E3 thread

Started by Vidar, June 16, 2010, 04:36:12 AM

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It's that time of the year again. E3 is here.  

I'm a nintendo fanboy, so I am paying most attention to nintendo's stuff.

Here's the stuff I'm excited about:

Nintendo is making a new Zelda!  :eager
I hope it's going to be a bit lighter than Twilight Princess. It certainly looks a lot more colourful.  :boogie

Metroid: Other M: I'm a bit reserved about this. Nintendo's outsourcing of main franchises to third parties have had mixed results in the past.

Kirby: Epic Yarn. The cutest, pinkest little badass is back. I don't care if my manly image suffers, I will play this game.  :kirby

Goldeneye 007: The N64 version was really, really good for its time. This remake/facelift has a heck of a lot to live up to. I want it to succeed, but I expect it to fail to live up to its legendary precursor.

What are you excited about? What do you hate about Microsoft? Post your opinions here!
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Quote from: Vidar on June 16, 2010, 04:36:12 AM
What do you hate about Microsoft? Post your opinions here!

Are you sure you wanted to ask that question?  >:3

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: Tapewolf on June 16, 2010, 04:50:36 AM
Quote from: Vidar on June 16, 2010, 04:36:12 AM
What do you hate about Microsoft? Post your opinions here!

Are you sure you wanted to ask that question?  >:3

Of course.  >:3

No E3 thread is complete without a good Holy War against people who like video game making corporations that you don't like, such as Microsoft.  :veryevil
\^.^/ \O.O/ \¬.¬/ \O.^/ \o.o/ \-.-/' \O.o/ \0.0/ \>.</


Quote from: Vidar on June 16, 2010, 04:56:01 AM
No E3 thread is complete without a good Holy War against people who like video game making corporations that you don't like, such as Microsoft.  :veryevil

It sounds a little offtopic to me, but since you ask, I'm still mad at them over the DRDOS business, outright stealing Stac's compression engine, "cutting off [Netscape']s air supply", the thing where they bought Internet Explorer from Spyglass on a percentage/sale basis and then gave it away free.  More recently I take issue with Windows Phone 7, the whole 'activation' malarky from XP onwards, and the fact that their arbitrary licensing requirements are also the reason netbooks don't come with more than 1GB of RAM and have no touchscreen.  Indirectly they are the reason you can't find many ARM netbooks apart from toys running CE5, and the reason you can't get something like the EEEPC 701 anymore (because Windows 7 won't fit on it).

Aside from their dirty tricks which are as numberless as the sands, what generally irks me the most is that I have no alternative to using their horrible software on a daily basis because there are so very many things that require it which cannot be run on linux or the Mac.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Maybe I'm just not clear on it, but I think he meant in the context of E3.  You know, gaming?  Kinda what the whole Expo is about.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Mao Laoren on June 16, 2010, 06:26:40 AM
Maybe I'm just not clear on it, but I think he meant in the context of E3.  You know, gaming?  Kinda what the whole Expo is about.

Oh, sure, that's what he meant, but it's not what he asked for. And you can't tell me he wasn't asking for it... ;-]
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True.  I do so love it when someone gets what they asked for.


Alright, let's try that again.

With regards to E3, what do you hate about microsoft? What games shown/announced at E3 are you excited about? Do you care for what Sony brought to E3? Discuss!
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I care about killzone 3 out of misplaced patriotism.  :U ( I also care about jetpacks and fire. )  I'm glad valve crawled out of their ps3 hatehole and decided that they cared about the people playing games on their ps3's.  :)

However in my opinion the move can go f*ck itself and die .

As for nintendo's 3ds
I want a response to the damn 3ds, like.. a PSP follow up with _two_ joystick disk thingies. ( really I want two, god darnit. ) I never felt anything for he 3ds and the psp with one slidedisk wasn't looking that great to me either. Really, I want the psp to exactly mirror the ps3´s controller ( minus tilt )  :B

I'm saddened that my unrealistic high expectations were not met.  :<


Quote from: Vidar on June 16, 2010, 07:26:41 AMWith regards to E3, what do you hate about microsoft? What games shown/announced at E3 are you excited about? Do you care for what Sony brought to E3? Discuss!

Microsoft is showing Natal (or rather, Kinect) at E3, right?  I hate Natal. Mainly because one of the male developers wears women's sunglasses indoors.  Seriously, we shouldn't have that in these enlightened times.

Would you like a googolplex (gzipped 57 times)?


I hate Natal's name change:/ Natal sounds like some AI, in a SciFi. Keneck(or whatever) sounds like some cheep children's lego knockoff. I also hate GOW3. It's like everything wrong with halo, had a child with manhunt.
Abel needs a hug...


I hate Nintendo for trying it's damn hardest to kill user-based hacking of the Wii "because a few people use it to play pirated games". (I paid good money for that hardware and I'll use it how I want to, dammit!  If you don't want your console to be treated like a computer, stop trying to make it into one!) I also hate them for constantly putting out a flawed handheld console for the "faithful" to beta-test, and then releasing an obviously superior handheld later on down the road, usually for less. AND WHY THE HELL DOES A DS NEED A DAMN CAMERA IN IT, ANYWAY?!

I hate Sony for being pricks about the PS3 and NOT supporting backwards compatibility, as well as neutering OtherOS support. (Same as above, but the second line applies more.)

