Dreams of the Past (OOC. Mature Themes)

Started by Paladin Sheppard, January 06, 2011, 08:14:57 AM

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Quote from: Paladin Sheppard on February 17, 2011, 06:13:24 PM
[...]and at this time the figures are just humanoid.
So all in our group would seem 'normal'? Aside from of course the issue of so many travellers with no clue as to anything sort of stuff.

Paladin Sheppard

You know what I hate? The Google map I was basing the area off was taken like 5 years ago...and they just updated it... I almost didn't find the spot the group is in...

But moving on...The edge of the town is only one klick off Tez the Inn/Tavern/Bar is about 2km off on the far side of town. (Well it was when I had the OLD map :< )

Well I say humanoid cause there could have been an animal of some sort :B


Right, so... you completely didn't answer whether or not we can expect people to freak out upon seeing us XD. Judging from description though... the 'five people' sound like their life sucks too much for them to really care.


Hmmmm.  25x zoom from a kilometer away should have him seeing those people as though they were 130-ish feet away.  I'd say that he could get a pretty good idea whether they were human, anthro, or something else altogether, even if he couldn't make out specific details about fur/skin, face, what's on their shirts, etc.
            <-- #1 that is!

Paladin Sheppard

Ahh but they aren't one kilometer away they are two! and there IS smoke in the air...

Also That_Wolf are you still playing? if so please post now or let me know why you can not. As you haven't posted for two weeks and have not informed me as to why this is warning number one.


At two clicks, someone at 25x magnification will look like they're less than a block a way. But whatever, I'll run with that now that it's been properly explained. Cheers. :3

The same thing we do every night, Pinky...


Um, Lisky... both of Bolt's firearms have obvious suppressors. The pistol is even chambered for subsonic ammo. He'd attached the silencer several posts earlier and was holding the weapon when Wraith climbed down from the tree.

The same thing we do every night, Pinky...

Paladin Sheppard

With no response from That_Wolf for three weeks, Gregory has exploded into a pink mist, yet no one took any notice.


not that I'm particularly worried about Cinna getting turned into a cotton candy explosion. But I am still in this, just got hit by a double whammy of Meany's RP starting up, a research paper due, and other general fun stuff. I'll try to get a reply in soon.
Update Status: Zombified

<Tezkat> Talking to yourself is a sign of impending mental collapse.
<SquirrelWizard> I talk to myself all the time, and I'm the sanest guy I know.

<TotalBiscuit> Upgrades! Upgrades! Upgrades! Its wacky-waving-inflatable-arm waving... nuclear missile... well, suppose that works...


^^^^ Ditto for me, except replace "Meany's RP" with "fraternity stuff."
"How is it that I should not worship Him who created me?"
"Indeed, I do not know why."

Paladin Sheppard

Well at least you two are keeping me informed...That's all I ask :3

*Hides the GM Deathray*


Was that an anthro fox we just saw? Or the little four legged flavour?
The same thing we do every night, Pinky...

Paladin Sheppard


Er, just to make sure it was noticed, Sifa did wait so people that wanted to hide could hide first...

Paladin Sheppard

As noted in my posts Kandela isn't one for stealth :P

Ren Gaulen

I'm terribly sorry, guys, my net went down hard last week, and I had no means of internet access until just now. I hope I can still catch up with the RP.. :x


hey man, welcome back... not too much has happened, so no worries there :B

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->

Paladin Sheppard

All good Ren :3

Sorry for the lack of post yesterday folks the GM was coping with a dentist caused sore mouth.

Paladin Sheppard

*pulls out the GM deathray*

Do we still have interest? or do I get to tum more people into cottencandy? >:3


I'm going to have to duck out. My mom's been laid off, and as such I really need to keep my focus on school and my home.
"How is it that I should not worship Him who created me?"
"Indeed, I do not know why."

Ren Gaulen

Sorry, I'll have to quit too. Between working on PF, taking web design classes and several other projects, I just don't have enough time to participate, I'm afraid. :(


Sorry, I just got smacked in the face by spring break. I'm trying to get back into the RPs, sorry about the wait.
Update Status: Zombified

<Tezkat> Talking to yourself is a sign of impending mental collapse.
<SquirrelWizard> I talk to myself all the time, and I'm the sanest guy I know.

<TotalBiscuit> Upgrades! Upgrades! Upgrades! Its wacky-waving-inflatable-arm waving... nuclear missile... well, suppose that works...


Well, I don't exactly want to break my action, seeing as I've gotten no response yet from the surrounding area. So, I guess I'm waiting?


*sigh* I hate doing this in RPs that I've joined, but I am in significant danger of losing interest in this. It's partly because things are moving slowly, partly because I still have NO idea what's going on, partly because I don't know what to do with my character, etc. I kind of joined in the first place because I had the impression there'd be more supernatural elements (probably the title) which intrigued me, but as is it seems to mostly be some sort of post-apocolyptic warfare thing, pink brains aside, I'm kind of finding myself drifting away from this attention-wise. I can hold on enough to put my character in a position where it'd be logical for him to either die or just stay behind somewhere because he's 'too old for this' or something as opposed to just disappearing randomly or being smited in illogical GM fashion. Let me know what you think is best or if there's a particular reason I shouldn't give up on this just yet?

Paladin Sheppard

Entirely your call AC but more will be explained when Kandela gets her drink :B

Sorry about the slow pacing I was waiting for more people to post, but a lot of others have had to stop due to RL commitments.

While on that subject who's still interested and who's not?


When you get two GM posts in a row without more than 4 characters responding, I'd say you've got no interest. In the meantime, I've been waiting for those Saturday GM posts which you said would be regular.

Paladin Sheppard

Those required more than one person to respond to :B


I'm just a professional lurker.  Don't worry about me.

Things have been frustrating, though, with really long hours at work combined with more long hours of homework.  Making a (fake) movie preview takes a lot of work.   :B
            <-- #1 that is!

Paladin Sheppard


Okay, so after a sufficient time of summer break has past I find I'm interested in giving this another shot. Unless I've died or something happened, my guy should be out in the street still I guess. Has anything significant happened that would require this to have changed and/or how would I go about working my way back into this?