Star Wreck'd RP: Interest Call

Started by Drayco84, August 07, 2010, 02:11:25 PM

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  The year is... 30-something... The day is... Uhm... Damn... What the hell was I drinking last night? Ugh...
  Regardless, in space, an Alliance has formed among many races. How, you ask? Some joined because of diplomacy, others because they wanted to share their knowledge, and still others because the Alliance has some big-ass guns. However, some brilliant idiot decided that they need EVEN BIGGER GUNS and pulled together the brightest minds they could find and afford.
  Apparently, the only ones they could find had a bunch of screws loose because they weren't even offering enough to keep everyone fed via instant ramen... But despite the odds against them, they engineered a built a ship so far advanced that hardly anything worked... (Geeze, didn't ANYBODY remember to carry the one?!)
  Anyway, the idiot brass in charge of the project feared that they would be a laughingstock if the whole thing failed before their project made it out of drydock, so they decided to grab the "best" crew they could get their hands on for the suicide-I mean, MAIDEN voyage of the... HEY! WHAT THE HELL IS THIS PIECE OF CRAP NAMED AGAIN?! WHAT DO YOU MEAN IT'S STILL RECORDING?! Oh shi-!

  Alright peoples. This is an RP looking for a few half-decent redshir-I mean, valuable crew members. Before I get into the more interesting bits of this RP, I want to make a few things clear...

  Number One: This is a parody/spoof IN SPAAAAAAAAACE. Players are not just allowed, but encouraged, to break the fourth wall, do something silly, and above all, have fun with this RP.

  Number Two: This is a small ship that features a ton of interesting gadgets, doo-dads, and what-not, but about three-fourths of it only works on paper. In other words, this is a deathtrap capable of faster-than-light travel and built by the lowest bidder who had an English major for a designer.

  Number Three: The GM (Me.) has NO idea how to GM and I'm making up this crap as I go along. Also, this is mostly just a fun little RP experiment. As such, I will be the ship's AI. The good news is that it's no HAL. (The better news is that it's no GLaDOS either.) The bad news is that the AI is actually self-aware, and nobody figured out how to avoid giving it a sarcastic personality.

  Also, this ship doesn't even have a name yet. It also doesn't have a design yet, either. Since I can't draw, I'll see what I can cobble together with Legos once I get enough people. (Yeah, you heard me. Legos.) Races can be anything from within furrae, and any animal type. Yes, humans are acceptable, as well as most anything out of mythology, AND other fictional space-faring races. (Bonus points if somebody's grabbing a race from Star Control 2, but please try to make it plausible.)
  More stuff will be added as time goes on and people ask questions. Anyway, the RP needs a few of the following postions... (Positions and descriptions are suggestions. There's nothing to stop someone from not doing their job, or being an overzealous nutcase about it. People are also welcome to make up their own job and description.)
  If, in the event that not enough people show an interest, I may allow some players to RP two or more characters. (But, they had BETTER have a lot of free time on their hands if they wish to do so.)

  Captain: Locklear Kodayn, Valallai (Azlan)
  First Officer: Click, Shadow (danman)
  Security Officer: Oshimaeda/Nanda Girish, Tok'Ra/Human. (Meany)
  Medical Officer: Jason Bray, Vampire bat. (Inumo)
  Medical Officer: Dr. Ash Lee-Winston, Anthro Fox. (That_Wolf)
  Counselor: The Rock, a frakking rock. (Shachza)
  Science Officer: Seras Ordollan, Dark purple rodent-thing. (Squirrel Wizard.)
  Chief Engineer: Chris Abe Lewl, Nikitak? (AmberCross)
  Communications Officer: GDMFB-9000, Android cobra/naga. (Draken)
We are GO for takeoff!

  Wow... I forgot to pull together a base char sheet... Ugh...

