Boundless One, Launch.

Started by BlueMage_Cpt, September 11, 2010, 08:41:46 AM

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Blue Mage. Captain of the Boundless. Air Pirate. Freelance pilot. General ne'er-do-well.
How you doin'?
Rules and regs? Sure, read 'em top to bottom.

What, you've never heard of the Boundless? She's the ship that made the Cape of Good Hope in under three days. Here, let me dig out a photo...somewhere here in me wallet.

Ain't she a beaut? Built her with me own hands, I did!

Now don't mind all that character bull so much; just giving a sense of context. Plus, I'm a bit of a grandstander and a showman, so all's in fun. Hey guys; longtime lurker, first-time poster, etc. Followed DMFA for a while, drifting in and out before I decided to finally whip up an account.
I go where I please...and I please where I go. B]


Welcome to the boards! Just remember not to play your character outside of the Haunted Ballroom. Sounds like a cool concept, though.


Fair enough with regards to character, that almost really goes without saying. o_.

Again, it's kind of a 'what-I'm-all-about' post, and that is indeed a part of what I'm all about!