monsters.
What is your LEAST favorite thing to draw: Hmm...humans/humanoid things...but only because I'm not particularly good at drawing them. 8C
Do you draw traditional (pencil, paint, etc) or Digital: I spent most of my life drawing in traditional media(pencils, crayons, and color pencils), but when I finally got a tablet in 2009 I got hooked on digital art. 83
Do you color your drawings: If I plan on posting them somewhere. Though my Tegaki E accounts are full of sketches. XD
Is Art going to be in your future as a career: I doubt it, though it was a dream I had for a long time. 8C
What's your favorite medium: Traditionally, colored pencils. Digitally, SAI.
Where do you get your inspiration: Songs, jokes, friends, pets, family, life in general.
Have you ever been paid to draw: No...though I'm pondering opening commissions...maybe...
Is there anything you see yourself never drawing: Well...I dunno. It all depends on the circumstances.
Have you ever drawn from life: Yes, in high school art. I actually enjoyed it, but I never seem to be able to make myself sit down and draw from life on my own. XP
Do you take requests often: Ah...I do have an open request thing on Tegaki, for Pokemon fanarting, but people rarely ask.
Anything else you want to say about your art: ...Not off the top of my head. XD

:Zirra's News and Notes:

  • All of my pictures will be click-able links to their full-sized version uploaded on Image Shack.
  • I look forward to getting some feed back for my art. I really want to improve it. ^w^

::Art Index::

-2nd Post:Page 1-
Two images: Unnamed dragon, Zip.

I'll think of something spiffy to put here later! 8D

Zirra Nova


A dragon I drew up in SAI to play with feather/membrane wing combinations. I decided to play with piebald markings while I was coloring it, too.
No name.

My most recent drawing. I have to say I fell in love with how Amber has used shading and highlighting to show scales on Matilda and I wanted to see if I could succeed in doing that. I dunno if I did. -shrugs- I colored him blue because...he didn't mind and I need more blue critters.
Name: Zip
I'll think of something spiffy to put here later! 8D


I have taken far to long to respond to this... Mea culpa.

I like the piebald look. It's not a pattern I see a lot of artists use. Some of the edges look like they could use a little more "blending," but it's a neat look none the less.

The scaley-mottled look of the blue dragon is just damn pretty.

The lighting on Zip doesn't seem to have a clear direction to it, particularly around the neck and back leg. His neck has some weird thickness to it... I could do a redline with suggestions, if you'd like.

I notice the shoulders and hips joints seem rather thin, and the hands/feet are broad at the knuckles. Is that a stylistic choice? Kinda reminds me of Digimon.
This is my pencil. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My pencil is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life...

Zirra Nova

First, thank-you for the response. The wait wasn't a big deal. ;3

That is actually the first time I'd tried that pattern. It happened because of a search for another project, that had me looking up several different species that show piebald markings. That got me wanting to try it. XD

Thank-you, Zip is meant to be a fairly flashy guy. X3

Hmm...lighting. In this picture it's meant to be sort of, behind him to the upper left, and with the neck I tried to show the light "spilling" over above and below past the jaw's shadow. I wasn't sure if it turned out very well, and now I know for sure it's something I need to work on. (Shading/lighting tutorials here I come!)

If you're up to I'd love some red-line feed back. 8D

Ah, the thickness in the knuckles is a style choice. I've always been fond of that look. The hips and shoulders are half style half inability to draw muscle-y things. I've never been good with bulky creatures, even when I know that the chest should be deeper or the hips larger, I have a hard time getting them to look right when I up-size them.

Thank-you again for all of your thoughts! I really appreciate the feed back! ^w^
I'll think of something spiffy to put here later! 8D


Quote from: Zirra Nova on June 02, 2011, 12:32:21 AM
(Shading/lighting tutorials here I come!)
I keep meaning to write one of those...

Quote from: Zirra Nova on June 02, 2011, 12:32:21 AM
Ah, the thickness in the knuckles is a style choice. I've always been fond of that look. The hips and shoulders are half style half inability to draw muscle-y things.
For me, it's vice-versa. I always have trouble 

Quote from: Zirra Nova on June 02, 2011, 12:32:21 AM
Hmm...lighting. In this picture it's meant to be sort of, behind him to the upper left, and with the neck I tried to show the light "spilling" over above and below past the jaw's shadow. I wasn't sure if it turned out very well, and now I know for sure it's something I need to work on.
Just to be sure I have this right... if Zip is facing 12 o'clock, and the camera is at 9, the light is at 1 or 2 o'clock? If that's the case, a lot of the lighting suddenly make more sense.

The forearm closer to the camera has a bright area, and the side of the head has some medium shade. That made me think the light was directly ahead of Zip. If the light is at 1 or 2, I imagine that the outstretched rear leg would be in the shadow of the body.

Quote from: Zirra Nova on June 02, 2011, 12:32:21 AM
I've never been good with bulky creatures, even when I know that the chest should be deeper or the hips larger, I have a hard time getting them to look right when I up-size them.
If you're interested, give it a shot and I can do a redline.
This is my pencil. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My pencil is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life...

Zirra Nova

Quote from: WhiteFox on June 02, 2011, 09:23:31 PMI keep meaning to write one of those...
If you ever do, drop me a line! 8B

Quote from: WhiteFox on June 02, 2011, 09:23:31 PMJust to be sure I have this right... if Zip is facing 12 o'clock, and the camera is at 9, the light is at 1 or 2 o'clock? If that's the case, a lot of the lighting suddenly make more sense.
Yeah, light would be at 1-2 o'clock and up a bit.  83

Quote from: WhiteFox on June 02, 2011, 09:23:31 PMThe forearm closer to the camera has a bright area, and the side of the head has some medium shade. That made me think the light was directly ahead of Zip. If the light is at 1 or 2, I imagine that the outstretched rear leg would be in the shadow of the body.
Hmm. -nods- Yeah...I still need to work on my shading.  XB
You're right about that leg....oops... 8X

Quote from: WhiteFox on June 02, 2011, 09:23:31 PMIf you're interested, give it a shot and I can do a redline.
M'kay, I'm workin' on some other things at the moment, but next time I'm starting a new pic, I'll keep this in mind. 8D
And thank-you!  ^w^
I'll think of something spiffy to put here later! 8D