  Age/Life Expectancy:
  Gender: (I can't believe that I forgot this one... Anyway, Male, Female, Hermaphrodite, None, You Don't Wanna Know [YDWK], Complicated, etc.)
  Race/Species: (Special Note: The AI is a sentient computer and, by hacking the profile database, WON'T accept anything that presents a danger to it, like races that EAT ships.)
  Position Desired:
  Qualifications For Position/Abilities: (Special Note: Remember that the Brass is looking for redshirts and victims with horrible or embarrassing service records.)
  Personality/Psych Profile: ("I go stir-crazy when on long flights and ax-murder annoying people." IS an acceptable quirk. Just, try not to do it TOO much... The AI doesn't like blood in its corridors.)



Drayco, just out of curiosity, have you ever read "Into the Sea of Stars" by William R. Forstchen?

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: Tapewolf on August 07, 2010, 04:13:06 PM
Drayco, just out of curiosity, have you ever read "Into the Sea of Stars" by William R. Forstchen?
Uhhhhh... Nope. I'll have to look into it, though.


Quote from: Drayco84 on August 07, 2010, 04:17:29 PM
Uhhhhh... Nope. I'll have to look into it, though.

It might not be in print anymore, but your description of the RP definitely made me think of it :3

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: Tapewolf on August 07, 2010, 04:29:32 PM
It might not be in print anymore, but your description of the RP definitely made me think of it :3
Judging from the synopsis and full review I found, the premise is AWFULLY similar... Written in 1998? Why didn't I hear of this?!


Quote from: Drayco84 on August 07, 2010, 04:39:11 PM
Judging from the synopsis and full review I found, the premise is AWFULLY similar... Written in 1998? Why didn't I hear of this?!

Maybe that edition, mine's from 1986.  'Course, the real classic for this sort of thing was the film, Darkstar.

Anyway, I'm a little tempted by the role of chief engineer, if no-one else wants it.  I'd need to figure out a character for it, though.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


I'm so in for this. Do you want characters in post or PM?


I am so in as awell.  If D&D goes kaplooey, at least this will satisfy my RP lust.  Sign me up!

I call communications.  Can do a lot of damage there ^^
"TEETH!  TEETH!  He's a biter!!!"
Go get'em, Jy!

Pancakes.  The evilest food thing since THOSE brownies.  You know the ones.

Currently a complete non-fan of Mab.  Say what you will, I will forever consider her the Big Bad >.>


Quote from: Draken on August 07, 2010, 07:16:50 PM
I call communications.  Can do a lot of damage there ^^

Dang it, that's what I wanted. XD


Now now, it's the GM's call who gets what. :B

Which is a poncy way of saying I don't know which spot to call dibs on.


Eh, PM char sheets so I can look over them and work out any bugs with each player before they go "live".

Quote from: Draken on August 07, 2010, 07:16:50 PM
I call communications.  Can do a lot of damage there ^^
I saw that...

Both of you should remember that the ship will pick whoever's LEAST likely to get it blown up, though.


If I'm able to juggle school sports and stuff, I'll join in. Shotty on the doctor!
Abel needs a hug...


"TEETH!  TEETH!  He's a biter!!!"
Go get'em, Jy!

Pancakes.  The evilest food thing since THOSE brownies.  You know the ones.

Currently a complete non-fan of Mab.  Say what you will, I will forever consider her the Big Bad >.>


Quote from: Draken on August 07, 2010, 08:43:03 PM
PM'd  char idea thingy.

Same. Going for med tech, since comms aren't as action-y. :P


Got both and reviewed both.

So far, you're looking good. I'll update the first post with char list after feeding bunnies and replacing my lightbulb. (It just popped and it's freaking dark in here!)


Oh! Before I forget, what will the rating be? Want to know how much swearing/innuendo I can go into.


Inumo has brought up a great point. I need to know what's offlimits, so I can know what I'd be baned for, thus do everythingBUT those things.
Abel needs a hug...


Quote from: Inumo on August 07, 2010, 08:44:01 PM
Same. Going for med tech, since comms aren't as action-y. :P

Oh, they can be /quite/ action-y.  Just depends on how you play them ^^
"TEETH!  TEETH!  He's a biter!!!"
Go get'em, Jy!

