The Devil Donna

Started by coyotenose, February 14, 2011, 02:02:50 PM

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Salutations! I came over from Fur Affinity a while back and have been really enjoying Cut Loose. But Donna... Donna is starting to bug me.

At first I thought she was just overly aggressive and sexually almost cutthroat. But at the same time, she had a lot of regard for Frankie. But adding things up, I feel there's something a little unpleasant there.

Despite her protestations of being boozed up, Donna isn't the first one to use the "Oops, I spilled red wine mixed with battery acid on all your clothes, but all we have left to wear are tea doilies!" trick. She was planning a seduction. Maybe not consciously, but it was in the works before the weekend started.

Now we figure in her "Offer/Counteroffer" encounter. Making fun of a man's junk if he actually deserves it is one thing. Mocking his performance in response to his having made a stupid assumption about business is downright reprehensible. What she did was akin to giving him a fake phone number, then kicking him in the nuts when he asked why it didn't work. We can see from this that Donna has a good-sized vindictive streak.

Not being the best partner that Donna has ever had and a little slow on the uptake results in emasculation. Meanwhile, a preplanned, miscalculated seduction attempt on a shy, vulnerable person who depends on her for a paycheck appears to be what Donna does to a good friend.

Imagine what happens to the people crossing her path that she doesn't want to sleep with.

Edit: Not that I don't enjoy reading about her, but that lynx... that lynx is ebil.

Seth C Triggs

As a big fan of Donna, let me say that much of my enjoyment of Donna is visual. But would I want to actually meet Donna? Not particularly; she might destroy me, heh...

Donna definitely seems like the type to kick a lad in the nuts, at least figuratively. I admit I was a bit uncomfortable with how things started to develop at the beach house, buuuuut on the other hand, Donna left the tub with "blue ovaries" and retired to an empty bed. So at least she recognizes boundaries.

I think Donna's got a great skill of finding people's boundaries and prodding them; and probably has a high persuasive skill, explaining her success in business. Of course, this would certainly rub people the wrong way.

That would make an encounter between her and "Unf unf"Derrick quite enjoyable in a sense. Karmic justice, if you will.

BIBP Webcomic - bizarre and NSFW -


Donna reminds me a great deal of Zig Zag
bolt outspoken but in the end respects boundaries


*reads and sighs*

I take it all back. She's an angel. An angel with pointy devil ears.

Certainly she's less evil than a half gallon of ice cream.

*gets the red wine ready and pockets a tea doily*


What made you change your mind? *g*
Code Name: Hunter
Adventure, Magic and Hounds with Guns.


The long version is where I talk about her sexy attitude and great expressions; how she switches from playful to sultry to joking to no-nonsense horniness, keeping her conversational victims on their toes (Frankie seems to be pretty good at keeping up with her on that front though, I notice); that she has so much energy that after a long week, the first thing that comes to her mind is going out and expending a lot more energy.

The short version: hypnotized by boobs, no can think straight.


Yep, all previous judgments are hereby null and void. I am now officially in loooooove. Or its nearest hormone-soaked equivalent.

... I'll be in my bunk.