18/07/2010 [DMFA #1128] That's Pip's response to everything, though

Started by Ry, July 18, 2010, 03:30:14 AM

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Quote from: Bjalf on July 18, 2010, 07:11:53 AM
Quote from: MT Hazard on July 18, 2010, 06:24:36 AM
It has been suggested that Pip does not actually hate Dan but is acting out a role in Mab's plan.

I think so, too.

Though in this particular forum, everything has been suggested.  :P

Except the kitchen sink.

And they would have gotten away with it too, if not for that meddling kitchen sink!

Err, wait...

llearch n'n'daCorna

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Abel needs a hug...


Are you sure it has to do with this comic?  Are you sure it wasn't... nothing?

Anker Steadfast

I'm fairly sure that kitchensinks have nefarious plans for DMFA !!

GAH - I have been lured into fiddling with forum tamagotchies.

Attic Rat

Once again Amber gives us something subtle, and we immediately attempt to think ourselves to death!
Such a cunning, devious mind is hers. I'm guessing Pip didn't chew the puppet head badly because he's got serpent-type teeth, no molars to crush stuff.

Good luck on your voyage of self-discovery in lacto-ovo-pisco-vegetarianism there, Amber! Self-discipline is always enlightening because it teaches one all about one's own weaknesses. I've tried fasting a few times, and soon found that I am very weak indeed in that regard...  :rolleyes
Which would you like to be, ignorant or misled?


Quote from: Anker Steadfast on July 21, 2010, 02:31:24 PM
I'm fairly sure that kitchensinks have nefarious plans for DMFA !!

Shh, I'm trying to put the cat back in the bag, noone must know my wild theories!


Quote from: Anri on July 21, 2010, 06:23:54 PM
Shh, I'm trying to put the cat back in the bag, noone must know my wild theories!

Oh.  Oh I'm on to you now.


Quote from: Attic Rat on July 21, 2010, 03:22:18 PM
Self-discipline is always enlightening because it teaches one all about one's own weaknesses. I've tried fasting a few times, and soon found that I am very weak indeed in that regard...
I've tried fasting, (For religious reasons that I won't go into.) and actually succeed for a whole week on nothing but water. HOWEVER! I seriously, highly, DON'T recommend it. EVER. I think I only managed due to a number of contributing factors...
  1: I was at a grandmother's place for a good part of that week and she doesn't stock any kind of food what-so-ever. (Unless you count pickle-loaf, which I don't.)
  2: I wasn't employed at the time. (Trust me, this makes a huge difference.)
  3: Most of the time I was either asleep or halfway there. (Once you get to a certain point, it's easier to convince yourself that you're too tired to eat.)
  4: I wasn't really doing much that week, not even moving around. (Like, to go to the bathroom, or playing any games, etc.)
  5: You wouldn't believe how much it helps to be stubborn as a mule for things like this... (And I take offense at the idea that mules are stubborn! They just have a high sense of self-preservation!)

Well, I was thinking about making a separate topic for this, but since the conversation has shifted towards Amber's diet a little, I'm just gonna hijack the topic...
Since Amber plans on not cutting eggs and dairy, that still leaves easily accessed, significant portions of vitamin B12, which is a known issue for the diet. (Although, if one feels like they need to have some kind of meat on a regular basis, I'd recommend a B vitamin supplement. It seems like cuts down my cravings for meat significantly. Of course, this is just my personal observation with my person.)
Other than that, junk food is still junk food. Be it hamburgers, chips, canned frosting, ice cream, whatever. Just because it's "vegetarian" junk food doesn't mean it's healthier.

Personally though, I prefer to put fruit or "healthy" snackables in an easily accessed and visible space. (Or, clean out where you currently keep your junk food and put it there. If you keep returning to a certain spot to find a snack, put your healthy snackables there and make your other junk food hard to access, out of sight, or both.)

Prof B Hunnydew

I find that just fresh veggies taste better than Fries or potato chips...after awhile.   Fried potatos just make you hungry again for more...like two hours after.

I'll have to try the B vitamins, but I like meat too to just give it up.  Cut back would be healthier, who really needs a quarter pound of meat every meal.


Pip should cut-back on his Dan diet....thou