Pancakes.  The evilest food thing since THOSE brownies.  You know the ones.

Currently a complete non-fan of Mab.  Say what you will, I will forever consider her the Big Bad >.>


Uhhhhh... What's the maximum rating on this board again? Whatever that is, we'll be running with it. (Or at the very least, CM for "College Maturity".)

Simply put, try to refrain from use of F***, and outright "Erotic" writing. Innuendo is welcome, and suggestive dialog can be responded to. (Or earn you a knee to the groin.)


Quote from: Drayco84 on August 07, 2010, 09:06:27 PM
Uhhhhh... What's the maximum rating on this board again? Whatever that is, we'll be running with it. (Or at the very least, CM for "College Maturity".)

Mature, I think. AFAIK it covers everything short of porn and such-like. Can't say so for sure, though.


Congrats, Draken! Whatever your doing, don't screw it up!

Congrats, Inumo! Just watch out for the Probulater. (It gets a little frisky at times.)


Okay, I fully admit that I joined this forum because of this RP. A friend linked me to it and I just have to try out for this. So I'm posting character thingy here unless you want me to PM it instead.

Name: I have no idea yet...
  Age/Life Expectancy: Uncertain. Which is to say this person lives a dangerous enough life that old age probably isn't a factor. Let's assume it's at least seventy years though.
  Gender: It's not certain he actually has one, but people use 'he' because it's easy and he looks male... kinda.
  Race/Species: Ummm.... blue? And humanoid... maybe? It might be fun to experiment with something that isn't if that's allowed. Let me know if I should come up with something more specific.
  Position Desired: Definitely the one with science and technology.
  Qualifications For Position/Abilities: Very highly qualified, but has never really been responsible enough to keep a job for any real length of time at all. There's an inevitable chain of events whenever applying for a job. Employers are highly impressed with his qualifications, about a week passes, something blows up or he takes something apart for his own project, he gets fired. With a job on a spaceship he figures they can't fire him until at least the first destination. Also he won the Mad Scientist Award of the year a few times on his home planet.
  Personality/Psych Profile: As previously mentioned, he likes to experiment with things. When he's short on parts he'll sometimes take apart old projects or even things that don't really actually belong to him that he figures no one will miss. His ability to tell what's important is kind of a hit or miss though. He also likes mental challenges and is very curious. One of the best ways to stop him from taking something apart or accidentally blowing it up is to give him some sort of puzzle, even if he doesn't always pay attention to the rules.


Ohhhhh joy.  A Cobra-naga android onboard with a tinkering mad scientist.  This will be fun :P
"TEETH!  TEETH!  He's a biter!!!"
Go get'em, Jy!

Pancakes.  The evilest food thing since THOSE brownies.  You know the ones.

Currently a complete non-fan of Mab.  Say what you will, I will forever consider her the Big Bad >.>


Quote from: AmberCross928 on August 07, 2010, 09:45:55 PM
So I'm posting character thingy here unless you want me to PM it instead.

Quote from: Drayco84 on August 07, 2010, 08:23:25 PM
Eh, PM char sheets so I can look over them and work out any bugs with each player before they go "live".

Make sure to read through the first page of any RP you join in; usually, they have some nice info to keep in mind.* Also, don't forget to read through the rules, just to make sure. The mods are strict on them.

*EDIT: Make that read through the entire first post at least and have some kind of definite definition for your character in mind. Your guy has a few too many loose ends for anyone to make much out of it... That, and the first post stated that the position you're looking for is the Science Officer, and the gender I think you're looking for is "None." Sorry if I sound like a troll, just it's a pet peeve of mine for people to work off of incomplete information while going public.


