Lost Trinity plot questions.

Started by PantheraLeo, July 24, 2010, 03:32:46 AM

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Having way to much time on my hands, and spending embarrassing amounts re-reading the archives (Thought being a obsessive compulsive over-analyzer may have something to do with that ... ), I had a few questions about some plot threads that haven't been answered yet. I was wondering if I've just been thicker then ... Daniel ... or they're still on the "to-do" list.

The of pain despite, Siar: (Faith)

At 400+ ~400 Able still seems to be easily manipulated by his Father's false display callousness. (Aniz, His father, clearly cared about him and his mother, shows a almost verbal pause and sheepishness when declaring her "worthless", and only when as his "backup" plan when into affect.) Even as cruel as he is, he didn't kill Hennya (the pink mythos) until provoked, and regretted doing so.

He knows he's a clan of two, and seems odd that at ~400 or Fi'Lina at 9,000 (being semi-omnipresent) seem content to allow the murderous grudge to continue. Granted, if my father keep me away from my mother at under threat of death I'd be pissed. Still, considering until Able he was a clan of one (with no matriarch):

It just seems odd after living for some long one of them wouldn't get a clue and realize even the pysco-dad did love his kid, he was just manipulate ... "fatherless child" ... trying to protect his son by ensuring he stays in the one place he knows he's safe. It's clear the dude is cracking, and he most likely knows it. Perhaps that a story arc yet to come?

Btw, Just how early in his life was Destania messing with Able? I have a feeling it was her talking to Kria at the fort, and it's she's clearly the 'ghost' ,Devin, talking the Able at the end of his "vision quest" in pages 35 to 39 of able sub-story. As there is a clear shift in tint, translucent, and features.

The clan of Hope, Fa'lina

Not really much to say here, other then she (being the last of her clan) completes the trinity, and I'm wondering what becomes of her. With Able and Aniz being the last of their clan and Cyra, Destina, and Daniel being the last of there's I'm wounding if she has a soft spot for them.

The clan of pain, Cyra: (Love)

It has been touched on, but Destania seems to have undergone epiphany with Daniel's birth. Seems odd that she'd gone from a evil psycho to loving mother and not have even an indirect role in her child's life? Perhaps that was the hint in 873 when the comment hearkens back to 618? Destania was Biggs and it was Biggs who was MIA? Covered that, I mistook Biggs for Wildy in the tub. Of course that begs the question, who innocent is Wildy?

I guess maybe a plot hole, but it seems odd Daniel hasn't tried to contact Cyra yet. She's decided not to lay out the entire plot for him yet, but surely she'd be of more then 'some' help to Daniel. Seems like a good person to call on in the current story arc, being the clan leader and making peace with the Soulstealer would be a 'clan' related thing. More to come I take it?

Finally, speaking of Cyra for being the clan leader of the clan of pain, I was thinking she would be more like Destania after Aniz at the academy. Not that I'm complaining, I like it, but for being the found of the plan clan of pain she seems rather like a teddy-bear you just want to hug. Another story arc?

Daniel seems to be in need of support, but despite quitting adventuring to help with the inn seems to be almost distant with his big sister and is his one know relative he still has contact with. (His grandmother Cyra.) Not that I was to read about a "sleep overs and tears", but it does seem odd that some do deprived of family is indifferent to the family he does have. (Perhaps this is why Able smiles in 1036, he hopes to gain the family he never had lost?)

And then there was Mab...

At the end of the Fae story arc she says she met five friends and granted each a boon, with only one outstanding. "Foreshadowing as subtle as a steamroller."(1035) I'm wondering who they were, specifically, the boons, and who's still to be granted theirs.

Amber seems to every so often plan ahead (or randomly reference only old strips) so I'm wondering what other lose plot threads are floating about someone may have noticed! If nothing else the faith, hope, and love theme (if a bit corrupted) appeals to me.

Edit: As this is a long read, the "questions" are in bold.
Absolute brutal honesty with a hint of empathy is my policy, please contact my manager for returns.

Love is patient, Love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, is it not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love.

Amber Williams


And that's all I gotta say about that.


Quote from: PantheraLeo on July 24, 2010, 03:32:46 AM
Btw, Just how early in his life was Destania messing with Able? I have a feeling it was her talking to Kria at the fort, and it's clearly the 'ghost' ,Devin, talking the Able at the end of his "vision quest" in pages 35 to 39 of able sub-story.

AFAIK Abel was around 23-24 when Destania did the fake-Devin thing, or so I'd guess as it was one of the first things that happened after he arrived at SAIA.
Of course, it's possible he was in a coma for years or something before Fa'Lina read to him, but IMHO it's more likely he was out of it for a week or so at most, and probably far less than that.

As for the Kria scene, my gut feeling is that it's Dark Pegasus training his younger sister.

