Unable to purchase membership?

Started by Genthar, December 25, 2010, 04:03:17 PM

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Trying to buy a membership, but it keeps giving me a "The account is not active at this time please contact technical support for further information concerning your account." error.  I haven't had a membership on this site in the past that I am aware of.

Doesn't seem to matter what username I try to use (I've tried a couple of different ones.)

Any ideas?



Quote from: Genthar on December 25, 2010, 04:03:17 PM
Trying to buy a membership, but it keeps giving me a "The account is not active at this time please contact technical support for further information concerning your account." error.  I haven't had a membership on this site in the past that I am aware of.

Doesn't seem to matter what username I try to use (I've tried a couple of different ones.)

Any ideas?


Hi Jason,

Apparently the gateway running the cards had a small mental breakdown and turned the Card Processor off.

I've eviscerated several of the Gateway's minions and had the switch thrown back to ON

Everything should be fixed now.


[Edited for Truth]
Code Name: Hunter
Adventure, Magic and Hounds with Guns.


Yep, all fixed now.  Membership purchased.  Thanks!
