Dreams of the Past (OOC. Mature Themes)

Started by Paladin Sheppard, January 06, 2011, 08:14:57 AM

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Paladin Sheppard

Apart from the commotion in the store (and the new entrance/exit in the side wall) nothing has changed.


Right. Will Re-enter Chris stage left shortly.


Inumo, just a nitpick really, but when I looked at your character you say Sifa is 5'6," 180 (lbs?), and has a slim/average build.  That seems more on the heavyset side for a woman of that height.

Now if she's a cyborg too and just doesn't know it...   :boogie
            <-- #1 that is!

Paladin Sheppard

As a couple of the players who haven't posted this week are at AC I shall wait for them to return before doing the next GM post.


I'd post myself, but having collected his prize... Chris is really just following everyone else now. I have an idea though... the brain in Sifa's hands... does it look exactly like how it started? Or did it change visably when Cinna first touched it? Cause right now we have three brains: one clear, one touched but not clear, and one untouched. It might be interesting to compare how touched vs. untouched look.

Paladin Sheppard

Apart from their colour all of the brains look identical.


Are the touched brain and the untouched brain the same color, though?


Yes... it was mostly the color/opacity I cared about... >.>

It's curious nothing has happened to Sifa. I wonder if this is because she has no magic or if it's because Cinna already touched that brain and keyed it to herself somehow. Which further makes me wonder if the brains start out keyed somehow or key on proximity... Obviously you can't really answer too much but you mentioned the brain Chris picked up feels like 'his' magic so I'm wondering if it's already keyed to him or if it would feel like someone else's magic to other people.

Paladin Sheppard

A 'touched brain' like the one that Kandela interacted with is completely clear, while a 'untouched brain' is that vibrant glowy pink. the One that Cinna brushed wasn't in contact with her for long enough for it to 'interact'.

Though I'm not sure I want to be Tommy boy when he does.. >:3 Though he still should   :mwaha

As for the 'type' of 'magic' sensed its always familiar


I'm just curious as to why Sifa hasn't exploded...  She's holding an un-detonated brain y'know.

Actually, I'm hoping that Sifa answers Tom's IC question too.
            <-- #1 that is!


I'm human, methinks. No magic, no nothing, just supposedly highly personable (though I think I'm beefing that, too).


If you will excuse the canned message.

Sorry about my inactivity lately, I've been working through some things, about which I've posted in the villa. I hope to get back to RPing soon.
Update Status: Zombified

<Tezkat> Talking to yourself is a sign of impending mental collapse.
<SquirrelWizard> I talk to myself all the time, and I'm the sanest guy I know.

<TotalBiscuit> Upgrades! Upgrades! Upgrades! Its wacky-waving-inflatable-arm waving... nuclear missile... well, suppose that works...

Paladin Sheppard

Paladin Sheppard

Due to lack of posts I am considering closing Dreams down.


It's the summer slow down, dude... you should expect the RPs to pick back up in another month or so :B

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


Thaatt'sss.... funny. Back during the school year I was told that everyone was  busy with school and that all the RPs would speed up once summer came around. Now apparently it's the other way around. I guess posts will be posts, circumstances be damned...


At the moment I'm trying to figure out how to respond as a supposedly very sociable character... Kinda tricky when everyone else is paranoid. *looks at Salem*

Edit: Oh fu-- Sorry, Shachza! I missed the question. Yet another thing to try and figure out.



I wasn't just asking OOC I swear!    :)
            <-- #1 that is!


Well my character is an old man, and while not exactly sociable... is somewhat resigned to things happening. He's pretty much going with the flow and if things turn out well, great! But if things turn out bad, well he lived a long life so he's not too put out. Net effect of this is he's not nearly as paranoid as some others and also kind of less cautious to boot. Good for character interaction among strangers and making stuff happen. Possibly less good for survival. This will of course likely drive Wraith to bonkers.

Edit: Woah, hey. And stuff just happened! Important stuff even! Okay, details... these soldiers (I am assuming from their conduct) seem to be regular humans on regular horses. Are they wearing helmets? If not, do they look aryan? I think I had my character come from a germany-equivalent in his own world, but I can't recall for sure anymore. Anyway, you said there's fifty of them, did they ride in from behind us or in front? If my character was lagging behind a bit, could he conceivably duck behind some building and sneak around behind them? Lastly (I think) is there anything around that would even the odds such as conveniently placed load of hanging bricks? Oh, and are the horses armored? I'd hate to shoot the horses, but it might prove more effective than trying to shoot the people.

Paladin Sheppard

a) Soldiers are fully armored with helmets, and appear to be humans.
b) All rode in from the east and entered the other side of the car park from the group.
c) Yes they have seen the group so no sneaking off.
d) No
e) Yes but I doubt it would stop bullets...

Do you wish to know more?  :)


Yes, why DON'T apple jacks taste like apples? How many licks DOES it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop? Do YOU know why kids love cinnamon toast crunch? Other than that (and perhaps a few other similar questions) I think I'm good...

Edit: Oh shoot! Just thought of this... I was sort of assuming medieval style armor for some reason, but it occurs to me that if everyone has guns they might well have a different kind of armor. What kind of armor do they have and how effective is it against bullets? I'll probably get this answer IC soon enough, but I would like to get it clear in my head if they're wearing iron or kevlar. I get the impression that they don't actually have guns, but my logic circuits are screaming against that since they apparently have EMP level technology.


Is Kandela Holy, Ret, or Prot?  If she's Prot then I vote we just toss her in and let the riders clobber themselves into submission.  I'm specced for Improved Bandages btw!  :P

BTW, my plan is to nab enough horses for all of us, have Kandela activate Crusader and pop Aura Mastery, and then we just leave.  Who's with me?
            <-- #1 that is!

Paladin Sheppard


I'm sorry to say your first set of questions are classified....

As to the second, it is indeed full plate armor, and as to its effectiveness against bullets, well well have to wait and see wont we :P And no they don't have firearms but some do have crossbows (modern steel and plastic types) And who said anyone had EMP tech? >:3


Back in Azeroth Kandela is a dual spec Prot/Ret Paladin....And how do you intend for her to act as a tank with no shield? :P And as for leaving where are you going to go?


Rats, the answer is always classified! Most of what you said is about what I expected... but interesting to know these people are wearing metal armor. Quite... useful. :3

Paladin Sheppard

Giving Shachza another day to post than I shall do a Gm one.

Paladin Sheppard


I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


Thought I'd posted. Turned out I'd stalled for SW. My bad. >.>

Paladin Sheppard

Soon as Squirrel posts I shall make the next GM post.


sorry, with college starting I've been real busy as of late (3 english classes busy) I'll try to get a post in soon
Update Status: Zombified

<Tezkat> Talking to yourself is a sign of impending mental collapse.
<SquirrelWizard> I talk to myself all the time, and I'm the sanest guy I know.

<TotalBiscuit> Upgrades! Upgrades! Upgrades! Its wacky-waving-inflatable-arm waving... nuclear missile... well, suppose that works...