The Walking Dead (TV Series)

Started by Darkmoon, November 01, 2010, 12:48:08 AM

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For anyone that wasn't sure if they wanted to see this series, which debuted on AMC on Halloween, you have to see this. A well put together, well acted, excellently directed zombie series. Up there with the best of the Romero movies are far as tension, and that was just the premier episode.

Part of me says I should recap it, at least the start, but it's one of those things where, if you haven't read the comics it's based on, I'd hate to give _anything_ away, and if you have read them, I'll just say it doesn't stray far from the (excellent) source.

The best praise I can give it is that, when I started the episode I saw it was an hour and a half long. That time flew by, and before I knew it, the episode ended and I totally though there had to be at least another half hour to go. I was hooked right in.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...

Castle Pokemetroid

TV series? What channel would it be on? I can't remember what AMC is, or what it stands for.

I never heard of no TV series of the Walking Dead.

Then again, there isn't very much I've heard of these days, and if I have, I don't really remember I have heard it in the first place a bit of time after.


FYI AMC have the best TV shows going right now, and this pilot kicks a Lot of Ass. I haven't read the comic series it's based on, so I can't speak to it's accuracy, but everything is done top-notch; the effects are movie-quality, and AMC's shows always have fantastic writing.


I'm a big fan of Mad Man and Breaking Bad. AMC can add this to their list of excellence.

Bill, for the record, it's close to the comic, although not exact -- which is fine. I'd prefer it to stray a little and tread new territory.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...