August 14, 2006: Fangirl

Started by Caswin, August 13, 2006, 09:53:29 PM

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Quote from: GabrielsThoughts on August 14, 2006, 12:04:48 AMHey! #5 is only half accurate... (Says the fellah who wrote an entire backstory for Cid Rewanz, neither confirming or denying Cid's status as a Cubi, while  simultaniously mentally tramatizing Abel so that he can't trust anyone.) my story has no known porn.

....but I thought they were all about to go into a brothel?

Besides 'someone will draw porn of it' doesn't mean 'everything drawn of it will be porn'.

Kitsune Ascendant

Quote from: TKG on August 13, 2006, 10:14:09 PM
Hmmm... makes me wonder just how Jyrras managed to capture her in the first place, if she were that rabid :D
Although as the clever guy he is, I guess he probably has a few tricks up his sleeve for such occasions.

keep in mind he's had years of dealing with his sisters. he probably has a clue or two on how to deal with the type.
I may be a bit young to be worrying about it so much, but I'm not changing this sig until I find true love.
yappities by silverfoxr, and are awesome.  Thanks!


Quote from: Tapewolf on August 14, 2006, 03:07:38 PM
Hmm?  Are you trying to describe pretty, ugly, or pretty ugly?

Nope I was just thinking that certain species like roos, and rabbitswould naturaly have better developed legs with out nessisarily building there upoer body


Quote from: thegayhare on August 14, 2006, 06:10:34 PM
Nope I was just thinking that certain species like roos, and rabbitswould naturaly have better developed legs with out nessisarily building there upoer body

Maybe rabbits find well trained legs more attractive than well trained arms.
Clearly the definition of what is cute and hawt can vary between people. Considering evolution, it should vary even greater between species.

I get the feeling that I've just said something obvious and totally missed the point here. Might be because it's past midnight too... :mowdizzy
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actualy Itos your right on,  I recently saw a interesting documentery studing human atraction.  They thought it was interesting that most other speices aproach to sex is so busness like but with humans there is so much that builds up to sex.

they say subconcously human females (and I'm guessing gay males) look for a mate with well developed legs beacuase that alludes to thrusting power.  there was alot more in it about why certain body shapes are pleasing but thats neither herer nor there

it would be a little differnt for leggy races,  they would see powerful legs as a survival trait. as well as thrusting



Considering that the average fur usually has equally defined arms and legs like a human (though many like to set the joints of legs to match that of the animal), the idea stands pretty well.  Anyone could have powerful hindquarters, but it's the upper body strength that makes the person rugged.  Who doesn't like a strong man who can carry all your things in stride?


Y'know, from my experience(being a girl and all), a lot of what people find attractive relies a lot on personal taste. Some girls like pretty men. Some like rugged men. Some would think pretty men rugged and visa versa. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and all that nonsense.


Varying levels really, I don't think you can be rugged if you're incredibly overweight, but a few twigs who know how to move fast might be able to fit the bill.

Edit: Bottomline, for one to be truly rugged and not just handsome, they must have a degree of athleticism, possibly a type of outdoorsman.


My dad's overweight and my mom considers him rugged. So do some of my friends.
Like I said, it all depends on your personal taste. I don't see the point in trying to define something that's pure opinion.

llearch n'n'daCorna

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I said incredibly, which means pushing around 300+ lbs in fat.



Quote from: Manawolf on August 14, 2006, 09:09:35 PM
I said incredibly, which means pushing around 300+ lbs in fat.

By that, do you mean excluding muscle, a.k.a. 300 lbs of only fat and therefore more overall?

Amber Williams

One entry found for rugged.
Main Entry: rug·ged
Pronunciation: 'r&-g&d
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle English *rug
1 obsolete : SHAGGY, HAIRY
2 : having a rough uneven surface : JAGGED <rugged mountains>
3 : TURBULENT, STORMY <rugged weather>
4 a : seamed with wrinkles and furrows : WEATHERED -- used of a human face b : showing facial signs of strength <rugged good looks>
5 a : AUSTERE, STERN b : COARSE, RUDE c : rough and strong in character
6 a : presenting a severe test of ability, stamina, or resolution b : strongly built or constituted : ROBUST <those that survive are stalwart, rugged men -- L. D. Stamp>
synonym see ROUGH
- rug·ged·ly adverb
- rug·ged·ness noun

Woo for Webster.

That said, there are varying levels of ruggedness and what some might define as rugged.  Truth be told, its not my particular cup of tea. Some girlish nerdkins of mine find characters like Wolverine and other slightly fuzzy and muscled men to be incredibly attractive, where I'm more a fan of the smaller-framed and more limber fellows.(Woo Toad and Nightcrawler!)  I wouldnt say either type is better, as I think ultimately both sides get their fair share of fangirls.


That's why I said in fat, I know that muscle weighs more than fat.  Some rugged men can have a combination of the two, but the fat can't count for more than 100 lbs of his weight.


What about Kingpin? He is mostly muscle but is also fat. Would you consider him "theh seckes?"


There is a size ratio to it, fat and muscle in accordance to size, and Kingpin was one big fella.


But is he rugged?

Portly, or stout?


Well, if he was on my D&D game, he'd count as a large creature, that's all I can say.


I think he is pretty girly, actually. Look at all the pimp clothes he wears. Everyone knows pimps are girly.


I find him turbulent and stormy.