I loathe MicroSuck for trying to kill XP when the majority of users still feel little need to make the jump to Windows 7. I also hate them for not offering people FREE copies of Windows 7 as an apology for the disaster that's Vista. I also hate them for forcing people to PAY just to play with their friends online.

I feel disappointed with Linux for being unable to play most of the games being offered for the PC because developers insist on using default, OS-embedded software. (Not that my netbook can play most of it anyway...)

Apple can suck it because I don't have cash to keep up with their "latest and greatest" gadgets and they can't bother to allow users to pick their own damn service providers. Plus, they overcharge on "their" hardware out the wazoo.

Well, I'm totally off-topic, but I feel better.


Is it that hard to stay on topic?  I mean, really?


ah, Zealots.

fools, all of you.

For starters:
Nintendo blows for releasing a glorified gamecube with a very dodgy lineup and a ton of gimmicky peripherals.
Microsoft blows for releasing a product with subpar manufacturing that leads to hardware failure, countered by decent warranty.
Sony blows for releasing a hideously expensive console with apparently horrid warranty services.

look folks, it's as simple as this, console fanboys are barely a step above those with zero brainwave activity (i.e: brain dead), in terms of intelligence. I've said it once, i've said it a hundred times.. people play consoles for the games..

and hey look... ELECTRONIC ARTS has a decent lineup... and they're not a CONSOLE MANUFACTURER..

so i say unto you, console zealots.. GET. A. LIFE.

Now, i'm eagerly looking at Dead Space 2, Force unleashed 2, and that old republic MMO that bioware's pumping out.

Dragons, it's what's for dinner... with gravy and potatoes, YUM!
Sparta? no, you should've taken that right at albuquerque..


I'm personally waiting for Black ops(It looks to be cool, in the alt-history style) and Reach(hopefully returning to what made halo CE good, with hopefully good AI teammates, for once.)
Abel needs a hug...


I'm waiting for one of the blogs to post about Deus Ex 3. Then my E3 is over.

Oh, and Kane and Lynch 2.

and Portal 2.

And Dead Rising 2.

...Lotta sequels, eh?


On Sony:

Killzone 3: "Hmm, looks interesting, if it's like the second game it'll still be fun and worth it-OH MY FREAKING GOD JETPACKS!

inFamous 2: Awesome effing trailer. This should be awesome. I love the New Orleans looking setting too, should make getting around fun."


Metal Gear Solid rising:Looks pretty cool, by why is this getting all the attention and the HD console release and not Peace Walker? Raiden's cool now, but Peace Walker is about frigging Big Boss!

Dead Space 2: Yay, more beloved memories staying up late getting scared half to death by Necromorphs. All kidding aside, this looks sweet, getting to see a zombie Apocalypse in progress is always good.


Zelda Skyward Sword: Finally! An actual Zelda Wii game! Don't get me wrong, Twilight Princess was a great port, but a game developed from the ground up for the Wii is going to rock.

DKC Returns,Kirby Epic Yarn: More awesome installments in some great franchises.This is sure to kick lots of ass.

Metriod: Other M: Oddly enough I'm pretty 'meh' about this game. Maybe it's because I detest Team Ninja, maybe it's because we've been told the story is the main focus from  series that isn't know much for it's plot, and developer not exactly know from writing compelling stories.
Real men wear Hats.<br /><br />Raz: Lili! An evil madman is building a fleet of psycho-death tanks to take over the world, and we\'re the only ones who can stop him! <br />Lili Zanotto: OH MY GOD! Let\'s make out! -Psychonauts


These launch titles sound more like football scores. Assuming you are not talking about the World Cup that is.

Hard to get excited about any of it.
The All Purpose Fox


Hopefully, Killzone 3 won't be as soulless and generic as 1 and 2 were, but I'm still pretty amped for Dead Rising 2, especially since they showed that "Case Zero" DLC trailer.
"How is it that I should not worship Him who created me?"
"Indeed, I do not know why."


Kid Icarus looks interesting. Sort of like a happy colourful God of War with flying. I do hope the resolution of the final game is higher than the movies, though. The pixilation is horrible.
\^.^/ \O.O/ \¬.¬/ \O.^/ \o.o/ \-.-/' \O.o/ \0.0/ \>.</


Portal 2

Tron: Evolution (and not because I think it'll be an awesome game either, because I don't, I will probably hate it before it comes out, but that's besides the point, I'm still looking forward to it.)

Little Big Planet 2, I love the first one.

I haven't been able to keep up with today's coverage like I wanted to so I know I missed a lot more stuff.

All three are bragging about motion control and really, I don't think I'm all that interested in it. it's cool and all. but I'm not gonna wanna swing my arms around for hours playing a game.
<wakka wakka wakka wakka wakka wakka>
"Why no, officer, I am not made of pancakes."


Portal 2 looks extremely hot.

In the original, the landscape was fairly static, but it looks like the walls, floor, &c. will be interacting with you in this one, which will be excellent.  What else?  The addition of the other characters will increase the immersion level and make the story a lot more complicated, which I'm looking forward to.

Not to say that the story needed to get more complicated, but rather that it will be even more awesome than I had hoped.

I do hope that I'll be able to play this one-handed, since there look to be a couple of parts that are extremely tight for time and I had to enable the timescale on Portal 1 to get past some points due to the fact that I can't use my left hand, and moving between the mouse and the keyboard is a bear.

Would you like a googolplex (gzipped 57 times)?