I highly doubt that this classifies as "Art"

Started by bill, August 10, 2006, 01:00:25 PM

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Which is why I post it in the "art" forum, of course. Clever me.

Anyway, I just finished painting my first NR2003 car in which I was actually satisfied with the results of my 1337 Ph0t0sh0p ski11z. Take a look.

(Spot the DMFA logo!)

Sketchy boy

Beside the back left tire on the right near the bumper.

I win!


nice car bill oh, and don't worry it does classify


Groovy job, Bill and definitely a change from the norm.

Art has its rules but usually the rule of thumb is that if it can be appreciated as art, it most likely is.


Quote from: Rowne on August 10, 2006, 07:31:23 PM
Art has its rules but usually the rule of thumb is that if it can be appreciated as art, it most likely is.

how does art have rules? some art pieces are just a bunch of junk thrown togehter


Quote from: ElectroMotiveDiesels on August 10, 2006, 07:34:16 PM
how does art have rules? some art pieces are just a bunch of junk thrown togehter
I think that if the maker intends it to be art, then it is, no matter the quality.
*smashes a flower pot on the floor* I call it 'Broken Vessel on Linoleum.' :peace


Quote from: ElectroMotiveDiesels on August 10, 2006, 07:34:16 PMhow does art have rules? some art pieces are just a bunch of junk thrown togehter

Usually the rules of art involve culture and that the art is enriching in some way, there are some things that people would call art that actually aren't.

For example, especially violent things I've heard of as being called art.  I once heard tell of a Cat being gutted an dput up on display as art.  That is neither enriching nor cultural, it's just a display or barbarism.

Art, on some level, should usually mean something to somebody and that's where I think the only rules come from.


Thanks for the comments, guys. Our forum is having an offical NR2003 carset, and lots of members are submitting their own cars. Some of the guys are damn good at painting.


lol 3M is the logo of my small city!
anyway, i want to do some too...how can i join sam? :3


While it may be true that mutiliating a cat would be barbarism for most, we really can't change the beliefs of the person(s) that created such a display and defined it as art. What a person defines as art is art; aesthetics, religion and morality aside. What differs is taste, purpose and meaning. What also differs is the definition of what could be considered art amongst different people. As long as we are unique individuals, there is no universal definition. Even this statement may or may not be true to you or everyone else.

Therefore the arguement is trivial and inconclusive, we will not be able to reach a consesus no matter how long and hard we type on this forum. Back on topic, please.

Really nice paintjob.
True Magic does not bow down to rules like mana or sacrifice. True Magic bends all rules. I have seen the truth. I am now free forever. (I used to be Doctor Ink. Now stop asking.)


Quote from: Leafar on August 10, 2006, 08:42:42 PM
lol 3M is the logo of my small city!
anyway, i want to do some too...how can i join sam? :3
Well, I doubt you'd be able to get a car on the carset, since it's the official carset of the TBK forums, which you are not in. However, if you want to paint cars, you just need a graphics editing program, like Photoshop, Paint Shop, or GIMP, and a template, which you can get at masgrafx.com . As far as learning photoshop, I'm a bad teacher. You can find tons of online tutorials, though.


I suppose I should've clarified that I was actually thinking along the lines of art museum rules and that it was an opinion, nonetheless.  The only point I tried to stress is that even by the highest standards of art, there would be nothing about Bill's art to arouse dismissal.

* Rowne shrugs.

Indeed, back on topic.  I just had to air that though or it would've bothered me (because I was offering support to Bill's work, not disdain, I didn't want my words to appear negative).

Anyway, these cars are actually fascinating in that it's hard to cleverly strike the balance between the clutter of advertising and making them visually pleasing.

Skinning is one of those skills that I think is underappreciated so I'd like to see more of that and praise the folks involved.

Finally, last thing to add ... Bill mentioned the GIMP, so for that he gets a cookie.


Quote from: Rowne on August 10, 2006, 09:42:19 PM

Anyway, these cars are actually fascinating in that it's hard to cleverly strike the balance between the clutter of advertising and making them visually pleasing.

I definitly agree. I have a nice book that shows photos of the top 30 NASCAR cars in the standings from 1990 to 1999. It's great to see all the different ways that teams tried to make their cars good looking, while still being an effective marketing tool.

Sometimes it worked well.


I'd say it's pretty nice, though I don't usually watch races or look at the stuff on the cars. The placement of the ads isn't too distracting and each can be seen clearly. :januscat


Looks great, very professional.  I would imagine finding the logos for all those companies in a high enough resolution is a pain in the arse.

I should post some of my custom vinyls for Need for Speed. :D


This is a work in progress for the Superspeedway Special Red Bull scheme for next year's TBK Offline League. I'll probally make a DFMA skin as well.



Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3


For it is... COMPLETE.

Well, not exactly. I need to tune down the gloss a bit.


Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3

llearch n'n'daCorna

Nice, Bill.

I see what you mean about the gloss, there. :-)
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears



Obvious uber-props to Haz (for the hood) and Amber (duh).


Well, the 'uber-props' to me aren't obvious at all. :P
