oh not HIM again

Started by Brunhidden, August 29, 2010, 04:32:59 PM

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wife and i are back in action now, after roughly a month of homelessness we now live in a slightly small and slightly overpriced duplex with my wifes parents taking up one of the bedrooms.

stuff to know-

- the insurance company will cover nothing owned by my wife and i, and are actively trying to deny my wifes parents claim for the bulk of the damage which was actually caused by water and not fire

- yeah, we lost stuff, but most of it wasn't important. just some kids bikes, a stroller some very kind person gave us when eowyn was born, our freezer full of over three hundred or so dollars of food, a wagon, some boxes of pictures, baby scrapbooks, a few storage tubs full of eowynd old clothes i was going to give to mia, a couch...

- eowyn still reffers to the fire, and mia has just now gotten adjusted to the change. they're handling it pretty well, but its still very traumatic, were worried about mia and her speech development which hasn't progressed in a while

- grandpa now admits that it was his fault the fire happened, after spending about a month blaming us for some reason. he has proceded to get a real job instead of his four hour a day and three day a week job

- holy crap we got cable for the first time in about a year.... when did it start to suck so hard? ah well, it came free with the internet, which i missed having my OWN internet so much

- technically ive been banned from videogames, and as the playstation 2 (and my brother in laws one, which he just left laying there for me to borrow) broke and the wife set admin on the computer which probibits games i cant really do anything

- i switched shifts, instead of working second shift four days a week i now work full time third shift. which means i get benefits and an extra eight hours pay a week... for the price of going absolutely insane because nearly seven of my eight hours on shift require me to stare blankly at closed circuit cameras while my mind dissolves

- thing i missed most while homeless? cooking. the first week of living in a house i cooked eggs every morning because i missed having a stove that much. decent kitchen, no dishwasher, and fitting two families worth of food into the cupboards in an  orderly fasion is impossible

- mia just had her second birthday, and then a party a week later. ill have to dig up a photo of the cute Wall-e cake the wife made for her. presents were limited, guests were limited, my own parents are cheesed off that we didnt invite them as the guest list was five people, but mia got a mr potato head and a few cute shirts

- somebody remind me to dig up the photos from Renaissance fair, the kids hugged some fursuiters and hit ye olde petting zoo, great time despite the eighty dollars we had set aside for spending was lost before we got there

- ive been drawing at work to try and stave off insanity and sleep, but i dont know what to draw and i have to find someone with a scanner so i can get some feedback. anyone has suggestions for art practice let me know

- just today the wife and i started another weight loss contest. the last time was when she was pregnant with mia and dared me to loose a pound for every pound she gained. i won. but this time the stakes are i need to loose forty pounds before she looses twenty pounds. the prize has not been decided on, make some suggestions on that too if you want
Some will fall in love with life,
and drink it from a fountain;
that is pouring like an avalanche,
coming down the mountain.


Well, it's good to hear that you guys are slowly getting back on your feet. *hugs* Hang in there, Brun.

Also, insurance companies are dicks.
Erupting Burning Sekiha Hell and Heaven Tenkyoken Tatsumaki Zankantō!!
"And again I say unto you: bite me." - Harry Dresden
You'll catch crap no matter what sort of net you throw out - Me

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*pounces Brun*  welcome back dude, good to hear about your job...

as for drawing, start a 100 themes sketchbook... do 1 or 2 a night... try and find ways to improve in each one.  If you've got people who're into art, ask them, ask your daughters/family when you see them.

Best of luck, man.  Wish you the best

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


Indeed, best wishes.

It's good to know that although struggling; things are getting better for you.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Brunhidden on August 29, 2010, 04:32:59 PM
- just today the wife and i started another weight loss contest. the last time was when she was pregnant with mia and dared me to loose a pound for every pound she gained. i won. but this time the stakes are i need to loose forty pounds before she looses twenty pounds. the prize has not been decided on, make some suggestions on that too if you want

Prize: a decent meal? ;-]

Good to see you back, my friend. You were missed...
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


thanks for the support, the humor, and the welcome


-the wife now is scheduled for foot surgery on the 17th, she will be on crutches for about six weeks

-photo Mias birthday cake

- photo Eowyn and the renfaire fursuiters

- photo this guy called me a wookie last time i saw him, get im

- photo the house, 'clean version'

Some will fall in love with life,
and drink it from a fountain;
that is pouring like an avalanche,
coming down the mountain.



Best of luck, man. I hope the stuff you lost wasn't irreplacable.
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