Zombies, Zombies Everywhere!

Started by Teroniss, June 15, 2010, 01:28:23 AM

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So a friend of mine told me about this. Apparently theres a little secret message hidden in News Week's home page that appears when you enter the Konami Code and hit Enter. Who knew right?


Ahh damn, they took it down, whatever it was.


It's not the only site where the Konami code works, either. I got curious and looked it up; apparently, there are enough of them that there's a Wikipedia page dedicated to them.

(No, I totally haven't been clicking through the list and trying it out. Why do you ask? :razz)


Quote from: Liatai on June 15, 2010, 05:49:22 PM
It's not the only site where the Konami code works, either. I got curious and looked it up; apparently, there are enough of them that there's a Wikipedia page dedicated to them.

(No, I totally haven't been clicking through the list and trying it out. Why do you ask? :razz)
Dammit... Now you've got me doing it...


even though I knew this page existed, I still ended up having to try a few. >_<
<wakka wakka wakka wakka wakka wakka>
"Why no, officer, I am not made of pancakes."