10/31/10 [Last Res0rt #203] The Treat Is The Trick

Started by joshofspam, October 31, 2010, 10:34:56 AM

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Actual physical threats to the cast might be for less then previously thought from earlier pages on this ship.

I'm starting to wonder if Cypress might not be in any physical danger and is just going to end up like these kids. Strange? If that were the case you would think that informing the cast of a bunch of children have been kidnapped and taken on this ship would be in big bold letters in the report?

The actually plan must be incredibly abstract for the planner. When I try to use logic on this ship I can't seem to tell up from down.
I perfer my spam cooked on a skillet.


I dunno. Someone seems to know something she's not sharing with the rest of the class yet - although I'm sure it'll be fascinating once we find out why those guys make it too dangerous to go down that corridor.

I mean, seriously, I'm agreeing with Jigsaw here. These guys look about as dangerous as Girl Scouts kindergarteners stoned hippies.


I think it's more the creep factor. I mean, really, when you hear people saying, "Oh look, they're all together! We don't need to gather them up!" Wouldn't you be kinda freaked out and think something was up?


Well, yes. But it seems to be more than just "that's rather ominous". I mean, I'm sure Jig would agree it sounds unsettling, too - but it's not freaking her out the way it is Daisy. Which is what makes me think that Daisy knows more about what's going on here than Jigsaw does.