An android? I didn't see you there! Oh this is going to be fun ^.^

Honestly though you're probably safe enough from me. Despite my crazy I have a healthy sense of self preservation. Which is to say you really only have to worry about falling asleep near me, I won't actually attack you. *grins*

Edit: I'm well used to RPs so you really won't have to worry too much about me. The rules here are actually looser than what I'm used to. Sorry about the incomplete info-post though. I sort of let my enthusiasm get away from me there. I'd still like to know range of aliens allowed before finishing it, but I promise I'll come up with a complete bio before long. And I had meant to keep the gender vague, but if it's a problem I'll just default to none with pronoun 'he' cause I feel like 'it' is rather impolite.
Quote from: Drayco84 on August 07, 2010, 08:23:25 PM
Eh, PM char sheets so I can look over them and work out any bugs with each player before they go "live".
Also missed that line. Sorry again!


Quote from: AmberCross928 on August 07, 2010, 09:54:34 PM
Edit: I'm well used to RPs so you really won't have to worry too much about me. The rules here are actually looser than what I'm used to. Sorry about the incomplete info-post though. I sort of let my enthusiasm get away from me there. I'd still like to know range of aliens allowed before finishing it, but I promise I'll come up with a complete bio before long. And I had meant to keep the gender vague, but if it's a problem I'll just default to none with pronoun 'he' cause I feel like 'it' is rather impolite.

No worries. Just FYI, for Jason, I made up an alien race, so I don't think you need to worry about the range so long as you can describe it accurately. Also, I think the gender-thing I said was a bit preemptive, considering that some people (myself included) can/will make their characters as separate personae, and thus don't necessarily know more unless they "ask" them specifically.


Quote from: AmberCross928 on August 07, 2010, 09:45:55 PM
Okay, I fully admit that I joined this forum because of this RP. A friend linked me to it and I just have to try out for this. So I'm posting character thingy here unless you want me to PM it instead.
Dang, I'm attracting all kinds of people all of a sudden...

Quote from: AmberCross928 on August 07, 2010, 09:45:55 PM
  Name: I have no idea yet...
  Age/Life Expectancy: Uncertain. Which is to say this person lives a dangerous enough life that old age probably isn't a factor. Let's assume it's at least seventy years though.
  Gender: It's not certain he actually has one, but people use 'he' because it's easy and he looks male... kinda.
  Race/Species: Ummm.... blue? And humanoid... maybe? It might be fun to experiment with something that isn't if that's allowed. Let me know if I should come up with something more specific.
  Position Desired: Definitely the one with science and technology.
  Qualifications For Position/Abilities: Very highly qualified, but has never really been responsible enough to keep a job for any real length of time at all. There's an inevitable chain of events whenever applying for a job. Employers are highly impressed with his qualifications, about a week passes, something blows up or he takes something apart for his own project, he gets fired. With a job on a spaceship he figures they can't fire him until at least the first destination. Also he won the Mad Scientist Award of the year a few times on his home planet.
  Personality/Psych Profile: As previously mentioned, he likes to experiment with things. When he's short on parts he'll sometimes take apart old projects or even things that don't really actually belong to him that he figures no one will miss. His ability to tell what's important is kind of a hit or miss though. He also likes mental challenges and is very curious. One of the best ways to stop him from taking something apart or accidentally blowing it up is to give him some sort of puzzle, even if he doesn't always pay attention to the rules.
Take your time and flesh out the underlined portions. (Especially a current age. Are they young and stupid, old and senile, or old enough to know better but young enough to do it anyway?) Both Science Officer and Chief Engineer are open, and the list was just something I came up with off the top of my head. IF someone can come up with a good position on their own, I'll probably add it.


Wait, does space travel exist yet in this RP? And how about earth. Does it still exist?
Abel needs a hug...


Er, i can't answer the earth thing, But space travel does exist.  Seems to be the focal point, aside from the AI controlling thing.
"TEETH!  TEETH!  He's a biter!!!"
Go get'em, Jy!

Pancakes.  The evilest food thing since THOSE brownies.  You know the ones.

Currently a complete non-fan of Mab.  Say what you will, I will forever consider her the Big Bad >.>