Happy Victory Day!

Started by VAE, May 09, 2010, 09:56:37 AM

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Today we celebrate the final victory of the allied forces, east and west, against the forces of european fascism, for the 65th time.  This day unites in celebration people in many countries across the world as it marked the end of what many consider to be the worst modern-day regime ever.
Since we had a celebration thread for other things, i decided to make one here.

So, raise glasses if you are over 15 , 18 or whatever the legal limit is,
Happy Victory day everyone!
What i cannot create, i do not understand. - Richard P. Feynman
This is DMFA. Where major species don't understand clothing. So innuendo is overlooked for nuendo. .


Woo :o

I don't recall hearing much about Victory Day over here in Canada.

Ours is usually hosted on November the 11th, but it's such a good thing to celebrate. I'll toast it here and celebrate it twice a year :3
Help! I'm gay!


In the States, we have separate days for Victory in Europe and Victory over Japan.  I'm not sure which we make a bigger deal out of, mainly because we don't make a big deal out of either, sadly.

Well, the most iconic element of either victory day in the States is from V-J day, I guess.

Would you like a googolplex (gzipped 57 times)?


I'm amazed no one mentioned this, but on this year's Victory Day, American troops marched on the Russian Red Square.

No, I'm serious.


Seventy-one United States soldiers from the 170th Infantry Brigade Combat Team marched on the Red Square as part of the Victory Day celebrations. French, Polish, and British soldiers also joined the some 10,000 Russian soldiers. It was a controversial move in Russia, but I think it's a very nice thing to see. It's a genuine olive branch of peace from the Russians, and one that is quite welcome. I'd like to see the US make an equivalent offering.
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