That aside, welcome to the board, don't forget to read the rules and so on.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: PantheraLeo on July 24, 2010, 03:32:46 AM
It has been touched on, but Destania seems to have undergone epiphany with Daniel's birth. Seems odd that she'd gone from a evil psycho to loving mother and not have even an indirect role in her child's life? Perhaps that was the hint in 873 when the comment hearkens back to 618? Destania was Biggs and it was Biggs who was MIA?

As I understand it (and I doubt it's a perfect understanding), Destania shapeshifted into Biggs to start Dan off in the direction of Dark Pegasus. The reference to 618 was to ensure you understood that the Biggs with the old haircut was Destania, and the real Biggs was in the bath tub. Not sure how that ties in with all of your theories, I admit I couldn't follow them all perfectly.


(Yes, the rules were read and understood.)

Quote from: Amber Williams on July 24, 2010, 05:00:48 AM

And that's all I gotta say about that.

Does that mean I've seen through your evil plot, or that your taking notes?  :P  ... Must ... not ... over ... analyze ... DOH!

Quote from: Tapewolf on July 24, 2010, 05:13:56 AM

That aside, welcome to the board, don't forget to read the rules and so on.

While my sanity's tolerance for legal dribble is low, yes, they are read and understood. The humor lased in them was welcomed. Being in the tech field I'm all about "Reading the Friggernaffy Manuel" first.

Quote from: Inumo on July 24, 2010, 11:48:14 AM

...The reference to 618 was to ensure you understood that the Biggs with the old haircut was Destania, and the real Biggs was in the bath tub. Not sure how that ties in with all of your theories, I admit I couldn't follow them all perfectly.

That makes more sense, the hair color of the character in the tub does match Biggs. Wildy's is shade more red now that I looked. I just assumed sense that character was in a bubble bath it must there for be female, and therefor be Wildy. (I am too not sexist, what are you talking about? :P)

As for not understanding me, don't feel bad, I'm dyslexic. What I mean to write down and what I write down sometimes ... have a slight miss communication. Think Able Daniel in 1057 save I don't require women to act foolish. I do that all on my own ... hey, wait a second.  :P

So what part(s) of my crazy talk do you have trouble following, Inumo?
Absolute brutal honesty with a hint of empathy is my policy, please contact my manager for returns.

Love is patient, Love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, is it not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love.


Primarily, it was just how you used the bold. It confused me a tad... that and I guess your dyslexia showed through a bit. There were some missed "s"s and other things that make it a bit disjointed. Beyond that, it seems a bit like you're using DMFA Abel's information and mixing it up with Abel's Story information. For example, you mention that Abel's 400+, though he's actually only 399 in DMFA. Also, at the time of Abel's Story, near as I can figure, he's only in his first century of life. Beyond that, we don't really know what's happened to Aniz. All we know is that Abel can't kill Aniz for his 400th birthday. We can't tell if that's because Aniz is already dead, or if he's gone into hiding enough for Fa'Lina to no longer be able to see him, or some other reason entirely. Granted, I picked up on some of these plot points through reading the forums, but hopefully they make sense. Hope this helps!


*Edit original post to so that not will notice all the flaws in his mad ravings with subtle strike-thoughts because no one will notice those.*

Less ravings of a mad man, and perhaps ravings of a genesis now? :P Thanks for pointing out some of my mistakes, I tend to write strange things and read them as I intended to write them until someone corrects me. Still, before I become depressed and start saying things like "I have no mouth, and I must scream":

Any other little plot threads swinging in the wind? I rather enjoy wondering and talking about them.

(No, I'm not a crazed fan boy! What gave you that impression? They're still one block behind me, I got here faster because I forwent the pitch forks and torches!)
Absolute brutal honesty with a hint of empathy is my policy, please contact my manager for returns.

Love is patient, Love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, is it not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Amber, you rock. Nuff said.

As for the questions? I have no idea. I'm just waiting and seeing, as it were.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Nice to see I'm not the only one who doesn't think Aniz is entirely the monster we want him to be. Having a mother with a similar tendency to go berzerk like May (And she doesn't have any known berzerk triggers, to make it worse) I can see Aniz exploding at her after getting frustrated with being unable to calm her down enough to explain... And again, he's mentally unstable, and he doesn't want to be, but got provoked several times in a row.

I hope the 'Aniz is Edward' theory is true, because it would make sense, and let us see that Aniz didn't want to be as bad as he wanted to be... and losing Abel got him to really clean up his act. Dan simply gets in before the Ban would be lifted because a) Nobody knows the truth except D, or  b) "Eh, close enough"


*sigh* necroposting..

folks do realise that if folks keep going on about the whole Edward = Aniz thing....

it'll become...

Edward x Aniz..... Yaoi..

'nuff said.  >:3

Dragons, it's what's for dinner... with gravy and potatoes, YUM!
Sparta? no, you should've taken that right at albuquerque..


Seriously?  Two days away from lock and you guys resurrect the thread?  Don't do that.